Haifaa Younis – Part 2 – The Inner and Out Dimension of Salah

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The importance of "will do" in Islam is essential for personal health and learning about prayer. Prayerers must avoid disemphasizing themselves by watching a video or listening to a song, and avoid disemphasizing themselves by watching a video or listening to a song. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on one's core values and prioritizing one's happiness and security in the context of global security.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah we're back

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from Ghana, as we were speaking about the importance of prayer.

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The challenge always comes up between

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pizza and learning about prayer.

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This was one of our planned, you know, one of our planned tests that we wanted to see to get people ready for the real test in life Inshallah, because there's no prayer right now, hopefully, you've all prayed Lord will continue with will do, inshallah. So it's, it's essential that we make we'll do before we perform our prayer, and we'll do is something that is a requirement in Islam. I know some people translate it as ablution. I don't even like that translation anymore. Because if you ask the average American who's not Catholic, what ablution means they probably can't tell you. So stick with the Arabic word will do. When you make will do, you are going to be cleaning yourself and washing

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some parts of your body before you stand in front of Allah. And there's many, there's many reasons behind performing will do. Number one, it cleans you a little bit, you wash certain parts of your body and you become clean. Alright, some people, they don't even wash themselves, you know, throughout the day. So Muslims historically, there, they've been the cleanest, like civilization throughout history, because many people they didn't even use to wash themselves, they wouldn't take a bath, they wouldn't, you know, brush their teeth, people will be smelling and stuff. Historically, Muslims used to use a lot of water more than the average civilization, but for what purpose, we're

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not wasting it to be clean, because cleanliness is a part and parcel of Islam. And part of that is making will do and washing yourself. So it number one cleans you. Number two, when you make will do your sins start to fall off, and the Prophet peace be upon him told us this. So every time you make wudu, you've done something wrong, you spoken bad about someone you were lying, you were gossiping, every time you rinse your mouth, you spit out the water, the sins are coming out of your mouth, the stuff that you shouldn't have been looking at the videos that you shouldn't have accidentally swiped on, you wash your face, and the sins start to be removed from those things. So there are spiritual

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benefits to will do as well. And Allah made it easy for us, we don't have to wash, take an entire shower every single day, or every single time we're gonna pray, we can just wash some parts of our body. So here is a very brief recap or overview of will do some of you know most of these things. Some of you just need a reminder or refresher. And we're not going to get into the little technical technical details so much. But here's an overview. So the first thing you do is you have the intention that you're going to be making model. So you think consciously, I am going to be cleaning myself, I'm going to wash myself because I going to pray. Or I'm going to be you know, touching the

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Quran or something like that. So you make will do for that purpose. By having the intention in your heart. You don't have to say anything. As long as you understand that you're making will do you're not just randomly washing your face or whatever that is sufficient for having the intention number one, number two, you begin by remembering Hola. So you say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. Anything that's of significance in Islam, you begin with Bismillah Bismillah means I begin with the name of Allah by mentioning the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, of this act. So any action that you do, you begin with Bismillah and will do is not one of those exceptions you make you say Bismillah

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before you make will do as well. And if you're going to be going into a bathroom where there's a toilet, say Bismillah before you walk in, that will suffice. Then you begin by washing your hands. So first thing you're going to do is you're going to wash both of your hands three times up to your wrists. So you wash your hands. Now your hands are clean, right, if you got anything in between your fingers, make sure you wash them out to step number two is you're going to clean your teeth by rinsing your mouth. But if you have a toothbrush, or if you have a miswak you know a little toot stick or something like that, you can brush your teeth at this time. And then you're going to rinse

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your mouth, you're going to bring water in whole thing, swirl it around, spit it out, and you're going to do that three times. Then you're going to cup your right hand and you're going to bring it bring the water into your mouth I just did. Then you're going to cup your right hand again, you're going to bring water into your nose, and you're going to sift the water into your nose and then you're going to blow it out. And if you've got something else in your nose, you can use your left hand to clean the inside of your nose. And you're going to be doing that three times as well. Then, you're going to cup both of your hands. You're going to fill them with water and you're going to

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close your eyes because you don't want to get water all in your eyes. It's not good for your vision, and you're going to wash your entire face

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Removing the microphone removing the glasses and you're gonna wash your entire face. And you want to make sure that you're getting from the side, this side of the earlobe, started the earlobe to this side. And you want to make sure you're getting from the top of your forehead where your hair normally grows to the bottom of your chin in length, so you have width and length, make sure some people, they just put water like this, and they skip this entire side here, make sure that you're washing your face properly. And that's one of the reasons why you wash three times. So we're gonna do this three times, and you wash your face three times, if you have a beard, you just comb through

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your beard with some wet fingers. If your beard is a little bit long, then you're going to wash your arm,

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roll up your sleeve. And you're going to wash your right arm first, all the way up to and including the elbow. And you're going to do this three times. And you're going to do your left arm up to and including the elbow, you're going to wash three times, and then you're going to wet both of your hands. And this time you're not washing, this time you're going to be wiping, you're going to wet your hands a little bit of water, and you're going to wipe your head, going back around trying to wipe the entire head, but you're not washing it, you're not going to cut your hand you're gonna be like throwing water, this is not the time for you to be styling your hair or something like that. So

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you're going to just simply wipe your head, one time is sufficient some schools of thought they say you can do this three times as well. So you do that. And then when you have some water after you wipe, you have a little bit of water left on your fingers, then you're going to just clean your ears inside outside, you could do a little bit on the back, you're going to clean your ears with that water as well. Now you don't need to like go inside your ear and take everything, it's your kind of wiping your ears. So you wipe your head, you wipe your ears, and then the last thing you do is your feet, you're going to take off your socks, unless you know all the rules about wiping over socks,

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then you can do that. But if you don't take off your socks, if you're in a sink, you're going to lift up your foot. And this is why Muslims are supposed to be very flexible and more flexible than the average person because they can lift up their foot and they're gonna put it inside inside the sink. And they're gonna watch the right foot three times up to and including the ankle, making sure to get in between between the fingers. And then when that's done three times with the right foot, you're going to lift up your left foot and you're going to put it in the sink. And you're going to wash your left foot three times, making sure to get including the ankle and in between the toes when

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you're washing. When your will do is done. It's recommended for you to say the declaration of faith is what people say when they enter into Islam, say a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula Sharika wash Edwin number Hamedan, Abu rasuluh, I declare that there is no God but Allah alone, who has no partner. And then Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. So this is an overview of basically how we'll do is performed. Now there's a lot of other details and discussions and do you do this or do to that, but this is a very basic reminder about how we'll do is performed. Now you're supposed to perform will do in the order that we mentioned here, you're supposed to not interrupt, when you're

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making yourself when you're making a will do so if you're in the middle of what do you get a phone call, you can take the phone call later don't have a conversation and then resume your will do is recommended not to do that

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you are supposed to make sure you use enough water to make sure that you're getting so some people when they're washing their foot, they don't want to lift up their foot or they have some injury or something, they'll just take some water and throw it on their foot. Alright, gotta do a little bit more than that you got to make sure that you're using enough water that it's getting completely to the point where that limb is soaked enough that water starts to drip off, that's the bare minimum of washing that part. So these are just some of the things they're another these are this is how you make will do you have to make sure that you don't miss any essential place of will do. The essential

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parts of will do are the ones that are specifically mentioned in the Quran, you need to make sure that your entire face is completely washed, you don't miss anything, you need to make sure your arms completely you're not missing anything. And when you wash each arm by the way, keep in mind if you have a watch on and if your watch is a little bit tight

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water may not get underneath there. So what do you got to do, you got to you gotta move your watch. So when you're if you're watching you move your watch a little bit. If you have a ring on your finger, you move your ring a little bit if your ring is tight, you need to make sure that water gets to every single one of those parts when you're making will do right and that becomes the whole issue of I'm not going to get into a long discussion. But when it comes to having some glue on your hand you have to remove that when it comes to nail polish, same issue. When it comes to so many other things. There are issues you need to think about. Is there anything that is

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blocking me from washing these parts that need to be washed. Because if there if you're blocking and something is the water is not reaching that part, then it's a problem your will do will not be fulfilled. So make sure that we'll do the water reaches every single place that needs to be washed. What breaks your will do. Okay, so the short, summarized explanation is there are three main things that break your will do. Number one, anything comes out of your private parts, a little bit of urine, a little bit of stool, pre seminal fluid, those type of things will break your will do regular normal cervical mucus vaginal discharge does not going to break your will do. That's a long

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discussion. Second category is passing gas. So that gas that comes out is going to break your will do as well as number two. Category number three is if you lose consciousness, by sleeping, by fainting, and hopefully no one here through intoxication, all of these things are going to break your window. So these are the three things, three categories where if any of these three things happen, they will do is gone. And you need to make another will do again, it's always recommended to perform a new will do before the next prayer. But if you didn't, it still lasts until as many prayers as you're going to pray until one of these things happens. So this is Willow.

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Now before you start praying,

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not only are you making but before you stand because you're standing in front of Allah, just think about the meaning of will do by the way, you're washing yourself, and you're gonna be nice and clean and presentable in front of Allah, if you were gonna go and meet your favorite celebrity, right? So YouTube,

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tick talker, influencer, whatever it is, you're like, I got an appointment. Imagine you have a five minute appointment, you get to meet the person that you love the most. And you're like, you get five minutes with that person. When you come in, they're all sweaty and smelly, and your shirts all messed up and everything you'd go and meet that person know, you'd take some time to at least look decent smell a little bit nice and say, This is my five minutes. This is my 10 minutes appointment with someone I really value someone that's very important to me. When you make will do this is exactly what you're doing. You're standing in front of Allah, nobody is more valuable. Nobody is

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more important than your meeting with Allah. So you make sure when you're making that whether you're preparing yourself to go in front of Allah, if you would, if you would be nicer in front of somebody else, then you say, Well, where are your priorities, ask yourself that. So this is number one before you pray you make will do number two, you actually clean your clothes and your body and your place of prayer where you're going to be there, you make sure you clean it from any impurities. So if there's any blood, there's any you know, urine, if there's any vomit or something like that, that's there. You have to make sure these three things are clean your clothes, your body inside, and your

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place of prayer where you're going to be standing. That's usually why we use a prayer carpet or something in case there's something on the floor we praying in a clean place. Number three, you need to cover your body properly, to show your humility and your modesty in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala even if nobody else is there, you still have to cover yourself. So there are some people, they they just think like, oh yeah, if I go to the masjid, I'm going to, you know, dress one way. And even you know, we need some improvement even on the address in the masjid. We have some signs. But people when they think when they're alone, they say it's just me and Allah, Allah knows everything.

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You know, Allah knows everything about me anyways. Right? So he knows what he can see me when I'm sleeping, he can see me when I'm in the shower. Yes, that's true. But when you're standing in front of Allah for prayer, even if nobody else is around, at minimum, you need to cover what's called your, our, the parts that absolutely need to be covered normally. So there's certain parts that need to be covered. And I'll mention to you what they are. So for men, the minimum is the navel to the knee, they need to be covered, but somebody comes in, let's say, they sleep in their boxer shorts or their underwear, then they wake up for Fajr. And they're like, I'm just gonna make we'll do, you

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can't just go on the prayer carpet. Like with your shirt on and your underwear on, you just pray, you have to make sure that you have your parts covered properly, at least between here and it's recommended to cover something with your shoulders like a shirt that's going to cover your shoulders as well. So this is for men, and for women, they need to be wearing the proper dress as well. So that means that everything needs to be covered with the exception of the face, the hands and the feet, and it should be loose,

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loose clothing that is not tight and form fitting. And it should be clothing that is not transparent. So basically the rules of hijab and I know chef I just said you know

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She didn't mention hijab, but since she threw it in there already, I'm gonna throw it in there as part of my presentation anyways. So I have a slightly modified approach there. So yes, you need to make sure that all of this is covered before you pray, even if there's nobody around. Because you're standing in front of Allah

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14 you do is you're going to determine the qibla, you're going to face the direction of Macau. So when we pray, we're praying in this direction, wherever you are, you're going to calculate where the direction of the Qibla is what's called the Qibla. Qibla means facing the direction of McAuliffe wherever you are. So if you're in California, Southern California over here, what is the direction of maca?

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What do you say? 24 degrees to northeast? Yeah, so it's called north northeast? This is North, right? west, east south. So do you have northeast and then north northeast? It's between north and between northeast? Well, why that? If I open up a map, and I'm looking at a flat map the map on my wall? If I draw a straight line between Southern California and between North Korea, it's not north northeast, it's going in this direction. So wait a minute, something's not right. Why would I be going on top or because the world is not flat, the Earth is not flat. So that flat map is actually not accurate. It's just a projection. So if you look at a spherical globe, and you were to take a

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string, and you were to take, put one part of the string on Southern California and one part of the string and MCC and try and find the region, the location where it's going to be the shortest length of string, you're going to find that it's actually north northeast. And that's why airplanes fly over that direction. So the shortest distance to Maccha is going to be the Qibla. Because we know that the earth is spherical, mostly spherical. So technically, if you're standing right in front of the Kaaba, right, if you turned around, you put your back to the car, but you'll be facing the other side of the cab. But it's a very long way of going around, right? So that's not the way you go with

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the shortest direction. So how do you figure that out? You The easiest way is to just open up a compass and figure out what's the direction of north north east or use one of those prey apps. Hopefully, that doesn't track you and sell your data to the government. And you go ahead and utilize that. And it's going to tell you exactly where you are, regardless of your location. So this is a requirement. If for some reason, you know, you calculated the Qibla. And then somebody all of a sudden, let's say you're praying, somebody all of a sudden says, Hey, wait a minute. So you saw the picture that I'll put up here. Let's say someone taps you and says, Hey, wait a minute, you

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miscalculated. It's actually this way. And you're in the middle of prayer. What do you do?

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You just move. So if the if you trust the person, they're gonna just move you. You just move in the middle of prayer, and you don't need to restart your prayer. What if your prayer is done? And you try it? And you're like, you know what, these apps don't work? Sometimes, these compasses, maybe there's a fluorophore compass, I don't know, compiled or something. But anyways, these compasses, they don't always work. So there's some times off, especially if there's a magnetic field or if there's been a nuclear explosions testing, you're nearby, the magnetic field is off. So what if you're wrong? Do you have to repeat your prayer and the scholar say, if you finish the prayer, and

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you made your best judgment, by trying to figure out the location, you don't need to repeat the prayer in this situation.

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So this is checking to make sure that you're facing in the direction of the Kaaba, the Qibla. Okay, this is very, very important. And I'm just going to mention one more point. Some people, they have this notion that you know, what, when it comes to the five prayers, they're just gonna sit in their car and pray. I hear this from a lot of people who say, you know, I go to the mall, and I just, I just pray in my car, and just sit down. And whatever direction I'm facing, I'm praying, look, if you're doing this on an airplane, it's different. But if you're just doing this in a car where you could step out, this is not allowed. Because you're missing two main requirements of prayer. Number

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one, it's required for you to stand if you're able to stand and number two, to required for you to face the direction of the Qibla. If you can face the direction of this hadith about the Prophet peace be upon him performing prayers while he's on his camel and all that this is for the optional prayers. It's not for the five daily mandatory required prayers. An aeroplane is different. Right? So if you're in your car, and you're sitting down, you could just get out and you'll be standing, and you can face the direction of Qibla. If you're in an airplane, right, and you there's no other space, you're an economy class. If you get out of the plane, to pray, what's going to happen? You're

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dead. And Suicide is not allowed in Islam. So therefore, it's an exception to the rule airplane is very

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Different from your car. So please do not open the door on the airplane. But please open the door on your car and step out and perform the prayer. Find a safe spot, you know, have someone watch over you or you know as a security guard or something. So it is required for you to face the direction face the Qibla. Also, make sure that the time for prayer has come in. Sometimes you pray before time comes in accidentally you didn't check. You have to repeat your prayer if to make sure the time has come in. And lastly, you have to have the intention. You should know which prayer you're performing. So if you think you know what, I think, Okay, I'm gonna pray us your prayers also prayer, Allahu

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Akbar. And then you start. And then you're like, Well, wait a minute, is overtime. You have to restart your prayer. Because having the correct intention and knowing intention means knowing at bare minimum, what prayer you're performing is a prerequisite of prayer. If you break one of the prerequisites, you gotta restart the prayer because it doesn't count. So these are the things that we need to do. Before we start prayer. Now we're going to get into the actual prayer itself, in terms of what we say and what we do. So should I keep going? Or should I break here? Keep going, okay. All right. So

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our five prayers consists of either two, three or four units, two, three or four rockets. And there is a you can call them cycles, right? You're gonna repeat a lot of what you do, and a lot of what you say in each one of these units. So there's a two unit prayer, there's a three unit prayer, there's a four unit prayer, there's five prayers in Islam, five prayers every day. Who can tell me real quick shout out, I want anyone who's under the age of

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1212 or younger, you're the only ones who are allowed to answer what's the first prayer of the day, just shout it out. Fajr second prayer of the day, the third prayer of the day,

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what was it? Awesome, fourth prayer, the day, love and fifth prayer, I shall, now we need the number of units, I'm going to call on somebody who can tell me the number of units of all of these in order who's 12 or younger, give me the first three and then give me the last two, give me the first three

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to four Fajr, four, fours over four for answer.

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reforemo, room,

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four, for Aisha very good. So these are the number of units in each one of these. So two, three and four unit prayers. If we learn the two unit prayer, then we can figure out the rest of the three and the four unit prayer. So we're going to start by focusing on how a two cycle or two Rakow prayer is going to be performed. So the first thing you do is you start with standing position. So you've done all those other things you've already made will do, you're facing the Qibla, you have the intention, you got the correct clothes on, your clothes are clean, your place of prayer is clean, your body is clean, and whatever other that 61 thing was, and you got all those things ready to go and you're

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just about to start. So right before you begin, you will remind yourself that you're standing in front of Allah for a moment, your head will be slightly lowered. So you don't want your head to be you want me start like this, you know, you're not looking around head is slightly lowered, you're going to be looking around the direction of where you're going to be prostrating, like the end of the prayer carpet kind of. And now you're about to start. So what you do is, this is around the time where you're going to have the intention thinking about, I'm going to be entering into prayer right now. Forget everything else that you know is distracting you away. And before you start, by the way,

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you want to make sure that you have had a little bit of gap between all the other things you're doing one of the worst things you can do is you're sitting there having like a text message conversation with someone's I gotta pray, we right back, turning on and you start Allahu Akbar, that is still in your head. If you're watching a video, and you're like, Oh, let me take a break, pause, put in your pocket, and then you start prayer. You need to take a few moments to kind of get yourself back, remove what's in your mind so that you can actually clear your head for prayer. You know, one of one of my teachers used to say, he says think of starting prayer like the ceiling fan.

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If you ever seen a ceiling fan, when you turn off the ceiling fan, what happens?

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Still going and then it slows down, slows down and finally comes to a stop. That's your mind. Whatever you were looking at whatever you were watching whatever you were doing, wait for the ceiling fan to stop. Before you go when you start your prayer. Because your mind you still need your thoughts need to dissipate. So now you're standing and you're about to start your prayer. So you're going to be standing up hands to your sides, your feet should be pointing forward for the most part, not supposed to be like sideways or something like that. Your feet should be spread approximately somewhere between

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shoulder width to a little bit closer. They shouldn't Your feet should not be more than shoulder width. You're not trying to stretch to do the splits

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that can be done in the morning. That's what I do. That's part of my morning routine. I'm not there yet at even close, but your feet are not supposed to be beyond shoulder length. Why? Because if you're praying with somebody else, and you can't touch their shoulder, so don't go beyond that, but your feet should not be touching each other either. So there should be somewhere in between, right around that shoulder length, or maybe a little bit, a little bit less than that. And your eyes are focused on the ground, where you're going to be prostrating. And if you want to, if you're getting distracted, because there's things around you, you're allowed to close your eyes. Otherwise, the

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normal default position is to keep your eyes open, but you're kind of looking down. Imam Malik said, you know, there's another opinion, you can look forward as well. But generally looking down is what most scholars have said. So this is a stance and a position of somebody who's focused, and they're about to start something very, very important. So that is your standing. Now you're going to begin by raising your hands. Now, raising your hands can be done in many different ways. It can be done all the way up to the IRS, it can be done a little bit lower to shoulder length, but you're going to raise your hands and you're going to say, Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar means Allah is the Greatest. Now, I want you to think about this for a moment. We say this all the time, but we don't really reflect fully on it. See, Allahu Akbar means God is the Greatest. But that's not the actual linguistic meaning of it. The linguistic meaning of Akbar roo means greater, because whenever you something like a cupboard, who has access to any of these come, this is a comparative noun, which basically means one thing is different than another. How is it different, it's either better or worse, or whatever. Allahu Akbar is actually missing something afterwards. It's Allahu Akbar. Bowtell min Allah is greater than x variable, fill in the blank.

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Allah is greater than what Allah is greater than everything. And when you say Allahu Akbar, the reason why it didn't say, you know, the reason why it was left this way, there's a different form to say Allah is the Greatest. This was not the form. The form was Allah is greater. And then there's something missing. It's called ellipses. It's called Health in Arabic. And Allah left it there is a sign of eloquence, because anything that's distracting you in your prayer, every time you hear yourself saying, Allahu Akbar, and you're thinking about your dinner, you should think Allahu Akbar, it'll mean, my dinner, Allah is greater than my dinner of what I'm going to be planning. And if you

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start thinking, Oh, I have a final exam coming up, you say, Allahu Akbar, it'll mean empty honey, like Allah is greater and better and more important than my exam that's going to be coming up. So it's a constant reminder that Allah is greater than every other thing that comes into your mind that's distracting you. And one of the ways to help you focus. So we start the prayer by saying Allahu Akbar. And when we raise our hands, scholars say we're doing two things. Number one, when you raise your hands like this, it's a form of surrender. All right, if somebody comes, just like, stick them up, what do you do?

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I surrender, you know, you're in a battlefield or something. And they're like, Okay, this is not working. I give up, I surrender. Part of you raising your hands is you surrendering to Allah subhanaw taala. The second thing that the scholars mentioned is that all that stuff that's distracting you in your mind. It's all moving around. When you raise your hands, imagine, like, you're all the stuff in my mind, get out of here. It's all you're wiping it all clean. And you're like, I want all of this to be starting fresh. I'm gonna start my prayer. I'm in the middle of prayer. Right now, these other thoughts don't matter. They're not important to me, I'm brushing

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these thoughts away. So you're raising your hands, and you're saying Allahu Akbar. And you begin with your prayer. Now you're in the middle of prayer. Now that you're in the middle of prayer, you're going to be in standing position, you're going to fold your hands, right hand is going to go over the left hand, there's many different ways to do this. You can hold your wrist, you can hold your forearm, you can hold a little bit more like this, you can do a little bit higher, you can do a little bit here, you could do a little bit lower, what you're not going to do is you're not going to do like some sideway thing. You do some weird thing like this, basically right hand over left hand

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on your torso somewhere or on your chest, somewhere between, right below the navel or somewhere around the chest area. Both all of these ways are fighting according to the scholars and this something all of them have been practiced by the Prophet peace be upon him in different narration. So it means that he didn't always pray exactly the same way. And there's been different narrations about what the companion saw from him. So you do that? And you think about what does this mean when you're holding when you're kind of standing in this position? You're standing in this position to sign of respect

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Right, they say in psychology, if somebody they stand in front of you like this, right? It like gives a different message. It's like, you know, why is this person standing like this, right? But if you stand like this in a sense of humility, this is the way people used to stand in front of kings in front of other people that they admired and respected or, or even feared or something like that. So this is a sense of humility, that you're standing in front of Allah and you say, oh, Allah, I'm here. I'm your servant. And I am here to perform my prayer for you. So you do that. And then you begin with the opening supplication. Okay, the Stifter. There's a few different ones that you can

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cover due to shortness of the time, I'm just going to,

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I'm actually going to skip this due to shortness of time. So if you know it, you could say Subhanak Allahumma. OB Hambrick? You know, you could do that what you could do was you Lilla, or you could do whichever one you've memorized, and you begin with this opening supplication. After that, you seek refuge in Allah and you say, are the bIllahi min a shape on your regime, I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed satan. And you do this whenever you're going to be reciting Quran. So you're about to start reciting Surah Al Fatiha, you're going to recite some Quran. So you say this, and this doesn't need to be said out loud. This is going to be said to yourself, and then you say Bismillah AR Rahman

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AR Rahim. I begin in the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. And then you're going to recite Surah Al Fatiha. Alhamdulillah Hera Billa aalameen AR Rahman Rahim, Maliki or Medina. And you're going to complete the entire Surah when you finish through to the Fatiha, and I think shaker might go over the meaning of that. Are you covering the meaning of that? Somewhat, she'll cover a little bit. Otherwise you can read it in the translation. Then when you're done, you say mean?

00:31:44 --> 00:32:08

Mean means Oh Allah accept this prayer. It means except, so Allah I just made this prayer, except for me. Surah Al Fatiha is a prayer. There's a dua in it. Who can tell me who's 14 or under? Where is the dua? where's the where's the prayer of asking Allah for something in Surah Al Fatiha?

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00:32:11 --> 00:32:14

In a Serato, Mr. Clean which means what?

00:32:16 --> 00:32:54

Guide us on the straight path. Okay, guide us on the straight path. That's the prayer you're asking Allah within Serato Fatiha and then when you're done, you say Amin except Allah except this prayer, except meaning guidance on the straight path. So you see, I mean, for that reason, some people don't get that they're just like, I mean, just sounds so cool. And then when the Imam is saying it, like, mean what I'm gonna do it to mean but think about what you're doing. You just made a dua in Surah Fatiha and now you're saying, I mean, sha Allah. So we'll take questions at the end of the show. All right, and then you're going to recite some more Quran after that is done. So you get to choose now

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you have some flexibility, it's almost like the prayer. Prayer has specific times of the day, five prayers a day and there's times, but within those times, there's a flexibility you just need to fit Fudger in within a two hour time gap. You need to fit, you know Lahore in within like a four or five hour time gap. So you have some choice, and you have some structure. Same thing. You're supposed to recite some Quran here, either one long verse or three short verses, right? You get to pick what you want to recite. To some people who have very little Quran memorized, they're just going to recite the same thing called who Allahu Allahu Allahu Ahad, which is okay. But it's nice to memorize some

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more things. And once you start to learn some Arabic and you understand the meanings behind what you're doing, then you're gonna recite things which you choose based upon what's happening in your life, you've had a really bad day, things are going really tough for you, you're gonna pick some verses about, you know, sort of the use of, or the difficulty that he went through. And when you're reciting that you're like, going through something similar. I'm okay. You know, one time I met a person, they did something really, really bad. You know, it was in the masjid, which is so frustrated and the person was acting like a complete hypocrite right after they left the machine.

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And you can bet that I was reciting verses of sutra Mirage accord, right directly in the prayer about the hypocrites and things like that. And it just, it just reminds you of like, you know what this is what people have been through. This is what Allah warned us about. So you get a choice, you get to choose the type of things that you want to recite, because it has an effect on your prayer. It has an effect on your own state of mind. So we'll leave it right here. And I will pass it over to Schaefer Haifa to continue and then we'll move on through the rest of the motions of the prayer and show. panic a little more behind the crescendo in the heartland stuff.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:55

email anyone

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Smilla Al Hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early he was so happy he woman who Allah Who lot of languages like Lakeisha Mustafa, he tried to really give you we normally teach it in January situate over 12 weeks, two hours a week. So in a 24 hours he gave you in 20 minutes

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I'm going to take you through a completely different Okay, so here you go.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:04

I want everybody to read this verse. It's an Arabic and English

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how many of us are these people?

00:36:12 --> 00:36:46

Everyone read it. It's twice in the Quran. I chose this one this isn't so that's Maria Pahala from him badly him harmful about salah. What about Asha Hawa? So for your own Allah. Allah had before this verse, this is a Surah Maryam before disperse. Allah was talking about all the prophets, including the story of Seda Meriam and along Guangzhou, una Brahim. And then he just mentioned couple of the names and then he comes to you and me. Again, not you and me personally but the people who came after them. And he said for HANA from embody him, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:50

For hello from embody him hunt.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:58

Khalifa is generations, people came after them. After who? The prophets What did they do?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:06

And this is the word and Allah uses twice in the Quran. Although they lost it neglected.

00:37:08 --> 00:37:16

How many of us have safe in their home? I want to see hands safe in the house. Right? What do you put in the safe?

00:37:18 --> 00:37:41

I want to hear it. We really have to understand this is the most important thing about any act of worship by Canon cannot understand the reality I'm not going to change your put your passport, you put your documents, if you have jewelleries whatever something that you want, you don't want to what? Lose because it's valuable. So when Salah

00:37:43 --> 00:37:59

if this applies to me, I saw Salah Well, let me go into something else. Oh, only five minutes to Mother of the Nihongo at all do a hustle on daily basis. I'm not saying this is not going to happen. But I'm talking about daily basis. This applies to me.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

And why

00:38:03 --> 00:38:28

is Allah put it in the Quran again? When you read the Quran and you say why did he save what turboshaft Allah they follow their own desires food for Salah TV versus Salah online versus soda, talking to people. It's all desires. I like it with turbo Shaha they followed and then your A B I mean none of us

00:38:29 --> 00:38:46

are Soulfire owner a year this is amazing. Word for punishment. They will have a RE is not only punishment is not only evil, it's really bad evil punishment. We don't want to be these people. There's a three kinds of people will sada

00:38:48 --> 00:38:51

and I'm going to come to those the fourth I'll come in details.

00:38:52 --> 00:38:55

Majority majority dose.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:11

Do you prayed hamdulillah Nobody asked you how many prayers I had somebody one time I asked. And there was very smart in the answer. I said do they pray? You know what the answer I got? They go to Juma.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:14

What does that tell you?

00:39:15 --> 00:39:16

They don't pray the five times a day

00:39:18 --> 00:39:44

Subhanallah so we don't want to be held those people. Now there is the next one who the people who doesn't pray. And there are two categories held Lord Blimey, I don't think anyone in this room just for us to learn. So there is people who they deny it. And this is a very serious word. I had many conversations with sisters. Don't say hey, job is not foreign.

00:39:45 --> 00:40:00

Say it's difficult say I need time say Allah would help me. We all but don't say it's not the forum because some scholars will tell you you're not a Muslim. And even my Lumina Dean de Bharara as they say when something is very well known and you denied your

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

outside. So if you deny you say Allah doesn't need my salah Allah doesn't need me to move. Allah Subhana Allah knows what in my heart you know all these we hear, be careful about this word.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:24

Say I'm tired say um, I need improvement. Allah will guide me Allah will forgive me but don't say deny it. So these people, usually, many of the scholars will say fuck kufr

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these people are outside, they're not Muslim. Remember that is not my capital M or a small n. Not if they deny it. I don't need to pray. Allah doesn't need if they don't deny it. But then lazy. That's a different story. It's a major.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:49

I need to work on it. Don't say I can't Don't say you don't know what I did. Don't say I've been 40 years doesn't matter.

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One day, there is a man in in history of Islam.

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became a Muslim, enter Jannah and have not prayed a single prayer.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:14

enter Jannah does anyone knows that other than Sheikh Mustafa, of course, one man accepted Islam immediately went to pray immediately want to fight for God and he was killed.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

And they called him the man Olivia Donaldson. They'll be doing Asada, the man who intergender without praying.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

Right. But how many of us are that person?

00:41:26 --> 00:42:08

I definitely need my slider. I definitely need and this is one, the one who is not praying those again. The same thing, benefits I went to throw it because I'm going to go on something more detailed coming is going to make you wonder But it's good to wonder sometimes. So this is a side note with man said the Roswaal in salatu salam said, very simple and easy. Why should I pray? Don't talk about Jana. Don't talk about punishment. Look at this. Read it. Read it with your heart. And I'll read it with with you also say the Roswaal usato. Salam said men. Maybe I read it from my computer is easier. Yes. And he said Mammon Emery in Muslim to Hello Musala to October this is about

00:42:08 --> 00:42:24

the obligatory solder for yourself or who or what to call her in Canada for Lima. Kubla Homina is the new Muslim Krishna will cover. This is the scenario. Time for Salah comes in. You and me any human being I get up

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and it is an obligor to the salah. I grew up what just most of us simply explained to everybody. I do proper wobble. I stand up. I do proper solder. And I say ceramide equals Salam Alikum he didn't say about who? And where is my brain? Well in the hand, otherwise we're in big trouble.

00:42:46 --> 00:43:03

Read it. Well, he said you perform a dog perfect. You do your sujood you do it properly, didn't talk about the heart. Everything before that is going to be completely forgiven. As long as there is no major

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things are happening. Now.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:12

I shared this with you before but now I'm coming to something

00:43:13 --> 00:43:15

if people knew

00:43:17 --> 00:43:24

what's the reward of praying? Federal This is a specifically about federal and Asia.

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They will have fought for

00:43:28 --> 00:43:31

FY come to you. Thanksgiving.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:35

Christmas, second day after Thanksgiving is what?

00:43:38 --> 00:43:42

Everybody knows from this site. Right? Why it's called Black Friday.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:45

Why it's called Black Friday.

00:43:46 --> 00:44:00

Because they slash all the prices. I have seen it with my own eyes, people before 6am in line on the major stores. Why? Because they knew the value of it.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:11

All of us, especially those of us and I'm looking at both sides. Who lives close to the masjid. Why don't you come for further?

00:44:14 --> 00:44:17

I really mean it don't answer me who I am. I want you to ask yourself.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:31

We go everywhere. Everywhere we go. We go for dinner we go for lunch people invite us right we go out for a walk let's go to the park. Let's go to the beach. There's all Hernan why don't I come for foot

00:44:33 --> 00:44:34

and if you only know

00:44:35 --> 00:44:56

let me know for Aisha and I always say this family bring your children Hamdulillah I have to say this for icoi This is amazing masjid for the family. I mean again I am just newly moved here and I travel all over the world. This is amazing masjid for Russia, but make it better. Don't come along.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

Bring them I'm talking about when they are when you steal

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with you in the house, especially my beautiful systems you go everywhere everywhere

00:45:08 --> 00:45:24

Why not in the West it's the house of Allah. Again I'm going to repeat this to everybody Salah is higher look at it I want this picture to be in your brain when you go for good when you go and you're gonna say Allahu Akbar think of this bird

00:45:25 --> 00:45:36

look at this picture this is really bad the storm looks like right and there's a lot of waves here and there is clouds and the birds is just coming out of it flying

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00:45:40 --> 00:45:42

happy don't worry

00:45:43 --> 00:45:49

this is sada This is why I have a Swati Assad Who said I'm sad to say you know, we don't know BIA

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give us peace and comfort and solder.

00:45:54 --> 00:46:02

Now if you come here this is going to make you some of you may cry, but it's okay. Right there's five levels of solder

00:46:03 --> 00:46:05

and I'm not talking about here

00:46:06 --> 00:46:16

I'm not talking about what's your most of you performed it You did everything exactly. You did the why'd you bat are the obligations were your solder is valid.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

Now what did I give to Allah?

00:46:21 --> 00:47:05

I give this parable to me so I can remember. Many of us know how to make what he learned. Men and woman to make a cake. You need the essential things usually something solid, something record, you need maybe an egg. Usually you need an oven in the container you're gonna need something to you know, make the and then you put it and the cake will come out. Am I correct? The basic the Sunnah we all are doing right? We fulfilled the basics, meaning the Salah, I said, this is how I say to myself, you're going to deliver the slight the salah to Allah subhanaw taala you're going to give this cake there'll be please forgive me just for making everyone. Little bit easier for you. So you

00:47:05 --> 00:47:10

gave this cake to Allah subhanaw taala. Now the question What kind of a cake you gave Allah.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:20

And look at the levels. This is from Imam. He starts with the lowest. And then he went to the above to the top. This is the first one.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:23

Look what he called it.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:25

What is that?

00:47:27 --> 00:47:28

I want to hear it.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:31

Harami mush. Thief.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:37

Thief. Hello, me. This is typical in our Egyptian parents probably.

00:47:38 --> 00:47:42

Yeah. So basically, it's a thief. He used this word.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:45

Sorrow Kasana.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:47

Look at what he said.

00:47:48 --> 00:47:49

This is what it is.

00:47:50 --> 00:48:22

who wronged his own soul? You gave Allah subhanaw taala a cake barely cooked. But it is a cake. It's called cake. But it's barely cooked, if not burn. And why is that? Because the quality, the ablution that will do the time, the limits and the essential of the prayers. Minimum Cokely Have you seen people making well do you know what I call the will? The bathroom after I go? And people have made although especially on July I call it flood zone.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

It's painful.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:27


00:48:28 --> 00:48:33

But if my house and someone comes and do this, how dare look at the floor

00:48:34 --> 00:48:37

and the water running? If it's mine

00:48:39 --> 00:49:01

you're stealing. Now you're wasting but you're stealing Allahu Akbar. I didn't even finish something along with you, man. Hamidah you put your head down out, you finish the cake. You did what's Chuck Mustapa just said what kind of a cake and he hit he says this person will be finished punished. Meaning you did not you missed one thing from the cake.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:38

And one thing which I don't know if you're going to come to it, but I am going to say to Salah has between 13 to 15 They call it or can pillars if you'd like to look at the message. If you don't have a pillar, the message it will fall solid depends on which school of thought between 13 to 15. I'm not going to go through it because it's a long one. Many you just mentioned one of them. Majority of people don't know. It's called the atomic none. You take your time in every action. You don't say Allahu Akbar. We say Allahu Akbar.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:41

That's a pillar.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

So if you are running in that sada You're the thief. I am the thief. And I'm going to be punished. Look at the next one. That's the second level. Right? He actually started he actually starts from the top from the worst. And he says

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

What is this person right? He does he did the cake is there right but what is missing in the cake right? He his concern is not masala when will I finish?

00:50:13 --> 00:50:24

If the Imam reads five Ayat instead of three we start huffing and puffing. I'll share with you my experience. Are you really ready? And this is a true

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I was in about the night of taraweeh the night of Ramadan. My friend said how many of you know she had the Rasheeda Sophia?

00:50:34 --> 00:51:13

Are you if you don't know you need to know he's one of the legendary in their para art. So she said oh, she had the Rashid starts that are we from the first night? That Natera we have Sorry, dude. I was like hamdulillah beautiful message. She said but just to let you know, he takes his time and really in Dharavi said he thought well, meaning is long as a candidate that that's good. It's true. What I'm gonna say to everybody, I entered the Masjid 12:15am He already 1220 He already started. He was an Al Baqarah just just in mentioning the name of Syedna Musa.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:16

And he is reading

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and he is reading

00:51:19 --> 00:51:41

and he finished the first job I said that said he's gonna say Allahu Akbar. Say you're older. So for heart when when a nurse he finished this. I said Hollis I'm sure when it gets to the verses of Siam. He's gonna say Allahu Akbar he finished. He's going to stop attach he finished and he says till Caruso for Ba ba ba ba ba now we are in the third juice. You know when he said Allahu Akbar,

00:51:42 --> 00:51:51

when saw Nana, Amit Caffrey. He finished the whole Bacara in one neroca I, I didn't hear this, I was there.

00:51:52 --> 00:52:03

And then he said Allahu Akbar went for recall a little bit shorter. You know how you know that? Because when he said semi Allahu human Hamidah you hear the most just saying?

00:52:05 --> 00:52:09

Then he went for four, so you will wonder the level

00:52:10 --> 00:52:14

finished. Allahu Akbar. And I was like, let's see what he's gonna read. Alif Lam? Meem

00:52:16 --> 00:52:27

Allahu La vida in the whole world. How you are you? He started earlier Imran. When did he say Allahu Akbar, your livina and manassero wasabia are all beautiful. He finished at Emraan.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:39

He finished two units. This is this year. He is in his 60s, I think. Two units. I looked at the watch. It was two o'clock.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:43

And look at the solder.

00:52:48 --> 00:53:06

And I didn't know what I said to myself. Why can he do what I can. And I'm not talking to anybody. I'm talking to myself. Because I lived it. And I've like Subhan Allah Subhana Allah. So this is the second one quickly. And I'm not looking only at the youth. I'm looking to everybody.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:23

Third Level. I'm sorry, this the third level right here. He take away the distraction, but the inner strength he's still thinking he's still thinking that's what Jeff must have just said about right. Some people make decisions inside salah.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:27

You think of everything inside solder. Now this is level three,

00:53:29 --> 00:53:34

level three, level four. And I'll give you some examples coming. Now.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:58

This solder. This is Lada when I am distracted, I am going to be I'm sorry, this slide is not in the same sequence. I'm going to be apprehended meaning I will be when I'm standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala. He says you prayed and you fulfilled it, and you're not a thief. But why didn't you give me a little bit more time and concentration?

00:54:00 --> 00:54:07

The children here What did they learn their slider from me, from you and from in the house.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:15

So I can imagine the family of shahada Rashid, I don't think they do their Salah in two minutes.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:30

In the retreat, I was like two weeks ago, I was in Australia and I did a retreat with a woman. I gave them a heads up the night before I said Tomorrow we're going to pray for your 30 minutes. And if anybody cannot just bring a chair and use it.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:48

First Days I could hear and even I was worried about F A tunnel and TIAMO island because there is a Hadith of Rasul Allah Santosa don't push the people too much. So I didn't finish I wanted to finish all Surah till Ambia I did. I left to the woman when they felt it next day. They said, no, keep going.

00:54:50 --> 00:54:51

Just we didn't feel it.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

We don't feel it. We don't give I say to myself, we don't give ourselves you know we deserve it. Just give yourself a chance.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:23

Feel it read longer, what is the big deal and you can train yourself longer is in the natural Salah because in case you don't know a lot of the Quran, open the Quran and read, what is the big deal of it? Right? And then you come to the next one, the person keeps the limits and the essential animate preoccupied. Still, there is thoughts, but what is the difference number four, you're fighting it.

00:55:25 --> 00:55:40

You're fighting the shape on, you know, you come in and say Allahu Akbar, and then whatever comes in, it's like no, I will do biller in the in the Salah, and then you focus and then five minutes later, you will be here. Look what will happen here. You will be re compensated for your struggle.

00:55:42 --> 00:56:18

Because sometimes what happens the other way around, we come out and I say, I don't know what Allah would give me for the solder I didn't even remember no you you fought, you tried and you will be re compensated the last one. May Allah give it I say this to my soul, and to everybody one day before I die, one solid hour only before I die and this person, the heart is absorbed in the rules. And he in he does not miss any of it. And he will be rewarded. The last one is the last one. What is this?

00:56:19 --> 00:56:21

Why did I put them out?

00:56:24 --> 00:56:25

This is the last one.

00:56:28 --> 00:56:50

Very hard. This is the top and look at the top. This is what it is. The person who is on the top is the following place their heart is not their body. We all said Allahu Akbar. Place their heart in front of Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And we're to behold, Allah vigilant.

00:56:51 --> 00:57:01

I will ask everyone to do this. I tried it one time. One of my teachers taught me this. She said when you go for record, just think for a second. Allah is looking at you.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:06

Meaning one light lit the light level, you freeze.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:22

You freeze just for a second. So this is the person here you go holds a lot of vigilant before him. He were physically physically present before him. That distractions vanish.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:55

The distraction absolutely vanished. I want you to read this one. This is a long one. Everybody. That difference between this is from Imam. Again. The difference between this person in his prayer and everyone else is what is vast. That the distance between the heavens and the earth. That's why when I am in Jamaica, I always especially in Makkah, I always say to myself, which one your which one of these people? How to heart was always with you?

00:57:56 --> 00:58:03

For sure it's not me. But which one? And remember that you will not put this unless it's true.

00:58:04 --> 00:58:06

So the question is, is it impossible?

00:58:12 --> 00:58:13


00:58:15 --> 00:58:15

Yes or No?

00:58:18 --> 00:58:24

Everything is possible. I loved it. Everything is possible. Okay, so what do I need to do?

00:58:27 --> 00:58:36

Read this, this is one and now I'm going to tell you a couple of the examples of those who did it. Okay. And I'll read it from my computer just because of the light.

00:58:37 --> 00:58:39

This one is actually

00:58:40 --> 00:59:32

Ismaila This is a belovedness Zubayr. He is the son of smell, the daughter of Abu Bakr and zuba Europen. Allah, He said, stood up to pray when he stand up to pray read this think of this. He was like a piece of wood in his concentration and humility, like a piece of wood when he would prostrate when he goes for sujood a spiral would land on his back. The bird taking him for nothing but the base of the wall the bird thing he is on a wall. He is on his back when he was praying by the hedger in Makkah stone from the catapult was flung what he was ripping off part of his garment and he did not move.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:41

These are real stories that I didn't make up this this is Abdullah bin is zooming. Look at the next one. Right.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:43

Look at

00:59:45 --> 00:59:59

look at the next one, right this is another this is a tablet This is a follower. Okay. Now Molly Bloomerang is a follower and he was saying about another follower, which is Muslim with no Yasar. These are the

01:00:00 --> 01:00:38

Legendary in knowledge, but also in practice, is what I say to myself before anyone, when you will learn we have to practice whenever we are learning your practice. And he said, I have never seen Muslim, that man looking elsewhere in his prayer, once a part of the masjid collapsed on the people of Buffalo. And they were frightened by that he was still praying in the masjid did not look away from his prayer, where he would enter his house. When he entered his house. Everyone is silent. He has this whole war, this presents the moment he starts praying, everybody start talking, because he's not going to be distracted.

01:00:40 --> 01:00:41

What level is this?

01:00:43 --> 01:00:46

You all are looking at me? I was like, wow.

01:00:47 --> 01:00:54

It is. It is this is real. Again, this is real. Look at this one. This is this is very

01:00:55 --> 01:00:59

fake, famous about saving. Leave New Zealand Aberdeen.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:05

When people see him doing World War, they suddenly see his face changes and becomes very pale.

01:01:06 --> 01:01:23

As he was making a little look at us making wudu talking to everybody, how are you going? hamdulillah how's the kids? He's, he's quiet. He's silent. His face is yellow. And people looked at him and says what happened? What is wrong with you? And he said, Do you know in front of whom I'm going to be standing?

01:01:25 --> 01:01:40

Who I am going to be standing in front of. And I think this is the essence literally off our solder is if I keep reminding myself, who I am going to be standing in front of Yeah.

01:01:41 --> 01:01:48

I put to this because I thought everyone would look like that. When we look at ourselves. You're saying wow.

01:01:50 --> 01:02:32

Right? Because when I was reading this and when I was preparing it I was like y'all Allah make it happen. And that's why the famous dua that we see it in Salah and I'm sure Sheikh Mustafa would comment on this one, either before you say salam, or after you say Sudan is the dua that was what he saw to Sudan, taught see them what are the Bucha but he said Allahumma inni. Look at this, in Isla de cricket or Shu Kritika Hosni by the tiki Allah helped me to remember you to be grateful of the nasty next one. So and I put I worship you in the best way, hosting a bad party. This is the hosting labored.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:45

Why we are not there is truly there's more than one reason number one as your host offices, I don't understand. By the way, you speak Arabic or you don't speak Arabic, there's a little bit difference.

01:02:46 --> 01:02:49

And hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. What does it mean?

01:02:50 --> 01:02:53

I want you to tell him, don't translate. I know the translation.

01:02:55 --> 01:03:00

What is it when you say that? hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen? What are you saying?

01:03:01 --> 01:03:15

If I focus in my salah on one, one blessing Allah gave me I tried it the other day. And I you know, like, you know what? I can see, I can hear

01:03:16 --> 01:03:43

I have a roof on my head. I have clothes. I have a job. I have a car. At that point I stopped because it becomes overwhelming. So when you say you have lovable anime fuse, really try to try again. It's a struggle. Remember the fourth one, it's a struggle. It's not something we're going to do it today and tomorrow you have to keep doing it. So number one is you need to understand, so Fatiha. And again,

01:03:44 --> 01:03:58

Al Fatiha is actually they say because the hadith of rasa the assault of Salah Fattah has a dialogue between you and Allah and me and Allah and Allah Subhana Allah is a Hadith quotes. He said, a simple Salah veiny will be in Abdi

01:03:59 --> 01:04:11

salah I have divided it between me and my servant. And that's why many scholars tells you without Fatiha there is no salah. It's actually all scholars will say this. When you say hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all Praise to Allah.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:17

Give yourself a minute to break a second break. Why?

01:04:18 --> 01:04:21

Because Allah will respond. Who knows what Allah who will say?

01:04:23 --> 01:04:24


01:04:25 --> 01:04:29

Allah will say Hamadani Abdi My servant praised me.

01:04:31 --> 01:04:35

Him do to let your brand man or Rahim ethna Allah you have

01:04:36 --> 01:04:38

my servant praised me.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:55

Many Kiyomi being when I say Almighty Kiyomi Dean when I say it, Allah who say Maya have the glorified me. You're talking to him. Imagine if you come to see al Fattah, how was this feeling? How was your focus?

01:04:56 --> 01:04:59

And then Dino said Yeah, can Abu do what ya

01:05:00 --> 01:05:17

Kennestone Allah says, This is between me and my husband. This is between me and him how truthful he is. Do we really? That's what Allah say had he been your way now Abdi, this is something he knows. He knows c'est la vie, Mr. King Allah.

01:05:18 --> 01:05:26

He says set Eleni Abdi Ali Abdullah said, My servant asked me and my servant will get it.

01:05:27 --> 01:05:34

spend this time that's why you see sometimes the Imams when they read they give you a break in between it

01:05:36 --> 01:05:38

because they want you to feel and hear it

01:05:39 --> 01:05:48

you hear it but you're not really hitting it but you're feeling it and then your focus will be definitely much better. Number two, which is very important you

01:05:50 --> 01:05:52

alluded to it illuminate

01:05:53 --> 01:05:54

what is illuminate

01:05:56 --> 01:06:25

pray because this is the million dollar question I'm sure it's going to come and the Question and Answers gonna have a question answer at the end is going to say how do I attain social and Salah number one remove all the distractions How can you pray and the TV is on. Put your phone on silence. Preferably turn it off or on airplane mode. I see it upstairs, upstairs, in the masjid, nothing the house, the phone is in front of the woman.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:55

And the phone of course rings are the messages comes in. What is what, how I'm going to focus. Remove it. Because having this focus is not easy, but I make it easy for myself. If you are in the masjid, try to be in a place where you are in the front. If you come not in the front, then come somewhere where there's no distractions around you at the house, for sure. Have your own coordinate. Let me say this to everybody. When we die,

01:06:56 --> 01:06:57

and we all gonna die.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:00

A place where we pray.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:26

The regular place where we pray, will miss us. Because when we pray at home, or let's say you're in the masjid then you always people know you'll come and pray here for example, that is exactly similar to a place and the sky. And the heavens in Allah has knowledge when you will and I will not pray anymore we die. The place in the heavens will miss us.

01:07:27 --> 01:08:16

And this is the explanation of the verse in solitude Johan. Allah said about the people of Iran from Abeka tally, he was sama will, ALMA can Oman Bahrain, when I was pantalla absorb what made your own and his people drown. There is no one missed them in the heavens. I want, I want this to me, I want to be missed when I die, not by people, people will forget, people will remember you a week or a two or a month or a year. Believe me after 10 years, they will not remember you or me. You all know this, you all have lost loved ones. And I want the sky to miss me. She was praying there. Unless I have that place. Unless I spent time in that place, then they will not. So remove the distractions

01:08:16 --> 01:08:34

on the wall, remove the phone remove if the if you are cooking or there's something in there, scholars will tell you finish or turn it off. If you're eating in the middle of the meal finish and then do eliminate or as I see it in my own language, make it easier for you to obey Allah.

01:08:35 --> 01:09:17

Two minutes inshallah make it easier for you to obey Allah subhanaw taala. I'm gonna miss here, external causes we talk this. Look at this one. This is a true story. And he actually it's parable. Remember, he said, if you are sitting and this is you can read it here, but I'm just going to explain it for the time. If you're sitting under a tree, and you're reading a book, and you really want to focus on the book, and the word keeps coming. That's why I put a bird the bird keeps coming and keep making noises and move you can't focus. So you throw a stone and the bird goes and then five minutes later, the birch comes in through and he said if you don't want this, what do you do?

01:09:18 --> 01:09:19

You cut the tree.

01:09:22 --> 01:09:22

Here you go.

01:09:23 --> 01:09:39

So when you are an exactly what you must have I just said if you are going to be you know always when you're saying Allahu Akbar, right. Don't be talking to people before Allahu Akbar because whatever you are saying is going to come take a break, separate.

01:09:40 --> 01:09:46

Take a gap, separate income and when you say Allahu Akbar is one thing. What is that?

01:09:50 --> 01:09:50

Yes, I know.

01:09:52 --> 01:09:57

One of the most beautiful pictures you have seen, it's actually regarded as one of the most beautiful child

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59

when you see what you

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00


01:10:01 --> 01:10:03

what you say subhanallah ha the

01:10:05 --> 01:10:07

glory is the one who created this beauty

01:10:08 --> 01:10:10

Subhana right.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:17

This is how I will end and then if Allah wills we will have more time I have just one clip I want to share it with everybody

01:10:18 --> 01:10:20

know him and know who you are.

01:10:22 --> 01:10:42

Know him and know who you are. You know somebody came to me the other day and asked which was really really really stressing and I said she said how can I make myself feel better I said I'm gonna say something may feel a little bit hard but I do it to myself and it's usually calms me down. Can anyone guess?

01:10:44 --> 01:10:46

I think of myself in the grave.

01:10:48 --> 01:10:49

None of this would worth it.

01:10:50 --> 01:10:56

None of this the only the things we get so stressed about and we would ease and it's would be nothing.

01:10:57 --> 01:10:58

That's who we are.

01:10:59 --> 01:11:11

At one point we had nothing but the war I know Allah and I'm standing in front of him. My Salah will be completely different. Does Aquila coherence panic Allama will be handy shadow Allah

01:11:12 --> 01:11:17

stuff Itokawa to boudic SallAllahu aniseed no Mohammed by the early he was hired me to see my cathedral

with Shaykh Mustafa Umar

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