Kamal El-Mekki – Acting Upon Knowledge Why Do We Not Apply What We Learn

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of learning to act on information and rewarding individuals for doing things is crucial for professional success. The use of DA in a salon and home is key for achieving success in a professional setting, and the use of light bulb in cars and the potential for increased income if people use it is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding negative emotions and staying true to worship, and emphasize the need to avoid double counting and not give too many false predictions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me know what I really

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there's nothing

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even if I can put in that box of tissues and did that last time.

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Thank you very much.

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Salam Alaikum

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, Allah Allah He was happy

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So obviously, I'm only covering for Shazam today. And we're not starting any new series. We're just doing one lecture. And inshallah, it's a very important topic. The title of the lecture is, why do we not apply what we learn? Because this is a very, very big problem that the majority of people have, we attend hotel, we listen to CDs, we read articles, we read books, and we gather information, but we don't act upon it. And we don't apply it. We've attended, how many in our life, how many CD sets, we've listened to how many separate lectures, how many articles, how much has been given to us? How many times have you read the Koran, how many of the commands that we go over the

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prohibitions that we went over, but still, you find most people they know what the hokum is in a situation but they don't act upon it.

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So we want to look at why is it that we don't apply what we learn? And why is it that we fall short in doing the obligatory deeds and even more so with with the extra deeds and the no autofill and such sunon.

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And the thing is that, you know, many of us know many things. We're aware of the information, we've gathered it, but we don't act upon it. For example, the sunan, before and after the salaat. Most people know

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if you if you can do that Watson within a day, but how many people actually do that? You know, the hadith of finding 70 excuses for your brother, how many people actually do something about that Howdy, most people, the slightest thing happens immediately. They're upset, or they, they don't pause to try to find excuses, and so many other things. And because of that, then is the importance for this topic. Why is it that we don't apply what we learn? Why do we just gather knowledge, we gather information, and then we don't act upon it, then someone comes to give you advice. And this is what you need to do in this situation is this I know that there's a database, I'm familiar with

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the audit, and you can even say that added to the person that was in that person act upon it then. So that's, that's the reason and the importance of our topic.

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One of the things we find is that application, it comes forth from

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Mr. An action comes forth from the heat of your email. And so if the man is deficient or if it's cold, one may not be motivated into action. And that's why when Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do something, he will call us with that description of being believers. Because when you believe in something, you act upon it, and it moves you into action. So that's why he wants to call us to do something. He calls us with this description of being meaning. So let's participate. Yeah, you had the VENA Amano, and then he'll tell us what to do. Yeah, you elvina Amina Amina, are you who believe believe in Allah and His Messenger, your livina? Armando matakohe Luna marathon? Are you who

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believe? Why is it that you say that what you do not do?

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You live in LA Oh, who believe fear Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala calls us with this name of being believers. So that belief that email is what will cause us to move into action.

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Now, it's very possible that the majority of audiences who come to hope and who come to classes, they don't necessarily come with the intention of learning something so they can go home and apply it

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when someone comes to a gym, or

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do they come to learn something and go home and apply it? Or did they just come because it's gym is obligatory, I have to do it, I come early and make stuff or read Quran. And then when it's over I go home, is that I mean, I hope that's the case. But most people, they come to visit, subwoofer, I have to come to Japan, attend the hub, or come to the class because you know, it's the good thing to do, I should be having some kind of contact with the masjid and something Islamic in my life. So I come to the class. But do people actually come to the class and to the hook by saying, Let me learn something, not just to know it, and store it. So you can go home and act upon it and do something

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about it.

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You know, some people come just to see and cello and this is from that group, some people will like come to see just how flowery the talk is, whether the speaker is good or not. If he has good English, he makes grammatical mistakes or not if he has an accent, or if he doesn't have an accent. And if he's gonna tell us moving stories, is he going to make me cry? Is it gonna make me laugh? Or is he going to make us sad? They come and look for those things. And you know, you you personally see people that who will come

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and tell the speaker, your voice was was right. Your hand movements were very reasonable. Your posture was good. What were you here for it, you're here to critique a speech, or a to benefit from something that people will actually do things like that, they'll come and their whole comment is about how the speech was presented. So it's not Is it about the material anymore? Or is it about the speaker or the grammar or the accent, because people lost track of what the main point is to learn something so you can go and act upon it. So any, any speaker any hobby, they'll tell you that when you give a talk that's, you know, very flowery and it has moving stories people come in Thank you,

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you know, at the end of the hook by the end of the talk they come into but if you give them practical steps 123 This is a very dangerous issue. We need to take care of it. Do number one, news stories about the man he woke up and he was on a butterfly and in the butt none of that stuff.

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Even though it's serious topic, but they want the you know, the whole and then he woke up and he saw and they want that stuff. And you know, talk to most of it. Don't take it from me talk to Moscow peeps, you will find that

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when people like a hook but notice the wording they use, they come and say I really enjoyed your homework.

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He will come and say I really enjoyed your homework. You know, you give them a hook on a serious topic and issue that we all have this problem for hopeless about lying for example, you know, do they enjoy that?

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Don't lie, everyone's lying. Stop You're lying. Lying is hot. They don't come and tell you I really enjoyed your hookah because your Cobra may be uncomfortable but people want entertainment now unfortunately you find them sometimes people say we have no right no copy Do you have any new copies? What what's the object behind that? Why do you want to know copy? Because it's like new movies and we've seen this movie before Allah give us a new copy someone maybe he'll make us laugh more will make us cry more You know?

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so then basically and also you find people who come until the things like you know all these Hadeeth that you guys say upon the member we heard those bring us some no Howdy. Sorry, all of them are about 1400 years old. I don't know whether I can get your new Howdy. And plus Did you act upon the old howdy? Are you just want new? This look a student who wants more homework and it didn't finish what else? People don't know how they will

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act upon what we know already. People know, since childhood, they don't act upon it, for example, the Hadith, that the prophets are the lowest 11. This one is most Arab countries, they make you memorize this in school as a youngster, the hadith of how the process lm if he, he never ever, I need my money, and he never said anything bad about any food, if he likes it, he eats it. If he doesn't, he just leaves it. That's it.

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Millions of people notice Howdy. But watch when they don't like some food. And the way they just go on about it. And God forbid any some fathers also, if they don't like food, they'll throw it against the wall and yell at the mother and yell at everyone in the house and smack people around. They know that they don't act upon it. But

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so, you will find that when the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the companions, they came to learn something, they came to learn it so they can go and apply it very different than what happens today. And by the way, you know that in Islam, you can always renew your intention, and refresh your intention. So inshallah we'll take a moment and will renew our intentions, that when we come to halaqaat, and to Juma and any other thing where there's a speak even conferences, what have you, even when you put a CD in your car that you're learning, so you can apply something, not just learning to know. Okay?

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So we're saying, this haba when he came to the processor limb to learn something, so they can apply it not just for the sake of knowing information, many, many times people now they'll come and ask you about something, just for the sake of knowing it, you know, or just maybe they had a bad or a debate with a friend and they want to see who's right. So someone will come to you? Is it allowed to wear chains for men, you know, necklaces, these things. You tell him? You know, it's McCool, discolor, say a man shouldn't wear these things it's disliked. So then what happens out really, thank you very much. And he walks off with it around his neck. One of the one of the Mushaf, one of

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the scholars he was saying that he played at MSG, they asked him to give a quick talk after the Salah. He said I got up and there was a guy in the front row in the front row, Big Gold ring around his finger. So this guy prays in the masjid front row. So you and most men, you assume they know that gold is not permissible for men. And I'm not talking about a revert or anything like that. This is someone in the Muslim loves a big gold ring on his finger. The shifts that I kept mentioning the hadith of gold, and I then I kept telling them if the prophet SAW Selim were here, and he stood here, and he said, remove the gold from your finger, would you remove it? And people said, Yes, we

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would remove it. Would you remove the gold from your fingers? Yes, we'll remove it. Would you remove that go? Yes. He said, we'll lay the whole lecture. I'm trying to get this guy to just do this.

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Nothing. Because sitting there nodding, appreciating the look, take it off. Take it off. We know why. And that's what we're trying to do today. We're trying to see maybe even doing analysis. Why don't people move like that? And you heard the Hadith. We know when you hear an authentic hadith, it's as good as the professor lamp talking to you. Right? You know, the i O Allah Subhana. Allah says, Yeah, you know, that allow us watercool focus out in EBI, do not raise your voice or you believe Do not raise your voice over the voice of the prophets of the Lord. Now, of course, I always revealed this literally happened, people whose voices were being raised the but in America, him

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Allah, when he would read any relay or narrate a Hadith of the prophets, Allah, Allah is gathering is a very different gathering that some scholars are gathering is very loud, and they would have debate and back and forth. And this is this version, this proof versus your proof. But in the gathering it nomadic is to tell the students do not raise your voice over the voice of the Prophet similar. So it's as if to say, this is the speech of the process emblem We have with us, it's as good as he him telling you don't do this or do that. So the porcelain turns and he says that the golden silk have been made haram for the men of my own. That's enough to remove it. But the guy sat

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there because perhaps one of the problems is that it's all about getting information not really about acting upon it as we're going to expand upon that later. More inshallah.

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So we work with a lot who he comes to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he says I live in need to an Adobe heafy salaat teach me a DA that I can use in my salah and just wants to know some interesting things. No, teach me the art so I can use it. So he's coming to gain the knowledge information so he can go and apply it and put it to use not just to know it, because there's no use there in relation by Mr. Muslim Alameda and Adobe fuse talati with E Beatty. Teach me a DA that I can use in my salon and in my home. He wants to use it. He wants to use it all the time. When he's spraying when he

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not praying at the house. That's when he came to gain the information so he can go and apply it. And you're going to see this occurring over and over again with the Sahaba. They came to gain knowledge so they can apply it immediately.

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those are the companion to deliver on hope. He comes to the prophet SAW Selim, he says, Yasser Allah, in Isla de la casa Tamiya. Word carbanak says, I don't know perhaps you're going to pass away, and I will remain after you. For as a witness a young for any law will be. So teach me something that alone would benefit me with. You see, he came, he wants to learn something that he's going to benefit from after the depth of the problem, meaning he's going to use it now. So also, even Massoud says,

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He came he said to the Prophet said lamb,

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yen abou LA, au Armani accruable agenda, So which of the deeds gets you closer to agenda? So just look at we're only looking at the questions that they're asking, because they want to do something you think if somebody asked this question, and then the rest of them, tell them it's this and that, that's nice to know. He didn't act upon it. You know, for sure that he went home, he start to act upon it. A man came to the profits of a low salon and he said, Oh, Prophet of Allah. Key for Abu

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Dhabi, what do I say when I asked my Lord, so then the president tells him a very short door, he says, say Allah Hama have a fairly what honey

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was in he was opening on the homophily or harmony was when he was opening. Then he gathered his fingers. And he said, for in the hula agema. And look at Dena, cognac. He said those four, there's just, there's four things that you're asking for masirah Rama afia and risk will gather for you your deen your, your deen and your dunya. Why? Because the DA is saying of fiddly or honey to forgive me. And have mercy on me. This is this is good for your ephedra and why for me, which is basically to anyone Allah basically, you know, pushes harm away from you or protects you or gives you good health. And what does that mean? It gives me a risk of loss of Allah, Rena provides for you whether

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it's wealth or anything else. So in the dark is both that of the dunya and in the effort.

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But the lens came to, I suppose the limb because he wants to learn something and he wants to start applying it immediately. And that's the whole reason he came because he wants to apply it. I will go to sort of the law and again, he came he said, Oh prophet of Allah, guide me to an action that will take me to Jenna for that I benefit from so he really wants to you can see from the wording, right, you can see from the wording, guide me to an action that I can benefit from or that will take me to Jen.

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In the wording, you see that he wants to benefit he wants to apply it versus when the wording of what someone just wants to know something. You know, my friends and I were having this discussion is is this Hello?

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Hmm, yes or no? Okay. Or sometimes people just gather information so they can go and annoy people with it. You know, there's some kind of bid out something that's haram that's done in the community. They see the older people doing it, they see their parents doing it, and they're just going to so they can harass these people with it. That's it. That's why they're gathering the information.

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So abou j and who Jamie This is one of the companions will go on. He says I came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he couldn't recognize which was the Prophet Selim. So he said, which of you is Mohammed or the Messenger of Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam pointed to himself? He says, so I came to him and said, O Messenger of Allah, I am from the Bedouin Arabs. And I have their harshness, the crudeness. So give me advice. So notice, the man or the luevano had a problem. And he came to get an A solution because he wants to work on it. So he came to Brazil and said, I'm harsh and crude like the Bedouins. So give me advice. He knows it's not a good thing. So the prophets I

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send them just tells him a few words, a few words, and look how he changed immediately because a few words, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tells him what to say.

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And do not curse anyone. That's all he told. Do not curse anyone. So we'll look immediately what he says. In the narration. He says, For myself up to about the who charlatan, I haven't worn a shirt and well about a year, he says after him, and after that I never cursed anyone, as opposed to them advice, nor a sheep, nor a camel. But a number of things here. The first of them says just a few words in both three words to him. And from that moment, and to the rest of his life, he changed. Three words change someone Why? Because that person wanted to change. If someone doesn't want to change, it's going to be a problem. And that's when you have to you know, go through the

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psychiatrist industry.

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And the guy lays down on the couch and let's go back to your childhood and all kinds of things like that. And yeah, we're not making fun of those things. Some people may have a problem serious enough that they need that. But he just had this harshness and the person I'm giving a quick solution. And look at the result, he says then never cursed anyone after that, but then the person didn't say, doctors animals. He said, Don't curse people. He says I didn't curse people, nor sheep, no camels. Now some people if you tell them don't curse people, they'll curse the car, the door, the house, the cat, the dog will cause everything. rossella didn't say don't curse other things. sudokus people do

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they go around Mashallah, cursing everything they want to curse. But this man added animals to the list as well. Notice he didn't stop cursing for a week. And then he went back to it again, regressed into cursing again. And notice that also he didn't do the thing where you know, let me Chris five times a day for two weeks. And then after two weeks, I'm going to start kissing four times a day, then after three weeks, then just you've seen these people who want to stop cussing, for example, they'll have that jar. And every time they say By the way, they put $1 in the jar and anger is this.

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Or you've probably seen smokers, right? When they want to quit. And you you're tired of hearing about it when people want to quit. And how many times have they quit? If you if you have a family member who smokes or something like that? How many times have they quit

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1000 times 200 times I quit smoking, okay. But then the next day I like couldn't they got stressed, then they quit smoking like got stressed again. And they quit smoking just down here. Just have a small

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you know,

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I'll tell you this, this old lady, one of my professors, the old lady, and I don't remember the exact dates she mentioned. But she said something like this. She said I quit smoking in 1974 July 14 4:30pm

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she remembers the day the minute everything because she had the azima right? Which azeema

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the determination right? So she said I'm going to quit she quit and she even took note of the minute and she quit that's it because she wanted to and now these other people you know the patch them out of the iPad, the shot all these things just to quit. But so you see here with Jerry rogalla and who he stopped immediately from the advice of the prophets Allah so Allah never went back to it. He didn't start to decrease slowly or anything like that. A few words and he changed because he wanted to change. The whole reason he came is that he wanted information that he's going to go and apply and act upon immediately. But

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so you can you can really feel the honesty of the companions just from the way they're asking the question of the love now bus reports that a man came to the profits of the low salon he says oh prophet of Allah, I am an old man who is weak and clam is difficult for me. So point me to a night This isn't Ramadan pointed me to a night in which I might coincide with Layla Takada. So the President tells him adakah be Serbia. So basically, I focus on the seventh night, which will be on the 27th. So the man, he can't do the Korean for all 10 nights, but he wants to put his energy and efforts into one night. He wants advice, a hint from the process alone. So it doesn't the 27th you

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can see how honest he is and sincere he is in the one he is asking the question.

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But not only that, they also asked for more things to do it and more application. So

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Abdullah naam with us.

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He comes to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, look at this now. So he's coming now. And he's saying all messenger of Allah commanded me to fast. He's asking Allah to give him a number of days or a pattern too fast. So the porcelain tells him first one day and you have the reward for nine. Because the first one day, you have the reward for nine days, because it's good deeds multiplied by 10. He says I have strength, so increase me. He doesn't just want to know what for sake of information. What do you suggest what's a good thing to do that he's not going to do? He said commandment to fast. And he also tells him first one day you have the reward of nine. He says I have strength, so increase me.

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So the President tells him first two days and we have the reward for eight days. He says I have more more strength than that. So he says fast for three days and you have the reward for seven. He's, he says he kept me. I kept asking until the profits of the law firm said to me, first the sium of those who would fast one day and break fast the next day. So every other day is the last thing that he agreed upon with the profits of the Law Center. Notice this now. This is Abdullah the son of amrutam Eros, or Bella Han. Later on when I below the line he became older. He became an old man. He said I wish I had taken the advice of the

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profits or losses, it became difficult for him as an old man every other day was difficult. Now this first thing is obligatory upon him. No, he can stop any minute and there'll be no synonym, true or false. Right? But yet he continues, why does he continue? He continues, he says he didn't want to go back on an agreement or like kind of a deal he made with the prophets of Allah Hardison president passed away when we're upon this agreement, I want to keep up on it, even though it's very difficult for me, and I'm an old man. And I wish I took his advice of doing the easier fast, but he kept upon it. So not only do they ask for information, they remained acting upon that they will ask for more,

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but they will keep upon that.

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One of the companions

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Abou fakuma, his name is filburn. He came, he says, a prophet of Allah inform me of an action to do and remain upon. We're just looking at the question, huh, informed me of an action to do and remain upon, it's fantastic, and remain upon

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What's good, and tell us what's good out there. Then the here delegates nice, they walk away, this companions will never like that. And they never say, Oh, that's nice and walked away. And he,

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you know, the Hadith of the Prophet Solomon, he mentioned the 70,000 from his oma who will enter Jenna without any being held accountable, anything like that being taken into account. The most of them said that at night, and it was after a long march as one of the expeditions or has a lot. And for something went in and he fell asleep. The companion stayed up till surgery, even though they were that tired, going back and forth. Maybe it's the people who attended, but maybe it's the people who were born into Islam. Maybe it's the people who did that. Can you imagine? And night after a long day of marching, they couldn't sleep, because this is how they work. They never say, Oh, that's

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nice. That's nice. And many times they say there's this Oh, it's like this nice inflammation. But for them, it wasn't just That's nice. They want to know they want to be from that group. They want to do whatever it takes to become from that group. But

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so so then, the man said, Oh prophet of Allah, this is a faulty motto Earth Oban. He came instead of Prophet of Allah inform you of an action to do and to remain upon. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tells him and aka the sujood, meaning just do a lot of sujood for in Nicoletta citadella. He says that in LA comme la who Bihar Raja hapa, Bihar, Anka, Satya, it says in that do a lot of sujood, because you did not make one frustration for Allah except that Allah subhanaw taala will raise you a rank because of that such de and he will remove one of your sins because of it.

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So that means then that we must be prepared to take in knowledge with the intention of applying that knowledge. So that means when we read the most half, we act on what it tells us to do. Because the commands in it, they're directed to us, they're not talking to someone else. When you read an AI, it's talking to you. So you're supposed to act upon that, or stay away from what it tells you to stay away from. And so, you find also something else is very interesting when you apply and you act upon Allah gives commands that increases you in good and increases you in being steadfast in their religion. Allah subhanaw taala says, In the Quran, when an unknown Duma, you are going to be luckier

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and higher Allah.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says, if they had done what they were told, if they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them, and it would have strengthened their faith. Why should it be, it would have strengthened their faith? So there's other benefit in applying what you learn. But so maybe what are the what are the possible problems of why people don't apply what they learn.

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It could have something to do with

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the way people are brought up and the way people are raised, because it may be that your home or school environment is not one of application. And if you notice it, a lot of the knowledge that we sit down for hours and hours in schools to obtain, especially in the younger ages, a lot of it isn't so you can apply it. It's just information. Right? So people maybe don't have that connection of when you learn something, you should immediately go and apply it. So they learn about dinosaurs. They learned about this and planets. And we're not now saying it's not important. I don't want anyone to misunderstand. We're not saying it's not important information. We're saying it could be

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conducive to people just learning to gather and to absorb and store information and not necessarily act upon it. And so most of the time you learn about this and that and this dinosaur and that kind of star constellation and this and that, and it's nothing that you're going to act upon. It's just you gather information, so then you only grow up when are yours

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Later you start going to Islamic school or weekend Islamic classes, you think it's the same thing just you know, know the Hadith know the ayah. And it's not necessarily about applying it and acting upon it. And you know, any effort or any teachers in the audience or any who teach youth, in part time Islamic schools or anything like that, always apply or make application part of the grade of the student, I'll tell you

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something they used to do with my students. In America.

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We had, we wanted them to learn that applying is part of what you learn. It's not just gathering information on Saturday, you're a good kid, and you go be a punk for the rest of the week or anything like that. So when it was the 10 days of the picture, you know that the the good deeds are most beloved to Allah during the 10 days of the ledger. So before the 10 days came, we gave each student a note card and said, Put your full name on the note card, and then we'll explain to them about the 10 days of the hedger, then we said, write down something that you're going to sincerely do an Excel on during these last during these 10, next 10 days, and don't try to make me and you

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don't try to impress me, think of something that you realistically can do to the best of your ability for the next 10 days. So one kid wrote, I'm not going to watch much on one side, I'm not going to listen to music. One girl said, I'm going to help my mother once and I'm going to read all the Quran with him. Let's review this again. He said 10 years, you know, and there was one who said, I'll read the Koran and this and then what happens after it, we give him back the note card. So we take the note cards from them, then after it, we give it back to them. So okay, this is what you wrote that you're going to excel in the first 10 days, one of them said, I won't curse all kinds of

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things. So then we said, Now give yourself a grade out of 10. Based on how well you did it, just be fair to yourself. And if you obviously some will be easier if the one who said he's gonna return just if you read five will give himself five out of 10. Right. So they give themselves that grade and that grade goes into their gradebook. So now they learn that application is part of learning. It's not just gathering information.

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And you know, I'll just tell you, this guy, this fund that we had, and he this man had the largest tape library I've ever seen Marlin huge, had a whole wall in his apartment, top to bottom side to side, just start with cassette tapes, one after the other. The majority of them he recorded himself. So he attended those lectures. And then another group he just got from elsewhere, but he listened to as well. And he had this guy's knowledge in applications very, very poor. So he was gathering any, that guy was like the epitome or the best example of someone just gathering information. There's tons of information on the world, then he'll ask you a simple question. If you don't like a persona,

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or you love too fast.

00:32:56 --> 00:33:35

It's not covered in this monster of a wall here. You have that information there. But so the person I'm used to seek refuge from a knowledge that does not benefit. Yeah. Mainly I was the becoming element diantha seek refuge from with you from knowledge that doesn't benefit. And this is part of the thing today where you find there's always a guy somewhere where he just gathers facts. And he knows all these useless facts. And also he'll tell you this about the shark and this about that the monarch butterfly does this. And capybara does that all kinds of little facts like this. And he's proud of that he walks around, you know, sharing these useless facts with people. But okay.

00:33:36 --> 00:33:47

Now what, but what I'm trying to say is that the mentality does exist where you just know facts. And it's not really about applying it or not. Okay, but

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But the other thing, perhaps someone may not know, the rewards, and that's why they don't apply. They may not know the rewards. And what is Allah subhanaw taala mentioned reward for us in the Quran. Because Allah really wants to motivate us into action. That's why it tells us the reward for doing something. What if at work, they told you, if you do this thing, we're gonna give you an extra 1000 your paycheck. And every day though there's an extra 1000 for you. Who would stop here? You know, just let's say after that you clock out, there's a half hour thing you do it is 1000 year check. You can do it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, can you get a $5,000? Extra? Who wouldn't

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do it? Okay, well, can I do it twice?

00:34:31 --> 00:34:52

Want to put effort now into it? Or they if they tell you if you do this, we will raise you in rank in the company. Meaning we'll give you a promotion. We'll promote you. Who wouldn't do it we'll be trying to promote. They'll shoot for that office right next to the CEO. I want to be right there. So they'll keep doing it.

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So there are many rewards in the Quran and Sunnah and Hadith to motivate us into action to

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motivate us to work. Each letter in the Quran, for example is 10 in reward and the person is lm could have not told us this advice.

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You read the Quran is good for you, right? But the person tells us you read the Quran and each letter, you get the 10 rewards. So the scholars say they're more than 300,000 letters in the Koran times 10 each. That's over 3 million rewards from reading the Quran. So the reason we have that information is that also it might catapult someone into action might get someone to work and to read, because you get reward for that. so and so. And of course on top of that Allah didn't multiplies for whomever he pleases. For example, let's look at a hadith and look at an example with forgiveness. The prophet SAW a lot of them. He says, Whoever makes will do like mine. So the person

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who made a good will do and will do. It's an act of worship, right? So you do it slowly do it nicely. Don't use too much water. It's an act of worship. A lot of people now think we'll do is about getting wet. You know, and I heard of this guy you you heard the done and there was a barrel of water you stick his right hand and stuck his left hand in the right foot left foot ran now Habibi. It's an act of worship, you know. So the person is saying whatever makes him will do like my goodwill, and praise to look at without talking to himself. What does that mean? without talking to me trying to focus as much as possible, right. So whoever makes will do like mine, and prays to God,

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like meaning like Miami like this will do that I've just made right and praise to rock out without talking to himself, he will have all of his past deeds forgiven.

00:36:34 --> 00:37:12

Right? Now, you would think that something like that all of his past deeds, meaning all of his past minor sins forgiven, just from doing goodwill, do praying only to look at not the whole night in came just to look at, and you try to focus in them as much as possible, you have all your minor sins in the past forgiven. So you think that such vast forgiveness, it would have to be something very difficult, whoever does this for 40 nights will get that, but most of the time, and, and it would be nice if someone does this research, most of the time, when you find Hadith, where there's great reward great forgiveness, you always almost always find that it's a very simple action. Most of the

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time, it's a very simple action. So

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in another Hadith, and it's similar to just to show you rhodiola honor, he said, the problem said, if the Imam says amin then say, I mean, and whoever saying of I mean coincides with that of the injuries, he will have his past sins forgiven. So this is something really easy. I mean, to say, I mean, that can happen to so it's not doesn't mean if there's a great reward has to be difficult task. So now going back to our goodwill do and our to record, this is something really simple. And we're talking about applying what we learn now, is it within our capacity that we all agree today, right now that we're going to do this later on tonight.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:31

Very easy, right? Hello, so we have a deal. Yeah. So all of us, then we're going to go home, we're going to make good we'll do an act of worship, right. And then we're going to pray to rock art and we're going to focus as much as we can. Because, you know, maybe you start praying and then you start thinking of things mom's gonna bring yourself back and focus again, bring yourself back and focus again, just do the best of your ability, not not talk to yourself and in the Salah, and make her to sleep inshallah, for Lex if you have that, that great reward for you, or your past sins forgiven. So it's something very easy, and it's within our capacity to do it. So who knows, we'll

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all do this tonight. Sharla, myself included shall

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another simple. Another thing that's simple to do. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, Whoever eats a meal, we do that, right? Wherever he eats a meal, and then says Alhamdulillah, he led the upper arm and he had what does the funny he mean a very holy mini what a puja.

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warfare Allahu Mata, Tottenham in them, and he will have all his persons forgiven. Shortly, he said after a meal, and hamdulillah a levy of harmony Harada was a colony he in a way the holy mini went up over. That's it. Have your persons forgiven? And how many meals have we had? So you see, now there's something else here. So this is something really great that comes out of something that we do every day. You know, we've probably until this point, we've had two meals, you know, each until now. So you see that the I have your persons forgiven?

00:39:29 --> 00:39:31

So one of the things that's,

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and I'll tell you two things about this, okay. The first thing is that a lot of times you don't

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give the same talk. I see that once and there'll be room of 150 people, one person will come at the end and say, what was that dot one person? The whole lecture over an hour is about applying what we learned one guy out of 150 and one time in Australia was a sister who sent a note. Please say that right? Most of the time, people don't care. And you mentioned the dog

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Unless they memorize it immediately here otherwise,

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most people they sat there listening about into lecture about this and and and applying what we learned and then they heard that and we all eat and we all have meals and we can all say it after one person will come see what was

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longer. The rest is That's nice. That's nice 100 Allah, Allah they

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are so funny humanoid holy mini Wanaka. So

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the important point is this, that when you discover that a lot of great reward tests you by it should hurt. It should hurt. It shouldn't be like Oh, really? She'd be like, yeah, I miss out on so much reward. It could have been doing that for how many years now? I'll give you the example.

00:40:50 --> 00:40:57

This is now honor the Son of side of Nebbiolo Clozaril, Golan Heights as we were sitting with the Latin American

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man who didn't have bad luck, he appears and he says, Yeah, I'm glad. Didn't you hear what Abu hurayrah says? He heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say, whoever leaves with a janazah from its home and prays over it and follows it until burial he will have to karats of reward meaning and then he explains each pirot is the size of the mountain.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:34

And whoever prays over the janazah does it follow it now? He doesn't follow it to the cemetery. He just prays over the janazah and then he returns home. He will have one correct. Okay.

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00:41:39 --> 00:42:09

Amaro dilemma on home, he sent hubbub to ask Ayesha, if this is true or not. So this was the scholar I showed the level and he sends hubbub, ask Ayesha, if what I've already said is true, because I'm delighted that he used to only pray over the janazah. But he wouldn't follow it to the cemetery. If you follow it to the cemetery, you get two amounts of reward each one the size of the entire mountain. And if you only follow it and you only pray over it, then you go do whatever you want to do. You only get one mountain of reward.

00:42:11 --> 00:42:58

So he sends hubbub to check this with our issue. Now this is the interesting part. So during the AMA sits down, and he takes some pebbles in his hand, and he basically is like, no, almost he won't say nervously just playing with these pebbles, because he's awaiting the response of hubbub. How's he going to what is it going to come back with from it? he's anxious waiting for this response. So then hubbub comes back to him saying he says saga Herrera. He says Abu huraira has spoken the truth so It normally takes the pebbles in his hands and he throws him to the ground saying we have let go look at for rock NASA carotid kurita kathira we have let go of many carotid. So look at the election of

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Obama here he discovered that he lost a lot of good reward because instead of just going with with the genetic to the cemetery he's won about his business or went back home and he lost a karate every time and so he threw the pebbles in the ground he said we have lost so many corroborate This is how he reacted when he discovered that he missed out on some reward most people know told me you miss out on certain related look oh,

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they still don't do it in the brain. This is a very big problem. But so

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so let's we said the first problem is perhaps that the you know, the environment the way we're taught and raised isn't that of applications used to gather information, you know, or that a lot of times people may not know the reward of doing a certain action and if had they known the reward perhaps it would have jumped in and that would catapult them into action. So another thing is that sometimes

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people don't want to do except the bare minimum except the words you bought okay any Mr. Hubbard any son anything like that they don't want to do it now of course there's no punishment if they don't do it. But the question is, are we not in need of reward? Why is it the people they are so frugal when it comes to the extra deeds but then with anything else? Yeah And if you tell if you compare it to money you tell somebody do this little act it's gonna save you this much. You know if you put this type of light bulb it will save you this much dollars a year or if you do this little extra thing in your business it'll increase your income by this much do you think they wouldn't do it

00:44:31 --> 00:44:42

I got enough money I'm okay with it. No, when it comes to good deeds extra good deeds a songwriter I don't want to but we do other good things under law we're praying Gemma others 27.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:46

This how they calculated? Yeah. So

00:44:47 --> 00:44:51

the truth is we need of reward shouldn't be like,

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have this kind of dessert when it comes to good deeds.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

You know, zero energy versus I saw

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blooding approaching a man who put his camera on the ground for now, because that's how you that's how you slaughter that's how you kill the camera, it's not really slaughtering, it's narrow, which is basically you poke it at the base of the neck, the neck This is fleshy part, because the whole idea of slaughtering is for the impurities to leave the body. So that's why you know, an animal like with a long neck is like a camel, if you slow up near the head, a may not be enough for all the blood to leave the body. So that's why it's poked at the base of the neck. And it's called now for those who haven't seen it, there's YouTube these days. You see a lot of videos. So in basically any

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camera like any like

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any animal like a camera, like a giraffe, Australia, Okapi if you know what that is, all these animals are killed using now. So this is a man about to do not on his camera, so he had the camel on the ground. So then if you remember says to this man, and just look at the way the way he's wording it you see their love of the sinner. He says about her pm and mocha Hadith and Sunita Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says Abraham and mocha does and it should be standing with its right leg tight. And so when you when you do that, then it falls over on its right side. This was the Sunnah of the Prophet Selim this hadith isn't Buhari now from the way he speaks, you can see his

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love for the sooner the porcelain and you can see the love of the Sunnah in his heart. I mean, right now, it wouldn't have been possible for him to slaughter the animal on on the floor, would still be HoloLens. Right? No problem. But he could have watched him slaughter It's okay. But look how great the center was in his heart. Today, tell someone that you know someone who comes to a group so shaking hands from the left side, it's no big deal. But turn the center and you should do it from the right side. What does it matter? Yeah, yeah, you people, you pick these little things, people are being butchered in this country. And in that, can you tell me how to go from the right side and

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leave the left side. This is how it is these days. Now. This is the center of the profit center. And it's a simple action instead of you doing the same action instead of doing it like this. Do it like this if you get rewarded. What's the problem with that? There has to be someone not dying anyway before you start shaking from the right hand.

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00:47:22 --> 00:47:24

okay, so

00:47:26 --> 00:47:38

be Rafa again, just to show you how much again, how they loved the sooner the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. raffia he says I prayed a lot ama with Abu hurayrah and

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Ira a lot of math one and item his ratio prayer. He says I pray that Atma any shalom in the audience, you probably say, all right for night. Yeah. Okay. For

00:47:52 --> 00:48:05

a bullet that says I pray the Atma with Abu huraira. So he prayed with an inch of cup. It is Mr. Jacques, so he made the jute. So it says so I said after the solo. What is that? And it's a good the frustration of

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of a tilava. Right. He makes the dude with the recitation. So I said what is that? So then Aveda says I made this sujood behind a Wilkerson. And remember what what we're talking about our subheading now is the extra good deeds, right? people not being frugal with that. So he says I prayed I made this video behind a world class in solo bajada. Who said none, for now as I asked you to be her hat. He says I made this this sujood while praying with the profits are so low, and I will keep doing it until I meet him. Something I learned from the wrestler, I'm gonna keep doing it.

00:48:43 --> 00:49:04

It doesn't matter now. obligatory should not they look that was enough. And again, just as a note here, and maybe we said this before when we're doing sort of a no. But what the amazing things about the companions is that there is not a narration where they ever ask the processor lamb or prophet Alicia, don't do this. Don't do it. Or macro.

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They never asked that. Because if you said no, no, if you said yes, yes. They never said is this macro? Or is this Hara and this is what the question is today. The question is, is it haram? It's always is it haram to do something or not? And then the youth will come to you most of the time. The question is or is it haram? Black? Always it's never How can you do this? And how do you pray? What's the etiquette for dogs? It's always is it halal or haram? Because they were taught Islam is a bunch of lists of things that are halal and haram. And most of the question is it haram so they'll come to you is it haram to do this? You don't know it's micro. So the guy smiles. So it's not how

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the means is not haram but a smoker. It's disliked, it's hated.

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But it's not how that's all go on and make sure it's not Haram. The scholars say constant falling into the mccoo will pull you into falling into the trap isn't enough for you that Allah dislike something sleeping on your stomach Nakuru

00:50:00 --> 00:50:31

There's no, you're not, there's no Hadith or narration or anything that says, you'll be under the threat of being punished for sleeping on your stomach. Because it's only macro. That's the definition of macro. If you do it, you're not under the threat of being punished. But if you leave it out of obedience, you get reward. So there's no punishment for sleeping on your stomach. No mentioned punishment, for drinking with your left hand. But yet, people, they just, it's not heroin, call us It doesn't matter in front of the guy on his stomach, no problem.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:35

Like, so.

00:50:36 --> 00:51:11

So other reasons for not, you know, practicing or applying what we learn could be the environment. And if you grow up in an environment, or if in your mustard, there's this atmosphere where, you know, things, nobody acts upon it, and no one expects people to do, what's the proper thing in this situation, or that situation. Or it could be also like, there isn't a leadership or a role model. And or you're an environment where application is rare. It's just about gathering information, or young men that gather information, and they come and debate and fight over who knows more and all that. But nobody acts upon anything.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:43

So the environment the scholar see is extremely important. And change it if it's not a good one, because your environment is going to affect you. And but of course there is there's no detail, but the scholars say especially in our times are fewer righteous people. And people have become so used to that, which is how people the harm is very common. People are very used to it. And it's part of daily life. Now, sometimes when people discover things that are wrong, a lot of times you hear this, they took a breath, how could it be haram? Everyone's doing it?

00:51:44 --> 00:52:25

Is there a condition for something to be haram and no one's doing it, then it's Haram. But they're so used to things happening. So used to things they become part of life, that people would even refuse to change, that object would refuse to change that belief. Whatever it is, even if it's issues like you should, you would imagine it would be simple for a Muslim, though, keep statues in the house, you know, oh, why not? An art and you people don't appreciate art. You don't have a sense of this, and that and all kinds of things. One guy told me I say these are the angels and specifically here the angels of my life to Rama. They don't enter a house with those pictures and

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images and statues, things like that. Now, of course, not all angels, because if and if the angels didn't is Angel of Death wouldn't enter a house with pictures with Oh have pictures in the house. I feel very safe in here. But medacta Rama remember one one grown man who said this time he said they don't want to the house or meet them in the front yard.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:48

Okay, make fun, make fun.

00:52:49 --> 00:52:51

But so

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many scholars use as an example, that if the if it's a bad environment, then you need to change it.

00:53:01 --> 00:53:26

And if you were raised in Harlem or anything like that, it's not an excuse to continue in the huddle. They use the the proof, the bill case, the queen of Yemen, that she was affected by her environment. Allah subhanaw taala says In short, the number was sub Baha McCann at abdomen dunlea in Canada when combing Catherine, so that what diverted her or moved her away from

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and she was she was moved away by what she used to worship besides Allah, then it's as if Allah tells you want us to worship something besides a lot in common common Catherine, it used to be for people who knew they had the Shere Khan had those things in most of the time you expect the guy growing up in an environment of idol worship to be an odd worshiper. And that's why monks to companions was a small number, whenever bowed down to idols, because it's the effect of the environment by

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So you notice that any anyone with bad companions or bad environment is encouraged to leave that in gut environment or that group if possible, you look at the Hadith of the man who killed 99 or though he killed 100. The advice given to him was to leave the place where he did the crimes, because there are wicked people there who will assist of that and remind them that the streets maybe everything will remind him of that crime. So he was advised to leave that area and go to another environment, a better environment.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:43

So that means that you change your surroundings now. And the person also told us that the man and morality know that the man is upon the religion of his close friends, so you should be careful who your close friends are

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now, and also the hadith of agilysys Allah is also one of those that everyone is supposed to make you memorize as a child in most Muslim countries and yet, you find the guy hanging out with bad guys and so one affect me, but didn't you learn daddy?

00:55:00 --> 00:55:46

So the first element this Hadith, he must he compares method is called the parable or the comparison of a good friend. And a bad friend is that to the Annie, Harmon, and misc is the guy who sells an oil, or perfumes in our days and colognes. And ethical care is the bellow blower that's that that leather object that you use to to increase them to blow air onto the coal, the blacksmith would use it to make it red hot. So that the processor Lem now is saying that the good friend is like the the musk carrier or anyone who does colognes and odors. And the bad friend is like the below blower. And one of the explanations to the Hadith is that there's no way that you would enter upon a musk

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carrier or someone who sells old and ethercon perfumes or colognes, except that you smell something good, right? Even if you pass for a second, either he's gonna give you a sample to try out, or you're just going to smell something good in that place. So there's no way he can pass by his place and not smell anything good.

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And, or you might come out with buying something, so you get a lot, or you can get the least case, so you have a good friend, he's gonna affect you, some people be affected a lot, or at least gets you affect you in a positive way a little bit. And there's no way you can walk into the blacksmith and not be affected somehow, by being with no one can enter into a blacksmith shop, well, we don't we don't have them anymore. At least not here, for the most part, right. Or maybe there's the blacksmith section at Walmart in the back, you go take your horse there, you don't have that. But for the most part, it would be hard for you to walk in with the clothing and just walk out

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unaffected totally. First of all, there's cold, it's very hot, there's fire, so you're gonna feel the heat, there's no you're gonna walk through and not feel anything, you're good, you're gonna feel the heat, or the many sparks flying around, and something might fall on you, or something might burn you or him because he's in the heat he might smell you're gonna catch a whiff of his odor. So there's no way you're gonna walk and be near that person without getting something bad. And so the same thing with a bad companion, there's no way you're going to be around the bad companion. And nothing bad's gonna happen to you. And does it mean that if you hang out with someone, you'll be

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exactly like how they are. But something bad's gonna happen to you from that. And you'll find, I'll just give you some extreme examples that you find the guy who hangs out with people who smoke or do drugs, for example, and he doesn't do drugs, but then they start using all these arguments like you know, marijuana is not as bad as nicotine, and nicotine is legal. And it's only because of politics, man, that marijuana is this and that he starts to take these arguments and start to sympathize with them. So the youth Eonni is an extreme example, just so they don't forget it. That young man who is straight might hang out with some gay friends, doesn't mean you're going to become gay. That's one

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thing you might be talking suddenly your risk might drop.

00:58:00 --> 00:58:10

You know, you might sympathize with them. Many times you feel you see people they tell you, they're nice people. They're polite, what's wrong with them? They sympathize because they've been around them. But

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the exceptions are if the bad environment is created by your parents, or if you're your wife's parents, or your husband's parents, something like that, if they're not religious here, you don't just sever the relationship, you just pack your bags and move to the next town. Right here. The scholars say you resist, and you resist and advise at the same time, because some people they advise, but they don't resist, and others don't advise and they resist. You see, I am going to whatever, they're going to all go to a party. So the guy would resist, he won't go with them. But he won't advise them Don't go, it's Haram, there's going to be music, there's going to be

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intermingling. There's going to be smoking, there's going to be he doesn't advise, he just resists to the scholar say you resist and you advise as well. If this bad environment is created by family members or relatives, you don't just sever and you pack your bags and move to Edmonton or anything like that.

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00:59:17 --> 00:59:18

Okay, let's

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but other other obstacles to applying what we learn is sometimes people are not even realistic in applying the knowledge. Yeah, and he, you know, especially when people start becoming practicing, and they want to do as much as possible. So you find them attempting huge quantities and they try to do too much worship. What usually happens is that they burn out and then they stop and they give up all the acts of worship. So the lesson we learn is again from the lab nominate us. When the Presidents seldom heard of his of his deeds, so the problem comes to him and he says, was not informed that you pray the night and you fast during the day. So the first thing is checking because

00:59:59 --> 01:00:00

the full

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narration is that he got married, last got married his father

01:00:07 --> 01:00:11

in law, sort of the law and he came to see his son's wife.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:19

And he asked her how is how did you find out the lung and he has a husband? How is he? And she said that, you know,

01:00:20 --> 01:01:02

in a roundabout way, she kind of complained that he never comes to his bed at all, because he's standing all night in prayer. And of course, during the day, he's fasting. So there is no time for his wife now. And this is a newlywed, by the way. So we see also how they loved worship. Most people knew he was Salah, what's that? Forget, we want to be with the wife all the time. So here, you see also in the narration, even though the person was going to correct what he's doing, you see, still his love for worshiping Allah. So then the Abdullah asked us to tell the person some of that person comes in he checks first, which is beautiful. He checks first when I was informed that you pray the

01:01:02 --> 01:01:24

night and you fast during the day. And I said he says in the narration I said in the fo Delica I do that. So then the postman advises him, he says For inika, either psychedelica hjem. At ionica. Whenever we had Neff suka with we're in the pniewska, how can we have one for our tea? Oh, no, that was enough

01:01:25 --> 01:01:26

for us to

01:01:27 --> 01:01:31

wasum. One. Okay, so proselytism, if you do that,

01:01:33 --> 01:01:33


01:01:34 --> 01:02:11

I know that you would become tired from doing that spraying the whole night in prayer, you'd become tired from that unless you had enough. So can you become get bored or get tired of that, so sleep part of the night and breakfast some of the days. And then he tells him that the valley upon your body, your body has a right upon you and your wife has a right upon you. And so give every one of them their rights. Notice the president didn't tell him stop what you're doing. He just basically tweaked it, he didn't tell him stop. And this is what happens today. If there's a young man is trying to do this act of worship, that act of worship, what happens, it's time to stop. And

01:02:11 --> 01:02:32

sometimes parents will say just stop what you're doing. And you know, the examples that many mothers give their children when the children start to become religious, they start to tell them. I don't know if this really happens very much in western countries, but in a lot of Arab countries that happens. And in many in many Arab countries, they think that becoming religious makes you go crazy. Yeah, I've ever heard this.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:41

In Sudan, they really, really believe that if you go you become very religious, you really, really lose your mind.

01:02:43 --> 01:02:46

How was a teenager, I was dealing with the Indian garbage.

01:02:49 --> 01:03:25

And it's not true. There's no such thing. How can you get closer to Allah you lose your mind? You go to nightclubs for years, nothing happens to you consequences that make so many mothers, will you find them worried that their child will go crazy because they're becoming religious? And then so they tell them always to do the bare minimum? Right? So they tell them just fast in Ramadan in prayer five daily prayers do not do. Do not go overboard with the religion. Many mothers give this advice, just fasting and prayer five prayers and don't make things difficult my son now they want the bare minimum with their religion and we'd love still waiting for the day when we see a mother

01:03:25 --> 01:04:07

who wants the bare minimum for the dunya for her child. She comes upon him is studying Muslim are you studying so much she's read a little bit I want you to get by with C minuses just barely pass all your classes, finish high school him to let them in a McDonald's around go there. start flipping hamburgers. No, they want the best grade and they want him to finish high school and after that go to college and college go to university then get a master's degree then because get a PhD. You want the bare minimum with the religion and with the deen dunya. But with their Deen, just skip by five daily prayers and this and that. So the process didn't tell him to stop. He just tweaked it. So it's

01:04:07 --> 01:04:08

he doesn't burn himself out.

01:04:10 --> 01:04:21

So Allah the scholar he, he comments he says from the benefits of this Hadith, that whoever does too much meaning more than what is required is likely to have a flaw. And an in it

01:04:23 --> 01:04:37

is encouragement to continue on worship and in the body. The problem can encourage him to continue in worship, because as much as it's this like for him to over exert himself. It's also encouraged him.

01:04:40 --> 01:04:51

He's saying that as much as it's just like for him to over exert himself. He also encouraged him to just decrease Yanni. He didn't say stop. He just decreased it to something that's reasonable. But

01:04:54 --> 01:04:55

I'm starting to have

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

a lot of time

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

I won't take obviously all that long

01:05:09 --> 01:05:50

enough, sometimes it's just weak belief in general, you know, weak belief in the judgment of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's why sometimes people become surprised when they when they hear how overbook are the law and he gave all his wealth in charity. And Omar gave all his wealth, half of everything that he had. So imagine now the next fundraising dinner, you know, there's a fundraising, you go to your bank, take out all the money in your bank account. So we're going to give this today for the Minister for charity now, and God forbid, your wife founds out that's another story. The lecture will get from her, you know, by the way, now, besides the joke, that's why the poster lamb

01:05:50 --> 01:05:57

gave the woman advice to give in Sabah, okay, so they don't become stingy like that. So

01:05:59 --> 01:06:37

anyhow, could work with the law and get everything that he has. Now we know, we've heard the story so many times that we don't really contemplate it anymore. It's like, Oh, you know, what, give all he had or gave half that he had. And, but but if you give half, you have one time, then you see what it's like. It's not easy, very difficult. But what made them do something like that? What is the motivation behind that? And you find that it's strong man, and firm belief in Paradise and the reward coming later on. And you see this in many examples. For example, I may have known her mom, when the President told them, this isn't the Battle of better arise to a paradise, who's with us is

01:06:37 --> 01:07:20

that of the heavens and the earth? So there was a young man here, and he was eating some dates. So when he asked the president and said, that's how, why these gentlemen is, for some time, yes. So then he kept eating the dates, then he has a few days to finish and go into battle. He says, If I live until I finish all these dates, and this will be a really long life. Why? Because it's right there for him. Yeah, for him. It's right there. The belief the certainty that your pain is so much that it's right there, and I can't, if I finish these days, and then go to this gender, this is a long life. agenda is right there. So he drops his his dates, and he goes immediately. So this is the

01:07:20 --> 01:08:00

level of impact. If you have that level of emotion, you would naturally see it followed by action. If you have that level of EMI, it would naturally be followed by action. For example, I'm going to demo for the low on who he wanted to go to the Battle of his children stopped him then he went to the processor lab, and he tells the porcelain Look, he's waiting you see the screen and how he certain of the province of Allah. He says he had the limp. So he tells the professor lamb he doesn't want to be killed in this battle today and entered into with this very limp of mine. So how see how close it was for him. He wants to know I want to be killed and enter Jenna with this limp. It's like

01:08:00 --> 01:08:06

so close for him. And that's why he's jumped into action immediately.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:51

And also only when the problem died from Ayman receives the news of the death of process lm from Oh burger, and from oma. So then she cries but not listen, why should she cried? She cried not because of the physical departure of the person, lamb and him not being with them on earth physically. She says she's crying because the revelation has ceased. Can you imagine someone crying because of that, because the revelation stop news from the heavens now stopped. And she wanted to benefit and learn more and act upon more, which is the opposite today. People know they don't want to know what Islam says or says on an issue, because they don't want to abide by it. And when one of the Musharraf

01:08:51 --> 01:09:19

scholars that I met who deals with finance, he says a lot of businessman and by the way, there are many violations and businessmen do when it comes to the rules of Islamic Finance and so on. He says many people come to check with me, he says, When I speak to them, they're wincing like this. They don't want to hear that this is how we're not permissible. And some people won't go and ask because they know the, the answer will be don't do it. The answer they don't want to apply. I remember one guy,

01:09:20 --> 01:09:25

he wanted to do something, and everyone kept telling him praise to her. And he just kept refusing. Because

01:09:26 --> 01:09:42

Because he knew that it wasn't a good thing anyways, but he just insisted, he doesn't want to apply when he knows he should do, or they don't want to hear the ruling on a situation because they know it's going to stop them. I didn't want to apply what they learned. But

01:09:47 --> 01:10:00

one of the other things, and this is not none of a very serious one, but some people have this. It's a very bad kind of humility. So they give up extra good deeds, and they give up applying what they learn in

01:10:00 --> 01:10:36

General, some people will tell you things like I'm not a leader, not a role model. I'm not a teacher, I'm not an athlete. I'm just a normal person. So I'm not expected to have high levels of worship. And that's for the molana. And the guys who, whose beards are over three inches long I need those guys, they pray, the sooner they pray at night, I'm just a regular guy, I go go to work nine to five. I don't have to do any of that. So of course, there is no such thing any. And you don't have to be a half as or anything to pray at night, you can just repeat one, not one sort of one verse, you can repeat it the whole night. And this person did that many companions did that one

01:10:36 --> 01:11:13

verse that keep repeating it the whole night, no big deal. It has to be half as anything else. So the point they miss is that they do things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and not for other people. And others, they will stop doing a good thing because out of again, this bad kind of humility. So if I pray, the sooner these brothers might think I'm praying, the sooner just to show off to them. So it skips spraying the sun. Right. And this is kind of what the scholars say about the issue of, you know, when the shavon tricks you into living a good deed, just like when if you know how some people pray quickly, right? So the guys praying quickly, and then when people entered

01:11:13 --> 01:11:16

the room, suddenly the prayer changes. Oh,

01:11:18 --> 01:11:22

Mashallah slow movements coming up nice. And he's playing like this before.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:55

And suddenly he had the door open to people walking, alone even show love beautiful voice all of a sudden, nice, slow movements, right? Because now he's beautifying his prayer for them. You guys know that old joke right about this with the guy who was praying to show off to two other guys. And they were really impressed by sola. So they kept praising him look at Mashallah hope his back is straight. And he's getting happy and have a look how he comes up from how straight he is and Looker. And then he wanted them to praise him even more so in the middle of his salary agenda. And he said, by the way, I'm also fasting.

01:11:57 --> 01:11:57


01:12:01 --> 01:12:03

so what happens is the reverse, yeah.

01:12:05 --> 01:12:31

What happens is the reverse sometimes people, they are praying nice and slow, until people enter the room, they start to pray quickly. Because now they're gonna think I'm praying slow to show off to them. So I'm going to pray quickly enough to show up to them. That's gonna say both people chip on trick them. And the one who is not trick but the shaitaan is one who neither changes know, the speed doesn't make it faster, nor slower. It just keeps doing it the same way, same way he was doing. But

01:12:32 --> 01:12:55

also one of the other problems. And you find this with many people in sha Allah, nobody in the room, but some people have too much hope. Right? They are very hopeful that they're going to enter into paradise. There's so awful that they have no fear of the hellfire. And will lay there's some people who say things like, yeah, and some people will say things like, who will enter general if we don't enter it go for

01:12:57 --> 01:13:10

what kind of a statement is that? And you think somebody has to be in Jenna saga, we first got to be us. This guy's so hopefully, he's thinks he has a pass to gin. You know, and that's why

01:13:12 --> 01:13:30

Allah subhanaw taala. He mentioned agenda and not balanced. He mentioned them an equal number of times to keep you balanced. You mentioned just Jen now and never no mention of now, no one would be bearish on, anyone would have too much hope. Nobody would fear the punishment of a loss of a job. And so.

01:13:32 --> 01:13:55

So people, you know, they keep doing things with, you know, with the oldest hope that and you see, you see all kinds of things in this life. people sell commit suicide. A person who commits suicide, the punishment is that he will be killing himself that same way, for all eternity. And the guy who shot his brains out will be shooting his brains out for all eternity. This will not understand why I did it.

01:13:56 --> 01:14:20

And understand why everybody did it. They still going to be in that situation or the villa. Ma someone. This is true. I met someone who doesn't pray. Okay. And he just feels that his heart is very good. And this guy genuinely believes and he told me it's grown man to not a kid genuinely believes he says we will enter Paradise before those who pray and wear hijab and fast and do all these things.

01:14:22 --> 01:14:37

He's so sure this what is this if it's not too much hope. And so he doesn't want to apply what he learns is when it's spring into action, because I'm glad to see all these guys praying and doing all this stuff. We're gonna go to Agenda before those guy. He's so sure, boy.

01:14:39 --> 01:14:40


01:14:42 --> 01:14:44

I just pray to a lady not looking upwards that those guys

01:14:45 --> 01:14:51

all right. So, you know, it's something very interesting. He loves to say.

01:14:52 --> 01:15:00

He's to say how can you laugh when you're not sure of any of your prayers have ever been accepted? Right? And laugh when you though when you know that you've been told

01:15:00 --> 01:15:25

For sure that you're going to pass over the Hellfire, but you are not assured that you will be safe from it. And he too much hope he's saying everything and Allah subhanaw taala promised in general that everyone's gonna pass over the hellfire. When men come in lavaredo in the Koran, you're gonna pass over the hellfire. So you know for sure everyone is going to pass over it. So he says, you know for sure that you're going to pass over it, but no one assured you you're not going to fall into it.

01:15:27 --> 01:15:39

You have so much hope than by excuses and photo searches. This is also another reason why people may not put their knowledge into action or apply it. Because now of course there's a fatwa upon for everything.

01:15:40 --> 01:16:17

And then someone will just say I heard someone say that some chef somewhere said this is halal. The guy will jump on it immediately. will not get any it's becoming so ridiculous. Now people don't even care when they get the fatwa from. I remember in the states some years ago there was this whole issue with stem cell research and all that and all the Christians are getting upset about stem cell and and so Muslims in the halaqaat would be sending questions about stem cell research, Helen is the guy's not even in the Research Division. He just wants to know so this year Jose and he looked so many things people don't know now but now Muslims are asking about stem cell research. Is it halal

01:16:17 --> 01:16:26

or haram? Just because in the media, it's a big issue. So remember this doctor, we used to work for a radio station Islamic radio station, this doctor she

01:16:28 --> 01:16:32

Yeah, and you don't want to be condescending. But I don't know what this lady knows about this law.

01:16:33 --> 01:17:09

She doesn't want a job or anything. She gets on a radio show to talk about a totally different subject. People start calling it doctor a stem cell research holler. This was a fatwa that our Mushaf refused to answer because because you need to look into the study as it should because it's good. That research good comes out of it. If you will Exactly. Look at Dr. Solomon. They don't care who they get the information from. They don't care. You know. And like I said, literally will lie. You'll hear someone say I heard someone say that. There's some chef some work who said it's hella the guy will jump on it. No research. No, who is the chef? Let's read his argument nothing. Because

01:17:09 --> 01:17:32

people just don't want they want any excuse not to do something. And a lot of times excuses are a legitimate need for a big wall in Virginia the good brothers with but if it wasn't a good brothers, and it would be okay nothing surprises you but the only those who that we we don't ever present sort of a log we consider them good brothers started to buy homes with mortgages. So you say to them,

01:17:33 --> 01:17:36

hey, Jews, it's not permissible and stuff. So I pray this to her.

01:17:38 --> 01:18:03

And eliminated possible. Is that what is the hardest for? Is it so I could it's like almost like a you know, you ask for direction if Allah told you something is wrong. Do you need direction after that? It's like a guy putting his cold beers here. He prays to God, Allah says good for me drinking this beer, and he comes Bismillah you don't do something that's haram already, but it was just an excuse, really, they know it, but it's just an excuse. You know,

01:18:09 --> 01:18:57

the only the scholars say lace akula alaafin. caja matava in the philosopher who have gone in and nagari Yanni, not any, not any argument, or disagreement between scholars, and it gets its share of any is going to be taken into consideration, except an argument that has its share of any good logic and good evidence. So not just anything that you hear. And you know, and one of the scholars said that if you gather every odd and strange footwork to live upon you will be upon something that's evil in the end, and there is a scholar that said dog meat is hella This is not some deviant. This is a genuine scholar. He said dog meat holla right now, what's his proof is proof is weak. That's

01:18:57 --> 01:19:18

why his argument doesn't stand. You don't say well, some scholar actually did say it and he was a good and reputable scholar Rahim Allah, somebody's dog me and neighbor's poodle look out. Yeah, you you're not going to consider it because it doesn't have evidence one of the one of the scholars and these are true for Tao from genuine not from deviance. This is one of the scholars said Your mother has to wear hijab in front of you.

01:19:19 --> 01:19:31

Another scholar said, we'll this one we want to do this. Now on the deviant side. He said, a woman can wear a wig over her hair and walk out in public. She's not showing her hair.

01:19:33 --> 01:19:59

Same thing as it's the same thing. Nobody knows it's a wig. whole idea of the beauty, the adornment. You do that for your wife that just want to misguide other people, and when so then excuses fatawa you know, you can do something and then people tell you that there's a chef that said, just leave it and people use these things as excuses for not applying what they learned meaning especially here, when it comes to doing something that's Haram, they'll jump into it because his effort was somewhere

01:20:00 --> 01:20:11

You know, there was a, there was a mustard in one area where you go to them and they'll tell you that rubber, it's hard to deal with rubber. So everyone who wants to buy a home, guess which mustard he went to?

01:20:12 --> 01:20:49

They will go there. And he said, I went to the masjid. And I asked the chef, and he I know why you drove in your gut in your car and went to that Miss, sometimes Did you go to the other ship? Did you do any research? You know, you know. And it's a karma for those people who have homes already. Some of the scholars say you might have an excuse with a larger agenda. If you did something. And you did you follow the footwear that you even read the federal law. I know people who just didn't even read the footwear that said the mortgage is okay. That you said some just said it. But he did put conditions in his photo, did you see it? Did you read it? Like Did you look into it? Do you just

01:20:49 --> 01:21:02

went into it, then you may have had an exclusive with a larger deal if you would have just done some research. So this guy gets in his car goes to this place because they're gonna say it's hot. So that's his excuse for them for not applying what he knows is the right thing to do.

01:21:03 --> 01:21:25

But also, you know, the other thing is like, and these are of the lesser reasons why people don't apply with the learn. We there's this mentality of either doing something 100% or zero, don't do it. Do it 100% or don't do it. And this is of course, is incorrect understanding you do what you can and you apply what you can. And if we're doing some bad deed

01:21:27 --> 01:21:51

is better than doing all bad deeds. And this is one of the tricks of the shaytaan right? Someone does a bad deed. Then he comes to pray she thought were you praying? Look what you did last night. Now you can to pray someone like you should never so he lives Salah. But be someone who prays and you did that bad deeds better than make it all bad. So for example, you will find that,

01:21:52 --> 01:22:25

for example, someone will want to learn in the masjid that you shouldn't have your clothing rack dragging below your ankle. So they'll come home and tell his wife, you know, this is what I heard from authentic bodied person and said, your clothing should not drag below your ankles. So I'm going to show you all my clothes. So then she tells him do and grow your beard. Hmm. The apparel the first salon the masjid. So then she says to mention all the above that he does, so he leaves doing that. But because I don't grow my beard because I don't have to do all the other bad things as well. It's not It's not good logic here.

01:22:26 --> 01:22:37

But of course we're not making excuses for those kids who want to grow their hair long and they don't pray. They grow their hair long. It's the center and then they don't pray that Habibi. So praying First, let's talk about the center.

01:22:40 --> 01:22:47

No fear of sending anything when it comes to applying what we learned here meaning applying or stopping or not doing what's prohibited even though

01:22:49 --> 01:23:13

he's it says that a believer treats a sin as if it were a mountain over his head that may fall on him at any moment. Try to picture that Yeah, the mountains over your head that might fall and crush you any moment. Then he says whereas a regular violator, someone who sins constantly, he looks at it as a fly his sins as a fly that perched on his nose. And he went like this with it away with his hat.

01:23:14 --> 01:23:17

And if a fly ever sits on your nose, is this a big deal gun, it

01:23:19 --> 01:23:46

felt like it's a cobra sat on your nose, you tell everybody about today a cobra set on my head. It's a big deal. The flies go like this, you move about your business isn't as good as describing that's how people are. And they're constantly sinning. So it doesn't matter to them anymore. Or the believer, he treats it like a mountain, it's gonna fall on him and crush. So when people have this fear of falling into sins, fear of their bad deeds, they apply what they learn unless don't do something they don't do it, you know,

01:23:47 --> 01:24:28

but also feeling the greatness of rewards the profits that allows themselves to things. There is no man and apologize. And if the lecture is a bit dry. Yeah. Just like we said in the beginning. Yeah, I'm trying to look at analysis of practical steps and there isn't much room to throw in job stories, anything like that we're trying to see, because this is a big problem. And we don't want to be from that group. But so the column now look at this ad. You said two things that is no man who remains upon them. Except he will enter us whom is your woman? yamalube mahina Polly, whom is here, it's a really easy these two things.

01:24:29 --> 01:24:59

But those who do it for me, I'm going to be calling in those who do this are few. So now immediately again, when we hear this word few, we sit up we want to be from the few person who was already telling us that easy, the easy, but few people do it. So now before I say nothing, okay? It's like if it's easy, why do a few people do it? So let's see what they are. First, Adam said at the end of the Salah, you said better 10 times Subhanallah 10 times and that hamdulillah 10 times

01:25:00 --> 01:25:28

And allow 10 times 10. Okay, this is also valid, there's the 3333 33. And there's 10 1010, there's 2525 2525, this is valid, very easy, much easier than the 33 takes one third the time taken for that. So now, at the end of each slot to panela, 10 times 110 times a lot, but 10 times that is 150 on the tongue, and 1500 on the scale, how do we get 250

01:25:31 --> 01:25:50

turns that look at five prayers. So that's 150 on the tongue 1500 on the scale, why? Because Allah multiplies the good deed by 10. So 1500 on the scale, then when you go to bed at night, Subhan Allah 33 times 100 100 let's say three times and a lower bar

01:25:51 --> 01:26:02

34 Times up, and that's 100 on the tongue 1000 in reward, which of you Then which of the people who can which 2500 cents per day,

01:26:03 --> 01:26:14

this is 2500 reward, it would remove 2500 cents per day, nobody can use it as a foreigner cents per day, if you've got a major, major problem.

01:26:15 --> 01:26:34

But actually, maybe some people do. Thanks to the media now, someone will do something Haram. On screen millions of people see you get millions of bad deeds. And it was one of the art was saying and you for sisters, if you appear in front of the TV, you know, a million viewers will see you without your job, you get a million cents. So what he was saying,

01:26:35 --> 01:27:19

if she uncovered the two men who get sent for each of them, she did it for 500,000 look at the sin. But but so beyond that, then of the normal people who commits 2500 sins a day, but that's 2500 words from this. So then now, the Hadeeth he was the President was asked key for home is your home if Alabama today? And how is it that they're easy? Because they're easy, and few people do it? So they're asking him, how is it that it's easy, and few people do it? Then the postman said the shaytaan comes to one of you when he's done with prayer and reminds him of such and such. So he gets up without saying them in the Salah, you're done. And he notices a lot now after the Salah people

01:27:19 --> 01:27:26

before they do this be either if it's not that, you know you have to go move your car that's parked incorrectly, whatever it is, people are talking to each other.

01:27:27 --> 01:27:41

Just one guy you know when you pray, and people make this bet just one guy has to say one word, and they will start speaking this bedtimes over finishes this bit. Yeah, so inshallah now afternoon Primavera boo finish that is B. So

01:27:42 --> 01:28:22

So the President is saying, he remember he said, it's easy, but few people do it. Why the few people do it, because you finish the solution comes to your mind, you have this issue and have that issue. So he gets up without saying them. And when he lies down to go to sleep shaytan comes to him. But the person have used the word in Arabic, he says Pharaoh no wimo. Right. So he, which really means like, he starts to put him to sleep, he lowers him to sleep almost. So he makes effort to put this man to sleep. And so the man goes to sleep without making this simple test. you toss and turn all night, the minute you want to make this bit shorter in the middle. So

01:28:23 --> 01:28:24

you're gone.

01:28:25 --> 01:28:52

Tom will come and try to put you to bed. And if he could physically do this, too, he would do it. Just so you don't do it. So that as the headset home is here, only if Alabama clean, simple things, but few people do it alone. It's painful, isn't it? Doesn't it hurt? To hear this today? It hurts. And neither easy? and few people do it. But what if it was hard? Nobody would do it. It's easy. And few people do

01:28:53 --> 01:29:01

this, and not even going to the 33 just the 10 will let you know how many seconds it takes you to do that stuff. Not in probably 30 seconds.

01:29:03 --> 01:29:33

span a lot handler log parser panel and handler. Just keep going. You done it when 30 or 40 seconds. Who am I see? Oh, my fob mockery. It's easy and few people doing because chiffon. And the Chapin keeps using old tricks and they keep working. You know, it's a bad thing, right? When the old trick works. If if he gets you with a new one, he would like at least you got me there. That's a new one. But he gets you with the old ones every time it's set by

01:29:35 --> 01:29:39

which means then another obstacle in and of itself is the shape on you know.

01:29:41 --> 01:30:00

And of course, as you know, the influence of shapes on isn't great over people. Right? And that's why nobody uses shape on as an argument against the law on the day of judgment because he doesn't have much influence over you. And that's why the province of Salem also in the Quran never blamed the baddies on the shaper because all he does, he suggests and you

01:30:00 --> 01:30:40

Take the suggestion or leave it. Right? That's what a lot the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say in every one of his hopper when he was a builder, hey, Misha, Rory, and fusina. When we say, We seek refuge with Allah from the evil within ourselves, and then the result of that the result of the evil within herself is and from the evil of our deeds. So the evil of your deeds comes as a result of the evil of yourself. It's not the shape or even the shape on in the day of judgment. He uses the argument against people. He says, in America out to come first legitimately, I invited you and you responded to the invitation for tomorrow morning, early morning Memphis. says Don't Don't blame me

01:30:40 --> 01:31:18

blame yourselves. See the ship on now. He's using the same I said, I just suggested things. I didn't force you. Shadow doesn't pull your hands and make you do something. You only suggest that's why it's not a strong argument. And he doesn't have much influence over you know, there's a special shape when it comes to in your solar. This is the guy that comes to you with great business ideas. The minute you say Allahu Akbar, great our ideas, anything just to take you away from your focus in Salah. This is the one who comes to the sisters. And he doesn't the food is burning in the oven they go it's not even half done yet. But it's almost burning in salon because of this guy discovers say,

01:31:19 --> 01:31:24

the process and lamb and the person explained how to get rid of him right? We do.

01:31:26 --> 01:31:38

You say aluminum stano gene and then you do spittle. spittle is like an oil. It's like air and spit like that. If you really bothers you, Hawk one up.

01:31:40 --> 01:31:51

And just kidding. So you just show him and spittle to a left discover, say another way to get rid of him. Guess what it is supposed to just focus. That's it.

01:31:53 --> 01:32:11

Focus, he'll go away. He doesn't have control over you. He's not holding you like this focus, he goes away. You say Nah, or just focus, he'll go away. Because they don't have much influence over you. So anyways, this is one of the obstacles, obviously. But he's not, he doesn't have control over us or anything like that.

01:32:14 --> 01:32:17

But I just I'm going to wrap up now.

01:32:18 --> 01:32:39

You know, before, the the scholars used to give their students when they're learning that Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, they're given one or two ahaadeeth just so they can act upon them, give them 100 or two, so they can act upon them. And it was noted that I showed the law and there was a young boy who used to come to her. And she used to give him

01:32:41 --> 01:33:19

a Heidi to memorize. So then he came back the next day for more Howdy. So she asked him a question. She said, Did you act upon the idea that you learned yesterday that I gave you yesterday? He said no. So then she says to him, then why are you increasing the arguments of a law against you? See what that means? Why are you increasing the arguments of Allah against you? Because if he didn't know the Hadith, he might have an argument in front of a larger region. And this argument, by the way, is getting thinner and thinner for us. Because information is everywhere at our fingertips. And you can reach your ship anywhere in the world, by phone by internet by what have you. So less than

01:33:19 --> 01:33:58

less any good have a good excuse for hard times. But she told him, What are you increasing the arguments of Allah against you? Because if you don't know this, maybe you have an argument as to why you did the sin or you didn't do the good deed because you didn't know. But now that you know Allah has an argument against you luck until you on the Day of Judgment, you know that you memorized it, once you act upon it. So this is our Isha teaching this young man upon and raising him upon applying what he learned. It's not just information. Most people know they just have the information you don't know exactly. Don't do this porcelain, forbade that. He said, and he interrupts you with the

01:33:58 --> 01:34:14

rest of the Hadith. He's trying to tell you I know. He knew that there is an act upon him said this and there's another generation by maga bingeable. It's in Sudan and Timothy and Joseph has a different variation of Mashallah Javi and everything up but once you act upon it, so

01:34:16 --> 01:34:29

you know, him Allah, he said, I have never written a hadith about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam except that I have acted upon it. Now in his book in his Muslim, how many Hadith are mentioned 40,000 Hadith.

01:34:30 --> 01:34:45

Cut away repetitions, and when have you end up with 27 27,000 hudy that he wrote down, he said, I never wrote down the processor, except that I acted upon it first. He says when I passed by the Hadith that the Prophet cillum was corrupt, you know, copying a Jama

01:34:46 --> 01:34:59

and gave about playbar and hjem, Edina he gave a dinner to the cover the guy who does the cupping, I got cup and I gave the cover of enough which is, they say about four point 25 grams of gold.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:15

And the amount of mud if you read his biography was very, very poor, you can imagine how long it took him just to gather that dinner, and then give it to someone can write down that ad. Because for them it was about applying the knowledge wasn't just about gathering information.

01:35:22 --> 01:35:29

And we're going to end here also, as you know, the early Muslims used to learn 10 verses of the Quran, then act upon it, and then move on.

01:35:30 --> 01:35:49

Ahmed Rahim, Allah had a student, and he knows that the student doesn't pray at night. This is standing open prayer. So he was shocked. He said, Oh, Polly, but they accommodate a student of knowledge, who didn't pray at night was a very bad thing for him, someone who's gathering knowledge and information, but he doesn't act upon it.

01:35:51 --> 01:36:29

So also be wary of the idea of gathering knowledge first, then starting to act upon it. Many people have this thing. So I'm going to gather the knowledge. And then when I've got it, I'm going to start applying what I learned. And this is, of course, also one of the old tricks or the shaytaan, one of the old tricks that will always give you a date, and a landmark and a time period before you start being a good gut. Before you start putting on your job before you start, you know, doing this or doing that sooner, or start praying these sooner than what it's after Ramadan, after my camera, or after Hajj, or after getting married, there's always some kind of timeframe. And then you keep

01:36:29 --> 01:36:33

waiting for that to happen before you become a good gut. But

01:36:34 --> 01:37:11

a man came to the party to ask him about a problem. He says so he and he's basically complained to him. It taught him about applying what you learn. So then he tells him if a lawyer wants to go to war, doesn't he prepare his tool meaning his weapon? Right? Someone wants to go to what he proposes weapon. So if he spends his whole life preparing the tool, and when is he going to fight? He's comparing it to knowledge. If you spend your whole life gathering the knowledge when you're going to apply it to start applying as you learn. So if you if your your whole life, you're building your tool for fighting, you're never going to fight. So then he says knowledge is the tool for

01:37:11 --> 01:37:18

application. Yeah, knowledge is the tool for application. If you spend your whole life gathering it then when will you apply?

01:37:21 --> 01:37:40

And the person I'm liking the scholar who teaches others and forgets himself to a candle that illuminates for others while it burns itself out. So we'll end here in shallow eschatological to make use of those who learn and apply what they learn and hear the speech and for the best of it Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Mubarak Allah Mohammed

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remains open apparent very attentive listening. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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