Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-015F Tafsir Al-Baqarah 102-103

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The concept of magic is prohibited in Islam and cannot be treated with sh mattering or shelling. The exclusivity of magic is prohibited, and sh mattering is the most powerful way to break it. The use of sh mattering and sh mattering is prohibited in Islam, and drugs and reciting one's oath code are important steps for healing. The importance of proper healing techniques and listening to the Prophet's recitation for healing is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So one thing that we can take very clearly from this idea is that magic is real. Okay? And when I say magic when we're learning about sainthood in this idea, you see, there's two types of magic. Be very clear about this. One type of magic is magic, which is basically trickery and deceit. Okay. But you know, for example, magic tricks, you know, a magic show for children in which you know, there's tricks okay. And these are what illusions basically the so called magician is using trickery and deceit playing with your eyes basically, creating illusions. So that you think that something is happening, you did something else, which you did not grasp, you could not understand. So this is

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what this is just trickery, deceit, this type of magic is not covered. Okay. However, the room I say that it is still prohibited and wrong. Okay, many orlimar say that it is still prohibited and wrong. Why? Because it leads towards the second type of magic. But other aroma say that? No, it is not haram, it's just a trick. Okay. So for example, you know, you learn a trick that you can do with playing cards, all right, and you do that, you know, to your brother, your sister, okay? You learn different types of tricks and you perform them it's not haram. Okay, you're not committing a major sin. Some say that it is and other automatic that it is not, because it's very obvious that it's

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just a trick. Okay. The second type of magic, which is real magic is the magic which expelled a person from the fold of Islam, that type of magic is covered. Okay. And that is the magic, which is performed with the assistance of shaitan by invoking on the shell teen invoking the devils. Okay, so essentially, how does this magic work I mentioned to you earlier as well, basically understand the definition of magic. Secret is an effect, the cause of which is hidden, okay? And effect, the cause of which is hidden. Now, how is it hidden? It's hidden, because it's in the hype, the jinn are doing it. Okay, the shell clean are doing it. So you only see the effect. So for example, a person is

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behaving in a really strange way. Okay, why are they behaving like that? Or in their body? There is, you know, a strange kind of sickness. Okay, what's causing that sickness? You cannot figure out what is happening. Okay. So, it is attributed to Shelton that the shayateen are doing something to that person, they're playing with his mind, they're playing with his body. And so he is behaving in this way. Okay. So you see what's happening, you see the effect, but the cause is hidden from you, that cause who is doing the action, it is the shell clean that are doing the action? A man is for no reason, very hateful of his wife. Okay, constantly angry at her constantly fighting with her. She is

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also you know, repulsed by his presence, even, they don't want to be near each other. They don't want to take each other's name. And when you try to figure out what's happening, any you can see the anger, the hatred in the eyes, but it has no logical explanation to it. These are two people who willingly married each other, they love each other, there's no injustice, there's no abuse, out of nowhere, all of a sudden, both of them cannot bear cannot tolerate each other. So this is the effect of shaitan you see that? And how does a person get the shaitan? To do it, to cause this effect? By pleasing the shaitan? How do you solicit the help the cooperation of the devil by showing servitude

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to Shavon by invoking on the shaytaan, by, you know, saying a words of Cofer doing actions of Cowfish so this is why this type of magic is what it is how long all right and it is something that expelled a person from the fold of Islam. Okay, think about the story of Musa alayhis salaam where the magician's came and they said beer is dirty fit our own by the glory of it our own We will be victorious. So what did they do they invoked late Allah someone other than Allah, they did not invoke Allah azza wa jal okay. So this kind of magic which is being mentioned in this ayah. Okay. Now, we see very clearly that because magic is covered, it is something that is unlawful, okay. And

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it does have a reality. So we see that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in a hadith in Bukhari, we learned that he was affected by magic, so that he began to imagine that he had done something which in fact, he had not done. Okay. So there was

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No confusion. We also learned that I shuttle de la hora in her that she had been affected by magic as well. At one point there's a hadith and Muslim Muhammad that mentions that and there are clear you know daraz that we are taught to seek refuge with Allah against magic to seek treatment cure healing from Allah subhanaw taala against magic. So how does magic work? We learned that, um, I was Zuhdi says that magic is a work that is done with the help of shaitan okay, it is done with the help with the cooperation of the devil. Even RTB says there is glorification of light Allah in magic, any magic is not possible without glorifying someone other than Allah. So the magicians you know, they

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employ a number of impure dirty, filthy practices. And in Sahiba, hottie in the chapter, have a clip of medicine in the book of medicine, there is an entire section on magic, which shows that magic is real, it has an effect. And it is like an illness that can be treated. Okay. It is like an illness that can be treated. So the Hadith that Imam Bukhari brings over there, and he shows that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was affected by magic, the charm was discovered it was destroyed, and the Prophet salallahu Urdu Sena was healed. So when you think about the real magic, or the fact that it's done with the cooperation with the help of the jinn, do not be afraid, okay? Yes, you're human,

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you will have fear, but that fear should be similar to how you would fear a wild bear, okay, or a snake, because it has the potential to harm you. But when you understand how it works, okay, and you understand how you can protect yourself from it, then you don't have this weird fear inside of you because of which just the thought of or just the mention of a jinn, you know, terrifies you, okay. So, the first thing that we need to establish is that magic is something that is prohibited, okay. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that each then he will move you cannot avoid the destructive sins. And then he mentioned to since a shield Kobe law he was sick through associating

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partners with Allah and Sidhu magic. Any think about what a serious sin this is that it's mentioned right after schicke associating partners with Allah. Because magic is not possible without committing Schick. And just as Schick is destructive for a person magic is also destructive. We learned in the idea that when a person deals with magic, then they will have no share in the hereafter whatsoever. The prophets of Allah who are using them also said that the one who performs magic or has magic performed are not of us who the one who performs magic for the magician, and secondly the one who has magic done for him. And he the one who goes to magician higher the magician

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tells the magician please do magic on so and so. So this is also something prohibited. Okay, magician what he's doing is wrong but you are going to a magician and asking the magician to do magic that is also wrong. The Prophet sallallahu Ernest Adams said lace Amina, such a person is not all of us. So this is also very wrong. We also learn in a hadith that the person who is addicted to alcohol, okay, and the person who cuts who severs the ties of kinship, and the person who believes in magic believes in magic as in he uses magic believes that it is the way to solve his problems. Okay, such a person will not enter paradise. So clear evidence that magic is something prohibited

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this AI also shows us that magic is something that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden because the angels would only teach it upon giving a disclaimer flatfoot we are fitna so do not disbelieve. Now let's look at the next idea and then a few more things I want to talk to you about magic Allah subhanaw taala says hello unknown Emma know what the cow and if they had believed and feared Allah who the people of the book, but not just them, the people before them as well. Those who went towards magic those who learned magic or practiced magic had they believed and feared Allah believed in what believed in Allah instead of magic, okay. believed in the book of Allah instead of magic,

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okay? What the coal and they feared Allah and Taqwa means that you are staying away from things which Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden, right? So when the angels gave that disclaimer that we are only a fitna do not come in disbelief had they feared Allah at that time and not learned magic? not dealt with it lemma soba to

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Minar in the law he played than the reward from Allah would have been far better. My tuba from Allah would be far better what is muscle by muscle by mentioned to earlier is from Sowell Bell, right and Saba literally used to return to a state of soundness, okay or to return to a state of health. So masoumeh is understood as a great reward from Allah. Okay, a great recompense from Allah, that when a person goes back to Allah, what do they get a great recompense. So, that would have been much better for them low can we are alone if only they knew. And even though they knew about this cognitively, right, that behavioral change was not there because it was not real, you know,

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knowledge that was internalized. So a lot of people are tempted to you know, go towards magic in order to have their problem solved. But this is a lose lose situation. You get your problem solved by turning to Allah. And by staying away from wrong things, look at the Promise of Allah Matoba Timoner in the law. Now, when it comes to magic, it's very clear its destructive, it is sinful, and when it comes to the effect of magic, it is real, right and it can take different forms. So for example, people can be affected financially, people can be affected physically, people can be affected in their relationships, people can be affected psychologically, okay, and because shaitan

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is able to harm human beings, okay. But we learn that this ability to harm human beings is not absolute, or shaytaan does not have absolute access to causing harm to people. He does have some kind of access but not absolute. We learned into two bucket about how she can can drive a person to madness, okay, which means that she had one can have a psychological effect on a person shaytaan can cause damage to people's property, which is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to say Bismillah upon closing the doors at night, and also to put out the flames at night because shaytaan can spread you know that fire so shaitan can cause damage to people's property as well

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shaytaan can cause damage to people's health as well you know shaitan is able to do that okay, but remember that when shale teen tried to harm people Shayateen also suffer because there are barriers that Allah subhanaw taala has placed between the human being and the shaytaan okay. So, when a shaytaan tries to cross that barrier, you know, shaitan also suffers okay. So, in order to convince a shaitan that you crossed that barrier, and you harm this person, chiffon really wants a big price, okay and the biggest prize that you can give shaytaan is to give a boost to his ego by making yourself less than shaitan because shaytaan hates human beings right he says an Ohio man who I am

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better than him. So imagine now, the human being that shaitan was supposed to make such that to shaitan refuse now if that human being is coming to shaitan begging him okay, making such such a shaitan of course shaytaan is going to be happy. All right. So magic is done by the cooperation off the shape on Okay, and this is essentially what makes magic haram. So when it comes to breaking the effect of magic, okay, breaking the spell, okay? How do you do that? What is your power, your defense, your strength against shaitan? What do we learn from the Quran? How is it that you can protect yourself against shaytaan? How by turning to who by turning to Allah subhanaw taala right.

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We look at the more Are we that the sutras which we're supposed to recite for the purpose of seeking protection with Allah, all are all will be built for luck. Alright, say I seek refuge with the Lord of the creation or the lord of Daybreak. Min Shanley mahalo from the evil of what he has created. So shaitan has evil, right? So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us against the evil of shaitan look at Surah to NAS all Aruba Robinette, Venus Melly keenness, Isla hiddenness. You're calling upon Allah multiple times and what do you say, Ruby Robin as I seek refuge to the lord of people, the king of people, the sovereign of people, men shattered ill was worse in harness against the evil of

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the whisper that constantly retreats. Okay. And Allah the US we so few, so do the nurse the one who whispers into the chests.

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of mankind, meno Jin naughty oneness. And these were Swiss whispers are among the jinn and also among the people. So in summary, your defense against shaitan is what you turn to Allah. Okay? So there are two ways of treating magic. Okay? There are two ways of treating magic, meaning once someone has been affected by magic, there's two ways that you can treat that person. One is that you break the spell, okay, with medication and dark. Okay, and inshallah we'll talk about how to do that, what kind of medication to use, what kind of daraz to use. So this is how you break the effect of that magic by using medication and by using the Rock calling upon Allah subhanaw taala. Another

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way of treating magic is to break the spell with another spell, you understand to break the spell with another spell, which is something that many people do when they find out that they have been affected by magic. What do they do they go to a magician, and they ask them addition to do magic on the magician or the person who did magic on them so that the power of the magic which they did will be broken. But this is something prohibited because when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked about it, he said, Who am anomalie shaytaan. This is from the work of shaitan meaning you're only perpetuating you're only practicing more magic now. Right? Magic was done. Now you do more magic to

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break that magic. So you're not really solving the problem. There's still magic, okay? You're supposed to not practice magic. So the first way of treating magic which is that you use medication and Dora. When we look at the Sunnah there are so many effective ways that we have been taught and the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is really the best example for us. Let me actually share this hadith with you it isn't so he Behati we learned that a man called the be the Banagher some from a certain tribe performed magic on the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I shall Dylan Morton who is the one who is narrating this, okay. And this hadith number 5763

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Is everybody. But this number will vary depending on which book you take. So the main thing is this hadith is in Kitab lib, the book of medicine. Anyway, this man did magic on the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until he started imagining that he had done a thing that he had not really done. Okay, so one day or one night, he was with me, I shall do a lot more. And he's saying this. And he invoked Allah and invoked for a long period. And he he begged and begged and made a lot of dua, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam knew that know something was not right. And then he said to I shall do the horn, or I should do you know what Allah has instructed me concerning the

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matter that I've asked him about? Two men came to me and one of them sat near my head and the other near my feet. One of them said to his companion, what is the disease of this man? Meaning referring to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So two people, the prophets of Allah who are losing was shown a vision and remember that the dreams of the prophets are revelation. So one man asked the other, what is wrong with this man referring to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and the other replied that he is under the effect of magic. So the first one asked who has done this magic on him the other applied libido and arson. The first man asked, What did he use to do the magic meaning on

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what did he perform the magic? What charm did he use, the other applied a comb, and the hairs stuck to it and the skin of Polen of a dead palm, basically, the flower of the date palm where the pollen is, okay? The sack where the pollen is, it's not like a tiny a small thing. It's a big thing. So that men place the charm in that he used that to perform the magic. So the first one asked, where is that charm? And the other replied, It is in the well off the other one. So the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I shouldn't be the one who said that he went with some of his companions to the well of that one. And when he came back, he said, Why should the color of its

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water was like the infusion of henna leaves it he was green, brown, any really dark, and the dead palm trees near that? Well, were like the heads of the devils in that entire place was really repulsive. So I shall do a lot more on her as the prophets of Allah who already sent that did you extract that charm? Okay, meaning inside which the man had performed the magic, you know, on the hairs, the comb, etc? Did you extract it in the prophets, Allah who are who said, I'm in this narration, we learned? He said, No, I shall learn as Why did you not do that? You know, why did you not take it out and destroyed with magic with another spell? The Prophet sallallahu earning Salam

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said that since Allah cured me, I disliked to let evil spread among the people. And then the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam ordered that that will be filled up with Earth, any that well should be destroyed. So in this hadith we see that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam did not extract the charm, and he did not mean he destroy it. In another edition, we learned that the charm was destroyed by the angels or it was destroyed with the recitation of color with a beautiful falak and color with a bit of blindness. Either way, another magic spell was not used to destroy that magic. Okay. And how is it that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam broke the effect of that magic by turning to Allah? In the Hadith, we learned that I shall do no more and he said like in the hood

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Daraa WA, he called upon Allah and he called upon Allah. And he continued to make dua over and over and over again. Because you see, how are you even supposed to find out if magic has been done on you? Or magic has been done on someone you love? You can't know for sure. Right? There are signs of it. Okay? You may have the strong gut feeling that this seems like the effect of magic, but how do you know for sure, alright, and then people will go to you know, certain individuals and they will ask them please tell me if magic has been done on me. And you know, they will ask What's your mother's name by the way, the moment someone asks you your mother's name, this is a big sign that

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this person is using magic so stay away, run away from there. Okay. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used da the power of DA and this is exactly what we should do that first of all, we seek healing we seek treatment for Magic by using da Okay, first of all, remember that Quran itself is healing. Okay, we learn in southern Israel 80 to Allah subhanaw taala says one who knows zero mineral Quran Nima, who was she felt on warahmatu Linwood meaning that the Quran is Shiva, it is healing and a mercy for those who believe. Once the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam saw a woman, you know, treating another woman with some chants that she was using. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said early Jihad Viki tabula, treat her by reciting the book of Allah, meaning treat her by reciting the Quran. The Quran is a cure, it is healing, right? Item Cusi. We learned that if you recite it in the night shaitan will not even come close to you, though more or with attain in particular collaro libro bufala collaro The openness we learn in Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to seek refuge with Allah against the evil of the jinn, and the evil eye, etc, by using different means, of course, permissible means and then when these sewers were revealed, pull out the proper fella cooler with a bit of bananas. He would recite these swords so frequently

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after every salah. All right in the morning in the evening. We are also taught to recite the solos in the night. These sutras are not only a protection against what might happen, but they're also a cure. They're also a healing so use the Quran, any portion of the Quran in particular Surah Baqarah Okay, and also Surah Fatiha and of course, the more with a 10 foot or with the proper Fela color with a bit of bananas. Okay. Secondly, we should also use their eyes which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught, okay. In Hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would seek refuge for his grandsons Hassan and Hussein by making the Dora or either Kuma Bickley

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Marti Lai Tamati bin Khalifa Taniwha Hamerton woman Colerain olemme that I've seek Allah's protection for you by using the perfect complete Words of Allah against every che plan against every dangerous creature and against every evil eye. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Ibrahim alayhis salam would use this da to protect his sons. Ismar Elan is help. So this is a dua that Ibrahim Ali Salam use. This is a dua that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used and this is the idea that we should also use for the protection of our children for the protection of our families who read the chromatically Mantilla he Tamati if it's one child or Iuka be calamata ly

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Timothy mean Cooley shaytaan Muhammad in women Kali is dilemma. Okay? Among these doors is also another beautiful door in which we learn that when once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unwell and Gibreel came and Gibreel said Bismillah you Brique now this is an angel of Allah. Okay, you know, using Daraa to seek healing for the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how powerful this DA is Bismillah Hubert eak woman colada in your Shafiq Amin

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Share the hazard in either hazard I will share the Cooley VI in this is Addison Sahih Muslim, that in the Name of Allah, Allah will cure you from every illness, Allah will cure you, you will heal you, He will protect you from the evil of every envier when he envies and from every evil eye, and then I mentioned medication as well. So we learned about, you know, using certain foods, especially for the purpose of protection and healing, which shows us that, you know, when it comes to the physical effect, okay, off the shaytaan on a person. And, you know, for example, when it comes to psychological effect, you know, there's a hormonal imbalance or an extreme amount of certain

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hormones or, you know, a deficiency of another, there's nothing wrong in using medication to balance that in the body. Okay, so using medication because some people are very anti medication, okay? If there is some evidence that, you know, these things might help, there's nothing wrong in using medication to control or to balance out the hormones within the body. So for example, we learned in sorry, Behati, about using specifically our joy dates, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever has seven arduous dates in the morning, then no poison and no magic will harm that person for the rest of the day. That person will be protected against the harm off any poison and

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any magic. You know, some people are very afraid of taking the vaccine. Okay, for protection against the Coronavirus. And, you know, people have heard things and yes, vaccines have their risks, but the risk of Coronavirus. The danger of Coronavirus is much more real. You know there's only a handful of people who have died in the US at least there's only about three or four individuals who have died because of complications from being given a certain vaccine. But when it comes to people dying because of COVID there is over 600,000 people that have died because of COVID. So, if you have this fear that you know the vaccine might potentially harm you. Make sure that you eat seven ardour dates

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in the morning. Okay, because the person who eats seven or more dates in the morning, then for the rest of the day, no poison will harm them. No magic will harm them. Okay, you know, make us the Hata book your appointment, eat your seven arduous dates in the morning and inshallah go get your vaccine Millis pans out to protect you Millis panel tarla keep you safe from any potential harm that may be in it. But remember that, you know, it's necessary for us to take the precaution which Allah subhanaw taala has provided for us. Anyway, against magic seven Artois dates we also learned about honey, Allah Subhana Allah tells us in the Quran, that yellow gem in boltonia Sharabi mortel even

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Aleinu finish she fallenness in certain Knakal is 69 and we learn about the fact that there is healing in honey. Okay, we also learn about you know, the use of cupping, okay, cupping as in bloodletting Okay, there is dry cupping, there's wet cupping, in particular, wet cupping for this purpose, of course using black seed, okay, black seed. Remember it has cure for everything except for death using Zamzam water, leukemia water how that you recite Quran. Okay, keep the water close to you recite total Bacara recite the morrow with that recite it could see and then you drink that water. You can make nuclear water like this, you can also make Rukia oil like that, you know, for

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example, in the Quran, we learned about olive oil that it is from shedule Mubaraka from a blessed hit tree. Okay, it has a lot of benefit in it for people. So using olive oil, also we learn about jujube leaves jujube which is called Beatty in order to Okay, in Arabic, it's called SideRed. Okay, the leaves of this tree, you know, they're also used for treatment. Basically, you can steep them in water, and then use that water to bathe yourself and also you drink that water. And in many nations we learn about how Allah subhanaw taala has made it a source of healing for people jujube in English, it's called jujube Ju, Ju, b e, okay? And in Arabic, it's called SideRed. So you can look

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for Cinder leaves, okay? Also, another important thing is make sure that you're reciting your oath code in the morning in the evening, your oath card before sleeping, before you do anything, you know, say Bismillah when you enter the house, say Bismillah before you eat, drink, say Bismillah before you undress, say Bismillah why, because when you say Bismillah This is what creates a barrier between you and shaitan. We also learn in a hadith very, very important that the Prophet sallallahu

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Earlier Salam said that whoever says La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu la sharika the whole koala will humble you here where you meet will who are Laquisha in cadet? Okay whoever says this 10 times okay after maghrib than Allah who will send for him protectors to guard him from shaitan until he reaches the morning. So after maghrib you say this La Ilaha illa Allah hula hula Cherie color, the whole moocow Allah who will hunt you here where you meet will who are Allah aqualisa encoded 10 times after McRib and of course use the grace for Shiva as well. There is many doors which we learned in the Sunnah IMSA Hilbert, celebre NAS via dica shifa lair Kashi fella who illa Anta Bismillahi or

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peak min Khalifa in unique, there's so many doors which we can benefit from. I saw in the comments, somebody shared a link to one of the oldest apps, I believe. So when you see the example of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is the best example. He used there. All right, he da was called upon Allah called upon Allah, and he was healed. And he did not even extract that charm on which the magic had been done. So it's possible you never find out if magic was done on you. And if it was done, who did it, and what they did it on where they placed the charm, you know, but we have been taught ways to protect ourselves and heal as well with the help of Allah or xojo. Allah is a Shafi

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and your defense against shaytaan is the power of Dora. So use that, you know, sometimes people find charms in their house, for example, somebody had mentioned about how they found a whole bunch of terms in a tree in their yard. So they were really afraid if you see something like that, just, you know, make sure you recite the model with that. If you want, you can destroy that term, if you don't want to just leave it, you know, bury it, like the prophets, Allah who already said them had that well buried, right? Meaning he had the people fill it with mud until there was no more water left in it. So you don't have to destroy it, you just bury it, and you recite your earth card for your

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protection and healing. So all of these ways that we have been taught, let us use them. Because some people are just obsessed with what magic is and how it works. And how can I find out who did magic on me who did magic in our family? It's possible you never find out. Right? But is it possible for you to get better? Absolutely it is. And these are ways that the prophets of Allah who are at Islam has taught us that we should learn about and we should also share with people we know because so many people are suffering in the dark. So many people are living in constant fear that perhaps they have been affected by magic and then they start thinking that way that Oh, I am feeling sick because

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of magic. My children are not doing good in school because of magic. Our business is going down because of magic. You know everything is going bad because of magic. It's possible, but you have the power to break that cycle. Allah subhanaw taala has not created you helpless, right Allah subhanaw taala has taught you ways of helping yourself. So use those ways. Use the medication, you know the healing that Allah subhanaw taala has placed in different foods, use the Quran use daraz as well, which have been taught by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All right inshallah we will conclude over here. Let's listen to these verses again. What matters to Shailene wala Maliki

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Sulayman Wanaka follow Salima

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a che LT Tina cathodal. Your

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nurse ACYF

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00:34:15 --> 00:34:16

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00:34:18 --> 00:34:18

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Holly Logan we are alone.

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One thing I would like to mention regarding Rukia that

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Can you just look here as in you recite the Quran you recite? You know the different doors for your healing for your protection? Can you do that yourself? Or do you have to have someone else do it for you? You can do it yourself. And you should do it yourself because how much can you depend on others to, you know, recite doors for you and recite the laws of protection and healing for you. And you know, someone, okay, they will do it, but the way you will do it for yourself will be much more effective. Because what are you doing, essentially, you're calling upon Allah to heal you to make you feel better, right? To take your problems away. So when you call upon Allah yourself, first of

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all, you can do that as many times as you want, at any time of day or night, and you will do it with your heart. So definitely the first step is that you recite that group, hear yourself, okay? And you say that there was a feeling of protection yourself. But then there are times when a person is incapable of doing that. Why? Because they're so sick, you know, they're so weak or their mind has been affected, for example, they're not able to recite those drawings. So in that case, of course, someone else is going to recite for them. And if you go to anybody, you know, and they tell you, for example, that you know, recite the surah recite this ayah you know, recite last two verses Surah

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Baqarah, recite Surah Qian recite, you know, more or without etcetera, they give you a whole prescription, basically, that is fine as long as it is from the Quran and Sunnah. Okay, but if, you know they are telling you to host a party for the jinn and, you know, offer them food and things like that this is problematic you do not cooperate with the jinn. In order to break the magic, you're going the wrong way to break that magic you have to turn to Allah or Zomato because that magic only had an effect by the permission of Allah, and its harm will only go away by the permission of Allah. All right, so you can recite that leukemia yourself, and you should do that.

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And Rukia by the way, is not just for people who are affected by magic or affected by the evil eye. You know, it's for everyone. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the doors for protection and healing, not just when he was feeling unwell. Okay, this is something that we're supposed to do as protection. Okay, you don't have to be ill in order to recite these doors, recite them anyways. Okay, and when it comes to asking others to do Rukia you know, there is a Hadith in which we learn that certain people from the ummah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam will enter paradise without any hisab and of them are those who lie yester Kuhn, they do not seek Rokia meaning

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they do not ask others to read Rukia on them, meaning they read it themselves. Okay? You can also listen to it. And listening to Quran also has a great impact. Anytime you're feeling down. You're feeling even physically weak, physically unwell, you don't have the energy to even sit down. You're just laying down start listening to sorbitol Bacara start listening to lupia You know there is different audios that have been put together by different reciters you can listen to that you can listen to if Sakina these are verses in the Quran that mentioned tranquility that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who sends tranquility, calm and courage and peacefulness upon his slaves. So recite

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those verses listen to them and you will feel better in sha Allah Baraka lofi Koenders Akuma lo Heydon. Inshallah, we will conclude over here Subhan Allah humo Be humble a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stop, Furukawa to booty Lake wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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