Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-008B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 30
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Are with a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. In these verses we learn about the story of Adam or the his Salaam. And the story of Adam or his Sudan is basically the story of our origin. It's the human story. Where did we human beings come from? And what are we doing here on this earth? And where are we headed? What is going on? Why do we experience difficulties and what is the way to navigate through this life in the previous ayah, Allah subhanaw taala mentions that he is the one who has created this birth for you all, who will love the color, color, coma fill of the Jumeirah he has created whatever that is in this earth for you, meaning for you people, so that you
can live on the earth and you can benefit from the things which are on the earth, you can enjoy them you can use them and after the creation of the Earth, the creation of the Skies is also mentioned. And then it is said that will will be cliche in earlier that Allah subhanaw taala is Knowing of everything. So Allah subhanaw taala He is the Creator of everything he created the earth he created the skies, and he is the one who also created us human beings. Now here in the story of Adam Ernie his Salam, there's so many things to learn. But one thing that I want to point out is that almost a third of the Quran is stories. You look at almost every Surah of the Quran, you will find a story or
a reference to a story. And Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Al Aarav, verse number 176, that focus will settle Kasasa Lera Allah homea tuffa karoun That narrate the stories so that people may reflect, tell people about the stories so that they may reflect Allah subhanaw taala tells us messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and pseudotumor either I or 27 What to do I lay him never have been a Adam, I will help recite to them the story of the two sons of Adam, in truth. In truth, Eunice is 71 What do I lay him never a nor recite to them the story of Noah in Surah cerrada is 69 What you are laying him never Ibrahim and recite to them the story the news of Ibrahim. So the
stories are mentioned in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. Salam is also instructed to tell these stories to people. So we must learn these stories that Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned in his book, we must understand them. And we must reflect on them because there is a reason why the stories have been mentioned. And if you think about it from an instructional perspective, any stories are an excellent way of teaching important concepts. They're an excellent way of you know, memorizing things, learning things, learning important concepts. And stories are, you know, relatable. And they're also inspirational. There's a lot of lessons that can be taught through
stories. Now, the stories in the Quran are not narrated in a typical way that we may be familiar with. You know, for example, we think that if you read a story, you learn what happens from the beginning to the end in one place. But that's not how the stories of the Quran are. You don't get all of the details in one place. So for example, the story of Adam and his Sadam, it's mentioned over here at the beginning of Soto baccarat it's mentioned again in Subtle Art off and it's mentioned again in surah Taha, it's mentioned in sword Bani Israel, it's mentioned in so many places in the Quran. And we see the different details are given in different accounts. All right, so this
shows us that the purpose of the stories in the Quran is not simply to inform us of a past event. Okay, that's not the purpose that you all should know that this happened. And then that happened, and then that happened, and that happened. That's not the goal. The goal of the stories of the Quran is not to inform us about history. That's not the purpose. The purpose is to teach us certain lessons. And whatever those lessons are, you know, they are highlighted in a certain story and then, in another version of the same story, different other lessons are highlighted. So in Surah, Yusuf i 111 Allah subhanaw taala says, look at the canopy, cos I'll see him or he brought to Lulu and Bab,
certainly in their stories is a lesson for who, for people of intellect.
Meaning, these stories serve a purpose and that purpose is that they teach a lesson
So our focus over here is going to be of course on first of all trying to understand what's happening. We're going to try to understand the story. But then the bigger goal is the lesson, which the story is teaching us. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Where is cholera? Boo Khalil Mala Ekati, in Niger Ilan Phil out of the Khalifa.
And mansion, meaning our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you mentioned, when your Lord said to the angels, that indeed I will make upon the earth a successive authority, follow a TR Luffy ha my UFC Doofy her way a speaker Dima, they said will you place upon it one who causes corruption there in and sheds blood? Why No, no, no sub B who become DECA Wanaka de Sulak. While we declare Your praise and sanctify you color in the Arleigh momella, Tara moon, Allah said, Indeed, I know that which you do not know. What is the color of Brooklyn melodica and mentioned when your Lord said to the angels, so the story of other artists and it begins with happening before Adam artisan was even
created, Allah subhanaw taala is telling the angels about the fact that he is going to place upon the earth in Khalifa, who is that Khalifa going to be? Allah Subhana Allah does not even mention that over here. But what is what we can appreciate here is that Allah is informing the angels of his plan, even though he does not need to, because the angels are going to be directly affected, right by the existence of this new creation. We know how angels are appointed over us. They are appointed to record our deeds they are appointed to witness our actions that you know there's other angels who are appointed to pray for us. So what is called a lob boo Khalil Mala ik allah subhanaw taala does
not need to tell the angels but still he is informing them. And this is because the existence of this new creation is going to directly impact the angels. And Allah subhanaw taala tells them that in Niger a landfill or the Khalifa I'm going to make upon the earth a Khalifa. Now the word that is used for human beings is the word Khalifa and Khalifa from Hala. amfa. That's the route cleave is basically someone who comes after another. Okay, qualified is to come after. So Kalief is one who comes after another. And what this means is that someone was there now they're gone. Now they're Khalif has come okay their successor has come now that the successor has come the successor has
taken their place. So Khalifa is who is successor. It is also said that Khalifa is actually a deputy meaning someone who works under someone who is superior. Okay, so Khalifa is who someone who is appointed to work for someone, but of course, they're working under them. So in Niger, a landfill or the Khalifa The question is, how is it that human beings are being introduced as Khalifa why this word, because this word shows us a lot about a, how the human beings are going to live on Earth, how they're going to exist on Earth. And secondly, also this Word teaches us something important about the creation of Allah. So the first benefit that we can derive from this word Khalifa why this word
has been used that in the GRE don't fill up the Khalifa. Because the human being this new creation is not just going to be existing on earth. Like just living in order to eat and drink, procreate live their time and just die. That's not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal the main reason why this creation is going to be placed on Earth is so that this creation is Allah's deputy on earth, meaning this creation is going to carry out Allah's commands in the earth. So uh, no Khalifa or any Lightoller fee economic theory, meaning the human being, yes, he is going to populate the earth, but they're also supposed to carry out the commands of Allah. They're supposed to live by the law of
Allah. And this is what makes human beings unique and different from other creatures. You know, for example, squirrels, they also live on the earth. Yes, they're doing what they're supposed to do.
but they don't have a system in which they are, you know, collectively worshipping Allah, you know, upholding the law of Allah. That's not what the squirrels are required to do. That's not what cats are required to do. That's not what lions are required to do. This is something that human beings are required to do. We learned in sort of sod i a 26, Allah subhanaw taala says, yada will do in Niger and NACA Khalifa 10 fill out, that order would indeed we have placed you as a successor in the earth for convenor NASA Nassif will help therefore you judge between people by the truth, meaning you have to judge between people well after Toby or al Hawa, and do not follow the desire. Do not
just do whatever you please. And that's exactly what we have been taught, that when we deal with people we deal justly, and that we do not follow our desire, meaning we uphold the law of Allah. So, in the journey landfill or the Khalifa, this Khalifa this new creation is going to be a unique a very different creation. Secondly, the word Halifa has been used over here, because it indicates that this new creation is going to replace is going to succeed those who inhabited the earth previously. So secondly, the word Halifa over here indicates that this new creation is going to succeed is going to replace those who inhabited the earth previously and this is something very
important for us to notice here. You see, some people think that the Earth was created and right after the Earth was created, human beings were created and placed on the earth. And you know, when you look at Earth history, and you see how the earth is millions of years old, and you know, you look at the archaeological discoveries and you wonder then what about the dinosaurs and what about you know, this particular species and that creation etcetera. Any you wonder, how do we understand that? You see, Allah subhanaw taala created the earth in six days, all right, and days does not mean days as in 24 hours, it means time periods. Okay. Basically, the heavens and the earth have been
created in stages, okay, in stages. And the word Khalifa clearly shows us that something lived on the earth previously, something inhabited the earth previously. And there are discussions amongst the amorphous Iran about what that creation was. All right. And whether we know about it or we don't know about it, Allah subhanaw taala informs us for example, in su 227 That will Jana Hola, canal hoomin Pablo manera Simone, that the Jin Allah subhanaw taala created them before meaning before the creation of Adam Alayhis Salam before the creation of human beings. So the jinn existed before human beings did. And Allahu Allah, who knows, there may have been many different creatures that inhabited
the earth in succession, one after the other. But the word Khalifa indicates that Adam was not the first creation. Okay, not the first creation rather, what we learn from different texts of the Quran and Sunnah is that Adam human beings are basically the last and final creation, okay, meaning the best is the last. So in the GRE don't fill out the Khalifa meaning this new creation that's going to inhabit the earth. And thirdly, the third benefit of this word Califa is that it shows us how human beings will inhabit the earth, that they will inhabit the earth in succession, meaning in successive generations, so one generation of human beings and then another generation and another generation,
another generation, meaning they will not all inhabit the earth together at the same time, but that they will inhabit the earth in generations. So in total, and our arm Iowan 65 Allah subhanaw taala says Wahoo Eleni Jarrah, Lacan Kala, if allowed, and he is the one who has made you successors of the Earth, meaning you inhabit the earth after a generation of yours has gone into the NEMO is 62, way Gianluca Khalifa Al, he makes you inheritors of the earth, meaning successors in the sense that one generation goes and you are living your time and then you will go and then another generation will replace you. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling the angels that indeed I am going
into place on the earth, a Khalifa, a Khalifa meaning first of all, that this new creation is going to uphold the commands of Allah. Secondly, this new creation will replace those that inhabited the earth previously. And thirdly, this new creation is going to inhabit the earth in succession, meaning in successive generations. So what happened? God who attend your AI Luffy has the angels they are after all intelligent beings, okay? They are intelligent beings. And yes, they are very obedient beings, meaning they obey Allah subhana wa Tada. They believe in Allah, they worship Allah, they don't disobey, but they are also intelligent beings. So Allah subhanaw taala informed them of
his plan, and the angels now have a question. So they said, Will you make in the earth will you appoint someone in the earth, someone who's going to USC to fee her WASC could do two things they mentioned, this new creation is going to cause corruption in the earth. And they're also going to cause a lot of bloodshed. Now, we learned earlier that facade in the earth is how it is through acts of disobedience, right? That is going to cause corruption in the earth, by disobeying you that if you're going to give this creation free will, this creation is going to disobey you and that disobedience is going to cause corruption. And then this facade is also going to be in the physical
sense that the earth is so beautiful. And if you're going to put someone on the earth, who is going to have free will, they're going to wreak havoc, they're going to destroy it, they're going to cause so much corruption on the earth. And not only that, with this free will, yes, we could. Dima, they're also going to cause a lot of bloodshed, right? Yes, we call we read this word. So now there's a question. Why are the angels saying this? The angels are saying this in order to know the reason the wisdom behind the creation of such a being? They're not asking out of objection. They're not asking out of jealousy? They're not negating, you know, the plan of Allah? No, they're not
objecting over here. They're expressing their curiosity. And this is something that we are allowed to do. We are allowed to express curiosity. We are allowed to wander. All right, but what we're not allowed to do is doubt Allah's wisdom, doubt, Allah's knowledge, criticize his decision. That is something we're not allowed to do, because that is disrespectful and that is arrogant, and it does not fit us. So the angels say that, are you going to play something like that on the earth? And they say, Well, no, no, no sub b Who will be handy Kawano or D Sulak. While we declare Your praise, and we sanctify you any? Is there something that we ought to do that we are not doing? I mean, we are
glorifying You, we are worshipping you, without causing any of this trouble. We're not causing any bloodshed. We're not, you know, causing any corruption on the earth. are we falling short in the way that we're worshiping you that there's a need to, you know, still create someone who's going to inhabit the earth and who is going to cause so many problems as well. So when 100 was a B, HERBIE Hamdi Cohen, aka D Sulak. Now there is one question how did the angels know because if you think about it, the angels were right. Any how much corruption have we caused on the earth? Allahu Akbar any how many forests have We destroyed? How many lakes have we ruined? How much life have We
destroyed on Earth? You've seen the fee house we could Dima and the amount of bloodshed, Allahu Akbar, any right from the beginning, the two sons of Adam are a sinner, one of them killed the other. And since then, any murder is something that Subhanallah has been going on endlessly. So how did the angels know? Why did they say this? So there's different opinions about this one opinion is that this was you know, what the angels expected based on what the previous inhabitants of the earth had done. Okay, so the previous inhabitants of the earth, whatever creation they were, some say that it was the jinn that inhabited the earth entirely, or whatever other creation there was. Any What
did they do? They caused a lot of facade. And they also caused a lot of bloodshed. And that is why they were completely eliminated. They were completely finished. The earth was restored, put an order and then other Martinez said I'm human beings were placed on the earth. So the angels are saying this
Based on what on their experience, based on what they had witnessed previously, that if there is a creation with freewill on Earth, they're going to ruin the earth. That's what the previous creatures have done. Secondly, it is also said that the angel said this, because they had been informed about this, right, that this is what human beings will also do. Now, you might wonder, Well, where was that mentioned? Because at the beginning of the ayah, that has not been mentioned. And remember, every single detail is not given in the stories of the Quran, there's a lot of things that are inferred. Okay, so the angels are saying this based on what they had been informed.
So they say at the geography hammer UFC, the V house, we could, Dima and then they say, Well, no, no, no sub B, who behind the cow and who are the Solak we declare this B with your praise, let's look at the words and new sub B who become the first, okay, that no sub b Who we glorify, become the CO with your praise. What does that mean? That we join this be with him, okay, meaning, we say Subhan Allah will be handy, you understand. And the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and told us that these are the words that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for his angels, they say subhanallah he will be handy. Both of them together, not just Subhan Allah, not just at hamdulillah but together
Subhan Allah, He will be handy. Okay. And this kind of the severe, this kind of hummed is excellent. By the way, this beer, no sub Bihu. Sabha has literally means to swim, or to float or to fly to move quickly, okay, through air or through water. So the point is that there's speed over here, okay? That's the primary significance of the word and the concept of the SP be is that you are immediately removing anything that is unbefitting to Allah subhanaw taala. When you say Subhan Allah, what you're essentially saying is that Allah is perfect. Okay, Allah is free of anything that does not be fit him. Okay? So one is that you just say, Subhan Allah, that Allah is perfect, free of anything
that does not fit him. But then a better way of glorifying Allah is that immediately after you also praise Allah, with his excellent qualities, so you say, Allah is free of having any partner and Allah is One, Allah is perfect. So this is the concept of Noosa be who will be hounding Subhan Allah, he won't be handy. Okay, so they say that we declare this be with your praise. Another interpretation of this is that new sub Bihu be 100 IQ, that we do this be meaning we glorify, we worship you. be humbled, by your praise meaning because of you by your tofield, and all praises to you, that we glorify you, behind the IQ and all praises to you that if we're ever able to glorify
you, this is because of the ability that you have given us. It is because you have enabled us it is because you have taught us and all praises to you. So no sub b Who behenic The angels are saying that we glorify you with your praise or we glorify you, and all praises to you, we glorify you, because of the Tofik that you have given us. And then they say one way or the Sulak and we also declare your purity. Now, what does this mean? This also means two things. Firstly, let's look at the word naka de SUTA. Cadiz is not here to completely purify, okay, so no Kati Sulak. This has been mentioned right after newsa Bihu. end As emphasis to be more specific, okay, that we declare your
perfection. And we also declare your absolute purity. So this is a way of, you know, being more specific, and then know what the Sulak also means that we purify ourselves for you, meaning we purify ourselves, our behavior, our actions for you, meaning, we have love for you, we have fear of you, we glorify you, we magnify you, we obey you. naka de Sulak. So you see what's happening here. The angels Yes, they do glorify a lot and they do declare Allah's purity and they purify themselves for Allah. They don't ever disobey Allah as we learn in the Quran and Sunnah that the Hareem is sick
that layer Soon Allah humma Amara whom they do not disobey Allah in what Allah commands them with our Luna, you Maroun and they do what they are commanded. And rather, they're always engaged in obedience to Allah and in the glorification of Allah. In total MBI a 20 We learn you sit behind a Laila wonder how they glorify Allah, night and day lay of Tarun, they don't even take a break. They don't stop, they don't get weary, they don't get bored. If we, you know, do this be like 100 times, we say, Subhan Allah who will be handy under times, and he getting to 100 is even a big deal. Right? But the angels are constantly glorifying and praising Allah. So they say that are you going to place
on the earth, someone who's going to cause bloodshed, someone who's going to, you know, cause so much corruption, while we are already glorifying you praising you declaring your perfection declaring your absolute purity, purifying ourselves to you, meaning we worship you with loss with sincerity. Is there something that we are not doing? are we falling short in our duty to you? And is there really a need then? You know, they're wondering, they're curious. So Allah subhanaw taala responds Allah in the Arleigh momella tharla. Moon, Allah says, Indeed, I know that which you do not know. Meaning, I know about this Khalifa. Something that you do not know. Because what you are
saying is based on your assumption, right, based on your assumption, your expectation and assumption, expectation or not knowledge, you could be wrong in your assumption, you could be wrong in your expectation, but Allah azza wa jal has knowledge, right? So I know what you do not know. And Allah subhanaw taala knew the good that this creation will do. And the fact that the good which this creation will do will outweigh the evil that they will do. Yes, it is true that human beings have caused a lot of bloodshed and yes, they have caused a lot of problems. But among human beings, there are also people like Nabil Yuna, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what a beautiful, excellent
human being he was. We also have no hiding his Salam, er but then shockula A very grateful servant to Allah. We have Ibrahim Ernie his sinner, whom Allah subhanaw taala took as his Helene as his friend, Allahu Akbar. There is a boubakeur acidic, right? So yes, there are going to be people who are going to cause problems, but not all people are bad. There are going to be among them, Umbria prophets, acidic pain, those who are truthful as Shuhada asylee hain, right Alladhina. And I'm telling him, Allah subhanaw taala says, and salt will begin at layer seven, that in the Latina ama know where I'm a little slightly hurt Indeed, those people who believe and do good deeds, Hola,
ecohome, Hiral, Berea, those are the best of the creatures, meaning are all the creatures that exist, they are the best. So, in the Arlo momella tharla mode, I know what you do not know. And this iron gives us so much hope as well because, you know, sometimes we have very low self esteem based on our past and our present. But you see Allah subhanaw taala knew the good the potential in human beings and Allah subhanaw taala knew that the good that human beings will do will outweigh the evil that they will do. So yes, you have the potential to do bad but you also have the potential to do good. Now, Allah subhanaw taala created Adam or his sunnah. And the details of that are not
mentioned over here, how exactly he was created. We learn elsewhere in the Quran about how Allah subhanaw taala created the marae salaam, from mud from clay from, you know, different words are used to refer to the earth, because that Earth was, first of all taken from different places of the earth. And secondly, it was a combination of different types of soil. And then it was also made to go through different stages. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that other monies Center was created on Friday. And we also learned another Hadith that either one is Salam, he was created very tall. And the first thing he did any when the soul was put into him, and it reached his
nose, he sneezed and he said, Alhamdulillah those were the first words that other money Salam said. Now the question of the angels, it reflects that, you know, the angels perhaps thought that they had some kind of superiority over the human being, that the human being will do facade. We don't do facade. He will shed blood we don't we just glory
fie and praise Allah we purify ourselves for Allah so in the next verses we will see how Allah subhanaw taala showed the angels the superiority of Adam so that they would understand the wisdom of Allah