Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-005B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 17
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim in Surah Baqarah. We learned about the characteristics of the MATA clean, those who are mindful of Allah, those who are eager to seek guidance through the Quran. Those who believe in the Quran, they have your pain, they have conviction, they have certainty in the coming of the day of judgment. They believe in the unseen they establish prayer, they call upon Allah, they seek Allah's help. They spend in the way of Allah there are generous, such people, they are upon guidance. And such people are those who are successful Allahumma Jaya Alam inhome. Then in Surat Al Baqarah, we learned about another type of people who are those who disbelieve those who
deny those who have rejected. So whether you warn them or you don't warn them, it does not make a difference to them, because they have made up their mind that they're not going to believe. And because of their pride, their arrogance, their hearts, their eyes, they're sealed, their eyes have a covering, they're not able to see past their biases. So such people will have a great punishment in the hereafter. They can live with their pride and their arrogance and their prejudice right now. But there will come a time when there will be a great punishment to destroy their great ego. The third group of people that we learn about in Surah Al Baqarah is off the mafia pain, the hypocrites those
who say that they believe but they're not truly believers. They're faking belief. They are pretending to be believers, but in reality, there are not. And there are so many verses that are dedicated to what the hypocrites are doing what they are saying, how they're being two faced, Allah subhanaw taala exposes them, so that believers don't get deceived by such people. And we also take lesson from this and introspect and see whether there's something within our behavior may Allah protect that could be similar to the behavior of these people. Now, we see over here, two examples are given to further clarify the matter of hypocrisy. And this shows us that you know, Eman is
clear. Cofer is clear, faith is clear, this belief is clear, but hypocrisy can be very confusing, it can be difficult to identify, it can be difficult to recognize, and this is why Allah subhanaw taala elaborates explains clearly the matter of hypocrisy, because Allah subhanaw taala has sent the Quran for guidance, and what is guidance guidance is supposed to clarify matters for you. So two examples are given over here to further clarify the matter of hypocrisy. And these two examples. The first example is what the ultimate call the example that is nadie, meaning the example which is off fire. And the second example is made ie meaning the example which is off water. So the first example of
the fire, where they kindle a fire, but they don't benefit from it. And the second example of water, where waterfalls down, but again, they don't benefit from it. So two examples are given over here. And insha Allah Today we'll be learning the first two examples that are mentioned in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala mentions many examples in the Quran. Why? In order to explain different concepts to us? Because why is an example given an example is given to help you understand something that may be difficult to comprehend at first, right? And an example is also given to explain something abstract, through something concrete, because when something is just theoretical, it's not
tangible. It's difficult to comprehend. But when you put it in concrete terms, when you demonstrate that concept through a practical example, through a visual through something that is tangible, then it is easy to understand. You get clarity, you're like yeah, now I get it. So Allah subhanaw taala mentions examples in the Quran to help us understand important concepts. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions regarding examples that were may or Killua in the lolly moon, that none understand them except the people of knowledge. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst people of knowledge
Which who understand the examples that Allah has given in the Quran. So, here it is said Metha Lu Home Care Metha Lilla this stone other Nara their example, meaning the example of the hypocrites is like the example of a lovey the person who is still cadenabbia Who has kindled a fire. So their example is like of the person who kindled a fire now is still colder. We learned earlier that it is to kindle to light a fire, what code is fuel, and is the card is to light or kindle a fire. Now, linguistically speaking, the word is still further actually can give us multiple meanings. All right, and your translation you have one meaning which you're expected to memorize. But for your
understanding, I want you to know that there is more than one meaning of the word is still Kedah. So it's still caught up, basically is to endeavor. Alright, you see the letters seen and TA. And I mentioned to you earlier that additional letters mean additional meaning. So these letters seen into the show that the person is endeavoring, they're trying, they're trying hard to kindle a fire. And you know, for people who are traveling through the desert, for them to kindle a fire is not something easy. Because what do you have to do, you have to go collect firewood, you have to bring it together. And especially if it's dark, it's even harder. And then to kindle a fire, you don't
always have access to a lighter especially back then people did not have access to lighters, and you know, matches and things like that you had to rub, you know, stones together or wood together. So that requires effort. So it's still called Anala. Any poor guy is trying. All right, he's endeavoring to kindle a fire. And Estacada also means to wish to kindle a fire or to seek to kindle a fire, meaning a person wants that fire should be kindled. So what does he do? He asks someone for something with which he can kindle a fire. So their example is that of one who kindled a fire, or who endeavors to kindle a fire, or who seeks to kindle a fire ask someone for something with which
he can kindle a fire. Now fire we know is a source of not only light but also warms heat, especially for people who are traveling Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran, a thorough a Tomonaga Leti to rune. Have you seen the fire that you Kindle? Are you the ones who have created the tree, the wood with which you like to fire? Or is it we and Allah subhanaw taala mentions over there that he has made fire any a source of benefit for travelers, because when people are traveling, they need that fire not only to have light, but also to prepare their food to ward off any animals in any danger. So fire is also a means of protection. But we also know that fire is a source of great
danger. How often it happens that people go camping, they light a fire, and then that fire spreads And subhanAllah entire forests burned down. You know in recent years where we have seen so many forest fires, not only in California, in Australia, in different parts of the world. How does it fire begin? You know, sometimes just a campfire, you know an innocent campfire in Minot during Hajj in Alberta in a small accident. And what happens the fire is ravaging any destroying buildings and lives and entire infrastructures, Allahu Akbar. So fire where it is a source of warms and light and you know something with which you can prepare your food when you're traveling. It's also dangerous.
So what happens over here they light a fire or they want a fire and when a group of people are traveling, of course every single person is not going to light the fire. One person is going to light the fire which is why we see over here and levy one who there is one person who is lighting the fire. So what happens Philomena Allah at SMA hola who then when the fire illuminated what was around him a lot. This is from Lea and LEA is light, okay, because fire also gives out light. So there is light around this part
person who kindled the fire, okay, meaning that fire is not huge. It's not really, you know, having a huge impact on his surroundings, it's just very little, very weak fire. What happens? The Hub Allahu venuti him, Allah took away their light, his surrounding was illuminated and Allah took away their light. Now notice it is their light, where's one person kindled a fire, because one person from a group of people will light the fire and everyone is supposed to benefit from that. Right? So the hub Allahu venuti him Allah took away their light. Notice that hasn't been said Allah took away their fire, because these people are only deprived of the light of the fire light which gives
comfort which gives clarity which brings peace of mind. But the other things that the fire produces, like the danger that they're still vulnerable to. So you see the light is gone for them. But the danger of the fire is still there for them. The Hub Allah will be naughty him. What Tanaka home and he left them filo lomatin in darkness. Now they're left in darknesses loop so you don't, they're not able to see. So what's happening over here, they were in darkness, how do we know that we're in darkness, because when you're in darkness, that's when you need light. Right. So they're in darkness, a fire is kindled. And then after that their light is taken away. So the heat, the danger
is still there. But their light is taken away, which means that they're simply not able to see. Because you see node, node light enabled us to see. But in order to see we need two types of light, basically, we need the internal light, which is the light of the eyes, that doesn't literally mean that your eyes have a light in them. But what is meant is that you know the ability to see vision. Now you may have vision, your eyes may be perfectly fine. But you still cannot see if there is no light around you. Right? So you need two levels of news. You need the Internal news. And you also need the external node in order to see. So the hub Allah will be new to him. Allah took away their
node, meaning their internal light and their external light. So they're not able to see, and they're left in darknesses. Now, of course, you wonder why was their light taken away? Why did Allah take away their light? And Why did Allah leave them in darknesses? What's happening over here? Well, let's try to understand this example first. Now, first of all, let's see what the darkness is, are that their light is taken away in their left and darknesses what are these darkness is that they're left in this is referring to the darkness of the night. And also the darkness of the smoke because when there's fire, there's smoke, and that Smoke also affects visibility. And in addition, there's
also the darkness of the light suddenly going out. Because you will notice that you know when you are in darkness, somebody turns the light on and then instantly the turn the light off again, what happens? You feel like you are in greater darkness now. Okay, so they are now no longer able to see, without a cornfield Luna Mattila Ube saloon, they're not able to see they're not able to see where they should go, what they are doing, what they should do, they're not able to see. Now what does this example mean? What's happening here? These are people who embraced Islam. All right, because remember the mafia cleaner? Who were either local Medina ama No, Carlo Armineh, when they go to
those who believe they say we believe, but when they're with their satanic leaders, they say, actually, we're with you. We were just joking back then. We didn't really believe we were just joking. So these are people who, initially, yes, they embraced Islam. And then they left it, not externally, but internally. So they disbelieved in their hearts after believing and after showing Islam outwardly. So remember, I mentioned to you earlier that there are two types of hypocrisy. There is hypocrisy in our pida. Right in one's belief, meaning a person is by faith, a hypocrite, any they are just pretending to believe they're not actually believers. All right. And the other
type of hypocrisy is the hypocrisy in normal inaction, where a person is a believer, but they do actions of hypocrisy. So this first example is the example of nofap failure to COD or in fact, Phil Aqeedah. All right, hypocrisy in one's belief. So Abdullah
Ivan must Rudra de la hora and who explained this ayah this example he said that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina, some people became Muslim. All right. And remember I mentioned to you that when it was, you know, politically correct, it was beneficial to accept Islam, especially after the Battle of Bedouin the Muslims were victorious. So when the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam came to Medina, some people became Muslim, but soon became hypocrites. So their example is of a person who was in darkness. What is that darkness is the darkness of ignorance, the darkness of prophets of disbelief, the darkness of not knowing who Allah is. And then what happened. This
person kindle the fire meeting, he initially embraced Islam. So the kindling of the fire is what embracing Islam accepting faith, but this light was very weak, right? So his surroundings were barely illuminated. And because of that, illumination, things of benefit and laws became clear to him. He was able to see what is right what is wrong, what is lawful, what is unlawful. What does Allah like? What does Allah not like? What we should do what we should not do? But then what happened? The light blue out? Why did the light blow out? Why did the light go out? Why did Allah subhanaw taala take their light away? There is a reason. Remember, we learned this earlier as well,
that Allah subhanaw taala does not do injustice to his slaves. Allah does not want misguidance for his slaves, any think about it, if Allah wanted misguidance for his people, why would Allah send revelation? Why would Allah send the Quran? Why would Allah send prophets? Why? He, how terrible it is for a person to think like that about Allah that Allah wants evil for people a stuff that Allah that's not the case. So why would Allah take away their light? Remember, we learned this, that exactly, this is just a zap. This is a consequence of what they have done. So we find the answer in the Quran in surah fullmoon Alfie Kohn is number three, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that valley
could be under Home armor. No. They believed so mcuh photo and then they disbelieved. For Toby I love Pulu be him for him lie of Cahoon. And then their hearts were sealed, so they're not able to understand. So what happened? They believed and yes, their hearts were sealed. But between the ceiling of the heart and belief was what their action of gopher. Their action of denial in pseudo Toba is number 77. Allah subhanaw taala tells us that for our kabbah, whom NIFA can feel Kulu be him. Allah penalize them, Allah punish them, give them the consequence of hypocrisy in their hearts. So that hypocrisy is what it's a punishment. Eli Emile kohner, who until the day that they meet him,
now a punishment, of course, is given for what for a crime that is committed. Now, what is the crime that they committed? Bhima UCLA for Allahumma? Kawara? Do who, because they broke the promise that they made with Allah will be my Can we ask the woman because they used to lie. So what's happening over here? They can tell the fire meaning they did initially believe, but then they actually disbelieved, right? When did the disbelieve when there were different trials in life, or when there were, for example, the Muslims were struggling, you know, but it was very favorable for Muslims. But then what happened at the Battle of
so many Muslims were martyred, right. So these situations, they expose the hypocrisy of such people. Remember that when a person says that they believe that Allah subhanaw taala will test them? Okay, Allah subhanaw taala will test them, because it's very easy to do lip service, to make verbal claims. And anyone can say anything. But your actions, your response to difficulty shows what you truly are. Your response over time, shows who you truly are on the inside. And over time, you know, a person's reality comes out. So these are people who said that they believe, but then very soon, as they learned more about Islam, and as they faced difficulties in Islam, or trials in life, then they
disbelieved, but the hub Allahu venuti him, Allah subhanaw taala attributes this to himself, because you know when Eman
is taken away. This is when tofield is taken away. Any this is like punishment that Allah subhanaw taala gives to a person because this shows us that a person cannot have Eman on their own. That is a gift from Allah. It's by Allah's permission, so it's taken away from them the hub Allahu venuti him. What Tharaka homefield Almighty lay up soon, and then he leaves them in darknesses. So they're not able to see. So what is the snood which they had? What is this light which they had this light is when they believed the first time. And why was it taken away? Because they disbelieved in their hearts, they denied. And some say that this * that fell Amma Allah atma hola who then when the
light illuminated his surroundings, this is you know, the light is referring to the benefits that they got from Islam. Because when a person pretends to be a Muslim, in the heart is disbelief, but on the outward, they're Muslim, like we learned earlier, you had your own Allah who were living Manu, they try to deceive Allah and those who believe. So a person is living a life of pretense. So yes, they're not true in their faith, but they do enjoy some benefits of being Muslim. Like what living with Muslims inheriting from Muslims enjoying the good food at Iftar you know, having Muslim friends, especially at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, when there was a
victory, they would have a share of the war booty, you know, they had a sense of security, et cetera, they enjoyed the perks of being Muslim, and they enjoy them all life long. But those benefits are very little because just Mahakala who that benefit is just around him, it's very little, but then what will happen on the day of judgment on the Day of Judgment, the hub Allahu venuti him, Allah will take away their light. So the second interpretation is that this will happen on the Day of Judgment that Allah will take away their light on the Day of Judgment, meaning they will no longer enjoy the perks of being with Muslims. In this world, they enjoyed them, but on the
day of judgment, they will no longer enjoy them, they will no longer benefit from being with the Muslims. So it is said that in their grave, their light will be taken away, or on the Day of Judgment, their light will be taken away. So in Surah Al hadith is number 13. Allah subhanaw taala mentions that yo maya Kulu Munna Futuna well Munna fuca to lil Adina Manu, on the Day of Judgment, the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to those who believed, own Guru Nanak with Debbie Smith, no recomb wait for us that we may acquire some of your light, because the hypocrites will not have any of their own light, because they were not sincere in their faith. So light on the Day of
Judgment is in proportion to a person's Amen. So they had no real faith. So they will not have any light. So they will ask the believers that you know wait for us, let us take some of your light just as they used to benefit from the light of the believers in the world. Right. So they will try to get the same advantage on the Day of Judgment. But killer Giroux were a comb filter me so no raw, it will be said go back behind you and seek light go back to the world. Or go back to where you came from and try to find your own light over there. For lubaina whom be Sulu Bab, meaning today you will not be able to share the light of the believers. And then a wall will be placed between them.
Between who between the hypocrites and the believers. And then this wall Lahu baboon, there will be a door so the believers will go through that. And Valtellina will feel Rama to World War hero woman pubali Here are the verb and its interior containing mercy put on the outside of it is torment. So on the side of the believers there is mercy, their salvation, they will make their way into paradise. And on the side of the hypocrites there is torment meaning they will end up in hellfire. So you see what's happening. Falana Hola, Atma hola who in the world they benefit from being Muslim from being with Muslims. But then on the day of judgment, the hub Allah who be naughty him, Allah
will remove their light. With Tharaka homefield automatic Allah you will see rune and he will leave them in darkness as they will not be able to see they will not be able to make their way into Paradise, and they will fall into *. So you see what's happening over here. A hypocrite. The two interpretations what do they show us that first of all, when a person claims that they believe Allah will definitely expose their reality over time, so we can pretend all we want before people, Allah subhanaw taala
knows our reality. So if we're not honest with Allah, if we're not honest with Allah, then truth our reality will be exposed. And what does it mean to be honest with Allah, that a person is conscious of Allah in private and in public, that a person, you know, when they're praying salah, they're truly establishing salah. They're not just pretending to pray in front of people or just praying for the sake of people, that people should not say anything to me. You know, just like a bliss. What happened with bliss, bliss was with the angels, because apparently he was very righteous. Apparently, he was a very devout worshipper. But then what happened? One test exposed his reality.
Allah subhanaw taala commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam IBLEES was among them, he was supposed to make such but he refused. Right? And then he became an enemy to Allah, a stuff it Allah, an enemy any What foolishness is this? May Allah protect us. So this is the first interpretation, right? That they believed, but then they disbelieved. And how did that happen over time Allah exposed their hypocrisy, their deception. And the second interpretation is that in this world, they have this light, the perks of being Muslim, but then on the Day of Judgment, Allah will expose them. So sooner or later, either in this world or on the Day of Judgment, for sure, Allah who will expose
the hypocrisy of the hypocrites. May Allah protect us. May Allah grant us sincere faith. May Allah save us from ever being hypocritical in any way.