Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-001C Word Analysis Al-Fatihah 1-7

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The transcript discusses the meaning of he's referred to as "refuge" in Arabic language, and how it relates to "has been used to obtain guidance." It also explains the meaning of "has been used to obtain guidance" in Arabic language, including the use of "order" and "has been used to obtain guidance." The transcript then covers the meaning of "naught" in Arabic writing, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the meaning of "naught" in writing.
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Are we the bIllahi min ash shaytaan regime when we begin the Quran, we begin first by seeking refuge with ALLAH against a shape lon Allah subhanaw taala tells us for either del Quran or fester it bIllahi min ash shaytaan of regime when you read the Quran, then first you seek refuge with Allah against the accursed shaytaan ye in order to seek protection with Allah because shaitan is our enemy. The Quran is supposed to be a source of guidance. And what shaitan does not want for us is guidance. So shaitan is going to do his best to distract us to make us feel bored. So we have to say a row though bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. What does the statement mean? The word early though
means I seek refuge and the word are all do I seek refuge, this is a verb, and the root of this word is iron. Well then, alright, well with that, remember, in the Arabic language words generally typically come from three letter origins. And these root origins tell us about the meaning of the word. And from each you know, root origin, you have multiple words, and nouns, verbs, etc, that can be derived. So a rule though comes from the root letters are in WoW, then are you able to see these letters in the word? Are you able to see these letters in the word itself? Yes, you can. I mean, well, then, can you think of any word that sounds similar to that rule, or in meaning it's similar,
that has the R with excellent excellent Dara was is to seek refuge and tar wound is a noun which is also from the same root iron Well, then, exactly, is Tiranga, that is also from the same root. So our word is to seek refuge Arroyo means I seek refuge Billahi in Allah and Billahi this is connected with our oluwo so are all Billahi I seek refuge in Allah. Now when we see the word been there he this is actually two words there is the letter B. And then there is the name of Allah. The letter B has many meanings in the Arabic language actually, they say that there are at least 17 different meanings of the letter, but okay, typically it means with but when we say are all the Billahi it
doesn't mean that I am seeking refuge with Allah. No, you're seeking refuge in Allah. You're seeking protection with Allah you're seeking refuge in Allah. So are all do Billa I seek refuge in Allah. And the Israel July Allah Allah this is from the root Alif Lam her or Hamza Allah and Allah from Le her isla. What does ILA mean? Isla? Wahid means one Isla means God, excellent. So the word Allah literally means the god, the real actual God, meaning the real true God who is worthy of worship, who is actually worshipped, who is deserving of worship. So Aruba Allah, I seek refuge in Allah, men against because I am seeking refuge in Allah against something I'm asking Allah to protect me from
something to keep me safe from something. And what is that something? It is a che applynot regime. We're asking Allah to protect us from shaitana regime. Now the word men also you will see, as we go through the course that men is translated in a number of different ways. Sometimes it's translated as from in here, it's translated as against why because we're seeking refuge against the shaitan. Now a shaitan. You can see over here two things. You can see the URL at the beginning, and then you can see the word shaitan. Okay, shaitan is che plan and the URL at the beginning. This is your friend from today. Okay? The URL at the beginning means though,
all right, it means the it makes a noun proper, it makes a noun definite. So for example, when you say a book, or just book it means any book, but when you say the book, then you're talking about what you're talking about a certain book. So as shaitan means the shaytaan and what is Shavon Shavon? Is it is said that it's from the root letters, she thought noon. Okay? And shape on this shape on the rebellious shaytaan and Allah Jeem of logy
aim over here is a description of shaitan. Okay, it's describing who shaitan is it's an adjective, okay. So a regime. Again you can see over here L and regime, L means the and regime literally means one who is stoned. This is from the root letters. Raji meme, Rajan is to stone someone to throw stones at them. So regime is the one on whom stones have been thrown? Why would stones be thrown at someone to chase them away? You don't want them around. So to chase them away, stones are thrown at them. So regime means the one who is outcast, the one who is removed from the Mercy of Allah, the One who was thrown out, because remember, we learned about how shaitan IBLEES was actually with the
angels when Allah subhanaw taala commanded them to prostrate to Adam, and shaytaan refused, he refused arrogantly, and so he was expelled from being in the presence of Allah. So a shaytan al rajim. And why are we asking Allah subhanaw taala to protect us against a blind regime because a kind of regime tries to lead us astray and tries to put whispers into our hearts. So whenever we remember Allah, then shaytaan is chased away, but then Trayvon keeps coming back. This is why we have to fortify ourselves with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. So our oh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Let's look at the next statement, which is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
bismi means with name and this is a combination of two things B. Remember the letter B earlier in a row, the villa he, we said in Hola, and I told you B has multiple meanings, up to 17 at least. So here we're translating B as with with name, and Islam is name so bismi with name. Now, what does it mean by this with name with name of who with name of allah Bismillah with Name of Allah. And you can see that the word ism is from the root letters well seen meme, there's multiple opinions as to the origin of this word. One of the opinions is that it's from the root letter as well seen meme and what's summer is to brand something or someone to put a mark like people would, and they still do,
they put a mark on, you know, their horses are camels, why in order to identify them. So just like that a name is a means of identifying something or someone so Bismillah with Name of Allah. Now, it's very obvious that something's going on over here. What does it mean by with Name of Allah, it means that I begin with the name of Allah. And I begin is not mentioned explicitly, it's implied. And this is one of the beautiful things about Arabic language, that everything does not have to be said explicitly. In fact, somebody has asked if the off is implied, the off you know that the off is there, because of the Kustra under the hat in Bismillah, he Okay, in the Arabic language, you will
notice that there aren't many prepositions like off is and things like that. So in the translation, you will find these prepositions in brackets in the parenthesis because they help us see how the words connect with each other, and how together they convey meaning in Arabic is indicated by the Hello Cat, the Hello Cat, the signs that you see on the last letter of the word. Okay, the last letter of the word, you will notice how the name hola for example, sometimes you see that it ends with the Fatah or sometimes it ends with a lumma. So for example, Polly lair who call you call coalition, say Allah is the Creator of everything. It doesn't say kulula He or kulula Ha, no, it's
holy Lau who? Sometimes you see that you have the same word, but it ends with a different Haruka that Holika the Fatah Khasra or dama. It shows us what the role of the word is in the sentence, but in the translation, we have done that job for you by putting those connecting words in the parenthesis. So Bismillah he with Name of Allah? Who is Allah? Allah Jimin or Rahim so a Raha man over here is a description of who Allah, in the name of Allah I begin with the name of Allah meaning by taking the name
of Allah, who is a Rahman of Rockman be extremely merciful. A Rahim the Ever Merciful. Now again you can see over here all right man, you can see the L at the beginning. L means the. And the same thing for a Rahim you can see the L at the beginning, though. So l the Rockman. Extremely merciful. L the Rahim Ever Merciful. Now Rahman and Rahim, both of these words you can see that the letters are very similar. And what are those common letters that are coming in both of these words? Raw Ha, me. So then what's the root? The root is raw, ha mean? Any other word that you can think of from this root? Allahumma? Exactly. Rama is mercy. So who is the man or her man, the Merciful? Who is Rahim? Also
the Merciful. But there's a difference between these words, right? One is right, man. The other is Rahim. You can see in the command, there is an extra letter at the end. And that extra letter is the noon. And in Rahim, you don't see that extra letter. So one thing in general that you should be familiar with as a general rule in the Arabic language is that extra letters mean? More meaning? Not extra. Extra is not the right word. More letters means more meaning. Okay, remember this as a general rule. So UNRWA man doesn't just mean the Merciful. There's something else going on over here. All right, man is the one who is extremely merciful. Okay, the extremely merciful because
ramen is a noun that is the strongest noun available within the Arabic language. You know, for example, when it comes to the names of Allah Lafayette, okay, Lafayette, the one who forgives you have Lafayette the one who forgives love food, the one who forgives a lot and love far the one who is extremely forgiving, extremely forgiving. So there is a difference you know love it forgiving love old very forgiving love found extremely forgiving. So just like that a rock man extremely merciful. And Rahim Ever Merciful. The word rock man shows us that Allah's Mercy is extremely great. And Rahim shows us that Allah is continuously merciful, ever Merciful, always merciful. And
inshallah we will look at the difference between these two names later on also. So a Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen Al hamdu. This is also two words, there is Al and hunt. Now do you see something different in the translation the translation says all praise, not the praise. Because in the Arabic language, sometimes the L at the beginning of a noun gives the meaning of is still rock of absolute comprehensiveness you can say, so it doesn't just mean though praise it means all absolute praise, perfect praise. All right, and handle all praise. And hand is from the root letters ha Meem dal Al hamdu lillah Al hamdu lillah. Now there is a connection between these two words and
that is, praise is for Allah is Lilla and Lin Allah this is Li and Hola. Now we see another word over here at least disliked the letter B. B is a word in itself. And li Alto is a word in itself even though it's just one letter. So li genuinely means for, but Lin Allah means that it's due to Allah meaning ALLAH is deserving of it. So all praise is due to Allah meaning ALLAH is deserving of all praise. And Alhamdulillah also means that all praises for Allah meaning for Allah exclusively. Alright, so Lee gives a sense of exclusivity, all praises for Allah alone. There is no one else that deserves all absolute perfect praise. Why because everyone besides Allah is deficient. And we're all
creation and he is the only creator. So all praises due to Allah or all praises for Allah alone. And Alhamdulillah then we have Rob Bill aalameen. Now Rob over here is the description of
LilLah Who is Allah? Allah is robbing Alameen Alhamdulillah all praises for Allah, who is horrible al Amin, Rob of the world's. Now the word Rob is very clear, Rob means Lord. And it is from the letters Rob bab. One question for you. How do we know that the root letters are robbed? babba? Where did I get the second bathroom? Excellent the shutdown the shutdown on a letter. Remember this rule? The shutdown on the letter means that this was actually two letters. This is why we don't say Robbie, we say Rob B. Rob B. So there's two letters to baz over here.
So all praise is due to Allah Who is Rob Rob of what Rob off Elia al Amin, of the worlds now you should be a pro at this, you can see the L at the beginning. L means the and I mean, are the mean is a plural word. Now, what's going to happen in Sharla in this session is that I'm also going to give you the singulars off certain words. So if there's a plural word, I will tell you what the singular form is, why not to make your life difficult not at all, but to give you a deeper understanding of the word a better understanding of the word okay. This is part of a knowing the words that you know, whether the word is a singular or a plural. So, L means the LM is world and the yen own at the end,
it shows us that the word is a plural. Can you think of another word that is a plural and it ends with the same sound end? Muslim mean? Good Muslim mean means what? Muslims what's the singular of Muslim mean? Muslim, mean? monoterpene.
Mushy keen.
So, the in at the end of a noun, indicates that the word is plural ally Lamine. Our alum is a singular, Allah means world. Now with this we can see how important it is for us to get the Holocaust right. If we said our limb, meaning we put the we replace the Fatah with a customer on the lamp, we instead of saying ilm, we say a limb. Does anyone know what ILM means? Exactly? It means a knowledgeable person. So you see the difference of just one sound can make the word so different, it can change the meaning completely. So rock Bill al Amin, Rob of the worlds, and ILM is from the root letters I inland meme, and cello, I'll tell you the meaning of the word later. Al hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen. Who is he? A Russia Manuel Rahim. This is also a Rockman over here is also description for who Allah Al hamdu all praises for who Lilla Who is Allah? First or Bill Alameen second, a ramen.
And then you have a Rahim al Rahman al Rahim. So these names are coming again. You can see Al and you can also see the root letters, the extremely Merciful, the Ever Merciful.
Then Maliki Yoma. Dean Malik, this is the next description. So counting the descriptions now I'll handle all praise is for who Allah? Allah is who are Bill Alameen. He is also a Rahman Rahim and he is also Maliki Yeoman Dean. He is the sovereign of the day of repayment. Now Malik means sovereign and the root is meme lamb calf, can you think of another word that comes from the same origin meme lamb calf? Good Moloch Excellent. Wolke is kingdom. Malik is king. And Malik is sovereign meaning the one who has absolute authority, absolute power. So Allah is Malik of absolute sovereign have who have when yo me dean of the day of the repayment, of course, Allah is Malik now as well. But right
now, Allah subhanaw taala has also given authority to you know, different people. So for example, someone has a lot of wealth, or a person has a lot of power, they have a lot of privilege, they have a lot of authority, they have control over other people. But on the day of judgment, no one is going to have any power. No one is going to have any authority whatsoever.
It's only going to be for Allah, so Maliki yummy theme, and so much so that people will not even be able to speak lei Yong Li Qunar min who fit Faber people will not
To even be able to speak before Hola. So Malik el Medina and Yom means de
and Yom over here this is connected with Malik. So Maliki young sovereign off day. Yo means day and it's from the root letters yeah well meme, which day the day of a dean.
So the day of the repayment now a dean This is Al and Dean l meaning the and Dean meaning repayment, you can see that the route is Dahlia known
doesn't mean mean religion. This is a question. Yes, exactly. The means religion. Someone's asking, Why is this not a plural? If this is also ending with the noon? Why is it not a plural? Good question. It's not a plural because look at the root column. What's the root that well, yeah, noon. So the yen on over here is not an addition to the singular word. The Yen over here is part of the word.
All right, it's part of the word.
Now we understand the deen is religion. And here we're saying that it is repayment because if you think about it, Dean religion Yes. But religion is what you observe it you follow it with the belief that you're going to get a certain result at the end, then from the same root actually means a debt and a debt is supposed to be paid back. So the Day of Judgment is the day off payback. It's the day when each person will be given their payment All right, meaning their recompense what they deserve for what they have done. So Maliki yo Medina, Allah is a sovereign of the repayment then we say a year can our Buddha what a year canister in a year K you alone. Now this is a very interesting word
a yakka a Yucca you see the cursor at the end K means you can you think of a word in which there is cup and we are saying you when you thank someone what do you say?
Yes You said Joe Zach Hello Jezza cat may Allah reward cap right May Allah reward cap May Allah reward you. So Kara means you, but this is for masculine Okay. When you are talking to a girl and you want to say thank you, what do you say Jezza key level excellent key key also means you but key is for girl for a woman feminine, alright and cut is masculine. Now that linguistically the word iya is just there to support cow to separate.
Okay, from attaching to another word. So it could have been said nonverbal. Dukkha We worship you. But no, you have to come first. And it's coming first because it shows how important it is to worship Allah how Allah is the only one who deserves worship. But cat cannot appear on its own. It needs some support. So this is why II yakka iya and this gives the benefit off alone of exclusivity. This is why we have alone in the parenthesis yakka you alone Narrable do we worship? So You alone we worship. Now Now we'll do is a verb. Okay? Remember that in any language, you have verbs, you have nouns, and you have prepositions. These are the three major types of words, three major categories
of words. So Norbu is a verb. Okay, we worship. Now notice at the beginning the letter noon I've separated it. The root letters are I mean by done, okay. Any word that you can think of from the root Iein by doll are excellent art is a slave or a Bagha worship. Excellent. So now we'll do we worship. Now the noon at the beginning the NA? This means we Okay, so we worship a yakka narubu You alone we worship? What a yakka nuts 13 Whoa, what means and what and a yakka again, you alone so what IACA and you alone? NES 13 We seek help from now notice over here again, it's a verb and it begins with Na Na means we and the scene and the TA I'll just get there. But the ion yeah noon at
the end. This is from the root letters I in well, noon. Our own our own means help. So nets 13 We seek help from now one thing you should know about certain letters in Arabic
especially Elif Wow And yeah, that these letters are very fluid Okay, meaning that they keep changing into something else. Or rather sometimes you will see that the Elif is changing into a while. Sometimes you will see that the WoW is changing into a year. All right. So I live while Yeah, are very interchangeable. Okay, they're interchangeable. So it's not necess their own the verb is necessary in the wall has changed into a Yeah, necessary, we seek help from and you see the scene and the tower over here the scene editor, remember the rule I gave you earlier. More letters means more meaning. So necessary means we seek help from seek so the scene and the tag give the sense of
seeking when you say is the hara what is the Hora istikhara you are seeking help? Excellent. You are seeking goodness from Allah subhanaw taala istikhara what is is still far
is still far you are seeking forgiveness Excellent. So is Tirana is that you are seeking help so uh yeah can our Buddha You alone we worship what iya can a serene and You alone we seek help from then we say a dinner slit Alton was the team. This is the second half of Surah Al Fatiha where we're making our to Allah a dinner slotland was the team a dinner means you guide us to or you guide us along. Now you will see this in the translation sometimes that there are multiple meanings given so you have multiple dashes. So this shows that these are two meanings. These are not synonyms. All right. These are two different meanings so you are expected to learn both of them. So Idina, now
Idina is from the root letters had Dahlia hedaya. He Daya means guidance Huda al Gouda for hit from the same route is the means you guide
you guide this is what is called a feral animal in Arabic, meaning it's a verb of command or even request. So ad you guide you guide who you guide now, us. Do you notice something NES 13, narrow Budo Na, we. So sometimes you have the noon coming at the beginning of a word sometimes at the end of a word when it is separate from the root letters. Typically speaking, of course, there are different scenarios. But generally speaking, when you have the noon coming at the beginning of a word or at the end of a word, it generally means we are us. So you guide us to the straight path or you guide us along this trade path, meaning keep us on the straight path. And Athina slid off a slit
vault. This is the object right even a slot guide as to what the object is the path. Now a slit off this is l and slot, L means the slot path. And this is from the letter solid law. And almost the team, this is the description of the slot, the path that is straight. Now almost a pin, you can again see a lot is going on in this big word. L means the Alhamdulillah. You're familiar with that. You have the Mooster and then the team at the end team. This is showing us what the root letters are through letters or cough Wow meme. So the WoW has changed into a Yeah, so most of the team. And again, you can see over here scene and TA now we're not really seeking something here. So what's
going on? Remember that sometimes a scene TA in a verb or in a noun? It indicates the hyperbole. mobiola So most the theme, the straight meaning the one that is very straight, the one that is absolutely straight, free from any crookedness, any deviation. Mr. King, the one that leads straight to the destination. Mr. Kim? Athina Serato Mr. Payne, now what is the Serato musta came it is slid off on levena and Nantahala him it is slit Alta it is path you can see that now it is not a slit Alta it has just slid off. So we say path and Lavina of those who slid off Valentina path of those who have who have an ungodly hem of the people who you bless them. Now the word and levena means
those who can you think of another word that sounds similar to a Lavina
a lovey Excellent. A lovey means the one who so a lovey is the singular and you will see now
I hope you have recognized the pattern that whenever there is a singular form I will put it in red in the word breakup section, okay. So that you can understand that this is the singular. So a lady is a singular and a Lavina is plural. Okay, so a lady the one who Alladhina those who siddhappa Latina an entirely him and our unterlagen you can see in your book that it's in one box, okay. Because, you see, the meaning of certain words is only complete with certain prepositions. So a noun Tara lay him together means you bless them. But if you analyze these words, these are actually two main words Anantha and I lay him and Nan TA. N Anta means you blessed. You blessed a Nanda you
blessed from the root letters no nine mean TR also means you, okay, that also means you and I lay him this is two words are Allah and him are Allah generally means upon, okay, and he means them. So our lay him together upon them. But in the English language, you don't say you blessed upon them. This is you blessed them. This is why the upon is in paranthesis it's not bolded you're not required to say it. So a non darling him you bless them. Path of those who you blessed them, lady, not and by the way, Anantha from the root letters no nine mean can you think of another word? From the same letter as new nine meme? neuroma? What is neuroma blessing. So Anantha you bestowed blessing you
blessed laden malubay I lay him will Oberlin lady not lady means not it can also mean other than but here it means not because there is a lack coming later. So laden McDo, barely him and Moldova lay him again together. This means those who have received wrath. Okay, those who have received wrath. Now let's look at these words and Mahboob, this is l and Mahboob. L means the Madhu means the one who has received love. What is the holdup wrath, anger. So l McAdoo, the one who has received wrath, but it's not just one person over here it is I lay him upon themselves. So almost Dubai lay him those who have received wrath it is plural because of the him. So I'll do Burlingham together, those
who have received rep not the path of those who had received wrath, wala and nor, and Allah is coming here again, later means not an LA means nor not of these and nor of those. So the knot is being repeated with a different word to emphasize that we don't want any of this. Not this and not that. So Hayden Mulu barely him. Well of Berlin and Nora. Have a baleen, a baleen. This is L, meaning the ball is one who has gone astray. This is the singular, and the yen at the end is a sign of plural. So a baleen those who have gone astray and the root letters are blogged lamb lamb, can you think of a word that comes from this root? Ballal Ballal is misguidance. So Baal is a person who
is on misguidance baleen, those who are on misguidance, meaning those who have gone astray. Lay them off, do VRLA him Allah valine Amin.
So this is why we have those who have gone astray.
Okay, good question. How come for certain words there are no roots? Would anyone like to take a guess? Before I answer? Okay, there are no root words for it. Yes. Because generally when we're talking about the root origins, we're talking about the root origins of either nouns or verbs, okay, either nouns or verbs not have heard of or preposition. So, looking back from the beginning, you can see that wherever there is a noun, you will have a root. But where there is a preposition like for example, Min against there is no root. Likewise, when you have in a yakka for iya, there is no route. Now one thing is that I'm not going to burden you with too many route letters because if you
are given something in class, you are expected to learn it in sha Allah, this is a long journey and inshallah I will give you things gradually, because of Hamdulillah. While some of you I can see from your comments that you are very familiar with Arabic grammar, others are not. So I want to
take everybody along. And for that reason Shala I'm going to give you things gradually. Okay, now the question is, are you expected to memorize the root letters, when you have a test inshallah you will be given, you know, some kind of handout so that you are going to be given some instructions as to what you will be tested on. But it would be good for you to memorize the root letters as you memorize your lesson. And if you understand the word in sha Allah, recognizing the root letters should not be difficult, it's going to be a bit challenging at the beginning, but you will notice in sha Allah that with time you'll get so used to them, the only place where it does become challenging
is when you have the left while Yeah, or when you have letters with the shutdown.
Okay, the word breakup No, you are not expected to memorize I will show you the word breakup to explain the translation to you. Okay, to help you understand why we are translating the words in this way. And this is part of understanding the meaning because the first step in Sharla is going to understand the meaning of the text, then we can study the loveseat. So, thing is during class time, I expect you to write these notes, okay. In your book, you will notice that under every section where the Arabic and the translation is, there is empty space that is provided to you, in that empty space, you can write down the root letters, all right. And you can also you know, draw some lines
between the Arabic and the translation to help you understand the word breakup. And in childbirth of seed, you can write on the blank side. Okay, make sure that you are taking notes in class, because how many printouts will you take, if you in sha Allah write down with your own hand? This will be part of memorizing what you are learning over here. Right now in the word analysis, I'm showing you the root letters and the word breakup in sha Allah as we will progress through the course I will not do the word breakup of every single word. Instead, I'm going to give you the meanings of the words. So you will inshallah write definitions, the blank space on the other side, meaning the empty page
that you have that is good fourth of seed. Let's listen to the recitation again of Surah Fatiha and as you listen to the recitation of Surah Fatiha I want you to pay attention to every word and check yourself how much understanding Have you developed? Now that you know the meaning of each word? Check yourself how much understanding Have you developed Alright, let's listen to the recitation
are all the wheeler humulus che bong and one gene Bismillah
me in
14 Maliki over me D Dean. He
still he said
darling him Lloyd.