Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 117 – The burial of the martyrs of Uhud

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning about the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's life, particularly in the aftermath of the Battle of the hood. They also discuss the shrouds and wreaths on individuals who die in the battlefield, the concept of"the man's body" being washed and covered in plain cloth," and the funeral of the deceased member. The segment also touches on the importance of considering narratives and their significance in relation to supposed outcomes. The segment concludes with a discussion of the return of the people of Afghanistan to the city of relevance and the return of the people of Afghanistan to their city.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts, we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, to love him, and to better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the ultimate mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, something like you will have the love of salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, He will be as married. inshallah, continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a similar to number we had the prophetic biography.

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We've been discussing the Battle of our hood. And last time when we, in the previous session, we talked about the conclusion of the actual fighting in the battle itself. where we are right now is in the aftermath of the battle, we also talked about some of that where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself personally went through the battlefield kind of surveying the damage, accounting for the loss of life and seeing which of the Sahaba You know, he could find and could identify.

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And similarly, he had other companions also kind of combing through the battlefield, looking for the Shahada, and then injured individuals that there might have been

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at this particular time, what the books have seen, I'll make mention of is the janazah, or the burial of those who had fallen at the bottom level hood. And there are some very powerful, gripping and touching stories on narrations that talk about those who had fallen in exactly how they were,

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you know, offered their funeral rites.

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Now in this particular area and chapter first and foremost, I kind of like to get this out of the way because I don't want this to be a focus of our session, particularly here, even though it is an important issue as the scholars in the fukuhara Dr. lemma have discussed this issue. There is a difference of opinion amongst the fuqaha amongst the scholars of fic. about whether or not when you have what we call a Shaheed a marcher, and specifically to be more precise, a Shahid How can it be an actual physical martyr, somebody who died fighting in the battlefield,

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that when you have somebody who has died in this manner, they died in the battlefield. There's a few rulings in regards to them, that we might not be familiar with, because it's not like an ordinary burial or funeral prayer. First and foremost, of course, as we know, the normal procedure is that whenever we have a Muslim brother or sister who dies who passes away, they are first and foremost, you know, given a host of their body is washed, whatever clothing they were wearing, whatever jewelry they might have been wearing, at the time that they passed away in the case of a sister jewelry, that that is removed, of course respecting the privacy and the dignity of the deceased,

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that is removed. And then at that point in time, the body is washed, preferably if it is a man who has died then there are men washing the body if it's a sister who has passed away, there are women Washington body, as evidenced by the fact that even when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam departed from this world, his body was washed by the men, the Sahaba the men, particularly the men of his family, like our boss or the Allahu taala and who and alumina Vitaly rhodiola, anhu and others.

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In the body is washed at that time, after the body has been washed, then the body is shrouded in is wrapped, it is covered in plain cloth, unstitched clothing, and then a funeral prayer Salatu janazah is offered, after which the body is taken to the graveyard and it is laid to rest. So there are basically four things that we do and that is the whistle, taxi washing of the body to clean shrouding of the body Salah, the prayer upon the deceased and then there is the test feed the burial where you lower the body into the ground. However, when you have the case of mushahid The rules are a little bit different. And this is what we're going to come across in the narration today, but I'd

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like to go ahead and explain it just so somebody doesn't hear something and it kind of throws them off for

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confuses them. First and foremost, when you have an actual physical March or somebody who dies in the battlefield, then the first thing is is that they are left in the clothing in which they are left in the clothing that they are wearing. The clothing is not removed from them. Of course, the the body is still covered with a sheet to cover the face in the feed, particularly if the clothing was torn. In the case of an injury or dying in the battlefield, the clothing might have been kind of torn or removed or something like that, obviously, in the course of battle, so there is a sheet that's placed but the clothing that they still have on them as tattered or *, they may be it is

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not removed from them. Number one. The prophets. A lot of them did, however, say remove their armor, remove their weapons, so the weapons and the armor is removed, but the clothing is left on them, number one, number two. So there's there's that concept number two is you do not wash the body of the martyr, Shahid. It is not washed. But the profits a lot of these images we're going to read in the narration. He says bury them with their wounds with their blood, we know whom edema him, bury them with their blood. And as we'll read in the narration, the prophets a lot he sent him says that when they will be raised on the Day of Judgment, they will come with these wounds in the in all this

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blood and it will still be fresh. And it will be like a testament and an evidence on their behalf of what they sacrificed for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So they are not washed, their clothing is left on them. Another shroud can be placed on them, of course for respect.

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They are buried, of course, but then the fourth thing which is the salon. Now this might seem kind of peculiar, but there's a difference of opinion whether or not the Salah is performed for the Shaheed or not. And the purpose behind that is first and foremost, of course, it's based on evidence, as we will read that there are some a hadith even authentic narrations that mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, buried the Shahada of overheard, and this is not like a disrespect. You know, a lot of times when you hear that you buried somebody without praying a lot of janazah it's almost like it creates an ocean of disrespect, right, like you didn't fulfill their

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rights, or maybe what like we wouldn't pray so often janazah for a non Muslim, right, so somebody can be kind of shocked when they hear that. But the prophets A lot of us have had so much love for the Shahada, and we're going to read the narrations today, and it will actually shock you blow you away how much love and respect the prophets a lot of them had for the martyrs of a hood. However, a lot of janaza will not perform degeneration mentions it very clearly. The other thing more logically speaking is many of the scholars also say that the reasoning behind this is is because salata. janaza is a prayer for forgiveness. It's a prayer for forgiveness. And the Shaheed the moment that

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they they fall, all their sins are forgiven, and they are guaranteed paradise. And so that's why logically speaking as well, there it makes sense in the opinion of some of those scholars that are Salatu janazah would not be performed for them. And that is the opinion of the majority of the fukada scholars. However, some of the scholars like Abu hanifa Rahim Allahu taala, Deanna of the Hanafi school, they actually say that no salata janaza is to perform for them. And they actually mentioned the fact that there are some narrations which do mention, the fact that salata janaza was performed. So there's two sets of narrations. And because of that, there's a difference of opinion

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amongst the scholars. And of course, when and where and however, that situation may arise, either course of action would be absolutely correct, because that difference of opinion. And that difference of practice existed from the time of the companions. And it is a valid difference of opinion based on different narrations. So there are just simply two courses of action. And I wanted to clarify that right here at the very beginning, just so that there's no confusion as we read through the narrations.

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He comes out of the Allahu taala and who we spoke about. And we talked about how painful it was, for the prophets, a lot of these hymns to see the body of homes out of the law hotel and not just lying there falling in the battlefield. But then on top of that, very unfortunately, his body had been mutilated by some of the disbelievers. And we also talked about the art of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Sophia or the Allahu taala anha who was a remarkable very, very strong woman who came to see the body of her brother in this condition. And now the prophets a lot of him I told her son, Abdullah and Zubaydah, the Allah or Zubaydah, Allah Allah excuse me, radi Allahu taala and who

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he had told him to prevent his mother from seeing the Allahu anhu that way, however, when she insisted the prophets a lot, extend them. Secondly, Sabina, ha, let her go. She came she saw the body of hums out of the Allahu taala. I know for another Atilla he was

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latterly he was starting to add was different. She made to offer him she said it's too far. And she said in any language and a lady Roger on and she said that why, why? Why would I not want to? Why would I be bothered by seeing the body of my brother this way? Of course it pains me, but she says from albana Makana mandalika she says that what?

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I've heard that my brother's body was mutilated, were not only cofina but it was done for the sake of Allah for my autonomy Academy Delica la ceiba Allah spirit Allah insha Allah, I will be patient and I will ask Allah for reward for the sacrifice. And so once the body of the of Hamza, the Allahu taala, and who was covered, and we talked about that, she brought two sheets for the body of Hamza, the Allahu taala. And when the Sahaba say that there was Elijah he Roger luminol, in sorry katene there was an unsavoury that was lying there who had also fallen into the battlefield, next to Hamza rhodiola, one who, unfortunately, he didn't have any type of a sheet, his body had also been

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mutilated, as his clothes had been ripped off, and there was no sheet to cover him hands out of the Allahu tadano was a very, you know, tall and big man. So even though two sheets were very appropriate to cover him, we said we can't cover him in two sheets and leave the body of his brother Hamza would never stand for that leave the body of his brother uncovered. So they said that we looked at the two sheets and one was larger than the other. And again, we didn't want to just play favoritism and give the larger, nicer sheets to the uncle of the prophet SAW some Hamza, running a lot more on who. So therefore, we kind of just drew the sheets. And the larger sheet came out for

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the unsetting. And we covered him in this we covered comes up with the smaller sheets, we would put it up to his head, his feet became uncovered. But we took leaves from the trees and we covered his feet. So this is how hamdulillah the Allahu taala and who departed this world. There are some narrations now that mentioned something very powerful, and that is

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Amara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Hamza fursuit, GLB butadiene. So the prophets a lot of them said cover the body of Hamza and bring his body through masala Allah He this particular narration mentions that he prayed selected 10 as a for him for kabara he said that could be like he offered the selected janaza for him. Summa dutiable la you the owner Illa Hamza, then another the other deceased, the other shuhada were brought. But the prophets a lot of them said leave the body of Hamza and one after another after another the Shahada were brought, but for salaam aleikum wa alayhi wa sallam, but the prophets a lot of them kept praying the janazah of Hamza the Allahu taala Anu

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hotus Allah Allah, he's in danger he was Submariner Salatin. So much of the profits a lot even prayed 72 janazah prayers for homes out of the lock bar now, because of just the pain that he felt that the loss of Hamza, this is a weaker narration, but nevertheless, this is popularly narrated in many of the different books of Sierra and there are a number of different narrations which make the same mention to Monrovia our to rica Hamza Hata, Salalah haomei dhindsa Behringer Salatin, Imam Ahmed also has a similar narration where he mentioned that every single time The janazah was done, the other body would be taken but Hamza would be left somewhat so the prophets a lot of them offered

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70 janazah prayers upon homes that are the Allahu taala on who but as I mentioned that this is a weaker narration.

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Now, another situation that occurred was and we're going to talk about exactly how many Sahaba were Shaheed on the day of or heard in a little bit more detail towards the end, however, some of the Sahaba came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they said, O Messenger of Allah, O Messenger of God.

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We have nearly 70 Shahada to bury. And in in, they said that we have suffered great losses on this day, and many of us are injured, and battered and bruised and, you know, suffering in our own way, that many, many people have been injured today, and we are very exhausted from the battle. So it's going to be difficult for us to dig 70 graves. So at that time, the rook saw and this is also where we get some legislation, some fic that the profits, a lot of them allowed them to bury multiple people in one grave. And again, when you hear that sometimes it can sound somewhat disrespectful, almost like, you know, like we have the notion of, unfortunately, where massacres occur,

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oftentimes in the world very Unfortunately, sometimes, though, we'll hear about mass graves. This was not the idea of like a mass grave like, Well, I have to believe make a law. You know, God forbid that some you know, just a ditch was dug and a bunch of bodies were thrown in there. That's not the case at all, but rather what happened was basically to Sahaba were laid down in one grave together. And the way that it was done was that in Medina the way they would degraves is the concept of a lab.

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Now this is going to be not too difficult to explain.

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This is not too difficult to explain. But basically, the way that they would degrade in Medina is that they would dig downward. And once they had reached the bottom of the grave, then they would dig towards the side. So they would dig downwards, and then they would dig to the side a little bit creating kind of a pocket.

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And so what they did was instead of having to dig 70 graves, this way, they only had to dig about 35 graves, that's half the work. But when they would dig sideways, when they would create that pockets, instead of creating a small pocket that was big enough for one body, they just made the pocket a little bit bigger. So it was still less work than digging 70 twice as many graves, but they would just make that pocket a little bit bigger to where they could respectfully lay down two bodies, side by side next to one another. So they're still very respectful.

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And something very interesting is that so when the prophets allowed him gave him that permission, and this demonstrates the fact that it is permissible, if the need arises.

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That they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Who should we put into the grave first? Who should we put inside? Because again, the deeper you bury somebody the more better or more respectful it is, because there's a lesser chance of the body basically coming to the surface or becoming uncovered, so on and so forth. So the prophets a lot he said, um, said, a new home

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a new home

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or on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever knew more on put that person in the grave first. So this shows that even in life, preference would be given or rank was understood, at least in the community, based on one's attachment in relationship with the book of Allah subhanaw taala with the Quran, and even in depth, honor and dignity was granted in accordance with somebody's relationship with the book of Allah with the Quran. Right? So it tells us about the profound importance of the Quran, even in the community of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So, it mentioned some of the Sahaba who were buried together murasaki Bane, and it's even a very beautiful

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term that is used as well. Mata Sahib as brothers as friends, the friends that were buried together, so he comes out of the Allahu taala and who the uncle the beloved uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was buried along with his nephew, the son of his sister, Abdullah bin jash Abdullah IGNOU geohash This is the brother of Zainab bint jahsh omo meaning, the wife of the prophets Allah from the mother of the believers. Her brother Abdullah IGNOU geohash was Shaheed Muhammad and he was the cousin of the prophets a lot of a sudden the nephew of Hamza, his mother who may Allah Binta Abdulmutallab was Hamza sister. So since they were family, uncle and nephew, they were buried

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together and so hon Allah even Abdullah even Josh radi Allahu taala and who ended up sacrificing quite a bit on the day of boyhood, he had also been mutilated. Unfortunately, his body also been mutilated, so much so that the the the profits a lot of him gave him a nickname, and that was al Majid de la la mujer de la la mujer de I mean somebody whose nose had been cut off, but his name was al Majid aphylla, the one whose nose was cut off the one whose face was mutilated for the sake of Allah. And that's dignity and honor, because of course, Allah subhanaw taala will honor that person in accordance with that person sacrifice. Sabina Viva Casa de Allahu taala, who actually says that

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Abdullah bin geohash and sadra the Allahu taala Anu had made an hour before the Battle of boyhood started, they had both made their art together, they said we only do it and we will say I mean to each other's

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sadra the Allahu taala on who made to other May I meet one of the bravest and fiercest warriors amongst the enemy, and then I am able to defeat him. And that's exactly what happened. And Abdullah bin Joshua the Allahu taala and who said, Let me fight one of the fiercest of the enemy, and let us fight to the very end to the point where I injure him fatally, but then he is able to kill me. So as I am a Shaheed then I die in the battlefield. And that is precisely what happened to Israel I was accepted to be a Shaheed to be a martyr for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So they were buried together. Two more individuals who have remarkable stories that were also buried together are, I'm

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going to build Jammu Now if you remember the story I talked about

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jumbo earlier, I'm going to be the jumbo who was a very elderly man. He had also a very severe physical disability like his leg, he did not have very good use of one of his legs. So he had a very severe limp. And oftentimes it mentioned that he would need something to help him walk, like he needed, like a cane or a stick or a walker, to be able to even walk. That's how bad his leg was. And he was elderly. He had four very brave sons. And he said, I'm going to go for her. They didn't let him go for but he said, I'm going to go for her. His son said, No, eventually they went and they complained to the profits, a lot of them that our father he wants to go but he should not go this is

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this is situation. The prophets, a lot of them called him. And he said that, you know, you don't have to go He said, I know I don't have to go but what if I want to go?

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And what if I want to drag this? This this broken leg, this busted leg? What if I want to drag this into paradise?

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And then that's when the prophets a lot of them told his sons that get out of your father's way.

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Because he's a man with conviction. And I'm gonna be honest, Jimbo ended up dying in the battlefield as a martyr.

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His wife, I'm going to be named Jamal of the Allahu taala and who his wife came to retrieve his body after the battle was done.

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It the narration mentions that Sabin, who later says, we were there in the battlefield, if for some time afterwards, and all of a sudden we saw a camel that was approaching, and there was a woman on that camel, and it was the wife of another German. So we said to her man cupboard, What is wrong? She said that I love her. I'm assuming that he's allottee somewhat, meaning a schwa

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala defending the prophets Allah December Many believers have fallen as Shaheed and even Cathy Rahim, Allahu taala quotes the Iona de la who lived in a Kaffir Ruby hiding in Ludhiana Hara waka for longer meaning they'll teach Allah can Allahu COVID Aziza that Allah defended the messenger Salafi Sunnah by means of many of the believers. So she came, and they said that why are you here with this camel and she said that I am here to retrieve to recover the body of my brother who thought fell into battle and also the body of my husband had been a jumbo who is also Shaheed, so they were from Bhanu selima. They were unsolved from Medina and they were from the tribe

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of Banu Salima. So she said I would like to bury my family members in our graveyard of bunu Salima, however, when she started to take the body at that time, the prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, some of the narrations mentioned that other family members similarly came to retrieve some of their fallen from the battlefield. For instance, Jabba had been Abdullah radi Allahu taala and Omar, his father Abdullah, who had also fallen in the battlefield. He had also died as a Shahid Abdullah

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he came his he had seven sisters. And so his sisters when they receive the news that their father had died as Shaheed they sent their brother job in go get our father's body so we can bury him here close to us in Medina, so we can visit the grave.

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So he similarly had come to get his father's body. I'm gonna dymocks wife was there to get her husband's body, and similarly, many other people had come through to the bodies of their fallen. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, however, had an announcement made and the announcement from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was that Allah in the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yamanaka Antara Geobella kotla photography new haffi massarotti I have Hazel pootie Let's so the profits, a lot of them had messenger sent all the way to Medina to say anybody who has retrieved a family member of theirs or a friend who was shahida neighborhood needs to bring the body back to her and

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bury them where do they have fallen in the battlefield of hood?

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And what was exactly the wisdom behind this. So some scholars mentioned that this kind of serves as some evidence or proof that it is better to bury somebody where they have passed away where they have died. And there's some validity to that idea and that thoughts.

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However, specifically in the case of a Shahid

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because the prophets a lot of these are mentioned in another narration that when somebody dies as a Shaheed in the battlefield, while they have a ton of reward that is mentioned in the Quran and in many other narrations. One of the rewards that are reserved for the Shaheed is wherever they died, and they are buried in the battlefield.

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They will be granted one of their one of the things that will be given to them is that they will be given a palace in Paradise, that will be the size of where they were buried all the way to their home.

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And so the prophets, a lot of them said no, bury the Shahada avoid where they fell, to preserve this reward on their behalf. And at the same time, another purpose of it was, as we are able to see today, that the shuhada of HUD were meant to be this very powerful symbol of a set of sacrifices of region so that Omar Abdullah Ali from in Houma, Qatada woman whom I am today, right, that these were people who laid their lives on the line and fulfilled the promise that they had made to Allah subhana wa Tada. Right. So they were meant to serve as a symbol of the sacrifice that the first generation made for Islam. And we see that even till today for the rest of the life of the Prophet.

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So some of us to visit the show, until today, when we go to Medina to manohara, the city of the prophets a lot. So we go and we visit and pay our respects to the martyrs of hood at the place of hood. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, bring them back. So we know the story of I'm gonna be in the gym, or Jabir bin Abdullah, his father, Abdullah was also an elderly man, Jabba the Allahu taala was a young man who was a warrior, but his father, he was going for the battle and he said that if, if it wasn't for your younger sisters, he said, I am leaving you in charge of your younger sisters, Seven Sisters, he said, but if it was not for my daughters and my concern for my

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daughters, I would love nothing more than for you to fight by my side.

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For you to fight by my side, my son, that we would fight together in the path of Allah subhanaw taala. In the cause of Allah, however, I need to leave you behind in order to look after your sisters, my daughters. So then when Abdullah radi Allahu taala and who was confirmed as fallen in the battlefield, then Jabba the Allahu taala, who came and offered his respects and as I mentioned, was going to take the body of his father back to Medina. But however, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed them to bury them, wherever they were, however, for it was also very, very beautiful about this is that some of the how attentive now the prophets, a lot of them had lost his

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uncle Hamza, he had lost other family members and friends and companions, he himself was so severely injured, but how the profits a lot of them paid such close attention to the, you know, emotional distress of everyone that was around him. So I'm gonna jump in Japanese father Abdullah were buried also together.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw that job, it was really struggling with his father's death. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Anna shahidullah, Allahu Allah.

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I am a witness on behalf of these martyrs, these people in the human injury when you giraffe ilaha illa Allah who Yabba who Yama Yama, Yama, Judah, who alone who lonely Domine what the Holy Miskin the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I am a witness on behalf of all of these martyrs and every single person that was injured today, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. That person will be raised by Allah on the Day of Judgment, and his wound will still be oozing blood.

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And the color will be the color of blood, but the fragrance will be the fragrance of musk coming from these individuals. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also to a job it about his father for in Nakula during akula Dominica for Miss canyamel qiyamah that every single wound and every all the blood that is on their body will have the fragrance of musk on the day of judgment on the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He also said to jabby radi Allahu taala. And who, when

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he saw that he was kind of struggling with this, and especially Jabba nothing, Allahu talana was kind of bothered by the idea of putting his father in a grave with another person. The prophets, a lot of them said if you were to make the grave bigger and wider, would you aloha Giuliani was the last half in America wide, so that when you put two or three people together in one grave, it is not tight. It's not like you're piling them together. In another narration. He said, I mean to make sure you dig deep. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to

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jabil radi Allahu taala anhu about his father, when he saw that he was very, very sad.

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Some very beautiful Bashara some some good news.

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Yes, so he said Jabara the Allahu Allah and who came to the prophets a lot of these him and he said that

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Jabulani Allah Hannah's father. Actually, Abdullah had told his son, we're in Isla De La Jolla, Minka rasulillah. He said, Oh, my son Javid, nobody is more beloved to me than whom I leave behind them, other than you, aside from the profits, a lot of them after the profits of them, you are the most beloved person to me. What in the Alagiah Dean and faculty, I have a lot of debt. Make sure you pay my debt off for me was though CB ecological Hayden, and look after your sisters for me. And, of course, the father ended up dying. So when Jabba the olano came to see this body of his father, he started to cry, jolly actually for who's sober way up. He kept moving the cloth from the face of his

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father the sheet from the phasors father, and he kept crying over his father's body. When for the happiness, some people started to kind of tell him not to do that. Some people started to reprimand him and tell him Don't do that. For color. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Subhan Allah, the prophets, a lot of them he came, and he said that he had a lot of key. He said, whether you cry on him or you don't cry on him. Notice the prophets. A lot of him did not reprimand him, because he understood. He's in pain right now. But he said whether you cry for your father, you don't cry for him. Lamb doesn't leave Mara to the loo be as a hottie ha ha Tara facciamo the angels are covering

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his body with their wings so that the sun doesn't even directly the sunlight does not burn his body. The angels are shielding your father's body with their wings. In another narration the prophets a lot of them said good job but a lot but she took a job and you want some good news. Paula Bella, of course your Rasul Allah, he's a boss sharika lahu behave. Allah has delivered good news to you. He said that.

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A Shara and Allaha Baca Let me tell you your father's story. What happened to your father after he died in the battlefield? Allah resurrected like the soul of your father when before our last panel was Allah. for college, Amanda Lee Abdi mashita Ortega who Allah said to your father's soul, tell me Oh, my slave, what do you want? I will give to you whatever it is that you desire. Kala Yara be Mahabharata. kahakai by the tick, oh my father I did not wish. He says Oh, Yara Bo Allah the father says Oh Allah. I did not worship you as you deserve to be worshipped at seminar alayka and Daniella dunya. I desire that you return me back to the life of the world. Why? for up to Lama and Abuja and

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I will once again marching to the battlefield by the sight of your profit went up to the FECA mirliton Talu fee Camerata No, and I would be killed again fighting for your sake in your path. Bala in the Hoopa de la familia who La la la la. But however, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that the decree has been made that when somebody leaves the world, they do not come back. That's why you will not be sent back. But the profits lobbyists have mentioned this to jabiru that look at your father. Look what an amazing and remarkable man Your father is.

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In another narration, the prophets a lot. He said I'm Saad Javid, and he said Molly rockem. Tillman. Oh, jabil Why are you so sad? He said Dr. rasulillah, Petula Abby, I lost my father. What Tanaka Damon were Yellin and he's left a lot of debt and a huge family to look after. As if the loss of my father wasn't bad enough. I now have all these responsibilities burdening me and I'm crumbling under the pressure.

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The profits a lot he sent him said a lot of broke. Let me tell you something, son. Let me tell you something. He said McCallum Allahu Haydn, alameen wa, jabbing

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Allah subhanaw taala does not speak to any human being except from behind a barrier

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from behind the barrier.

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What in who can Lama Baca Keifa however, las panatela removed the barrier when speaking to your father soul,

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that your father's soul was granted the honor and a distinction to be in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And again, he said yeah, Abdi selmy or Attica, or my slave asked me whatever you want, I will give it to you for Allah as Luca Antara Daniella dunya. And again, he made the same request. Let me go back to the world and I will fight again and I will lose my life again and I will fight again and lose my life again. But of course Allah subhanaw taala said that it has been decreed nobody returned.

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back, but this is the virtue of your father.

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And so this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was consoling them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by the body of mazovian are made. And he was lying by the side of almost like a pathway, his body was lying there killed, it severely injured, and the profits a lot of them stopped at his body, and he made for most of the profits a lot. And he read the MENA region, Sakuma Allah Allah, that from the believers, they are these people, these men, they fulfill the promise that they made to God. And then the prophets a lot he said, um, said, I shall do and the heart will issue harder in the law. yarmulke Yama, I bear witness, I testified that these people

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will stand before God on the day of judgment as martyrs. To whom was who was Ooh. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, So come and visit them

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come and visit them. When leadin FC v. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever gives Salaam to them, till the Day of Judgment that Salam is returned back on that person.

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And that's why the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is narrated about him Ganon abuse of alcoholism yet to Buddha Shahada, the prophets along with him regularly used to go and visit the graves of the Shahada.

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And whenever he got the opportunity, and he used to say Assalamu alaykum Bhima sabato, may Allah peace and blessings be upon you because of the patience you displayed for America but the most amazing is your reward. Then Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, who after the Prophet cism, Abu Bakar, the llama used to come and visit them, and then come and visit them. And then Arthur Manali, Allahu taala, who used to come and visit them. Even so much so that I mentioned her Fatima radi Allahu taala and her she used to regularly go to the place of the show. And she would visit them for tip here and there who Motorola whom she used to cry there at the graves of the child of a hood and make

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to offer them that may Allah reward you for your sacrifice. You defended the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you sacrificed your lives for the sake of the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, after all the shuhada were buried before I go forward, I wanted to talk about a few things that are mentioned that are preserved in the history of the city of Medina and particularly about the show devil heard some very interesting and remarkable, miraculous things. However, the first thing I wanted to mention was that after the Shahada or heard had been buried,

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the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered all the believers together and he addressed all of them almost like consider this like a hook by like a like an address. And he said in the banner ad Confirm button.

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I am here amongst you as a as a witness amongst you were an Alaykum shahidan and I'm a witness on your behalf. We're in the memory that will hold and we will all be reunited together at the fountain of Gotha. We're in the London Palladium in Macau mihaylova. And Allah has granted me the ability to see the fountain of Goethe and from where I stand here right now we're in the less to actually come and to Chico I do not worry that you will go and revert back to shit.

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I'm not worried about my own mother they will start worshipping idols again. While I can actually madonia antenna antenna for those who are rather what I'm worried about is the fact that you will become preoccupied by worldly and material things where you will die from material things and you will forget the importance of you know, serving Allah subhanaw taala with this time in this life that you have been given, and that's why the prophets Allah, encourage the visiting of just not just assure that, but graveyards in general. There's also another very interesting narration that is mentioned from the Battle of war hood, much like in the Battle of bundler you have the story of

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Okasha Matson that the prophets a lot of them gave him a stick Okasha and it turned into a sword. Similarly in the hood,

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a Zubaydah been Baka Ravi Allahu taala, who says his sword broke on the neighborhood.

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The profits a lot he said him

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or excuse me, Abdullah bin Josh. His sword had broken the profits. A lot of them gave up delivering geohash a stick and it turned into a sword in his hand, and he fought with it until he was killed afterwards. It was then inherited by some of his children. It was eventually sold and bought for 200 Dena which is a huge amount of money 200 gold coins

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by somebody because there was this miraculous sword that went from stick to sword, because of the profits, a lot of them granting it and giving it to somebody. So now after this point in time, the martyrs have been buried the profits, a lot of them has addressed the believers. And at this point in time, they're returning back to the city of Medina and insha. Allah in the next session, we'll talk about their return back to the city of Medina. However, one of the things I wanted to mention here

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is that job is not the Allahu taala. And who says that my father was buried with Amina Jamal, who is a amazing man, no doubting that.

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But he says that it kind of did not sit well with me

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that I could not even give my father

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you know, his own grave.

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So he says, I went back.

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I went back six months later.

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And when I went back six months later, I dug another grave separately from my father, and I took my father's body out from the grave that he was buried in to place him in his own grave. And he swears by Allah subhanaw taala. At that time, he says, I swear to Allah, that at that time, six months later, when I took my father's body out, his wounds were still fresh, the blood was still flowing from his body.

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And he recited the i O Allah Subhan Allah, Xena coochie roofie sabi lillahi Amata do not think that those were killed in the path of Allah are dead, but Yana angara became Eurozone but they are alive being sustained by their Lord in their master Allah subhanho wa Taala. In another narration, this is preserved in the history of the city of Medina. And particularly in regards to the place of awkward that at the time of more albia not the Allahu taala and who

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they were digging, like a trench or like an irrigation canal.

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So they were digging this trench, and in the digging of the trench, a lot of flooding and water and different things happened at that time over there. There were some, some issues and problems they had. And some of the graves of the Shahada have heard unfortunately, kind of became uncovered.

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Some of the bodies were uncovered from the ground, and everybody who was there many Sahaba who were there at that time, as well, they all relate that at that time, when we went there, we saw that the wounds and the blood and the bodies of them were still fresh.

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Like they had not rotted or decomposed in the least bit. And this is at the time I'm where are we at rhodiola hootenanny. And this is the bottom of the third year of hedgerows

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30 years later,

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that the bodies have not changed in the least bit. And in fact, one of the

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very, very senior elder scholars, who is an expert of the history of the city of Medina, he's written a book about the history of the city of Medina as well. He in his book, he's mentioned not one, but multiple incidents, where either there's been a lot of rains or floods and things like that, where sometimes, people found out that some of the graves, the dirt had been washed away, and the bodies had become uncovered over the course of Islamic history. And every single time that has happened and people have gone there to cover the bodies up again, that they have found that the bodies were completely fresh, even hundreds and 1000 years later, that this is the promise of Allah

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subhanaw taala This is miraculous, but this is true. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said about Shahada, and particularly specifically, the Shahada of Oh hood.

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I was going to mention that they say for wetjet to forward to a beefy oblique Anima who are not gonna lie it they every single time somebody saw some of the bodies of the Shahada boyhood, they always say it looked like they were sleeping.

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They looked like they were alive. They look like they were sleeping, but the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I'll conclude with this, he said about the Shahada have offered in talking about their virtues. lemma. We'll see bekam Lemma we'll see but if one okuyama offered, that when your brothers fell in the Battle of boyhood, JAL Allahu Allahu alayhi wa fi who played in

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the last panel rajala put their souls in the bodies of these green birds that he will inherit that fly around in paradise. What's that gonna mean? See, Mary had a drink from the streams of paradise. They eat from

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The fruits of Paradise, what that we deal with the harmonica fields in the lush

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and they go and they rest sitting in ness that are hanging that are made out of gold that are hanging from the throne of Allah subhanaw taala that that's where the Shahada of Adar for Lama would you leave on Mashallah became omaka Lima Hosni Mattila him and when they enjoy all these blessings of a lion paradise, they see menu Bundy who what Anna Anna, Anna Yon Phil jannetty todos de Lucia

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who will deliver the message to our brothers on our behalf.

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That we are alive in Paradise and being fed by Allah subhanho wa Taala Leanna young Lee Allah Yun kulu Anil herb, so that just because we died in the Battle of 100 people will not be afraid to sacrifice for the sake of Allah when I do feel Jihad and people will not hesitate to sacrifice and fight for the sake of Allah. For Allah Allah Allah azza wa jal so Allah responds to them and says, I know when you go home and come, I personally will deliver your message for Angela leconfield kita boleh huzzah Allah, so Allah revealed in the Quran, when our Dasa vanilla Dena pootie, lofi, Sabine, Allah He Amata Bella Luna endora became us upon Do not assume that those who have been killed in the

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path of God are dead, rather they are alive and being taken care of by Allah subhanaw taala.

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And finally, just in terms of the details, there's many different variations but the most authentic narration is by Imam Bukhari, Russian Allahu taala, who actually mentioned that there were 70 Shahada 70 Sahaba were killed on the day of or heard amongst them, only four were from de moi de Lune. And those four were Hamza, the uncle of the prophets, Allah, Abdullah bin geohash, the cousin of the prophets a lot, he said them musashino made one of the special students and he delegates of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a deputy of the prophets a lot he said them was shammas be northmen.

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These were for Mahajan. All the rest of them were from the unsought. May Allah subhanaw taala Have mercy on them. May Allah subhanaw taala reward them on behalf of the oma And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be inspired by them and to be able to live a life of selflessness and sacrifice as they taught us to live. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhanallah he will become the use of 100 Columbia Hambrick Nashua La ilaha illa Anta saphira kona to Lake

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