Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 304E Tafsir Al-Balad

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The legal system in Makkah is criticized for not being strict on Muslims, and the church of Islam has been built by the Prophet sallua Alayhi wa sallam. The difficulty of life in hardship, including loss of loved ones, family members, and the difficulty of death, is discussed. The importance of learning and finding one's own success in life is emphasized, and the need to stop thinking about one specific person and focus on finding one's own success is emphasized. The concept of hungry people is defined by their behavior and what they do, and being a good person is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah Al Balad Surah Al Balad is also a murky surah and it is said that it was revealed after Surah Kahf

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law or Cosimo be had and Ballard law, no, oxymoron, I swear be handled ballad by this city. Meaning I swear by this city, which city, the city of Makkah, the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he was born, where he was given prophethood

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Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath by the city of Makkah. Why? Because it is the most blessing of lens, where our dear Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born, this land, that is Mahadevan that is sacred, where the house of Allah is the land that is most beloved to Allah. The land that Ibrahim alayhi salam left his family to reside in

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the land where every Muslim must visit.

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Oak symbol be heard al Bella was under hyndland. And you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, our hyndland we have al Balad in this city. You are held in the city. What does it mean by Hill Hill firstly means resident. Literally one who is halal meaning one who is free to go about because you reside there. And this is what makes the city of Makkah even more honorable, that the last final messenger of Allah was from that city. He was born in that city. So firstly, Allah takes an oath by the city of Makkah. Then he mentioned another significance of the city that Underhill known that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a resident of that city for a very long time he was born

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there. Another meaning of the word Halal is violated that you have been violated over here, because Hala handler is to untie open up something. So hen, meaning one who has been made halal, and this is amazing that in this sacred city, even the plants and birds cannot be harmed. Yet you have been made halal for oppression, for persecution, for violence, and the handle on behalf of Bella. And then this will be taken as a question that this is ironic. This holy land in it your life and your honor, are not secure. Because this is what happened. A time came when it was unsafe for Muslims to even go around in the most holiest of lands in the most sacred place. The city of Makkah is such that even

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the Arabs of Jamelia would respect its sacredness, how that even if they found the worst criminal in the city of Makkah, they wouldn't touch him. Even the criminals found safety in the city of Makkah.

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It is said that even if a person found his father's murder

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in the city of Makkah, he couldn't hurt him. He wouldn't hurt him. But it's amazing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the city of Makkah, he was abused.

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He was harmed. And Allah expresses his amazement and the hyndland behind al Bella. This is amazing. What is happening over here.

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We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was informed from the very beginning that he would be evicted from the land of Makkah. Remember, after the first revelation, her digital dilemma on her took the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to what acaba Nofal. And what are called amongst the things he said was that if I were alive when you will be evicted from the city, surely I would defend you and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was amazed. Our mockery Gee Yeah, who are they going to expel me from here?

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And what a cassette that there is no man who proclaims a message that you have proclaimed except that this is how his people treat him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew from the beginning,

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that he was going to be evicted from the city of Makkah. So you can imagine in Makkah, the fear that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in but Allah subhanaw taala revealed this surah assuring him that we're under Hillam behavioral ballad and then held will be understood as free of restriction,

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free of restriction. You have been made halal in the sense that

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For you, everything is halal in the city.

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Yes, they will evict you, but Allah who will bring you back. And when Allah will bring you back to conquer the city of Makkah, then Allah will give you free disposal of this land also. And so we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Verily Allah has made the city sacred, on the day that he created the heavens and the earth. Therefore, it is sacred by the sanctity of Allah until the Day of Judgment, it's trees should not be cut, and its bushes and grass should not be removed. And it was only made lawful for me for one hour of a day, meaning for some time of the day, and this is at the conquest of Makkah, because there were some criminals who had to be caught. And

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if they took refuge around the Kaaba, in the sacred land, still they would not be safe. So this exclusive permission was given to who to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on that day. So what under hilum behind al Ballard, were were leading, and were led meaning and I swear by, were led when my wallet and that which he gave birth to while it won who bears children.

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So while it is who father or parent and Mao winner is that, who was given birth to

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so who is the father of all people, Adam early his Salam. So well, it refers to Adam and Mao Well, it is who all of mankind, or, well, it can refer to Ibrahim, earliest Sena. And now well I can refer to his son is my real early salah. And both of them built the house of Allah together. What a beautiful Ibrahim, when Ibrahim or his son was building the house with who, with Ismar eel,

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and from his descendants was also who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while while he didn't want our wallet, what is the conclusion of this oath Laqad Hala canal in Santa Fe cupboard. We have certainly created man into hardship. Meaning man has been created in pure hardship.

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Man's life his existence is such that it is full of hardship from the beginning to the end. This entire life is full of hardship.

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Was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam facing any hardship in Morocco? Yes, he was. Was there any difficulty he experienced before? prophethood Yes, there was a different kind of difficulty after prophethood that difficulty was of a different nature. Correct. But then you wonder Allah's Messenger. In the most holiest of lands, he is being persecuted. In a place where even a tree cannot be cut. A pigeon cannot be hurt. The Prophet of Allah is being physically abused. How why? Because Laqad Hala canal in Santa Fe cupboard. Allah has created human being feed cupboard What does cupboard mean cupboard is from the word cabinet and cupboard is used for the liver. tab it means

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It has said GABA, the hormonal birth, what is both

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called so GABA, the hyung, meaning the cold affected them severely. You see, sometimes you feel cold on the outside, right? So you just put a jacket on or something warm and you feel okay. But sometimes you feel cold where inside your body, you feel like the cold is getting inside of you. So no matter how many thick sweaters you wear, you still feel cold. This is covered the whole bulb? Because where's your liver?

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Where's your liver? Is it hanging outside your body? Is it on the external? Like your nose or your ear is? No it's an organ that's hidden inside the body. So when gold gets inside you, it reaches inside you it has hurt you so much. So from this the word key bad is used for struggle to struggle with something to struggle with the difficulty and the severity of something to undergo trouble and inconvenience. So what is covered, difficulty distress and you see the difficulties that we experience in our lives are the only external know

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sometimes they're so severe and many times they are that we are emotionally disturbed. We are disturbed from inside we feel the pain

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Inside, it's amazing. It's cold outside, but you get a headache happens with some people, or it's hot outside, but they get a headache. The suffering is where inside

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somebody says something, it's only words, but it breaks your heart locka kala canal in Santa Fe cupboard? What does this mean? That man has not come to this world for enjoyment and fun? No. If you think life is meant to be easy, and fun, you've got it all wrong.

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Life is not meant to be for fun. Life is not for enjoyment. It is for work. In obedience, there is hardship.

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In bearing difficulties of this life, also, there is hardship. The Khattala canal in Santa Fe covered

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in achieving some goal there is hardship.

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You know how you used to think when you were in grade 11

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After grade 11, and things will be easy. And then what happened? First, your university and you thought, okay, you know what, this is the beginning, hopefully second year should be easier.

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But the difficulty only increases and you think once I graduate, good. But when work begins?

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Is it every stage of our life is what? It's filled with hardship. It's filled with difficulty, because life is meant to be difficult.

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If you think about it, human life in general, no matter where people live, no matter what conditions they're living in, no matter what quality of life they have. They all people experience hardship. Even if you come across a person who is just living for themselves, meaning they don't have the burden of making money. They don't have the burden of looking after any children or anything like that they're living for themselves.

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But just eating and drinking and showering and dressing up and going for this appointment, and then that appointment. Even that is what covered. There is difficulty in that. You know, we think babies have it all easy. Their life is the easiest. No. Have you ever seen how much they cry?

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Why do they cry? Because they're in distress. What kind of distress is that either something physical, or something else. Just imagine being unable to burp, and that is causing so much hardship to the poor baby. Look, a collar canal in Santa Fe covered in our bus hold the lower end who said that men was conceived and held in his mother's womb, the mother bore the fangs of birth, the hardship and then finally, when the child is born, right when the child is born, you know, this is what they say to the mother, oh, you're exhausted even the baby's exhausted.

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Giving birth is not just painful for the mother. It's also very painful. For the baby for the child that is born difficulty starts from then on. Then what happens? The difficulty of nursing, the difficulty of burping the difficulty of teething

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isn't it.

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Then the difficulty of crawling and walking and falling, of talking, communicating

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the difficulty of weaning, of eating, digesting foods, and then learning to read and then learning to write. And then school and then homework and then peers and then the playground and the difficulties with friends. starts from the beginning.

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And then even an old age. What happens? Does life get easy? No, it doesn't get hard again. Same difficulties of eating, of drinking of sleeping of using the bathroom walking. One health concern after another local color canal in Santa Fe covered and it doesn't end with deaths.

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Because even death is so difficult after death is again difficulty in the grave. Every person is pressed by the grave. Every person. The Sahaba who died and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about himself had been a little below or knew that the Throne of Allah shook. It shook at the death of South Bend murottal DeLorean who even he was pressed by the grave, and then in the grave, the questioning by the one governor Keith

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and then staying in the grave, and in the difficulties of the Day of Judgment when a person will be alone. No clothes, no money. Nothing. No one to even be by his side. No the mother is running away and the Father is running away on the child.

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are avoiding each person lonely on the Day of Judgment locka Calacanis in Santa Fe cupboard than the difficulty of the hisab the difficulty of crossing the bridge until a person sets foot in paradise, they are in hardship.

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Ease relief is only in Janna.

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It's not outside of paradise.

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So until a person enters paradise, they are in hardship. Luck Hello Kunal in Santa PHY cupboard. I am Cebu does he think a layup? Khedira that, um that love never Yuck, Madeira. He has power, or lay he on him or her? Don't anybody? Does man think that no one has power over him? Does he think that no one can overcome him can control him.

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Because you see, as a person grows, they become physically financially capable and strong. They begin to feel very powerful.

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And due to that many people, they do things they say things that are wrong. And they think that they have the freedom to do whatever they want my life. It's my life. Allah says if Cebu Allah Jaco de la la he had. So this misconception is clarified over here that know what you think is wrong. You think no one has control over you that you're in control of your life. No, you don't have control over your life. You're deceived.

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No matter how much power you have, you belong to Allah. He sent you here. He will take you away from here I am Cebu Allah yah Khedira or Li.

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And who thinks like that that no one has power over me. I'm free. I can do whatever I want.

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Someone who believes that they have the right to live however they want to say whatever they want to do whatever they want. This is wrong. Because we belong to Allah we are His servants. Your luck too. He says luck too. I have destroyed Mellon wealth, Luba in abundance. Lewbert Lambada lived live there is to stick to back, you know to layer one thing on top of the other. The word is also used for compacted here. So imagine somebody would take care, and then with oil or gel or something like that. It's all well compacted. So you're Kulu luck to mallalieu Budda man says that I have destroyed so much wealth, meaning when he has money, he shows off, he doesn't say unfuck do I have spent, he

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says I like to, I have wasted, I have used up.

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You see the Arabs, they had this tradition where they would get drunk on purpose.

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And then they would have all their property like for example, their camels, and then they would slaughter them in that state of drunkenness, one animal after the other.

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Because when they would be drunk, they wouldn't know how many they are slaughtering, or they're not in their right mind. So in a state of full consciousness, they wouldn't dare spend so much in charity. Right? Or spend so much on others. So a person when he would have a lot of wealth and he wanted to impress people, what would he do? He would get drunk on purpose, and then go on slaughtering his animals. Oh, I am so rich. I can waste so much money. I am so rich. I can afford this. And I can afford that. And really, if you think about it, it might sound very silly. But what do we do? What do we do? What kind of pride do we feel when we buy something super expensive? Or

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when we eat something super expensive? Or when we go somewhere? And for that we have spent a lot of money.

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How do we feel? We boast about it? Oh, I visited that place. I've actually eaten at that restaurant. Multiple times. I actually have this and this and this. Your Kulu galactomannan lumada. He boasts he shows off your sample? What's wrong with him? Does he think that Allah Muira who I hope that no one sees him? How foolish that here he is wasting money. And then he's not just wasting it. He has to show off about it. He has to talk about it. What's wrong with him? Does he think nobody saw him? Nobody sees him who sees him Allah

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sees him. Allah is watching him. How he's wasting money in Nara Becca LaBelle. Meursault. Notice how yes Cebu Cebu does he think like this does he think like this? And in between is what your Kulu? He says, because our thinking remain in our head does it and then what happens? It comes out of our mouth also.

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Our thinking becomes our words what we think

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turns into our speech.

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I act Cebu Allah alum Euro who heard, does he think that no one has seen him and I'm not sure Allah who is nine. So proud man is did we not make for him two eyes, I named dual of mine, we made two eyes for him, so that he can see while he sannen and a tongue wash off attain and two lips, Chef attain refers to the lips shafa is one lip and Chef attain both the lips. We gave him a tongue and two lips with which he can speak. But what is using his eyes and his mouth for?

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What is he doing with his eyes? And what is he doing with his words? What are they now who Notre Dame and we have shown him the two ways we have guided him to a nudge Dane. Now today in dual of the word nut this has been interpreted in various ways. But basically, you see the word nudge is used for a raised Land, land that is raised compared to the area that is around it.

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So nudge then has been interpreted as the two visible

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places are the two visible ways. One way is the way of good the path of good and the other being the path of evil. So what are they now know today meaning we have guided him as an informed him about what is good, and about what is bed. This moral compass is placed inside of a person who they now know today.

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Why is this mentioned that doesn't his own heart tell him about what is right and what is wrong.

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If it's really sensible to waste so much money just to impress others just to boast and show off.

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Doesn't your heart tell you for Lakota hemella acaba, he thinks he has done such a big deal that he has spent so much money.

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But the reality is that he has done nothing, because fella, so not equal Tehama he has broken through allow Kaabah the difficult pass, if the hammer of her mean, if the ham is to storm to rush into a place. So basically rushed into a place quickly without even looking.

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It's also used for throwing oneself into something,

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throwing oneself into a place without even looking. So for example, this word is used for had folgen metahuman, this group of people is going to be thrown into the fire.

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And the word also applies to putting oneself into hardship engaging in some hard, difficult work. But consistently,

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you know, for example, you sign up for, let's say, a workshop. Okay, it's an all day workshop, but after a day it's done.

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But if you sign up, if you apply and you get into a Ph. D program, what does it mean?

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What does it mean?

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Exactly putting oneself in hardship, what kind of hardship

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that's just going to be there for a day or two? No, several years, just attending classes listening to lectures and let a professor tell you no, no, no. It's a different

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this is if the hum and Acaba I am cough BA, our cover narrow, difficult path that is between mountains. So imagine mountain area and then there is a narrow, difficult steep path, steep road.

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Fill up with the hammer Lacava.

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Allah created men in hardship man was supposed to do what is extraordinarily difficult.

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But he did not do that. Instead,

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man wants comfort in this life. He's always looking for shortcuts.

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He's looking for something that will please his desire, not what is the need of the hour.

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And really, if you think about it,

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We had so happy or I was in the mall for like

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six hours and I went to this store this door this door I was so hungry, but I finally found the right jacket.

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I finally found the right socks.

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And we think we we've accomplished something so important. No Fela Kota Hama Lacava you haven't done nothing.

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We feel so proud. When we accomplish something worldly. Right? By for example, I got this degree. I worked so hard for these many years. I spent so many hours so many days. Wow, what have I achieved?

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For Lakota homolog cover? You were not created for this. I'm not saying that. Buying a jacket is useless and getting a degree is useless. It's okay It's good. Alhamdulillah but this is not what you were made for.

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You were made to work for Jana.

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You were not made so that you could afford a house in the world.

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You were made to work so that you could get yourself into Paradise by Allah's mercy.

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philopatier Hamel Acaba,

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warmer Adorama Lacava. And what can make you know, what is that October? That difficult pass?

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So, what is it that we should really be doing in our lives?

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What is it that truly matters?

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Is it that we managed to cook something that we have spent hours in? And finally, it turns out to be the perfect taste and the perfect texture?

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Is it that we get a degree after studying for a certain number of years? Or that we get married or that we have children or that our children are married off? Is that really success? No. What is real success Wilma? Adorama Lacava what is it that we must push ourselves to do to endure Feck Coolock Oba

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it is the freeing of a slave.

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If you do that, now that is great. That is something you've accomplished.

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Because you have not been selfishly concerned about yourself only you have benefited somebody else.

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And this is something that will benefit you in the hereafter.

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You see, when we spend a lot of money we feel proud of ourselves Yes, there is some kind of regret that Oh, what did I do? I shouldn't have done that. But at the same time, there is a sense of pride that comes that Oh, I was actually able to afford this

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this is not real achievement. real achievement is things like fuck cool Aqaba fair calf calf to set free rock Oba what is Lacava neck,

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freeing a neck meaning setting free a human being that has been enslaved.

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This is difficult.

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And we might think well what's the difficulty? This is difficult.

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Think about Makkah.

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Think about a place where slavery was common.

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Where even free people were captured and sold as slaves just because of their skin color just because of the fact that they didn't have any support any family there to defend them or any system over there to defend them. They were captured and sold as slaves. So in that society setting free a slave where slaves were not even regarded as human beings.

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This is what

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this is great. Fuck Kurokawa.

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worrying about others, helping the needy. Again, you see Mk II surah. And what are the teachings that are given right at the beginning? Is it that you have to pray five times and then you have to go for Hajj? Is it the details of the cat? No. They all came later in Medina in Makkah, what is it that was emphasized?

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What is it that was emphasized?

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And with Imani yet what kind of actions are emphasized

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civil rights or helping the needy.

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For Quran cover the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever frees a believing slave, Allah who will free for every limb of the slave, one of his limbs from the fire

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the Arabs took a lot of pride in wasting money.

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But at the same time, there were human beings who were enslaved who could be set free, who could be given freedom so that they could live normal lives. But spending on them letting them go, was something they would never even think about.

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For Karaca

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Oh, it's ramen or feeding fee Yeoman, meaning feeding the hungry, feed Yeoman in a day, that is the Masaba that is off Masaba severe hunger. What is muscle Oba seen ln but masala is basically

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when no one has anything to eat.

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Meaning everyone is out of food.

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So if in such a situation where everybody is hungry, nobody has food, and you get some food, which means that you're also hungry.

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So at that time, not just thinking about yourself, I should go hide somewhere and eat there's no giving it to who

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to who to those who are hungry. And if you take food to the hungry what does it mean there's nothing that's going to be left for you.

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Oh, It's haram when fee Yeoman V masala, feeding others the food

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that you are hungry for?

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Yes, freeing a slave. Yes, primarily it means freeing an actual slave. But this can also be understood in other ways that for example, if if a person is under debt, such debt that really they are enslaved, they have no freedom.

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So helping them come out of that debt also. That is a form of Kurokawa. Another form of slavery that exists today is that people are enslaved to what their own desires.

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So setting them free from the shackles of their own desires.

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By telling them about Allah by telling them about the hereafter by instilling in them the love of Allah hope for the for the hereafter. So for Kula cover, O L Tara, mon fi, Yeoman V must Loba Yattaman them Sakuraba Yattaman an orphan meaning feeding an orphan, which orphan dama clobber of near relationship,

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meaning the orphan that is also related to you,

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on this day, feeding the orphan why? Because on a day of hunger, who would care about an orphan

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people would basically care about themselves.

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But the one who thinks about others when he himself is in need, that person has

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achieved something worthwhile, Oh, Miss Kenan, or feeding a needy person which needy person them at the lava, the one who is in misery, my throbber Tao back to rob What does throb mean?

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Dust mud. So them at Raava meaning one who is covered in mud because of his poverty? How could a person be covered in mud, he doesn't have new clothes, he doesn't have a home to take a shower in. He doesn't have soap.

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He doesn't have a bed to lay down on. He doesn't have a chair to sit on.

00:33:55 --> 00:33:56

He doesn't have a place called home.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:06

He's been traveling for weeks and weeks displaced for so long, that he hasn't had a proper bed to sleep on.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:36

Oh miskeen and Vama throbber. So McKenna, then he was mean Alladhina amanu of those who believe what a well so be somebody and who advise one another with patients with a well so Bill Maher hammer and advise one another to compassion. You see Eman is mentioned over here. Because for these deeds to carry on into the hereafter for these deeds to mean something in the hereafter.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:39

A person must fulfill the condition of

00:34:40 --> 00:34:42

the condition of iman

00:34:43 --> 00:34:47

so Thumma Can I mean Alladhina amanu Eman is conditional.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:58

In total Islam is 90 woman or other Hirata was our Allah sorry, yeah her were hormone admin on. For all our Eco connoisseur you homeschool

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

Then the next thing that's mentioned is worth a wasabi sub.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:06

But who is it that has

00:35:08 --> 00:35:16

gone into the most difficult passage? The one who has really endeavored

00:35:17 --> 00:35:33

in life the way he should have endeavored, meaning who is it that has really done something in life? Those who have Eman and water well sober, sober, who encourage each other to observe patients, patients over what

00:35:34 --> 00:35:35

over Allah's decree?

00:35:36 --> 00:35:37

Patient over what?

00:35:38 --> 00:35:40

Over that which is right.

00:35:42 --> 00:35:44

Because that also requires patience, doesn't it?

00:35:45 --> 00:35:58

You know that something is right you have to do it. But you're Neph says otherwise. So holding yourself firm on that what the Walsall was sober, with also Bill Maher hammer, and who encouraged each other advised each other

00:36:00 --> 00:36:04

to be compassionate, more hammer, what is more hammer, mercy, compassion.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:15

The Wellsley is from the root letter as well Sadia and the wasI is to do well sia to one another. What is mostly an important instruction that you give with a lot of emphasis.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:22

The well sold is somebody with a well so we'll Warhammer. So the one who wants to meet Allah

00:36:23 --> 00:36:24


00:36:25 --> 00:36:30

while he is happy and he is pleased Allah should use their time well.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:33

And how should they do that?

00:36:34 --> 00:36:42

Using the resources that Allah has given them the blessings that Allah has given them to do what really matters.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:49

The Aqaba and what is it that really matters, the actions that are mentioned over here.

00:36:50 --> 00:37:25

Hola ICA. Those are the ones who are US hobble Maimana they are the people of the right they will be given their book of deeds in the right hands will Latina kuffaar will be a Latina and those people who deny our versus our signs homeless hobble mush Emma they are the companions of the left they will be given their record in the left are laying him now one more cider over them will be fire that is more sada that has closed in an enclosing fire. Hamza solid that

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

is solid. We'll see.

00:37:31 --> 00:37:33

We'll see this basically the entrance

00:37:36 --> 00:37:41

what can boom bear Seaton Vera ie bill will see the entrance.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:50

You see? MOOCs either is that whose entrance is closed?

00:37:51 --> 00:38:00

Whose entrance is closed, meaning there is no exit out of it. There's no way out of it. No window, no door. No hole, no crack, nothing.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:20

It's sealed, it's closed. So I lay him now most other fire will be closed on them. Meaning there will be no escape from this Hellfire for them. In artha, Denali, Lolly Mina now on a hobby him Surah Dooku ha It's Walt Wilson surround them

00:38:23 --> 00:38:24

let's listen to the recitation of the solar

00:38:27 --> 00:38:28


00:38:29 --> 00:38:34

learn you're watching it live

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

we had

00:38:46 --> 00:38:47


00:38:50 --> 00:38:52

Nevada follow up on

00:38:53 --> 00:38:55

sand as he

00:38:56 --> 00:38:56


00:39:02 --> 00:39:04

your polo tuna

00:39:07 --> 00:39:08


00:39:09 --> 00:39:13

Oh 100. Alumna John

00:39:15 --> 00:39:19

see what he said

00:39:21 --> 00:39:25

it was her the Hina

00:39:28 --> 00:39:32

de burlap otter Harmon

00:39:33 --> 00:39:33


00:39:45 --> 00:39:49

the Mr. Walden your team love

00:39:51 --> 00:39:52

Oh miskeen

00:39:56 --> 00:39:58

McCann Amina

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

And then

00:40:02 --> 00:40:04

be solubility whatever else

00:40:09 --> 00:40:10

you can also have

00:40:12 --> 00:40:15

one, Lena CAFO be

00:40:20 --> 00:40:21


00:40:26 --> 00:40:32

Subhan Allah whom will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa to buoy Lake Santa Monica

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