Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 277C Tafsir Al-Hadid 20
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If Allah subhanaw taala says, err Lomo, you should know,
don't just think about it. Don't just have a rough understanding of it. You should know this, have knowledge of this have very little of this.
Is there a difference between having ailment having a somewhat understanding or information about something? Is there a difference? One is a person who studied a science and there's another person who's just googled randomly or heard different things. Is there a difference? There's a huge difference. The one who has a limb does he have conviction? Yes. And with that conviction, is he able to understand and then apply the knowledge that he has learned? Yes. So it Alemu have knowledge of this fact. That Anoma that indeed, I'll hire to dunya the worldly life, meaning the reality of worldly life is what that worldly life is only Larry Boone.
Wala one was in
whatever homebuying ACOEM what up Catherine Phil unworldly will OLED. Five things Allah mentions over here. The worldly life is described in five terms. What's the first one? That it is Larry? What is Larry
play? Basically, lottery was used for
the activity that a person does with his Djawadi with his limbs, meaning it's a physical activity, physical occupation and activity for the purpose of enjoyment.
All right. So worldly life is Larry. It is physical occupation and activity. Meaning it is something that keeps you occupied and busy. As much as you let it.
You could be busy in life of this world all day long.
Physically busy.
And isn't it so that you wake up in the morning and you have work to do what work to do? Get out of your bed, go use the bathroom, get dressed up for the day, go fix your room, and then go do something. And then after that something, go do something else. And then after that do something else, isn't it?
It's all work. It's all chores.
It is Larry.
Then it is wala one, it is a distraction, diversion. What is low, low is the state of the heart.
When the heart is distracted from what is more important. So worldly life is a distraction, meaning when you're occupied with it, then it distracts you from what from what you were sent here to do. What were we sent here to do to worship Allah to build our home in the hereafter? In Paradise? Allah subhanaw taala created as Mr. De Sena put him in Jannah. And then from there, he sent him to the dunya isn't it? But then on the day of judgment, people will either go back to their real home Jana or they will end up somewhere else. So low worldly life is a distraction, distraction from what from Allah's vicar, from salah, from the matters of the Athleta from what we were sent here to do from
the purpose of our lives
was Xena. And it's also beautiful. It's also an adornment.
Xena, what is Xena decoration? And what is decoration? Something that's attractive, something that looks good, it's beautiful.
Why does something look beautiful to us?
Has it ever happened with you that you see something you really like it because it looks beautiful. But then when you buy it as you leave the store, you see another store? And there's something else which seems to be more beautiful. Yeah. And when it's more beautiful. What you just bought? Does it become less beautiful in your eyes? Yeah.
As you use it, what is it that you remember something else that was more beautiful. So this worldly life? Yes, it is beautiful. But it's beautiful for you because it's all you've seen.
So that's why you get lost in it. It's an ultimate beauty. There's something else that's more beautiful. And what is that? It's Jana.
So what Xena tone? It is? It is beautification. It's nice, it looks good.
And then whatever her
fourthly it is alto De Falco Boehner calm. The Fahad is from fahara and Falcon is basically to boast to show off, remember for her
for her Potter's clean
All right, when something is made of clay, baked, all right, then what happens when you touch it when you knock on it doesn't make sound. Yes, this is what fucker is that a person cannot help but make noise about his accomplishments or about his gifts or characteristics. And the foul hood is to both to one another, to show off in front of each other. So worldly life is about the Fairholme Boehner calm. And it is also said that father in particular is to boast, to show off about things that you didn't really do anything to get.
It's not your achievement. Here, we're just given that, like a person feels very proud of the fact that he belongs to a certain family, or because they're of a certain height.
Or because of their skin type. Or because of their race, or because of their parents or because of their husband or because of their children.
My husband's a doctor, you know, or my son is in med school, you know?
All right, I mean, things like that the Fairholme Boehner calm, this dunya is all about impressing each other, that you're just constantly striving to impress one another. And really, if you think about it, so many choices that we make in daily life, they're based on what they're based on what? How will I look in front of others?
Is this okay? Before others? Will they like it or not? Always, we're afraid of being judged by people, we want to leave a good impression. I'm not saying that leaving a good impression doesn't matter. It's just the reality, that this is what we are concerned about most of the time. And people who want to do things their own way, we condemn them that what's wrong with you? Isn't it? So the VA home by intercom? And then what are Catherine Phil, um, well, he will OLED the cathode from Catala, what is Katraj? To have more, and the cathode is to compete to have more.
It's a constant competition to increase and grow in what in wealth and children
in wealth and children, you know, there's a concept that it's proven that you know, a person, their salary is an average of the salary of their five closest friends or acquaintances.
This is true for economics. All right. But they say this also affects the language of a person. And we are a product of who we interact with. Right? If you put garbage in garbage is going to come out, if you put good stuff in good stuff is gonna come out of your mouth, right? And this is the reason why our company affects us. And we should be very careful about whose company we choose. Right? So the Katherine, Phil and Wiley will lead that there is a constant struggle, a competition to increase in wealth. That so when I was making this much money, I have to make this much money also. I mean, seriously, why is it that we go buy certain things because we saw somebody else using it? We saw
that somebody else bought it. So it's about time we buy it also. Right? And while Oh, let some people they also compete and having children. I don't know how they do. So and so as five kids, I gotta have 10 they do it. This is true.
Really? I'm not joking. All right. I remember one time I went somewhere, and somebody asked me so how many kids do you have? I said two.
I said, How many do you have? I have four. I'm like good for you. Mashallah. Beautiful. I don't boast don't make me feel less just because I have two kids and you have four. Alright.
Of course, this has altered the accomplishments of the children, right? That increase in children not just in their numbers, but also in their accomplishments that so and so's son is going to this school. You better go to to a better school. Right? So and so's daughter is getting married? My daughter must get married. Also, he I know she's only 17. But you know what? All her friends are getting engaged. And she stilts?
Yes, I've seen mothers freaking out because their daughters are 19 and they're not engaged or they're 17 and they're not engaged. I mean, yes, it's nice. They get married when they're ready. However, why is there a sense of competition?
The Catherine Phil unworldly will alert that they have more. I gotta have more also.
This is the reality of this life. And isn't this such a reality check. I mean, this is exactly how this world is. But we're so crazy about it. It is Larry. You see blurry. Think of a child a child who's playing with something. You know, for a child their toy is what their precious possession and for you
It's annoying,
right? For them, it's that precious piece of Lego that is so important because it has to go in a certain place. And for you, it's something that just hurt your foot. So you just want to pick it up and throw it away. But God forbid, if you throw it away, if you put it away, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble.
It's important to them, but it's useless to you. And this is, this is how this world is something that matters so much to you, you put so much hard work into it, you put your life into it, but for another person,
useless. I mean, think about how much time and effort you put into cleaning your, let's say, sink, right? Is nicely clean it now it's dry, no dirty dish, and somebody comes. And they put their dirty dishes in.
This is a Larry right.
I was just thinking that all of these things. I think many of the times in our societies, in our cultures, there's a sense of competition, where we feel that resources are limited spots are limited. This is limit if you don't go to the store, now you won't get it, there's this thing that's put in us. If you look at the dean in a way, of course, from the left, it's in your risk of its foil be there but this is the dunya and things are finite and resources will eventually run out. And it's because we think that short term way where I need to get this or I won't know like everything is gonna get ruined, that we don't look at the bigger picture, which is that you know, if I don't get
it now, if my child doesn't get married now, or if this didn't happen now, if I don't ever have kids now, because I can have kids, eventually in Janna, I will get die. So I mean, the thing is that no matter what you get in this world, what is its nature, it is temporary, it is temporary, even if you get the best thing at the best time in the best way. You know what, one day you're going to lose it one day, it's gonna finish, it's not going to stay with you forever.
So this is the deception of this life that Allah says LM will know that this is a lie, this is just a play. I mean, how we make certain things so important. You know, we're so anxious about it, that my house needs to be perfect, or my, you know, my clothes need to be perfect. And this needs to be done at this time.
And then we run around, trying to complete all those chores, and you get everything perfectly done. But then what happens at the end? You know, it's amazing, sometimes I see or I hear, sometimes I experienced this also, that how so much effort goes into cleaning your house. Why? Because some guests are coming. And then what happens when the guests leave? What is the state of your house?
And there you are exhausted in your body.
You spent so much money so much time and energy into law crib.
We see examples of things as temporary all the time, fashions and technology and fads. They come when one season they go out the other. There was a poster I saw when I was younger in one of my schools that 30 years from now it won't matter what genes you're in what bought like you know what items you bought, and so on and so forth. And it's really a constant reminder that all of these things that we feel like we need now to fit in, even if it's an assumption that we've been taught to feel because of like the materialistic society and so on. It's many years down, like I look back now it's like, oh, this brand of gene was once upon a time really famous. But now I don't even remember
his name. Exactly. So it is Larry. And lo, it's a distraction. You're amusing yourself constantly trying to please yourself through different things, indulging yourself in different things for level of satisfaction, but it's essentially distracting you from what, from your life's purpose. And it's Xena. Its beauty, how the clothes, the food, even education career. These are all different forms of Xena or physical looks. Alright. And then when you have it all, you got to show it off also. Otherwise, what's the point? So then the fall begins. And then when you show off, you realize, well, they've got better stuff than me. And then that's it leads to the cathode.
Right? It's like a rat race. I mean, never ending. Yes. My question is that you mentioned about, you gave the example for guests like it. So I'm just wondering, what's the best approach? Right? Because these things are part of life we can't ignore Exactly. We have to take a balanced approach that we don't neglect, what's our responsibilities from Allah? And we don't neglect the society as well. Exactly. So what's the balance? First of all, realize the reality of these things and invest accordingly.
Invest accordingly. How, you know,
I'm not saying don't clean your house for your guests. Please do clean your house. Nobody likes to come to a dirty house. Right. It's important, but it should not be your number one priority.
It should not be
Your number one priority, it should not be the worry that you wake up with and that you go to bed with, that you get angry about with your husband and your children. That you because of what you're constantly threatening the family, you know, with different things, or creating a facade or moody and upset, because the house is not cleaning the house is not cleaning the house is not clean.
Alright, so it should not become an obsession.
It should not become an obsession. And then secondly, give it a tuck, give it its time, clean up like the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he would be at home, what would he do? He would be in the assistance of his family, he would do housework, so housework, there's nothing wrong with it. Well, we really need to see that, how much we have cluttered our lives,
how much we have cluttered our lives. Recently, somebody mentioned that. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but they mentioned it. And I thought about it. And I think they were right, that President Obama, he wears only gray or blue or black. And I was thinking about the really all the times that I've seen any of his pictures, his shirts and his suits. That's what they are. And the reason is so that every morning, you know, he says that I have important decisions to make, and I don't want that more of my time is going into deciding what I should wear. I mean, we know how much time goes into deciding what I should wear, right?
So we have cluttered our lives, cluttered our lives, just look at the amount of things that have taken, you know, a fair share in our lives, that first we have to find the right item, or the right color of the right size. And then it has to go in the perfect spot. And then it requires maintenance. And that maintenance is gonna take time from you.
So you know, the more stuff you have, the more cleaning you gotta do, the less stuff you have, the less cleaning you got to do. I'm not saying throw everything out. But I'm just saying think about this aspect as well.
Right, think about this aspect as well, that how much we have cluttered our lives. And no matter what we buy, remember, it's going to be a burden.
It's going to be a burden.
So it's necessary to declutter every now and then. Alright, so this is one thing. And another thing is that just because guests are coming, that doesn't mean that our Salah is getting compromised, and our morning or evening of God are getting compromised. Take time for that also.
You know, for example, for many women, it's like, I have to prepare food myself, I have to cook myself because I know how to cook that food really well or this particular dish really well. And I mean, I'm not taking my guests to a restaurant, I'm inviting them to my house, so I have to cook. Why. If you don't have that much strength and energy and time, then buy food from somewhere else if you're able to
write, I mean, think about how you can value your time and your energy and your abilities.
So that you can do what Allah sent you here to do, instead of letting your life be taken and consumed by this world, because no matter what work you do here, it's alive. It's a play. Yes.
Subhan Allah before marriage, I was a little crazy person crazy obsession of cleaning my house, like we just not allowed my parents house. You know, I would yell around if one little piece of dirt was on the floor. My kitchen was only my kitchen. Like nobody was allowed to touch it. It was crazy. Subhanallah and then after marriage, my whole world changed for me because I got married.
A man who is
a man, okay. Don't say anything bad about him. Continue. Like, you know, and then now I think about it. And I was like, it's like Allah subhanaw taala put me in such a situation so that I caught my mind. You know, the way I was before I would yell at everybody. Like, it was so bad. And now, I'm just like, I'm throwing my things around. I was like, I can
I think I mentioned this earlier to you also, I went to a seminar by Sheikh Mohammed Sharif. And right at the beginning, he asked a question that who was a clean freak here? I raised my hand. You know, I'm I am. I am a clean freak, in many ways. And I was really bad before. All right, in terms of being a clean freak, so I raised my hand. And I think some other people did also. I hope so.
He said, If you're a clean freak, you're miserable person. You're a miserable person.
Because the fact is, that it is not possible
to have things 100% Clean 24/7 It's not possible. You're either going to deteriorate in your health. Or your mind is gonna go crazy, right or you're not gonna be able to do anything in your life. Because things are meant to get dirty.
I like them. Just to add to the cleaning thing. There's a thing in chemistry called entropy, which is the study that shows that or it's a science that shows that the world is like to be in chaos and to be in order, because there's more probability, there's more ways to be messy than there is to be clean. So that's why if you clean your room, then it easily gets just like, messy, but like doesn't like if you leave your room and come back, and it's messy, and then come back, it's gonna be clean. It's not gonna be that way. Because that's the way the world works. How it is. Yeah. So like, the world itself is showing you that it's not possible. So it's unnatural. Yeah, it's unnatural. Yeah.
Does that kill. Thank you very much. And there's something that we need to remind ourselves off. So anyway, in Ohio to dunya, Larry Boone wala one was in and out. There is a beautiful connection between all of this also, that how Larry, especially, this is a concern for who for children. When they're younger, the focus of their life is what just play, play, play. They don't want to eat. They don't want to sleep.
They don't want to study. They don't want to go to school, or if they go to school. They don't want to write or even color because that's a waste of time. They'd rather play. They don't want to use the bathroom. Because it's a waste of time.
Their whole life's focus is what Larry, and then what happens? Law one distraction, entertain me. I want fun. I want fun.
This is so boring. That is so boring. I want fun. as kids get older. And then what happens? There comes a stage where it Xena, Xena, Xena, right Xena on the eyes, Xena in the hair, Xena in the club, it becomes an obsession.
There was a time when teenagers were obsessed with this but now we see even younger children being obsessed with their Xena. And then what happens to her my impression on others. When people go to college or university where as they grow older, they'll fall it's all about boasting, being able to impress others.
And then as people grow older, then it's just the cathode fill and while while OLED but no matter what it is, no matter how beautiful it appears to you no matter how important it is to you. What is the reality of this world can mythology life and Allah gives an example that it is like the example of ice what is lace, rain and rain what kind of rain that is much needed? That is life bringing the right the perfect amount meaning when there has been a dry season and finally there is rain and because of that rain, what happens there is vegetation.
So Kamata is a thing. As a result of this rain of course there's going to be girls, this girls are gerbil kufeld on about two who are Jabba it pleases it pleases who Alko. Farah, the farmers cofounders of Florida, cat fit. And remember the word calf it means two things one denier, the more common meaning, but literally the word calf it actually means a farmer because kefalos To cover to hide something. And a farmer, he covers the seed, he hides the seed so that it will grow. So our edible kuthodaw NABBA. To who its vegetation is resulting vegetation. It pleases the farmers,
not even farmers think about yourself, if you ever put some seeds in some wet paper towel in a cup and you leave it by the window and after a few days when you see something coming out of it doesn't make you happy.
Doesn't make you happy? Yes, it does. Multiply that by many times and think of a farmer whose work whose business whose career is what farming. And finally when he sees his crop growing think about how happy he is.
But then what happens somewhere Yeah, he'd you, but then it dries up. Yeah. Haeju Ha, yeah, Jim Page. And Hage is basically when a plant turns becomes dry. Why? Because of lack of water, because of extreme heat, or simply because of the natural cycle. That's just supposed to happen.
It's just supposed to happen. I mean, even when you have plants indoors, what happens to them? Do you see leaves turning yellow?
Yeah, you get flowers. You put them inside you make sure they have sufficient light. They have the water you even put the flower food in the vase. But then what happens after a couple days
to dry out. This is Hage.
What is age, when a plant dries up, it begins to die. Why? Because it's lived its life.
It's meant to die now, or because there's lack of water or it's too hot, or it's winter it's cold now, so it dies. So through May
Haeju this crop also eventually yeah Haeju and then Fatah whom was fun run, then you see it turned yellow was fun one solid thorough. It's used for something that has turned yellow but when you think of yellow don't think of yellow as in of sunflowers. No, think of yellow as in that dirty brown.
Beige. That's not beautiful almost, you know, dark brown black from the sides. It loses its color, Fatah homos fallen and not just that some may Hakuna who Tama then it turns into Hello, Tom. What is her thumb how la meme broken pieces of something crumbles. You can literally crumble that dried flower, or those dried leaves in your hand.
For thorough homos follow on some may a corner Hill Tama. Allah says this is the example of the worldly life. It's so important to you that love is so important to you. But you know, it's not going to last for long because every game and doesn't it. There's so much hype. In that game. People are going crazy. So excited. So much money has gone into it. But then eventually it ends. It becomes history.
And becomes history. In that moment. It feels so important, but in reality is just lost in history.
It is Lo constantly distracting you from your purpose of existence. The work you were sent here to do. It is Xena. It is beautiful. That's where you get attracted by it, you fall in love with it. And you make serious mistakes. It is the foxhole constant comparison with others seeking their approval.
But no matter how much you impress others, that is also temporary it's going to go away. It is the cathode. No matter how much you have today, he will lead more tomorrow.
The reality of this life is what that is fleeting. You admire it like crazy. You give so much of yourself to it. But it is short. At the end. it crumbles Some may a corner who Tama think of anything
that you have right now or that you had before. You used to have it but now
finished. You know, the other day I was looking at this. I was going through some old stuff trying to clean up and I found an old phone it was the first iPhone remember the first iPhone.
Everybody was so crazy about it.
And that I found what I had was actually cracked.
And my daughter she saw it and she said, Can I have it? I'm like sure. He'll play with it.
And she played with it. And then she threw it and then we couldn't find it. And then yeah, we found it somewhere in the toys.
How much value that phone had once upon a time. And now it's worth near me is also what is just a burden.
Maybe I would keep it to that maybe once you know maybe sometime in the future I might be able to sell but it's broken. It's cracked. doesn't even work. You can't even charge it. I don't even have a charger for that thing. It's useless. This is the reality of this life. It's fleeting, it's temporary. It's going to leave you
this is a very temporary attachment that you have with this world. A very temporary journey that's going to end very soon. What is it that's going to last forever? Well Phil hirato Jada Bucha de don't woman Farah two min Allah What did one in the hereafter is either severe punishment or there is forgiveness from Allah and His approval. But this will be given based on what based on what you've done in this life. Who am I will hire to dunya Illa matar overall, and the worldly life is nothing except Metatron who rule for Kathy's words
matar is enjoyment. Something that is used and l root of deception. Meaning you enjoy it, you use it, and you must or else you can't survive, but as you use it, it deceives you.
So there is a constant need to stay alert.
And isn't that amazing? I mean, you tell yourself, I have to be careful. I have to be careful. But then what happens? You go by stuff and then you get lost in them. You spend so much time you waste your time you waste your energy. As you use these things. You get deceived. It is a matar which means you can't do without it. But it has a whole roof
It's going to deceive you. So remain alert.
remain alert. Why did Allah subhanaw taala? Send us over here in this world?
For what? For his worship, it's a journey, right? For what to make our home in Jannah.
But what happens is that we forget the reason why we're here. And we get lost.
In what,
in the present moment, in this present dunya. And because of that we make serious mistakes.
We make really poor choices. You know, I've seen many children do this, you give them a toy. And instead of actually playing with the toy, they're more interested in the tag.
Yes, I've seen this a baby, you give them, let's say, a stuffed toy. They won't play with the stuffed toy, they'll keep touching the tag. That's more fascinating for them are many children, when you give them toys, they will not use those toys for how you're actually supposed to play with them. They will use it in however their imagination works, isn't it?
I mean, you've seen children play in the most funniest of ways, right? With toys in ways that those toys are not meant to be played with.
And what happens is that many times when they will not use toys for what they are made, will those toys survive for long? No,
they won't.
And when you see them doing such things, you wonder what's wrong with you. I remember one man getting very angry that I bought you this toy so that you would play with it. And here you are just playing with the tag. If it was just the tag, I could give you any piece of paper.
Right? Why so much money? Allah subhanaw taala sent us in this world, not so that we just got lost in playing and amusement and distraction, and the Xena and that the fatherhood and that the cattle he sent us here so that we can get to Jana. But here we are getting lost in what in the tools in the packaging.
We've been given a car to make it to drive to a certain destination. And here we are just sitting in the car, admiring the steering wheel and admiring the random pieces in the car while the car is useless if you don't use it to get to your destination.
Somebody gives you a book to use to write on. And instead of writing it, you just clean it every day. And you just touch it and you look at it and you flip the pages and that's it. You don't use it. Is that what the book was given to you for? No. Is this worth the life of this world was given to us for that we play and amuse ourselves and just decorate ourselves and boast to each other and just keep increasing more and more until death comes? No.
This is Metatron who rules realize what this life is what its purpose is
higher to dunya.
One to
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Obama was in
no fear I
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