Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 275B Tafsir Al-Waqiah 41-56

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the three categories of culture: who is horrible, who is horrible, and who is worse. They also mention the reward for success is greater and the reward for failure is worse. The use of "the" in various titles is explained, along with the importance of comfort and joy in worship. The Red Cross's job is discussed, along with the use of language and people can be heard. The generation of men and their behavior is also discussed, including their desire for more food and drink and their desire for more alcohol.
AI: Transcript ©
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So little work, there are a luachra the imminent event, the most certain occurrence, which is the day of judgment, and when it will happen, when it will occur, then work on to as Weijun selesa, that all of you or people will be divided into three categories. What are those three categories that mankind will be in, the first group that is mentioned is who was horrible, my manner that people have the right, the second group that has mentioned is us horrible mush among the people of the left or the people of the right meaning the fortunate successful ones, and the people of the left meaning the unfortunate failures. And the third group that is mentioned is who the Serbia goon, the Serbia

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cone, who will be Serbia cone on the Day of Judgment, the for most, and they will be more collarbone, they will be brought near to Allah. First, we see in the Surah, the three categories are mentioned, and then the description of one of the groups is given, and which group is that the Saudi goon firstly, the description of the cyber CONUS given and then the description of the US herbal Yameen is given the people have the right now, if you think about it, we generally think that there are two groups of people, right, one group that will end up in Jannah. Right us how will Jana, and the other group is of the people who will end up in hellfire of heaven now, people have the fire.

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But we see that the people of Jana over here are further divided into two categories. There are the Sabbath, Kuhn, the winners, those who are at the top, and then there are who the people have the right meaning who will make it to Paradise, but their level will not be the same as that of the Sabbath School. There is a difference. And we see the difference in the description that is given that how the state of the Sabbath School will be far better than the state of the people of the right. They will be in more reward more luxury. Right? So this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us that when we ask Allah for Jana, then what is it that we should ask him for?

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fit those. So when we're reading these ayat, don't think oh, if I make it amongst the people of the right, I'm good. You want to aim for who to be amongst who? The savage goon because the reward is greater, it is far better. They are Makara boon, those who are closest to Allah, those who will be brought near to Allah. And now in these verses, verse 41, onwards, we will learn the description of the people of the left, what state will they be in? What is it that they will find in the hereafter?

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What else How was she Miley and the companions of the left? The people of the left previously described as US horrible machinima. The people of machinima machinima also means left, but it also means those who are unfortunate much meaning that people have in luck that people have bad luck. So let's have a * these are the opposite of us. Hubballi Amin. Allah says Ma was horrible Shimon, what are the companions of the left? What great predicament they will be in. Who are these people? They are the ones who will be given their books in their left hands. And they were to the left of Adam or to his Salaam and this is why when Adam Ernie salaam he saw them he wept, he cried. And

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these are the people who will be admitted into hellfire in Surah two halka 25 We learn what a merman ot Akita who will be Shima Lee as for the person who is given his Record in his left hand, for a cool year later, Annie lamb otter kita BIA, he will say, or I wish that I was not given my book. I wish I was not ever given my book of deeds. While I'm Eddie Murphy, Serbia, or I wish I did not know about my hisab meaning today, I did not have to encounter my accounting year later her Kana till Kalia, or I wish that my death was a termination it just ended me so I was never to be resurrected. My owner I'm Nima Alia because my wealth has not benefited me. Allah says what else How was she ma

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li ma of how was she Mal? The people of the left. What are the people of the left? Where will they be in FISA Moolman what Hometeam in they will be in some old

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And Hemi simile is fierce hot wind. And it's called Simone because it goes through the muscles of the skin masam as in the pores of the skin, meaning the heat is not just felt on the surface of the skin, the heat penetrates the body. And this is why the word Simone is also used for the heat of the fire. Meaning as there are flames of the fire burning, if you put your hand right above the flames, then what is it that you will feel extreme heat that heat can also burn Sophie some woman will hum even Hemi water of extreme temperatures boiling hot water and this is for them to drink and for them

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to be poured on fee some woman Wilhemina will Linlin me Moom and they will be in a little little shadow meaning something will shade them something will be above them covering them. And what is this little me a moon of the moon your moon also from hammy meme and the word moon is used for thick dark heavy smoke

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thick, dark, heavy smoke. So black smoke is going to cover them from above. Where's the smoke coming from? From Hellfire covering them from above, suffocating them burning their eyes and blackening their faces in syrup mo Salah is 29 Allah says in Thalia poo Ilana quantum be here to cut the boon proceed. Go on now to that which you use to deny meaning Hellfire that you refuse to believe in in toliko Illa windlyn with Allah He should proceed to a shadow to a shed that has three sections to it.

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And this smoke will be coming out from where from hellfire love leighlin Walla you'll need Minella herb it is not cool such that will provide you relief and comfort. Nor will it protect against the flames of the fire will Linlin me Moom la Abadi then this lil this shade, this thick smoke. Allah says love about it. It will not be cool like other shades are because no matter how hot it is, if you go in a place where there's shade, then that shade provides you at least temporary relief from the heat. It brings you some level of comfort or at least it reduces the level of discomfort that you were in when you were in direct sunlight. Allah says La Abadi then wala Karim nor Karim Karim is

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that which is beneficial that which has some height in it. This is why the word calm is also used for generosity. So while I Karim, nor will it be beneficial, it will not benefit them one bit. And Kareem is also used for something that is refined, as a noble of good quality. So it is good to look at. Let Kareem this thick smoke that will cover them will not be good to look at it will neither be beneficial nor will it be good to look at. So what does this mean? The smoke which will cover them from above shade them from above will be a source of punishment for them. Because it will not bring any comfort. It will not bring any coolness. Heat will surround them the fire, the hot water and the

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smoke, never ending humiliating punishment from all sides. Why? In the home? Indeed they can. No they were Avila valleca before that meeting before this day, before the Day of Judgment, meaning in their worldly life. These people what were they in? They were mudra Thien,

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they were given affluence with ravine Mataf is one who is given a trough as an one who is given a lot of luxury in his life, ample wealth, ample comfort is so they lived a life of ease and comfort and joy. Is that a crime? No, it's not a crime. Why is this being mentioned over here, as if this was their crime? because of two reasons. Firstly, because Allah did not deprive these people. He gave them something. He did not deprive them of goodness. He gave them something to enjoy in the world, despite their denying him.

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He bestowed so much

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much upon them, yet they rejected him.

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And secondly, to show that the reason why they will be given this punishment is because they were lost enjoying themselves in the world. They were deceived by the worldly life that they were living. So they enjoyed it without thanking Allah. They enjoyed it without worshipping Allah. They enjoyed it without ever tiring themselves in the way of Allah.

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Because you see any act of worship, what does that require from us a level of sacrifice a level of fatigue, even if it's very minimal. When you pray Salah you have to leave your comfort, stand, bend in ROCOR go in sujood it requires a level of discomfort when you're reciting the Quran. Again, that requires that you put yourself in a state of discomfort. Because you're focused on the text you're reciting with your mouth. You're trying so hard to recite correctly. Allah says in Nome candle Kabbalah, the Alikum utrophin they always indulged in comfort, so they never sacrificed for the sake of Allah.

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They never put themselves in a situation where they would worship Allah.

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So in other words, the worldly comfort the worldly enjoyment, it hindered them, it prevented them from worshiping Allah. They were so busy enjoying their lives,

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that they couldn't make time for worship.

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They didn't find the energy and the strength for worship. I mean, if you think about it, what is it that prevents us from fasting?

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What is it? It's the desire for comfort? What if I got thirsty? What if I want my coffee? What if I got really hungry? Right? And if I wake up early, to have some food, what if I got sleepy during the day? So it is worldly comfort, that prevents the majority of people from worshipping Allah. So these people they enjoyed the dunya with ingratitude, and with heedlessness, and with the worldly comforts that Allah gave them, they became proud and arrogant, and more ungrateful. They use their wealth to commit more sin. When Allah subhanaw taala blesses us with a gift, what is it for money is a tool, isn't it? Health is a tool it's a means with which we can either please Allah do something that will

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draw us closer to Allah or we can waste ourselves away

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in the home, Kano, Kabila Valley come with ravine in through two in Chicago. 13. Allah says in the whole canopy Lima surah, in the Hulan, Elena who,

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the person who will be admitted into hellfire, Allah says this person, he was very happy in his family, having a great time with his family, laughing. He bless. And he used to think that he was never going to return.

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The state of the believer, what is it? No matter what he is enjoying, no matter where he is. He remembers his Lord.

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We learned in Surah two to 26 that the people of Jana they will say in Kona Cabo Lu V. Lena Mushfiq pain in our homes with our family members we were afraid, afraid of Oh, Allah. Even in the comfort of their bedrooms, they were afraid of Allah, which is why they got up and they prayed. They didn't forget Allah in that a trough

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into earlier Imran is 191. What do we learn? Alladhina Yes, karuna, lucha de Elman Waku, then what I learned, you know, be him this is a state of comfort, a person is sitting, a person is resting, but the believer he remembers Allah, even in that state, where they have a Karuna feel helpless somewhat, you will have Robina mal halacha heard about Allah subhana wa fucky. Now, either banal, they're resting, lying down, and they're saying felting or the banana. They remember the hellfire and so they asked Allah to protect them from hellfire.

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So Mike,

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I was just reflecting on the description of the sailboat that we learned about yesterday. So a lot of us in summer vacation and might have family members over. I feel like this summer has been going super fast like weddings and like trips over falls in one thing after the other and then in that state, you become very heedless and you forget about us pantalla and you think you're going super fast like life's moving way

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to fast, but then the description of Isabela person who is actually moving fast as the one who slows down takes into account these

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important details of remembering of a lot of preying on time doing or EtherCAT and stuff like that. So in this world, there are people that are indulging and a lot of their desires one after the other, and it seems like they're doing a lot of things and moving really fast in life, but in reality, they're not doing much at all. Whereas a person who seemingly lives a boring life of reciting Quran or going to that HELOC or this or that is the one who's actually advancing Yes. So, in Nome, Kano, Cabela Delica Nutrafin they were before that, indulging in affluence, what can we you say Runa and they used to persist is raw Sodre is raw is to persist on something to become firm and

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stubborn upon a certain way. So, they used to insist upon Allah Hensel Alim upon the great sin upon the great violation. And hence Han on third is used for a sin that is related to violation of a fact breaking of a promise going against one's oath.

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Uh, you Bernie salaam was told well,

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alright, do not break your promise, your oath that you had taken now fulfill it, and then he was given a solution. Right? So what can we use Lunarlon Henson or lean? These people use to persist upon the great violation. What is this great violation? It is schicke How was the chick? associating partners with Allah? Because what is that one fact that every single human being took with Allah, it is the art of lust into our alpha 172. Allah subhanaw taala says, There will a shudder Humala and fusi him allow us to be or become Allah made people testify that Am I not your Lord? And what was the response on rubella? Of course, You are our Lord Shahidullah We bear witness that You are our

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Lord, You are the only one worthy of worship deserving of worship. This was the art that Benny Adam took that all children of Adam took. But what happened? If a person commits Schick, if a person is associating partners with Allah, then what is he doing? He's breaking the promise, the pledge that he took. And this is why schicke is called lagoon Arlene in the Shipka. lagoon, Arlene it's the greatest violation.

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So you'll see Luna al Hensler, are when they persisted on it, they insisted on it, meaning they never intended to repent from it, no matter how clearly wrong she was.

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And because of that, check, they committed many other heinous crimes. What can we call Luna? And they used to say, either meet now what when we have died, will come not to robber and we have become dust where a llama and bones are ineligible ozone? Are we then going to be resurrected? Meaning Firstly, they committed Schick and secondly, they rejected the hereafter also, our Abba Guna.

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It's a question What about ona and our forefathers also, meaning we and our forefathers, a Walloon, the first ones and a well known the preceding ones, those who came long time before us. How was it possible? You see, question upon question. Either Matina Inala Mabou. Soon our Abba ona question upon question, what this is showing is the level of their rejection that how strongly they rejected the idea of the Hereafter the belief in the hereafter. That how was it possible? No way. Those who died before us are further decayed into the earth, their bodies are already lost. How will they be resurrected? Allah says school say to them that in a welline Indeed, the first ones, meaning the

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first generations the former generations will act 18 and the later ones meaning the generations that came later on all people of all times of all generations, lemma Jammu Aruna surely wants to be gathered, assembled much more own plural of much more, who was much more one who is gathered mustard brought together all people will be brought together. Isla Mikati to the appointment. They will all be gathered at the time off

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For the appointment, the appointment which appointment of Yeoman martyr loom of the known day? What is that known Day? The day of judgment

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and its knowledge is known in the sense that Allah subhanaw taala has informed about it that this Day of Judgment is coming and he is informed of it very clearly.

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Very clearly you open up any Surah of the Quran, right? Whether McKee or Madani, what is it that you will find mention of the Hereafter even in the midst of the commands, laws that are being given the Day of Judgment is mentioned. So it is my norm It is well known. And Yeoman Madiun known day as an it's time is known only to Allah.

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When it will occur, the worker, when is it that it's going to take place it's time is my loom to Allah alone. La Majumdar Runa II elearning kata Yeoman Mar loom and you see the word means path. We got this from walked walk this walk this time, and me got me caught is the appointed time for a particular task to be performed.

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time or place. All right. So for example, meal cost of how much have you heard about me cloth when we reach the meal cloth? And what do we have to do make the intention for how much put on the

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right so it's that designated place where when you reach then what do you have to do? You have to put on your Iran solar module Runa, Eelam, yukata, Yeoman maloom.

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The well known day, the day of judgment, it's time is set. There is an appointment that has been made and it will be executed that welfare will happen in Serato or off i 187. Allah says yes, Aluna Karen is Sati a Jana Musa, call in nama elucha are in the rugby it's knowledge, meaning exactly when it's going to happen, is known to Allah. And what do we learn in this ayah that all people will attend this appointment?

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Every single individual must attend must be present. It's mandatory, not optional. And it's not left to people to choose whether they want to come or not. They will be much more much more those who are gathered, waiting, even if somebody doesn't want to come they will be brought. Even if someone wants to remain in their grave as people will say, mum Bertha and I'm in Medina who woke us up from our sleeping places, they will be woken up they will be taken into the hellfire. 47 Allah says well how shall now home for lamb Nova did men who

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men who are Harada we will assemble all of them and we will not leave out even a single person.

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Much more own you and I included we will be brought together on that day into adulthood. I 103 Allah says Italica Yo Ma Muchmore Allahu NAS, that is the day when all people will be gathered with Anika yo mama shoot and that is a day that will be witnessed. witnessed by who? by who? All of us we're going to see it no one is going to miss it.

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So my intercom then indeed you you as in the US harbor CheMin the people on the left the people who will be given their records in the left then you are you have been blown or you astray ones or you misguided ones. I'll look at the boon you deniers a balloon floral have been those who are astray who are lost misguided not up on the right path. Why does Allah call them lon loon? How are they been loon?

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Because they lived according to their desires. mukha the boon deniers deniers of whoo of Allah's oneness deniers of the Day of Judgment.

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You deny so arrogantly, do you realize how lost you are? Do you know what will happen to you some intercom a you have gone loon al mukha the Boone Chiune surely wants to eat meaning you are going to eat kiloohm plural of Achill Achill is one who Akella who consumes who eat something you are going to eat and look at La Kilala surely definitely.

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There is no doubt about this. You are going to eat Min szegedi Menza Poom you're going to eat from the tree. Which tree means a comb of the comb the tree that grows the comb and what is the comb, extremely bitter. So better that as we learn in the Quran, as a person will eat it

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than yelloly Phil Bucha Tunica Holly and her meme, it will boil in the stomach just like hot boiling water boiled in a pot.

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This is how bitter it is.

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Early in the swirl, we learned about the people of the right and the SABIC war and how they'll have so many options and they'll be able to eat whatever they want and stuff and here we learn about the people of the left and how they'll basically be forced fed all this horrible stuff. I mean, there's no option this is the only options

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for the people of Jana Meyer the higher rune what they will choose what they will select themselves. Lackey Luna Min szegedi Menza comb family una so Malli own wants to fill up Malik one who Mala mill mill earth the face of the earth. So Malli own then ones who will fill up men have from it meaning from the Zaku what will they fill up a Batoon the bellies will employ of button

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connect the verses some intercom a you have Luenell Mackenzie Boone lackey Luna min shuddering Menza, comb, family owner min hull Batoon, then indeed you all those who are a stray, and all those who deny will be eating from trees of the comb, and we'll be filling with it. Your bellies. If you think about it, something as horrible as the comb. Why would a person even taste it? Why would a person even swallow it? And then not just swallow it, but eat so much that the stomach is filled up with it? Why?

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Because of extreme hunger. It's the only option.

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It's the only option. And also Mally owner Minho, Bhutan, who is it that will fill their stomach up with anything who someone who is used to filling up their stomach. If a person is used to eating less, eating just enough, then how much will they eat even when they're extremely hungry? What happens when you're fasting all day? How much can you eat at the time of if thought not that much. So they're used to filling up their stomachs in this world and this is why they will fill up their stomachs even with the comb and this is also as punishment for murli una Minho. Batoon for Shari buena, then ones who will drink or lay he over it on top of it, meaning the Zoom filled stomach on

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top of it they will drink mineral Hometeam of boiling hot water. The comb is bitter,

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so bitter that the stomach will burn, the mouth will burn and so they will want water and the only water they shall find is what her name and Lola suck so they will drink it up. How will they drink fishery buena? So ones who will drink Sure well him like the drinking of Aleem thirsty camels. Elohim him is the plural of a man and a man is used for a camel that is afflicted with a certain illness certain disease and it is such an illness in which a camel becomes extremely thirsty. That no matter how much water it drinks, it never feels satisfied. And so it keeps drinking water more and more water until basically it kills itself.

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This is Aleem for Shari buena, sure well him boiling hot water, they will drink it like thirsty camels drink without a break and continuously and what will be the result of that? Heather Newzoo home Allah says this is their nuzzle. What is nozel what is prepared for a guest for someone who is going to arrive? The lodging as well as the food. This is their noozle their lodging their food that they shall find upon arrival in hellfire Yoma Dean on the Day of Judgment. This is how they will be welcomed

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with the punishment of burning with the punishment of zip boom of boiling hot water of the thick black smoke above them.

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In South Africa have we learned in Alladhina amanu. Well, I'm a little slightly Hertie can Atilla whom Jana to refer dosi Newsela. For them. Jana is prepared as accommodation and for the people of *. This is what is prepared as their nosal.

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Let's listen to the recitation of the

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versus what else Bushi Malema

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fee some you

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won't leave

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Cabrera Danica motorogi Walker

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you now

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18 The module Munna ala me fall to me.

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on Luna mocha

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le ke Luna

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home virmani on Amin Oh oh, bashary born out

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how me Cherie Moon asuran baleen

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Rollo whom Yeoman de the

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