Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 273C Tafsir Al-Rahman 7-25
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was sama and the sky Rafa AHA the Most Merciful the Most Compassionate has raised it Rafa to raise to elevate something he has raised at high. How high that no matter how high we go The sky is always above us was Sama, Rafa Aha. As Allah says in surah Kahf is six of alumnium guru in a summer 401 K femenina have not seen the sky above them, how we have built it, how we have constructed it, it's amazing. So the sky is raised high, while while Laura and he has placed wild our elbow to put something he has placed on me Zan, meaning within the creation He has placed he has set up he has imposed me Zen, me Zen is the well known the familiar tool, right with which weighing is done. So
basically the scale that is Ms. N. But remember that Ms. N doesn't just refer to the scale. But mi Zan is also used for justice and fairness,
balance? Because that is what a scale represents. Why is it that we see this scale outside courthouses sometimes? Why?
Because it's a symbol of justice and fairness. So Allah has placed he has imposed balance and fairness were in his creation, in this entire universe. How?
In the sky in the earth? In the plants in people? How exactly in their forms? There is balance? If you think about it, our bodies? Are they well balanced? Are they well proportioned? Is there any symmetry, there is
even within our body balance maintained within the body with the right amount of, you know, a certain hormone or certain neuron or a certain neurotransmitter, it has to be within a certain range. If there is excessive amounts of a certain hormone, let's say, or a certain neurotransmitter, then what happens, certain problems can happen. Or if it's under that range, then what will happen, other problems will happen. And this is why drugs are prescribed to bring it within the right range. So this balance that Allah has created, that he has placed within the creation, every single creation, in its form, also in its quantity. When if you think about it, there could have been more
lions than cheap. Can you imagine if lions, you know, reproduced as quickly as sheep or cows do? How difficult life would be right? So while the Army's in balance, in their duration, also in the time that is given to them to live in this world.
So balance in every way. Well, one guy told me Zan, what's the message? Allah that not duck the whole you transgress? Oh, you man because you have freewill. You should not transgress filmi Zan, in the balance that Allah has created in the creation.
You live in a place of idle.
So you must maintain idle. You live in a world where Allah has created fairness, so you don't disturb that balance. Because when we disturb it, then what happens? disaster in so many different ways, isn't it? So I love that Oh, Phil Meezan working and you should establish and Wasner the wait Bill peacefully with justice.
Meaning when you're weighing things, then be just Wallah. And do not do zero. You make deficient al me Zahn the balance dose zero from XR hos in law who's run loss? Right? And Doc zero, do not do zero? What does it mean? That do not give less in weight when you're weighing something.
Do not make it less, complete it fulfill it 100% While our dog Cyril Meezan.
In other words, learn from what Allah has done. Allah has created perfect balance. And with that balance there is order in your lives in this world. Because of that balance. You are able to live other creatures are able to live. So learn from this and when you
You deal with one another than be fair to each other. In total and am I a 152? Allah says Whoa full Kayla well me, Zana Bill Presley.
the measure and the weight. How, with justice with complete fairness. You see over here with regards to justice, Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us that we must be just unfair. And he hasn't just commanded us. He has also demonstrated it with his actions.
How that in this universe, He has wild armies, and what does this teach us how important it is to be fair, and to be just because Allah did not instruct it? He also demonstrated it. And then again, he emphasizes Allah Tato film isn't working cable wasn't a bill Presley, while I talk Cyril Meezan. And you see the same thing as mentioned in two different ways. Through a command and through a prohibition command, a cable wasn't a bill Presley, right? And through a prohibition, lot of zero means n.
Because justice is the foundation of a peaceful life.
This universe cannot function
on blood. It cannot function, if things are not within their range that Allah has set for them. I mean, that typical example that's given if the earth was even an inch closer to the sun, or an inch further away from the sun, then what would happen, we all know what will happen right? So life would not be possible without our model. So what does this mean? If we want peace in our lives, if we want life to continue, if we want to have eternal life in the hereafter, then we must bring our other in our lives as well.
Just as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that those who are fair and just they will be on podiums of light on the Day of Judgment, near Allah, podiums of light. Those who are fair and just
so are other is something that leads to Jana?
Well, Allah and the earth will die her, he has laid it out a little Anam for all the creatures, because sometimes we commit excess, disturbing the balance that Allah has created. Why? out of greed when we become selfish? So for example, we have produced so much garbage that we don't know where to throw it, so we'll throw it in the water. Right? Why because we have to dispose of it right? We have to get rid of it.
This is disturbing the Meezan correct. And when we are doing that, who are we harming? The creation of Allah? What does Allah say? That yes, you have a right upon the earth. But you're not the only ones because the of the earth while the AHA he has laid it out, meaning he has created it, he has placed it for who lil annum for all the creatures. And remember the word Nm. It refers to all creatures on earth. Haiwan Kula, like all types of Haiwan all types of animals. And some have said that the word Anam also applies to nonliving things. So basically every creature on earth
Alright, every creature on earth.
In the Quran, we learned in total Bukhara, that huella the kala kala comb Mathilde are the gymea, right that he is the one who has made whatever is in the earth, for who, for you, all that is on the earth is for who for you, for you, to us, for you to benefit for you to enjoy. And of course, Allah has ordered us with regards to halal and haram. Right. But the general principle is that everything is permissible, unless there is something telling us that there is something that's not permissible. So everything is halal. Unless there is something that tells us that a particular thing is haram, only then it will be considered haram. And we look at things the other way we think everything in
the world is haram. Except for ABCD. Right? And the list just stops there. And it's so boring. It's the other way. And we learn in the Quran that Allah who repeatedly says, Sahana come Sahara Allah come here subjected this for you, he has subjected that for you. So many things, meaning everything is working in your favor. You enjoy it, you use it, you live you thrive.
You have free will.
And here Allah tells us that this earth is created for who is to be used by who? All the creatures that are within it.
And what does that teach?
us that while we do enjoy the things that Allah has given us on this planet, we must also respect life, we must also respect the rest of the creation.
And this is what will maintain the balance. Because if we become selfish, such that we are only concerned about our money and our pockets and our desires, and we completely ignore and overlook the well being of other creatures, then this is wrong. And this is something that will ultimately harm us in return.
You understand? Because when we create any level of chaos in this world, then who will suffer? We will suffer.
You know, for example, people don't like bees. Right? They hate bees because bees stink. Alright, get rid of bees, and you've all seen the bee movie, right? So what happens when the bees reclaim all the honey? What happens? They don't have to go to work. And when they don't go to work, that means there's no foul and being spread, no flowers, no fruits and eventually what happens? No food, right? I mean, we need each other. The point here is that we all share this world and we all need each other. So yes, we may be at the top of the food chain. Right, but we should not destroy the entire food chain. Right? We may be at the top of it, but we must respect every member of that food chain.
So while Alba Wallah her lil Anam, we should be considerate of all life.
Somebody gave the idea if you're going to kill the birds, because the birds have Swidler crops they eat you know, the crop so then they're going to have a better yield. So the campaign you know, it followed all over the China and they kill all the birds and the government was giving some kind of reward for killing the birds also. And the next year when the crop came there was a worst condition then they noticed because why was condition because the birds were eating basically the farms also and the worms now they are spoiling the all the crop. So they have to import birds reintroduce right so the important the burden I mean this is true anywhere you know if we disturb the balance we will
so I'm gonna come I was reading in min hudgell Cassidy in that you know the Hadith about that every creature makes the word for the scholar for the Alim so that hadith it said that why do the fish in the sea and everything make dua for the scholar because the scholar he gives knowledge to the people not to destroy things on earth and thereby not destroy what's in the sea and everything else? Yes. So while although the AHA lil nm
fi had in it faqih had done our fruit when not flu and the date palms, that will occur Imam having sheets. Now Allah subhanaw taala mentions the earth that how he has put so many blessings within it, that fear faqih Hutton, facking Aton Faqir as you know is fruit and it is described as my youth cobia that which is enjoyed
that keen we have learned those who are enjoying being happy, amusing themselves. So may have caught will be here meaning it is something that a person finds delight and pleasure in, meaning when he uses it when he enjoys it. When he has it. He likes it. That is phakisa. It is for enjoyment. Fruit is basically treat. And we think something can only be a treat if it's full of fake white poison, right? We think only then it'll be good. And fruit is considered something not very delicious.
Let me tell you something. I know it's hot these days. Right? And we all as soon as we get home, we want something extremely cold. I started doing something. I have started freezing grapes. All right. And when you have frozen grapes, it's like you're having popsicle bites. Seriously, especially these days, because they're full of flavor. They're sweet, they're juicy. And we think that we will only find enjoyment in something that is made with fake color. Right? And God knows what kind of water and what amount of sugar and what kind of chemical and whatnot. I mean, fee half macchiato this fruit Allah has created for our enjoyment. We have Faqir.
Nowhere in this
Whereas you say that we have to make the balance perfectly just says, to not destroy it, but doesn't say to that we have to take care of it or make it perfect or even better. So we have to maintain it and disturb it. Right? But we are not responsible over it. Exactly. So some oftentimes people are like, well, if something naturally is happening, we will all try to prevent it, because we think that's going to make the environment better. But it doesn't say that we have to do that we have to make sure that we don't destroy it. mean we are not responsible over it. Allah is because he's a Roman and he is Rob. Alright. So we have faqih Hatton. In this earth. Allah has created fruit of
various colors, various scents, various flavors, having different nutritional values, when not blue and dead palms that will McMahon. That'll one having a command. A command is a plural off Kim. Calf me meme Kim. All right. And Kim is used for a cover that will McMahon meaning these deep bombs have these covers. Are these bags these pouches? What is it referring to? This is right at the beginning. All right, when literally it looks like a bag. Alright, and as it opens, it's got lots of flowers in it and those flowers then eventually those buds turn into deep fruit. So fie halfback he had on one naclo that will occur ma'am. And the dead palm tree looks so beautiful when it has these literally
bags or bouquets of flowers hanging down and then they eventually turn into dates. And the date is mentioned in particular because it's fruit is one of the best fruits. It's got the flavor, and it's got the nutrition medicine as well as energy will help blue and the green meaning on this earth. Allah has also created hub. What is hub hub is grain that is eaten all right. And grain doesn't just include wheat, by the way. Right? It also includes other grains you know those 12 grains are the seven grains that you hear about. All right, all of them are part of herb and more whether it is barley or rice or quinoa or whatever have
Lulu OSFI and this help is Lulu OSFI one having us what is OS fine slotfather OS is the cover of the hub the husk
right which is turned into brand which is usually discarded. Right? But even that is very good. Well have booty last fi one Rehan and also he has created on this earth or you can what is the right hand aromatic plants because row right is used for hope life. Delight fragrance. Alright, and Rehan is used for every fragrant plant or herb and it's set that way Han can also apply to green and fresh crop. Why is it called Rehan because of the comfort and delight it brings to the site meaning just looking at it just smelling it is so beautiful. Before you even taste it and is it an amazing when you're watering such plants then what happens? Just watering them brings such a beautiful fragrance
to you. Well have Buddha asked me what my hand so much variety of food who brings it to you unlock man in certain Mulk Ayah 21 Allah says a man Heather levy Zuko come in am Zachary spa who could bring you provision who could provide you If Allah withheld His provision? If he didn't give it to you? Where would you get it from?
So many blessings are mentioned over here. They begin with the mention of the Quran. And finally what is mentioned food, Allah says Furby a year later you'll be comer to cut the burn. Then which for then be with a ye which then with which of Allah II favors blessings without be coma, off your rub, your Rob and your Kumar, this is to two groups of people or two groups are being addressed over here
to cut the ban, will you both deny, to cut the ban that leap to deny, reject? Which Blessings of your Lord will you deny? Can you deny that this food is from Allah? Can you deny that the sky and these trees and whatever you see around you is from Allah Who gave you Allah gave you who made it, Allah made it who sent the Quran then Allah did
That is also his Rama. Which Blessings of your Lord will you deny? Allah is the plural of the word alien. An alien from the letters Hamza lamea. Or well, Allah yet Lu. It means to spare or to leave out
to spare or to leave out. Layyah tele la luna como Habana they will not spare you any cabal any harm Allah, it is sad that it's used for such blessings that continue to fulfill a person's needs and that continue to come.
Continue to come, as we see in these verses, constant blessings, food, Night Day, trees,
constant blessings. And they're called Allah because with their presence,
you basically have everything in the sense that nothing major is missing. All your needs are being met, not just needs, your wishes, even
your comfort, even that is being provided through these blessings. Constant blessings of poverty he said that Allah means kodra and Kemal podra Tila the power of Allah, which of the favours meaning the wonders of your Lord? Will you deny? Meaning you cannot deny you cannot ignore? For how long will you pretend that they don't exist for be a year let your Abiko metrica divan this verse we will see repeated into Surah many, many times 33 times and notice two groups are being addressed who are the two groups firstly, human beings and secondly, the jinn. Or be Komal. Rob Have you too, you too, as in you owe people and you owe Jin. And as we will see in the following verses, the two groups are
referred to as a circle and the two burdens, meaning the two creatures that are burdened with a burden and what is that burden of free will? Angels don't have it right in the sense that they're just obedient to Allah. Right? But it's the jinn and the men people that are McAuliffe. All right. So for ba Allah, your Abiko magical divine another proof that it is the gem who are being addressed. Next to human beings is a Hadith in which we learn this hadith is reported in a sensitive to Sahara that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said that I recited Surah Rahman to the jinn, on the night of the jinn, meaning on the night when he went to teach the gin. Remember, sutra, cough,
right I mentioned to you, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam his encounter with the jinn and how he went at several occasions in order to teach them also they came to him requesting him to come and to teach them so he went and he taught them and part of what he taught them was of course the Quran, because he was sent to teach the Quran, you are Lima whom will Kitab right. So when he went he recited sudut of man to them. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the jinn were better than you. He's telling the Sahaba the jinn were better than you. Why? Because every time I recited for be a de la isla de Kuma to cut the ban the gin they said levy che manera Mikala burner
Naka the further call happened every single time 33 times its worst comes and 33 times the Jin said that Labby che in manera MC Labby che in there is nothing manera MC have your blessings have a banner or our Lord and you can give that we deny. Meaning there is no gift of yours. Oh our Lord, that we deny follicle hunt so For You is all Praise for you was complete and perfect praise. Allah says phobia ye Allah era Beco metrica the ban. This is like we're being reprimanded, that how ungrateful you are. How many blessings Will you deny? What blessings Will you deny? How could you deny? So the jinn responded? No our Lord we do not deny further compound. All Praise and Gratitude
is for you. So every time you hear this idea, you also respond in your heart. Hello call in Santa. He has created the human being meaning man has created the human being min Sol Sol in from clay. What kind of clay Kalfa hall like that of pottery. Salt Sol is used for dry or burned clay that clatters meaning when it's hit, then it makes a sound and this is why the description is given Kalfa hall like that of pottery for
Ha ha ha remember for hoof who's for whom. Someone who shows off brags a lot. They make a lot of noise, because that is what the clay of pottery is like. And for her is used for such create that has been baked in fire, earthenware, pottery, Himachal insane I'm in salt Silent Cal Sahar. He has created the human being from clay, like that of pottery. As if we are being told Do you realize who you are?
You become so arrogant before your Lord, ungrateful to him, feeling that you deserve all these blessings?
That even if one thing is not according to your wishes, then you become so angry. Do you realize who you are, he made you and He made you from clay wahala called Jana and he created the Qian min marriage from marriage min now of fire, Marriage Marriage meme regime merge is to let loose Maradiaga harangue right to let loose and marriage is basically used for a rising flame. Rising flame.
Maharajah also means to mix so it is said that marriage is such a flame whose color is mixed
meaning red, orange, yellow, you're seeing all different colors of fire in it different shades in it. Marriage
and it is also said that marriage is such a flame of fire that is smokeless meaning there is no smoke in a pure fire man now of fire. So Jamie would have been created from fire in sort of July 26 Allah says well Akaka Lachlan incentive and salt silent mean hammer in misnomer while Jana Hala canal Holman Pablo mannerism What did you please say hello Keitany Minette in WA halacha who mean Thank You created me from fire and you created him from clay Furby a ye la isla de comer to get the ban, Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? All you people and oh Eugene,
Rubble machinery cleaning. He is the Lord of the two East's do sunrises, what will Marguerite benei and the Lord of the two West's the two sunsets, machines, clean dual of machines, Mercury bein dual off mercury.
What does this mean? Two points of sunrise and two points of sunset, two points of rising and two points of setting. Remember again, what I mentioned to you many times things are mentioned in the Quran from the perspective of who of the viewer, right. So, as people living in this world, we you know, one person's East is another person's West. Right. So this is what the two East's and the two West's are referring to, because the point of sunrise is East and the point of Sunset is West.
All right, so all east and all West's meaning all directions and all locations, who is their Lord? Allah is their Lord. Then some have said that this is referring to the two points of setting and rising of the sun in summer and winter. Because the point of sunrise is different in summer compared to that of winter. So it's referring to different seasons, different times of the year. So, no matter what place no matter what time, who is the Lord, who is the provider, and the caretaker. It is Allah, as Allah says in surah sulfat I have five Ragusa my wet you will only one my Bina Houma what a bull Masha Furby, a ye Ella, your OB coma to cut V ban so which of the favours of your Lord?
Would you deny? Maharajah he has released Alba Haney. The two C's yell Turkey and they both meet Maharajah. What does it mean? That he has let remember the meaning of the word monitor I just told you from in marriage, right? The first meaning is to is to let loose. So the two C's, he has let them loose. So they're both flowing.
Right? And eventually yield the key and eventually they both meet.
And this is something that we see in many parts of the world. Two bodies of water flowing side by side and eventually what happens? There comes a point where they both meet, and then it turns into one big river and then it ends up in the sea. Right or rivers and then seas flowing in their own spaces in their own places. And eventually they meet yell talking and they meet. This is one meaning. Secondly, Maharajah What's the meaning of Maharajah to me
makes meaning to bring together so Mirage Albania can two bodies of water, one fresh and one salty, meaning river water and sea water. And what happens? There comes a point where they both meet. But when they meet Boehner Huma boza Han, between them is a barrier layer Boolean, which they do not transgress, meaning the two waters, they're flowing side by side, but they don't blend into each other such that immediately such that they become a mix, right? No, there are fresh water sources even within the sea. And initially as water enters from rivers into the seas, it doesn't mix, blend in immediately you will see sometimes they differ in their color even. So Boehner whomever was a
home liability earn what do we see? What's the theme that we see repeatedly? That everything is doing what it is supposed to respecting the limits that Allah has set for it? In truth for Karna 53 Allah says Wahoo Eleni Mahajan, Bellini. Heather I've been forgotten what Heather millhone Oh judge that one type of water bitter salty, the other type of water sweet and fresh. And between them is a bizarre
a barrier. What is but is a barrier, a screen that prevents mixing. Meaning that doesn't allow the to to mix for be a year last year a B coma to get the ban. So which of the favours of your Lord, will You deny? Will you not be grateful? Yeah, what would you mean Houma? Yeah, how would you it comes out mean Houma from both of them meaning from freshwater and saltwater what comes out from both of them a low low well murjan pearls and mitogen low low pearls well known. What is more Jen Mirjam It is said that it is used for small pearls. So low low is used for big pearls and margin is used for small pearls. Look well, more John.
Some have said that model Jan refers to read pearls
or red coral,
red coral,
which is a type of coral that is used for actually used for making jewelry and other ornaments because of its durability and intense red color. And it has also been found in the remnants of the ancient Egyptians. So yeah, how would you mean Houma Alou? Well Mirjam two types of water and both give so many gifts for us to enjoy. And so the Nahal I have 14 Allah says well who Alevi Sakuraba Lita? coolamon Hoolahan Periya and what does the regimen Haley atan tell the Sunnah you extract from these waters, ornaments that you were that you use for the A ye Allah, your A B coma to cut the band which blessings have your Lord will you deny? Because he has provided you with every type of
blessing. We're in third dunya Rahmatullahi latar Soha you can never enumerate the blessings. What taco mean? Colima, ultimo he has given you everything that you ask for. And we ask not just by words, but also by our state. In other words, every need of ours is fulfilled. You know, people talk about different human needs, right? There's basic needs of, you know, food, shelter, and then there's a need of security, then there's a need of belonging and there is a need of, you know, self fulfillment and whatnot. Right? There's a partner. Yes, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, right? So there's different needs that people have, that people talk about? What do we see over here? Every
need of ours is fulfilled, every need, there is nothing except that ALLAH has given it to us. And then what is the message again and again after every blessing, want to be grateful? Won't you be grateful? What is it that Allah has not given you for being a yeller? You're a bit calmer to cut the burn. Wallah. Who and to Him belong. Al Djawadi the ship's al mancia at the elevated ones, Phil Barry in the sea, Cal our alarm like mountains Ulduar is a poor enough jariya and what is God one that flows when that moves moves on? It refers to ships because they thought God and mantra at plural
of mantra, what is mantra from the word Nisha known Jean Hamza? Nisha is to unsure is to make something grow. All right. And mantra at meaning those that are raised high.
Those that are raised high meaning tall. What is raised high in them their sales. So it's referring to ships with sails raised high.
And these ships, they flow in the sea, they move in the sea. How can our alarm like mountains are alarmed plural of the word Ireland, what is Ireland is used for a mark for a flag, even a signpost landmark mountain meaning something big, which is visible from far
and these ships they move in the water like mountains I mean how massive they are. And they don't think they go from coast to coast. For be a year law you got to be calmer to cut the burn. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord of the wonders of your Lord will you deny? Isn't this a wonder Isn't this amazing? Isn't this a miracle?
Couldn't lumen naturally have fun? Everyone upon it shall perish could lumen Arleta fan let's listen to the recitation of these verses and then we will continue
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Big Kahuna to Kenzi.