Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 266D Tafsir Al-Hujuraat 13-18
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Allah says, Yeah, you have NAS all mankind in the hollow canal come indeed we have created you mean Vicodin were Onza from a male and a female meaning from Adam and Hawa with respect to lineage, all of you are equal, because all of you eventually trace your lineage back to who, Adam and Hawa you're all related to each other somehow. So, don't think that you are superior to somebody else because of your race or because of your skin color, because of your family background. What you are now come and we have made you shoot Ruben into people's into nations Wakaba and tribes, why Lita or foo in order that you recognize each other not that you think of yourself as superior and you boast and you
show off and you look down on others? No, this is for the purpose of identification. She Rubin is applauded of the word sharp she nine but and sharp, it can be understood in many ways but to make it simple can be understood as a race right as a race. Basically the word cherub gives the meaning of jumper what the three things coming together and then separating also going apart also. So if you think about it, like Lego pieces, all right, Lego pieces, you build something with it, when you build something with it, it's a whole structure, but then each one of them is a separate object also separate entity also, right. So sharp is basically that large group of people that people identify
themselves with. So for example, Arabs, this is what a sharp Alright, Middle Eastern, this is what a sharp okay? So, we have made you into shuru Wakaba. Baba in plural of Kabila a tribe is basically that which is a part of sharp so for example, with an Arab there was a copy of Quraysh there was a copy of Moodle, there was a copy of the file. All right. So for example, within the you know, South Asians, for example, or people from indo Pak region, you will have people who are Punjabis or you'll have people who are voodoo speaking, you know, depending on the tribe, right? Or, you know, a smaller categorization and Kabira is from the word cobble bubble is what before, so you look at who
came before you, who are your ancestors who came before you. So what you're allowed come Shubin, Wakaba il Allah has made you into people's into nations, and then tribes further division. Why? Because one tribe is better than the other. liter are awful for the purpose of recognition. Because otherwise, how would you tell people apart if everybody was the same? How would you tell people apart? Can you imagine how boring life would be if everybody ate the same kind of food? If cuisine was the same? No matter where in the world you went? It would be so boring, isn't it? I mean, different cultures, different ways of dressing up and different foods and different languages. This
is what makes life enjoyable. litteratur foo. Then what is it that makes a person truly better? What is the measure of superiority, Allah says in a Croma comer in the law he a taco. Indeed the most honorable of Unior Allah is the One who is
who is most righteous. Meaning the more Taqwa a person has, the more honorable he is. And who is the person who has more Taqwa most aqua, the one who develops the qualities that are mentioned in these verses and refrains from those actions which Allah has forbidden in a chromic or in the law he at all come and if you think about it, a person with good character, isn't he more honorable near PEOPLE. the more beautiful character a person has, the more he is appreciated by people. And the more rude and harsh a person is the more he is disliked by people in the Acoma comer in the line at Arkham. In the Lucha Lehmann hobby, indeed, Allah is Knowing and acquainted, he knows you, he is
aware of you, you see, your aim is general and Hubber is, you could say more specific, being aware of the realities. So he knows you, he knows what you do, and he's fully aware of your reality. You can say all you want that I am very polite, and I am very kind hearted. And I'm very sensitive. We can say that all we want, but Allah knows our true reality. So what's the lesson in this ayah? What this is teaching us is basically racial equality, that people are all equal when it comes to their race. You see, the Arabs were very racist.
They were very, very racist. So races that if a person was from a different tribe, you would treat them differently. Their life they had basically no respect near you just because they belong to a different tribe. And we see numerous examples of this in this era. And how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam emphasized racial equality.
To over and over again. If you look at all the major Hotbird that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave think about the hotpot that he gave at the conquest of Makkah.
And it had to deal with our the Farewell Pilgrimage what was emphasized racial equality, right, that no Arab is superior to a non Arab and no non Arab is superior to an Arab. Likewise, in the hotpot, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that no white person is superior to a red person or a black person, different colors were mentioned. emphasizing what? Racial Equality. So don't worry about the qualities or the characteristics within you which are ascribed which are God given. Worry about what you can acquire the taqwa, the character, the way in which you deal with other people, because that is what matters. The following verse again we are made to feel humble, that we
should not feel proud of our iman and we should not brag our faith either. Unless puntata says all the tools are available, the Bedouins say, Amen. Now, we have believed that Rob is the plural of the word of Rb. They say that we have believed meaning they said this out of weak fit, or they said this witness Allah's Pandarus has done a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you tell them that long to be no you have not believed? Meaning you say you have believed as if you have reached the perfection of email. No, you have not believed meaning you're nowhere near the perfection of email or you have not believed meaning you are not truthful in your claim, because you say this with your mouths that
you have believed. Whereas in reality in your hearts you have not believed. So what should you say? Well, I can vote Oh no, you say a slum now we have submitted meaning you have just outwardly submitted there isn't actually Eman in your hearts. We're not gonna and not yet yet the whole it has entered a Eman with the faith feel Kuru become in your hearts, meaning faith has not yet entered your hearts. It has not yet settled deep in your hearts. You have not yet attained its reality. We're able to to Allah and if you obey Allah rasool Allah Who and his messenger if you obey Allah and His Messenger, meaning you REPENT and OBEY with sincerity, then law your Lidcombe she will not
reduce you, when Malcolm of your deeds che and anything law you lift when he will not deprive you meaning of your reward, the word the elliptical is from the root letters Hamza lambda, and and is basically next to reduce to give less, it is basically what a person is deserving of some wage or some reward for some work that they have done, then that wage is not given to them or it is reduced. This is so Leia Lidcombe Minh, Malecon che l Allah who will not reduce you for your deeds at all, meaning he will reward you accordingly. For he is fair in the love of photo Rahim indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful to to those who repent to Him. So what do we see in this ayah there's a
particular background to this idea, which is we learned that some men from the blue acid even Hoceima they came to Medina, this particular tribe and when they came to Medina, they entered the masjid. And as soon as they entered, they began bragging about their Islam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They kept saying, Amanda, Amanda, the Messenger of Allah, we testify that we are Muslim. And we would like you to know that we have come to you without you sending us any one meaning you didn't really have to fight us, we came to you willingly. And we have traveled in the darkness and in the cold. And we have come all this way to you. We believe. Basically they were
saying this in order to make the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam feel obliged to give them some reward. So they kept on saying I'm an Munna. So here they were disciplined that you are claiming that you have Eman as if you have mastered Iman as if you have reached the perfection of EMA? No, you have not yet reached the perfection of EMA. So they said Armando, Allah says no, you should say Islam now. And this means that there is some difference between Eman and Islam. What is that difference? Islam is external. It is outward compliance. It is outward obedience. And Eman is internal.
When these people they claimed that they had Eman they had perfection of faith in their hearts. Allah's panel data says no, you have outwardly obeyed. You have outwardly been compliant. But these actions these outward actions are not actually from your heart. Because if they were from the heart
then you would not be showing off you would not be bragging, you would observe proper etiquette with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam. So in this ayah, what lesson is being taught that it is quite possible that an opinion we hold of ourselves is not necessarily true or correct. The reality may be quite the opposite. These people claimed our mana we have believed. And Allah says, No, you have not reached the perfection of faith. Rather, you have just submitted outwardly. So let us never be fooled by what we think of ourselves. Secondly, what we learn from this idea is that Allah knows what is really in our hearts, who we really are, what we really are. Do we really have
Iman, are we really sincere in our faith? outward actions? Yes, they are important, but remember, they are never sufficient. So let us never be satisfied by what we do outwardly. Let us never be deceived by the apparent good deeds that we perform. We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he described the whole adage a particular group of people who claim to be from Islam, but they were not actually Muslim, and they left Islam very quickly. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described them as people who recite the Quran, and as people who perform salah. In fact, these people, they would belittle the salah of the sahaba. And their recitation, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the recitation of the Quran did not go past her throats, meaning it was just outward. And he also said that these people would leave Islam as an arrow leaves a bow, very quickly, they would leave Islam. So we see that these people who came into Medina and they claimed to be perfect in their faith, they are being disciplined, that do not be deceived by your outward actions, do not claim perfection, have faith for yourselves, rather, be humble. And then we see over here, that at the end of the aisle, where our last panel data says that if you obey Allah and His Messenger than lie, you're late coming Maliko Shaya in the law have a photo for him,
that it's never too late to correct the state of one's heart and one's intention. Then, in the moment, we know that indeed the believers meaning who are really believers, Allah says in nama indeed only we know the believers the real believers are who and levena Armano Billa who are solely those who believe in Allah and His messenger. People who truly have faith in their hearts are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, so mela mio Tabby, then after that, they do not even entertain any doubt, some the word Sama, what does that indicate? It indicates the sequence of events. And it also shows that with passage of time, that despite the passage of time lonely or
taboo, they do not have any doubt, meaning they remain firm upon their faith, despite the passage of time, what Jaha do, and then they strive be unlikely him with their properties were unforeseen and their lives visa vie the law in the way of Allah. Because it is the striving that proves sincerity. We are ICA humble Sadiq Khan is those who are the truthful meaning who are truthful in their claim of iman, this is different from the people who are described in the previous if different from those who believe only outwardly, who are the Sadiq Khan, who are the truthful, those with unwavering faith, those who are determined and committed to the end. They don't doubt, not even a little bit,
even if someone tries to embarrass them about their faith. They don't entertain any doubts, rather, they're confident. We see for example, Salman al Farsi Radi Allahu anhu, that wants a non Muslim person, he mocked at him and this hadith is mentioned in a Buddha would and also in a Talmudic that once, a Jewish man asked Salman a Pharisee will do Allahu Anhu that does your messenger also teach you how to defecate, meaning, he also teaches you instruct you as to how you should use the bathroom. So in other words, he was saying what kind of a religion is this? And Samaritan Pharisee radula? One who said yes, of course he does. And then he went on and on that he has he has given us
this instruction and that instruction, and he is forbidding us about this. And he has permitted us to do this. He went on, meaning he wasn't embarrassed by the question that this Jewish man asked him. And this is what our last panel data says the true believers are those who don't doubt they don't waver. And what this means is that they are stable. They are firm upon their faith. And this is something that should really make us worry that just like
As I'm doing something good right now, it doesn't mean that I will always remain like this. I can only continue in doing good if Allah gives me the ability. So let us always ask Allah for stability and firmness and faith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us this or that Allahumma inni are all to becoming a holy paladin Cody, that oh Allah I seek Your protection against Allah How about that code? It's a very deep meaning for basically I'll call is the wrapping of the turban when something is fixed, established, and I'll hold is the opposite of that. So that oh Allah protect me from losing my faith. And Allah Medina he was a dibny another dua that oh Allah guide me and keep me
guided the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make dua yo will legal Islam you were a li mystically, Islam, a hatter al pagar Li, but or Allah, keep the firmer than Islam until I meet you say at one lumen Allah. Do you acquaint Allah to only Munna Allah your limo is basically to teach are you teaching Allah are you trying to tell Allah be Dini come about your deen? By you're claiming our Mana Mana Are you trying to tell a lot that you have Iman Wallah we are in a mobile Allah knows Memphis summer YT wonderful already, whatever that is in the heavens and whatever that is in the year. Meaning if you have Iman, then you don't need to brag about it because Allah knows when Allah
will be cliche in Alim and Allah is Knowing of all things. Nothing is hidden upon Allah. So don't try to convince Allah with your words. You're no no Malaika Yama Noona. They consider it as a favor, meaning they were bragging before the Prophet sallallahu already was send them about their email. Why? Allah says Yama noona they consider it as a favorite from the word men and men remember, is a huge favor that is done to someone. So Yama, Norma, alayka and assalamu that they have accepted Islam, meaning, the fact that they have accepted Islam, they think that they have done you are prophets of Allah who are no Salam, a huge favor. This is why they keep telling you that they have
accepted Islam. Allah says, Tell them Lanterman no Allah here Islamic law do not even know you consider a favor. Are they here to meet Islam or come of your Islam? That you're accepting Islam is not a favorite to me. Belen No, rather it is Allah Yamamura lako who has done a favor to you? And huddlecam that he has guided you then Imani to Eman in quantum Saudi teen if you should be truthful. Meaning, stop bragging about your faith to people as if you have done them a favor by accepting Islam. This is not a favor to anybody. In fact, when you have accepted Islam, then Allah has done a favor to you. And really it is a loss favor upon a servant, that he is guided to Islam, and then to
some righteous deeds. So why don't we do anything good. We are being benefited. It is not a favor to anybody else. It is in reality, Allah's favor on us that He gave us the strength and the ability to do it. So when we do anything good, remember, we are not doing others a favor.
Allah is doing us a favor. So for instance, when we wear hijab, it's not a favor to our parents or the men that we cover in front of when we praise Allah, we're not doing a favor to our parents. When we learn Quran, we're not doing a favor to our parents or our teachers, our volunteer work or any kind of service is not a favor to anyone. Rather, it is Allah's favor upon us that He gave us the ability, the opportunity, the strength to do it. So but Allah we are Moon Valley calm and her.com little Imani in quantum Saudi thing, and we see that the people of Ghana will say upon entering Jana, that Alhamdulillah one lady had originally heard that all Praise to Allah who guided us to
this, we could never have done this ourselves. We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to the unsolved on the day of the Battle of her name that old people have unsolved and then aged come to learn and for her Jakob Allahu be that isn't it that I found you lost and Allah guided you through me. Welcome to metastatic Pina you were divided and Allah United you through me, you are poor and Allah give you riches through me. So really, Allah favored you so much by giving you Islam so never think that you're accepting Islam or you're doing anything good was a favor to someone rather it was Allah's favor on you in the law her indeed Allah Ya Allah more he knows labor summer
work you and RB the unseen the hidden aspects of the heavens and the earth will Allahu Basilan be Mata Malone and
Allah is Seeing of whatever that you do, while hidden matters are known to him, our intentions, our speech, our dealings with others, nothing of this is hidden from Allah. So always remain humble that Allah is watching, Intro to Niger my authority to Allah says, who are and then will be come if and shall come in and out of the way until a gin nuttin feeble Tony Omaha Tico. Allah knew you very well when he produced you from the earth when you were hidden in the wounds of your mother's. So further to the coup and full circle what's the lesson that do not claim purity for yourselves? in solitude I have five Allah says Ya Allah mama you see Luna wanna your Linoone Allah knows what they conceal and
what they reveal. So fear Him, be mindful of him and guard your private and public, your internal and your external affairs. And this is the message of the surah because perfection of a HELOC, which is the theme of the Surah Surah. To a HELOC, the perfection of one's manners. Remember, it is linked with one's Eman. It is linked with one step one it is linked with the fear of Allah, it is impossible to improve one's a HELOC without improving the level of dukkha and Dukkha. How is that developed by knowing that Allah knows me, he knows my reality he knows the state of my heart and what I display how I deal with others, he knows my intentions and he knows my secret and he knows my
private and my public. So when a person develops this kind of fear of Allah at all times in dealing with all people then it is that he can improve his o'clock May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all beautiful o'clock real Tekoa will Allah who will say don't be mad
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