Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 258B Tafsir Al-Jathiah 1-6
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Surah two jatiya
Sujatha is a Maki surah. It has 37 verses. And the word Agenzia means one of the meanings of the word LJ Thea is the one who is crouching, the one who is kneeling. And this is going to be the state of people on the day of judgment. And we see that this is the central message, the central theme of the sutra, the main theme, the main message of the sutra, an invitation to humble oneself before Allah, an invitation to humble oneself. before Allah was asked before Allah's orders Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, ha Meem den zinal Kitabi. Then Zulu revelation al Kitabi, of the book meaning of the Quran, it is mean Allah, it is from Allah, Who is Allah Aziz, the Exalted in Might al Hakim, the
wise. And so, this book is also the ruler is because the sender is ours is the one who is honorable. Therefore, this book is also honorable, because it is from the owner of all honor. This book is undefeatable, why because it is from Olara. Z is the one who is Exalted in Might, the wonders of this book never cease why, because it is from the one who is most wise al Hakim. So to understand this book, a person must understand who the sender of this book is, to realize the worth of this book, and to properly benefit from this book. To understand the importance and the effectiveness of this book. One cannot overlook the sender, the one who has sent this book, Allah is Allah Aziz al
Hakim, therefore his book deserves our attention. It deserves that we try to understand it, it deserves that we believe in it. And in order to know Allah, what do we have to do? Look at what Allah has made? Enough is summer worth it indeed in the skies? Well are we and in the earth, let I add in, there are surely signs Lily Momineen. For those who believe for the believers, there are many signs in the skies and also in the earth. Interesting, right after the mention of the book of Allah. And Allah has attributes what is mentioned, that is in the creation. Why? Because to understand the worth of this book, look at the one who has sent it. And to understand to know the
one who has sent it, look at his work, look at his creation, because the one whose work is perfect than his word is also perfect. So enough is somehow worked, you will only learn yet a little more meaning in the skies and the earth, in the skies, meaning in their structure, in the way that Allah created them in their function in what they contain within them, as well as the Earth, in how Allah has created it, in how the earth functions in its structure. The creation that is within the earth, Allah says there are yet many signs. I asked floor love idea, what is an idea? A sign is something that points towards what a destination, an object, right? It's a means of getting somewhere. That is
what an idea is an indication assign a proof. So within the heavens and the earth are signs for people who believe meaning signs that indicate Hola, zizza and hikma. You want to know how Allah is Aziz and Hakeem, look at the creation. It will prove to you over and over again, that this is the work of the one who is disease, the one who is all powerful, and the one who is hockey, the one who is most wise.
So when there are signs in the skies, and also in the earth, what does it mean? The signs are everywhere. They're above us, around us beneath us. They're everywhere. What is needed is the right vision in order to see those signs and what is it that brings a person the correct vision? It is Amen. When a person has Eman faith in Allah, then he sees everything as a miracle. Then everything is a means of connecting him to Allah. Everything is a means for him to know Allah better, to recognize Allah better, even if it's something that goes against one's desires. Like it is said that I needed to learn who he said that I have recognized, my lord
by the fact that things go against my wishes, you know, when my intentions when my wishes, when I cannot fulfill now I plan something, and we're not able to carry that out, meaning it's beyond my control. It's beyond my ability through that I have recognized Allah right. So, the fact is that there are signs everywhere, when a person has Eman than everything, whether it is studying biology or to studying even accounting or to studying any form of law, whatever it may be, it is a means of drawing closer to Allah. Yes.
Yes, that our plans are always plan B. And Allah's plan is always plan a right and it just helps you calm down. So enough is summer worth, you will all be here to learn more meaning. So we must pay attention to the sky, and we must pay attention to the earth. Study the creation that Allah has created, reflect upon it, learn about it, in order to know our Lord better, in order to realize his reserve, and his hikmah.
You know, it's amazing, when you study, even a part of your brain, not even the whole brain, just a part of your brain, how it functions, how it connects to all of the senses, and how quickly things happen within the brain and how, you know, the brain sends commands to the rest of the body and how there's communication going on all the time constantly. It's mind boggling, isn't it, to even understand how the brain works and how our senses work. It's mind boggling. But how quickly that happens. I mean, how quickly we hear how quickly we see. And we know that there's so much going on within the body at that time, how quickly we taste, you know, our nose is able to recognize or to
remember 50,000 different smells, I mean, that's amazing.
Right? And when you study even part of the human body, one fraction of it, one section of it, even that can be a means of recognizing Allah subhanaw taala, his XOF his might his ability, his perfection, his Hikmah his wisdom, what he has become, and also in your creation, meaning there are signs not just beyond you, around you, but also within you what you have become. Hello Pico, what does it mean? Firstly, it means that in how Allah has created you how Allah has done your Hult meaning how He created you in the wombs of your mothers, and how once you were born, you grew, how your body grew, right throughout your life, what do you have become the process of aging,
development, growth, even in that are so many signs? One obvious sign is that it's really beyond us, right? We don't choose it, we don't have any control over it. Secondly, with the help a comb also means in your form your health as in your body, your constitution, you know your physical body, how Allah has created it, the way it functions, and not just your physical body but also your brain and your emotions and all of you warmer and also that which you Busuu he disperses. Yeah, well, so but they are Busuu bursa and Bertha is to spread something.
So when valuable Sue and whatever that he has scattered mindat button of living creature moving creature, there are a Yeah, turn signs leave Comey up known for people who are certain. Do things I mentioned over here? Firstly, your own body. And secondly, in the creatures that Allah has spread all over the earth? Well, now your boom in the button, whatever creatures Allah has spread, where has he spread these creatures? Where has he dispersed them scattered them? Where all over the surface basically, whether you go to the driest of deserts, right? Or you go to the most wet rain forests, or you go to the depths of the ocean, or somewhere in the sky? Or the most snowy and icy
and cold places on earth, no matter where you go, what is it that you'll find over there? Creatures? Isn't that amazing? I mean, you go to the basement after like five weeks no one has set foot in there. All right. And then what happens you open a random box and what do you see coming out of there? Bugs? I mean, that is also creatures that Allah has spread. Well May your bosom in there but in and Minda button, what is that, a creature that moves by its own will? So it's a living creature. Right? And that includes birds, as well as animals, wild beasts, insects, every creature
Sure, Allah has spread through the earth likoni up known these signs, who will benefit from them of people who have yet been notice how earlier it was said for those who have a man here what is mentioned your pain. What is a higher level Eman or your kin? Your kin? Right? So what does this indicate? The more faith you have, the more signs you see.
The more faith you have the more signs you see. And the more signs you see the more faith you have. Right? Each stage it strengthens the next. And in this idea, what do we see that we don't really need to look very far to realize Allah's perfection. In the previous idea, the skies and the earth were mentioned here. What is mentioned your own body, and just the creatures that you'll see around you no matter where you go. So look within yourself, just observe your own existence and you will find proofs of God's greatness and perfection and wisdom in Surah to rule Maya 20 Allah says woman IRT and halacha coming to Robin, so my Eva and timber Sharon tanta, she rune He created you from
dust and here you are scattered everywhere, intro to the area 20 will fill early Aya to learn more clean in Wi Fi unfussy comm AlFalah tube soon in the earth or science for people who are certain, but also within yourself, don't you see? Don't you see the signs that point to Allah's perfection? Work Dr. Phil Layli work the laughy and alternation meaning also there are signs in the FT laugh the alternation of a lady when the hurry of the night and the day. What is if the laugh if the laugh means when things differ? I think the word is still off is well known. Right? Because there's if the laugh in this, there's enough in that especially in the month of Ramadan. So, if the laugh is when
people differ over something, right, varying opinions, varying understanding, right. So, this is if the left differences is the love is when one thing is different from the other, right, when one thing is different from the other. So, for example, one person has a different understanding compared to the other forever divide. Right? So if the left when one thing is different from the other, another meaning of the word if the left is that alternation,
as in, it's from Kolff. Right Khalifa. One goes and the other columns
coming consecutively.
Right? succeeding? So walk the laughing Layli when the how, what does it mean? The difference between the night and the day? Do they differ? Huge difference. Huge difference. Like for example, the night is dark, the day is bright, the night is generally cooler, and the day is generally hotter, right warmer the night. I mean, it's great to sleep in the night, and in the day, don't even try. Why gonna wake up all groggy, you're not gonna get your sleep, you're just gonna wake up upset unless you live on your own. That's different. But what's the leveleleven the how there's a difference between the night and the day, isn't it? Then if the laugh secondly is coming one after
the other, that how they consecutively follow each other. One goes and the other comes as soon as a night comes the day leaves right one is followed by the other and this is happening constantly without any disturbance in the schedule. any disturbance. There are signs in this who is in control of the night and the day. woma and also in that which ended Allahu Allah has sent down Meena sama II from the sky, Madrid spin off provision,
the provision that Allah has sent down from the sky, there are signs and that also, what provision does Allah send down from the sky?
Rain? Right. And why is rain called risk? Because it brings risk.
It itself is risk, right? And it brings risk because when there's rain, then there's growth. And then people have provision. Right? So Wilma ends at Allahu minha sama II, Madrid, Spain. But this over here doesn't just refer to the water that comes from the sky. There's also other things that come from the sky as provision for us. Like for instance, for instance.
Okay, sunlight, what else?
Wind, very good. What else?
decrease, then as Zalmunna Iike two or row houfy. Her B is near a billion men Colleen
unleash, and this armor is regarding what
the following here what is to happen, what risk a person is going to receive. So wema ends at Allahu minha sama images spin. But here in the context specifically, it's the water. Why because I yeah be Hill or the bar the motif for a here, then he brings to life, be with it with what with the risk that Allah sent from the sky, which is water
under the earth, meaning the land bar the motiva after its death, meaning after its lifelessness, meaning when land was dry and barren, when rain fell on it, what happened to it, it was as if it was brought back to life, how that there's growth, there's vegetation, and then what does three fee and also there are signs in the sleeve, the three F directing of a Ria, he of the winds, the sleeve Sodre, we have done this word numerous times before Salah for you Saturday for the sleeve is basically the coming and going of something and coming again, differently than before.
Meaning when something comes and it goes away, and then it comes again. But when it comes again, it comes in a different way than it did before. And this is exactly how the wind is it changes. The speed changes, the temperature changes, right? What else changes the direction?
The source,
right? moisture, humidity, whatever it is, it changes. So what the three ferrea Hey, and if you think about it, it's constantly changing, doesn't change. I mean, in the morning, you check the weather and it says it's windy. Right? You go out by the time you return. It's not windy at all right. So, what does the Fed do? You're sitting outside somewhere the wind is blowing in one direction and then what happens? It starts going in another direction. There are I tune there are numerous signs in all of this in what if the leveleleven Now secondly, what ended allow me to summer in the listing. Third link with a serif area there are I add, but for who likoma York alone for
people who use Oracle for people who use reason, earlier it was set Signs for those who believe then Signs for those who are certain. Now Signs for those who use reason meaning just think reflect and it will make sense.
Use Oracle Usako reflect and it will make sense that all of this cannot be running on its own. This is the work of Al Aziz al Hakim, we see in this ayah numerous signs are mentioned firstly the night, the night and the day. Into the note I have 44 Allah says you only Bula who Leila one and a half. Allah changes ALLAH turns the night and the day meaning the Night is brought and the day is gone. All right.
In surah baqarah Iowan 64 Also this is mentioned in if you have to summarize what you will already work the laffy Layli when the hurry right then secondly, provision burying water from the sky, meaning rain instead of number I have 14 Allah says what Anzahl nominal more sloty Man, third Jadeja Lee no honey Jebi have been one Abeta when rain falls, then what happens? We produce by that rain have grain one Abathur and plants and remember that help is used for that grain which is eaten edible, meaning that people consume. So this food this grows why because of the rain that Allah sends into the ARBA 25 Allah says Valley and Laurel in Santa Isla Tommy, the human being a person
should see he should look at his food. Where did it come from another suburban Alma Asaba. We sent on water in perfusion. So Marcia O'Connell of the shortcode then we cause the ground to split for embeds Nafi her husband were in urban will Cockburn was a Doonan one Auckland Wahida eco whole urban warfare quixote and urban Mata Allah, Kamali. Anamika a list of different foods as mentioned that how Allah makes all of that grow for you, and also for your animals, and you eat that food and your animals, you eat those also. And at the end, what is mentioned, I add for people who think, what does this teach us? That having faith is not very difficult, meaning it's not impossible to have a
It's not blind. You have to use your mind. You have to reason and when you think and you reflect, the new man comes in
In total Bukhara Iowan 64 also Allah says what the three for the year he was having Musa hurry Bina sama you will have Lila Aya Tinley, Tomiyama. Saloon, you have to think Allah says DeLuca Aya to Allah He Tilka that I asked Allah He verses of Allah. Have you noticed this guy singular? Right? But it's being used to point to? I asked Allah, isn't it? I asked this plural?
Is it? Or is it not? I asked is plural or singular? Plural? What is tilde?
tilde is singular or plural? Singular, right? What's the plural of tilaka?
Hola, Erica. All right.
Velyka is a masculine form, right? The helical Kitab Whoo. And DeLuca is the feminine form. All right. Now, why is the feminine form being used over here? Because of the word I that I asked is plural. All right. All right, it's a plural it ends with a TA. Right? I lift up, it's a plural. So for that, feminine is being used. But the question is, do you allow me to do a little bit of grammar with you? Yeah, just a little bit.
The question is why singular feminine, why not plural, feminine?
Why Tilka why feminine? Because for plural, many times, feminine. pronoun is used singular feminine pronoun is used. All right, for a plural
many times what is used what pronoun is used singular, feminine. And when ism is shallow, when when a noun that is used to point toward something has to be used than it has to be which one singular, feminine. All right, so tilde Ayatollah, he net Lu Ha, I like I will help these but yes, it is singular, but we'll translate it as plural. Okay. Why? Because it is referring to a plural. Okay.
Of course, in your word to word, you will translate it as that. But when you're connecting the words together to make running translation, then you have to convey the meaning all right, and for that, plural will be used. So Tilka IRA to La he net Lu Ha, these are the verses of Allah, which we recite, not through how we recite it, meaning we recite these verses are later on you will help me in truth, meaning, all the proofs are there. These verses as they're being recited, they're not empty of meaning, they are been held. They contain the truth. They contain convincing arguments. And if people are not affected by this, then Furby a ye then in which Hadith and speech Bard Allah He
after Allah, meaning after Allah speech, what I asked he and his verses you may know they will believe, meaning if they will not believe in the Ayat of Allah, if they will not believe in the speech of Allah. Then whose speech will they be affected? By? whose speech will they accept and whose Proofs will they accept?
If they don't accept Allah's word, then whose word will they accept? For be a year Hadith and bad Allah, He will at you me know what will move them. You see, there are two means of obtaining guidance. I add County and I add chattery I add Kony the creation like we see Ibrahima has sent him he observed the creation, right? I had chattery the verses that Allah has revealed. So when a person uses his mind reflects on them, then what happens? This is a means of obtaining guidance. But if a person does not learn from IR county or AI archery, then how will he learn?
Where will he learn from if he is rejecting bolts? Then what will bring him faith into what Musala 50 Allah says Furby, a hadith and burdah who you may know, if this is not going to convince them, then what will convince them? What speech will they believe in after this? Because whose speech is the best?
Allah speech is the best if his work is the best than his word is also the best. Right into the Zoomer I have 23 Allah says Allahu Nasrallah, I sent a hadith Allah has sent the best speech, the most perfect speech, the most excellent speech. And if a person does not pay attention to it and does not learn from it, then what is he going to learn from? It's a rhetorical question, meaning he's not going to learn. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
Bismillah your Walkman you're watching
Akita beam in a law in large cities in hacky
Nephi Santa
meaning what's the quality como Amaya most
me to
the last one
long meanness
free feel free
to leave me
DeLuca to long enough to
be helpful. That'd be a hadith
the long you if you mean