Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 239D Tafsir Saad 34-40
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One occurred fatten nurseryman every servant is tested. And certainly we tested Suleiman Alayhis Salam and we're gonna and what was the status that were al Qaeda and we put we placed Alka you will kill, to throw something to place. So we bought our local see upon his crib see what is good see
the throne of a king. So upon his throne we placed a just that a body
just is a body
and it can easily be understood as a lifeless body
just it was a body on his throne. And this was a test for Suleiman on his Salaam. And when this test happened, some more than an hour, he returned again to a man or and his son, he returned. Why is the word another use over here because remember, Inaba is used for returning how Marwa Bioderma time after time, he's a word just now. He turned back to Allah and now again, he's turning back to Allah. Now, what was the fitna? What was the test that Allah subhanaw taala puts on a man Ali Salaam in
before we go into the details of what that test was, remember, the will the lesson was also tested. After the test came a higher position, a greater responsibility, greater gifts. And the same thing happened with study man or whatever this test was, as a result of this test Allah subhanaw taala gave so a man or listen to what he had not given him previously. He gave him more gifts in this world, because the objective of the tests is to bestow more favor.
again, for this particular verse, There are many Israeli yet many Israeli traditions that are reported to understand this verse. Some have said that the fitna the test was,
and I'm just giving you one or two opinions over here. There's way too many. I spent several hours yesterday on this morning trying to figure out what exactly those stories are. It's so confusing because they're not taken from the Sunnah. None of these versions are from the Sunnah they came about much later. All right. So some I've said that the fifth law was the test was that the kingdom of Solomon or listen to authority that he had was temporarily taken away from him? How that will come Allah kursi he just said that instead of Solomon Ellison being on his kursi ruling over His people, what was on the kursi on his throne? I just said, What was that just that some have said it
was a shaitan. It was a gin.
So a gin to control. And there are so many interesting stories. Interesting, I say, because there are things like, you know, silly monoliths and I'm had a ring. And with that ring, he controlled everything very interesting. And that Chopin somehow got control over that ring. Have you heard of this? Okay. There's different versions, and all in a very problematic, very problematic, firstly, because there's no evidence of this. Secondly, because these stories themselves are problematic. How could a gene take over
the role of a prophet how so? How we have learned in the Quran that every time Allah subhanaw taala inspires to a prophet right there are shouting that oppose the prophet that tried to create hurdles, but it's Chopin ever made successful? No, he's not allowed. Allah will protect His Prophet. So why would Allah not protect His Prophet so a man on Islam against a Chopin understand? So just said they said it's referring to a che upon some have said that the fitna over here the test was, that's what I manually said, I'm became sick.
He was afflicted with some sickness. So for Tana, meaning he was afflicted with some Murghab with some sickness. And it was so bad that an owner on a crusade he just had an it was as though upon his throne. So the mannerism was like adjusted like a body.
Meaning unable to do anything. He wasn't able to look after the affairs of his people. He wasn't able to do his regular work. He was just like a body upon the throne.
He wasn't able to do His work, somehow and other then he returned, returned as in Raja Eliza TV, he became well again, he regained his health.
Now, again, this is problematic. Why because the story just doesn't fit with the text because
If that happened, it would have been mentioned in clear terms. And besides, there is no proof for it from the Sunnah. So again, we cannot say with certainty that this is what happened. There is, however, a hadith, which is in Bukhari and Muslim. That tells us about a certain incident that happened in the life of Solomon early Salem, that taught him a lesson. Just like the leaders have learned to listen through an experience. So a man and his son have also learned a very important lesson through an experience. And that was just like the elderly some a mistake happened. A minor mistake happened. Here also a very minor mistake happened. But Allah subhanaw taala was teaching a
man on Islam something very, very important.
And this hadith as I mentioned to you, it's reported in Bukhari and Muslim. One thing about this hadith I want to tell you is that the only narrator of this hadith is a Buddha or the lower end,
meaning only one Sahabi took this hadith on the Prophet sallallahu sallam, which means that the prophets Allah says, must have mentioned this only once. ever read about the one who is the only one who narrated it. But this nation ended up where in Bukhari and Muslim so what does it mean? There is no doubt about its authenticity. However, there are different versions versions in the sense that the numbers that are given in this hadith, they vary. So in one Hadith, the number that is given a 70, in another version, 99, or 100, there's different versions. So the fact that matter is one,
the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, but there are multiple versions with multiple numbers. What does it show the Hadith was narrated in meaning, this is a very important thing that we have to understand. Because it's these things that people jump out and say, Look, contradiction, Hadith. Look, this is what Hadith says, How could you believe in Hadith, and your whole religion is corrupted? No, that is not the case, Hadith when the scholars learnt it, and passed it on the narrative that in two ways, one was exact wordings for Batum exactly as the Prophet sallallahu sallam said at the sahabi, he learned and exactly the same way, the same words, he passed it on, and
they were passed on they were passed on, which is why sometimes we see different Sahaba narrating the same text, and there is no difference in the text whatsoever. There is no difference in the text whatsoever, because Hadees was narrated how, by the LUFS. The words were narrative, other Hadees were such that they were narrated by manner by meaning, like, for example, if an incident happened, you know, once a Hobbes narrating that incident, in his own words, and that was Hobbes narrating that incident, in his own words, you understand? So later on also, the scholars of Hadith who took this hadith and passed it on? How do they narrate it? With meaning? And when you're transmitting
something in meaning, then sometimes do you add your own explanation? Yes, you do, depending on who you're telling. All right. And some details are not that important. They're not the focus. They're not the focus, which is why there comes discrepancy then, when you compare the different nations. So keeping this in mind, this hadith, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, so the man on his son and the son of the wilderness, and he said that he would sleep with his wives. Why, in order to have children, and every single child that would be born would be a Mujahid. So you understand what happened over here. And this he said to himself, of course, he's not telling the whole world about
it. So his objective for that night for those wives was so that he would have children that will be Mujahid. Now, in some versions, it is said 70 wives, and somebody said 90 wives, and somebody said 100, and some, the number is different. And when we're talking about the number, remember this, that number is not the objective, it was not important. Because if it was important, then what would happen?
There would be no discrepancies, right? No contradictions, it would be just one consistent number that would be passed on. All right. So this is why some scholars have said that it's quite possible that later on after a Buddha did a little on who somebody had also heard the story from is slightly yet
and they added the number 70. Or they added the number 99 Or they added the number 100. Okay, so regardless of how many there were certain mannerisms, intention was to have children who would be metalhead in the way of Allah. What happened? He didn't say in sha Allah.
He didn't say
insha Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, what happened, none of his wives got pregnant. One of them only, she bought a child that was basically adjusted.
That was basically adjusted just had in the sense that the child was born with many abnormalities, unable to do anything. So an Anaa on our Cusi. He just said that this means that the child was brought to him while he was on his kursi the child was brought to him, it was brought to him and the child was born
only on child and that child was also adjusted. So they manually said, Listen, I'm realized, even if it's my intention for something, I should realize that something can happen only by whose will by the will of Allah. So I now he turned to Allah, begging for his forgiveness that I should have attached this to to your wall Oh Allah.
For an average person, if they don't say inshallah Allah if they don't remember Allah, and an occasion like this, it's no big deal. But for a prophet of Allah who remember, what is expected is the best of actions, because the status is good. Therefore expectations are also high. Hassan Atul abre Seattle, Moca Robin, the good deeds of the righteous are like the sins of those who are very close to Allah. Meaning what may be very good for an average person that same action would be considered as a bad action for someone whose status is higher.
So such a man or listen I will start over here what are called fatahna Sulaymaniyah well Cana Allah could see he just had an sama now. He turned to Allah, begging Allah for forgiveness.
Turning back to Allah, seeking his pardon. And again, this is a lesson. You know, when you're allowed to make even the smallest mistakes, it helps you stay humble. It makes you realize that all power or perfection rests with Allah subhanaw taala alone. Allah, He said, Rob big fiddly Oh my Lord, forgive me. were heavily and give me the gift hub again Heba give me the gift of makin of a kingdom, what kind of Kingdom lie Youngberry that is not appropriate. That is not possible. That is not allowable. Li a hidden for anyone body after me in Mecca until Wahab Indeed you are the store of gifts.
What is still a man or isn't I'm asking for he's asking Allah for kingdom from Allah, which is dunya if you think about it, and he's asking for such kingdom that is not fitting for anyone else. So he's asking that gives me such kingdom that is unique to me. And it's the best Kingdom best kingdom that anyone can ever have. Any human being could attain.
Remember one thing He's not asking for the sake of having a kingdom. But rather as a miracle. This would be a miracle for Sulaiman early Santa alto, remember that he was already a king. He was already a king. He wanted the best kingship human being could have the most power the human being could have. So he's asking Allah for the highest worldly position, a human being could attain.
Remember, at this time, the jinn were not under his control, the wind was not in his control, he was just a king.
Alright, and the Prophet of course, he is asking Allah for the best kingdom. So such canon law young boy really heard him embody ly Youngberry what is my unbelieving, it does not fit it is not possible that is not allowable for anyone after me
so Sulaiman, I said, I'm basically he's saying, Give me kingdom that only I am worthy of
it given me kingdom that will not be eclipsed by a greater kingdom after me. I want the best legacy for myself.
You understand? Because what happens is that a person comes he does something, he writes a book, for instance, 20 years later, somebody else comes and writes a book that's even better than that. So what happened? His work is forgotten. The newer book now is famous. All right? So you might notice that I'm is asking give me such kingdom that will not expire with time meaning whose reputation whose success will not fade with time even after my death, it will not fade in the sense that no one will attend kingship that's better than mine. And we see in a hadith that once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a jinn
came and bothered him and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was about to, you know, tie that gene up in such a way that that gene could be seen by people in the morning and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said I remembered the dua of Solomon release and I'm so I let that gene go. Because Salam I notice and I was given such authority that others were not given after him in Mecca until will have noticed one thing in his law first that he begins with is the far seeking forgiveness before asking is important. Why? Because things become barriers between us and our objectives. Secondly, we see in Mecca, Anthony Wahab, he's asking Allah for something that you know, for an average person, it would
appear impossible, but he's saying in Naka, Uncle Wahab look at the clarity and the conviction. He knows exactly what he wants, and he's asking with so much conviction in Naka, Anton Wahab Oh Allah, you can give it. So what happened for Siochana? So we subjected LA who for him a rehab, the wind, the draw was accepted. And after the test was a favor. So the man on SNL, he learned from that incident, he sought forgiveness from Allah turn back to Allah. And he asked Allah for something unique was given to him. Yes, it was. And what was that the wind was subjected for him such that tragedy be Emery he it would blow be angry by His Command, how Wuhan gently Hazel Asaba wherever he
reached reached Asaba to reach a target. And Assad over here means he directed he intended meaning wherever he wanted the wind to blow whatever direction the wind would blow in that direction. And how would it blow Rohan Rohan Rao ha Well is that which is light, soft, gentle and when it's used for wind a gentle breeze in total Ambia 81. It has mentioned wali Sulaiman Reha, I say fatten
the wind is described as ossifer. Fierce, violent over here, it's described as voodoo Ha, apparently it's a contradiction. But is it a contradiction? No. Because the wind was forceful. It was fast. Yet it was gentle.
And Rohan gentle as in when he wrote on it, because remember, this indicates that they had some form of air travel right. Now, when you're sitting inside a plane, do you feel all that pressure and maybe in your ears a little bit but you don't feel everything. And if you were to be outside the plane, sitting maybe on top of the plane, you can sit there
isn't it? There is such a huge difference between outside and inside. So on the outside, it's fierce on the inside. It's so gentle, so smooth, and Rohan. What it's indicating is that it was gentle under him. It was gentle under him, meaning he had full control over the wind flow control. Just like a person has full control over a horse or massive creature. A camel right full control
was shut out clean and also We subjected the devil's of jinn. And remember when the word Chevron is used for gin generally it's referring to those gin which are rebellious. And these shotty were put to work Kuma banana and Warhol wells could not all banana in master builders but now from the letters ban on your banana structure, but now is one who builds
and RWAs laoise lane while slaw Vasa also to dive so share our team one now under his control previously there weren't now Shafi on days control and he put the show out even the most rebellious of them to work on what work did they do. They built structures at his command and they also were great divers reaching the depths of waters extracting value boats found the water for so they might already center all this was by Allah special favor in through to MBL 82 Allah says Wamena shell FEMA y'all soon Aloha were Molina Duna Valley welcome man. I'm happy when all of this was happening. Under Allah's protection. This was ALLAH special favor upon today man or they said, we refer to the
man or Islam he rebuilt Masjid Al Aqsa that had previously been built by jacobellis Anna. And why don't we just master the oxide was actually many other buildings that were built at this time, some of which exist still today.
They exist still today. You google you'll find a video but she has a kadhi where he's showing part of a building that was built during the time of study man at his center. And it's amazing how could those structures last till today because they were built by the doing
so but now
Well, hello loss, what are hurryin and others meaning there were other gyms also that were under his control. But these gene that were too rebellious, do refuse to comply, then they weren't allowed to go and create facade on the earth harming its people. Rather than were more on running. Mocha running plan of mocha run, calf run Hoon Khurana is to link up to tie up to join one thing with another semicolon even though we're bound together, being the word chained Phil as fat in shackles, as far as part of the word suffered iron condors or chains. So basically, the kingdom of Solomon or the center was protected against any mischief. The Jinn were basically put to work and those who
refused who are too rebellious, they were chained up, fill us fat. And Allah said had our car owner, we said this is our what is
a gift that is given as a favor.
This is our favorite to you.
And our thought is also used for a gift that is given for someone's paw for someone's obedience. Suleiman Ali Salam as a king he was obedient to Allah. So what happened Allah gifted him with so many favors, have outta owner feminine, so show favor from the word mana to show favor, show a favor meaning to your subjects, or unsick. keep to yourself withhold behind the facade without fear of herself. Meaning you have full freedom, just like the crane was given freedom. So a man on SNL was given freedom also notice the words be lady herself. You can do whatever you want, you can give, you can withhold, you can set some Jinn free, you can keep them in prison, you do not have any hisab
amazing. You see when a person gets the NIA which is of this world, he has this fear, I will be asked about it. So a man or Islam will not be asked about it. Be lady who said great blessings come with great responsibilities. But today manually sir, no, no hey Sal. And Allah says we're in an indeed law who for him are in the now with US law. Zilpha surely nearness, a close position where Hersman our app and a good place of return. Meaning just because he was given all these favors in the world, doesn't mean that he will not have any in the hereafter. No, in the hereafter. He will have even more
Zilpha closeness to Allah and an excellent place of return my art from the letters Hamza walga. So both of these stories of the elderly son I'm sorry man are listen and what's the common lesson we learn
and some words that are repeated again and again
a web and then an OB turn back and then again turned back may Allah subhanaw taala make us have this servants who repeatedly turned back to him
let's listen to the recitation of these verses
while avoiding certain
seeds just says
all fiddly or have any Moodle can
the head the GDB and really all and how you to fall was Shalina
were hard enough on one enough
on all owner
seek belong unit
panic alarm be handed a chateau a La ilaha illa Anta a stuffy recover to boo la escena ricotta Hunter live ricotta