Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #24

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history of the Prophet Muhammad sallal, including his migration to cities like expensive pleasure centers and the "hamad sallads," which had a negative impact on society. They also discuss the use of J impressed by sallal's legal system and the importance of the "hamster sallads," which had a negative impact on society. The history of sallavi's appointment by the Prophet Muhammad sallali and the return of a caravan from Syria to India are also discussed. The transcript provides insight into the history of the Qibla movement and the use of the "has been in the air" message to highlight the problem.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi remined rubbish rally Saudi westerly embrace of the Tamil is Nef Oh my bad or president Allah subhanho wa Taala and please be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I'll testify that there's no god except Allah testify the Mohammed is the problem the Messenger of Allah my brothers and my sister Zakho malachite on my Laura Ward you for attending tonight's lesson and tonight is going to be our last lesson for 2020 insha Allah we have one more week for 2020 and we will be starting and commencing 2021 next Thursday will be the 31st of December in which what we

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do here to you may we try and revive that light in getting closer to Allah subhanaw taala even though there's nothing special about that night, and it's not from the Sunnah, and it's not from the a bad or anything just annoyed that people are off rather bring people to the AMA center than going anywhere else in particular, the youngsters are reminded every single one of you the next Thursday, he at a omae insha Allah will be having the big youth night here at the main sha Allah so there will be no listen by all their big use not in sha Allah hoping that Allah Subhana Allah will guide us all to what pleases Him and as I mentioned again, there's nothing special about that might know they

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should make that not any special. It's all about making sure that people in the right environment will come together here and shot alone that night and make it to be a fun fueled night for the young brothers to be here to May and at the same time remind them of Allah subhanho wa Taala so next Thursday does now listen inshallah the following Thursday we'll go back to the program sha Allah but next year 2021 owner say next year 2021 sounds very funny isn't it said there's less than six days away from now. So inshallah I'll see you all next year. And next year 2021. We have a full year of programs of different lessons every Monday and Thursdays and different speakers different topics

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that inshallah will keep you posted.

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Let's get back to the set of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this great man that Allah subhanaw taala blessed us to be his followers. And Allah subhanaw taala bless the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be the last prophet and messenger on the face of this earth and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was also blessed to be the final prophet and messenger with the greatest nation.

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Quantum hydro methane,

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overage Atlantis You are the greatest nation to ever emerge the Nation of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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We'll be talking about the seed of the Prophet Muhammad Allah salat wa salam, the biography of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we spoke about the second most important phase during the time of the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam and that phase, which is the phase of the Medina when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated from Mecca to Medina. And how Allah subhanho wa Taala bless the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam with a migration from Mecca to Medina where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will migrate to a new place, a new city, a new town, a new abode, where the Prophet Muhammad Allah is salatu wa salam o established the

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first Islamic State during his time.

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And we mentioned last week, the most important aspects, the most important elements of the problem how much Allah Allah Allah wa sallam established upon his arrival and settlement in Medina and that was to establish the masjid the problem hamata Lawson and build in the city center and the masjid the problem homosassa and build which is mentioned in Nabi sallallahu. wasallam was the second message the Prophet Muhammad SAW Sam established, but it wasn't. It was the second Masjid but it was the most important mosque it was the was the center mosque. It was the JAMA after the Prophet Muhammad SAW some had his tablet Mr. Robot which is something that we had spoken about previously.

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Also the problem how much Allah Allah Allah wa salam emphasized and reinforced the bond of brotherhood, that the believers are all brothers, regardless of their race, their background, the color of skin, regardless of their wealth. We're all one nation and we're all brothers and the problem Hamad sallallahu, wasallam had drafted an A Salatu was Salam had drafted a constitution or a covenant the outlines and describes the relationship of the Muslims amongst each other. Then the problem hamato lalani was established and drafted the covenant of the relationship of the Muslims or non Muslims and that's something that was spoken about also last week. So now Nabi sallallahu,

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wasallam is settling in Medina and the rest of this is about the law tadano who migrated to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam from Mecca to Medina also a settling in Medina at the beginning as I mentioned to you they struggled, those who migrated the migrants of Muhammad in who migrated with the Prophet Muhammad is awesome from Mecca Medina, at the very beginning they struggled to settle in Medina. But then the problem Hamas Allah Allah, Allah Allah made

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May God Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easier upon the migrants.

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To make it easy upon those who just traveled and settled in Medina for them to settle easily, and Allah subhanaw taala except the door of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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Now, as I mentioned to you before, the problem, Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has the vast majority in Medina and other believers and da da his followers, the other ones who are following the problem how much Allah Allah Allah wa salam, but then on the other hand, the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had non Muslims, and those non Muslims primarily with the Jews and the Jews had agreed to

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an agreement between them and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and agreed to live peacefully, but the big challenge was the Mana 14 those who showed the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam from the outside that were Muslims, but concealed their disbelief and hatred to the Prophet Muhammad Ali salat wa salam and we said that the head of the mafia again His name is Abdullah ibn obey been saloon

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and Abdullah bin obey being solo became the head and the Chief of the Manasa T and why? Because just before prior to the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem to Medina, he was about to be appointed the king of the people of Medina, the people of Africa. But then when the Prophet Muhammad SAW salam, or after Medina everyone turned away from Abdullah bin obey bin saloon and follow the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And everyone start to look at the Prophet Muhammad Allah Salatu was Salam Abdullah bin o bagman saloon felt that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had snatched away from him the kingdom.

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He felt that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had stolen the kingdom away from him and he was about to be a king. And then it was taken away from him because of the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam so what did the Abdullah have no baby son. Well, he didn't want to go against the trend, seeing most of his followers and most of his people on Strava follows the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam say he showed Islam from the outside but concealed this belief in hatred to the problem Hamlet's Eliza lamp from the inside and continue to plan and plot against the Prophet Muhammad. Allah is Salatu was Salam.

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And the people of Christ found out

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the people of Christ found out that the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu wasallam had migrated to Medina settled in Medina established what the problem is awesome and established of the different establishments and foundation and also found out about Abdullah bin Oh, babe in saloon.

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And they wanted to leverage of that. Okay, Abdullah, you're about to be the king of the people of yesterday, but it looks like that Mohammed took away from me, Muhammad stole away from me, what are you gonna do right now, and I'm the love no baby solostar to correspond with the people of Christ. So the people of Quraysh had their men had their men amongst the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in the Sahaba, the alone time in which this man was a man that was completely cooperative with the people of Christ against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam so the people of Christ are to correspond with Abdullah bin obey bin salona Abdullah bin obey even seller will feed them

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will feed them information will feed them news, tell them about what the problem hamazon is doing with the problem. homosassa is planning what the prophet Muhammad SAW some of the Sahaba do a lot of planning and doing. So the people of Quraysh knew they had some information about what the problem Hamad sallallahu wasallam is planning and aiming to do.

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And the news also came to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which the people of Christ start to correspond to some of the people never saw some new and never saw some new locket. It's not like he didn't know he knew. He was this niche amongst them. He knew he was the one that was feeding the people of Christ and Allah subhanaw taala, even from the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam about the monoterpene but as I mentioned to my brothers or my sisters before islamically your responsibility towards someone that shows Islam from the outside is they accept them as Muslims. He can't say this person doesn't mean his intention is this or he came in into Islam

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because of the that's not in your hands. He can't prove it. You're asking me are you Muslim? Yes, I said Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah that's it you stop every you can say, oh, but these may be these he doesn't it's not that's my that's my your business. And Allah told me it's not your business. Not the last business, not yours. That's the last gentleman or Yo, yo, gentlemen.

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So now based on the lotto Salaam had encountered the CV challenge, we had to deal with people the problem Amazon knows that I'm gonna pretend I'm planning and plotting against them, but at the same time, we have to deal with them. And on face value, when you look at it from face value, from the outset, people are looking at blahblah batteries alone, as one of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam does anything to him. What's the word? What are the words that will be out there? The Mohammed is

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How many people it's a big risk in the business just can't okay you, you you I'm gonna incarcerate you, I'm going to exalt I'm going to kill you. Otherwise the remote will be out there as the problem Amazon said to the Sahaba because a number of times they came to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam complaining to him, saying to him a messenger of Allah look at this one Africa continued to plan apply, I guess you did that extend the calling a dog and they did say that about the Prophet Mohammed Salah said he is the example of a dog you feed him then he comes on at.

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Now, you could imagine you just listening to that right now. 1500 days after the event and your blood boils.

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Obviously those

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are very angry and upset to hear that someone like Donald Trump to undermine the profile is awesome so they've come to the profile is on auto Sara numerous times thanked him on messenger of Allah just give us the Go ahead. We'll kill him. Just give us the Go ahead. We'll destroy them. We'll finish them off. And then we saw some with dinner and say, and what do you want people to say Mohammed is killing his own people. Look, look how far the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is looking at things okay. Okay, let me get rid of him. But what did you do in return? People who wanted to embrace Islam who no longer wanna embrace Islam because now they are scared because the perception

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now in their mind that Mohammed is killing his own people because people don't differentiate between when Africa

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wins alone and his followers from the outset on face value that follows on Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam if Rama does anything to them, Muhammad did something to his followers having an excellent explain to other people No, no, no I'm hammered killed, but these people will never do that. We're hauling Islam. It's not just it's not gonna get done. Well.

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Send me some Amartya Sen faced this challenge. And obviously Abdullah bin obey bin saloon who was planning uploading against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam day or night.

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He was 24 724 seven in planning and plotting against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, him and his crew he had him up. Here a number of people that followed him were the people wanted to follow him because the blind followers or people follow them because they heard of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam This is

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that's the quality of them. Whenever I'm whenever there's someone that has an vested interest, and therefore, he had a group of people opposing the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. But because the wife was in line with the Prophet Muhammad SAW some of the Sahaba didn't want to go against that wife.

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The news character, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the provider is Salatu was Salam addressed this How about the load on them collectively and said, it came to my attention that some people from my own, are communicating with the people of crush,

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net bisazza wanted to pray enter, he wanted to defeat and they wanted to send that message to our beloved of Raven saloon in an indirect way, the other way doing sinabi Salah Sam, given the Sahaba in front of everyone said it came to my attention, the people of price

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are promising, and

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I'm making a promise they want to wage war against us. And then when I come and attack us, and we have someone from amongst us who is spreading or sending them, and feeding them information, at that moment, Abdullah bin obey bin cellule he took a step back, he knew that the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam is aware of what's going on, which is a good strategy for from the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. To make Abdullah bin obey bin cellule and his followers and his mob to be aware of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim is well aware of what's going on. But that never made up the love and obey means hello to stop planning and plotting against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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What we're going to be talking about is after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made those establishments and the Nabi sallallahu wasallam established the first Islamic State during his time which was in Medina. Now obviously Nabi sallallahu wasallam has a good foundation, a solid foundation, primarily his followers, and the Sahaba, the alota a lot of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Allah sallallahu wasallam. But that doesn't mean the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is left alone. You've got the people of price, who will never ever leave the problem, Mohammed Ali salatu wa sallam, and the people of Christ will now stop planning and preparing to wage

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war against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they see the threat of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the growth of the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam. That's why they had Abdullah bin or maybe soon. In the next few lessons, we'll start talking about a new phase in the life of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Allah so Allah the lowdown on which is the face of jihad.

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And the word jihad in Arabic means striving, struggle.

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When you strive and you struggle in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you sacrifice in the path of Allah, whether it's a minimal set

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Sacrifice or striving, or a maximum sacrifice or striving that's good you had. When you put time and effort, like you're putting time and effort right now that's a form of jihad. When you pray, that's a form of jihad. When you fast, it's a form of jihad. When you die, that's a form of jihad, because you are sacrificing something that you love most. And when you sacrifice your life, and you give up your mind for the sake of Allah, subhanaw taala in defending Islam, or protecting Islam, that's also a form of jihad. So the word Jihad has a very broad meaning and definition initially, Jihad means strong striving in the path of Allah, in any form in any way in any shape, as long as you strive in

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the path of Allah subhanaw taala. But obviously, when you say the word Jihad on its own, in particular, when you talk about the sin of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, you are more imploring towards sacrificing your soul for the sake of Allah, which is falling on the battlefield. Now as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated from Mecca to Medina and Mecca, there was no striving or sacrificing your life because the Sahaba la de La da da da and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. When a weak state, they weren't in a position to fight. They were fought against they just had to defend themselves.

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When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated to Medina, and now nobody saw Sam established a stronghold in Medina and a strong following, and an army and an establishment and a state. Now Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam is in a position to fight. And we'll all know that fighting is either defensive or offensive. Defensive is when you are attacked in defense of offensive is free to come out of your abode to come out of your city tugann attack and event or to strike war or why do I can someone else

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with Jihad initially Allah subhanho wa Taala did not pay me.

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Allah did not permit this Allah the law to allow them to fight. Then gradually Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed them to defend themselves, defend if you are attacked, you defend yourself. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala gradually allowed them to make offensive attacks which means that could come out of and out of Medina again attack others. So I went through a gradual went through gradual lows or gradual rulings from Allah subhanaw taala upon the problem homicides, I mean most of the

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rulings most of the cams most of the rulings whether the salada Cm does it get all those came gradually? None of none of it just came all at once.

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Most of the laws came upon the problem hammertoe lalala was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam gradually,

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the first thing that Allah subhanaw taala had revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the first permission Allah grant the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that if you are attacked, you're allowed to defend yourself. Within alila Dena yakata Luna anomalie mo we're in Allah and Allah slim naka de one of the first verses that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, it is permitted for those who have fought against the oppressed. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will give them victory which implies to those who are attacked the oppressed which means you can get back

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the first order from Allah subhanaw taala upon the problem is awesome, this is for you. They are allowed to defend yourself if you are attacked, you can defend yourself.

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If someone comes to attack you, you can defend yourself. Then later on Allah Subhana Allah reveals another verse in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala allows the problem until Allah Allah Salaam to get out and start

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attacking others. Now this is what we'll be talking about leading to the great battle which is the Battle of better.

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Now, as you could imagine, from the very beginning of the establishment of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in Medina and Medina now is growing and becoming more stable

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because of the growth of Medina and the settlement of the problem homosassa Medina, and the big tension between the Prophet Muhammad wa salam and the people of Christ, the people of Christ are not going to just sit silent or quietly. They continue to plan and play against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the tensions start to escalate

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with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to receive news and information the people of Christ and now planning to come and attack Medina or the people of Christ will now start attacking the followers of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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Well, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam started to do he started to put this a habit on the low tide

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on alert, everyone needs to be alert.

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The Sahaba will describe themselves during that time. They used to sleep on the soul

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Next to them and wake up and the swords next to them. That's how I look they were during that time. You don't know. You don't know when an invasion will take place when the war is waged against them. So yes and hamdulillah the believers now together and united living together in Medina, but there will always alarmed they were always alert. They were always on an alert. Don't know when something will take place. Don't know when someone will strike don't know when someone will invade.

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The extent of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he himself had appointed guards, security guards to guard the problem. A lot he was in them that was at the very beginning.

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Where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had guards with him 24 seven special alloy. The problem hamazon is in his house and what was the house the problem is it used to be two meters and opportunities in office, a little chamber.

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A little chamber not made out of big massive rocks. You know, maybe if you punch through the wall, you'll manage to crack the wall. Nabi sallallahu wasallam the greatest man on the face of this earth, He needs God's Son Nabi sallallahu, wasallam had God's garden him in particular at night with us, I have a lot the low tide I don't start to rotate. Okay, you are responsible for this life, you stay at the doorstep of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, guarding the house of the profile de Salatu was Salam The following night you're responsible, the following was your responsibility. And somehow Nala not only that the Prophet Mohammed sasami is to appoint them, they themselves were

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keen about it to the extent that it's been eroded.

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That once in the middle of the night, one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, the rights that were heard someone just dinner coming in the middle of the night, and then sitting in front of the doorstep. So they came out and it was sad them and what caused I told him what he doing he said I just couldn't sleep the night thinking about the problem hematol allottee or Salaam and the safety of the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam. So I decided to come and sit in front of the house of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam to guard and protect the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah Look, look at the love that I had for the Prophet Muhammad Allah salat wa salam. That was the

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case until, until, until Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Wa La Jolla similkameen and, O Muhammad, Allah will protect you from others. Allah protect you from people which means you don't need anyone else Allah subhanaw taala had promised and committed and protecting you and therefore you don't need anyone else. When Allah revealed the verse of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in the bass Allah, Allah, Allah will send them took his head out of the window from his home, while the gods were standing there and maybe some said, Every single one of you now must go because Allah will protect me. That's it. I don't need Gods anymore.

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Somehow Allah, He didn't say, you know, understand the laws of how to protect me by not just out of precautionary measures. I'll have also people that that's why you called faith. It's exactly the you know, that Allah has ever provided to you. Yes, but you know, but I have to listen I have to lock you know, you always have that down. skepticism. Oh, maybe this may be that. in Ibiza la Salaam that very moment Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Allah is a lot was set up,

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that Allah Subhana Allah will protect you straightaway and nobody saw Salaam told the Sahaba the Lord Allah and the gods that were standing in front of his house and chamber. Allah subhanaw taala had promised that will protect me so every single one of you must go and let's see, ever since then, I've never ever had any god standing from his home and from his house sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In the first year as I mentioned to you it was more of a year the first year of the his ra was more of an establishment knee with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam with us Alberto de la Donna migrated from Mecca to Medina settling in Medina establishing the masjid establishing the bond establishing the understanding establishing the custom establishing the stage establishing these establishing that that was the first key. But then throughout that he slowly the new start to reach the problem how much the lava lamp of the evil planning and plotting of the people of Britain attacking the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. Therefore the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam sought to prepare himself for war. One of the departments of the Prophet Mohammed Salah man is a department that said in taking care of the wolf is in which we'll call these days the Defense Department in a bizarre Sam had his own defense department. And the problem Mohammed Salalah alayhi wasallam was the Chief General in Nabi sallallahu. wasallam was the high chief or the Chief General of the Defense Department. There are two types of expeditions.

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There are two types of expeditions. One expedition in which the problem homosassa participated in in Uppsala was in

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The other one is an expedition the problem homosassa didn't participate in in the bisazza approach in general together and fight on his behalf.

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The first one which is an expedition, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fall in an ease to participate in the expedition. The scholars referred to as Lhasa Lhasa Lhasa, which is an expedition but an expedition the problem homosassa is part of

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and the problem homosassa masan appoint someone to take care of that phase of Medina during his absence. The other one in which the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam does not participate in but appoints a general on his behalf. We call it setting Yeah, setting your setting here. These are the two different terms of the scholars use, in sila, dividing between an expedition the problem Amazon participates in and the one the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not participate in

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and at the same time part of the Defense Department of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he never said spice he's to have eyes They used to call them eyes. On other words, spy carries a negative and evil connotation to it. In the bisazza Mr. Have Eyes

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spies where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam will send them out with the mission to see check intelligence

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never saw some head is an intelligence you know, to know what's going on. Who's planning for what and when and how. Sad Nabi sallallahu wasallam had another department which is the intelligence department for the problem Amazon to know what's going around him salallahu alayhi wa sallam in particular when it comes to the people of Pradesh. In the bass Allah Allah said I'm also had always an insider's in Mecca, in particular his uncle abass they used to feed the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with all the Intel and information about the people operation.

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The first expedition, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam organized and the first of the problem homosassa set out was the expedition led by Hamza bin Abdul muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam known as the expedition of Saiful Buhari.

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That was the first expedition in the first year of the history of Ramadan, where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appointed Hamza, even Abdullah Mottola, to be the general

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of his army and to say Adam Medina tugann attack a caravan that belong to the people of Christ. The number one enemy to the problem Amazon Salam is the people of grace. And not only that, and their allies, the rest of the Arabs will hear what the prophet Muhammad SAW some start to do during this time. The people of Christ were the number one enemy of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and the allies and the people of Christ were very powerful and influential. So they had a lot of allies

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sinabi salaallah alayhi wasallam had to deal with them. And the only way the problem Amazon's gonna deal with them at that time is war, fighting combat. There was no other option until later on when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam dealt with them in a different way.

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So the first expedition the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam orchestrated was the expedition of Saiful bahala where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent 30 men, led by Hamza bin Abdullah told him to fight against a caravan that belonged to the people of Christ led by Abu Jamal, and he had 300 men.

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And they came face to face, but there was no combat. There was no combat, one man that that had a peace treaty between both the people of Christ and the Muslims. It was more of a neutral person who stood in between the two armies did not allow any combat take place. So the people of kadesh fled, all they left. That was the first expedition the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam set out. The second one was the expedition of Robert that took place in the following month, which is the month of chawan in the first year of the his era, where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam sent 60 men from the companions led by or by the admiral Harris,

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to lead an army again to a group of people affiliated to the people of Christ. And then there was another the third expedition took place again, the following month, led by Saudi Nabil waqqas co harar and then the fourth expedition, Ababa

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and the fourth expedition.

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This fourth expedition is known as an award this is the expedition that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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had participated in. That was the first expedition the problem homosassa nonparticipating. So it's a fourth army the fourth expedition, the problem is a loss alum sent out and the problem amatola is an oak strike but it's the first one that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam participates in. And this is the expedition the Prophet Muhammad Allah is salatu wa salam joins in which took place in the second year of the Islam. During the expedition Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was pursuing a caravan that belonged to the people of price.

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But then the problem homosassa missed them.

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In the Vla is a lot was said I missed them. However, on the way back in the bay sallallahu alayhi wasallam took advantage of this one of this expedition in which the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam stopped to sign and agree to peace treaties between him representing the Muslims and other Arab tribes. So now Nabi sallallahu wasallam is dealing with the matter in different directions were against the people of Christ and the affiliates or the allies and peace treaties with other Arabs

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don't care you want to become a Muslim welcome to come Muslim by Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did as much as he can, in signing up agreements with Arab tribes, in particular between Medina and Mecca. In at least, you know, there's a mutual agreement between us that we respect each other without fighting against, you know, the fight against us. Let's see.

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That's one of the strategies of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and executed that implemented. So the people of Christ and the allies will, non Arab non people of Christ Arabs that were living between Mecca and Medina Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam signed peace treaties with them, agreements that we will never attack you, you'll never attack us. And even to entice them and emphasize and say to them in our if anyone attacks you will be on your side, just enough to empower them to empower those Arabs and Nabi sallallahu wasallam managed to agree with a number of Arab tribes in particular between Medina and Mecca, because that's the strategic pathway between Mecca

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and Medina because in Nabhi, sallAllahu wasallam wants to abolish or neutralize anyone that the people of Christ will have access to.

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Said Nabi sallallahu, wasallam signed and agreed with many Arab tribes on a peace treaty between them and the problem I'm gonna tell them that whenever I take you know, that take us then you had the fifth expedition, which is not as was with Bhagwat the sixth expedition, which is not as also so fun. These are all expeditions before the battle or better, the better or better, it's not the first battle in Islam, but it's the first largest battle in Islam. There are at least 10 battles 10 battles leading to the battle or better before the problem I'm

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winning the battle but about 10 battles, but the better better war weeknight as the first battle in Islam, the first largest battle in Islam, but it wasn't the first battle in Islam the first battle in Islam is what I mentioned to you was led by Hamza was known as cepal Bahar and respect a number of battles until the seventh bedroom the seventh battle was an interesting one.

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Which is because with de la Shira,

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Shira, that battle, even though there was not confrontation and combat, but the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he set out personally he putts better than this expedition, and he came out sallallahu wasallam with 150 men, which is the largest number the problem has

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come out we've up until that moment.

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So in the second year of the His Royal Navy, Salah Salam came out from Medina with 150 of his men to go and attack. A caravan that belongs to the people of Quraysh. traveling from Mecca to Syria.

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traveling from Mecca to Syria, in the bass Allah Allah Allah wa sallam received the news that the people of Christ had collected a lot of wealth, a lot of investment, and that have taken him from Mecca to Syria to invest in Syria. It was an opportunity for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to regain while he undecided on the low tide animate lost in Mecca.

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And he talks about people that are taking their wealth away from them. So it's the right for them to take it back from them, whether in a easy way or the hard way. It's a state of war between them. Send me some of the law said I'm sorry to be writing for him to go and pitch you a caravan that belong to the people of Christ and regain what he does. I believe the Lord had lost and had been taken away from them by the people.

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Right through this caravan, sir Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard of this caravan led by Abu sufian, leaving Mecca to Syria with 1000 camels and about 200 men. So he talking about huge investment he, it was an opportunity for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Nabi sallallahu wasallam said Adam Medina with 150 of the companions wrote the lowdown on pursuing that caravan that just left from Mecca to Syria. But unfortunately, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam missed

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that later on the same curve and upon their return from Syria to Mecca, that will pave the way to the Battle of better because it's the same caravan the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam set out from Medina together attack that caravan that's returning back from Syria to Mecca, where the problem homosassa once again, we'll miss it, and then the better or better will eventually

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so this seventh battle, the problem I'm on to loss on seven expedition, the problem I'm 1000 participated in and never saw some set out from Medina Tikka and PC and attack a caravan that belong to the people of Croatia, leaving from Mecca to Syria. In the bisazza. Mr. Santa Rosa wait for them to come back from Syria to Mecca. That's where the battle a battle takes place when they when they return back from Mecca when they returned back from Syria to Mecca. And the problem I'm going to LA Salaam will be up against an entire army prepared by the people of Malaysia. Then you've got the eighth expedition, which is known as the expedition of nallah.

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And this is an expedition where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had given to one of the companies to go and fight against a group of people from the people of Croatia, all these expeditions, I guess the people of price, no one random. All those expeditions are all against the people of crash. Then later on. You had our era tribes, he prepared to wage wagons the problem I was having themselves and taught them a lesson. But up until the battle. All those expeditions, though, all against the people of Christ. In this expedition,

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the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appointed the library Josh to be the leader of this army, and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him a letter and I told him that open that letter until we are two days after this time, so then I opened this letter until after two days after I opened that there are two days where the problem I'm at a loss I'm at home to get to a specific point. In that letter, I never saw some said team that once you open that letter, you realize that you are in between nakhla which is a place between Makkah and apart if you find a caravan that belongs to the people of Croatia, see what they do and bring me their news. See what

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they do and bring me the news say Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam had

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given Abdullah even just saw the loadout I know the responsibility and had task team to bring news not to fight

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the lead on unfortunately,

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a scuffle took place between the people of Christ the problem homosassa Abdullah, just to monitor and observe, a bit of skirmish took place between them and the Muslims. And that was during the months of ashirwad. harem

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as a harem other sacred months. Out of the 12 months, you've got four sacred months. That's for sacraments Rajab. And then you've got the tidal hedger and Muharram. This expedition was in the month of Rajab, the Arabs had this belief and custom the never wage war in Burma in the in the sacred month and the sacred machine of war against anyone.

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And because one of the

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soldiers of the army of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Sam killed one of the people of Christ the people of Christ took that as an opportunity to discredit the Prophet Mohammed Salah Samba and look at Muhammad and his companions do not sanctify or respect the sacraments because it was in the month of Rajab. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed a surah in the Quran, Karim or revealed a verse in the Parana green. Yes, aluna, Ghana, Sharon. harami, televi petofi Kabir, the osteo. Mohammed, falling inner sacred months, is it bad? Or is it acceptable? Allah subhanaw taala says it's not acceptable, unless there's a reason. Sometimes I know that I've given the answer. If someone wages why against

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you in a sacred month, what you're going to just stand still and wait for them to attack. No, there are times we have to respond. Likewise, Allah subhanaw taala allowed you to if you are stuck in the middle of the desert and does not access food or consumption except so this is what you call Dora. But then Allah subhanho wa Taala rebutted what the people of price. I refuted what the people of Christ said. If he came at the National harem and one Muslim foreign national or one Muslim attacking another disbelieving I should have held him in a sacred month. Did you

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Forget what he did to the people of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in Makkah, did you forget all the oppression and injustice they implemented against the people of Muhammad was Allah working from day one

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in the law,

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blocking and trying to

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prevent trying to abstract calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this belief and causing mischief and miserable haram and exiling people from as in Haram is greater than someone falling in a forum. Say we found that big. Now one of the believers killed someone during the battle during the expedition in one of the months of the actual harm, then what you what you have done is a lot worse.

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More expeditions to place leading to the Battle of battle, which is a battle that inshallah we'll be talking about in our next lesson.

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During this time, another event took place, and this event, which is 18 months after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that's the change of Kabbalah.

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When the Prophet Mohammed Salah Sena first received the first revelation in Mecca, the Qibla Allah subhanaw taala command the problem hamazon to face was Jerusalem.

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Having said that, Nabi sallallahu wasallam was the mecca so I had the opportunity to put the camera between him and Jerusalem saying that beside Mr. Face the to Qibla when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated up north america itself and Jerusalem is up north, so they didn't have the opportunity for him to face Beth to blitz either South Mecca or upload Jerusalem.

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When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam arrived in Medina, the Qibla continued to be towards Jerusalem. Let's see the Luxor for 18 months.

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And until Allah Subhana Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam Karnataka Lobo jika sama,

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Ratan Tata. We see you eagerness all Muhammad in facing Mecca,

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we could say

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we could see that keenness and eagerness in you that you want to face Mecca.

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Who could see that love that longing for you to face Mecca? And if that's what you want, we'll give you what you want. For whatever jack has had on now you could face Mecca, so Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned around from facing applause. Jerusalem to facing down south Mecca, and the Prophet Mohammed Salah Lottie or Salaam, flip the Qibla from the entrance into becoming the Qibla and the Qibla becoming the entrance

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and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to face Makkah and the Qibla became Mecca. Prior to that it was Jerusalem

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and all the massage and all the masajid all the different mosques during the time the problem homosassa Medina, they were all facing Jerusalem. But there's a specific mosque in Medina is known as Masjid blotter in the Moscow the typical Villa Hobart was facing the tabla intercooler. But why is that mustard we call we call it the tear tumbler is because they've changed. They changed them facing the Qibla while they were in the praise, and some narration say it was thorough, regardless one of the two prayers while they were insalata Lord, for example, the pride the first year like it was Jerusalem. In the third Raqqa one companion walked in Emerson said by Allah, I just saw the

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Prophet Muhammad SAW said I'm changed the direction of the Qibla from Jerusalem to Makkah, so while they were in the Salah, they turned around and faced towards Mecca so that means it became Masjid little kubla in the mosque of the typical club, but the message in every salsa was the mosque of the Cobra was a Muslim of the Tirumala but that specific mosque is known as the middle of the tour kubla is because they change the direction of the Qibla Waldo in the Salah.

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And there's no significance there's no significance and Brian that is just the normal message logging rather than the early significance probably it's within the sanctity and the boundary of Medina

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so the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu lism changed the color changing the Qibla was a big burden why people start to accuse the Prophet Mohammed Salah you look at it like we look at it just from face value okay the change that Qibla

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Okay, how about you know how about if I turn around change to

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you just to a history, we're here as history, but to the premium Amazon there was a big challenge.

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They turned around start to look at the problem of Amazon saying like, you know what, just make up your mind. Like people start igniting questions. What do we face the Kabbalah from the very beginning we've been in for the last 18 months, whether we face mica from the very beginning, what every night you think of something, you know when people want to undermine someone who could undermine them

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and you know that

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extend them whenever they say Quran Allah just make up his mind when any other below stuff Allah. But these are the doubts that they put what Allah is on and just make it to me mica from the very beginning what Allah is Allah wants it to be this night he wants it to be that if you want to create doubt you McCray doubts.

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So that was a big test upon the proper Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. During the changing of tabla, it wasn't just, it wasn't just a smooth sailing. It wasn't just a walk in the park. That's it. Let's change the Qibla the strong believers were strong, the weak ones turned away. The looked at it in a way or you know, what's this?

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away? Like? Are we depending on some of the academy make up his mind?

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What did we change the Qibla for? Why did we do this? What did we do? And he also sparked the situation the Jews. Why? Because they used to sanctify they used to sanctified Jerusalem. It's a sacred place for them. Mecca is not a sacred place for them. They used to fuel the situation and they turned their as their art Muhammad wants to say that all the prophets and messengers are all from one source. The old prophets and messengers are calling to Allah Look at him. Now he switched. He was saying our Musa eastie went to Jerusalem and praise Jerusalem. Mesa was in Jerusalem, all these prophets are missing Jerusalem, Jerusalem, now he's sweet. If you want to cry, he could cry

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and cry down anything.

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So the changing of Qibla was a beautiful moment it was a milestone for the problem homosassa was a big test. With the problem I'm about to lose, I'm had to extinguish and turn off some fires that some people get on.

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And that took place 18 months after the problem Amazon migrated from machismo Dyneema. Think about a site where the mullahs are just making from the very beginning to test you

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to test you know, he can't come into my class. And I test you at the very beginning when you enter my class in it to me and my class one, you know test at the end of the

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it's a test. And me as a teacher, I'm gonna give you a question with multiple choices for multiple choices. One of them is correct, but I'm going to be putting the three incorrect ones. So I'll test you and the Laws of Power, I put you in a position to test to see what are you going to do as a lot greater good than bad and lots of other test you. So it's a test. And the changing of doula was a big test. During the time the problem was awesome.

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Everything that was talked about tonight was all paving the way for the better or better, the first biggest battle in Islam, which is an amazing battle. And it will take us at least two lessons for us to cover this battle that inshallah we'll talk about next year. And next year is only a few days away from now. Don't forget next Thursday insha Allah will get the biggest night here at ama center starting from 530 to midnight, it's a lie that we bring young brothers and Sharla to the money just for them to be in a safe and good environment. So inshallah if you know any of young brother over the age of 15 bring him here in sha Allah and tell him to be part of the big youth night. Next

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Thursday more details on the EU omae Facebook and the EU my social media platforms zakon laughers Chronicle, Masha Allah Allah Allah and osafo like salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. If you enjoy our content, be sure to give it a thumbs up. If you're on Facebook, like our page, and if you're on YouTube,

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