Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 232C Tafsir Ya-Sin 18-24

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The speakers explore superstitious beliefs and their impact on people's behavior, including the concept of "good or bad luck" and the use of individuals as a sign of one's success. They criticize people who are not following their values and try to avoid conflict, and stress the importance of following prophets and avoiding harm. The speakers emphasize the need for people to trust leaders and avoid false deeds, and stress the importance of avoiding harm and being aware of one's emotions.
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Follow the people they said they responded in indeed we the three you're gonna become we consider you a bad omen Dr. Jana taka you're more four year
four year
what is the failure? The failure is from played Empire is a bird
that flies by it all from the same root. What is a thought era?
What is a thought?
Airplane? Because it flies. All right. So the failure
is a word that is used for luck, right to determine one's luck. So basically, the Arabs, what they would do is
when they wanted to do something new, and they weren't sure whether it would be good for them or bad for them, they would do something like an istikhara. All right, it would catch a bird and then make it fly. Alright, if it flew to the right, it meant good sign, do it. All right, if it flew to the left bad sign, don't do it. So they were determining their luck, by what? By the flight of birds. This is what the year is. All right. But it's not just limited to the flight of birds now.
Because we see that superstitious beliefs are, you know, they come in many colors, they come in many forms. To play you could be for example, a cat that is you know, of a particular color or a bird that is of a particular color. If it is seen, you know, going in front of a person, he would think that oh, Black had walked in front of me a black curl flew over here, bad sign, stop, don't do what you're doing. This is totally yours. Right? Or, for example, it's a Friday, it's 13th or it's number 13. Bad luck. All right. So the number the day, the time, the creature the place. All right, something is taken as a sign of either good luck or bad luck. This is the claim. It could even be a
All right. This is superstitious belief. All right. So sometimes people also take individuals as a sign of good luck or a sign off. Bad luck. Like for example, if there's a wedding, and there's a widow that shows up, or a woman who has been divorced that shows up, then people think that oh, keep away from her. Or a woman who's had a miscarriage, then keep away from her. Right? Why? Because she will bring her bad luck to this marriage to this wedding. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he forbade us from such superstitious beliefs.
The euro, the staking omens, having superstitious beliefs, this is wrong. This is something that goes against the hate. What is the hate that we believe that all power rests with Allah alone? Nothing happens, good or bad, except that ALLAH subhanaw taala He decrees it
right? So the people over here they said in that Dr. Jana become, they said, we consider you a bad omen, meaning you are three more Salone since you have come, we have been facing so many problems.
So whatever problems they were facing in their town, in their lives, they blamed who they blamed who the profits.
Now, what do we see over here, when the people had nothing left to say?
All right, now they're resorting to lame illogical excuses.
in Natha, yo now because they're blaming the messengers for their ill fate, they said because of you, our peace has gone because of you. There's disturbance everywhere. There's social unrest, there's division in our community. And because of you, we haven't had rain and because of you, our idols are angry. And so we have been deprived off provision. So they said in nataka, you're gonna become
and then they said, Let emem tanta who, surely if you do not stop if you do not cease, they're threatening the prophets now that you better stop this preaching. If you do not stop your preaching, then Law No joumana Calm don't doubt our words. Lenovo. joumana Calm surely, we swear we are going to stone you to death. Lenovo. joumana calm this is from the root letters. Raji meme Rajim Rajim is the punishment of stoning someone to death. They said we're going to kill you. While a Yama Sena come and surely We swear it's going to touch you Mina from us or that will Aleem a painful punishment. We're going to punish you very very severe
What do we see over here? These people are treating the prophets like criminals, first of all, accusing them of being a source of ill fate, and then secondly threatening them with punishment if they did not stop. After verbal denial, they're becoming physically violent
intro to memulai a 47. Also, we see that the previous people said something similar to their Prophet, followed by Jana Vika Wahby my marker, they said, Your Prophet, we consider you to be an ill omen, a bad omen, you and also those who are with you. And we see that this has been the way of all deniers of the prophets of all tyrants, that when they failed in argument, then they resorted to illogical, irrational
responses or allegations. And they didn't just stop there. They also turned towards physical violence. Look at what fit around it. What did fit around due to the Bani Israel when Musa alayhis salam came? Did he inflict more punishment on the Bani Israelite? Yeah, he did. He turned even more violent towards them. What happened to the people of Makkah? Did they become violent towards the Muslims? Yes. Did they persecute the Muslims? Yes. There's numerous examples of that. So honor in Natha Jana become less ylim tanta who Linode human Nico William Asana coalminer, they're gonna Aleem literally decide, we're going to kill you. And look at the emphasis Lamin Juma. Nico, lamb Asana
calm these lamb what do they imply? Oats?
Don't doubt our words, they were very serious. ALU now what happened? How did the motor saloon respond? They said thought Eurocom your omen is Markham. It is with you.
Thought Iroko mark on your omen is with you. What does it mean by this? That it's just in your head?
It's just in your head. It's just your superstition. It's just your imagination. Because there is no such thing as an omen. There is no tiara, right? There's no superstition. superstition has no reality to it. Because if something bad happens, it doesn't happen because a black cat walked in front of you, or because a bird flew towards the left, right? Or because it's the day of Friday and it happens to be the 13th or because you happen to be on the 13th floor. No, that's not why that's not the reason why something bad happened. That bad happened. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala allowed it to happen. He sent that and behind that is also a reason. So they said ta Iroko. Malcolm,
it's just your superstition. It's just your imagination, or thought it'll come out can also be understood as that you are the cause of your bad luck.
Meaning if you're facing all of this hardship, since we have come, it's because of your own denial.
Think about fit our own. What happened when fit our own denied? Did Allah subhanaw taala send some form of punishment upon him and his people?
What happened then? Did that cause around to request Musa alayhis salam to make dua so that the punishment is removed? And that if it would be removed, he would let the Bani Israel go with him. Did he say that? Yes.
And don't we learn in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala sends lesser punishment? Right or lesser hardship in this life? Why? What's the reason to wake us up to take us out of our state of heedlessness. Because when we feel ourselves needy, then we turn towards Allah. If we have everything, all right, like for example, we can get our work done. All right, we have the money, we have the physical health, we have the time, everything's running smoothly, then tell me how are our drawers? Or are there even any drawers?
But then when we are stressed out because of the amount of work or because of the difficulty of the task that is upon us, right? Or when we are limited in our time, there's too much work or there's different forms of hardship. Do we turn towards Allah? Do we? Yes, we do.
Almost every other moment we say yeah, Allah, you know, we're writing our assignment typing it out. Yeah, Allah please help me and in the middle, you just start crying. Why are you crying and making die in the middle? Why? Just put your book on the side and just start crying and you make the wine and then you go back to your book and you read it and then you finish your assignment. Why? Because that state of hardship. It made you
You feel needy,
you needed help. And then you realize that at 12 o'clock, you cannot call your friend, right? When it's just one day left before you can submit your assignment, you know that you can't really go to the library and do a lot of research, you know that the only way you have is turning towards who? Allah subhanaw taala. And then you beg allah and You beg Allah you ask Allah for help for Shep so that, you know, for the matter to be made easier for you. So, over here, the Prophet said to their people that thought you don't go, Malcolm, if you're facing all of this hardship, it's because of you. Don't blame us? It's because of your denial.
It is said that this town of Antioch where the people denied these disciples have resigned himself from the town, it was deprived of rain for a very long time. So they said, look, it hasn't been raining for so long. You know what, it's these people? It's their fault.
Right? Like, for example, if there's any problem anywhere, right, people point their fingers towards immigrants or, you know, minorities or, or anything like that. They are the problem. They are the reason why we are suffering. So the subtitle Kumarakom it's your own fault. Don't blame us. In the Kyoto. What? In the kingdom if you are reminded, meaning? Why are you getting so angry? Why are you threatening us so violently? What's the reason behind all of this hit? Our interlocutor is because you have been reminded.
You are threatening to kill us. You're threatening to torture us you're threatening to stone us to death. Why? Because we reminded you of something. Look here.
Is this how upset you are? Val rather? And Tom, you, Carmen are people who are mostly phone ones who are transgressing. Mazuri. Phone for love the word Muslim Muslim is one who does a Seraph and what does it mean, to basically cross the limits of moderation?
Well, I'm Tom Tom musty phone, you are people who are extremists. What an extreme you've gone to, in your response. We are talking to you.
And you are threatening to kill us.
We are just here to deliver a message to you. And you are blaming us for all of the problems that you're facing in your life. What's wrong with you? Well, uncommon, most reform, you're going above and beyond any bounce.
And also, mostly phone, if you think about it, and will serve as who? Someone who's crossing limits. All right, who's not restricting themselves to any limit? Why? Because they just want to follow their desires. Right? They just want to do whatever they want. Like, for example, a person wants to go on talking however they want. So they're using foul language, they're using hurtful words. They're lying, they're exaggerating, so on and so forth. All right. And they're not stopping at any limit.
Why? Because they're just following their desire when they're talking. Right. Now, if somebody warns them. Please watch your words. Hold your tongue. Right? Be careful about what you say, calm down, relax, hear yourself, then this person gets even more angry. That How dare you? How dare you criticize me for the way I'm talking? How dare you tell me how to speak. So a person who is a Muslim if he doesn't want to be warned? He doesn't want to be reminded he doesn't like that kids.
He doesn't like it. Because the key means you're telling me I'm wrong. You're telling me I have to limit myself. And I don't want to limit myself. Now, if you think about it, the prophets of Allah who were sent for what the key is, the prophets of Allah came to tell people live within limits.
When you speak, don't go on saying everything. Right? Watch your words. When you spend, don't go on spending, whatever, wherever you want. When you eat, don't go on eating anything, whatever you want. Right? When you dress, don't go undressing, however, whatever you want. There is a particular way. Correct. And the mystery form. They never liked that. And this is why over here we see that these people became so angry in their response to the prophets. So the Prophet said to them, well, uncommon mustard mystery phone. And we see that this is not just limited to the prophets, any person who speaks up against a form of a Seraph than is he hated by people.
Yes, he's aided by people because he is stopping them from following their desires. He's telling them, restrict yourselves, control yourselves. And the mystery phone do not wish to control themselves. So invoke Ito well I'm component mostly phone.
Now we see over here the situation became very intense because the people are now threatening to kill all three prophets. What happened wotja And he came Min aquasoil Medina T main from Arkansas farthest end of El Medina of that city.
AXA from the rule letters offside well or yeah and AXA is that which is far must have the oxide is also called mercial AXA because it was far from where? From hijas All right. So what Yeah, I mean, oxide Medina tea, from a very far place finest end of the city came home. Rajon a man. And this man came, yes, he was running.
He was running. Why?
Why do you think so?
Because the people were about to kill those profits. So this man when he heard of the profits, and when he heard of the threats that were issued to them, he came running in order to defend them. And when he came Kala, he said he'll call me all my people who are more serene, follow the messengers. Why are you kidding them? Follow these messengers? Believe in them it w o Mo, Salim.
What do we see over here, Allah sent to prophets, the two were denied. Allah sent one more prophet. All three were denied. What happened now? The whole nation turned against these prophets. And then Allah's help came in another form, that a person belonging to that city, a local of that city, a local of that population, he came to defend the prophets. Up until this point, it seems that this man was hiding, he was concealing his faith. But now at this time he comes forward, revealing his faith in order to defend these prophets. What's the lesson over here? No matter how much of a minority we feel we are.
Allah's help will always always come from where we cannot even expect from where we cannot even imagine.
It's amazing how sometimes you will find yourself all alone, you're doing something right. But you see that everyone is as if turning against you. And then someone stands up to defend you. And you never expected that they would actually defend you.
I remember when I was in school, we had this school event coming up. And I was the only person in hijab. And my teacher came and she said that when you come, don't wear that hijab on your head.
And I had never heard this, this is in Pakistan in a Muslim country. I had never heard that before. Don't wear that hijab, when you come out on the day of the event don't come wearing that hijab. And I didn't know how to respond to my teacher, because I mean, it's the teacher who's saying this.
What do you say?
And then what happened?
This person in my school, they stood up, and this person, very, very different, not religious at all. not religious at all. And this person actually went to the principal straight because the principal would happen to be there. As the school was preparing. The principal happened to be there, this person walked up to the principal and said, the teacher said them you cannot wear her hijab.
And the principal said, why not? She can wear it. I was shocked what just happened within minutes it happened. You know, this was something very small, very small. But this is the health that I never ever imagined. I could never expect that this person I don't even remember their name. Actually. I don't. I was not in their class. I was not. But this stood up for me. Why did they wear hijab themselves? Not at all, where their religious, didn't appear to be at all in any way.
But they stood up to defend me. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who's experienced something like this in life. There are times when Allah subhanaw taala tests us, right? When we are alone, when it's as if everybody is turning against us. No one is supporting us. But then out of the blue out of nowhere. Somebody comes and they defend us.
Salam Alikum a sister she was telling me she was waiting online to buy something and she was talking over the phone with her
Ma'am. And then somebody was talking to her behind and she didn't know he's talking to her, take off that what's in your head and go back to your country and she have no idea. And then the other guy, he's arguing for her name, she look, you talking to me? And he said, Yeah, I'm talking to you. And the other guy, he defending her. And she said, I don't know them, both of them. She said, he starts the other way. The other guy he started defending herself, is not your business, whatever she were SubhanAllah. And this is something that we do experience. I mean, not just in terms of religious matters only, but otherwise also
took my kids to learn Islamic school, and they're supposed to wear a uniform. And they used to wear a white blouse and a green dress. And it was half way above the knee. So when I got my dresses, I go according to the older ages of the kids they had, and I allow them to wear the white hijabs. So the principal and the teachers came to me and they said, You cannot wear hijab in this school because people were uniform. So I said, you know, my kids are wearing hijab, this is not something that they just started, this is how I want them to grow up. And they said, Okay, why don't you just go and find something that looks exactly the same color, exactly the same color than the dress they're
wearing. So I had to go to the salami market and find something, they were challenging me, that's what they were doing, to give up and just take the hijab off the kids. So it happens, it happened to my three daughters. I mean, it's amazing how, you know, a person is prevented from praying sometimes, or a person is prevented from, you know, doing anything that they want to do. And it's as if no one's going to allow them but somebody speaks up, somebody stands up defending them. And that's exactly what happened with the prophets of Allah. And in this is a very important lesson that no matter how much of a minority we are, no matter how much we feel that we are alone, we are not
actually alone. If we are upon the truth, if we're doing the right thing. Yes, for that moment, we are being tested, but expect help from Allah, Allah who will not ever leave you alone. The messengers were to Allah helped with a third of the three messengers were denied, and the believer came. So Allah subhanaw taala, he creates means of defense for His servants. So in this is, you know, a comfort for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, because everybody was turning against him. In this is a comfort for him that you keep on doing your work, and Allah will send help to you. The man came and he said, Yeah, call me Tommy, Earl, Mo Salah and all my people follow the
messengers, it who follow man who lay Yes, aloo calm does not ask you. He does not demand from you, and you run any payment. Meaning why would you not follow these messengers, when they're not asking you for any compensation? They're not asking you for any return. They're not asking you for any money for any wages, or home methadone. And secondly, they're rightly guided also, we learned from this is two signs of a sincere person, do signs of a person whom we can follow who is worthy of being followed? And what are those two signs? Firstly, les is a LUCAM agile, he does not ask you for any other, meaning he is not selfish. Rather, he is selfless. Because he's got nothing material to
gain from what he is giving you. Rather, he's only increasing his work. He's only contributing he's giving of what he has. He's not asking you have any return. And secondly, what he's saying, also make sense what the prophets are saying, also make sense. Well, hello, if they don't, they're right, the guidance. And if we look at the prophets, every prophet was such, the prophets of Allah never demanded any wage from the people. They never demanded. In fact, they only gave, they gave more than they took. They worked and they sacrificed and what is it that they put on the line? Their wealth, their honor, their family, their comfort, everything on the line? And it really doesn't make sense
why a person would sacrifice so much just to give when he's not really gaining anything in return.
So this shows the sincerity of a person that said it w o malarious Ernakulum agilon were Hamato don't want earlier and then he gives his own example. He says warmer and what Lee for me, meaning what reason do I have that law are abou that I would not worship? Who? Allah the Fatah Ronnie, the one who create
hated me.
Why would I not worship the one who has created me? Why should I mean these prophets are saying that we should worship Allah? I don't know about you. But as for me, why shouldn't I worship the one who created me? When he lay he told your own and to him, you all shall be returned.
Now here the man, the believer, he is defending his faith.
Why? Why is he defending his beliefs? Because we see that in past nations, a person could only be upon the religion of his leader of his kingdom of His people.
But over here, we see this man has left the religion of his people. And he's now following these prophets. How could he make this decision independently? How could he do that? So he's explaining that Why shouldn't I? What I'm doing is that I am now worshiping the one who made me and why should I do that? And the fact is where he lay, he told Jerome, so he explains over here that I believe and worship the one who has made me you did not make me these items did not make me our king did not make me Allah made me and I am worshipping Allah.
And by the way, he says, you hold back to him. Now there is an implicit threat over here, that not too long from now, you will stand before him before Allah. So what do you think of your power and your authority before his power and authority? He is demonic. Then he says at the Hebrew all should a turkey do I take? Should I take min Dhoni besides Him meaning besides Allah, Ali Hassan Gods * of Isla, meaning should I worship
gods besides Allah, Gods other than Allah? Should I take other than him false deities? While the fact is that if you read any, he intends for me, you read, you read, he intends he wants me, me. Meaning he wants for me, he intends for me, or intends for me a Rama know the Most Merciful meaning Allah subhanaw taala. If Allah were to intend, what for me be bordering with some harm? If Allah intends some harm for me, then what's the power of all these earlier led to uni? Love loud, not Tony, it can avail on me for me meaning to me, Chef out to whom their intercession
che earn anything at all. When are you peed on? Nor can they rescue me, Yong Ki, don't need me at the end again indicates me. So he says over here, that it would be foolish if I were to worship other gods.
Why? Because they're not God.
And the fact is that if Allah intends something, even for me, if he said something bad my way, then you know what all of these ally have combined together. They could neither intercede for me, nor could they rescue me.
Meaning their intercession would not help me. And secondly, their efforts to save me from Allah would not work either.
Why their intercession would not work, because what is intercession? What is Shiva? Shiva is basically, when one makes a request for the other. Why would he make a request for him? Because he's got some power or some authority that the other does not have. Like, for example, if you find yourself in some problem, in school, for instance, you made some mistake, or your professor is not happy with you, your teacher is not happy with you. So then what do you do? You will go talk to your TA, for example, or some other professor, for example, or a good student of that Professor of that teacher, right? To put in a good word for you.
Why do you want them to put in a good word for you, because you cannot go and defend yourself? Your professor is so upset with you, they're not even going to listen to you. So you send somebody else, right, so that somebody else is doing what Chacao for you, they're interceding for you to help you out to get you out of that trouble. To save you from that problem that you're in.
From the wrath from the anger of your teacher of your professor, you understand the concept of shuffle. So, he says over here, that if I worship other gods, first of all that is wrong, and Allah would punish me for that. And if that punishment comes my way, then all of these ally have combined if they were to intercede
need their intercession even would not help me if they were to go and ask Allah to spare me it wouldn't work.
Meeting these Alia all of them together, they have no worse they have no high position they have no rank before Allah and secondly lay up Dhoni they cannot rescue me either. You will be the only known of the knock which is to rescue in God is to rescue someone from something disastrous from something destructive, dangerous. Loki Dhoni. So over here the man the believer, he's asking a rhetorical question. Even though the answer is self evident, he asks a rhetorical question that a who meaning Why should I? Why should I worship other gods? And what is he hinting at over here? Why should you either? I wouldn't, and why would you? Notice he does not directly attack them for their beliefs.
Rather, he uses himself as the object because if you were to attack them directly for their beliefs, they would never listen to him. Right? And then here he gives multiple reasons for worshipping Allah alone. Firstly, Allah the Fatah Ronnie, He created me. Secondly, Eli, he told your own to Him you shall return everyone returns to Him. And thirdly, the gods that you worship they have no power against Allah. Institute Yunus is 18 Allah says well bounnam And Dooney Allah He may Allah yoga room well i info home where coluna ha Allah issue file owner in the LA their worship besides Allah that which neither harms them nor benefits them and they say that these gods are their intercessors
before Allah the man says in me indeed I Yvonne then Luffy surely in Bali muy bien clear error meaning if I were to worship other gods if I were to do shit, I would be in error. I would be doing something clearly wrong. There would be no doubt about my error.
Again, he uses himself as the object in order to not offend the people that listen to the recitation up until here and then all Oh in
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