Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 177B Tafsir Al-Nur 21-26
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Here are you hola Dena Amma new or you who have believed lather who do not follow how to add a che upon the footsteps of shaitan do not follow the footsteps of che upon what does he mean by following someone's footsteps that the way they went, you go the exact way the route they took you take the exact same route, right? This is following the footsteps of someone. So Allah is telling us do not follow the footsteps of shaitan meaning what Shalane has done, you don't do that? What is it the children did? What do we learn the story of creation when Allah created Adam or his Salah when Allah commanded Shavon Iblees to prostrate to Adam, what did IBLEES do? Abba was stuck Bara right? He
refused. He was arrogant Allah gave him a command he refused to follow it. So here Allah is giving certain commands Also, keep away from furnisher. Don't talk about it. Don't indulge in it. Don't do it. Because if you're doing it, then you are disobeying Allah. Because a person might think, what's the big deal, man? Why is our religion so restrictive? Right, we should have this kind of freedom. If we want to dress a particular way we want to use certain language, the whole world does it? Why can we do it? Why is it a sin to say these words? Why is it a sin? To talk about these things? What's the big deal? You know what? Shaitan also did the same thing. Allah ordered him and he
refused to follow that order. But what happened? One sin One act of disobedience. What is it basically, it's like slipping. It's like the first time you slip, you slip down a steep slope, a slippery slope. So what happens once your foot slips?
Your gone? Isn't it? Because if you try to get balanced, you can't. You can't have that balance. If you try to get up straight. If you try to stand up straight, you can't, you will keep slipping, you will keep slipping and like this shape on he went astray. Imagine he was in the company of the angels, but with One act of disobedience. What happened? He went so far. He went so far away from Allah's mercy. So let that be referred to as the Shelton. What happened? One act of disobedience, then pride. All right, then being stubborn on his wrong and then blaming Allah subhanaw taala Why did you give me this order? Right and then his revenge against Adam earlier his Salah and then
causing other murders salaam to disobey Allah also eat of the forbidden tree and then having the real assignment his wife her what? Their clothes being taken away? All right. I mean, you see how one thing led to the other.
So Allah is telling us letter W wh o to attache upon don't go that route. Don't do what Champon did, don't follow him. We're Mejia target, how to where to shoot on and whoever follows the footsteps of Shavon for inner who yup model Bill fascia you will mancha then indeed, Chevron, he orders Bill fascia with the indecency. Well, Mancha and wrong this is what shutdown will order you to do because when a person is following the footsteps of shaitan then who is he obeying? Essentially, he's obeying Champon when he is following chiffon when he's obeying Champon what is Schaffung gonna tell him to do decent actions? No way in decency and you see this fascia then there is no limit to it
just gets worse and worse and worse.
One door to evil is opened up and what happens so much evil comes in so much wrong comes in one fascia after the other after the other. So for example, it starts with one bad word.
And then okay, what are other cool bad words that I could use? Right and then another cool bad word and another cool bad word, and then filthy language and then filthy shows that a person is watching and then filthy stuff that he's reading and then filthy thoughts that he's thinking in his mind. And then of course, he has to do something as well.
Right? So shaytaan will only order fascia and Wonka he will not order decency. He will not order good. While hola fug Lula here are Lake Omarama. To who? You see, let me give you another example. In a conversation, you're talking to your friend, right? She starts backbiting about somebody, you don't stop her. Or you don't discourage her. You don't say oh, we should not talk about this. Then what will happen? The conversation will continue and it will get worse. You will say something and then she will say something else and then you will add to it and then she will add to it. Then after backbiting one person another person. You see how the wrong it will just grow and grow?
Well, I wanna fuck Lulu here Aleikum And had it not been for the favor of Allah on
Your motto and His mercy mazurka men come in a herding of other man, not Zakka he would be pure, he would be clean men come from you mean I hadn't anyone other than ever? If it was not for Allah's favor and mercy on you, none of you would have remained clean. What does it mean by this, none of you would have remained clean. You see this Zika Zika. Or, well, this is from this Kia purification. Right? We talk about physical purification, and then also the purification of the soul, the purification of the mind. What's the purification of the soul of the mind that a person doesn't use indecent language? He doesn't entertain indecent thoughts. He doesn't indulge in indecent actions.
Right? So when you read these, if you think, Oh, I don't say bad words. I don't watch bad TV shows. I don't read bad books. I'm really good. Allah says, if you are clean, it's only because of Allah's favor and mercy on you. So glorify Him and thank Him for giving you the ability to remain clean. And ask him for more purification for more purity because there is always room for improvement.
Because it's possible that we don't indulge in indecent, you know, actions, but in our conversations, we do backbiting occasionally here or there, right? We do use hurtful words. That is also filth, right? So if anyone finds himself pure from indecency, then what should he do? He should realize that this is only Allah's favor and realize that there's still room for improvement. Well, our kin Allah user, Kimani Masha, Allah is the One who purifies whomsoever He wills while Allah Who Samia on our Lehmann, Allah is Hearing annoying.
Allah purifies whoever He wills, He gives the ability to remain clean, to remain pure from such indecent actions. And Allah is Hearing and knowing, he hears and he knows, tell me out of the so many attributes that Allah subhanaw taala has, why are these two attributes mentioned? Over here in this idea? What's the connection that Allah hears and he knows? Allah hears and he knows
that fascia like we discussed, there's different categories of it, right? One is in speech, and another is in action. So the first one speech, Allah hears that, and the first the indecency and actions, Allah knows that, right? But what's the connection over here with the previous sentence in the eye, that none of you would have been pure if it was not for Allah's mercy and favor on you? Because you see, we might think that I'm all goody, goody, I'm all clean. Alright, I wear hijab, I wear decent clothes. I don't watch filthy TV shows. But, but sometimes here and there, do we think of these words in our mind? Are we tempted to you and use them? Are we sometimes attracted to
and perhaps we indulge in it just a little bit? Right? So Allah hears, He hears our minds, he hears our thoughts, and he knows he knows what we do, in the privacy of our homes, in the privacy of our rooms, he knows what we do. So we might have a very good image in front of other people. But what is our image before Allah azza wa jal? That is what we should be concerned about. In a hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that be shy before Allah, as is his full right. Be shy before Allah, or we shy before people. Oh, yeah, we become so self conscious. What did the prophets on Allah said, I'm saying be shy before Allah. So the Companions, they said, yellow suit Allah, we are shy before
him. Well, Hamdulillah I mean, of course, we are shying from Allah and all praises for Allah. So basically, they claimed purity. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, That is not what I mean. Rather to be shy before Allah as his his full right is that you guard your head, and everything associated with it. You guard your mind and everything that is associated with it, what's associated with your mind?
Your eyes, your ears, your mouth. Right? Because what's in your mind? What's going on in your mind? Who knows about it?
Allah knows, right? Because sometimes when we're sitting with somebody and they say, What are you thinking? What you're thinking and what
Do we generally say, I don't know?
I don't know, or nothing. Randomness? What is that randomness that's going on in our minds. It's not even worth sharing with the person sitting across from us. But Allah knows what we're thinking. Allah knows what's in our mind. So the prophets of Allah sent him said, guard your mind and everything associated with it. And also that you guard your stomach and that which it consumes. This is also part of being shy before Allah guard your stomach. How much are you eating? Because sometimes when we're in front of other people, we watch what we're putting in our plate. Right? Because Oh, she's gonna say I eat so much. She's gonna say I took so much ketchup, I only ate fries.
Right? I should eat some healthy food. All right, we become shy of people. And this is why we correct what we're eating the prophets of Allah is that I'm sad that it means that you should guard your stomach and what it consumes and you should remember death and the time that you will be decomposed. Remember that time and there's a hadith and Tirmidhi.
When I tell you another lesson that Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us from the incident of and if Well, are you telling and he should not swear an oath. Who all fugly the people are fuddle although meaning possessors and follow fuddle Remember, it's extra, right literally and over here follow means extra wealth, meaning a person is wealthy. So a little further, those who are wealthy men come from you was sati. And also osato, meaning those who have Sol Sol well see nine was, what does was I mean, the capacity of something we'll see or is that which is vast, meaning those who have the capacity to share what they have with others to give from what they have to others. All right, so
old fugly was a person who has a lot of money. And part of that money he can easily afford to give to others. Because you see, sometimes a person may have a lot of money, but they need all of that. Because they have many needs, or their family has many needs. You understand? Like, for example, a person has $100,000 sitting in their bank account, for instance, and you might wonder, Oh my god, so much money. They should give some of it away, but they can't. Why? Because let's say they have a lot of health issues. And their medications are a lot they need some equipment, which are not covered by health insurance or whatever. So you see, they need all of that money. So they have fuggle, but they
don't have Sarah.
You understand? All fogli was Sara, a person has a lot of money, and he can easily afford to give some of it to others. So Allah subhanaw taala says those who are like that, they should not swear not to give you see this word yet. Attorney Hamza lamb. Yeah. Or Hamza lamb? Well, it is to swear an oath of abstinence. So basically to swear an oath that I'm not going to do this anymore. I swear, I'm never going to do this anymore. I swear, I'm never going to give this I'm never going to say this. So they should not swear to you do that they will not give to who O'Neill CORBA those who are close in relationship meaning close relatives, while masa keen and the needy one mohajir in a fee,
Sabina Allah and those who have emigrated in the way of Allah,
the wealthy among you should not swear to not give off their wealth to their relatives, to the needy, and to the immigrants.
So, if they have sworn an oath like that, what should they do then?
What should they do, then? They should break that oath. Right? And they should give to their relatives, to the needy to the immigrants in the way of Allah. This is a particular context. And what is that? Well, Bucha little de la Mora, who was his daughter, already, Chateau de la Mora. And this whole incident of if could revolve around who I shall deliver and how she had been accused. And one of the people who had accused her or rather who had participated in that slander was who, Mr. Radi Allahu Anhu Mr. Harold the Allahu Anhu. Who was he? Here was an oral Cobra to who to Abu Bakr radula WARREN Well, he was close relative. Secondly, Mr. Who was also from the Messiah keen, he was
needy. Thirdly, he was also mohajir.
You understand? He was all of these three. He was related to Ebola.
cuz he was a needy person, and at the same time he was muhajir.
So Boubacar will do Lauryn Hill because of what Mr. Hill the low on who had done. He was so offended. He was so hurt that Boko said, I'm never going to spend on Mr. anymore. Because before this incident, he used to regularly give him money. He used to regularly financially support him. But after this incident of a bucket of little one who said, That's it, he's hurt me so much. He doesn't deserve any of my money. I'm not giving it to him. Would you do that?
Would you do that?
Has it ever happened that you give a gift to somebody? And then they say something bad about you to someone? And when you find out what do you think I shouldn't have given that gift. If only I could get that back somehow. Forget about any future gifts what we've given we want to take that back. Right. So what happened above the level I knew he was also a normal human being? He said, That's it. I'm not giving Mr. anything ever again. Allah revealed this idea that if you have money, you have extra. Why hold back? Give? Give to this man? Give to Mr. Continue to give. And don't look at the fact that he is Mr. Okay. Look at the fact that he is a relative, he is a needy person, and he's a
Give him not because you're getting some benefit in return from Mr. Bhatt, give him because he needs the money. Give him because you're giving him will bring you a job. It will bring you reward. And you see this is doing something purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Because when we give something to someone, there's always some expectation. Right? They should thank me. They should call me. Right? They should be on friendly terms with me. They should praise me they should be on my side. But when you get nothing like this in return, you can expect no favor in return. Then what do you tell yourself? Yeah, Allah I'm doing this only for you. I want your pleasure. Right. And this is
the teaching of our religion. That give not to expect anything in return give to expect reward from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala not from the people when they are full and they should pardon while yours for who and they should overlook Yara for info well what does our for me
erase while yours for who what the soft mean? Overlooked don't even look at it turn the page. Overlook just ignore it and add to hit boon. Forgive and overlook the harm that has been done to you. So buckle up on who is being told basically that forgiven overlook whatever Mr. has done to you. Why, How can you forget it? How can you overlook it? How could you let it go? Why should you let it go? What does Allah say? I led to hipbone do you not love a young fit hola hola. Calm that Allah should forgive you. Don't you want Allah to forgive you? Because think about it. The sins that we have committed if Allah subhanaw taala withheld His blessings from us because of our sins What
would we get today? What would we receive today? What would we be worthy of today deserving of nothing?
So doesn't Allah forgive us regularly overlook our mistakes ignore our mistakes and he continues to give us he does right so glad to have buena fit Allahu Allah calm when you forgive others don't you want the Allah should also forgive you? Don't you want pardon for yourself? You want pardon for yourself? Then pardon others also? Well, Allah hula flew over him. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So when Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, you should also forgive. We learned that of a bucket of Cydia called the long run, who when he heard this, he said Bella, and or hippo fear Allah Who Lee, of course, I want that Allah should forgive me, my Lord should forgive me. And then he
resumed spending on Mr. And in fact, he doubled it. He doubled what he used to spend on Mr. And he said, By Allah, I will never stop spending on him and Abubakar will deliver and who continue to spend on him. So what's the lesson over here that give to others do good to others, not because they are good to you in return, or because they praise you or that they support you or that they take your side. But why?
Because of the fact that they are needy, because of the fact that we are needy of Allah's reward. Forgive the mistakes of others. Not because what they've done is okay, forgive them because we want forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala
In the Levina indeed those people who your moon and Marsan and who falsely accused chased women, which kind of chased women, a lot villa, those who are often laughing because the Florida law fella who is not filler, the girl or the woman who is negligent, who doesn't even think about doing anything wrong.
You see, some women, they are so innocent, so innocent, that they don't even know much about, you know, for example, sexual relations. They don't even know much when they get married or when they're closer to get married. They're shocked. They hear about what menstruation is. And they hear about what childbirth is. And they're like, Oh, my God, oh, my God. So you see will often that is actually someone who I mean, these women are rare today. Right? Very rare. But such women did exist. Once upon a time. All right. And even if such women don't exist today, at least there are girls who are so chaste, so good, so modest, that they never think about having an affair with someone, or doing
something wrong with another person. They don't even consider that as an option.
You know, for example, there are certain girls, yeah, they have an affair with someone, they're a little too friendly with a particular guy. And there's rumors that he I think there'll be getting engaged or for sure these two will be getting married. And then there's some girls who you ask them, have you ever had an affair with someone they're like, No. And really, honestly, they've never had an affair with someone, they've never had a crush on someone because they've always kept themselves, you know, clean, protected. So this is often so innocent, so pure.
And I shadow the law more and he was like that she was so pure. She would not even think about doing anything wrong with another men, because she was after all the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she got married at a very young age. So you can't even expect anything like that from her. But there are many other Muslim women also from whom you can never ever expect an action of this nature. So people who accused them, people who accuse such girls, such women who are ultimate Minette, who are believing women, those who accused them of Zina. Allah says those who accused them they are low enough it dunya will occur. They're cursed in this world and the Hereafter, what a
hamara debonair Aleem, and for them is a great punishment. This is a clear warning and a threat from Allah subhanaw taala for those who accuse chaste women, that if they do this, they will be cursed in this world and the hereafter. The Prophet said a lot of them said, avoid the seven destructive sins, destructive sins, and one of those destructive sins is to accuse a chaste woman.
You see in this if women are mentioned, because generally, they are the target.
Right? Generally, it's the women who are the targets of such accusations. But this doesn't mean that if a man is accused, then that's okay. It's okay to accuse a man. No, that's not acceptable either. But women are mentioned here because typically, it's the women who are victims in such cases. Yo Mitesh hadoo. I lay him on the day, when Tasha do it will testify, I lay him against them elsina, to whom their tongues were ID him and their hands will do loom and their feet,
their tongues, their hands, and their feet will all testify against them against who those who accused chased women.
Those who slander them on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen, their own Alsina floor lovely sand, their tongue will speak against them. Today, your tongue speaks in your favor, in your defense. Why? Because you use your tongue, you control it. On the Day of Judgment, we will lose control over our tongues, our tongue will speak not that which we wanted to speak, our tongue will speak that which is the truth. Even if that truth is against us.
Just think about it this body that we think we have so much control over it's actually loyal to Allah subhanaw taala So on the Day of Judgment, it will only testify to the truth Well Id him in their hands Florida of your
hands will speak hands will testify against a person will alter Judo home floor love ritual foot feet will testify against a person for what the man can we armor
don't have that which they used to do. Because when a person will be questioned about the wrongs that he has done, what will he do? He will outright deny. No, no, I never did that. Right. Like, for example, in this world also, when a person is brought to court and he's asked if he's done something wrong, what does he say? No way? No way I didn't do that. He refuses to accept. And because he's not confessing, and there is no other evidence to prove that he's guilty. He is considered innocent. Right? And this is what we've been taught, that if a person does not confess himself, and there is no evidence to prove that he is guilty, then he will be considered innocent. So a person has done
something wrong, and he gets away with it. What does Allah subhanaw taala say? On the day of judgment, He will be caught. Why? Because yes, there will be no for human witnesses. But what will come as a witness what will come as a witness his own tongue, his own hands, his own feet?
So you see over here that when we're doing something wrong, yes, Allah is watching us. But who is with us when we're doing something wrong? Our own body our own body is a witness to our actions.
And on the Day of Judgment, this body will witness against us
be makin we are maroon for that which they used to do. In truth Yeah, scenario 65 We learn Illuminati more Allah for him, what to call him when I add him. What Tasha do Abdullah whom we met can we actually wound that day, we will put a seal over their mouths. So a person will not be able to speak himself and their hands will speak to us and their feet will testify about what they used to earn. Yo mama even that day, you will feed him Allah, Allah Who will pay them in full Dena, whom they're recompense over here Dean does not mean religion it means recompense like Maliki Yeoman Deen, Master of the Day of Deen meaning recompense and help the true meaning that which they
deserve, what recompense will Allah give to people on the Day of Judgment? The recommends witches Huck, which they are truly deserving off.
Way are Allah Munna and they will know and Allah that indeed Allah who will have cool Mubin he is a health and wellbeing, meaning he is the true being the true God. We've been meaning perfect in his justice in his commands, his truth is evident. The truth of what he said is evident, because well being is clear, when that is evident, right. So on the Day of Judgment, they will come to know this in plain reality that Allah subhanaw taala he is I'll help what he said what he commanded what he forbade from, everything was true. Instead of the Nigeria 41 We learn so many you deserve will deserve a ofa. Then on the Day of Judgment, men will be recompensed with full recompense for
so all of this is a warning against doing something wrong oneself and then hiding that crime. And secondly, this is also a very clear warning against accusing other people of doing something wrong when they haven't done it. Both of these are great since then, Allah says Aloha visa to little hobby scene and hobby set. The impure ones notice over here, hobby sad. What does that indicate? Female, right. So I'll kabisa meaning that impure women who are impure women who indulge in cobras meaning impure actions, filthy actions, like Zina or like indecent speech, dirty words and hobbies that impure women. Little hobby scene. They are for impure men
impure men deserve impure women impure women they deserve impure men. Well, hobby Sunil kabisa and the impure men are for impure women. You see, this is that in two ways, impure women are for impure men and impure men are for impure women.
Both deserve one another. Because like for like right, each each deserves what he is worthy off. So if a person is impure himself, then what kind of a partner does he deserve? Someone who is impure will pay you back to live by you being
and the good, clean women are for who live by you being clean men, what the you born and the clean men. They are looking for you bye
Add for the clean women
impure for the impure and pure for the pure. Who was I shuttled along with the wife of a year, Masuda, LaSalle Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So what kind of a wife did he deserve? A wife who is pure, like him, he was pure, his wife was pure. So this accusation that I should have a low on her had done something wrong. This is something that had no basis at all. Because Allah says, impure women are for impure men, not for pure men. And also, if you think about it, even if an impure person gets together with a pure person, right, they got married, is this marriage going to last? It's not going to last, because both are completely different, they have completely different priorities. So for
example, if there is a man who is very good in his nature, right good in his flock very decent in his language in his dressing, in what he watches and how he interacts with people, and he gets with a woman who is very different. She uses language, which is not appropriate, she dresses up in a way which is not appropriate, they can try that vibe for a year or two, but then beyond that, that marriage is not going to last it cannot continue. It doesn't
because the two are completely opposite. And this shows to us that when a person is looking into getting married, then what should he consider?
What should he consider the goodness of the other individual, their purity? Right? What is their thinking? Like? Who are their friends, like? What are their priorities in life, because whatever their focus is, whatever their priorities are, they will also become your priorities. Whatever they will watch, you will also start watching that, wherever they will go, you will also start going there. So see what you want in your life. A play you bet litho you've been pure women are for pure men.
Ultimately, learn that hobbies that a hobby theme. Remember that this also refers to words. So I'll hobby sets meaning evil words, bad words, for harsh words,
for harsh words in decent Qalam you know, for example, accusing someone of Zina, this is hobbies, this is hobbies language, these words are for whole little hobby scene. They are for impure people. Bad people use bad language.
You understand? Because if the heart is clean, then how can dirty words come on the tongue? It doesn't work like that. Because what's on the tongue is a representation of what is in the heart. Right? So evil words are for evil people and evil people are for evil words. evil people are deserving of evil words. Meaning if a person is filthy inside then that filth will sooner or later come out and utter Yeva good words are for who? good people and good people are for good words. Hola, Chica, those mobile own mobile raw own ones who are absolved of blame innocent they're declared innocent mobile raw owners deplore enough mobile raw mobile raw Berra Hamza, bruh, bruh, to
be innocent, right to not be associated with something to not be associated with something wrong. Some Obama own ones who are declared innocent, who are declared innocent of by you bone up for you but pure men, pure women, Allah declares them innocent from what men may or Kowloon of that which they say meeting of the false accusations that are hurled at them. So for example, I should have pulled over and stuff one will do a lot more on who evil words were said about them. Right? Allah says they are innocent of it Lahoma Farah instead for them as forgiveness.
Such a huge test such a huge trial. Allah says For them is forgiveness because they endured patiently, what is gone Kareem and a normal honorable provision because they are pure, they keep themselves pure, and they will receive from Allah only that which is pure. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Yeah, I
want to show you on why me why why T shape on in movies
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These words who let it come about
are so powerful that other people can say whatever they want about you. If you have not done something wrong, you haven't done it. Just because other people say you're bad. That doesn't make you bad. Right? Because when people say bad things about you, it's very, very hurtful. But what does Allah say? Hola, Iike mobile ro ona me Maya Kowloon. Whatever people say about them, they are innocent of it. They have nothing to do with it. They're dissociated from it. Allah is declaring them to be innocent.
It's so empowering.
And ultimately, look at these words and kabisa Have you seen what have you sooner than kabisa? What brought you back to the point you've been with the you Boehner to tell you about? What does this teach us? That your words? They show who you are? Right? Our words? What do we talk about what we watch what we do this show what we really are?
Your tongue speaks your heart. Because those who are evil, talk evil, those who are good, will talk about good. So if we really want to know how we are, what is it that we need to check what we say? What we watch what we listen to what's on our mind, that tells us who we really are from the inside.
Our interests, our actions, they show how we are who we are.
And the idea that we learnt about Ovako Dillo and who I want you to think about someone who has really hurt you.
Is there anybody who has hurt you?
Who has offended you who's hurt your feelings? punctured your heart? Is there anybody
recall that person in your mind?
And now your homework is
to do something, or to say something good to them.
experience forgiveness,
what it means to forgive experience that and how is it that we forgive people? When they have done something bad to us? We still say good to them. We still do good to them. Because sometimes we say I forgive but I don't want to know them. I don't have anything to do with them. Please don't even mention their name in front of me.
their name, you know, it's mentioned and it makes me angry. It makes me nervous, because we haven't truly forgiven them.
So remember Abubakar Dillo Arne? Who, what did he say? I want that Allah should forgive me. And so he continued to spend on Mr.
So over this next week in sha Allah experience forgiveness by forgiving others in sha Allah. Did you want to say something? Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, what if you're afraid that if you are around that person, and you're trying to get to them, but they're going to be worse to you?
What if you fear that if you are good to someone, they will still be bad to you.
Then what
you want to truly forgive someone who's hurt you. And you tell yourself, okay, I'm going to do something good with them. But then this fear overcomes you, they're going to be the same. Or they're going to be worse than what?
Okay, you continue being good to them. And also remember that
I'll have you set a little hobby scene, right? Uh, you bet litho up, you know, there is this thing that they say perfect match that how you are to others, that is what you get from them in return.
You know, for example, in a relationship, many times a husband will continuously blamed the wife, she's like this, she's like this, she's like that, or the wife will continuously blame the husband, he's like this, he's like this, he's like that. But they say that between the husband and wife in a couple, there's like a perfect match in the sense that meaning however you are to your spouse, that is how they will be towards you as well. Or the way they are to you is because of how you are with them. You know, for example, a woman is complaining that my husband, he is never around, why is he never around because
he feels smothered around you or he feels suffocated around you or he feels it totally guilty around you. So in order to avoid that he is avoiding you. Right. So he is avoiding you is a result of the way you are treating him.
You understand? So if you want a relationship to work out, you always have to start doing good. Start doing good. And yes, you will not get good response immediately. But it will eventually come. And the perfect example of this is who Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people who were his enemies who were willing to go and kill him. They wanted to kill him. Imagine how much they hated the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but how was he with them? He was tolerant, he was patient, he was forgiving. He kept doing Dawa to them. And gradually, gradually what happened? His enemies became his greatest supporters.
You know, you have to win the hearts of other people.
Did you want to say something? So now, I just wanted to share my personal experience about this fear that whatever we try to be good to them, we have heard or they have heard us. And this is the thought of shaitan, who keep us keeping us away from this, what if they are going to do this? What if they get more mad or more angry, but same thing happening to me. So I just when I learned these ideas, as you're gonna have to call this person that we have been talking for a long time. And I was sure that she's not going to pick up my phone. But I said, anyways, I have to call and I'm going to leave the message on her recording machine. So I just, you know, memorize this nice message, because
I wasn't expecting her to pick up the phone. So but Subhanallah where they call her she did pick up the phone. And now I wasn't prepared for this situation, because I have memorized my message with my recording for a recording machine. But I just say all those nice words to her And subhanAllah nothing happened. Like actually, she did appreciate that it was a shakedown that stop you not to call and do good to the people who have heard you shall try that this fear is from shaitan. Did you understand something? I was just thinking it's interesting. It's really beautiful that the pure for the pure and the impure for the impure. And like I already mentioned, sometimes what happens in
relationships is that you're like someone is having a bad influence on you, or they're not being kind with you. But instead of focusing on the other person's behavior, we should focus on ourselves on making ourselves pure. So if someone's saying bad things to be good, so eventually, either they're going to leave from you anyways, and they're how they are and you'll be good or inshallah you'll affect them in a positive way. Yes, yes, this is true, that you continue to do good, regardless of how they are. Either they will change their behavior towards you or they will leave you alone.
In either case, you're winning. It's a win win situation. Right? But if you're bad in return or if you leave them, then what are you going to get? Nothing. Nothing good out of it.
So powerful love more be handy Kenisha to Allah ilaha illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to be like a sinner morikami rahmatullahi wa barakato