Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 175B Tafsir Al-Nur 1-2

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The history and implementation of certain laws in the Islamic Republic have been discussed, including the surah which contains many laws that govern personal and social life and the ultimate punishment for those who commit a crime is not stated. The importance of learning about the legal context and the legal framework for understanding the punishment forZina's crimes is emphasized. The punishment for rape in Pakistan is discussed, including the punishment for a woman who can only be punished with double payments and the punishment for the woman who committed a crime is a serious one, with four choices for how severe the crime will be. The punishment for the woman who can only be punished with double payments is a serious one, and the woman who committed a crime is a criminal act.
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looking forward to the new solo.
I'm scared.
Here just have to listen and I have to explain.
So may Allah subhanaw taala helped me to explain properly, give it the Duhok and your last panel data help you to understand property. And may Allah subhanaw taala enable all of us to learn from this and implement this beautiful light in our lives Chava
Surah to note, so to know, is a muddy surah and it was revealed in the mid Medina an era after the sixth year of Hijra. Remember that in the sixth year of hydrilla, there was a battle, which is known as the Battle of Han duck, the Battle of the Trench. All right. Soon after that the prophets on a lot of them went on an expedition which is known as the expedition of Banu Musa luck or Moorea seer. All right, and on return from this expedition on returned to Medina, a particular incident happened, what is that incident? Inshallah we will learn about it? All right. So, that is when the surah was revealed, right. And this surah is similar to pseudocolor, Bacara, Surah, Magadha, Surah, Al Ahzab,
in that all of these sutras, they contain Islamic laws, all right, laws that govern our personal lives, our spiritual lives, our social lives. All right. So sudo to know, is a heavy surah in the sense that it contains many laws, all right.
And, in particular, in order to know the laws, they relate to social life, right? Now, remember that when it comes to social life, or laws that govern our social lives, there are two levels of such laws. One level is of those commands, those rulings that pertain to our personal life in the sense that we are responsible to implement those in our lives, we have to observe them in our personal lives in our home, when we're interacting with other individuals, the state or the Islamic government, it cannot interfere with respect to those laws. Or even if the interference is there, there is no prosecution, or there is no criminality when a person is going against them. Meaning
when a person is breaking those laws, he's not going to be punished. Like, for example, in the Surah, we will learn about the hook come off is the then what is it, then that when you go to somebody's house, you knock on the door, you don't just walk in, when a man, when he's going into his parents house, for example, his sister's house or father is going into his daughter's house, he shouldn't just go inside without permission, he should make his presence known, and then enter. Now, if a man does not observe this law, is he going to be punished in the Islamic court? No, but he has to observe this. But there is another level of such laws, which is that if a person goes against
them, then he will be prosecuted, he will be punished.
And this is you can say Islamic penal law. Now when it comes to such kind of punishments who do in particular, remember that there are two things that we have to understand. When it comes to the Hadith when it comes to punishments, there's two things that we need to understand firstly, the content and secondly, the context. What is the content, the content, meaning the actual law, the actual punishment? So for example, a person commits theft. What's the punishment for that we learned about it in total man, either the hand has to be cut off. Now this content alright, this punishment, it's clear in the Quran, it's clear in the Sunnah, it is valid, and we can ever disagree with it, we
can never say it is wrong, we should never say that this is something that does not make sense. It is unfair. No, it's always valid, why because Allah subhanaw taala has revealed it. However, we have to understand the context also it can only be applied in a particular context in a particular situation, meaning we cannot take the law in our hand and say that okay, if somebody has committed Zina, they should be punished. We are no one's to carry out that punishment. There has to be a particular context for that legal punishment to be carried out. And what is that context? What is that context that there must be an Islamic government there must be a Khalifa this is something that
we need to understand because in the Quran and the Hadith and the Sunnah, what do we learn that we have to obey Allah, His messenger and all amor the people in authority who is the person in authority, the Khalifa. So if the Khalifa is there
Then the law will be implemented. But if the Khalifa is not there, then will the law be implemented? It will not be implemented. But is it still valid? Should it still be studied? Should it still be agreed with an appreciate it? Yes. Why? Because it's a part of our deen. It's in the Quran.
Also remember that all of these laws when were they revealed when the prophets of Allah Islam did Hijra to Medina when the state was established? Before that in Makkah, what was haram was still haram. So for example, Zina was haram, theft was haram. All right, these things were clearly illegal, it wasn't permissible, which is why when people would come to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and embrace Islam at his hands, he would take a promise from them. He would take a pledge of allegiance from them. And part of that pledge would be that they would swear by Allah that they would not associate any Parker's with him, they would not commit Zina, they would not kill any
innocent person, and they would not, you know, commit theft and so on and so forth. So it was still haram, but where the punishments are carried out? No. Why? Because the context was not there. You understand. So this is something that we need to be clear about when we study the sutra. Because there will be certain laws, which we can follow, given the context that we're in. All right, like for example, lowering the gaze, observing proper clothing, and there are other laws that we cannot implement, given the context that we're in. And what are those the Hadith, the punishments, we cannot carry them out. But it doesn't mean they're irrelevant, and that they should not be studied.
They should still be studied, we should still appreciate them because Allah subhanaw taala has made them a part of our deen and also remember that if there is a crime and we learn about its punishment, what does that teach us about the crime?
That it's very serious. Correct. So we have to keep this background in mind Inshallah, when we're going to study the SUTA the name of the sutra is unknown. What is unknown light. What is light do that when you're in darkness. It shows you the way when you're afraid. It brings calmness and peace to you tranquility to you.
It dispels your fears. This is the surah it's a source of guidance. It's a source of light. This is the solution to many problems that have filled our lives. So let's look at the sutra Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. Silvertone Enza Lucha waffled all the NASA. So rotten, a surah, meaning this is a Surah Anza Lucha we have revealed it, what followed NASA and we have made it obligatory what unzila and we have revealed fee her in it, I add him by unit, clear, I add, I add verses that are proofs, that are as evidences lon locum to the karoun. So that you may remember,
look at the opening of the sutra, the introduction of the surah This is a Surah that ends Allah we have revealed it, look at the word unzila. What does it mean to send something down? And that means that this surah has come down to us from the one who is above us, from the one who is higher than us, greater than us, knows better than us is superior to us. And who is he? Allah azza wa jal this surah is the kalam of Allah Rabbul aalameen. This surah contains laws that have been given by who the one who is the highest, the one who is the greatest, whose knowledge whose wisdom whose decisions cannot ever be questioned, cannot ever be doubted cannot ever be disputed with NS Allaha.
We have revealed that we have sent it down we are low and he is high. This has come from him. What followed now her Allah has revealed it and he says we have also made it fold. What is fault? Obligatory mandatory wajib something with regards to which we have no choice. We have to do it. It's binding on us and fold. It's literally a portion of something. All right. So this is our portion. This is something that Allah has made mandatory on us. This is our share, followed, followed now
we're under Luffy her and we have revealed in it
I add him by unit we have revealed in the Surah. I add verses that are begging up. What are the unit plural of beginner, clear evidence? Meaning these are verses that clarify Allah's commandments. These are verses that are indisputable. These are verses that are clear in their message, and they also clarify the hook from the account that Allah has given. So in other words, the message is clear, the message has authority. So do not disagree. Do not argue do not disobey and Zelner fie her 18 by unit y La La Quinta karoun. So that you may remember, you may take heed, you may understand and you may observe the treasure that has been revealed in the Surah. If you think about it, every
single Surah of the Quran has it not been revealed by Allah? Of course it has been revealed by Allah the entire Quran is mean Allah azza wa jal, right, Tenzin, this revelation is from Allah. And every command that Allah has given every command that Allah has given, is it not meant to be taken seriously? Yes, in total Zab we learned that when Allah has given a command, then the believers do not have a choice with regards to it. But yet despite that, Allah mentions here funneled Naha, we have made the surah font, we have revealed it, we have made it obligatory. Why is this mentioned to remind us to take the contents of the surah seriously,
this is a very powerful, a very direct introduction, that in the Surah there will be many laws, many commands, do not take them lightly. Do not think that, Oh, they're for somebody else? No, they concern us, they concern me and you this is forced on us, an obligation on us given to us by Allah with respect to which we have no choice followed. Now, how we have made it false on all Muslims, whether they are from the earlier generations or the later generations. Because sometimes we say that for instance, in the Surah, hijab is mentioned, right? But sometimes we say wear hijab is possible in certain situations, right? Or it was possible 1400 years ago, these days, it's not
relevant. It's not practical. No, Allah says photog, nah, ha, we have made it fault for who, for the Salah, and for the Caliph for the earlier generations and the later generations for the Muslims of the East and the Muslims of the West. For the Muslims of all times of all places, this is an obligation. And if Allah is reminding us right at the beginning of the Surah, to take this surah the commands of the surah seriously, then what does that mean? These commands? Are they important for us?
Are the necessary for us? They are right, because if they weren't that important, would Allah subhanaw taala? Give them to us in the first place?
If they weren't applicable, if they weren't relevant, if they weren't beneficial? Would Allah impose them on us? Like seriously, think about it? In your body? Is there anything that Allah has created? That is useless? Is there every part of your body, every single organ, every single system? Does it not have a function? Does it not have a rule? It does, right? So if Allah created it, Allah made it a part of you, then what does it mean? There's benefit in it? There's a reason why he made it. Which is why we always wonder when we learn about something, why is it there? What does it do? What is its purpose? Right? How does it happen? What Why, who how when, where all of these questions we ask
them, we inquire about them, because we know that there is nothing that is useless. So likewise, when it comes to the commands of Allah subhanaw taala. Remember if Allah gave them and if Allah said they're fuddled, then we have to trust Allah's decision. And we believe that your Allah if you gave it, yes, it is necessary for me. It is best for me. It is important for me, this is new for me. Without it my life would be in darkness, I would be in darkness.
Lala come to the Quran so that you may take heed, take heed, take benefit, learn and implement and improve your life. First of all, what command is given in the Surah? It's a punishment. Which punishment is it? The punishment for Zina?
Zania to was Ernie Zania to the Zanni woman
and was Zanni and the Zanni man,
meaning the man and the woman who have committed Zina who have committed adultery, fornication. What is Zina? Zina
is illegal sexual *,
illegal sexual * and I emphasize on * because it doesn't just mean holding hands or having a friendly relationship. Zina is actual Zina * illegal. What does it mean by illegal that is outside the bond of marriage, where two people are not married, there is no Nikka between them and sexual * is done. Then that is the act of Zina. So a Zania. To the woman who has committed Zina. What does it mean? The woman who has sexual * with a man whom she's not married to, and she's committing is in a meeting she willingly does it. This is not the case of coercion. This is not the case of *. A Zania is who the woman who willingly who chooses
to commit Zina and Zanny the man who commit Zina, who is he the man who has sexual * with a woman whom he is neither married to, nor does he own. Because remember, in total Menon, we learned that there's only two legal ways right? What are they? illAllah? As Where do you him? Oh, my Melaka is a man whom it's either through Nica or through milky. Yeah. All right. So when a man is having dinner with a woman whom he neither has Nikka nor is there the bond of milky, yeah. Then what is that? Xena. All right. And for the men, this is regardless of whether the woman has consented to it or not. Meaning if she's willing. That's her responsibility. If she's not willing, then the man is
still Danny. You understand meaning Zanni includes the *. Here Zanni includes the *. So a Zania two was Zanni, the woman who has committed Zina and the man who has committed Zina, before we continue, do you notice something interesting here? Who's mentioned first?
The female
generally what happens? Who's mentioned first, generally, the man is mentioned first. Why is the woman mentioned first over here
as Zania to was Ernie.
Because you see Zina. It cannot happen unless a woman agrees to it. We're not talking about *. Okay, that's a different story, inshallah we'll get there, all right. But Zina cannot happen unless a woman agrees. She agrees, she invites or if she doesn't invite she accepts it cannot happen without her consent. So as Zania towards Zanni both of them Allah says fudgey do there is a punishment and what is that punishment federally do then lash
This is from the root letters Jeem Lambdin drilled what is drilled skin and gelada gelled is verbal drilled, it is to strike the skin to strike the skin with something that is made from skin.
What is made from skin a whip that is made from leather because leather comes from what animal skin right. So, in other words, this punishment of lashing cannot be done with a stick. It cannot be done with a rod. Right? It can only be done with what a whip that is made from skin leather, and its effect should only be on what on the skin. You understand, meaning the act of lashing should not affect the bone. should not break the bones should not cause the shoulders to dislocate. It should not cause the skin to rip. So fudgy Lee do Whip Lash Kula hidden each one meaning the woman and the man men whom out of them to how many lashes meet at Agenda 100 lashes. The punishment is how much
100 lashes have you ever been slapped?
Have you ever been slapped? Maybe on the back or kicked or punched or something? Imagine 100 lashes. This doesn't mean all in one goal. The total has to be 100 it could be in one day it could be spread out over a period of time, depending on how much a person is able to take depending on their strength.
So finally do Kula hidden min humor me at Agenda
while at the hood calm and it should not cease you. It should not take you be Hema for them to meaning for these two who are guilty when the punishment is being carried out on them, it should not cease you what should not cease you forgotten any compassion, don't have pity for the people who are being given this legal punishment.
Because what happens is that when you see someone being hurt, physically being beaten than what happens, you feel bad for them. Right? It's difficult to even see. This does not mean that you don't feel any compassion for them. What is prohibited is that this compassion should not cease you. It should not take hold of you, it should not take control of you so much so that you say Oh, leave the guilty ones. Don't punish them. Let them go. This compassion should not make you leave the punishment. But is it okay to feel sorry for them? Yes While at the hood convenient. Fatone feed in in Lehi with respect to the religion of Allah. Meaning this is the religion this is part of the deen
of Allah. What is part of the deen of Allah this had this legal punishment.
So don't let compassion prevent you from carrying out something that is part of the deen of Allah, in contempt of me. Noona Billahi if you truly believe in Allah, while yo mill Achill and the Last Day, if you truly have Iman, then do not let your compassion prevent you from carrying out this legal punishment. While Yeshe had and let him bear witness let him testify well yesh had lamb over here is of armor should this should happen. What should happen? Yesh had he should be present. shahada is what to witness something, how do you witness something when you see it happen? So he should be present watching this happen? Who are that the whom and the punishment of these two people
who should be present watching it? Bla if a tone a group middle movement in from among the believers, a group of the believers should be there to watch this punishment be carried out? What does it mean? Meaning this punishment should be in public? It should be witnessed by some people. Why? So they may take a lesson? Because if they don't take a lesson, then how will the crime be prevented? Then what will happen this crime will continue.
Now this idea, what does it teach us? What does it state it gives us the punishment for Zina. And the punishment for Zina that is given over here is for who specifically the man and the woman who are unmarried.
You understand who are unmarried, meaning their singles. They don't have Nikka with anybody. So if a woman is like this, she's unmarried, she's single, she commit Zina, then this is the punishment 100 lashes. If a man is single, he's not married, and he commit Zina. Then what is the punishment? 100 lashes. But what if the man was married?
He's married to a woman. And despite being married, he's committing Zina with another woman. Or what if a woman is married and despite being married, she has dinner with another man? What's the punishment for that it is much more severe. And that is a punishment that we learned from the Sunnah. And that is allegedly, what is a Rajim stoning to death.
So the punishment over here is for unmarried, adulterers. For the one who is married, the punishment is origin. And there's a third category, which is the one who rapes another. All right, meaning the one who forces another to have sexual * with them. What is the punishment for *? What is *? * is ill hisab is from lesson and the lesson is to take what is somebody else's by force
to take what is somebody else's how by force? Why is * called ill disarm because a woman's honor her choice is being taken away from her this act is being forced on her.
And what's the punishment for this Imam Malik. He said in our view, the man who rapes a woman, whether she is single meaning a virgin or not, if she's a free woman, right, in addition to the punishment, he also has to pay her meaning he also has to pay off
If he has to give her something monetary, and what is that, that is like a Maha that a woman would be given. So for example, traditionally, if in her family, a woman is given $20,000 as Maha,
then in addition to the punishment that the * will suffer, he also has to pay her $20,000, for example, you understand? And if the woman who was raped was a slave woman, then he has to pay her something as well. And what is that my Malik said? It has to be something that is equal to what has been reduced from her value because of being raped.
Why this punishment, in addition to the flogging also this why because this man who has raped a woman, what has he done? He has, what has he done? He has violated Allah's help, right by disobeying his command. And he's also violated the woman's help. So you see the punishment for him is double.
Now, if the * happens at gunpoint or with a threat,
you understand with a threat, or with some physical attack, like the woman is physically attacked, she's injured, then this is not treated as Zina This is treated as the crime of Mohammed, who is Mohammed, someone who is waging war.
And this is something the punishment for which we learned in South America is 33. That the recompense for those who wage war against the line His messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed.
What's the punishment
that they should be killed,
or they should be crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off from the opposite sides or they be exiled from the land? So the judge basically has four choices depending on how severe the crime is, the punishment will be decided.
So, what do we learn in this ayah? What's the message? I mean, even the punishment that I've told you about the married Zani or the *, what do we learn from this? What is Zina?
What is it not? Is it a small thing? Is it insignificant before Allah subhanaw taala. This is a very serious matter,
a very serious matter. You know why? Because Allah subhanaw taala he is Aloha ye. He is aloof, meaning the one who has higher the one who has Lyra protective jealousy.
He doesn't like for His servants, that they lose their modesty. He doesn't tolerate that at all, that they lose their modesty. And without taking responsibility of a relationship. They engage in sexual relations with others.
Now, remember that the punishment for Zina will only be implemented, this is a very serious punishment, right? All these three punishments that I've told you are very serious punishments,
and they will only be implemented, they will only be carried out when the guilt is established.
Guilt is established because unfortunately, when we hear about the Hadith, we hear stories from Pakistan, alright, or from other Muslim countries, where a woman was raped, and then she was flogged or she was raped, and then she was stoned to death.
She's saying that she's innocent. However, the people who have abused her their lead go off, right? And the innocent person has been punished in the name of Islam. That is not Islam. What is Islam what we learn here in the book of Allah subhanaw taala.
The punishment can only be carried out when the guilt is established.
All right, and how will the guilt be established? Two ways. First, is that the person who's committed the sin committed the crime, they come and confess. Like for example, at one occasion, a man came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam marries he came and he said, Yeah, Rasulullah I've committed the sin, meaning Zina purify me cleanse me. And the prophets are a lot of Saddam turned away from him. Why? Because he didn't want to carry out the punishment. He just turned away from him. And this teaches us that if a person has committed a sin like this, and Allah has concealed it, then what should we do? What should we do? Do Toba and let the sin remain concealed? Don't go on
exposing it. In our deen confession is before who? Allah subhanaw taala or a judge. All right, a judge meaning someone who can carry out can carry out the punishment. All right. So anyway, that person kept coming to the profit or loss and I'm over and over again and he said purify me purify me. I
I don't want to go to Allah subhanaw taala and the step that I have committed the sin, because remember that a punishment what does it do? It means a person it purifies a person.
So, then eventually the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what did he do? He carried out the punishment.
Then the other way through which the guilt is established is how witnesses for witnesses and inshallah we will learn about that in the following. I add. The thing is that Zina is haram, it is something that is forbidden.
It is something that Allah subhanaw taala does not allow, it's a criminal offence, and at the same time, it's an action that is hated by Allah soprano. plarn
Allah says in the Quran wala Takuro Bozena in the whole Kana fisherton was a Sevilla. It's an indecency and it's an evil way.
The prophets on a lot of set them set that lay isn't Zanny Hain is NIWA who are McMann. The person who's committing Zina he does not remain a believer when he is committing Zina meaning Eman leaves a person when he's committing this action. He man leaves him
because the act of Zina what does it mean? There is no higher there is no shyness there is no modesty right? And modesty and Iman modesty and faith they always go hand in hand if one leaves than the other also leaves let's listen to the recitation of these verses bissman
so rotten
money towards money for Jamie do call
wala full
at in tune to mean owner Bill
me meaning