Mirza Yawar Baig – Ace the Test called Life #2

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of learning to love deeds, aligning desire to obey Allah, and spending time on people's desire is discussed in Islam. The root of evil is the desire to do what makes one happy and to have a positive mindset. Finding one's happiness is crucial to achieving their goals and avoiding wasting time in a situation where everyone is trying to achieve something. training one's nerves and following one's desires is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Villa de

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Masato Salama Allah should be able to see Muhammad Rasul. Allah it like he was happy with this even considering kathira from ababu My dear brothers and sisters,

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and hamdulillah last week,

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we spoke about the first part of the three part series of hota

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which is called How to ace the test of life, how to come first in the test of life.

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Largely Juma, I mentioned to you the three pieces of advice that

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say that a

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happy man awesome right now like Tada, give and advise us to do three things. The first one was learn to love good deeds, because they go with you. And the second one is learn to align our desire to obey Allah.

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And the third one is learn to love giving more than keeping or receiving ask Allah subhanaw taala della delallo to enable us to do that which is pleasing to Him and to save us from that which does not please Him. inshallah.

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So last Juma we spoke about, learn to love good deeds, because only they go with us.

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Our ancestors.

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The key thing to remember is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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sent us into this world to be winners. Allah did not send us to be losers, Allah did not send us to suffer, Allah did not send us to live lives as slaves of anybody else. Allah sent us to spread goodness all around us in every way, and to live in this world as winners. ask Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live like that in this world.

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And therefore did not send us into this world, to reject the world to deny its blessings or to refuse to deal with its affairs. This is a very big and little potentially lethal misconception that has plagued muslims for centuries. And this is the root cause of our fall from being opinion leaders and role models for the world, instead, becoming the most rejected and defeated of all people. If Allah subhanaw taala wanted us to reject the world, and not participate in life, he

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would not have sent us Islam as a way of life. At best, we would have received some instructions about prayer. And it would have been expected of us that we should pray, and then live this life in any way that pleased us until the time came for us to leave this earth. However, Allah subhanaw taala did not do that.

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He sent us an entire way of life with an instruction manual called al Quranic carry. And a teacher is messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa, he was he was one who taught us this book and demonstrated its instructions and left a complete record below

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to the level of excellence

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of field book as it were, in his Sunday.

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If we follow the way of Russell relies a lot on itself, if we follow his son, then we will be winners in this life and the next in Java.

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And history is witness to this as well as to what happens when we leave the sooner and invent our own ways or follow the ways of others.

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My brothers sisters

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today Therefore, I want to talk to you about the second of hakimullah some outlandish advice, pieces of advice, which is to learn to align our desire to obey Allah Subhana.

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Allah, Allah said, well, amen have a comma b one and nafsa. I need Halla for in nogen netta he'll

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I love that as it is open as yet but as for him, who fears standing before he's wrong and restrained himself

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From impure and evil deeds and lusts, Verily, Allah subhanaw taala the agenda will be is about

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Verily, the one

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who feared standing before his agenda as somebody who has yet been on

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and therefore, he restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts. One aha one 100 nafsa and he stopped himself Anil Howard he stopped himself even from the desire

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right even do that

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not Anil Allah but anyhow itself

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Verily, for in our agenda here

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we ask a llama NASA Luca Jen was not asked Allah subhanaw taala to give us Jenna to save us from the fire.

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Verily Jenna will be that person's about the basic fundamental concept of Islam is the belief in

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in the Day of Resurrection, in the day of judgment in being brought back to life after we have died and gone.

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And this is the this is the

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the whole basis of Islam the fundamental belief and this was a sticking point with a forage also.

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And others in Africa and elsewhere that I mentioned this in the in this in the Quran

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where Allah smart Allah said that these are the people

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workato I either burn it out of the house in nafi, calcein, jetty, Burnham, Beluga euro, cashew, Allah subhanaw taala said these are the people who asked this question, how is it that we can be resurrected after we have completely finished and dissolved become one with the earth? Right dissolved? We're finished, become one with the earth. How is it possible? Allah says they were asking this question meaning they are denying it's not a question. As in please explain to me, I would really like to know, there's no problem in Islam in asking questions, to understand something and then of course, there is a there is a boundary I mean, if we are not asked to we are not

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we are not encouraged or permitted to ask questions which really nobody can answer except Allah subhanaw taala, which are related to his that which are related to his, to his see far more than what he has explained to us. But definitely understand something, one can ask a question, but here, where is that God Oh, I either fill out this, this is the nature of the asking, which is almost like denying that this will happen. And Allah saying that they are denying the meeting with them.

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We ask Allah to choose from that to the sticking point with the forage. And the people of Makkah, who resisted the call of source of Salah for Islam was this issue of resurrection, because the reality is that for polytheistic people worshipping another god is never a problem, because I've already worshiping so many one more major difference, we have seen this in, in India, in the in many places, and specifically talking about regions in Andhra and so on and the position where we have seen

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Hindus who have converted to Christianity, in their houses, they have usually a shelf high up on the wall in bathrooms, where they have a series of either small idols or they have pictures of different Hindu gods. And when they become Christian, they don't remove any of those, they simply add a picture of Jesus and Mary. And when I say picture of Jesus and Mary obviously it is not a picture of you, Sally, Sarah, Sarah, but it is those pictures which are drawn purporting to be inside Instagram wherever they serve Jesus met, so they this put one up so the so he has six pictures or eight pictures or 10 pictures he has now 11 or he has seven or he has nine. So that is the it's very easy

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for polytheistic people to accept one more God, but the thought that we would be resurrected on the Day of Judgment, and that we will stand before Allah subhanaw taala without any protection, or any cover or any,

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any safety and we will have to answer questions about how we lived our life and answer those questions to before somebody who knows. So you cannot deny God's hand into it. Allah knows what

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this was very difficult for them to accept. And that is why even those who say

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supported, wrestlers are seldom for reasons of tribal affiliation and so on. For example, His one uncle Abu Talib is the best example of that supported resource of seldom because of tribal affiliations. They still didn't want, they didn't enter Islam, because they didn't want to accept the concept of resurrection and accounting. The sad thing is that even today, this is the biggest problem with most people who are willing to accept anything except that, and that, I'm sorry to say that also includes Muslims. Now, there are three kinds of Muslims in the world.

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One who follow their desires, and that is their biggest problem, this further desires, whatever they feel like doing. They do what they want to eat, they eat, what they want to drink, they drink, where they want to go to go, how they want to deal with people to deal with people. They don't care whether it is right or wrong sin, not sin, oppression, not oppression, they don't get anything, they just do it, they feel like doing it that way. That's one guy. Second kind is those who struggle as their desires in a struggle that will inshallah be a means of their deliverance from punishment. And the third is those who follow their desires. And that is their biggest asset. The first one is those

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who follow their desires, and that is their biggest problem. The second one is those who struggle against those desires, and they follow the

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hokum of Allah. The third one, like the first one, the father desires, but in their case, that is the biggest asset

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and we earn them, gentlemen, shall

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we look at the third one next week? Hmm. Now,

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those who follow their desires, and that is the biggest problem about them. Allah subhanaw taala said, and so the use of mama Marie FC in enough Salah Amara to be so Illa Rahim RP in Arabi for Rahim, Allah Sarah. Sarah said, and I mentioned this, and I do not free myself from blame. Verily, the human self and absolute Amara is inclined towards evil enough sir Lama to be so illamasqua hemara be except where Myra bestows His mercy upon the person very late in

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MRP in Arabi Kapoor Rahim

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verily and truly Myra is oft forgiving and most merciful. These people are those who are the people who simply follow their desires irrespective of whether that desire is in line with the outcome of panatela. And the sooner or not, they don't care such people are the slaves of their absolute Amana. The base desires, which they fulfill at the cost of their actions. They don't care that insisting on committing sin is the cause of a bad ending.

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Elise rar animasi sobre su aloha Dima, the insistence on

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committing and insistence on committing sins is the cause of a bad ending. These people and trans people are deaf to the warnings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And to all the words of guidance that they may come across, they are intoxicated, by the pleasure they derive from the sin and they refuse to face the fact that one day they will die and they will be called to account for a

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mere loss rather protect us from this state of PII

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about these people, and such people are much better said our item Anita De La Hoya alpha anta qu IE what keela and sort of Carlos Gonzalez said, Have you all Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam seen him seeing the person who has taken as his Illa he has taken as his God as his object of worship as His deity, his own desire, he's worshiping his own desire, instead of worshipping a motion Hamilton, would you then be over here on intercessor over him, meaning do not intercede for him? Do not be his worky Allah subhanaw taala called following our desires in opposition to his will law college should

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Allah protect us from that? Because we know what that means? On the day of judgment, except the one who Allah wants to forgive if somebody dies on schilke we know what will happen in the Masha.

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We think about it today, this concept of following desire is glorified is not only accepted, but it seems to be something which is asked

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parishioner in nature, because people say you should do whatever makes you happy. Do whatever pleases you do whatever your heart desires, as long as you're happy, that is all that matters. In reality, that is the root of all evil, to do whatever you wish, without regard to how it affects others, that is the root of all evil. There are some extremely toxic things that make people happy. I don't want to list it here in the Duma, and, and have to use language which is not in keeping with the,

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with the sanctity of the occasion. But you know exactly what I mean. There are some people who are very happy, doing some extremely toxic and, and horrible things. They don't lose sleep, they sleep well. But that does not mean that they are right, or that these things should be done.

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Anything that harms somebody else, is not permissible in Islam, it is haram. And that is the root of all goodness, that Islam prohibits us from doing anything, which is

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which is haram, which is which is harmful to anybody and irrespective Islam. And remember, this does not mean harmful for Muslims harmful for anybody, anybody,

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including people, including inhabitants of the earth, we're not human, including the earth itself. Islam prohibits us from doing anything, which is toxic in nature, whether it is materially toxic, whether it is mentally toxic, whether it is spiritually toxic, we are not prepared properly, we are not permitted to do anything like that. And if we do that, then we are called upon before law, and if another isn't for us, and you can purchase

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the second kind of people, those who struggle against their desires in a struggle that will inshallah be a means of their deliverance from punishment about them, I must say, why not Cosimo enough Silla WA, and Allah Toka, an oath by the resin I swear by the self reproaching person, a person who criticizes himself lawan here means to reproach yourself to feel guilty about having committed a sin

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to blame yourself for it, not not others. That is what the nerves does, that is what the nostril novermber does not so, Amara, invites you and lead you to sit in love. So Nova, you may sin sometimes, but not so Nova immediately catches hold of you and say, What did you do that? Why did you do that? Why to speak in this way? Why did you say those things? Why did you Why did you eat this or drink this or go to such and such a place? You knew it was wrong, still you are doing that? Why? So when a person commits a sin, the person reproaches himself, he feels bad, he feels guilty. And overtime these guilt come increases so much that the person leaves those sins, because they feel

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so guilty about them. The sign of having such NASA NOAA is that when we commit a sin, we immediately feel remorse and regret and we feel guilt and we feel shame and we are embarrassed. And we do moolah much of ourselves.

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We say oh, wow, wow, why did I do that reward to me? Why did I do something like this? We wish we could take it back. We wish we had never done it. And we intend that, at least at that moment, never to do that. Again. They're fighting a battle with ourselves with our desires. And this is good hamdulillah because it drives us to seek forgiveness and to intend to change ourselves.

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These are the people whose life is a struggle. I guess we all hear one way or the other. ask Allah subhanaw taala for ease. And that is why the only problem with this is that even when we obey it is not a pleasure. The struggle is to obey. And the struggle to obey is because our neffs actually what's the opposite of what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us. So even when we go against it, because we know that what our knifes wants is haram. There is a sort of wistfulness as an aftertaste, as is to say, I wish I didn't have to do that. I wish I would do whatever I wanted to do. I stopped myself but I wish I didn't have to stop myself. Right. Having said that, to be in this

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state is much better than the first situation which is simply to follow our desires and thereby commit ship. And therefore we must persevere in the struggle knowing that there is reward in procedures as well as in success. And that and that there is a Stefan and Toba and Hector has kept his door open for us if we fail and a lot of antenna said about such people and about us inshallah. Correa de NASA.

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Wanna see him law tougher nut to crack Mattila in a la jolla flew by Jamia inna who work for him, and I said, Oh my god, all my slaves who have transgressed against themselves by committing evil deeds and since do not despair on the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala Verily Allah Subhana Allah forgives all sins, and truly he geladeira lu is oft forgiving and most merciful, my brothers and sisters, and let us reflect on the mercy of our rub. Jelena who calls even those who disobey Him, and transgress his boundaries, my sleeves, yeah, a baddie, he doesn't discard them, or consigned them to the garbage heap, he encourages them, and comfort them, and promises to forgive those who

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wish to be forgiven, the condition is, we should wish to be forgiven, and we should seek forgiveness. So let us not hesitate in that. Let us not delay that.

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Do it immediately.

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The third kind of people, and this is where we are aiming at those who follow their desires. And that is their biggest asset, and it will earn them Gemini Chan. First one, those who follow their desires, that is their biggest problem. Second one, those who struggle against their desires and follow the orders of Allah, third people, those who follow their desires, but that's the biggest asset. I might say, Well, you know, we the first people who said, I said, Follow desires and subproblem. Within third kind of people I'm saying follow desires. And that's an acid. How's it possible? Aren't these two things contradictory? as to why they're not contradicting? I want you to

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think about this. We are always told never to follow our desires. I am saying to the opposite. I'm saying please follow your desires. Because then you're freed from struggle, no stress, no tears, no regret, no fear, just peace and harmony and alive form of unrestrained pleasure, which you can indulge in to your heart's content and be rewarded for it. Sounds good right. To be true, perhaps no, this is true. Without a doubt, the question is, which desires what kind of desires and Allah subhanaw taala said about this? Yeah, I used to have so much in ujiri ella biki Ravi uttam, the founder of holy fear daddy was a fully Jannati we asked enough for this to be the last thing that we

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hear. The last thing that we say as a Bashara for us when we meet him inshallah, it will be sent to the people to the pious people, or you the one incomplete rest and satisfaction. Yeah, I get to have enough soul motiva in the knifes the self which is inner neph sumantra in return to Europe eg Lara Vicki, Robin Ravi Maria well pleased with you and well pleasing to Allah. Well please within yourself and well pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and you further fully fee Bobby was fully jannetty enter you then among my honored slaves and enter you My job

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is to

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chef commodity raha

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ALLAH hafiz Allah, He gives a very beautiful

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excellent explanation for this. He says Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the mood my enough's and mood mine here means two things. Number one is that they are motivation. They are content with the home of Mr. gela they don't want anything else. What do you want to do? I want to do what you want me to do? If Allah has this question, what do you want Yella I want what you want raw milk Allah, Allah Subhana. So, the person is is nothing else makes them happy, they are happy, only obey the order of emotion. So, this person is doing what makes them happy, but this person has molded and trained their maps in such a way that the only thing that makes them happy that gives them solace

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The only thing that is that it is that them knifes is marked by an arm that is that it is content with is what unless pleased with. So the person's heart's content but lies in that which allows a panel that is happy and pleased. The second meaning of bitwine is that his naps has reached a stage of serenity.

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The serene, contented tranquility at peace knifes nostril Medina, obviously here is means that it has Amman it has to be non from doing sin protection from doing sin salamati

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Salam from being said, and also among needs to be non from desiring. So, not only does he not do it, he doesn't even want to do it. It has no unlawful desires, it has desires, and it fulfills those desires, and it only desires good things. The sign of this exactly what we just mentioned, that this person, not only do they not do sin, but also they no longer desire, see, that faculty that part of the humanity desires only that which Allah views as worthy for someone to desire, and they have stopped desiring those things, which are also called as undesirable. The key is to train the nerves to work to want what Allah wants, then there is no struggle, and we enjoy what animals Just think

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about it. What's so difficult about a sim ask yourself, what is Allah one, Allah wants us to eat healthy. Allah wants us to live a clean life. Allah wants us not to have any not to do any substance abuse, no intoxicant, no gambling, no wasting time, no lying, no cheating, no harming anyone, no adultery, be honorable, be faithful, be beneficial, Be kind, be generous, be compassionate. In other words, develop all those qualities, which will get you the love and affection of people, and thereby the ability to influence them, and do that continuously thinking about the glory and majesty of almost panatela and remembering the glory and majesty of Allah. And thanking Allah subhanaw taala

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for whatever is given us, including this orientation. Now what's so bad about that?

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What is difficult about that?

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And what is so good about the opposite of that?

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What is so good about lying and cheating and harming people and, and getting intoxicated and you know, finding yourself waking up one morning in a gutter, lying, drunk, having fallen there in your own vomit. I mean, that sounds good to

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me, if you don't do all of this, at the end of all this and the end of living a life where you will be the most beloved, the most respected, the most influential, the most honored person in your society, you also get a

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winner here and there in shock. When people talk about killing the nerves or freeing the natural desire, they're speaking without knowledge. It's like wanting to have an ocean without water, or to live without breathing, by definition is impossible. Desire is what the knifes is all about. Just like water is what the ocean is horrible, or breathing is what being alive is horrible. You cannot have one without the other. The absolute mind also has desire, but that desire is to do what Allah wants. So it is at peace. And that is why our souls are SLM called Sarah Cora do it. He called the Salah, the coolness of my eyes. This is the state of readable hada which is the highest state of

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human it is in this state that also was a southern used to say Alhamdulillah Allah fully had all praise and thanks to Allah subhana wa Tada. In every condition. A person in this state naturally develops a positive mindset

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where he or she trains themselves to look at the positive side of every situation. That is how the person can be thankful in every situation. This mindset enhances the enjoyment of all blessings and cancels out and nullifies the pain of any test or trial. The person can behave with equanimity and grace and not become a victim of circumstance. The answer therefore, is not to try to become free of desire, but to have the right desires. That is the meaning of law of aligning our desire to what Allah desires from us. We ask Allah subhanaw taala for his guidance and support, and we ask Allah for forgiveness from all our sins, Romans 11 and

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I'm sorry, Robert, I'm gonna walk up here and I see it that whatever fun Amala bruh number not enough edenia Hassan

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masala mahalo Hannah Vickery while he was in May, will be masala Kumar, who barakato

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