Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 174B Tafsir Al-Muminun 91-98
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I am number 91 Muttahida Allahu mi Wellard man not ittehad Allahu Allah has taken me wallet in any child. Allah has no child, neither a son nor a daughter. No Allah has no children. Why? Because no one resembled him. Warmer and not Kana. He is Mara who with him in Isla hin, any ILA, there has never been with ALLAH, any God any duty, why? Because he is one, and he has always been one, none is equal to Him. And if there had been a god with him at any point in time, then what would happen? He then then leather Harbor, surely he would have gone Kulu Isla hin, every god be man with that which halacha he created. Meaning if there were multiple gods, then what would they do? Each would have
taken what that which he had created, each would have taken authority over what he had made.
One or Allah. And shortly, Allah, He would have sought to overcome Allah is from renew, and aloo is to be high, meaning each would have tried to gain superiority Barbu him some of them are about over others, meaning there would certainly have been rivalry, competition. Subhan Allah He Glorified is Allah, perfect is Allah, I'm Ma above that which you'll see foon they describe, meaning they describe about Allah, that he has partners or that he has children? What do we see in this ayah? Two things are being negated. First of all, that Allah has a child and secondly, that he has a partner.
Allah has no child, and he has no partner. Because having a child, what does that mean? Having someone who is similar to you? Right? Because a child certainly possesses some of the qualities of their parent. Right? Whether they're physical or otherwise, they do possess the qualities of their parents. So if God was to have a child, and what would that mean, there's someone who resembles him. Right? And that would mean that God is not unique. Having a child means beginning of procreation, right? The extension of the family, there was one person now he has a child, and now the family will grow and grow. So if God were to have a child, and what would that mean, he would have multiple
partners, he would lose his uniqueness, his supreme authority, that supreme authority would be divided. Does that perfect God? No way. And if God were to have a child, and that child would also be a god.
Now, child, God, that itself does not make sense. That itself does not make sense because being a child means being lesser. Right? There's someone who's greater than you. How can that be fit God, it doesn't fit him. He is one, the supreme authority, Muhammad Allah hoomin wallet, he does not have a child, he does not need a child. It does not befit him to have a child. And one that can Amara Humann Illa. And there are no other gods with him. Not even one more God with him, he is only one God. Because if there were multiple gods than what would happen, there would be no harmony, there would be no peace in this universe, there would be total chaos, this universe would have been
destroyed, it would have been devastated. Because if you think about it, the sky and the earth, isn't there a deep connection between them. Just think about it the earth it will only grow something when water falls on it. When there's sunshine, right? Waterfalls, sun shines, and as a result, the Earth produces water cycle, right? It's a cycle. There is a system and many systems that Allah subhanaw taala has created, which means that everything is working with the other in harmony. Why? Because there's one being that controls all of this one being the controls all of this. We think about it. Our food also, isn't that deeply connected with bees. Have you seen the Bee Movie?
Right? What happened when people stopped taking honey? What happened? Bees didn't need to make honey that what happened? No need to collect pollen, right. And that meant no flowers, no pollination, no flowers, no fruits. Right. I mean, it's just a movie. But what does that teach us? That we have a deep connection with bees even
and don't wait. Our survival depends on what, on bees, they do their job and we get our food, which means that the controller of bees, the maker of these is also our maker and our controller. All right, the one who rules over the sun, and the moon, and the earth, and our bodies and everything else is who one being.
Right? And this is an evidence that there is only one God there is only one rubble. Allah mean, what's Allah mean? Worlds there multiple Island, right? The world of the bees in the world of the ants and the world of people in the world of birds, the world of the fish in the world of the whales, and the world of the sharks, and each is connected interwoven with the other,
isn't it? I mean, if you study ecosystems, and if you study, just any kind of wildlife or any aspect of this creation, what do you see, each is connected with the other,
each is deeply interconnected with the other. And that means there is only one herbal aalameen There is only one God, because if there were multiple gods, then there would have been rivalry, competition, each would have separated himself from the rest. And that happens, right? I mean, think about it. If there's one Earth, and this earth is ruled by multiple people, what happens then one Empire fights with the other. Correct. They managed to get more land, and then there's backlash. And then there's more wars and more battles, what so many lives are lost.
Right? So many businesses are destroyed. So many books and libraries are ruined. Universities, places of education, they are destroyed aren't
how much humanity has suffered because of wars that have happened between people. Imagine if there were multiple gods, and there were wars that occurred between Gods what would be the state of this universe? What would be the state of this universe it would be chaos, it would be destroyed.
So over here in this ayah, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us a very logical proof of though hate a very logical evidence of the Oneness of Allah. He does not have a child and he does not have a partner. He is one unique ahead lash recolor lumea color who Kufa one ahead, There is none who is equal to Him. Ali Mila Eb, he is the Knower of the unseen was shahada and the witnessed what is live that which is hidden from the eyes. And what is Shahada? That which is visible? Allah knows that which is hidden and that which is exposed because he alone is God. He alone possesses this quality, Fatah Allah, so He is exalted. Amma above what you Shikun they associate with him. He is one unique,
far above what they associate with him, called se or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say Rob be oh my lord ima if turian knee you should show me to the end knee from the letters ra Hamza Raja Rai what does that mean to see. So Turia you make to see who knee me. You make me see, in other words, if you show me my that which you are doing, they are promised? Who is the the people of the Prophet salallahu Salam, and Where was he when this ayah was revealed in Makkah. So the Moshe keen, because of their continuous denial, what was imminent? What was necessary no punishment? And the stories that are mentioned in the Surah what do they prove? That after a while, if the people do not believe
if they don't change if they don't surrender, then what happens the door the gates of punishment are opened up on them.
So the prophets Allah Islam is told to say that my Lord if you show me what they have been promised, what is it that they have been promised? Punishment? Meaning if the punishment is to come in my life, if it is to come in my presence, Rob rugby Oh my lord filata journey, then you do not make me feel Comilla the mean in the wrong doing people? Meaning Ya Allah, take me out of them before your punishment befalls them.
Allah says we're in there and indeed we Allah upon under nudie Erica we show you manner at home that which we promised them luck on the loan, surely ones who are capable, meaning we have full a
ability to send this punishment in your lifetime. Don't think that it is far it can come in your lifetime.
What do we see over here? The Prophet sallallahu wasallam is being instructed to seek protection from the punishment if it would come upon his people during his lifetime.
This is a severe warning for his people, that this punishment is not far.
And this was also a cause of great concern for the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and encouragement for him to strive harder, to work harder, to not give up and to keep striving. Because if they don't change, if they don't believe, then this punishment is real. It is not too far. And this is why we see that the prophets Allah Allah said him, he never gave up doing Dawa. I
mean, if we were in that position, perhaps we would have given up because we tell somebody something once and if we don't get a positive response, we seal our mouths forever. We don't dare speak again. We don't dare try again.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam would go to the streets of the marketplaces, and he would go to the places where the Herjavec had Kenton Mina, and he would go on calling people. Yeah you Hannah's guru La Ilaha. Il Allah to flee who all people say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, you will succeed. And you know, a crowd would gather around him. A crowd would gather around him, people would follow him. What is this guy saying? That's so weird. That is so strange. And Abu Lahab especially, would go around following the Prophet sallallahu Sallam humiliating him, saying to the people, or people don't listen to him, ignore him, he has gone against the religion of our forefathers, he has
abandoned our idols, and he has insulted us and humiliated us and don't listen to put yourself in that position. Would you try again?
Would you try again? That you said something and somebody came and just washed away everything you did, we wouldn't even try again. But the prophets of Allah said of knowing that the punishment is real, it could come any time. What happened? He was determined to keep trying, he did not give up.
He did not give up. And at the same time, this is a warning for us also.
Because if you think about a chick, what is it? Is it just an action?
Is it just a way of life? What is it it's a crime? A crime that angers Allah.
It's an action that Allah detests. He hates he dislikes so serious as this, that because of it, the skies would rent asunder, and the mountains would collapse. Isn't that what we learned in salt, Maria,
that when people associate a partner with Allah, they say that he has a child and this is so serious that mountains would collapse, the sky would rip apart, this earth would be finished. So serious is this crime. So then how can we feel secure in a place where ship is being committed?
How can we feel safe in a place where Allah
is not being given his Huck, where things were actions that Allah dislikes are being committed openly?
If Allah's wrath descends there,
and that is justified? If it does, it's justified.
Then what are we doing there?
What if we get caught in it?
What if we are there when the punishment of Allah descends? The Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Muslims are being taught basically that never feel safe and secure in a place where wrong is being done.
Where Allah's laws are being violated, where partners are being associated with Allah, how then can we relax in a place where right across from our seat someone has a cup has a glass of alcohol?
Or how can we have fun in a place that is blasting with music?
Where Haram is being done openly? How can we feel secure? How can we feel safe?
What if Allah's punishment descends there?
What if it comes right there at that time?
The prophets of Allah Islam is taught call make this dua and we should also make this door we should also make this throw that rugby Imam today Turion NEMA you are doing rugby filata journey Phil como barley me because you see where something wrong is being done. We shouldn't be there. We should
not be there. Just think about it this way. If you are in an examination hall, and I'm talking about university, not
if you were at university and you're writing your exam, and the person sitting next to you is cheating openly, openly cheating. Would you look at them and talk to them? Why would you pretend as if they don't exist at all? What would you do? You will pretend as if they don't exist.
If you are sitting somewhere and people start talking about strange things, and like really serious things like terrorism and bombing places and things like that, what do you do? Get away from here? Runaway?
Right? I don't know these people delete contact, right? Unfriend, they're not my friend anymore. Hi. Don't know them. They don't know me. Why? Because in case they get caught, I don't want to be associated with them.
Don't these things happen in our lives? They do, right? If ever we come across someone who's even a little bit fishy, keep away.
We keep away our parents tell us don't go to that place. I don't want to see you with that person. I don't want to see you near this individual. Keep away.
Because if they get caught,
you don't want to be in trouble.
So the prophets of Allah Islam has told that if the punishment of Allah descends on these people, you don't want to be among them. So ask Allah to protect you. Or be filata journey fill como Valley mean? And this gave the Prophets all of a sudden motivation to keep striving keep trying it afar repel, Bill nutty with that which here our son, it is best a say that the evil, meaning when the evil is done to you, then repel that in the most beautiful way. Don't repel it with violence, rather with patience with calmness.
Because you see when you see wrong being done, just imagine if you see an idol and you know, shit goes wrong and you hate it. Do you get angry in your heart?
And what do we think, Oh, go break the idols and go, you know, tell everybody and be violent here and show your homies, your loyalty to Islam. The prophets of Allah Azza and Makoa was he told you're not allowed to be violent at all. Even if somebody comes and hits you, you're not going to hit back? You're not going to do that. You have to Repel evil with good night. No, we are llamo no best be mostly phone with that which they describe
their wrong. Meaning their shake, it angers you.
It angers you. But Allah is more worthy of being angry because partners are being associated with him. If he is tolerant, you should also show some tolerance. If he gives time to people, you should also give time to people and correct them gently, not violently, gently.
Because it's amazing. If you look at the seal of the prophets on the last time in Makkah, 13 years, the Muslims are being persecuted, tortured, abused, and what are they told? Patient patient patient? You wonder why?
Because people need time. If our ability here arson, this is why in total Arafa 199, the prophets of Allah is and was told who the laugh were. Hold on to pardon. Grab it, don't let go of it ever always pardon. And this is why when Abu gehele and people like him would come in, you know abuse the prophets of Allah and physically and attack him verbally. And one occasion Abuja * to Caracas and he threw it at the prophets, Allah Allah was injured his head. And what was the reaction of the Prophet salallahu Salam, calm,
calm, no retaliation, because who the laugh were Repel evil with good and realize if you're getting angry, Allah knows what they're doing. He has more right to be angry, but if he gives time and he is patient, and he is tolerant towards these people, then we should be even more tolerant. This is a reason why when the prophets of Allah is Allah, when he went to UCLA if and such a huge tragedy happened over there that people chased him out pelting him with stones and the prophets Allah Allah Azza was offered by the angel of the mountains if you want I will bring these two mountains together. What did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam choose? He chose to forgive
he chose to forgive and this is not easy.
A the fire ability here arson, but at that time Shelton makes us angry. Right so we'll call say rugby or although because Oh my Lord, I seek Your protection men hammers attache out clean from the incitements of the Sharpie.
Hammer that is a portion of hems what is hams love? Poke.
Poke the person sitting next to you
Now imagine if that talk was really, really harsh. Would that cause you to move? And give a look to the person sitting next to you? Will that make you angry? Yes. So this is what comes is, you know, a thought or something that comes from shaitana books you triggers you so that you get angry. You get angry, you get emotional, you get upset. Hums also means also to press to squeeze something so that all the juice comes out. So just imagine chiffon comes in, he presses us and squeezes us, so that some negative reaction can come out.
So say, Oh, my Lord, I seek protection with you from the hamazon out of Shell clean, what are all the will be cut and I seek Your protection or be oh my lord, I Bahrani last, they should be even near me. You're going on from Helldorado to be present. Because the worst companion is who? The devil. You see, when we're hurt. When somebody hurts us, when somebody says something to us, we are weak, emotionally, we are weak. And shaitan takes advantage of that time, he pokes us in order to get some negative reaction from us, so that the situation becomes worse. But you see if somebody has said something nasty to you, if they've said something rude to you, if they've said something really
hurtful to you, you will only respond if you decide to respond if you choose to respond. Shaitan why wants that we choose to respond, we choose to show more anger. This is why he pokes us.
You know, because when somebody says something to us, we interpret that right? We interpret that. So for example, we're sitting in somebody says, How come you're still sitting?
And we say, we think why does she have a problem with me sitting?
Who is she to ask me?
Right? I have been working all day. And finally when I sit, look at them, look at her. She has a problem with you every time you know what, and then you give such a nasty response. Why do you have to pay a bill or something I'm sitting, right and we say like something more rude. And then what happens? It leads to an argument. They said something mean, it wasn't even mean in the first place. It just asked a question we interpreted negatively. And this is why a conversation turned into an argument. Why did we interpret that negatively? Because shaitan booked us he booked us with a negative thought he pushed us to think negatively. So something that was so calm turned into a huge
And you see the profits on the laws and the way he reacted when people hurt him. It totally calm the situation down.
You know, every time I think about this Abu Lahab following him. If you're me, we're in that position. What would we do turn back and give Ebola a punch? Right like get out of my face? What's wrong with you? What's your problem? Mind your own business? Leave me alone. I've had enough of you following me around stop haunting me. Stop stalking me and so on and so forth. Right? But do we ever learn the pivotal Watson did anything like that? He ignored Abu Lahab and kept doing what he was supposed to do
rugby or Oh, they'll be coming hamazon the shayateen were all they'll be corrupt be blown because shaytaan is after us. He wants us to be upset. He wants us to be angry. He wants us to ruin our relationships. He wants us to destroy our deeds.
So scheltens was was as they keep coming. Making us upset, say Rob be will be coming hamazon the shayateen were all they'll be gonna be a moron. Everybody said
so anytime somebody says something that bothers you, that annoys you say this. Anytime you feel like reacting negatively I say this because it's only shaitan who wants you to choose the bad option.
Because we choose our reaction, we choose our words, we decide how we want to react, how we want to behave, we have the choice, nobody can force that on us. And we want to choose that which is axon not say here
and for that seek Allah's protection against the shape on we will listen to the recitation
along with one of you can
either lead another
follow up
used to
on be fella tell me if you call me Wally me
Do you hone in Leti? No say no
becoming NASA t shirt shower clean. What Oh they'll be gone
home with a quick review of these if and then we'll continue the lesson. Allah has not taken any sun nor has there ever been with him any god. If that was the case, then each day it would have taken what it created and some of them would have sought to overcome others, exalted as Allah above what they described, he is nor of the unseen and the witnessed, so high is He above what they associate with him. So in these two verses, we learn about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah has no partner it is illogical, it is not true. It is not possible that Allah would have any partner and those who associate partners with Allah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was sent to warn them. But
what happened? Despite the fact that he warned them he proved to them that schicke is illogical, they were firm upon their false ways. So the prophets of Allah Edison was told call Rob be immaterium Nema you are doing say that oh, my Lord, if You should show me that which they are promised meaning if the punishment for their ship is to come upon them during my lifetime, while I am among them, then rugby filata journey will Konya learning mean that my Lord do not place me among the wrongdoing people meeting take me out, take me away from them before your punishment falls upon them. And Allah says what inna Allah Nadia Comaneci Doom la casa de Roon indeed, we are able to show
you what we have promised them. So in this is a clear threat, a clear warning of Allah's punishment on who those who associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala, those who commit the crime of Sheikh and at the same time, there is a warning for those who believe that it's quite possible, it is possible that this punishment comes while you are among them. And the prophets of the Lord Islam is being taught here, that if the punishment may come in your lifetime, then pray that you are away from such people, you are not among them. Because remember that when there is a group of people, right when there is a group of people who are doing something wrong, and all of them are deserving
of punishment, that even if there is a few among them, who are not involved in that crime, but they're silently approving of it, then they are also responsible. You understand. So when we see wrong being done, what is our responsibility that we stop it, we stop it. And if we're not able to stop it, then at least we should dusted, disagree with it in our heart. And we should also ask Allah to protect us against that crime, to protect us from the consequences that those people will suffer from because of the crime that they're committing. And in this is a reminder for us that if we are ever in a place, in a situation where wrong is being done, then what is our responsibility, either
stop it, or get out of their eye or stop it or get out of there.
Stop it how verbally by hand. And if that is not within your capacity, then at least disagree with it, in your heart. disagree with it in your heart, because you see if there is a place, all right, where there are some poisonous gas, all right, that is leaking from somewhere. If you stay in that place, is it going to affect you?
Is it going to affect you? It will, right? So what do you have to do for your safety? Either put a mask on, right? And if you don't have that, then get out of that area? Correct? Because if you stay there, you're going to be affected. So likewise, since
are like a poisonous gas.
If we expose ourselves to them, what is going to happen? It is going to affect us. It's going to affect our faith. It's going to affect our iman, it's going to affect our words, our thinking. So we need to have a shield, we need to have some protective guard. And if we feel that our protective guard is not that strong, we are weak, then what do we have to do? Get out of that situation? Right? What is your protective guard, you'll never hear another phone call. And if that is not within your capacity, then at least knowing in your heart that this is wrong, and trying actively actively trying to stop it to spread awareness about it. Right? Because if that is not done, then we are also
going to suffer the same consequences. So the prophets on a lot of cinemas stole that were Inala, a new documentary The one Doom la casa de Roon. A different ability here at San Jose year, National Art alum will be mostly phone rebel by means of what is best? What should you repel? Evil? Meaning the evil that you witness? How should you repel it? How should you stop it? How should you prevent it? With evil? With violence? How? How? What's the word that we learn over here? A son? What is our son best? Better? They do evil to you? You don't do more evil in return? What do you do in return? Better? Son best?
You see, it's very easy to get angry and upset over the wrong that we see. All right, and many times is anger. What does it translate into violence? But this is not the prophetic way.
This was not the way of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Remember that when Muslims are living as a minority somewhere and they see wrong being done. It is their duty to stop that wrong. If they cannot stop it. They don't have that freedom. They don't have that capacity, then they have to disagree with it in their hearts. Look at the example of the Muslims who lived in Abyssinia. Right? There was shipped over there people were Christian. But do we see that the Muslims are migrated to Habesha they became violent? No. Even the Muslims in Makkah, were they allowed to be violent, not at all. They were not allowed to be violent. How is it that they resisted the Moncada the say with your
son? And what is your son that you bring your son in your worship? You strengthen your faith? You study your deen you gather together you strengthen your unity because remember the Muslims in Makkah, where would they gather in that'll come? Right? In that will come where the few Muslims who were in Mecca they would gather together, learn the Quran, practice their faith, personal Allah together, and they will do all of this in private. Why? Because they could not practice their faith publicly if they did, that will bring problems to them. So how was it that they strengthened each other? They strengthened themselves through their unity, through practicing their faith. And anytime
there was a confrontation with the enemy, someone came and they harassed them. What was the reaction of the Muslims? They were not allowed to be violent? What were they told, if our ability, he asked to say Yeah, and if they're wrong, angers you, then Allah says, no, no, our alarm will be my Asli phone, we know better of what they're doing. Allah knows better of the wrong that people are doing. He has more right to be angry, he has more right to punish them. But if he has given them time, then who are we to take that time away from them? If Allah has given them the freedom, then who are we to take that away from them? That does not mean what they're doing is right. That means if Allah has
given respite to people, we should not hasten punishment for them. We should not take matters in our hands. The prophetic way is in our ability here at San Jose here. You see, there are two ways of dealing with something that you disagree with. One is that you become angry and violent. Right? And the other is that you handle things with calmness, right? And with gentleness.
How was the way of the Prophet Tala lawless and what did he do? Was he violent and angry? Or was he calm and gentle, and patient and tolerant? What was his way? The second way right? And then had these we learned that Allah gives because of gentleness, that which he does not give because of harshness, meaning the results that you get because of gentleness. You can never attain those results through harshness and violence. Just think about it. If there is a child he's showing a lot of bad
behavior. All right, generally what happens a mother is praying and the children are having the best time in their lives, you know, making noise, pulling the candies out of the cupboard, and you know, making a mess, right? They know that mom cannot do anything that happened with me yesterday. All right, I'm praying. And I can hear the kids, you know, dragging the chairs up to the, you know, kitchen cupboard and opening the cupboard. Okay, you take this, and I'll have this and where the scissors and you know, one pack of Rice Krispies squares, and another one, and I'm like, who's your who's your who's your right? And now what happened? I finished my prayer. And I felt like, you know,
giving it to them, right? But I'm like, come here. Both of you. Come here, sit down. And then I spoke to them gently, right? I was so angry, I can't even explain to you. But I spoke to them gently. How you can understand exactly. But believe me, when I spoke to them, gently, they actually listened. They actually listened. And they apologized. I mean, my son said, I'm sorry, Mama. And that comes very rarely, right? Especially for a five year old kid to realize their mistake and apologize, because generally, you have to remind them right? This time, I didn't have to remind him. I just explained to him the situation. And he realized his mistake, he apologized and I understood
that Allah gives because of gentleness, what he does not give because of harshness, the results that you get, because of your calmness, because of your gentleness, you can never ever, ever get those results by forcing somebody and being harsh with them, and fighting with them. And you know, being angry with them, you can never get those results. So ever. And this is why we see that the Prophet saw a lot isn't um, how was he always he was calm, gentle patient tolerated. And this is how he turned his enemies into his best supporters, the same people who hated him. Now we're ready to give up their lives for his defense.
As well, it's a TDSB I think we all are aware of that. So instead of acting violently, it's good to advise all of you to do a petition what's happening online, where you can, you know, put your information to stop what's happening. And I think that this I can relate to what's happened, anything. I mean, whatever it may be, that bothers us. All right, whether it's a billboard, or some new bill or whatever it may be anything that bothers us, there's two ways of dealing with it reacting. One is be violent, angry, go and demonstrate out in the streets and burn flags and you know, whatever and the other is, calm down and use your head.
Right, relax and talk properly. You know, once when the prophets Allah asked him Did Hijra to Medina what happened? He made me thought when Medina right the covenant of Medina, it was like the Constitution of Medina, in which he made a pact with the Muslims. All right, a pact with the Jews and a pact with them was shaken because there were still some people in Medina, the Arabs who had not embraced Islam who are still upon check. But these facts what happened was that that had brought the entire community together. All right. So what happened that a few months after the mushy Kuhn of Makkah, they sent a letter to the Moshe cone of Medina. Right. Abdullah bin obey, who was the leader
of the hypocrites. Later on, he embraced Islam outwardly, but in reality, he never really embraced Islam in his heart. It was all a pretense. So anyway, they wrote a letter to him and they said that you have given shelter to our sabe goon, meaning people who have left our deen. All right. And if you don't evict them, you don't fight them, then we're going to come and fight you.
And we're going to take your women basically, all right, you know, this threat is there. So what happened that our beloved obey and his companions, they got really worried, and they gather together they were preparing their weapons basically to go fight the Muslims in Medina. Now remember that the Muslims of Medina, who were they, the relatives, the brothers of these people that wish to call him? All right. So when the prophets have a lot of fun and found out, he didn't tell the Muslims, okay, pick up your weapons, let's go fight them. No, he went to the machinery con. He went to the lobby and his friends. And he spoke to them. He said that this threat of the people of Makkah is only a
threat. It doesn't mean anything. It has reached its end, meaning once a letter has reached you, it's reached its end. And if you fight your own people, you're actually helping the people of Makkah. You're not helping yourself. Are you ready to kill your own brothers, your own sons, your own relatives? Think about it. What are you doing? So they agreed with the prophets on a lot of sentiment the crowd dispersed and basically they decide
did not to fight the Muslims. So you see how the prophets of Allah to calm the situation down? Right? It could have been aggravated if the prophets of Allah Edison resorted to violence, but he did not become violent. What did he do? He calm the situation down with his tolerance. Right? So if our ability here at Arsenal say you know, our alarm will be my asleep phone, Allah knows what people are doing. What go rugby are also becoming hamazon the sheltering, and say, Oh my Lord, I seek Your protection from the hammers that are shouting from the incitements of sheltering. What are Hemesath?
What does hams mean? Dot what is docked to poke, right to poke something? May mass which is from the same root mass is the spur which is on riding boots, you know, horse riding boots, old fashioned, right, especially in cartoons, you see the Cowboys wearing them, right? What's at the back of the foot going inside? There's like a pointy thing, right? It's called a spur. What's the purpose of that spur?
What's the purpose? That when you're writing, you hit the horse with it, you kick the horse with it. Right? So when you kick the horse with it, what is the horse gonna do? He's gonna write faster. So you see what comes his book someone so they jump?
They can't stay put. So this is what Shelton does, that when we're hurt, when we're annoyed, he books us so that we react, we express some anger, we become violent. We yell we fight. This is what Chopin wants. And what is Allah teaching us all? Say this, say this in a sensitive situation, rugby rules are becoming hamazon shouting notice the word hamazon that, because shaitan doesn't poke you once? What does he do? He pokes you again and again and again and again.
Right? And what happens? A situation that could be resolved very easily gets out of hand. Right? And then a small discussion turns into an argument which creates so many more problems.
So whenever we're getting angry in any situation, start saying this start saying this and for that you have to memorize this cannot be our older becoming hamazon the sheltering what rule do we got to be a little hamdulillah last weekend? This was such an amazing reminder. Believe me so many times this past week. I was like this close to having an argument. All right, you know, with different people this close literally, you know, where you just want to explode. Right? Because especially that anger is building up building up building up inside right? So then just keep quiet, close your eyes and hope br was if you come in hummus at the shelter and you know when you want to say
something when you want to snap and you want to give a piece of your mind to the other person and you want to prove to them that they're wrong. Say instead of being rude or becoming hamazon Sheltie what are all do be corrupt be a drone, and Oh Allah, I seek Your protection last child lien even draw near to me. Yeah. Hello, from Hello, Khalid, that they are present around me because of Shavon is present around us. Is he going to stay put? Is it going to let us stay put? No, he won't. What are all the we got to be?
In argument when someone else is getting heated up, and you feel the urge to fight back against them and argue back against them? You feel the urge to just yell out at them. If you think about not only the verse that came before, the ability here I said, so instead of bursting out and anger respond with something that is more calm and intelligent, something better than yelling out at them? And alongside this guy as well. Yes. Because if you think about it, when we're angry when we show anger when we become violent, what are we doing? are we solving the problem? Or are we just satisfying our ego?
What are we doing to satisfying ourselves, right?
Think about the example that I gave you with my kids, right? If I got up after Salah and started yelling at them, right in my anger, even if I smacked them, right and took all the treats, * them from them and put them away and say, no more treats for one week. Okay, I'd be very
few. You know, that makes me happy that I satisfied myself. Is it going to solve the problem, though? No. Then what's going to happen? The kids are going to go behind my back. All right, and they're going to do worse things. Correct. So it's not going to solve the problem.
Our focus should be on what? not satisfying the fire that is burning in our hearts. Rather, our concern should be solving the problem as a mother
There, my duty is not to satisfy my ego and assert my authority. My duty is to teach my children what is best for them. And this is something we need to remember. Yes, there was a very good example in profit to be solo salons live when he went to thrive. And the people were stoning and he was bleeding. And Gabrielle came that should smash this, the whole valley. He said, No, I forgive them. And Khalid bin Walid was the successor of that rally and then Islam came to Asia because of the political elite. It wasn't kind of unreal. He was from Makkah, Mohammed bin Qasim. Right. Mohammed bin Qasim, coffee, because the angel of the mountains, he came with Jubilee. And he said, If you
want to sort of Lhasa lives, and I will close these mountains together, so this valley is finished. But the prophets have a lot of them chose to forgive. And he said, perhaps from their descendants, there will come those who believe and who do good. And it so happened it the fire ability here, son, he forgive.
There was some of war, I don't remember which one it is. And has led allow a man who was about to stab somebody with his sword, I assume. And that person spit on him. And then he left him alone. And the person became surprised. And he said, Why would you do that? He said, I was battling you for sake of Allah. But when you spit it, you make me angered. So if I would have hurt you, I would have hurt you out of my own anger. And unfortunately, a lot of parents usually do respond by their action because they're angry for whatever. And sometimes they just do because they can. Yes, we assert our authority. Right. And it's not only the parents who are guilty, it's even the older siblings who are
guilty of this.
Right? They're just asserting their authority over younger siblings, because I'm older than you. Right? I'm bigger than you. I know better than you. So Michael, I find it very amazing how Allah's name is mentioned twice and how it says rugby and canola whenever we're angry, or, you know, sad or something and you feel like you're out of yourself. And the fact that it says in this various that, Oh Allah I seek rugby worth it to be rude or becoming him as at the shayateen. And then how it's mentioned again up here, oh two because I have the room and the room. And it's amazing when you know that Allah is your Sustainer your protector, your everything. And the fact that the rub is mentioned
should put this comfort in our heart that your Lord who is control of all this situation is taking care of you. And it's mentioned twice panela that your English should be gone by that time not be not be here like my job only you can save me from the evil of my soul. We started reading the book Nick either shades on today. And I was just thinking how for us we become mindless of shaitan. But he's so determined that not only does he start from birth till death, but he's there all the time watching you when can I find a little chance when I can gene or do Wes was out? Or when can I find a little chance and I can come out to him from another way? Right? Very true. You know, in every
There is always a reason to be upset if you want to be upset.
There's always a reason to be upset if you want to be upset if you choose to be upset. And there's always a reason to be happy, if you choose to be happy. So it's up to us. Which route do we take? Do we choose to be upset? Or do we choose to be happy?
Alright, so shaytaan wants us to be angry. Because when we're angry than what happens we're like a ball in shape on sand. And chiffon just tosses us around throws us around and we hurt ourselves and we hurt other people. We create more problems for ourselves. So this is why when your knifes is out of control, when shaitan is getting the better of you then seek refuge with Allah will not be put up be Oh my Lord, You protect me you save me from my enemy.
And you know this word hummus app. One meaning is to love right to poke but another meaning is also an aerosol is to squeeze.
I always give this example Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your toothpaste almost finished? And you have no more toothpaste? In your bathroom? Or in the house? What do you do? You press it and press it and squeeze it and squeeze it until you get just enough to brush your teeth with isn't it? After all that pressing and squeezing do you get something out? You got something out right? This is what she often does with us as well. If we let him stay by our side, he will attack you again and he will squeeze you and make you angry and make you upset and make you more emotion.
until he gets some reaction out of you. He's not going to leave you until he makes you do something wrong. He doesn't back off. He doesn't take it easy. So what we need to do is get Chalfont out of, you know, they're out of our company away from us, and for that we need Allah's protection. So Robbie Aruba ar blooney Oh my Lord protect me from Shavon let's say upon his even near me in my company in my presence