Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 145B Tafsir Bani Israil 61-62
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Lesson number 145. So little Israel and number 61 265. A short lesson, what is called Al Mala eco Thi and recall when we said to the angels when Allah subhanaw taala said to the angels he commanded them, what was duly Adam, all of you prostrate to Adam. When did Allah subhanaw taala give this command to the angels when He created Adam and his sunnah? And he had told the angels that are sold that when you see Adam, then fucka Allah who said within all of you fall down in frustration to Adam.
Now this prostration what was it? Such the prostration? What is that for us? An act of worship? Isn't it? An act of servitude. However, remember that when Allah subhanaw taala was telling the angels to prostrate to Adam, this was not so that the angels are worshipping Adam or his salaam know, what was the such therefore? Or they might have said the such that was for the purpose of greeting, or for the purpose of honoring and respecting them or any sunnah. Do people do that? To each other? They do that. In certain cultures, it's very prevalent, that even if a chef is, you know, bringing food and offering it that or when he's greeting people, then what happens people bow
in front of each other. Why for the purpose of greeting, welcoming, honoring each other, have a remember that this kind of says that we're not allowed to do meaning. We as people as Muslims, we're not allowed to do that. We're not allowed to prostrate to another human being, neither bending your body a little bit, or a lot. We're not allowed to do that. What have we been taught in order to greet other people use our words, and use our hand. And if you really, really want to show them your love, then you can hug them. Okay? As long as it's halal to hug them.
And if you wish to show respect to somebody, then how do you do that?
Bend in front of them and curse them in your heart? How do you do that? Through your words, you're polite, respectful words. All right? Through your posture, like for example to the parents, what have we been told in the Quran wellfield Lahoma. Jenna had bulimia Verma, if you are bending your head so that your grandmother or your old very, very elderly lady, you know, relative, they can, you know, put their hand on your head, that's fine, because you are bending so that they don't have to lift up their arm too much. You understand? Because you're much taller than them.
And it's possible they already have a lot of pain in their shoulder or their arm, so don't force them to stretch out their arm so much. It's different. However, if you bend in order to greet them, that is not correct. Okay. So first surgery to the angels, what was their reaction? They all prostrated Illa IBLEES except for a bliss was a bliss, an angel, no, he was amongst the angels, he was a gin. He is a gin who was present in the company of the angels. Why? Because he was apparently very righteous, very pious, and he was in the company of the angels.
Now, remember, yesterday also we learned that test happens through unusual situations why? So that your reality is exposed? Does Allah already know about our reality? Of course he does. But he makes us go through different situations, unusual ones especially, so that what is in our heart is exposed, why there is multiple benefits in this one is, we recognize our faults, the person who really seeks to improve himself will see his faults and then chulmleigh He can work on them, he will benefit from this.
You know, this is why for believer, there is nothing such as a failure. Because in everything there is a learning experience. All right. Another benefit of this is that others also get to know about the reality of a person. Allah already knows but if the angels know about the reality of bliss, do they have knowledge of the Unseen angels don't have knowledge of the Unseen they only have as much knowledge as Allah who will give them
and we as human beings also come to know about the reality of a bliss
because you see, other one is Sam he was given a favor, a special superiority over the rest of the Creation angels are being made to prostrate to him. Now he believes he felt jealousy in his heart. All right, but jealousy is concealed. If a person becomes jealous in the heart, does the word jealousy appear in his forehead? Does his temperature change or something? How do you find out that there's jealousy inside a person through his words through
His reaction, all right, when he goes through an unusual situation and then the reality is exposed, so over here, it believes his reality was exposed. And in that is a lesson for us, then a warning for us and a learning for us and also so that we see who is truly our enemy and who is truly our friend. So for Sergio Illa, Iblees Allah He said, who believes he said us judo? What should I prostrate Lehmann to the one who kalakuta you created? Bina from clay? He's saying what? Oh Allah, you're telling me to prostrate to someone who is made from clay and clay is inferior to me I am better because I was made from fire and other has been made from clay. So why should I prostrate to
him? Why is Allah subhanaw taala telling us about this incident? Haven't we read this incident earlier in the Quran? Yes, the story of the creation of Adam or this animal what happened with the beasts as mentioned numerous times in the Quran, at some places, in great length, and in other places very briefly, why? To remind us and to make us aware of iblees as enmity towards us. And us as an all of us, every single one of us over here, every single human being Iblees is his enemy, even those who worship Him, and those who obey Him at least steal their enemy. He doesn't love mankind at all, he hates them. So this idea, and the following if they illustrate how much IBLEES
hates us, and how eager he is to lead us astray,
look at the length at which he is going to go to in his enmity against us. You know, if a person hate someone is jealous of them, they will try to harm them. Okay? However, if they see that in this process, they're losing all their money, and they're losing their time, what are they gonna do? They're gonna say, it's not worth it. You know what, I hate them, I don't want to see them, I'll move away. I'll never talk to them, I'll just completely cut off from them, because I don't like them.
But if this person is spending all this money all this time, to the point that he's even putting his life in danger, what does that tell you about the kind of enmity that he has?
What kind of enmity does he have? It's very, very serious,
that he's willing to give up his own life, he's willing to remain in * forever. Because of his enmity for Adam and his children. I mean, this is pretty serious, very serious.
So we're being reminded of this enmity, that just because you don't see shaitan and just because you don't hear him, don't forget about his enmity towards you. And this also shows to us the jealousy it can literally blind a person enmity blinds a person, so much so that he doesn't even see where he is harming himself or herself.
You know, for example, if we're envious of someone and we're talking about the backbiting, on and on and on, okay, we talked bad about them for like 10 minutes 15 minutes and we're like,
but you know what we just did we burned our deeds, we literally destroyed them.
This is what we're doing. By entertaining such evil feelings. Who are we harming first and foremost? ourselves? Shaitan is the best example of this. He went against Adam out of jealousy and what happened? He lost everything he had. He's gonna end up in hellfire forever.
At least he went on he said or Ateca
Have you seen Have you considered Who is he talking to?
It leads to stalking to Allah subhana wa Tada or Ateca Have you seen you see our ADA? What does that mean? You are ADA you saw what is coming you again? So when somebody say you, you have you seen this? Have you ever considered this? What does it show? extreme anger? Or a taka? Oh Allah have you seen handle this guy? Meaning this human being this man this Bashar Adam? Allah de the one who Karim Talia, you honored over me? What is this thing that you have preferred over me? Why have you preferred him over me?
These words what do they reflect? Okay. They reflect arrogance. extreme arrogance. What else? Disrespect completely forgot about the proper etiquette of talking to the Lord of the Worlds even
arrogance like I said earlier it blinds a person. Jealousy blinds a person
hatred blinds a person
he forgets all etiquette. He forgets all respect. He forgets himself. A talker had a lady come on Talia lay in a hole Tony surely if you delay me you give me respite a hot Are you need to delay to defer you give me respite meaning you let me live. Don't make me die in a normal piano until the Day of Judgment, then he cannot do reata who Illa kalila I will surely destroy his children, except for a few. Meaning there will be a few people who will survive, but majority of the children of Adam I'm going to completely destroy them. I'm going to ruin them.
What do we learn in this ayah? Allah subhanaw taala truly honored Adam and Eve Cena. Did it Please admit that? Yes, he admitted that Quran Talia. And this is exactly what he was envious off. That why Adam? Why did you choose him above me? Why not me?
And you see what this led him to? Extreme disrespect, more arrogance? What does this teach us?
That if we have a problem with someone having something that we don't have, having a privilege that we don't have, if we have a problem with them because of that issue, who do we actually have a problem with?
Allah subhanaw taala his other his decree his decision. So, in this process, a person is not just you know, dealing with the other person human being in inappropriate way. In reality, he is dealing with who in the wrong way? Allah subhanaw taala. It Lisa Sadler in a heart and Eli Amil piano, if you give me respite until the Day of Judgment, you let me live. I'm going to destroy his children. What is this word life then he can he can know is from the root letters have known calf Hanoch. Hana is the palate, the roof of the mouth. Okay, put your tongue over there.
Okay, this is called Hanoch.
technique. You know what the honeycomb is? Have you heard about it? The technique is basically to chew. Like, for example, some dates, okay, a little piece of it a date. And then when it becomes really, really soft and mushy, then put that in the mouth of a baby. And we're exactly on the palate just a little bit. Okay, why
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did that with some children, right? This wasn't his habit, meaning he didn't do it with every single child. The Sahaba didn't continue with this afterwards. But the Prophet salallahu Salam did it. All right. So this is the unique helical Ferris Hanna Cal for us what is for us a horse. Now a horse when it's tethered,
when there's a saddle on its back and the rains are also, you know, put in place. Where do they go from? Through the mouth?
Isn't it which is why you see the poor horse you know, constantly adjusting his mouth. Right? So it goes through the mouth. So Halligan, for us is to put a rope in the mouth of the horse. Why? In order to control him? Because that's the first thing you need to do. If you want to train the horse, if you want to tame him, if you want to make him run. If you want to go somewhere on him. That's the first thing you need to do. Take control take charge over the horse. How will you do that? By putting the rope through his mouth?
And a cut? WHO SIN? What is sin, sin and teeth Hannukah to sin is when a person's wisdom teeth come forth? Where the wisdom teeth at the back? All right.
Hannukah Tada. What is the time it's when a person goes through rough times and people say about him the time has taught him
meaning he's become an expert or he has gained a lot of experience.
Now keeping all these meanings in mind, what does it mean by done he can know that I will surely take control over his children
and gain mastery over them.
And I am going to train them
and I am going to make them run in my obedience. I'm going to rule over them.
I'm going to be their boss.
And with every person I'm going to gain more and more experience let Danny Canada re Yeto Have you ever ridden a horse?
In order to ride a horse? What's the first thing you need? Confidence.
Right confidence to come close to a horse and confidence to wear
to really sit on the horse, because if you're shaky, and you're scared, and you're not being firm in the way you hold the reins, and in the manner that you sit and in the manner that you address the horse, what will happen? The horse is going to go on his back legs and going to throw you off. So you need confidence. Look at the confidence of bliss. He says, I'm going to ride these people.
I'm going to ride them, and I'm going to make them run in my obedience and I'm going to train them. I'm going to control them, like a horse. Imagine what a huge animal it is. Look at the power that it has. But a child writes it.
A child can ride the horse, human beings, Allah honored them made the angels Prostrate to Adam, and what is a blessing? I'm going to humiliate him. And I'm going to make man under me. I'm going to rule over him. I'm going to order him and he's going to run in my obedience. I'm going to make him my servant.
Tanaka, Gerardo.
Tanaka also means to destroy. So for example, you're gonna call Jara Atwater job locusts. They if Tanaka the meaning the locusts, they completely ate and consumed what was on the land. So whatever was going on the land, the locusts basically put an end to it, they took over it. Has it ever happened with you that you have like a bag of rice or something in your house? And one day you find a lot of black creepy crawlies in the kitchen and you're wondering, where are they coming from? And then when you find out what's the source, it's that bag of rice and you see they have taken over the bag of rice. What are you going to do with the rice? Put it in the compost? Right? Why? Because if
taken over it, they've taken over it, too. You have to get rid of it. It has no more value now. It bleeds says attorney cannot the realtor who I'm going to destroy his children so that they've got nothing, no value left in them no honor. They're so humiliated, they have destroyed themselves they're not even worthy of going close to Ghana. So what they deserve being thrown into hellfire.
Allah honored man,
taught man, guided man
gave him Quran gave him guidance gave him money subjected so many things to men. Why? So that man does something good, and earns the high levels of gender and what is shaytaan out to do? Destroy men ruin men, to that he's worth, not even this dunya and what does he deserve? Only Hellfire Atlantic Canada Rito Illa kalila noticeboard Illa kalila
what is colleague few meaning Shavon cannot destroy cannot take with him all of mankind, He cannot ride and control all of mankind, all of mankind will not become His servants and his slaves. There will be some people who will not become slaves to ShaVonne rather they will remain slaves to a Rahman kalila.
If you notice in the Quran, so many times a group is mentioned and then a few people are exempted from them. Like for example, while I said you do a thorough shackling most of the people how are they not that grateful? You won't find them to be grateful? Right. That means few people are grateful. Most people disbelieve that means few people will believe but what do we like what everybody's doing? What the majority is upon? Right? We think is if everybody's saying this It better be okay. If everybody's doing this it better be okay. What do we learn from this majority of the people what is their state they are slaves to shape on.
This is a sad reality majority of mankind are slaves to shape on
their running in his obedience following his orders. Taking commands from him.
Tony Canada reata Illa Cadila except for a few people. Presentation of
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of all, dude, holy man, call them
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