Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 143G Tafsir Bani Israil 37-39

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of body language in achieving success, including walking, achieving success, and learning new skills. They stress the need for focus and awareness in the heart to achieve success and encourage individuals to make small adjustments to their body language. The speakers also emphasize the importance of proper clothing and foot language in bringing out one's appearance and creating positive environments. The importance of belief in Allah, good character, and humility in our hearts is emphasized, along with the need to change behavior and establish strong personal qualities to overcome fear and anxiety.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well, Adam Schiff will Ultima Raha and do not walk up on the earth exultantly. What is Mara? Mara is shit the tool for to be extremely happy when somebody becomes extremely happy about, for example, in achievement or about what they're wearing, or about what they have, then what happens with that happiness. There's also this kind of pride. And when that happiness is like bubbling inside, it's exploding inside you think it's going to stay inside, it's going to show and one of the first things that it is reflected in is what? In a person's manner of walking.

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So regardless of what you think about yourself, how happy you are with yourself, what does Allah say, Do not walk up on the earth, exultantly arrogantly proudly.

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Because in NACA, indeed, you learn the critical art. Here, you can never tear apart the earth, no matter how much you strike the Earth.

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You know, when somebody's walking, sometimes they begin to stomp their feet. Why sometimes in anger, and sometimes you know, I'm the best. So no matter how much you do that, are you actually going to tear the earth which is beneath you?

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Can a person do that? No. And for some reason, whenever we're wearing like those noisy shoes, you know what I'm talking about? What happens every step has to be like really firm and deep and nice and loud. So that we hear the tick and tick and tick, right? In a pattern. You can't dig the earth with that he'll I'm sorry? Well, atoms, you fill out the MaHA inoculant article or one on top level rebel and you can never reach the mountains, taller in height. Meaning no matter how straight you walk, and, you know, you raise your head up high, and your nose, a pie and your shoulders are thrown back and you're walking like so proudly and happy with yourself. Do you actually go as high as a

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mountain? No. So what are we being told over here?

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Stay where you are.

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Keep your feet on the ground. Don't become a show off.

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You're happy about what you've done about your achievement go to the home that Allah but keep your feet on the ground. Stay where Allah has placed you learn tactical order, well on top level develop hula. So we need to analyze our walk also means just think about how important all of these commands are. What did they begin with? Do not worship anyone but Allah. Right? And in the same series of all of these commands, what are we being told walk properly also.

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Because the thing is that whenever a person feels inside, that is reflected in his body language.

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You cannot fake body language.

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It will always be an expression of what you're feeling inside. For some people, it's very, very obvious. Like for example, no matter how much they try, they cannot control the color of their face. They will blush it will blush. Right? It happens. So likewise, body language is like that whatever you're feeling inside, it will exhibit itself on the outside. So again, the focus needs to be aware in the heart that no matter what you achieved Alhamdulillah remember the prophets Allah Allah Listen, when he entered Makkah as a conqueror,

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as a conqueror,

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and then we're seeking we're literally running around to save their lives. The son of Abuja had Reclaimer, who at that time was still non Muslim. What did he do? He ran out of Makkah, he loved Makkah, he escaped just to save his life. Any other conqueror in his position? What would he do? Yeah, we're here. See, I told you we were right. And now is the time of revenge. What did the Prophet salallahu Salam do? How did he enter? He was so humble, his shoulders bent, right? And His beard was touching the saddle. So just imagine how humble he was. And when he entered, what did he say? Let the three barley Camileo y'all fit Allahu NaHCO nor revenge today? May Allah forgive you.

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Have we ever attained something like what the Prophet salallahu Salam attained? Is there any achievement on our resume that matches the achievements of the Prophet sallallahu sallam? No.

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Sometimes we're too proud of what we've done in life, maybe because we've traveled to a different country or we've traveled to multiple countries. And we think, oh, you know what, I'm the best I've had so much life experience. Have we ever had the life experience the prophets on a lot of Saddam had he went on marriage?

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We sit on an airplane and we're like, oh, wow, I'm sitting in this airplane in the first class business class. Wow, I'm the best and I have to tell them

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whole world about it. And do we have Wi Fi here? Of course we do. Let's take selfies and post online right now.

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It says we cannot keep it to ourselves. Because we think so highly about ourselves, we have to tell the whole world little things, little accomplishments, they're like, you know, blown out of proportion, just to leave a good impression on other people. You know, sometimes if you know a particular individual and you read their resume, you're like, seriously, that's what you think about yourself. Or, for example, if there is a person who writes honestly about themselves, that these are my accomplishments, this is what I have done, then what do people do this is not good enough, you have to kind of, you know, make it big, make it look big. hype it up. So I'm really cool. This

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reminds me of the models that we have nowadays, they call it the catwalk. And at very young age, they teach them teenagers, usually 1716, hardly, barely 20, they teach them to walk exactly what you were just saying it ed to show off. And this is this is this is a kind of weird thing. They say the opposite of what we are laying here today. And also mean as women, sometimes we have to be careful about this, that the way we are carrying our body, the way we are walking, are we revealing and highlighting and exposing parts of our body with every step with every move forward. Because sometimes the hijab is on the Avaya is on but the manner of walk. I mean, it's such that it's

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revealing all the curves, everything through the Avaya.

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Sam alikhan. Generally, when we think of Islam, we usually think of, you know, when someone asks you at school, right? So tell me about your religion, you're like, Yeah, I cover myself tip to toe, I don't eat pork, by the way. So like, don't eat your sandwich in front of me. I don't drink alcohol, right. And we tell them about, oh, I pray five times a day, right fast. And you tell them about all these rituals, we forget about the main virtues that Allah subhanaw taala is talking about in these eyes, like from the beginning, first worship Allah, and then you know your relationship with your Lord, you only worship Allah Who created you know, shit, and then your relationship with your

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parents, the people who, you know, raised you, and then relationship with their relatives and people who are close to you. And subhanAllah like, if you take a look at all of these is from verse 23, up to this point where Allah says, Don't be arrogant. It's all about character. I mean, you can you can pray all you want five times a day, you can fast every Monday and Thursday, but at the end of the day, if you don't show these, you know, characters that Allah is talking about, and you don't practice these virtues, then what Islam? Are you portraying? What kind of Muslim are you because this is what Islam is? And really, if you just take these ideas, and you know, put them on a sticky

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note or something or a poster, the next time someone asks you about Islam, just open up this surah from verse 23. And tell them this is what Islam is, yes, this is what our religion is. And remember that this is a murky surah.

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Right? This is a murky surah and these morals and ethics were being taught to the Muslims very, very early. The commands pertaining to hijab, the cat, Salah, all of that it came later. I mean, the rituals came later these are morals.

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And they're very, very important as Muslims, but unfortunately, we have neglected them.

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So what items you feel are the Marwaha in the calendar recall or the Wallan tableau will develop Tula.

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The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble. No one should boast over one another. And no one should oppress another, be humble. Because it begins with humility, right? If you're humble inside, your walk will be humble. Then your dealings with other people will also be good, then you can do your son towards your parents. And you cannot dare to raise a weapon against another individual Be humble.

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And this is why arrogance is something that is so disliked, that the prophets have a lot of them said that he who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride and arrogance shall not enter paradise.

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pride and arrogance kibosh.

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They're killers literally they don't allow a person to enter Jannah

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the Prophet salallahu Salam said on the Day of Resurrection, the arrogant people will be gathered like ants, someone who tries to be really big.

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swaggering in their walk and your gangster walk this pride that is expressed in walk in language in different ways. be arrogant, will be gathered like ants. Small, humiliated humiliation will overwhelm them from all sides

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and they will be driven to a prison in *.

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They'll be driven to *. Why?

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Because of their pride. Couldn't do that Lika all of that meaning all of that which has been mentioned over here

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How can I say you? Oh, it's evil, meaning it's evil aspect, the different things that have been mentioned over here different commands that have been given the evil aspect meaning that aspect which has been forbidden. So for example, dealing with barons we have been told to your son, Latin, her woman, not Akula Houma, ofin right, this is what evil aspect.

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This Allah says, In the Arabic near your Lord, it is mcru Ha, it is disliked, it is detested, Allah does not like these things. So for example, the person walking arrogantly, Allah does not like that it is McGraw, in the sight of Allah.

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So just think about it. When a person is saying off to their mother.

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When a person is yelling at their father,

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using disrespectful speech with their parents, then are they beloved in the sight of Allah or they mcru in the sight of Allah?

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Think about it.

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They are disliked. Because Allah does not like these words. Allah does not like this behavior. Allah does not like these actions are in Daraa pika Makuha.

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Many times it happens that we will leave, you know, a certain thing, a certain action, certain words we won't dare say in front of people. Why? Because they don't like it. Come on, I cannot yell at my mother in front of my friend. I can't do that.

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While I'm on the phone,

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because of people we become conscious. What do we learn here? Remember your Lord and become conscious because of him. Change your behavior, because of him. And this is the core right Kulu Delica kind of say you were in Europe become a crew ha. So which of these faults we need to check are still in us? We are studying the Quran. Yet which of these habits are still within us? We need to leave them.

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We need to move on from them. We need to change our language, change our behavior, improve our body language, why? For the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to become beloved in his sight to become beloved to him. valleca that is menma from that which Oh ha la caja Book Your Lord has revealed to you men and Heckman of wisdom meaning these are words of wisdom that Allah has revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and wisdom. This is wisdom. This is beneficial knowledge. This is really, you know, something which if we adopt, if we bring in our lives, this advice, if we follow, it's really going to make us better people because it is Hikmah it is wisdom.

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So many times it happens that there's a particular issue that we're dealing with in our personal life, and we want to you know, find a lecture about it or read a book on it. This is wisdom. This is what will improve our personality Hikmah what are called your Alma Allahu ala Hinako and do not set with Allah, another god meaning do not set partners with Allah do not make us equal with Allah another day at why because if you do that, for too little coffee Jahannam you will be thrown into fire into * Maluma and blameworthy it will be your fault

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Madhura vanished, repulsed, driven from what Allah's mercy because with who from dal hora. It's basically To drive someone away, remove them far away, get away go away, far, far away. Someone who is someone who has been rejected, repulsed, driven far away from what from Allah's mercy.

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The versus the commands over here they begin with emphasis on Don't worry. And what do they end with?

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The same message? Worship Allah alone. And over here what do we learn? Well, atta John, Ma, Allahu Allah and Allah who do not set a partner with Allah. Why? Because the foundation of all good things of all good character, good behavior, good attitude. What is the foundation? What is the basis? True correct belief in Allah subhanaw taala. Because it is not possible that a person believes in Allah as his Lord as a creator.

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And then

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he will walk arrogantly

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or then he would dare to take somebody's life away. Or then in private, he would commit a serious offense. No, it's not possible.

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Correct belief in Allah changes. It transforms a person completely. When think about the Sahaba what changed them what made them better people? Believe in Allah Alone.

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They believed in Allah before also, but they did chick, right. But when Sheikh was eliminated from their lives, though haev came in, then this belief produced such a light of iman that transformed them.

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There were people living in Makkah who are addicted to alcohol, addicted to Zina. I'm talking about addiction because these actions, they become like addictions.

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And especially when there is no stopping, it's the norm. Everybody does it. But what happened when they began worshipping Allah alone, slowly and gradually what happened, all of these bad things, they got eliminated from their lives.

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So if we want to become a better person, with our parents, with the society, we want to have, you know, good feelings for other people, we want to become humble, that what is necessary.

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What is necessary, though hate believe in Allah. He is one he alone created me, he watches me, he hears what I say he knows what I feel he has full power over me, he will question me, he will call me to account.

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And this realization, it straightens a person.

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It straightens him inside out.

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When this realization is there,

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let's listen to the recitation of these as well. Shift.

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Don't freak out

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become a clone.

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off, off

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anything you'd like to say?

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In all these verses, Allah subhanaw. Taala doesn't tell us to do a huge deeds, like there's no command of jihad, there's no command, you know, spending like there's nothing, there's none of these big, huge glorious deeds that we think are what will lead us agenda. He's taught us basic things that will teach us how to live our life, how to deal with people on a daily basis via Muslims, non Muslims, anybody. And these characteristics are looked like or liked. And people in general, it's not like a specific characteristic. It's just people like meeting people who are like this generous people, kind people, polite, humble people, it's just someone you want to meet on a daily basis. And

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so these mannerisms are not only going to bring us closer to Allah subhanaw taala. It'll also help us deal with people and people will just like us better in general. This is basically the key to good relationships, right. And if your relationships with people are good, whether their parents or spouse or children or you know, employer or co workers, only, then you can be happy, only then you can be at peace. So many times it happens that we are concerned about the people around us. And we think that oh, they're too evil, they're too bad. They're too this there to that. But start with your own self. Change yourself, change your own behavior. And then you will see the change in people

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also. Think about the Prophet salallahu salam how alone he was in that society.

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He was so different, but he had these qualities, right, that attracted people to him.

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And because of that, he was able to create such a huge change. They say that the internal jihad is more difficult than the external jihad. And interesting how a loose mandala begins is like common terminology, related things by saying that you have to stay away from shirt and he ends it by saying you have to stay away from Sure. And this just shows that to like, succeed in fixing our insides we need to, like really solidify our faith in Allah, we need to strengthen it. We need to know that he is the only one who we're doing this for.

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This is a pita, right? This is theology. This is what we believe and the word Arpita is from Morocco, which is to tie a knot to make something firm. So this arena is what holds a person together.

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You don't like when you have your hijab and you tie it from somewhere. And if you don't dye it from there, what's gonna happen?

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What's gonna happen? It's gonna come on, it's gonna fall off. So, this Urquiza this belief in Allah, it is what holds a person together.

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It is what holds us together. What keeps us on the right way. When we are

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are in situations where we're tempted to do something wrong, where we are tempted to answer back, you remember your belief in Allah he's watching me. He commanded me to not even say off to my mother. How can I say that? I better keep my mouth shut here. Right?

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This is what gives you the strength, the determination belief in Allah. This reminds me of the Hadith acmella Eman wa sallahu Holika. Those of you who are best in belief are those who are best in character. Yes, that the more proper a person's Eman is the more correct it is the stronger it is, the better his o'clock will be. And this is the reason why good character. Good o'clock is so heavy in the scales. It will carry so much weight in the scales. And this good o'clock. It doesn't begin with you know a stranger on the street. Hi, hello. It begins with who? With your mother and your father

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Allesandro starts us with do not do shit. And that is the first like in terms of good character who do you again use your parents but first you need to correct your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala you can't be good to other people. If you can't even follow or you know, correct your belief and all that smart that is you have to start with him. Correct your belief in him stay away from things that upset him. Only then will you be able to be kind humble and generous to other people around you. Exactly. And you see how the opposite of though hate is what shook? When a person does shake that is the root cause of so many problems. And I repeat that shake is the root cause of so

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many problems. One type of shit gives the minor shake, which is what showing off thinking that yeah, I'm the best, I'm the best. And when a person thinks Yeah, I'm the best. Then what happens he will be arrogant with his parents. He will be arrogant in his walk. He can break promises. He can kill another. I had a question. You know, there are some women who get like forced to get abortions done by their in laws or husbands even after four months. Like if it's a girl or something, then who would have to pay the blood money? The one who forced because it's like someone who is committing murder, right? You only Each case has to be examined separately. Okay. Anything else you'd like to

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say before we move on to the next lesson? Yes, my dear.

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So like, once I was having a test at school, and I'm like, I couldn't I didn't know like two answers. One of the questions that I just read this for Ruby, Sydney, Allah helped me so much. And I didn't handle I did good on my test. Alhamdulillah. Now you see this belief that Allah will help me. This is the correct belief, right? This helps you in your time of need. And it also protects you from doing something wrong. What are we typically tempted to do? Yeah, just look, it's okay. Nevermind. I'll just, you know, look once at my friends, just one of the ideas when it's talking about the feeling of pride. If you think back in history of Islamic Caliphate, the whole reason why

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it was destroyed in the first place was because the pride that the chicane, put in some countries heights that don't you want to be independent, do you want to be your own country? Don't you want to do this? And this is how everything was written.

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And greed for this world. Right. So it's the root cause of destruction. Over there.

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Go ahead. I was just thinking about the idea that says don't want walk exultantly on the earth. That's not to say that you should walk with like a slouch or like you should feel very, like under confident and it reminded me of this quote that confidence isn't walking in a room and comparing yourself to others and thinking you're better than everyone else. It's walking in the room and not feeling the need to compare yourself to anyone in the first place. Just

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worry about the ramen, yum, Chanel or the owner. This humility. Where is it? It's in the heart, because it's possible that a person is you know, very humble, and at the same time he's judging other people.

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Right? Fake modesty, being so pretentious. This is not what is expected. What we are required to do is bring humility and modesty in our hearts and when it will come. Like I said body language. You cannot fake it.

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Subhanak Allah who won't be Hamlet Misha de la ilaha. Illa. Anta Mr. Furukawa to Bucha as I said Mr. Aiken rahmatullahi wa barakato

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