Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 141C Tafsir Bani Israil 3-10

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of gratitude and being grateful to others is discussed in a series of segments covering the consequence of the actions of the enemy, including the loss of people and their homes, the use of weapons and children, and the potential consequences of anyone doing bad or causing things to turn into sadness. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to address their mistake and apologise for their actions, following the Prophet's instructions, and leaving the scripture for better guidance. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including its devastation caused by the pandemic, the use of facades, and the loss of religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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The reata all the RIA notice the words the RE yet that it has a Fatah on it, you know why it has a Fatah? Because what is meant is yeah the reactor or children but the Yeah, it's not mentioned. Okay. So the reactor, all children, meaning the bunny is like you who are you You are children children of all men Herman Moran who have those whom we carried with nor are they his salah? No Hurley salah. He is also known as Adam Oh Thani, the second Adam,

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the second father of humanity. Why? Because when his people rejected Him, He did Dawa to them for so long what happened? The entire nation was destroyed. And the only survivors were who those upon the ship, no holy Salaam and those people who believed in him, and we learned that very few people had believed in him and he said approximately maybe 80 people in total, men and women children included, believed in him. So these were the survivors of the great flood. Now what happened?

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The children who came from New Hala Salam and the people who are with him later on eventually Ibrahim Ellis and I'm came from one of them and then from them who came the Bani Israel. So Bani Israel are basically reminded of their past. Look at you who are you? You are children of survivors. You are children are survivors. Muhammad Allah Manu. And who was no Hello Salam in no cannot than Shakira. Indeed he was a servant who was Shaku Shaku cathedral chakra, the one who does a lot of sugar very, very grateful. Your father was very grateful. So in other words, the Bani Israel are being encouraged over here to do what to do shook to be grateful.

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Earlier we learned the Oracle, the Oracle is a very, very important characteristic that a believer must possess the Wakulla Allah Allah and with the Lakota, Allah Allah What else chakra also

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gratitude. So when there is difficulty there what could

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rely upon Allah? And when that difficulty goes away, then what should be grateful to Allah in no Kanab than Shakira and the Bani Israel? Were they given many blessings? Of course, in the first Jews suited to Bukhara we have learned over and over in any any Israeli guru near Mati, what's going on here? Mati. Remember, my blessing, remember my blessing? What is the what is what is recall that blessing. So, so many blessings they were given? What are they been told over here? Be grateful, like your father knew her lesson and he was also very grateful, because the one who is grateful than what happens, his blessings remain with him, isn't it? Let in Chicago to let us either know,

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and when a person is ungrateful than what happens, blessings are taken away from him. So these two qualities are very, very important. In the Serato, Mr. Kim, many difficulties will come you need to rely upon Allah subhanaw taala and the Soraka mustard team, being on it itself is a blessing. So be grateful to Allah. The more grateful you are, the more you will increase in your guidance. What Karina Isla Bani Israel eel and we conveyed to Bani Israel eel

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Cadena Isla Cabo Isla what is called I literally mean to judge decree. But remember that when the word called law is followed by a law it means to inform in detail to inform to give a message, but how in detail. So what Elena Illa Bani Israel, we conveyed We informed the Bani Israel eel in detail where Phil Kitabi in the book which book the Torah so in the Torah, they were given the message of rely only on Allah. And they were also told be prepared for trials for tests will Kalina Illa Bani Israel either fill keytab what were they told what were they informed off? That laptop Sedona fill early Marva tain that surely you will definitely cause corruption in the earth? How many times

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medulla tain two times medulla is singular for that two times you are Bani Israel are going to reach the height of corruption.

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There are going to be two peak periods of your corruption. For said lots of Sedona fill out the mullah Tang and along with that one at our alumna and surely you will reach you will exalt Lata Luna is from Lulu

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To be high, so well at our Luna, definitely surely you are going to reach or Lou, you are going to rise to power, you are going to be high above the rest of the people are no one height, exalted Ness that is Kabira, great, meaning you're going to have a lot of power, you're going to rise to power. And this word really was not just used for height as in power, being high as in being powerful, but also being high as in being arrogant. So you're going to rise to power, and you're also going to become extremely arrogant.

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Now this four warning was given to the Bani Israel were in the book, that this is something that is going to happen, this is something that you're going to do. Are we given four warnings in the Quran, in the Sunnah about certain events that are going to happen in the future? Yes, many. So for example, the Prophet salallahu Salam informed us that a time will come when knowledge will disappear, ignorance will become widespread, right? A time will come when the Quran will be lifted up, people will open the most half and there will be no Quran.

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When La ilaha illa. Allah will not be said, Allah, Allah will not be said, our time will come. Why would the Prophet salallahu Salam, tell us about this, to warn us, Don't let this happen to you. And don't let this happen to your children. So gain knowledge, learn the dean, apply it and teach it to your children. So that knowledge does not disappear when you are living. So a forewarning is given? Why. Why?

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So that people become careful. People that come careful when we're told there is or that have been covered, or there's questioning in the grave? Why have we been told about that? So that we prepare for it. We avoid things that will cause punishment in the grave. So for example, when we go to the bathroom, we are careful about the Hata about cleanliness, because if we're not that could be a cause of punishment in the grave. Right. So a four warning is given not to imply that, oh, you're bound to do this, you're destined to do this, you have no choice, you are evil, you are bad. No, that's not the purpose of forewarning for warning, the purpose is this is coming. Make sure it's not

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You understand this is going to happen. Make sure you're on the right side. So for example when we're given so much detail of the gel, why so that we recognize the gel and we stay away from him when his fitness spreads. So likewise the Bani Israel you were told to times you're going to cause a lot of corruption in the land in which land is is primarily their land and the land where they live. Medulla Tane what a thought alumna Allah one Kabila and you're going to rise to power and you're going to become extremely arrogant.

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Feign? ADGER Agia then when it came, what are the promise hula Houma first of them to which shows that the first promise meaning the first time that the bunny is trying to spread extreme corruption. This happened before the Prophet salallahu Salam came because notice Jawara Gula Houma this is all investments so far either jail or the ruler Houma.

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The first time that you reach the peak of corruption by Phnom alaykum We sent against you, we raised against you, are you bad Olenna servants of Ours? When in the Quran when Allah says everybody that's referring to believing servants, righteous servants, but when it is mentioned in this way, are you bad a learner? Then what does it mean? People? Not necessarily believers are a better learner because everyone is a servant to Allah subhanaw taala whether they believe or not, whether they are righteous or no. So the first time that they caused great corruption, Allah sent against them Riba, the learner, certain servants, only bat sin shed Eden and these people, what were they like only

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possessors of sin military might? What kind of military might shuddered and severe, meaning extremely violent and merciless people? Those who when they fought against the hood when they fought against the Bani Israel, when they attacked them, they were extremely violent and merciless. They literally killed almost all of them. They don't care about man woman, young old child, nothing.

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Nothing holy but Cintia the then and so much devastation they cause to the Bani Israel that for Jesu so they probed Kilala Dr. In the midst of the homes, meaning they came

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right inside your houses, looking for you searching for you inside your houses so that they could kill you in your homes. You could not even find shelter inside your house. Just who is from the root letters Jean Wildstein DOS and Joe's is to explore meaning when you go around when you appear around looking for something seeking something. So literally, these people they enter the homes of Bani Israel and kill them. Kill Allah Dr. Dr. Xplore love dog or can award the Mfu Allah Allah says this was a promise that was fulfilled. What does it mean by this? The Bani Israel were warned that you are going to cause great corruption two times. But remember, that when a person spreads corruption,

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then what is after that consequence. Consequence. When a person does learn, what follows next consequence, any evil any wrong action, what follows next consequence, the greater the evil, the greater the consequence, the greater the facade, the greater the consequence. So the Bani Israel really their cause great mischief and what happened as a result, as a result, what happened?

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They were finished. They were destroyed. Their people were killed. Their homes were destroyed only by Cintia D then for Jessel kala Dr will kind of warn them of Rula this happened this was already done. What happened then some monarda dinner hola como Kurata la him summer then rather than we give back to you, from rod rod is to return we give back to you law come to you I'll colorata cola is to repeat, to return. To repeat to return. So I'll Kota I lay him against them against to meaning against your enemy.

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Meaning then, when your enemy did to you what they did to you, and when you turn to Allah, you sought his help, because remember, they were told alert the human duniya Akela so when they turn to Allah, relying upon him seeking His help, Allah subhanaw taala help them. How did he help them? Then he gave them a return victory over the enemy. The Bani Israel evil again rose to power. Yes, their people were killed. Yes, their homes were destroyed. Yes, their city was in ruins. But when they turn to Allah, Allah rolls them to power Allah rescued them Allah help them were under the now calm and we reinforced you your resources were depleted finished, but we reinforced you be unwell in with

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wealth weapon and children. What are Allah axon a feeler and we made you axon a Fiera a couple more Nuffield in manpower. Nephin plural of NEFA and basically refers to close relatives friends of a person that will go with him even to battle, meaning your manpower we increased it. We made you even more numerous than you were before. And we made you even more numerous than your enemy your numbers increased. So you see what happened they were given a forewarning you're going to create a lot of facade to times so the first time that they did facade what happened consequence an enemy was sent against them who destroyed them Bani Israel realize their mistake turn to Allah what happened? Allah

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subhanaw taala accepted the repentance and he helped them He gave them back what they had lost what under the now can be unwell in weapon in which our Allah come back Khurana Phila. Now this is the first instance that is mentioned over here. What about the second time, many scholars have said the second time also already happened as it is mentioned in the next IR and other scholars who say that it is yet to happen in Santam if you do your son, if you do good Albany Israel and this message is not just for the Bani Israel but for all of us. That all people if you do your son through your obedience to Allah, your constant turning to Allah, your worship of Allah. Instead of doing facade,

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you're doing Islam in our center if you do good, I certainly unfussy calm, you're doing good to yourselves. You're not doing Allah a favor. You're not doing your family a favor. Who are you doing a favor to yourself? Because you are going to be the sole person who's going to benefit from your goodness in a sentence or centrally unphysical we're in a septum and if you do evil fella has done for it. Meaning again for your own self. If you do evil who's

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like to suffer,

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you will suffer. Let me give you a small example when a person is jealous, who does he hurt first and foremost, himself?

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When a person is angry, who does he harm first and foremost? himself? Right? He's the first one to suffer. And when you do good to someone, for example, when you forgive them, who becomes happy, you become happy, who feels lighter, you feel lighter, who will feel like they're free, you will feel like you're free. Whenever you do good, you do it for yourself. And when you do bad, you make yourself suffer. We're in a certain fella her. Why are the Bani Israel being told us?

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That when you repent to Allah, and sought his help, you didn't do Allah a favor? You did a favor to yourself. And when you turn away from Allah, then who did you cause to suffer yourself? As you saw, when you did facade, when you ignored the commandments of Allah, then who suffered, you suffered failure then when Jarrah it came, or it will come war or the promise after the last one, the second one will occur over you does not mean the hereafter alacra is in the literal sense, the last of the two, meaning the second time that you caused great corruption, or the second time that you will cause great corruption, what will happen? Similar as happened before, when you cause great facade,

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an enemy was sent against you, to destroy you. And again, if you do facade, then what's going to happen? An enemy is going to be sent against you. And this enemy what is it going to do to you? Leah? Sue will do her come? There will sad in your faces. Yes, Sue? Oh, from Sue. What is so bad evil. They're going to make your faces look bad. When a person is angry, when a person he suffers from defeat, he suffers a great loss. Where's that evident? Hon the face.

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Leah Sue would you call this enemy that is going to be sent against you is going to sad in your face. While you do call masjid and they will enter the Masjid. Which Masjid Monsieur de la casa Jerusalem the holiest land to them. Leah the halal Masjid come at the Hulu who are well Amara just as they entered it the first time while you tap Biru and so that they will completely destroy man I love that which they take over rise over Rulu again is the same route allow meaning take over to be raw a total destruction that be Utah Bureau is from the root letters the raw tip it is also used for the small pieces of gold.

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Small pieces of gold you know when something big is crumbled to bits crumbled to pieces. So, that to be they will completely destroy everything, including the temple, including your Masjid Liotta, buruma. Allow that to be raw. Now, what is this referring to this first time that the Bani Israel cause great corruption, and then an enemy was sent against them. And the second time they cause great corruption and an enemy sent against them or will be sent against them? What's going on over here? We learned that Jerusalem is one of the oldest oldest cities and it has been attacked many, many times it has been laid siege to many, many times it has been captured and recaptured numerous

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times. It has very sadly, violent history, despite the fact that it is a land that is mobile that Allah subhanaw taala chose as a land of his profits, the money is hot you we learn from the history that when they were sent messenger after messenger scripture after scripture, what was their attitude in general? What was their attitude? Was it of acceptance, of submission, no, of rejection to the point that they even killed their prophets. They persisted on sin. Instead of changing themselves, they changed the book of Allah.

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Right. And along with that, amongst themselves, they were terribly divided. There was always some sort of civil war going on internal battles, many internal battles. So because of this reason, when they reached the height of facade and remember, the facade of a religious people is what their disobedience to Allah soprano, because when they will disobey Allah, then they will create a lot of facade. As we can see that when a Muslim when he disobeyed Allah, like for example, he lies, he cheats, he breaks his promise, then what happens? What happens?

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Is he just portraying a bad image of himself? No, he's portraying a bad image of Islam, all the Muslims. All right. So facade over here is not just ordinary corruption, but it's the corruption of religious people. And what kind of corruption is that disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala so what happened? Allah subhanaw taala sent against them enemy after enemy. Why? Because this is the Sunnah of Allah, that when a person does wrong, Allah gives him time. But when he does not change the dimension the person will suffer the consequences. You remember the story of Thanos and dilute in total Bukhara

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at the end of the second Jews, that how the Bani Israel they came to their Prophet and they said wakad Regina, I'm in the arena we're Obinna Inna. We have been expelled from our homes and our children have been taken away from us. So they asked their prophet to please appoint a king for us under whose leadership we will fight who dilute

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All right. So it shows that even at that time, they were suffering a lot. They were expelled from their lands, their property is taken away. And when they fought jaoude They did it suburbia, turn to Allah remember that long journey. The few people that remained who took only a handful of water from the river they passed the test they fought alongside pollute against dilute the water lesson and killed who gelatin the wilderness and then became the king.

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So a minor lesson after that Africa wilderness and I became the King Solomon or listened and built the Masjid. Now watch after Soloman Ernest salaam, the Bani Israel should have been on guidance learning from their history, but they deviated and when the deviated what happened, the Babylonians took over them. And the temple mount which is the most holiest Jewish site was taken over by the Babylonians and basically they built their own temples over the Temple Mount, they placed idols. Imagine the holiest site they placed their own idols over them, and they sacrificed pigs for their idols.

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Imagine the pain that the youth must be feeling it aside, it is reported that prophet Jeremiah, he advised them admonished them told them to repent change their ways, but instead of changing their ways the Jews they revolted against the Babylonians. And in the year 586 BC 586 BC, the Babylonian king book, The Nasr book, The Nasir, he attacked Jerusalem. And according to the stories in the Old Testament, both on offer he ravaged the town killed and enslaved the people. And he destroyed the temple. Majority of the people were killed, so they did facade and what happened? birth naturally you are you by the learner, Allah subhanaw taala sent against them or people who completely

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destroyed them. But we see that the prophet Jeremiah, when he would admonish the people advise them he would tell them to repent to Allah change their ways, and he warned them that if you don't change your ways, your enemy is coming. So for example, in Deuteronomy chapter 2849, to 68, it is said that the Lord will bring the nation against you from far away from the end of the earth, swooping down like the eagle, a nation whose language you do not understand a hard faced nation who shall not respect the old or show mercy to the young.

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It says, They shall besieged you in all your towns until your high and fortified walls in which you trust to come down throughout all your land, and they shall be seed you in all your towns throughout all your land, which the Lord your God has given you.

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And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, meaning you'll be so desperate that you'll be eating your own people, so desperate that you'll have no food. You'll be eating your own sons and your daughters whom Your Lord has given you. Given the siege and the distress with which your enemies shall distress you.

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At another part it says

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that I will scatter you among the nations and I will unsheathed the sword after you and your land shall be a desolation, and your cities shall be a waste. So prophet Jeremiah warned them, but they didn't pay heed to his warnings, and instead, they revolted. And what happened this Babylonian king, he devastated their nation, their lands, now much, much later, fast forward to the time of Osiris and what happened at the time of restart Islam that you who do they believe in him? No. Instead, they plotted with the Romans in order to kill restarted sunnah. Remember, they should have been siding with who resigned his prophet of Allah Zakaria listen, I'm you're here listening, but the

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kids are criada Sam, they killed your hero listener. And they were, you know, on their way to restart this and I'm also so what happened 66 years after he started Sam when the Romans ruled

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Jerusalem basically, what happened that the yahood again, so much strife within themselves so many fights within themselves. The Romans Now attacked the Jews, and the temple was destroyed again. Jerusalem was sacked, and it is said that

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almost a million people were killed. 97,000 people were captured and enslaved. Just imagine, hundreds and 1000s of people killed.

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Entire town wiped out, the Masjid is destroyed.

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Masjid this destroy. You see, when people turn to Allah and seek His help, they have Allah's protection, they have Allah support.

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And when people turn away from Allah, then what happens? The nations will come and attack them, just like the prophets on aloneness. And I'm warned that a time will come when nations will call each other to attack you just like people call each other to come for some food.

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Just imagine this is now the state of the Muslims and this was the state of the hood. But this was not the end when the turned back to Allah what happened some monarda dinner Hola, como Katara lane, were under Dinair can be unwell in webinar in which our lack of Axanar fewer. If you do good, you do good to yourself. And if you do evil, you turn away from Allah, you will harm none but your self. Sound like I was just thinking if you look at Jewish history, and when you're studying and you ask them, you know, why did all these things happen? Why did all these events take place? Like we don't know we have nothing like we have no history of why this happened. So in the Quran, Allah is telling

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us why it happened is because it reached the height of their disobedience. In fact, they know why it happened. If you really dig into their articles and the books that are written on the subject, they will confess that we did wrong this is why they go to the Wailing Wall and they cry. This is why they fast, you know so many days of the year in repentance in regret, because they realize they did wrong even till today. They understand but they will not talk about it. They will not talk about it openly. Because confessing your sins admitting that you were wrong. And this was God's punishment on us is very, very difficult. Dislike as Muslims today we will never admit that we are not following

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the Quran and Sunnah. In fact, any wrong action that we're doing what will we say? This is from the Quran? This is from the Sunnah. Even if it's not written the Quran and Sunnah we will attribute it to the Quran and Sunnah just to prove that we are right. In reality, we are following our desires under the label off religion.

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So I was just thinking in the previous is Allah tells us there still wait time to fix yourself, you know, make Allah Okay, be grateful repent and reform. So these four character things are just constantly mentioned in the previous exactly. I saw a book on on your hammer calm, perhaps your Lord will show mercy to you.

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I sell a book on AR Himachal. And if you look at the state of Muslims today, what is it? The state of total devastation, that no matter where we are on this planet, it's Muslim blood that doesn't have much value.

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We do facade in the name of religion. And this is why people hate our religion. This is why people hate all of us.

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The more facade we do, the more serious consequences they will be.

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And this is something that we need to realize what is facade, corruption? What is facade that there is no peace?

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With it's amazing. Now, people who have had criminal records, all of a sudden, they become radicalized, and in the name of religion, what will they do? Do facade? Isn't it?

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One person, he does facade, and then what happens? So many Muslims have to suffer? Right? So facade, remember, Allah does not like of sitting. If you do good in the place you're in to the people whom you're living with you do good to your own self. And if you do wrong, you're going to harm yourself in our sentence, or centum Lee unphysical. And think about it. If you've come to a country or land, you're taking their money in the name of welfare. And yet you criticize them all the time and you say, kuffaar kofod kuffaar. Join me join me join me. This is Donald Coughlin, okay, fine. But does it make sense that on the one hand, we are begging them for money,

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and on the other hand, we are raising weapons against them? Does it make sense? What did we learn earlier sugar gratitude.

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The Prophet saw a lot of time was honest, he was truthful. He appreciated others, even if they were anonymous.

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slim, if they did a favor to you, you acknowledge that favor. You don't cheat them in return. So this is something that we really need to think about as Muslims. What are we doing? Because remember, when we do for sad, there will be consequences, serious consequences, learn from the history of the hood, the chosen people who were given the Scripture who had given four warnings. But what happened, instead of changing their ways, they just became arrogant. And this is exactly what we have done. Instead of improving ourselves as individuals, as families as communities, instead of contributing to the places that we're living in, what are we doing facade? We think just because

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we're Muslim, we have the license to commit any crime. And we have the right to do anything, just because we're Muslim. But realize that when you are Muslim, than you believe in Allah, Allah is your Lord. And Allah is very, very just, he does not like facade who Allah will lay you humble facade. And even if a person is covering facade, in the name of Islam, in the name of religion, what will happen? Consequences will come just as they came upon the Bani Israel, I saw a book on on Yahama calm perhaps your Lord will show mercy to you, what in Earth dome meant if you return return to what lays a facade or do now we will also return meaning if you repeat your facade, we will also repeat

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consequences for you. Because earlier it was mentioned that you will do facade two times right. But here it is clarified that this is not just limited to two times. If you do facade five times people will be sent against you five times. If you do facade 10 times people will be sent against you 10 times don't think that just because do promises have been fulfilled. Now you can do whatever you want no in Earth tomorrow Luna what your Johanna my little cafe Rena house Lila, and we have made Hellfire for the disbelievers as a prison. House lead is a place in which a person is trapped he's confined he cannot get out of there in the heather Quran indeed this Quran Yeah, the it guides Linda

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Delia Quan to the way which is most correct most suitable Occoquan from caught him off while meme Camilla como understands a qualm that which stands in the most perfect way more suitable, most appropriate. So this point on in reality, it guides us to the best ways in all aspects of our lives, socially, politically, emotionally, you know, spiritually, financially, in every way. The Quran guides us to the way that is most appropriate, most correct, the Loteria archiwum when you Bashir will move money in and it gives good news to those who believe who are believers, those who just say yeah, I'm a Muslim and I can do all the facade in the world Alladhina Yama, Luna Solly had those who

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do good works slowly, what is slowly that which is right proper, correct. What is right, what is proper that lie to the people that take their money? Is that Sana

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what is proper? That those who are feeding you? You showed them? What is proper? What is proper? The way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Salah had Alladhina Yama, Luna Sally heard it gives good news to those who do good, who don't just talk

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big but they do good. And nella hum agilon Kabira. That for them is a great reward. great reward is for who those who do good, not just those who talk big well under leadin hola yo manana bill after and that indeed people who do not believe in the hereafter are uttered in Alohomora when a Lima, we have prepared for them a painful punishment.

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So what's the lesson in all of these is for us? That the Quran is a guide, just as a total was sent as a guide.

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In the scripture are four warnings in the Scripture is guidance. The one who follows the Scripture

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is the one who will remain guided, and the one who leaves the Scripture, the one who deviates from it,

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then he will do facade. And when he will do facade what will happen? He will neither be successful in this life, nor will he be successful in the

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let's listen to the recitation the Harmon.

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Isla Burnie

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It's all lovely kita Vela to see

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in Lima One thing led to FSI

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are limited to 81

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Now only one can be your

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own boss

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boss now

00:35:39 --> 00:35:40


00:35:43 --> 00:35:44


00:35:50 --> 00:35:50


00:35:59 --> 00:35:59

you more

00:36:11 --> 00:36:11


00:36:13 --> 00:36:13


00:36:15 --> 00:36:16

to me

00:36:18 --> 00:36:22

we're in tune Falana for either

00:36:26 --> 00:36:27

Martini as

00:36:31 --> 00:36:33

a whole Gina come

00:36:36 --> 00:36:40

What do you do for room as Gina cama de Haan who

00:36:43 --> 00:36:46

want you to bill now I know that to be

00:36:52 --> 00:36:54

we're in two

00:36:55 --> 00:36:55


00:36:59 --> 00:37:00


00:37:02 --> 00:37:04


00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

the Letty

00:37:13 --> 00:37:15

well, you bet she'll meaning

00:37:22 --> 00:37:24

gonna be all

00:37:29 --> 00:37:29


00:37:35 --> 00:37:40

Subhanak Allahumma behandling Masha Allah Illa illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to Winnie

00:37:42 --> 00:37:43

Allah he will catch you

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