Ammar Alshukry – The Power of Apology

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The history and context of apologizing for mistakes in Islam are discussed, including the importance of taking responsibility and acknowledging one's mistake. The difficulty of apologizing for past mistakes and the importance of forgiveness are also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for acceptance of apologizations and finding one's own weaknesses, as well as avoiding mistakes and making mistakes. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a YouTube channel.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah nama to whom minister in whom I still feel when older bIllahi min sure all the unforeseen our men say Dr. Molina Mejia de la who for Ramadan and Allah Who am I up for LA hottie Allah? Why should you Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah hola Chica who eyeshadow anna Muhammad Abdul rasool Allah automobile Salam who rebelled Allah, Allah azza wa jal Kitab in Kenema de Rosa bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim yeah you had the the enamel top Allah HEPA Takata whether to move to Nila went to the moon Wakata Tada Johan NASA Takakura Baku malaria ha ha ha ha ha ha la commune Huzzah. Jaha well that's I mean homage and Catherine when is the taco Allah led me to set and whenever he

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went on hub in hola que la cumbre Viva la cara Tara, you heard that the anomala Takala how puluh covenant said either your Slocombe Armada como la cama de novo mama de la hora Sula, who forgot the first the hose and our Lima and my bad appraisers due to Allah we seek His guidance and his forgiveness and we seek refuge and Allah from the evil of ourselves, and the whispering of our desires whom Allah guides no one can misguide. And whom he allows to be misled, no one can guide and I've ever witnessed that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah alone, having no partners and that Muhammad Sallallahu it who ascended him as a slave and His Messenger, and his perfect

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worshiper, asked to proceed.

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How to leave me belta

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was a companion of Rasulullah sallallahu, this and in Medina, who

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became aware that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was preparing the army to proceed to Mecca for the great conquest,

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and how they wrote a letter

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to communicate to his family that was in Mecca, about the arrival of the army.

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And this is a very dangerous act. In fact, it's an act of treason, that you're giving the enemy information and so Gibreel came and told the prophet Sallallahu to send them of the letter, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam then sent I leave never thought of and as Zubaydah milawa

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to go and intercept the letter,

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and they left Medina, Hamilton had sent the letter with a woman. And when they caught up to the woman, they asked her or they demanded rather the letter, the woman said, what letter I don't have a letter. And they said, eventually, after she kept denying the letter, I believe nobody thought about the law and who he said, listen, we're not lying. And we definitely haven't been lied to. And so you're going to hand over the letter, or we're going to find it on you. And so the lady pulled out the letter from her rates.

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And it was then taken back to the SU la Salado syndrome, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, called How to be a new belta. And he said, Oh, how Maha Malacca Allah Harada what caused you to do this? What caused you to commit this act? And remember even how tabula and who said, O Messenger of Allah,

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he's got no excuse, just allow me to take care of this guy.

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How to Set O Messenger of Allah, I did not do this out of disbelief and Allah and His messenger. But

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my family has no protection in Makkah. And so I wanted them to at least be prepared. I wanted them to be aware, so that they could make their considerations. Everyone else has family, everyone else has tribes, everyone else has protection.

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But how's my family going to be okay? And so when no model the lion who responded with what he responded to the province that Elijah sent them told them that he said, Oh,

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you do not know Perhaps Allah subhanaw taala glanced at the people of burden and how terrible is one of the people who participated in the Battle of better and said, Emmanuel, Masha, don't forget to do whatever you wish the people have better. I have forgiven you, that the people have budgeted they're standing with Allah subhanaw taala is so great, that act of worship, that participation, that it absorbs whatever the mistakes they made for the rest of their life, but how to read the law and who in that moment, had made an apology to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had provided His excuse. And so today I wanted to speak quickly and briefly about this notion of apologizing. The

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Prophet sallallahu sending them he says in a very profound Hadith, he says mechanic in the home of mama Tolyatti him in the home in shade failure to Halal human will earn whoever has an offense that he has committed against his brother. Whether it is in their honor their dignity or in anything else. The let them seek to resolve it now. And yo, Kabul ally Hakuna dinar Well, I did. He says let them do it today. Before

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tomorrow where there is going to be no currency other than good deeds. On the Day of Judgment, everybody will come to collect from everybody who's harmed them, everyone who's offended to them, and the only currency that will exist on the Day of Judgment is deeds. And so Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is telling us that whoever has an issue, whoever has committed an offense against their brother or sister, resolve it now, resolve it now. At some point,

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we became an ummah that doesn't apologize. At some point. Parents don't apologize to their children, spouses, don't apologize to each other bosses don't apologize to their employees and leaders of communities or even nations don't apologize to their flock. And we have to be people who take responsibility in ourselves. It's easy to complain about, you know, how people disregard their responsibilities over in the Muslim world, their lack of responsibility, being distant and dismissive, but who will take responsibility for the cause that we cause in our circles of influence in our personal lives, the negligence that we have for each other or the lack of trustworthiness

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that we have for each other? It starts with us, it always starts with us, every verse of the Quran was revealed for you. Every single verse of the Quran was revealed for me individually before it being revealed to anyone else. And so when we're talking about this notion of apologizing, the first is that when I commit a mistake, well, the first is to believe that I commit mistakes. There is none of us who is perfect. You see people who walk around with teacher T shirts that say, to save time, let's just assume that I'm always right. And some people actually carry themselves like they believe that they're always right. They're never wrong. You've known that person for 25 years, 30 years,

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they might be your spouse or your sibling or, and they have never ever been wrong. But the province from Allah Allah has sent him he says, Kulu Benny Adam football, while Jota in a toe baboon, the Prophet sallallahu de Sena tells us that every son of Adam is a sinner, everybody makes mistakes. And the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent. And so the reality is, is that nobody's perfect.

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And as much as we may like to perceive it,

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we make mistakes. But the best of those who make mistakes are those who when they make mistakes, they're able to acknowledge their mistakes. And when it comes to the context of Allah subhanaw taala they repent to Allah and when it comes to the context of individuals that they're able to rectify it with those individuals, Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to himself, he says fully everybody Alladhina Astra for other unforeseen hypnotic Natoma Rahmatullah in the Lucha through through Virginia. Allah says when it comes to himself, great news, amazing news. Allah says, never despair from the mercy of Allah, those who have wronged themselves never despair from the mercy of Allah.

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Verily, Allah forgives all sins, every sin that you and I have ever committed, or will ever commit Allah subhanho wa Taala is capable of forgiving it.

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As long as you approach him, as long as you repentant to him, as long as you commit to resolving your affair making yourself better as long as you fulfill the pillars of repentance that are known.

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But why is apologizing so difficult? Why is apologizing so difficult? At the core, at the core, is a truth that we don't want to face. And

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it's mentioned that there are two types of people who have a really difficult time with apology. Number one is the one who feels self pride. The one who feels false pride. It's when you think more of yourself than you are, the universe revolves around you anything good that happens is because of you.

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And anything that happens that's bad is not because of you can't be because of you how and you're so amazing that false pride. But the second and this is actually very

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telling, interesting, shocking, even that person who never apologizes, and you you assume that it's false pride, it could actually be because of self doubt,

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self doubt, that person who thinks less of themselves than they are, because then that your emphasis is on protecting yourself. Your self worth becomes attached to people's validation. And so when I

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assume responsibility, or when I say that I'm wrong, or when I acknowledge that I've made a mistake, then I have acknowledged imperfection and that imperfection makes me uncomfortable. Because it then becomes a * in my armor, it becomes something that I feel people might think of me as less than but if my

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self love and validation is independent of how people think, then I would be comfortable saying or I would be more comfortable saying I fell short. I'm a human being. My value is not attached to the

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his particular mistake, my self worth is not attached to how someone may perceive me no matter how they may perceive me because of this. And so an apology.

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You know, it begins with it begins with surrender and ends with integrity, that integrity of self. The danger of waiting to apologize, of course is that the longer a person waits to apologize, the sooner they're their weaknesses perceived as actual wickedness. We all make mistakes, and we all fall short of perfection. But what can make us seem evil in the eyes of others is the belief that if we can't be truthful about this incident, if I'm obviously wrong, and I can't admit it, then I might lie about other things. Also, I can't have the ability to actually trust your version of events. I can't trust your statements, but too many people apologizing is perceived as weakness rather than a

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strength. What is honesty honesty is telling the truth to ourselves and others and integrity is living that truth. Living that truth, that comfort you see what the Sahaba of the Alana whom their willingness, even in the heat of a moment, famously Abu Bakr and Omar got into a dispute and Omar leaves and he goes into his house feels bad. And so he goes to find a boo buck, he goes to a Woobox house Abu Bakr isn't there a Baba Chris with Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam but I'm gonna have to apologize that

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he had went to apologize and then when he goes, he finds Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, even more angry at Roma just because he had offended Oba even though Abu Bakr was the one Abu Bakr said I was the one who made the mistake. But that notion of trying to resolve issues the prophets of Allah do is setting them says that our actions are lifted on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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They are lifted except for two people who have a conflict between them. And it is said, relieve these two leave these two until they reconcile but that reconciliation has to start somewhere. That reconciliation has to start somewhere now. Of course, does that mean that every apology but also part of that is accepting apologies as well? Accepting apologies Allah Subhana Allah to Allah he says

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well yeah for less for who Allah to Borneo fit hola hola como la homophone Rahim let them forgive and overlook Do you not wish that Allah Subhana Allah overlook your faults as well? And so part of it is not just learning as far as developing a culture of apology is not just learning to apologize but learning to accept people's Apology of course the question that comes with that all the time, because Allah says let them forgiven overlooked Do you not wish that Allah subhanaw taala forgive you the question that comes with that is does that mean that I have to accept people's apologize apologies even when they've I'm not sure whether they actually mean it even though they may be

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insincere even though they are always relapsing, even though even though even though the prophets of Allah do send them he says that the believer is in bit from the same hole twice. And the province Allah Allah, they send them showed us some oncology's that aren't accepted. Abu Aza was a man from the machine again, who participated in the Battle of budget against the province of allied and sending them and he was captured and the province cellulitis and him gave him general amnesty. He freed him, he doesn't need to ransom himself, nothing is free ago, on the condition that he does not fight against the province of allied so again,

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guess what? After the Battle of hurt, there is a plaza, again in the enemy camp. And this time he says, oh, messenger of Allah leave me for my children, my family. And so the province that Elijah send him said, I'm not going to let you I'm not going to let you twist your moustache in Makkah saying Hi, Dr. Mohamed Marathi in that I I tricked Muhammad salallahu Salam twice. The province of Elijah sent him on the second time they didn't accept it. And he said the believer is not stung from the same hole twice. That does not mean that I don't forgive individuals when they harm me, but that I don't put them in the same position to be able to harm me again. I learned from my mistakes

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forgiveness is one thing love and accommodation and closeness and proximity and access and all of these things is something different a code of mathematical structure Allah they were looking for stuff you know in novel of what Rahim?

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hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah I just saw this interesting with Yara and you see that Allah in the seal of the prophets of Allah, they send them over them to have Bob when he met the killer of his brothers aids and Amata loves aids very much. And this man had accepted Islam after he had killed eight. He said, I'm gonna say that to him. I asked you by Alana, I'm gonna study for he said, did you kill my brother's eight? And the man said yes. And then model the law and he said, then stay away from me. Because I'm never going to love you as long as the Earth doesn't love blood. We're never going to mix and so the man said, Oh, I middle meaning is your lack of love for me is

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going to stop me from receiving my rights as a Muslim. He said no, your rights are one thing and my love for you is something different. And he said okay, that's fine. The

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam accepted the Islam of last year, but he told him he said, Can you just stay away from me because he had killed his uncle Hamza,

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that forgiveness can be independent of again, all of that love. Be the only one who loves perfectly after sins is Allah subhanaw taala no matter how great the sin and that's why that pairing is so beautiful when Allah says will who will have a foothold will do it. He is the forgiving and he is the loving meaning no matter what a person does, Allah may forgive them and Allah subhana wa Tada may love them perfectly. Finally,

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what are some things that can be done as far as languages of apology languages of apology? Number one, of course the the greatest act is repentance to Allah subhanaw taala

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repentance that's done to Allah Subhana Allah that is the greatest form of apology. But number two with regards to others, human beings that you begin with those who are closest to your family, those that are

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those who are you are most intimate with, there will always be more need for apology to because those are the ones who you interact with in the most deep and passionate level your family, relatives, neighbors, people who've wronged settle your business before you settle with them on the Day of Judgment. And when you look in the languages of apology of them is for example, compensation.

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Imam Malik

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had a young man come to him named fisherman Amar. And this man's father had sold his house to come and study with Imam Malik. And this unfortunately, this young man just didn't have any sort of manners at all. He didn't understand any of the protocol of the mathematics. Halaqaat. So sky comes he's so excited. In my mind access to him. Okay. You read, and I'll correct you if there's any problems and he says no, you read. He says to him, America says you read. Mr. Malik says no, that's not how it goes around here. You read? And he says no, no, you read. Mathematics says you read he says no, no, you read, say mathematics says you know what? Go have this guy taught.

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And so he was taken and he was lashed. He starts to cry.

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In mathematics as you're seeking Hadith, and you cry, and he said, I'm not crying because of the the discipline. I'm crying because my father sold his house to teach me Hadith. And

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I haven't learned Hadith I've just gotten disciplined. And so Imam Malik said, Okay, then, let me resolve this for you.

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Forgive me, he says, No, I'm not I'm not going to, until for every lash, you teach me a hadith for every lash that I received. And so in my mind, it narrated him privately to this tourists to compensate him, right, so figuring out how to resolve with individuals. And then he showed me he said, If this is what I get for lashes, then give me more lashes so I can get more Hadith. But the point here is the compensation with others and for for many, it is a change in behavior. That apology be communicated by changing behavior. And that's one of the pillars of Toba as well that you can say you're sorry, as much as you want, but that you show that you're sorry, by changing the

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behavior that caused the apology in the first place. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to allow us to hear the speech and follow the best of it. We ask Allah subhana dies to accept from us our actions, to forgive us our sins to forgive us our shortcomings that Allah Subhana Allah grant us actions that will lead us to Paradise from speech and from actions and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make the best of our days our last days and the best of our moments the day that we meet him. Aloha My name is Erica Jenna Makabe humming whatever the becoming another macro video and putting Mohamed olam at info center Taqwa pyramids, aka Antonio hom Hola.

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Hola, hamara Maccabiah Helene and Mr. Dafina Magoo. BNF equally makan. Muhammad Hamilton Hamilton Muslimeen wash remodel. Don Omar Muslimeen Rob Durham hamaca Melbourne. So the Rasul Allah this is going to Muhammad Camila theological Allah

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