Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 140D Tafsir Al-Nahl 118-128
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While Alina heard who and upon those people who became Jews haram Nah, we forbid we prohibited ma that which also snare alayka we have narrated to you Monica blue before, meaning already we have been informed in the Quran about the foods which were made unlawful for the Jews. Like what? What was made unlawful for them?
Good. So on cloven hoof, right animal with an cloven hoof. So for example, a camel, okay. Likewise from an animal that was slaughtered fat, for instance, was not lawful for them. I mean, we have learned about that earlier. And obviously, this would make it so difficult for them. And even today, the Jews who actually follow the religion properly or according to the book, their dietary restrictions are at an extreme, literally separate utensils and ingredients have to be separated, just because a particular food was with a particular food, it's not lawful for them anymore. Even refrigerators have to be separated sometimes. Why was it so difficult for them? Why did Allah
subhanaw taala impose so many restrictions on them? Allah says, wamalwa them now whom he did not do well on them by making these things unlawful? Well, I can cannot and for some Romeo's limited but they were wronging themselves, how? The thing is that in the name of piety, many people start making lawful things unlawful for themselves in the name of righteousness.
And what happens is that they will make it unlawful, but then what will happen to the future generations, they will not know whether this photo is unlawful according to the law, or what's the origin of this prohibition? Right. And when a person makes something lawful unlawful by himself, What is he doing basically, is being ungrateful that Allah has given him something to enjoy something to us? And he say, No, I'm not going to have it. Right. So this is also ingratitude. And why do people do this making lawful unlawful for themselves in the name of piety? Right? And why is it that in order to be more pious in order to be extra pious, they, you know, impose so many
restrictions upon themselves because they're guilty somewhere else? They know they are falling short somewhere else. So they want to make up for that how? By appearing all righteous, and how do you appear all righteous when you leave that which is lawful? Like for example, many people they will not pay much attention to actually learning the deen learning the Quran learning the fic studying the book of Allah, they will not pay much attention to it. As soon as they consider themselves to be religious. That doesn't mean studying the theme that means haram haram haram haram everything Hello. You see, why is it that people go to extremes extremes from nor religiosity to such extreme that
everything is covered and everything is haram
and everybody is covered? And every chef is refuted? Why? Why is such an extreme as if you are like a walking Prophet, that you have the authority to label anything and everything with whatever you want. Why is such an extreme, because something is missing inside. The person is hollow and empty inside. Because if there was true fear of Allah, true love for Allah subhanaw taala true hope in Allah than a person would never go to such an extreme because the prophets of Allah Saddam did not teach extremism. In fact, he warned us against extremism.
The prophets that a lot of them warned, you know, once a man came and he was very rude to the pseudo Rasul Allah is Allah. And the Prophet saw a lot of sin and warn the Sahaba that from this man's children will come people who will be such and such and such and such, he described them. And later on after the death of the Prophet salatu salam, a group formed and that group was known as the Hawaii bridge. Why? Because they were the first ones to exit Islam Harada right. But they did not consider themselves to have left Islam. They actually said about everybody else that they had left Islam, they said about the Sahaba that the Sahaba had committed before. They said things like we're
going to battle against the companions, and which one of you is going to take eyeshadow, the love on her as a slave as a war captive? Yes, they are the ones who said such things, labeling Muslims as Kuffar. Saying things like if you eat something haram if you commit something haram, you have less
After fold of Islam, who did this? The Jews did this extremism, extremism so selfish that you don't care about others, so arrogant in their religiosity, a barren religiosity, that in the name of religion for the sake of their religious festivals, they will kill others, like ants are crushed.
They will humiliate others and not care about others. And this kind of extremism, unfortunately, is found in many Muslims also.
If we follow the religion correctly, correctly, we would not be such extremists. When the religion is missing from the heart, when the heart is empty, it's hollow, then you have to wear a cloak of piety. And what do you do? You start judging everybody, and you start labeling everybody.
Of course, it shows lack of knowledge. I mean, arrogance, despite ignorance, because the whole adage, I mean, companions then went and explained to them that this is not correct. Some of them they listen, but the rest of them they're like, no, no, we know better. Yes, we know that you believe in the Prophet said a lot isn't when you saw him and you spent so many years with him. But you know what we know better than you.
Arrogance despite ignorance, because true knowledge humbles a person, when a person seeks knowledge for the purpose of armor for the purpose of implementation in order to improve himself that knowledge Kasara who it breaks him, meaning it humbles him.
He becomes humble.
And when a person seeks knowledge for something else, then he only becomes arrogant. So the hood, what happened, they made so many lawful things unlawful and themselves in the name of piety in the name of religion. And what happened. Allah subhanaw taala, he actually made lawful things unlawful upon them.
He actually deprived them of good things, Allah gave them good things is that no, no, no, we're too religious for this. We're too good for this. We're not going to eat it, we're not going to use it, we're going to keep away from it.
So Allah subhanaw taala, also deprive them of those good things. And this is a very, very important lesson that we need to learn. When Allah gives us something, take it happily do shocker.
Like when you burn Islam, he was cured, he was healed. And locusts of Gold fell down on him. Imagine what did he started when he began collecting him thicken up? And any person who would see that they wonder how greedy Allah subhanaw taala asked to you? Well, it's not that we're not paid you money, meaning you still like these things.
And you were listened and said, How can I ever have enough of your blessings, meaning these gold locusts are important to me because they're coming from you. They're coming from you, you are giving them to me, you're sending them my way. So I will take them happily. So when Allah gives us a blessing, take it happily.
Use it, like the profits on a lot of setup did take it happily use it, share it with others, give in sadhaka. But don't refuse it arrogantly. Because if you refuse it arrogantly with whatever reasoning and explanation and logic, you're doing little on yourself, and then Allah who will also deprive you of those good things. So my inner Becca, then indeed your Lord Lilla, Lena AMILO sue for those people who committed evil, BJ Hallett and out of ignorance. Now these evil things happened out of ignorance, that we think that, you know, if I want to be all righteous, then I'm just going to stop eating meat and I'm going to stop, you know, eating sweet stuff, and I'm going to live you know,
this good thing and that good thing because I want to become righteous and religious.
Like unfortunately, it happens with many women that wants to start wearing hijab.
That then they forget about everything. Everything as in good shoes and good clothes and at least wearing makeup and nice things in front of your husband, if anyone but they leave everything. Keep away from it. Epstein know Allah subhanaw taala is not forbidden you from Xena. He is just forbidding you from showing that to non Muharram. Right. So keeping away from these things, depriving yourself of lawful things is a form of ingratitude. So anyway, if this happens out of ignorance that a person goes to an extreme be Johanna 10, out of ignorance, some metabolome embodied Ehrlich then they repent after that do Toba that ya allah I'm sorry, I was ungrateful for your
blessings. I will use them I accept them.
I will enjoy them. I will not make Halal into haram and also the opposite that I will not make haram into Halal This is also right. This is also wrong to any kind of wrong that has happened if they do that, but then they repent after that. What a slur who after Toba is also Islam make amends
that if haram was being consumed, now change that into Halal replace that with Halal ostler who they do Islam in not have become members of the Halacha foto Rahim then indeed your Lord after that is surely forgiving and merciful. Then Allah gives us the example of Ibrahim alayhis salam, who was really the righteous of all people of his time, wasn't he? He was the one who was most obedient. And he was also someone who was very grateful in the Ibrahim indeed Ibrahim Khanna onma He was like an ummah. He was an ummah.
What is an Oma?
A nation, a community. Now notice one man is being called an ummah,
an entire nation, on one hand, and one man on the other. And this man is equal to that nation. How, in what way?
In what way? How was he and Obama because he did the work of an ummah, he did what an entire nation together would accomplish. As one man, he accomplished so much that an entire nation together would manage to accomplish as one individual he possessed so many good qualities that you would find in an entire group of people. You know, for example, one individually you find them yeah, they pray yes, they fast. Yes, sir. PATIENT Yes, they smile. Yes, they're forgiving. But when it comes to such and such, you know, they're not that strong in it. They're not that good at it.
Then you look at another person and they have one good quality after another. But then again, you see, yeah, they lack in this they lack in this. So then when you have a whole group of people together, one person has one skill, another person has another school, another person has another skill, then together as a team. They have every skill that is needed. Ibrahima is Salam alone as an individual, he possessed all the good qualities that are good servants should have
that a righteous slave should have Kana Oma. He was an ummah, in his obedience in his services, in his accomplishments, in his worship, he was parallel to an entire nation. He achieved what a nation would achieve. And today he is remembered, like a nation is remembered. He was a nation in one,
a community in one.
It's amazing. In times, there are certain people they go so far in their life, they accomplished so much.
They do so much in their life. And on the other hand, you have an entire group of people, and together even they don't accomplish half as much as with that one man accomplished Ibrahim harness is that one man who accomplished more than a nation and also if you think about it, Ibrahim right has some established two nations.
Right? He established two centers, two main centers of worship. On the one hand Maka through His son is marine and on the other hand, Jerusalem Philistine right through his other son, so Cana OMA he was an ummah.
The word OMA means nation, but it also means a leader, a model leader, meaning a leader, that must be taken as an example, whose ways must be emulated. Ibrahim in Islam was an ummah, meaning a model leader. He comprised in his character in his personality, all the good traits of a leader, someone worthy of being followed.
So for us, the example is who Ibrahim medicina not Some so called righteous sent. Not Some so called righteous person, no for us. The example is Ibrahim Ernest Sinha, who was he How was he? Firstly carnita Lilla he was obedient to Allah, devoutly obedient to Allah. Whatever Allah subhanaw taala told him he did it. Whatever Allah told him, he did it. If caught Allah hoorah boo, a slim call
Up, Islam two, I have surrendered. He obeyed. He did it. And this is something that we need to develop in ourselves also, you know, like we learned earlier, eat. Why? Because Allah is telling us, what do we think righteousnesses don't eat.
That is not Knuth Knuth is what? Continues obedience, with humility.
You see, the prophets are a lot of sin. And once when he was traveling, and he was fasting in the companions were also fasting. And he realized that the fast was becoming very difficult for everybody. So he got up, you know, somewhere high, and he basically in front of everybody broke his fast. Why did he do that so that everybody would follow him. And everybody would also break their fast because the person is allowed to do that. When they're traveling, it gets difficult, you can break your fast. So the prophets have a lot of some did that. Now certain companions. Okay, very young and overzealous. They said, No, no, we're not going to. And when the Prophet said a lot of
them found out, Was he happy? That Oh, wow. They're so strong. Handle, they have some kawaii man here, which is why they can fast even though someone like the Prophet salatu salam cannot fast did he appreciate? No, he was upset with them. And what did he say? Those are the disobedient. Those are the disobedience.
Ibrahim alayhi salam was calling it whatever Allah told him he did it. Allah tells us to eat We should eat Allah tells us don't eat, don't eat. Allah total get married, married.
If Allah subhanaw taala tells us to enjoy something. Joy it.
This was the winner Ibrahim Ali Salam, Hanifa unswerving? Who is honey of someone who leaves everything. Everybody avoids all she avoids every idol. Whether it's American Idol, or Canadian Idol or whatever, okay? I know he avoids it. And he's focused on Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, that I am on my way to Allah and I want to please Allah. Yes, there are so many distractions, so many people coming in the way, distracting me pulling me enticing me, but I'm going to avoid everyone and keep running to my Lord Hanifa because this is what happens in life, right? There are so many beautiful things that come in our way so many tempting, enticing things that come in our way and we
wish to follow them.
We wish to serve them wish to go after them. Now Ibrahim right Islam was Hanif What am your communal Mushrikeen and he was not of those who are associated partners with Allah share Kiran, grateful li under Omi for his blessings under implore love Norma, who's blessings, the blessings of Allah upon him. He was grateful. Think about it. Ibrahim on his sunnah despite being a prophet, despite being I mean so righteous yet, what did he ask Allah subhanaw taala for children. He asked Allah for children. And Allah subhanaw taala gave him children. Children are what a man who will banana Zenith will hire to dunya
we think a righteous person should not have a family should not make dua for money should not strive to make money should not strive to have children should not strive to enjoy, you know a good life. This is not by it. What is by it, then, the good things you ask Allah for them. And when you get them be grateful. Shakira Lee unroll me, because one is a person who's got nothing. Look, he's got nothing. He's got no money. Can he give sadaqa? Can he spend on his relatives? Can he spend on himself so you can travel for how much can you spend on himself so that he can travel in order to seek knowledge? Can he spend on himself so that he can travel and meet his relatives and newsletter
to him? No.
And there is another person who has money and who's using that money in the right way. Which one is better?
Which one is better? The one who's got the blessings. He is grateful for them. And he is using them. In order to please Allah subhanaw taala Shakira Lee and Rumi. Notice how earlier we learned about his characteristic? He was Hanif and who is her name, someone who doesn't get distracted by what comes their way. You understand? You know, it's like, you're driving and there's a car parked on the side. What do you do? I have to go straight on the road. And I don't care if I bump into this car is that what you do? What do you do? You will move to the side, avoid the car. Right? And in life, this is what we have to do. There are many blessings that come our way many good things that come our
way. Yes, we accept them. We use them. We are happy for them. We're grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for
For them, when we will not begin to worship them.
We're not going to worship them. We're going to be grateful we're going to use them and we're not going to get lost in them. Rather we're going to continue our journey to Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala ah, the Bible he chose him who Ibrahim run is set away because of all of these amazing, beautiful qualities. Well, hello illustrata Mr. Team and he guided him to the right way. Because of these qualities of Rahim, Al Hassan was chosen he was given prophethood he was made Imam Allah told him in the dari local NSC, Ema
and Allah guided him to the right way. So if we want to be guided to the right way, then what do we need to do? What do we need to do?
First of all, do something with your life. Don't sit like a rotting potato. Okay, literally do something in your life. Ibrahim Ellison was in Omaha.
What are we doing? What legacy Are we leaving behind? What impact are we having on our society? Secondly, on it,
the quality of connote thirdly, Hanif, he was Hanif fourth lamea. coming on, we're sticking with Shakira only on roomie, then Allah will choose a servant and guide him to the right way. What are they now for? Dunya Hassan and we gave him in this world a good reward. Was he given a good reward in this world? Ibrahim Renison? Yes, he was made the Imam so even today people remember him and they take him as an example. And all the major religions of the world speak very highly of him. Right? So Allah gave him his reward in the dunya. What about during his life was he given some reward in the form of righteous children, one son Halle the other son, Arlene, lamb and Holly will Willem and
Arlene. And aren't these the qualities that parents want in their children? My child should have the knowledge of the deen my child should be patient and tolerant and bold enough and confident enough to go far in life.
Allah give Ibrahim Redis and reward Indonesia because it is not possible that you leave something for the sake of Allah, you do something for the sake of Allah and Allah will not reward you know, Allah is a shekel he's very, very appreciated. You take one step to him, and he will take 10 towards you. What are they now for dunya Hasina, we're in noval FLT Lemina slaley hain. And indeed he will be in the hereafter from among the righteous meaning in the company of the righteous because he was a righteous person himself, right. So like with like, Ibraheem Alehissalaam was righteous in this dunya Allah Who will keep him in the company of the righteous in the agora. Some are Hanaa Eleague
then we have revealed to you the addresses to who Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we have inspired to you we have commanded you and that is the bear you should follow Mila to Ibrahim the way of Ibrahim Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told to follow who Ibrahim medicina
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the last prophet The sila while prophets, Imam Al Gambia because when he went for Islam, he was the Imam right. And every other Prophet prayed behind him. He was the Imam, but he is being told to follow who Ibrahim are Ibrahima is Scylla. Then what does it mean for us? Who should we follow?
Who should we follow? Who is an example for us? Ibrahim is Anna. Remember, for us? Our leaders are who the prophets of Allah. They are the ones who we follow. They are the ones who we emulate.
Exactly earlier we learned that if you love Allah, follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Here we learned Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was being told follow Ibrahim on his sunnah. So if we love Allah, and we want Allah to love us, who do we have to follow the Prophet sallallahu and by extension, we also have to follow Ibrahim relisten. He is an example for us. So get inspiration from who the example of the prophets
and the example of those who follow the prophets. The way of the prophets is clear in the Quran. They did not dance in their love for Allah.
They did not refute other people. You know, calling others caffeine, caffeine caffeine all the time,
in their adherence to the religion of Allah, these are all forms of extremism, and let's avoid them. For us. Our examples our leaders are the prophets of Allah.
La, follow the Miller of Ibrahim. He was Hanif one Academy in Michigan. He was not of those who that should look at the emphasis on tohave over here, that Ibrahim Renta Salam truly believed in the Oneness of Allah. And you know what that means. When you truly believe in the Oneness of Allah, that when you have a need when you have anything you go directly to Allah subhanaw taala.
You don't go to the grave of someone and request them to call upon Allah. You don't make the prophets of Allah ism it was sila, that oh Allah accept my daughter through the sila of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is what the machine can use to do. That we are so sinful, we're so bad, we're not going to be heard. So Oh Allah, please listen to us, you know, through the baraka of these idols, through the baraka of this righteous soul and that righteous person, know, if a person thinks like this, you know, who he's doing injustice, Allah subhanaw taala. What did you think about Allah?
That Allah will not care about you, that he will not show mercy to you that he will not listen to you? What do you think about Allah? What kind of wrong understanding this is about Allah subhanaw taala that you don't go directly to him? Rather you go to him through others? This is not right. This is injustice. You know, Ibrahima has sunnah when he spoke to his people, when they were worshipping idols, he said from our one Nakamura Bellami. What did you think about the Lord of the worlds that you had to make these idols? You think he doesn't care about you will not listen to you? Who has provided you all this time? Why do you have to worship an idol? So Ibrahim on his son, he
was firm upon Thor Heath, and the same lesson is for us, in them during a sub two. Indeed, the Sabbath was only appointed not as a word jeweler, meaning it was forced on it was appointed, it was enforced with its restrictions and its difficulties are Allah upon Alladhina dos ithala foofy those are different concerning subbed Sabbath Saturday, which is considered a day of worship, by who, by the hood. Is it easy or is it difficult? Difficult, right, so much so that difficulties are created for others also because of their Sabbath difficulties on them, but also on others. So anyway, when you learn about Sabbath and its restrictions, you wonder, Why did Allah subhanaw taala give them
such strict rulings? It's a little too difficult that Saturday, you don't fish at all, like those people that Korea, they were not allowed to do any any form of fishing, right? So you wonder why so difficult. Allah tells us why. Because they were who Alladhina de la foofy. He did deferred concerning it.
We learn from Surrey Makati, and that the prophets of aloneness and I'm sad that we are the last nation. But we'll be the first on the Day of Judgment, in spite of the fact that others were given the book before us meaning first to enter agenda.
This was the day meaning Friday was the day which was made obligatory for them, but they disagreed about it. And Allah has guided us to it and the other people follow us, the Jews have tomorrow and the Christians the day after. So what do we learn from this Hadees that for every nation, meaning whenever a prophet came, he taught that the people should gather together one day for communal worship worship together one day of the week.
So this day was supposed to be which day the day of Friday. Jumeirah is from what jammer at the gym, we're gathering together coming together. So one is that you worship you know, by yourself and the other is that you come together and worship together. And when you come together to worship Allah subhanaw taala there's many more benefits. This is why Miriam was told to carry and bow down with those who bow down, right, the bunnies, right? We're also told what Kuru mercury. So anyway, their Prophet told them that Friday is when you're supposed to come together to worship Allah subhanaw taala that you said no, no, we don't want Friday. If de la foofy they differed with their prophet,
there's an unaware that we don't want Friday. Why? different explanations have been given as to why they didn't on Friday. They said you know what we want Saturday. Saturday is better for us. It's ideal for us. So they were told Okay, worship Allah on Saturday. And because you disputed with your messenger. Now here are all these extra restrictions. This is just like how they were told slaughter a cow. What did they do?
Yeah, okay, well, let's go get a cow and slaughter. No
question after question, and indirect objection, right? mocking at the messenger. So when they did that the command was made even more difficult for them. So in the matter of Sabbath also, the Sabbath was made even more strict and difficult upon them. We're in North Bacala como buena homea will pm and indeed your Lord will surely judge between them on the Day of Judgment female can or fee of telephone concerning that which they use to differ in meaning all these differences that they have Allah subhanaw taala will resolve them on the Day of Judgment. So this means that today you can never resolve them. Other Elizabeth Arabic but you still have to call people to the house.
So Allah told us or the room call Elizabeth Arabic to the way of your Lord, meaning call people to Islam. call people to the worship of Allah alone. call people to the way of though hate to the way of servitude to Allah alone severely Lubbock, but how should you call them?
How should you call them? Just go to a random person and say, You know what, when you believe that Jesus is Son of God, you're committing ship, and you're gonna go to * and burn there forever and ever and ever.
So you better not say that God has a son. What evidence do you have? And what proof do you have? No, don't call in that way. How should you call read the iron? Baal Hikmah with wisdom with wisdom, and what is wisdom? What is Hikmah to play something where it belongs, to do something when it is appropriate, how it is appropriate to do something in the best way, at the right time in the right way, in the right amount.
In the right amount. Also, this is hikma.
The other day, I was at home and two ladies came knocked at the door. Anyway, I opened the door and she like literally it is in it. I'm like, yeah, it is a nice day. And she's like, well, I just want to share something with you. I won't take much of your time. And she basically had a Bible with her, which she had opened up and her friend also had opened up the Bible. So just want to share one verse with you to like, you know, all these problems that that exist in the world, so much violence and so much disease. And then you wonder, is this ever going to be over? And is there any way out of this. And so I just wanted to share this verse with you. And she opened up the Bible, and she just read
one verse that said something about the Kingdom of God through Jesus, and basically, of how the fruit and the produce and you know, will be so good, and there'll be so much peace in the world. So she's like, you know, this kingdom, it's the kingdom of God is gonna make Yeah, that will come after the return of Jesus. Because in Hadees, that's what we learned that when we started this, and then we'll come and the Judean module finished, you know, rain will come it will fall and clean the earth and the earth will become like clean glass literally, like so clean. And then the following years will be, you know, amazing that so much food and purity, there will be no NEFA no coffee just for a
few years. So I'm like, Yeah, I know that already. I believe in that, Alicia. Yeah, just want to share that with you. And before I could say anything, by
She didn't give me a chance to speak. But she just left instantly. But I was just reflecting on it. And she used some hikma. Right, in the sense that she did talk about something over which I differed with her. That is a point of contention, right? Something that everybody wants peace, happiness, love. That's what everybody wants in life. So that's the point that she picked. She didn't take much time, just literally less than two minutes, if I'm not mistaken, was probably just a minute.
She didn't take long at all this is hikma, the right amount of doors, okay, in the right way,
at the right time,
Bill Hikmah this is something that we should be doing, but unfortunately we forgotten it. Bill Hikmah call to your LORD with Wisdom that the Prophet said a lot is an on call people with wisdom. Of course.
Of course. You remember how when he was expelled from thought if and how he took shelter in this garden? And that man came the Christian slave with some food for the prophets of Allah is Allah. The Prophet said a lot of them said Bismillah
he could have said it silently.
Right? But he said Bismillah out loud, that man, he heard the words and he's like, What are you saying? I've never heard anybody say this before. I mean, this is so unique. And then what happened? But he told the prophet said a lot of time about where he was from, and the Prophet salallahu Salam said, Yes, you are from the land of Yunus iannetta, right? He's like, you know him. Yeah, I know, Yunus my brother. He was also a prophet and I'm also a prophet. You are a prophet. And instantly you believe
lived. But see how the Prophet salallahu Salam convinced him how he won his heart, Ben hikmah. Well Marilla till Hassan and also use good advice. More Allah is advice that is effective, that is actually going to affect the other. Why would it be effective because of its style and its content? It's said in the right way, and the content is also appropriate. So Marilla till has no good instruction, effective style, effective content. And then sometimes there's also a need to argue because many times these conversations turn hostile. You're talking to a person very calmly and they become aggressive. So when there is a point of GDL Allah says we're Jad Ilhan and argue with them
bility arson in a way that is excellent. Don't lose your manners when you're arguing with people in the name of religion.
Best way of argument again, manners should be good style should be good. Rajat Dillon bility here arson in our bucket indeed your Lord who are liberal, he is most annoying. Remember Lawrence Bailey of the one who is a stray from his way, meaning he knows who is misguided. So don't judge others just do your job.
Because whenever we speak to somebody about Islam, whether it's a Muslim or non Muslim, what do we do? We jump to conclusions, right we make judgments well this person motivated there. Any Yeah, that term which I heard in that class? Yeah, it fits them best.
No, that's not your job. What's your job? Convey? Not judge Allah knows who is guided and who is misguided. Do your job. Your job of conveying hula Arlen would remember Lancer, Billy, well, we are a little bit more 30. And he is most knowing of who is rightly guided, and ultimately happens that when you're talking to somebody and you're telling them about Islam, they believe firmly that they are upon the truth.
And you kind of become shaky about yourself that if they're so firm, in their belief, they must be believing in something right? So you start doubting yourself know, Allah knows who is right and who was wrong. And in the Quran, he has mentioned which way is the way of the guided people in which way is the way off misguided people
were in our aka Bhutan. And if you were to take revenge, or cotton from aeroclub punishment, meaning if you were to punish an enemy, because sometimes it happens that it begins with Dawa. But it turns violent, like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was doing Dawa atomistic in became violent against him. So if you are in a situation where you have to punish the other, because they have wronged you, then foul people then punish be Muslimah are pivotal, with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. Meaning don't do more than what was done to you.
Don't do more than what was done to you stay within limits. Because sometimes it happens that when you're talking to someone, they become very aggressive. And they start using harsh words. So you can use similar harsh words in retaliation. You can, however, don't go on cursing them and their mother and their sister and their father and their entire tribe and their entire nation. Don't do that.
It should only be be Methley Maru Kibito MBIE wala in somber tone, but the diary if you're patient, Lucha highroller slavery and that is better for those who are patient. Solid is better for those who are patient. Why? Why sobre better, because that is how you win the hearts of people. When you forgive, they're wrong. When you're a patient, even though they're trying to get you to be angry.
You're patient, you're calm, because you know, sometimes literally a person will disagree with us just to see what we do. How do we react?
They just want to get some reaction out of us and sometimes children also do that. Sometimes your brothers your sisters will do that your family members will do that. So just be patient. If your patient, Lucha highroller slavery will spear woman Samudrika illa biLlah Be patient and your patient is not accepted through Allah meaning with his Sophie, if he gives you the ability with his help, while at the has an early him and do not grieve over them over who those are turned away. Those who don't listen despite you calling them despite the fact that you've told them over and over again. You've used convincing arguments you've used, you know, clear proofs from the Quran. You've tried
your best to use as much wisdom as you possibly have. But the other person doesn't seem to listen. Let the Hazara lay him what a taco field lays in and do not be in any distress miam Kuru over what they conspire
because what happens when somebody doesn't listen to you? They become hostile. And then you have this fear what if they go and spread these things about me and say wrong things about me and start plotting to harm me? Forget it. Leave them leave their matter to Allah. Wala takahe lay him in my uncle Lake is narrowness, this distress depression because in Allah indeed Allah Mara he is with Alladhina taco those who have Taqwa when Medina who mercy noon and those who do Ersan Allah is when those who have Taqwa and those who are sent so don't you want Allah to be with you?
Don't you want Allah to help you? So if you want Allah to help you in whatever you are doing have Taqwa do it with his fear
and do it with your son even when you're talking and dealing with others do it with their son because then Allah's help will be with you
Walla Walla
for salmon meal
in Belka.
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my god
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all Hema honey
in joining us
philosophy well in
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daddy doing well in order to
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four BD whilst being one
home in long I'm on learning double
So, panic alone will be handy Phoenicia to Allah Illa illa Anta the stuff we will corner to relate a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.