Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 127D Tafsir Al-Rad 11-13

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting oneself and others from danger during Easter, with the use of angels as a protection and the need for individuals to make changes to their life. They stress the importance of taking responsibility and making change through recitation and practice, as well as the need for forgiveness and forgiveness-equivalent behavior. The segment also touches on the impact of changing one's attitude, behavior, and behavior on one's life, including the potential consequences of a storm and the loss of everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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By law whom are pivotal for him meaning to Allah belong Moeraki that,

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To Him belong Mokuba meaning he sends them walkabout as a Florida of Mokuba. I am cough, but our Achilles heel. Now when you're walking, what do you do?

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What do you do? You stop your foot, and then you lift up the other, right? And you put your heel down. And then you keep going ahead, you keep walking forwards. So more active is one who comes after the other, in succession, one after the other.

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Meaning interpretation. So when you're walking, one foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, it doesn't stop, it's successive. You cannot walk with your right foot, and then you pick up the right foot again, no, it doesn't work like that. It will be very awkward. So it's in succession rotation, one after the other. So he sends more Acrobat, who are more activate angels that Allah sends in succession.

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To who, to his servants to people, where min benei a day he in front of him, woman coffee and also behind him, meaning angels that are present before a person and also behind the person. Think about it. Think about yourself, angel in front of you, Angel behind you.

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Angel in front of you and behind you.

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And this also means that angels that are in front meaning they're one shift is leaving, and from behind another shift is coming. Constantly a person is being watched and guarded by who? By Allah's angels, yeah, Faloona who they guard him in amarilla at the command of Allah, because Allah has commanded them to guard his servant. Now remember that the angels, they guard us in two ways. First of all, they guard us as they protect us.

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And secondly, they guard us as they guard and preserve our deeds. You know, it's like once a companion, he was praying salah, and when he got it from record,

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Samir Allahu even Hamidah. And what did that convince a little banana Culham?

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I'm gonna feed on the Ubuntu bottle confy. Alright, so what happened, so many angels the leap forward in order to catch those words, they're rushed in order to record those words first.

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So when we say when we do our words, our actions, it's like the angels are catching them, and recording them preserving them and they go and take them to Allah subhanaw taala. When a person is sick, then Allah subhanaw taala sends His angels to that person. Why? To witness that person, his reaction, his words. And then Allah asks his angels, what did my servant say?

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Allah knows already, what that person is saying in his pain in his sickness. But Allah sends the angels also to witness. And then the angels tell the last panel thought about what that person has said. And if there are words of patients of Rila

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than the last panel, Dawn is also happy with that servant and Allah makes the angels a witness

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to that approval that he is giving to His servant, that servant should be granted good health, his blood should be replaced with better blood, whatever is ailing, whatever is sick in his body should be replaced with what is better. Likewise, when a person he loses his child, when a person loses a child,

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then Allah subhanaw taala asks the angel of death

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that you took my servants child.

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Obviously the angels did it because Allah told them, but Allah asks them, as if in surprise, you took my servants child.

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You took the apple of his eye, like the happiness of his life, you took that away from him? And the angels say yes. And Allah says, What did my servants say? So if there are words of happiness, of Rila, than Allah subhanaw taala says, Make for my servant, a house in Ghana,

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and call it Baitul hand the house of praise because he praised me in his difficulty. So now he will be given hours and Jana where he will be praised, and he will forever praise and glorify Allah.

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So Allah sends angels to us. Remember, we're not alone. He's watching us. And then He sends His angels to keep an eye on us what we're saying what we're doing how we

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are reacting how we are behaving. The whole more arqiva constantly, we're never alone.

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And these angels remember there are different kinds, some come during the day and the night. And there's a hadith that tells us very clearly about this. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, angels take turns around you some at night and somebody and all of them assembled together at the time of budget and also prayers than those who have stayed with you through the night. They ascend to Allah Who asks them, and he knows the answer better than they, but he asks them, how did you leave my servants meaning what were they doing? And the angels reply as we found them praying, we left them praying for this is where people who were praying for us, but people who were sleeping than the

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angels probably say that we left them as we found them sleeping and lazing around and wasting their life.

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Lahoma or October, birds were never alone.

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In benei a day he woman huffy, yeah, Faloona woman umbrella. And remember the meaning of hips, the angels guard protect what our deeds, our words, our reactions. And also they guard us meaning from dangers.

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In a hadith we learn

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not a hadith a statement of a scholar, which I hit that very, he said, There is no person who does not have an angel appointed to protect him when when he is asleep, and when he's awake. So there are the angels that are caramoan caffeine, okay, then there are the angels who are sent occasionally. And then there are also angels that are appointed to guard us when we're sleeping. And when we are awake, from who, from the evil of the jinn, and other people and savage beasts. None of these come to him, but the angel tells it, keep away,

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keep away. So for example, a person is standing. And all of a sudden, somebody throws a ball. Okay, right on their face, and this person is wearing glasses. But what happens that ball instead of hitting the glasses, what does it hit the side of the head or just whizzes by literally just, you know, scrapes their sight or something. Has it ever happened? Something like this? Can you think of it happens all the time. But you just miss it. You just miss it literally with a millimeter or a centimeter. Somebody is just about to hit you from the back. It's like you know when two cars are about to collide.

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So what happens if some harm is not decreed for a servant and that angel protects the person and does that harmful object keep away, keep away, you cannot hurt him.

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if some harm is decreed for the servant, then what happens? The angel just steps away.

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And that harm, it befalls the servant. It's like once Are you the little Warren who he was told by someone that some people are planning to kill you.

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Some people are planning to kill you. They're going to harm you. So do something to protect yourself or a little below one who said very confidently with every man their angels guarding him from whatever has not been decreed for him.

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When the decree comes, they move away from him and let it reach Him.

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So in other words, if these people are meant to kill me, it's going to happen and if they're not meant to kill me, then the angels are going to guard me and they're going to protect me. Your fixed lifespan decreed by Allah is a protection for you.

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So the angels, they guard and they protect from danger from harm.

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When a person he goes to bed, but before he goes to bed he does will do then you know what happens. An angel spends the night watching him guarding him protecting him from shade lawn. And that angel is not standing by the door of your room. Or standing by the side of your head in your bed. Making sure that nothing hurts you.

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It's like you are surrounded and covered and protected all over from the side of your head and your feet and your right and your left all over.

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I mean think about it at nighttime. What kind of scary things come out of the earth. creepy crawlies. I mean, there's bugs in there spiders and there's ants, so many things.

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We have a small pool for the kids in the yard and yesterday, they were yesterday I forgot to cover it. So yesterday when I got home, I saw there was a dead mouse inside it. dead mouse inside it and just the thought of a dead mouse being in that water was difficult to bear

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But I was like, Where was this mouse before?

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came during the night going to have come during the day it came during the night

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that just imagine if these things they were hurting us from everywhere from above, from below from our right from our left life would be very, very difficult.

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I mean, our bodies are so delicate if you think about if something if an ad goes inside your ear.

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Can you imagine?

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Can you imagine if a fly goes inside your ear? A mosquito goes up your nose. I mean, Allah is protecting you all the time through these angels. And yes, there are times when we are hurt. Why? Because that protection is not there. Why is that protection not there? Maybe we didn't seek Allah's protection. We didn't say Bismillah De Lisle bloomers Misha will have the will Fs sama Eva was Samuel Darlene.

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Or it was meant for us that harm as a test. So yeah, Faloona who made umbrella? Allah says in Allah. Indeed Allah let you have a Euro he does not change. Maybe Coleman what is with a people had the until you were Euro. They change maybe unfussy him what is with themselves. The state of our people is not changed by Allah, until people themselves strive to make a change.

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If a person is not willing to change himself, to improve himself to improve his condition, than a miracle will not happen and things will not change. Just like that.

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What happens is that we

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just rely on the angels or we rely on their OS thinking that don't do anything Allah's angels are there, they will protect you do nothing. No, you rely on these things that Allah subhanaw taala has told you, but you also have to do something yourself. Otherwise your situation cannot change in the law, Leila eunomia Coleman, and this is Allah's law. This is his law.

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A person has to fix his faults himself. And then Allah will help him also a person has to take responsibility to improve, to make something better, he has to be committed to bring a change, and then Allah's help will also come.

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What happens is that we depend a lot on others for change that needs to happen in our lives. So for example, we want to become more organized. And we think that to be more organized, we need to have, you know, this particular app that we have to buy for $5. And we need to have all the space in our work area, a big desk, a big shelving unit, right, and then everything will be organized.

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But it doesn't work. Just because you go to IKEA and buy $1,000 of this furniture to organize your things doesn't mean that next day you will be organized. No, you can be organized, if you want to be even without any furniture you can be and if you will be disorganized even with furniture that costs 1000s of dollars and systems that may be very complicated.

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Don't depend on external things for change, take responsibility yourself. And when you will take responsibility, you will try to create a change then what will happen Allah subhanaw taala will also guide you and show you the way because this is Allah's law, nothing will change unless people themselves want to change. You know, for example, your health if you want to improve your health.

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If you want to improve your you know, physical body in the sense that get into shape, then what is it that you need to do? What is it that you need to do? Go sign up at a gym and pay $50 every month?

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Is that what you need to bring a change in your body to have a healthier body to have a more physically fit body? And every month when you see your bank statement? Okay, $50 went to the gym, like Oh, at least you know it's helping my body and you don't even go to the gym. Or you go in on your way back. You have a nice gap with a muffin.

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Is it gonna work?

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Is it gonna work? It's gonna work because you're not committed to make a change. If you are committed to make a change, then you can make that change even without being $1 to

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a gym. By changing your eating habits, your sleeping habits, your lifestyle, you can work out in your basement. You can work out in your backyard inside your room. That's if you want to work out if you want to make a change.

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Right likewise

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If we want to increase in our finances and our money, we think only if I have a job that pays me $3,000 a month, $5,000 a month, then I can start saving. No. If you're serious about it, you can survive even with a little bit. And you will make do even with a little bit, you can save up even from that much. Because you want to make a change in your life. You have taken the responsibility yourself. And remember, this is Allah's law, Allah's law.

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This is something that you see in your physical life, in your worldly life and also in your religious life. You know, we want to, let's say improve in our Quran recitation.

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Or we want to make sure that we are of the reciters of the Quran. How will that happen?

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Just by hiring a Quran teacher and paying them a big chunk every month. No, you have to read. You just have to sit there with the Quran and read and read and read and read. There's no other way. You have to recite and if you're not willing to make the change,

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and change a miracle is not going to happen that one day you wake up and you have perfect that you eat because Allah subhanaw taala blessed you with perfect that wheat in your mouth. No, it's not gonna happen like that. You have to strive and Allah will help. You have to strive to make that have to make that iron properly. And Allah subhanaw taala will open those passageways for you also. Yes, when I started.

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And she said to me go from LF, and she all the times taught me some when they are literally thinking I'm going to quit. And she said, Okay, then I go and record my lessons. She only gives 10 minutes, right? And she's totally got Hamdulillah I like my district teachers, and hamdulillah but what happens if we are told to make these basic basic changes, fix our elephant, fix our bed and fix our hall? We're like,

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this is not happening. But the thing is that if you want to improve your image lead it doesn't begin with fancy that read rules. It begins with one basic Mahara image doesn't it begins from basic knowledge. If you don't have those rights, if you cannot make a change over there improve over there. You got improve up there.

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All right. So in Allahu Allah EULA Euro Maria Coleman had the EULA, you may be unfussy him, people have to take responsibility, they have to bring about a change and Allah subhanaw taala will facilitate that change, he will improve their condition also. Now, if you think about it,

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many Muslims, we were suffering in so many ways. And we think that Allah subhanaw taala has not been merciful to us. But the problem lies were in ourselves. If we are not willing to change our ways, then how do we expect the help of Allah subhanaw taala to come, you have to strive for change. If you think about it, Muhammad salallahu Salam in Makkah, I was reflecting the other day, Allah subhanaw taala could have told Muhammad said allows him to leave Makkah, even in the fifth year,

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right in the seventh year, in the 10th here, but it didn't happen in the 13th year, at a point when we're seeking we're ready to kill him. They were ready to kill him together, they were ready to kill him. Then Allah told Prophet salallahu salam to leave Makkah, then he was given permission.

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Why? Because until that point, the prophets of a lot of them were striving for change. Right to better the situation over there to deliver the message to the people in Makkah, and things had to be ready. In Medina circumstances have to be ready over there for him to come.

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So the prophets of Allah, they had to strive for change. And then Allah's help came, and we think we can just sit there and miracles will happen. Allah's angels will go and fight for us. It's like the Bani Israel when they were told, enter the city. What did they say? Yeah, Musa, we're sitting right here, you and your Lord, go fight. We have the same kind of mentality.

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We have the same mentality. Do nothing, Doctor Allah Allah, Allah will make everything happen. No, you have to do something yourself also. When you will take one step for change. Allah will allow you to change Allah will improve your condition.

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This ayah means something else also, which is that Allah does not change the state of a people. What state a good state so for example, people are enjoying Allah's blessings,

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good times, health, money, happiness, everything's good, everything's perfect. And then all of a sudden, happiness turns into

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misery, sadness, good times turned into horrible times. Those blessings were taken away. Why? Why? Because the people changed. How did they change in a bad way, in a wrong way, they became disobedient. They were obedient before now they became disobedient. They believed in Allah before. Now they were disbelievers, they were grateful before now they became ungrateful. So because of that, what happened? Their condition also changed from good to bad. So whenever we see that, things were perfect, now what's going on? Why am I suffering so much? Why is there so much hardship all of a sudden in this area of my life? Remember, something's going on. You did something to reflect on

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yourself. It's like a particular person. In your family. Everything was good, perfect relationship spouse, for example, or siblings, for example, parents, for example, and all of a sudden you realize you're fighting with them every day. Instead of loving them, you hate them more? What happened? Check yourself, are you giving them their health?

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Check yourself? Are you giving them their Huck? How are you talking to them? How is your behavior with them? how appreciative Are you of them? Are you criticizing them more? Or are you appreciating them more?

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Because of the change in your attitude, your relationship also deteriorated.

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So it works both ways. You understand this part of the island.

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That when our situation changes, it's because we did something wrong. Or our situation cannot improve unless we create a change we make a change Hatha Yoga Euro, maybe unfussy him, you have to take responsibility. Sometimes we learn things and we work in the way of Allah by seeking knowledge, but we skip the like character part of change, like will change our physical appearance. And then we'll go on to teach others about whatever we've learned, but will like skip the part that matters most? Like our clock, our actions, our behavior towards others, that we don't change. And we wonder, why are people not supporting me in my hijab? Why are people not supporting me in my Quran studies

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because reflect on your behavior before you were obedient and now you're rebellious, before you would comply and now you've become very rude.

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So, had the Euro maybe unfussy him take responsibility of your actions and then you will see a good change happen in your life?

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What either out or the law who be comin Sue and what Allah intends evil for a people.

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Meaning if Allah decides that something bad should happen to a person to a nation, Fela Murad della who then there is no repelling apps? No one can repel it.

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If Allah decides that something harmful, something dangerous, something that's very hard should happen to people. No one can change that decision of Allah. Allah's decision is final. No one can protect from Allah's decree. Well May Allah home and they do not have been Dooney besides him and well in any well, any patron any protector well in while lamb Yeah. Whelan is one who guards protects defense, one who is a friend. So in other words, if Allah decides something evil for people, there's no escape. There's no escape, where can they go? Who can they run to? There's no escape from Allah but to Allah, always. So no matter what mistake has happened, no matter what wrong

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has been committed, what's the solution going back to Allah because there's no escape from him. So on the one hand, strive, and on the other hand, seek His help also, who will let the URI come he is the one who shows you a bar called the lightning. How often causing fear what Bowman and hope

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he shows you lightning. Burke, what is

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the lightning that you see in the sky? You know, when there's a storm when there's heavy rain?

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And this lightning is with what

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is it just light in the sky? Or there's something else with it.

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Okay, thunder, noise, a blast, either before it or after it or, you know, around the same time, right? So, when you see that flash of lightning and you hear that

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Both of these feelings come in your heart health and former health fear of what?

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Fear of what?

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being struck by that lightning. It's scary. It's frightening to hear that sound to see that lightning bolt falling to the ground or to see that flash. It's scary. And at the same time there's Tamar. What's that hope? Rain? Allah's mercy. Alright, so both feelings come at the same time KOFUN Waterman, when she Oh, and he causes to rise known Chien Hamza, to produce to cause to rise he produces, he raises he causes to rise, a sahab the clouds that are a thick, all heavy ones plural of tequila, weighty, heavy, meaning rain bearing clouds. So what do we see here, then in the middle of the darkness? Or when there's a storm? Then even in that darkness, even in that storm, there is

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hope? Yes, you are afraid. It's scary to go through those difficult circumstances in your life, those difficult times in your life. It's very scary. So many things can go wrong. You can suffer in so many ways. But at the same time, there is hope, hope for change, hope that this will result in something good. So no matter how difficult situation is, what's the lesson we learn from here, be hopeful. have fear of Allah. But at the same time, be hopeful also. It's like you know, when you hear that thunder, when you see that lightning, it scares you that, you know, what if it's Allah's punishment, but at the same time, the rain reminds you that this is also Allah's mercy. So you

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should always remain between fear and hope. Don't become so fearful that that fear overcomes you and don't become so hopeful that you become carefree. No, remain between fear and hope. And you can choose to have a thick all such heavy rain clouds, how they're moving, if you think about it, the heavy snow that falls in the heavy rain that falls so much water. Where is it coming from? Puff the sky?

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Have you ever had to carry a case of water bottles?

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A case of water bottles? How is it? It's heavy, really heavy? Now imagine? That's just, you know, a little bit of water that falls from the sky. And where's that water coming from? Those heavy, heavy clouds you choose? Sahaba recall. Nothing is too difficult for Allah. Nothing is difficult for Allah. Something might seem like a huge burden, a huge challenge for you. But for Allah, it's easy. So be hopeful, no matter how difficult a situation is.

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Where you sub behavoir do be handy. And the thunder glorifies Allah praises Allah behind the with his hand. You subdue her does this be what alert? What is alarm? Thunder, the sound of thunder. You know, when there's a storm, there's lightning and there's also loud blasts. That is thunder. So this thunder that we hear, what is it? What do we learn from this part of the eye? Is it just noise? They're just a blast. It's actually this b

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u sub behavoir to be handy. And when that thunder happens, well Mala EcoTraining ki Fateh. The angels also do Allah spear out of his fear. They also do this be at that time. In a hadith we learn that there's a hadith that is recorded in the book as similar to Saha, which is a collection of different authentic hadith that she already compiled together. So in this hadith, we learned that once the Jews they asked the Prophet sallallahu Sena, what is thunder? Meaning when there is thunder? What is it? Why does it happen? What's that sound? The Prophet saw a lot is that him said, it is an angel from among the angels responsible over the clouds. He drives the clouds wherever

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Allah wills. They asked, what is the noise that we hear? What's that noise that we hear? Okay, we understand that there are angels that are driving the clouds. But what's that noise? That noise of thunder? He said, It is the angel of the clouds striking the clouds when he drives them on until they go where they're ordered. Meaning that Sound of Thunder is the sound of the speaker.

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It is the sound of this be of the angels, especially the angel that is appointed over the clouds. Did you hear thunder recently? Just a couple days ago, so much thunder

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So much lightning. So that is a time of being hopeful and fearful. That is a time of glorifying Allah and praising Allah. Because the angels what do they do? They do this the spearmen Khalifa de where you see Lou and he sends a Saawariya, the Thunderbolts plural of Sarika what are solaric Sorry, aka Thunderbolt, a bolt of lightning that falls to the ground. You know what the blast for you see will be her then he afflicts it my yesha, whoever He wills.

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And it happens

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that a thunder will literally it will come and strike a person. I remember somebody once told me, there was a storm and they were standing at a bus stop.

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And imagine, there's lightning, there's thunder, and you're standing outside, she said, she was standing at a bus stop. And she said, literally, Thunderbolt fell right in front of me.

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Right in front of her, it felt

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she was just literally a few steps away from it.

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And sometimes it happens that that bolt of lightning actually falls on an individual

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directly on the person. And it can have very severe, severe ramifications, really, it can kill a person, even if they survive, it can cause a lot of damage to their body, and a lot of emotional and psychological problems also later, because it's a very painful and traumatizing and frightening experience. Did we literally electrocuted and sometimes the thunder ball doesn't directly fall on a person it falls somewhere else, it falls somewhere else. But what happens?

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What happens it reaches the person right through something else through a telephone through you know the ground even right? So he makes it to fall on whomsoever He wills and it is possible that sometimes the people won't this lightning falls on Oahu mujer de Luna villa. At that time, they are arguing about Allah.

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He doesn't even exist. Some are saying they're doubting his existence. They're doubting his power. They're fighting about Allah arguing about him and what happens Allah proves it to them right there and then you doubt my existence here.

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How have a taste of my power and might Maha Mudra de Luna Villa or who I sure didn't may have. And he is severe in assault. Mihail Mihalis. Remember Allah Maha Maha is severe retribution to powerfully execute a plan against someone to harm them, to punish them to take revenge from them. So here's shahidul Mahal. Now this is very scary.

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That literally, you know, a flash, a bolt of lightning can fall on a person at any time. The chances are rare, but the chances are, they're, they're rare, but they're definitely there. And who knows, we might be the next person. So a person should never be in a state where he is saying something that Allah does not approve off, doing something that Allah does not approve off. Something can fall on you from above, can come to you from below, can come to you from your sides, and right there and then you can finish Allah can punish us immediately in an instant. So never feel safe and secure.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

Never feel safe and secure.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:42

You know, when there would be a storm approaching, the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam would become worried

00:33:43 --> 00:33:45

he would become worried

00:33:46 --> 00:34:11

that maybe, maybe this will be a storm that will finish the people because he realized the sins and the mistakes that people make all the time that we make all the time where we sin, and we forget and we think Well, nothing's gonna happen. No, something can certainly happen. While we should either be highly severe in retribution, we learned that I'm even our beloved is obeyed.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:15

When he would hear thunder, he would stop talking.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:28

He would stop talking, he would become afraid and he would just stop talking. And he would say Subhan Allah, u sub behavoir will be handy when Mala ecoman ki Fateh

00:34:29 --> 00:34:46

u sub behavoir to be handy while Mala Iike two min three fatty say it everybody you sub beer Geraldo be handy while Mala Iike two min three fatty it's basically this idea. But he would say Subhan Allah first and he would stop docking

00:34:47 --> 00:34:53

the Allah don't punish us. We are sinful we are wrong, but please forgive us.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:58

So these are times when we should be afraid of Allah's punishment.

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59


00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

short video to remind us of what thunder sounds like and what lightning looks like and how it can fall if you can just turn this light off please

00:35:13 --> 00:35:17

you see how there's a storm going on the man just went inside and look at how the lightning fell

00:35:19 --> 00:35:19


00:35:37 --> 00:35:41

seems like they were just playing outside and all of a sudden that lightning?

00:36:57 --> 00:37:00

You supposed to be handy

00:37:03 --> 00:37:06

because another video I was watching where a plane was struck by lightning.

00:37:08 --> 00:37:11

Can you imagine being on a plane when it's struck by lightning?

00:37:15 --> 00:37:17

Sitting in a car that is struck by lightning

00:37:19 --> 00:37:27

walking on a road that is struck by lightning and that road is all wet and you are wet and you also get electrocuted. Where can we feel safe?

00:37:28 --> 00:37:29


00:37:30 --> 00:37:36

and it can happen anytime. And we know how quickly you know rain clouds can come and how quickly a storm can happen.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:38


00:37:40 --> 00:38:24

were actually killed in there and I was just thinking how we had so many thunderstorms recently in this ones when we were going further out we we could actually see lightning in the sky and there was no rain. And it was I guess it was both a miracle from us Rhonda to show us that you know, wherever he wants, it happens anywhere that he wants. Disaster can happen. Lightning can fall. So never should a person feel secure. from Allah's punishment from his revenge. Never should a person feel confident and bold in sinning in disobeying. In doubting Allah's power, His promises never

00:38:25 --> 00:38:37

I was studying a few months ago in physics that it's possible to lightning usually come from the sky to the ground. But if the ground becomes charged enough particles lightning actually goes the other way around, where it goes from the ground straight up to the sky.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:42

So then what happens if there's people or buildings?

00:38:44 --> 00:38:58

Okay, so it can come down from above and also go up from below. It can go both ways. Depending on the charge, okay. So yeah, from above and also from below.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:04

And this is why a person should never feel secure. They just because I am under some shelter, I'll be safe.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:12

Or just because the ground is dry beneath me. I will be safe. No, anything can happen from anywhere. We are very, very weak.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:58

It was said that history teacher was hit by lightning indirectly. And she went blind in one eye. In one year, she went deaf, she had a brain damage. She lost eight years of memory loss. And she forgot her daughter's and she didn't know any of her children. She didn't. So Subhanallah she had all this knowledge. She went to university, she was his teacher and she forgot everything. It can cause a lot of harm. Memory loss is something quite common. Yes, we were in class. And there was one glass on this side, one glass on the side and there was a door in between. And then all of a sudden all the student from the other class was rushing, like, open the door rushing into our class. And and then

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

there was big yelling

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

I'm screaming and because there was a big thunderstorm coming like it hit their side of the class. And then there was one student that was

00:40:11 --> 00:40:11


00:40:13 --> 00:40:22

and then it's changed from that side to our side. And then we all started moving to other side. And one side of the

00:40:23 --> 00:40:32

wall, it was a big but it was all down. When we were all like just rushing drafting a bill we had to go

00:40:37 --> 00:41:00

So when Allah makes us see these things and hear these things, this is a time of really you know, seeking His protection and begging for forgiveness from him and glorifying Him and praising him so that he would save us and he would forgive us our sins because really we are sinful. And if he punished us in any of these ways, he has all the right to do that. He has all the right to do that.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:10

To seek his forgiveness morning evening, his protection morning evening. Recitation of these law more the bad.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:18

Day. I mean confini guna home in

00:41:27 --> 00:41:30

Omen has your why you

00:41:32 --> 00:41:33

forcing him or.

00:41:49 --> 00:41:49


00:41:52 --> 00:41:56

one levy on Ico Moon bubble bah

00:41:57 --> 00:41:58

bah now

00:42:00 --> 00:42:01

she was

00:42:02 --> 00:42:06

on while you said

00:42:07 --> 00:42:09

no handing you on.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:15

To Ming fie fatty you see you know

00:42:17 --> 00:42:18

where you will see those

00:42:20 --> 00:42:21

are your three moving

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

on mujer de Runa

00:42:28 --> 00:42:30

he will watch the

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