Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 142C Tafsir Bani Israil 15-22
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Money Tada, whoever is guided. Whoever obtains guidance for in nama yesterday lean up see, then indeed he only obtained guidance he only finds guidance for who, for himself, meaning he is the one who's going to be benefited by his guidance by his improvement.
Meaning when a person changes his ways, when a person begins something good, then who's the first one who's going to benefit? He Himself will, because he's going to get the reward. He's not doing others a favor, rather, he's doing a favor to himself. Because when you're doing good, where's it being recorded? In your record? Who is it going to please you? Who is it going to bring benefit to you will yourself, woman Bala, and whoever is whoever goes astray for innama, your Lilu, I lay her that he only errs against it or lay her against it against who,
meaning it's knifes himself, meaning only he is going to suffer. Because sometimes it happens that we do get to please others, so that they can be happy. And they can give us a stamp of approval. Or we're doing bad just to show to others that we don't care about them. But you know what, it will not make a difference to your mother, it will not make a difference to anybody, when you do something good when you do something evil because ultimately, who's going to benefit and who's going to suffer from harm you yourself, each person is responsible for himself or in the Maya, Linda or Lisa Walter zero. And it will not bear who was zero to any bear of burden, wisdom, aha, the burden of another,
no person is going to come and carry the sins of another individual. Each person is responsible for who for himself. So don't do a favor to anybody by sending for their sake. This is not a favor for them. This is what causing loss to your own self. Because tomorrow, they're not going to come and carry the burden of sin for you. It's going to be on your back. And it's a burden because since our burden, one acronym or the been and we are never going to punish her until never I thought rasool Allah we send a messenger, meaning no people are punished, except after they are warned. Warned through who through a messenger. So what do we learn from this idea that when a person does
something good, when a person does something evil, he is responsible, because at the end, he's going to face the consequences, he's going to suffer or he's going to enjoy. And when a person does something wrong, he cannot blame it on another individual. He cannot blame it on another individual and say that you carry this in for me, because you told me to do it, or you encouraged me to do it. No, each person is responsible for himself. You have to look out for yourself. Sometimes we depend on other people. We depend on other people, that they should push us to do something good. This should tell us to do something. So for example, it's time for prayer. Why are we sitting and waiting
for somebody to come and tell us get up and pray? Take responsibility of yourself? Because you have to face your consequences. In total, an arm I 104 Allah says from an algo sobre Faline FC woman Armia finally her whoever will see meaning some good and he will accept email, that it's for the benefit of his own soul and whoever becomes blind, that he does harm to himself. Were either or other and when we wish when we intend Nene when Allah subhanaw taala intends a nuclear that we should destroy. For the earthen is city a town meeting of people when we intend to destroy a nation? And why is it that Allah subhanaw taala would intend to punish people destroy them? Why? Because
they are increasing in their facade. Each individual each people have been given a time and that time eventually will come to an end. Right? So when a person is increasing in his evil, when a nation is increasing in their evil in their facade, then what do they deserve khaleq. But even before that, even before the punishment comes upon them what happens? Amaro now mudra fee? Amana, we command we order who mudra fee her it's Mudra of people mudra fee is actually Nutrafin chlorella mudra singular form is mantra. And mudra Fein mantra who are the those who are living in a trough? What is a trough a trough is basically to live in luxury
To live a life of ease, to live a life of comfort, to have a lot of free time. And this is what happens with so many people, that they have so much free time because everything is being done for them. They're living in luxury, every moment is a moment of enjoyment, which is why if one thing goes wrong, they become so upset. So these are mantra of people. So Allah says that he orders the mantra of people have had, what does he refer to the Korea, the people, meaning the elite, the rich, the people of influence? They are ordered, they're ordered among them with raffia? What does Allah subhanaw taala order them to do? To change their ways to create a positive change in society?
Because who are the leaders? who are people of influence in general, those with money and those with power? Right? So they are the ones who are commanded to change their ways, because if they will change their ways, then who else will change their ways? The followers everybody else will. If they improve, they will set a trend and when they will set a trend what will happen, the entire society will follow. So a more normal trophy here. And this is the reason why the Prophets when they were sent to their nations, who did they convey the message to everybody, including, including who the influential people, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam spoke to the leaders, he spoke to his family
members, right he spoke to the tribesmen the chiefs. Why? Because if they believe that everybody else will follow so Amana trophy here, however, generally what happened? The people of influence did they change? No. Instead, they became the main opponents of the profits in the 90s. What did we learn over and over again? Carl Miller Oh, Colin Manor, oh, Colin Miller who write the chiefs, the elite, the rich, the people of power, the people of influence, they oppose the profits. So Amana trophy here, and the motor of people what did they do for faster coffee? They did a lot of fist in their career, meaning instead of changing their ways, they increased in their facade. They increased
in fist what is fist to cross the limits, to cross the bounds to commit sin to transgress? So this is what they did, they defiantly disobeyed. For hochkar Lay * coal. And when this last chance that was given to them, they didn't take advantage of it. What happened for hochkar Lay hill called the coal the word which word the word of punishment Kadima adopt the sentence of punishment, it helped up, meaning it became deserving for them. It was proven for them, it came into effect upon the meeting, now they really deserve punishment for the Mona had the mirror. And so we destroyed it with complete destruction. Notice the word that mean we did the word that beat earlier and this is
the meat and meat, that meme rock, the MER you the milk, that meat, this is also used for total destruction, total devastation, and it's like, you know, a brick colliding with another brick. Literally no structure remains. No structure remains like the entire building is raised down, completely destroyed. So the Mona had Amira, nothing of theirs remained. Their homes destroyed, their structures destroyed, their systems finished, all those complicated structures that they had made, all destroyed for the Mona Lisa de Mira. Now, what's the lesson in this is that in the previous IOCC, that Allah subhanaw taala would never furnish a people until he sends to them a
messenger. So this shows that whenever people were in need of guidance, Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers sent Warners. But typically, what was the reaction of the people accepting that guidance that warning? No, instead of accepting opposing the messengers, and when they did that, then their people also blindly followed them and when their people also blindly follow them, the entire nation is going off track then what happened? The punishment became necessary. So basically, Allah subhanaw taala does not punish people, for no reason. For no reason. No. A person brings it upon himself. Sometimes we say things like, you know what I'm meant to be evil. I'm meant to be bad. I'm meant to
be sinful. So I'm just bad. I've accepted it. I'm never going to change. I'm never going to improve. No, don't say that about yourself. The thing is that Allah subhanaw taala does not force any person to become evil. He gives us many chances. He gives us good
guidance. He gives us warnings. He makes us go through ups and downs in life. Why? So that we turn to Him? But some people instead of turning to him, what do they do? They increase in their disobedience. They go farther and farther away from the truth. And what happens when they are punished? Then whose fault was it? Whose fault was it? Who is to blame they themselves. So in other words, on the Day of Judgment, nobody can say, Yeah, Allah, this is unfair. No, you were given your time, you were given your freedom. You were given your choices, you were given so many opportunities, you were given knowledge. You were given so many chances to repent to improve, but
you did not avail them. So on the Day of Judgment, don't blame anybody in this life. Also, don't blame anybody but yourself parlay over the mana to the mirror. So if a person is in trouble, whose fault is it, it's their own fault.
What come Lucknow Meenal karoun And how many we have destroyed off balloon karoun floral of cotton and what is cotton generation the people of a time. So for example, all of us right now we are living at the same time. So we are a quorum a generation Some have said that A quorum is a period of 100 years so all the people who have lived through 100 years what are they? If so, how many generations We have destroyed mimbar dinner and afternoon Alesana because the time between other millesime A new Halina people were upon fitrah they were upon guidance, and how many Quran were there? 10 Because it is said that 1000 years were between either Marley's Salaam and new hurleys
Salam, however, after new hanis and I'm what happened? Messenger after messenger. Right. Why? Because people kept going astray kept going astray. So how many nations we have destroyed afternoon Hello Sam Walker Furby Rob big And sufficient is your Lord be the Newberry bad he with the sins of His servants hubiera embassy Raha VLAN aware Bismillah seing meaning, even if we don't know about those nations, about the crimes of those nations, we never witnessed their sins. We don't even know what they did. You know what Allah knows? And that is sufficient.
So what do we see in this is that from the time of no hurry, so Now up until today?
What happened? People were given warnings, but they did not
pay heed. They did not change.
Why are we being told about this? Why are we being told about this?
Exactly. To check ourselves? are we given warnings in our life?
Yeah, that when you do something wrong, something happens. You're made to face the consequences.
What's the lesson in that? Change yourself, improve yourself? Check yourself, why did this happen? And don't repeat the same mistake again.
You know, like, once there was a man who was caught stealing something at the time of remodel de la Horne, who and punishment was to be implemented on that man. And that man said, Please, let me go Please forgive me. This is the first time I made this mistake. And I'll never do it again. Have you heard that? Many times people say this first time I did it, I'll never do it again. From what I've learned, who said no, it's not possible that you do something wrong for the first time and you are caught? No. Because what is Allah's way that a person does something wrong once he's given another chance? And that person is given another chance, another chance? And when he persists, then what
happens? Then he is caught.
When Einstein accidentally generate the formula of atom bomb, when he realized that, that what he did, then he burned his finger. Okay, so, so, like, he was basically a soft hearted person. But when he realized what he did for like, for the people, then there is no use of no crying on that one. Yeah. So it happens that when a person does something wrong, once or twice, he's not immediately caught Allah subhanaw taala gives him one chance, another chance, another chance. Why, so that a person can change himself, he can change himself, but when he does not change himself, then eventually ultimately is God.
So on the Day of Judgment, when a person sees his deeds before him and he sees so many mistakes, so many wrong things, that was not the only time we were given many, many chances will come look nominal only remember the new and the thing is that Walker Fabula big
that'd be the Norbury bed, do you have your number zero, the fact that Allah is watching us and the fact that he knows our sins. That is enough.
Because sometimes what happens is that certain individuals, they are good, always, you know, in the sense that in private and in public, certain other people, what happens with them is that they have a very good public image. But in private, they do whatever they want to all that they're concerned about is people should only know something good about me, they should not know anything bad about me. So they hide their faults from people, they hide their mistakes from people, they become a different person in front of other people.
But does Allah know about their sense? Does Allah know about their mistakes? Yes, because Allah watches us whether we are with people or alone.
Then there are some other people who may have a very bad reputation. Why? Because of the rumors that have spread about them, or because of the false things that have been publicized about them, but in private, they are a good individual. So who knows the reality of every person their deeds? Allah subhanaw taala waka Fabiola beaker be the Newberry baddie, hubby rhombus lira, Allah knows where we stand, he knows what is in our hearts, even if other people don't know. So who should we fear? Truly, really? Allah subhanaw taala what should we be concerned about? That our insight coincides with our outside? Because Allah knows the state of our heart and Allah knows the actions that we're
doing. Allah knows how we are in public and how we are in private. We're ultimo and Allah Ya Allah Murphy and fusi confined the room. Really realize know that Allah is aware of what is in your heart. So fear him. Allah knows what you do in private. So fear Him,
men, Kana, whoever is such that you read the IG letter, he intends the Agila whoever wants the idea, what is Arjuna Arjuna urge Allah again time has been mentioned or doula what is urge like to want something immediately, do not be able to wait for something. A lot of doula is that which is immediate mean that which comes immediately we have odd EULA and a hill, what is Arjuna dunya. Because in this world, you know the reward is immediate, in the sense that, you know, if you, for example, cook some food, okay, or if you buy something, you can use it immediately. However, when it comes to Akira, then what happens? You put some money in the sadaqa box and then when will you get
the reward in the hereafter in this world what happens? You give some money to the cashier and instantly immediately you get your stuff. But with 100 works the other way around, you give them money for when will you get your stuff when on the Day of Judgment. So Arjuna is duniya. Why? Because it is immediate.
It's instant. But notice the word Adila. It comes quickly.
But it also goes quickly.
It's not here to stay, and the alcohol, it comes late, but it will stay forever.
So this is duniya Arjuna comes quickly goes quickly. It is fleeting, it is temporary, it is not permanent. So whoever wants our Agila whoever wants this world, he wants immediate gratification. What does Allah say are Janella HuFa we will hasten for him in it. Meaning we will give him quickly in this world. What man Nasha or what we will not my yesha or what He wills
because there are many people who run after this world. But do they get everything they want? No. They don't. What do they get? Only that which Allah decides for them Manisha Oh, Lima no read for the one whom we want to give. It's not necessary that a person wants to dunya and he strives for it. And he also gets it No, Lima nudie it's Allah's decision. So mad y'all know Allahu, but this person whose entire focus was the dunya was this world. For him? Is that dunya guaranteed? Is the dunya guaranteed the person who's focused on the worldly benefits? Are those worldly benefits guaranteed? No, they're not. Because Allah says Allah Jalla houfy have mana share only Manu read.
It's not guaranteed. But what is guaranteed for him?
So much, y'all
Mariela who Johanna, then we have made for him * yes Lucha in which he will burn mud Mormon mud hula mud Moon blameworthy, mud who banished driven away from Allah's Mercy
dunya is not guaranteed for him, but punishment in the data that is guaranteed for him.
Earlier we learned that man is hasty, he wants immediate change. Likewise, typically what happens? Many people in this world when they're doing something, they want immediate praise. They want immediate response. When they're going through a problem. They want an immediate solution. If they're doing something good, they want immediate satisfaction. They want immediate reward. If someone has done something bad, they want immediate revenge. They don't want to leave the matter to Allah, and they don't want to do Southern and get their award in the era. So what do we learn over here the one who wants dunya immediate gratification is focused as dunya then okay, some of it will
be given to him, not everything, not everything that He desires, not everything that he wants, only that which Allah allows for him.
Woman Rodell Hirata, but he who intends the hara
his intention his goal his focus is what the afterlife here, but he doesn't just stop there. Yeah, yeah, of course. I want Jana. Well love these give me Jana.
No, it's not just a wish Wasana her and he strives for it. Satya is striving, meaning the striving that Astra deserves the effort that the home of the Hereafter deserves? Well, hello movement while he is a believer meaning Eman is also a condition for Hola ecodan. Yes, it is those people can have sorry, you homeschool, who sorry, who's striving will be appreciated, meaning it will be appreciated by Allah subhanaw taala. So there's two ways of living that are mentioned over here. One way is that a person, his entire focus is this world. I want to home now. I want to be the best now. I want to be rich now. I want to enjoy this food and that food. Now. I want to experience this and that now.
He's not willing to give up anything for this world. This world is the focus. So then it becomes second priority. So if he wants a house he says, Yeah, I want a house. I don't care if I acquired through lawful means or haram means I don't care. I want a house now i Agila.
I want to eat, you know, sandwich right now. And yes, there is no Halal restaurant over here. I don't care. I want it now. I Agila. He's not willing to delay. He's not willing to defer. He's not willing to give up anything he wants it now. So the one whose focus is the dunya.
Then what does Allah say? He can have some of it, some of the dunya. But how much
as much as Allah wants as much as Allah wills. But what is guaranteed for him in the hereafter punishment?
Then there is another way of living. And what is that? That yes, I want to have fun. And I want to enjoy also. But if it's halal, I'll do it now. But if it's haram, I won't do it now. And I'll delay it till later.
I will delay it till Jana.
You know, sometimes when you see these huge, beautiful lakes, and honestly, when you see them, you're like, I want to swim in it. I really want to, but where's that beach that you can go to and take off your hijab and swim easily. You can't do that. It's difficult. If you want to observe your proper hijab. It's not possible. So one is that you say I want to experience this now.
And the other is that you say it's okay, if I don't get this opportunity here, clad in sha Allah in general. So there are many and half better and half. Right. I'll do it there. I'll do it later. Certain drinks. Very, very tempting. Very tempting. But what do you tell yourself? Not now. Later? I'll akhira
salaam aleikum? When I had my first three daughters, I remember when they were younger. Two of them used to like to get their stuff right away. And one of them used to like to get whenever we think it's right. So always the one who always waited used to end up the good things. And I remember my husband and I, we used to say, you know, because of the suburb she has, she ends up the good thing. And it's so true. This was very true. Very true. Just yesterday, actually. We were walking outside and I found a huge leaf so I gave it to my son and
Oh, it was big. And then I picked up another one, it was small. He said, I'll keep the big one. I'll give the small one to my sister. And I said, but you should give better things to others. So anyway, I was like, nevermind, he's a kid leave him ignore. As we were walking home, I found another leaf that was much bigger. So now the poor child is like, I already claimed a big leaf. And now we have another bigger leaf.
So this is human nature that when you see something good, you want it immediately for yourself, you're not willing to give it up for the sake of others for the sake of Africa. But the thing is that the one who does suburb and he prefers the acapella he says it's okay, Allah will give me better, I can delay it till after then what happens? Obviously, the reward that Allah has is much better than the reward in the Estonia than anything that you could get. So one way of living is being duniya focused. And the other way of living is being focused giving importance priority to the ACA, but the one who's focused on the ACA, he doesn't just sit back and relax. No, PSA, he does
care. Just as the people who seek dunya the people who want to achieve higher and higher goals in this dunya do they sit back and relax?
Do they know five in the morning, they're in the gym, seven o'clock they're working in the evening, again, they have meeting after meeting, why? Because they want to go high in life. So likewise, the one who wants to akhira Salah has sir Yah ha, he must do the required sorry, he must put in the required effort. You see to accomplish any goal, there is a required effort. So for example, if you want to open a jar, if you want to open a jar, how much effort do you need to put in? As much as you would in order to turn a doorknob?
Yeah, no, much more than that. Right? Likewise, if you want to climb high up to the ceiling, in order to fix something, what are you going to use a chair a table? If you do that? Are you going to reach up the ceiling to change the light bulb? Can you do that? You can't in order to reach the ceiling What do you need a ladder. So, likewise, in order to get the result in the other award in the akhirah greater reward, what do you need saleha Satureja you need to put in the required effort
in order to enter a particular program in the university. Can you go with your marks in the 50s and the 60s? No you need a certain average you need a certain percentage in order to graduate
in order to graduate Don't you need a certain mark right a bare minimum it must be there otherwise you cannot graduate. So likewise, the little also requires certain sorry, Wasana has sorry yeah, Hmm. Well, who are more men Eman is also a condition. Because there are many people who believe in the concept of afterlife who are preparing for afterlife. But without Iman. They don't believe in Allah. They don't believe in Allah the way they should. They don't believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So their efforts not valid for Ole kindness are human mascara. But those who do the right sorry with iman, than their effort will be appreciated meaning it will be accepted by Allah.
Now remember that this required effort Sarena has Surya This is both in quantity and quality,
both in quantity and quality.
Like for example, a person who wishes to go to Jannah he better have performed certain good deeds, the quantity should be there. And likewise, it's not just the number of good deeds that matters. What matters is also the quality with what intention with what feeling
did he perform that deed so that also matters sila sorry you're hurt well who am workmen for Hola, Iike kindness Are you homeless Cora? Allah says Kula knowmad Do Colin to each meaning to each group to all knowmad Do we extend meaning we extend provision to them? Each person is given opportunities each person is given risk. Each person is given life each person is given abilities who How will I eat these meaning the dunya seekers Wow we'll eat and these meaning the Aquila seekers,
whether a person wants to dunya or he wants the Accra each person he has been given something by Allah subhanaw taala
So for example, those who aim for the dunya. Do they have a physical body? Yeah. And also in for the ACARA? Do they have a nose and eyes and hands and feet? Yeah. They both have been given bodies. Have they both been given time? Yes. Have they both been given resources? Yes. Have they both been given physical ability? Yes, each person is granted. Yes, some are granted less, and some are granted more, there is a difference. But each person is given something or the other. But it's up to us what we seek with what we have been given? Do we seek this transitory, fleeting, temporary dunya? Or do we seek the
what do we seek? What do we invest our abilities in? Was it that we invest our time in?
That choice that freedom is ours?
Allah gave to every one something or the other. Now it's up to us what we earn with it. So for example, two children,
they're both given $100 each, and they're told go buy anything you want. So one child goes to Bulk Barn. And he's like, Yeah, candy, candy, candy. $100, he spends in candy. And what happens? He comes home, and he eats as much candy as he can.
And then he's having a stomach ache, or he's throwing up, but he's still too greedy to give his candy away, he keeps it. And then he has to get so many fillings in his teeth, whatever. He used that $100 To buy candy. Okay.
And the other child, what does he do with that? $100? He says, You know what, I have some money saved up, I'm gonna use this $100 For that, and I'm gonna go buy an iPod.
Whose decision do you think was wiser? Both were given an equal amount, right?
One person is buying garbage. And the other person is buying something that's going to be beneficial. Some people, what happens with their money, it comes in and it goes out, comes in and goes out. And other people, when their money comes in, they save some of it. They use it wisely. Right? In the mall, what happens? There's a huge sale. And what happens there are people, some people with nothing.
And some people with so many bags that they have to keep going to the cartoon, but the stuff
it's the same Mall.
Same deals, some people take more advantage and other people take less advantage. What's the difference? The differences in what you want, what you desire and your vision? What do you see? And what do you choose? Each person is given 24 hours in a day. One person spends his entire day waiting, waiting, waiting, once his class is over, and once we go home, and once so until it comes back. And then once this happens, then I'll do something then I'll do something and the next thing you know the day is over.
And other people that same day. They make so much of it. Why? Because they don't spend that day waiting, they spent that day doing something so call them know me do How old are you? How old are each person has been given some of this dunya time money, energy abilities? Think about it, what are we earning with it? Are we earning just the dunya that we're going to consume and that's going to remain behind? Or are we using it to earn the home of the Hereafter? Colin no middle ha Hola. Hola. immunopathol, Arabic from the favor of your Lord from the gift of your Lord. Because really This dunya is a gift because Allah subhanaw taala first He created us
and then he has given us so much so that we can earn reward in the alpha we can do something so that we can earn reward in the like for example, money, Allah is the One who gives it to us why so that we give it to him so that we can get when
did we make that money ourselves? Did we get it ourselves? Allah provided us to us yes through means but he is the one who gave us that well, so really, it is a thought it is a favor of your Lord woman can outta Lubbock, my Louisville and the gift of your Lord, it is not at all my Lou Lou from how long
that which is restricted. Meaning it is not restricted to just people who want the Akira know, this risk. This alpha is given to those who seek the dunya and also those who seek the alpha.
So each person regardless of what he's aiming for, is supplied with opportunities with provisions etc. Each person is given time. It's up to us how we use them. It's up to us what we make of them owns or look K for how Farben
Now we have preferred Baba him, some of them are about over others.
We didn't look in this life, do you see any differences between people in the risk that they have been given? And in the goals that they accomplish?
Isn't it amazing how,
you know, sometimes you find out
through some social media network that a particular individual who used to go to high school with you, now they are in med school
last year.
And likewise, you find out or that individual, there they have, they're doing nothing.
They're doing nothing with their lives, or another individual, how they have changed their way completely. They were something else. And now they've become completely different. Right? So you see this difference? People were in the same class, same school, but then one person becomes one, and another person becomes someone else, and another person becomes someone else. One becomes a doctor, and one becomes a nurse.
And one becomes a cleaner. Right? It's possible that all of them went to the same school. Do you see this variety in this world? Yes.
Does it pinch you, if you see that somebody is doing better than you? Does it pinch you, I went to the same school as her.
And she's about to graduate university and I am still not in. I used to be in a grade ahead of her. And she's already a doctor. Or she's already, you know, applying to such and such college or you know, for further studies, and so on and so forth. It pinches you when you see people getting ahead of you in life. When you see people ahead of you in life, it hurts you. Allah subhanaw taala says, Oh, look,
don't close your eyes over there. Look, see the difference? Accept it. That gave of abunda Barbra Humala about how we have preferred some people over others.
Two brothers, one is something else. And the other is someone else.
Well, here are two but realize that surely the hereafter it is UK, Babu della Jatin. Great greater in degrees. What both of Leela and greater in distinction, meaning in the akhirah, everybody is not going to be at the same level. Just as in this world, people are not all at the same level, just because you went to the same school doesn't mean all of you are going to be doing the same thing at the end. Just because you're from one family doesn't mean all the children are going to be the same. No, each person is going to be different. He's going to reach a different level, depending on what on his actions on his efforts. Right. So in the UK, that are also some people will be in the high
levels of Paradise, and some people, you know, they'll make it to paradise. And some people won't make it to Paradise, they'll be in hellfire. And some people will be in the lowest levels of hellfire. There are the Rajat in Jannah. And there are the Roccat in hellfire levels in Jannah, and levels in hellfire.
They won't all be at the same level. No, people will be given a designated level depending on their deeds on what they have accomplished in life and what they did with the time and with the abilities that Allah subhanaw taala gave them. But you see the differences in dunya? What happens? You can comfort yourself, it's okay, I'll try again. Or it's okay. This dunya is not forever, or what happens there is a huge difference between people financially, but they could both be wearing the same clothes possible. They both go into the gap and they buy the same clothes possible, right. Likewise, two people huge difference in their status. However, both could be eating at the same
restaurant possible while they're sitting in the same lane next to each other. Right? Possible. However, in the UK, it'll remember that the differences are huge. It's not a minor difference. It's going to be huge UK bottle the Rajat in greater in terms of ranks, meaning in Jana, you can really go high and high. And Aqua would have Lila this difference in distinction that some are given more preference over others this difference is going to be huge. How that people have one level of paradise when they will look at the people who are higher than them. It will seem to them like you look at the stars from the earth. This is the difference the difference between
between the levels of Paradise is like the difference between between what the earth and the sky. Just imagine what a huge difference. This is what Akbar would have Lila,
just think of it this way. Anytime you feel that somebody's got more than you. If you get $100 from your mother, and your brother gets $100 from your mother and $50 from the uncle, then what happens? Does it hurt? Why does he have more? Why not me? Why not me? It pinches us, it hurts us. It bothers us. And this is a reason why we're constantly in this unicycle that I have to have better than them. I have to do better than them. I have to accomplish more than them. This the castle, the struggle for increase. But what are we seeking Lunia? And where is it going to stay here? What will remain the Acela and the levels of the Accra we don't care about it. Just realize that if someone has
memorized more Quran than you, they're going to a higher level of paradise than you. You know that? Because what do we learn that a person will be told read and ascend?
So this is what we should be competing in Wi Fi Valley Cafe Elliot and FSL Moto and FE soon. This is what we should be competing in. This is what we should be racing for.
If your sister goes and buys a new pair of shoes, what are you going to want? What are you going to want a new pair of shoes as well? If you both go to the mall, and she says yeah, I just went and bought these socks. What are you going to say I want them to you got new socks, I want them to
write. it pinches us to this degree.
Little children what happens with them? If one child is getting a candy, I wanted to that little candy for 50 cents I wanted to and he'll throw a tantrum for it. How greedy are we for this world? But the AHA
what importance do we give to it? What do we say? Yes. Okay, Mashallah. They're doing such a good job. Yeah, my daughter has memorized 30 pages. How many solos do I know? And maybe two or three?
Maybe three or four?
Why not me? Why is it that we are content with others getting ahead of us when it comes to the arsenal, but when it comes to the matters of duniya, we are not content we want to be the best, we want to have the most
for this dunya we are very greedy and for the Athleta we are not concerned Allah tells us look on the lower case of Ebola about the home Allah about when Allah to Akbar, Buddha, Rajat Akbar route of Leela. So do something now before it pinches you later. And also this shows to us that in the ACA, every single deed matters, every little bit matters. In this world, it happens that for instance, do people if they have marks that are very close to each other average out, and both are given the same position.
Both are awarded the same award, but in the Athleta every bit matters. Loretta Jarrell ma Allahu ala Han who do not make with Allah another day to another God. Meaning do not set a partner with Allah. Do not worship anyone with ALLAH worship Allah alone. Why? Because if you do set a partner with Allah, Fatah Kuroda, then you shall sit, you shall remain my the Moolman
censured Maha Lulu forsaken we read the word mad mom earlier also them the most to blame someone you know to make them feel bad about what they've done. Guilty
move if you do shake, then what will happen you will be much more meaning it will be your own fault. You will have done something terrible. And the thing is that you will be medulla McAloon ha that lamb cuddler Cadila is basically to abandon someone to leave them without help. McAloon is Allah the land now sir Allah who the one who has no helper, nobody's there to help him nobody's willing to help him he has been abandoned.
So if a person does shirk with Allah, then what do we learn in this ayah that he will be left alone to himself, nobody to help him nobody to hear his screams, and nobody to show mercy to him, nobody to rescue him. mahahual abandoned neglected.
In Hadees, we learned that on the day of judgment in the gathering of Hashem and all people will be assembled. And as the hisab will be done,
it will be said that each group of people should go with the one whom they worshipped. So the people who worshipped the sun, for example, will follow the sun. The people who worship that particular idol, they will follow the idol the people who were
shipped fit her own meaning obeyed him to the degree of worship because he said hon Malala. Right. He said, I am your God. So there were people who worshipped Him. So they will follow him around. Each group of people will follow their God. And where will they be led to? Hellfire
hellfire, who's going to rescue them? Who's going to help them? Nobody?
Ma Lula, the one who turns to other than Allah, that what happens? He is abandoned. Because Allah's help is no longer with him. And the ones that he's seeking the one that he turns to, how long can he maintain that relationship, just for the time in this world? That's it. Because on the Day of Judgment, what will happen? All ASVAB all connections will be cut off.
But the one who worships Allah alone, the one whose goal whose aim in life is to make Allah happy to earn Allah's pleasure, then he will never be abandoned. He will never be alone, because at the time of death, even
when we will go all alone in our salah. He will go all alone through that door of death, what will happen, angels will come and tell that person, the latter half of Allah doesn't who don't have fear and don't grieve what up she will be happy with the good reward that that is promised to you.
To the person who worships Allah alone, he will never be alone.
And the person who worships other than Allah, He will forever be abandoned and hellfire to hear his screams. Nobody to share his agony with nobody to comfort him. Nobody, Maha Luna
and this is a very, very important thing led by John ma Allahu Allah and arco, Fatah, karuna, MUMA. Medulla, what's the connection of this with the previous ayat?
What's the connection of this with the previous ayah
worshiping Allah alone is the key to success.
Fortunately, in our own desires, and this in itself is a form of shirk. And so this next I really like you know exactly that when we are focused on the dunya alone. That is our goal. Then why why is it that we want immediate reward, immediate happiness, immediate pleasure, because we think that if I delay the reward until aka then who's going to be my friend today?
We want friends, we want fame, we want acceptance. We want to please people,
right? So for example, for a particular individual, they fear that if I put our hijab on, then my friends will leave me, they will leave me and it happens with some people, literally their friends move away from them just because they have put on a hijab.
Right? Nobody wants to marry them. So it happens that this fear comes if I obey Allah, if I seek the law, I will suffer in my dunya.
But the thing is, that no matter how much dunya you enjoy, no matter how many people you please, no matter how many worldly benefits, you gain, it's all going to stay here.
It's all going to stay here. It doesn't matter. What matters is what you have done for Allah. Because if you've done something for Allah, you have sacrificed something for the sake of Allah, then you will never be alone. Allah is with you, his angels are with you, his servants are with you.
And you know, it's worth money and we learn that the Muhtar Keane, those who fear Allah, they will be brought as a waft as a delegation to meet Allah
as a delegation. So a person who worships Allah alone, who loves Allah who fears Allah who prefers the era. That's his goal, to see Allah's face, then he will have company now in the grave, and in the era, and the one who forgets Allah.
Then what happens to him? Even though he is surrounded by people, he is empty inside, he's lonely inside,
the one who seeks this world. Even though he surrounded with the pleasures of this world, he is empty in the heart. He will suffer from loneliness. Even though he has millions of followers and millions of likes.
He will be alone in the grave. He will be alone in the afternoon and he will be alone in hellfire. Nobody is going to have any pity for him. show any mercy to him. So worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Alone. What is that?
The key to success, preferring the akhirah what is that key to success? Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
mama and daddy Nina
See one
Wallah 10 00 to
the mean I had done
for sample fee to help
me You're welcome let me know only
because he don't know me rematch for me
though so y'all mon ganodi
Noreen. I'm Jonah
my school
all being one
off or become
Oh, game
Close your eyes and imagine this eternal bliss, your every wish at your fingertips and more perched on a throne near a stream so serene and exquisite a scene you've never seen, yet you still dream of more. God is paying God is fear. God is grief, God or tears, idol speech you shall never hear and the prophets make up your social sphere and more.
The martyrs right to send the truthful to you are from them and they from you they held tightly to what they knew was true. And to join them. You did too. There's more maidens chase to restrain their gaze last and a glance for days and days, Fun and frolic as a child plays with a breath that leaves your lips his grades of the one who gave you more. Imagine you and your father with aid does the same. Imagine showing off your book with no shame. Imagine nice with the Sahaba their stories to entertain. Imagine Muhammad Sallallahu it who is knowing your name? What could be there more Gardens underneath which rivers flow a goal so far, and yet so close? A journey worth taking for those who
know tell me do not wish to go for more for all the bounties and all the greats. All the sights and the smells and the tastes will be forgotten without a trace as a frozen in time and space. When you see his face.
What an excellent master of a miserable slave. You forgot, and He forgave. He gave you guidance, and you still straight. You asked for mercy that he gave and more and more and more
and we want more now.
Whereas no matter how much more a person can have now, what is it? It's less because it's fleeting.
Where does more matter? In the ACA because we'll Akeelah to UK Barbuda, Rajasthan workboat of Lila I shouldn't
She didn't have a lot of time to practice and she got very sick and she was in the hospital. So in the hospital bed when she was about to die, and people knew that they were telling her to read Galena and she didn't know Quran because she didn't have time to read and stuff. So she was saying what should I say? Should I say this like Lila law? Or should I say what they're saying? And they asked who who are saying what? So she said that I have sort of Fajr Yeah, you had to enough sudomotor In era Jerry Larrabee rather the atom or the for the holy fear by the
name of Islam
is very begin not asking for anything, because we are Muslim.
So she was being told by people to say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, but she was saying that somebody else is telling me to say
this, why should I stay? Or should I say that and they asked her, what's that and then she read the ayah so that she had never studied the Quran, she has never seen
Quran that at a banana fifth dunya hasenhuttl of lacquer there has not been working as alguna unless what Allah is giving us a very good deal buy one get one free, if you will focus after dunya will become automatic between justice knockin for bringing that your screen if you go for IRA, then what do you get?
It's not like you're going to lose out on duniya you're gonna get that as well. But if you go only for dunya you never know you might never even get enough duniya
So aim for the ACA and good dunya for free. But don't aim for dunya and compromise on the Hill Subhanak along or behind ignatia de la ilaha illa Anta and a Sufi rucola to break a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh