Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 078D Tafsir Al-Anam 12-19

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of mercy and the need for everyone to be merciful. They emphasize the importance of having a healthy body and avoiding harks back to past experiences. The speakers also emphasize the importance of trusting one's Lord and not giving promises. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding punishment and avoiding fire in houses. Finally, they emphasize the importance of witness testimony in court cases and warn of false accusations.
AI: Transcript ©
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say Lehman, for whom? Meaning who owns to Who does it belong? What manner that which fish some are worth in the skies will org and the earth? ask them this question or Prophet salallahu Salam you doubt about the fact that Allah alone is God, Allah alone deserves worship. Okay? Tell me, who is it that owns whatever that is in the heavens and the earth? Who does it belong to? What's the answer? Who does all of this belong to? Allah subhanaw taala so called se, when it belongs to Allah, He is the only one who owns everything that is in the heavens and the earth. So, earlier in the previous verses, what was mentioned the fact that Allah is ILA. Now, what is mentioned that Allah is Malik,

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he is also the owner, because the fact that he is the owner, the only owner means that he alone deserves worship, in total, and now you will see this theme repeating over and over again, that because Allah is the Creator, this is why he deserves worship, because he is the owner. This is why he deserves worship, because Allah is a Rob and who is rob the Harlock and

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the creator and the owner, the Mushrikeen of maca. They believed that Allah is the Owner, okay, and they also believe that He is the Creator. Okay, but there was one problem that they had there believed that yes, Allah is the Owner, the Creator, but he alone does not deserve worship. There are others also who deserve worship. This was their false belief. This was the problem with their belief. But the fact is, that if there is only one who made an only one who owns then that should mean that he is the only one who deserves worship. Does that make sense? So he

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Rubia get the fact that he alone is Rob also means the heat up when you hear that he alone is inner. He alone deserves worship, so called say Lima, Mephisto, Marathi will orb who does all of this belong to Polizei Nila. It belongs to Allah. If they don't reply, if they don't say and tell them, that it is only Allah Who owns all of this, and that same Lord who owns everything Catawba he has prescribed Isla enough see upon himself on Rama, mercy, the same one who owns everything has prescribed mercy upon himself. What does it mean by Catawba it gives meaning of photobomb like in the Quran, we learn Cote barlick Muslim fasting has been made, filed on you katiba meaning it has

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been prescribed upon you it is mandatory for you, you have to do it. You know when something is written, it's certain if you say that I will do it, okay. But once you sign it, your writing is there then that means you are bound you have to do it. All right. So just like that, cutterbar Allah Nuptse her Rama, Allah has made mercy mandatory on himself. What does it means that he has made a firm promise of being merciful of showing mercy do to everyone, all the creatures on this earth, people and ants, the elderly, and those who are young, men, engine, everyone, even those who don't believe Allah subhanaw taala shows mercy to them as well. He shows mercy to them as well. In a

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hadith we learn that Allah the Most High has 100 portions of His mercy, you can understand Allah's mercy as divided into 100 portions. And he has sent only one portion of this mercy where

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in this dunya meaning, the Mercy of Allah that you see by which you benefit is only 1% of his entire mercy. And he has divided it among all his creation, and the feeling of mercy and compassion that his creatures feel among themselves is out of that share. So that's 1% of His mercy, that he shows in this dunya that everyone enjoys. And if Allah subhanaw taala did not send that mercy. Then those who disbelieve would not even find a sip of water would not even breathe a single breath

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They wouldn't if Allah subhanaw taala was not merciful towards them. So this is a fact that cut the barrel nfcu Rama, he has prescribed mercy upon himself. He has made it mandatory on himself that he will be merciful. This is why he is a raw man and Allah him. He is the Most Merciful, the possessor of great mercy and the one who shows much mercy as well. He is our humble law he mean the Most Merciful of those who show mercy because got the violin FCO for him. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, when Allah created the creation, he wrote in a book that he has with him above the throne, that My Mercy overcomes my anger, in the rahmati, totally boo Halabi My Mercy overcomes my anger.

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This is why we see the mercy of Allah in this dunya more than we see his anger,

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that there are more people who are enjoying than there are people who are suffering, there are more people who are healthy, compared to those people who are sick.

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Right. So this is a reality cutterbar Allah nfcu Rama, he is indeed very, very merciful, because he has made it mandatory on himself. But then what happens? It's because of our own sins, our own shortcomings that we make ourselves undeserving of this mercy.

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We make ourselves undeserving of this mercy. Think about it. Allah subhanaw taala created you This is about an average person gave you a healthy body, right? provided you with many nutritious beneficial things that you could eat, and really keep yourself healthy with. But then what do we do, we choose to eat that which harms us, we choose to do that which harms us and then we suffer in our bodies, right? When we become sick. If a person becomes, you know, sensitive towards a certain food product, many times it's because of their own abuse, right? It's because they have abused their body. Allah subhanaw taala gave you a healthy body, you abused it, you did not take care of it, you

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neglect it. This is just one example of how Allah is merciful to us, very merciful, we do something and we deprive ourselves of that mercy.

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And there are many people who benefit from this 1% of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy, but they live such lives that they make themselves completely undeserving of His mercy. So in the Hereafter, they do not have any share of the 99% of His mercy that he has reserved for when for the hereafter 99% of His mercy, He has kept it for when the hereafter and yet if a person goes to *, whose fault is it? Whose fault is it? Is it Allah's fault, Never, not at all. It is that person's fault, because he deprived himself he caused that mercy to be removed from him, because Allah cutterbar Allah Nuptse Rama, he has prescribed mercy upon himself Laya joumana Calm, surely he will definitely gather you

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in a yo mille piano to the Day of Judgment, meaning on the day of judgment, He will gather all of you in one place, and this Day of Judgment, low labor fee, there is no doubt in it. And on that day, he will show you what you did, what you did, with his mercy, what you did, with your pride, now labor fee, Alladhina, hosue, and foster home those who have lost themselves for whom let me know, they will not believe that no matter what warning you give them, these people are not going to believe. Now what's the connection over here that Allah has prescribed mercy upon Himself, and He will definitely gather all of you together, why He will gather all of you together to bestow on you

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that 99% of His mercy, but everyone will not be worthy of it.

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Now in this dunya

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we see that where there is good, there is also evil. Right? Where there is, you know people enjoying there are also people who are suffering, reflect on your own life. There may be things that are really good and there may be things that are not so good and you're not happy about it at all. And then you wonder Where's Allah? How come he does not care for me? Does he not see what I'm going through? Does he not have any love any compassion for me? I thought Allah subhanaw taala is supposed to be the most merciful Where did that mercy go? You know people say such things

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starts come to our mind. But we need to believe that cutterbar Allah and FC however, there is still mercy in whatever that is going on in my life. I may not like it. I may be suffering, but in reality, this is part of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. Think about it, if there is a mother, and I'm sure many of you can relate with this, all right, she loves her children. So what does she do? She takes them shopping, she cooks nice things for them. Right? They want to go somewhere. She drives them. They want to go to their friend's house, she allows them. Would you say that this mother is very merciful? Would you say that? She's very good. Tell me. Of course, this is how we

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want our mothers to be all the time doing everything that we want them to. Right? And then you want to go to your friend's house and you say, Mom, may I go? And she's like, No.

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Like, I have the worst mom. She doesn't let me go anywhere. She doesn't realize I'm living in Canada. She doesn't realize that I go to a school. And I have friends I have life outside the house as well.

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Right? That same Mother has given you so much has benefited you in so many ways, one know from her. And what do we do? We write off everything that she's done so far. But analyze if she has said no. Was there a reason behind that? No. Is there not mercy behind that? No. What is that mercy? What is that love? What is that care?

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That She Wants You to be home so that you can complete your assignment, because it is due the next day. And that is 20% of your entire work. And she knows you haven't done it so far. This is a reason why she's not allowing you to go. So if she has refused you something that is also out of what love for you. All right. Likewise, you want a phone desperately. I remember when I was in high school, I wanted a cell phone and this was several years ago. And at that time, you know, every other person was getting cell phones and I felt so deprived. I wanted a phone to myself. I begged my mom.

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But I got nothing except a no. And now I'm so happy that she didn't get it for me. Why? Because I saw how people wasted money wasted their time. Right? made bad friends are their friends influenced them so much. So I'm so glad that out of her mercy. She said no to me, and that saved me. That saved me. So there are many things that we don't realize today about why our parents are the way they are. But we understand those things when when we become a parent, ourselves, when we grow up ourselves when we will graduate inshallah we will understand. All right, when you will have your degree, then you will understand why your mom and dad were so tough. Okay. And just like that there are many

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things that we don't understand why Allah subhanaw taala has allowed them to happen in our lives, and we will not understand until we meet him.

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It's possible we don't understand until we meet him, but trust him. You don't say when you know that somebody loves you. Then even if a weird email has come from them, or weird text messages come to them or no response, then you know that okay, she's fine, inshallah. I mean, nothing's happened. Why? Because you know that she's a good friend, and you know that you love her and she loves us, everything's fine, and everything's cool.

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So just like that, we need to trust our rub. He loves me, He is merciful to me. So there's something is decided, for me. It's all good.

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It's quite possible that you dislike something but in reality, it is good for you. And it's quite possible that you like something and in reality, it is bad for you. This yesterday in our bodies, class party class, we learned about the story of this woman.

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She was a slave.

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And that the tribe who owned her, they set her free. They set her free but still she lived with them. She stuck around why? Because she had no family. Nobody to go to so even though she was free. She just stayed with them.

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You can imagine no family, no idea where she's from. So she just stayed with those people. One day, a girl. She was wearing a fancy red leather belt with white pearls on it. She went out somewhere and she took that belt off or that belt fell. So basically she didn't realize that the belt was on the ground and she walked away. A bird came, thought that it was a piece of meat, picked it up and flew away. Everybody started looking for that belt and they said the slave woman. She must have stolen it. So they blamed her.

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She said no, I didn't take it. They said no. You took it. So the search term

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I searched her to the extent that they even checked her private part that maybe she was hiding that belt over there. Imagine this woman in that distress, she is standing. And the bird comes and drops the belt in front of the people.

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And she said, here's this felt that you were blaming me for. I was innocent. I never stole it. But she got so hurt that she left those people. And she went to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in Medina, and she became Muslim.

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She became Muslim. She had no family, no house, nobody. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam allowed her that she may have her very own tent in the masjid. So imagine in the masjid, there is a tent, and whose tent is that this woman's she would stay in that tent in the masjid. And every other day, she would go to I shall blow horn. And she would just come and talk to her. And every time she would come and talk to her, she would say, you know these words of poetry, she would say, we owe militia human RRG. verbena, Allah in the home in well, that is coffee and journey.

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That the day of the belt, it is really of the great wonders of our Lord.

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it is what saved me from the land of disbelief. If that incident of the belt had not happened, she was saying that she would never have left those people she would have remained on her go for it and perhaps died like that. That incident occurred. She was hurt

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falsely accused.

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Imagine she was violated. And she was really hurt. And that is what caused her to leave those people leave that Cofer and go to the prophets of Allah Addison and embrace Islam. So apparently, it seems like Why did Allah allow this to happen?

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Why did Allah allow this to happen? But tell me if this hadn't happened? Would she leave? Would she come to Islam? No. So we just get stuck in? Why, why? Why and we don't look at the bigger picture. But when you know when you trust that your Lord is all merciful. When your Lord is very, very merciful, then everything makes sense that everything is easy to accept. Then you look at what you have, instead of what you don't have. You look at what you've learned, instead of what you've suffered. You look at what you have gained,

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instead of the misery that you have experienced. But this can only happen when you trust that my Lord is very, very merciful. cutterbar la FC here Rama and imagine if more than 1% of mercy, He bestowed this head to me through this evil. Imagine the 99% of His mercy that is awaiting in the Hereafter. This is why Allah says that he will give the reward to those who do suffer, how much will later his app without any measure, without any account, meaning endless limitless, more than a person can imagine Allah subhanaw taala will reward him on that day. Why? Because of his patience, because of his son, because that is 99% of His mercy waiting for you. But you have to pass the test.

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Now you have to accept his decree now.

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cutterbar and nfcu Rama Leia Gemma, Omnicom Illa yomo, Pia Mattila labor fee Alladhina, hosue and foster home for whom la you know, for those who have lost themselves, how those who will lose themselves on the day of judgment by losing their lives, their bodies, you know, their families, their wealth, their deeds, because they're in the fire, having no enjoyment, nothing at all, for whom law you may know, such people today, they don't believe meaning those who are headed towards the hellfire, that no matter what you show them, they're not going to believe well, who and for him, meaning he alone possesses Massa Kana that which repose is second, become still. Second, so let her

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seen calf noon, and it's from the word sukoon. What the second mean, to become still literally to have peace mean to be still. So my second is that which becomes still that which comes to a stop. And second, alters from sukhna which means to live to dwell, so that which lives so there are two meanings of second. First of all, that which

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comes to a stop that which becomes still. And secondly, that lives that exists when filet Lee in the night when the Hertie end the day, meaning he owns everything. There are some creatures

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that come to a stop in the night. Meaning they're moving, flying, running all day long. And in the night, they're still meeting they're resting, they're sleeping.

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Does anyone have birds in their house? All day long, what do they do? Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, and a nighttime or when you put a blanket on their cage, what happens? How they sleep, they are quiet, their beaks become second, right? They become still so who owns those birds? We think we own them. In reality, who owns them? Oh Allah who Allah horns. Allah Huma second, AFIT Layli one now. And some creatures are the exact opposite. All day long, they're sleeping. And in the night, they're awake, they're moving about. Alright, so everything that comes to a stop, whether it is in the night, or it is in the day, everything that lives in the night and the day, who owns it, Allah

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who has Samir on our limb and he is the hearing and annoying, meaning he hears every sound, he hears every supplication and he knows every being and it's every deed, whether it is asleep or it is awake, he knows. So the prophets are a lot of cinemas made to ask called say, ask these people. Allah is it other than Allah He Allah, a Duffy, who I should take Walia and friend, are you telling me that I should take someone other than Allah as a body? Who is wanting someone who is a friend but not just friend, but also protector? Guardian, someone who takes care of you. You want me to leave Allah and take someone else as my Wali, that I should worship them, depend on them, ask them for

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help trust on them, rely on them, hope from them, expect from them, this is what you want, I should turn to other than Allah. When Allah is firstly, the originator fatahna is to originate, bring into existence, the first time from non existence. So he is the father, the originator of a summer word, he will have the heavens and the earth, He alone created the heavens and the earth, when nothing like that ever existed before. This is his creation, his idea for athletics, somehow it will.

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And imagine someone who's created the heavens and the earth, how powerful, how strong, how able he is, and you want me to leave him and turn to somebody else? Well, hello, and he alone, meaning Allah alone uture. Amo, he feeds meaning he gives time to others Wallah and not yield term he is fed. He is the one who feeds everybody. And he is the one who is not fed.

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Whereas other beings that are worshipped besides Allah, what is the reality that people take food to those beings? Right? They take food to those beings. If it's an animal or a human being that they're worshiping, they're making money, why? To serve them with Allah, He is the one who feeds all and he is not fed. What does it mean? He is the one who is independent? And everyone depends on him.

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on Allah, He is the only one who is independent.

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There are people who say I'm independent. No, you're not. You're still dependent. So many things, so many people. You know, most importantly, you depend on Allah. So he alone is independent, and everybody depends on him. But who are you doing? What are you currently on? Say, in the middle? Indeed, I have been commanded an akuna that I should be a well the first two men Islam, one who submits, I have been commanded to be the first one to submit. Who the Prophet sallallahu Sallam submit to who? Allah subhanho wa taala. Why the first one? Because typically what happens, we wait for others. So are you going to do this too? Are you going as well? If you're going to do it, if

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you're going, then I will also do it. I will also come along and if nobody is doing it, then what do we think? I shouldn't do it either. But the prophets of Allah cinemas told you take the lead. You take the first step, you submit so tell the people I

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I have been commanded to be the first one who submits to Allah while at Hakuna and tell them that you should never be without the Quran and you should never be mean and wishy clean of those who associate partners with Allah. So basically two things are being mentioned over here. But first of all, since everything belongs to Allah, He alone is the originator, the Creator, He alone is the provider of all, then what does it mean? Every one of us should turn to Him, rely upon Him, seek help from him, not others. And secondly, what has been mentioned this is that once you recognize Allah, then do not delay, then run to Him, submit to him immediately. And this excuse will not work

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that Oh, nobody is doing it. No. When Allah has told you to do something than submit right away, because the one who submits right away, that is a person who is truly obedient and submissive, someone who submits obeys just because everybody's doing it. You know, that's not a big deal. Like for example, people are Muslim did it many people are Muslims. Why? Because there's so many people who are Muslim, your whole family is Muslim, so you're Muslim to Okay, good thing. But for a person whose family is not Muslim, they are the only one for them to make this decision is a big decision. It's a big deal. It really shows their commitment and their sincerity. So the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam was told that you surrender you submit. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has created us for what? For his worship, well, my halacha Regina will INS inlandia Who don't I have not created men and jinn except that they should worship Me. So when the purpose of our existence is to worship Allah, then do not delay and surrender immediately called say in the indeed I Ahafo I fear in our slave to if I disobey Rob Be my Lord, or the punishment, Yeoman or Aleem, have a great day, who is being made to say this, the prophets of Allah said, I'm gonna tell the people make this clear announcement that I am afraid that if I disobey Allah, they will be punishment on a great day. What

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is that great day, the day of judgment?

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If the prophets are a lot of sentiment is afraid of disobeying Allah, then what does it mean for us? That we should have no fear? And we should disobey Allah? Happily? Because this is what we think that all science was religious. So yeah, they cannot do it. But since I'm not that religious, this is why I can do it.

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Right. Or people think, oh, you know, you go to Oahu, the UAE the hijab, so yeah, you shouldn't listen to music, but you know, I don't wear the hijab. I don't study the Quran, so it's okay for me. Not okay for you why they're not okay for anybody.

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Because if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is being told the one who was forgiven, the one who was promised paradise, if he is being told that you say that I'm afraid if I disobey Allah, there will be create punishment, on a great day. And the same thing goes for us, we should be even more afraid. If Allah wouldn't spare His Prophet, you think we would be spared? What kind of in a world we're living in? What kind of thinking do we have?

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If the prophets of Allah Islam is afraid, we should be even more afraid, man, whoever you serve in his averted on who from him Yoma even that day, meaning whoever the punishment is averted from meaning whoever is saved from the punishment on that day, on the day of judgment for God and in fact, Rahima who he was merciful to him, meaning Allah has indeed been merciful to that person, oh, the one who was saved from the punishment, and the one who saved from the punishment was their legal foes all Mubi and that is the clear success, meaning that is, clearly success is nothing but success, there is no doubt about that success. So what is true success then, being saved from

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punishment on the day of judgment.

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And if a person is saved from punishment on the Day of Judgment, that means Allah has indeed been merciful to him. And if a person suffers from punishment that day, that means that they have deprived themselves of the Mercy of Allah.

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So the question is, how can a person be saved from punishment on the Day of Judgment? Oh, by staying away from disobedience because what leads to punishment in our sleep to in our sleep to rugby, so write this down for yourself. In knee a half of inner are slaves to rugby either by yo man or leave? Right

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Take this down, put it on the top of your laptop, next to your computer,

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put it on your refrigerator, put it around the house to serve as a reminder for you and for your family members, that I'm afraid if I disobey Allah, there will be great punishment in the hereafter. I will not be spared. So I have to stop now. Every time there is a temptation, stop, because there are great consequences.

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If nothing is stopping you from a sin, then look at fire.

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Look at fire. But the sad reality is that many houses don't even have fire in it. Right? So somebody who has fire, turned it on on the stove and ask yourself, would I put my hand in this fire?

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How conscious are we? When we're putting something in the oven big oven mitts. And we're warning people I'm opening the oven everybody keep away?

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That say the fire of * is much worse if we cannot tolerate the fire of this dunya how on earth can we tolerate the fire of the Hellfire of Jana?

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Every time there is an urge remind yourself of the fire.

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Because having the urge you're not accountable for Inshallah, you're not sinful for that. What you're sinful for is if you act on it, like for example, you're fasting and you're hungry. You want to eat you're not sinful for that desire to eat, what are you sinful for? If you go and eat something? So just like that, this dunya this life is what a fast every urge we have. We have to resist it. We have to control it. It's getting difficult. Look at the fire. Remind yourself of that heat. And tell yourself insha Allah Iftar will be soon when will that be in the hereafter which is not far away. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Only man

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do you want to wait?

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Enough senior

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layer Jim

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Ely at Mattila.

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Alladhina Paseo fossa Fusa whom for whom law you mean

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kind of lady one

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well who was semi

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law here that either one

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boy oh boy

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see need to Hakuna Wallah I'm in a slump takuna

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nee Fawful in Nasai br

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novoline me your sloths on Elmer e the father

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was early career fellows on Mubi

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what in and if yam seska He touches you, Allahu Allah, below ring with some harm, Fela, then No, chef, any remover? La who for it in Allah except Hua he alone. We're in and if yum Saska he touches you behind and what some good for Hawa, then he is either upon condition in everything pudieron always all able.

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What did we learn in this iron? That if Allah decides to afflict a servant with some harm, then no one at all can remove that harm. If a person is suffering from some harm, why? Because Allah subhanaw taala intended that for him. The no one at all can rescue him, No one can save him. And on the other hand, if Allah wishes to benefit a person, give him some played, give him something good. Then Allah is able to execute his will, meaning none can stop Allah none can prevent Allah from benefiting a servant. The word Blue has been mentioned over here, and it's from the root letters law, the law, law. And law is a very comprehensive term, a very comprehensive word that didn't

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ludes everything that a person could suffer harm from, whether it is in the body, or it is in the soul, the differences that body is like, for example, you have a fever, that is what book, a headache. Look, a person has a serious illness, though, right, but also in the knifes the soul, like, for example, a person is unhappy, they're sad, despite having everything, they're depressed, all right, or they're feeling jealous, either unsettled, they cannot feel at peace, they cannot have confidence in anyone, they cannot have trust on anyone. So all of this is what examples of books, but it's not just limited to the body and the soul. It also applies to any harm that a person

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suffers in his wealth. So for example, financial loss, okay, a huge debt that a person has to pay off huge loans that he has incurred, right? Likewise, a person losing their job. Likewise, in the family, any suffering that a person experiences in his family, so for example, children are sick, children are disobedient, can't get along with the parents, the spouse lives on a different planet, there's a huge distance between a person and their family or their friends, the people around them, that no matter how hard they try, their relationships aren't just working. So all of these are examples of door. So door is not just physical. Okay? It's not just tangible, it's also intangible.

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It's not just in your body, but it's also in your circumstances. So if Allah intends to harm someone with some book, and this teaches us that any suffering that a person experiences only happens when Allah allows it, and we discussed earlier, that Allah is the One who has decreed mercy upon himself, meaning he has made it mandatory on himself to be merciful. And if Allah harm someone, then what does it mean that is also a part of His mercy in this dunya if we suffer from some difficulty, that is also a part of Allah's mercy on us, because if we don't go through difficulty, we do not learn, we do not appreciate enough, then we begin to take everything for granted otherwise. So when we

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experience difficulty, then we become grateful, then we value what we have, then we turn to Allah subhanaw taala. So if Allah intends to harm someone with some door, and the wisdom he knows about it, the reason he knows better, we accept it. But what's being taught over here that fella Kashi Allahu Allah Who There is none who can remove it, except for him cash if from cashing fat, cash, cash was basically to unveil something unveil. So, for example, let's say a woman has her face covered when she removes that veil, that's cash. Okay, so she has unveiled her face, when that veil was removed when it was taken off than the face that was hidden became exposed, it was revealed. So

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the word cache is also to remove something, okay to remove something. So if Allah intends hard for someone, no one at all can remove that harm. No one can take your headache away. No medication can take that fever away. No treatment can take that tooth ache away. No counselor can take that depression away. Nobody can no one can remove it except to Allah Who are except for Allah alone. So what does this teach us? That whenever we are in difficulty, any kind of difficulty, then who should we turn to? Who should we turn to for help? Allah subhanaw taala. Who should we ask for relief Allah? But typically, what is our reaction? I'm aching. Tylenol.

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I'm hurt. Call my mom. I'm annoyed when you post online, right? I'm irritated. Let me yell at someone. Right? This is what we do. When we're suffering from some harm. We depend on others. We think that something material, a human being or something physical can remove that difficulty from us. But that's not the case. The only one who removes the difficulty is Oh, Allah subhanaw taala Fela cash if Allahu Allahu This is why if you're ever sick, you go to the doctor and they figure out what the problem is with you and they give you the right medication. And Al Hamdulillah you get cured then what do you say? What should you say that doctor is the best? I trust him. I'll take

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anything that he prescribes in the future. Hmm, no, Allah is

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The one who cured me because who gave the correct understanding to the doctor at that time? Hasn't it happened that so many people that were diagnosed incorrectly, and this is why they were given wrong medication, they were treated wrongly hasn't it happened and that has made their problems much worse for them, even though they've gone to the best doctors in the world. So Fela Kashi Allahu Allah who, even though on the apparent it seems like a person has been helpful, or medication has been helpful, the change of circumstances hasn't been helpful, they are not the cause. They are just the means through which your difficulty was alleviated. Who's the cause? Allah subhanaw taala Fila

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Kashi Villa Hall Illa who and on the other hand, what am seska Clayton for who are luckily che embodied if He intends to give you something good, that he is able to do everything meaning none at all can stop him. This is why the Prophet salallahu Salam used to say after Salla Allahu malema, NEERA Lima, whatever Alia Lima Monarto that Oh Allah, there is no one who can prevent what you give, and there is no one who can give what you have prevented. So whether we are in pain, or we want relief, you know, everything we should ask who? Allah subhanaw taala because pain and relief both are from who him alone. So when pain is from Him, relief is from Him, in all our circumstances, we

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turn to Allah because everything happens at his command by his permission, his decision, no one can alter. When he gives something, it can never be taken away. Unless and until he allows, therefore, ask Him alone, turn to him alone. Well, who and he is an AHA hit the subjugated folk above everybody he has servants will who will Hakeem will have it and He alone is the wise and the one who is all aware. He is the CO head over his servants spa hit from Bahadur cough Hara. And Kahal means to overpower someone meaning to control them fully. So they can do nothing before you. They cannot withstand you. They cannot challenge you in any way. They just give up this surrender. Like for

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example, if there's a little baby, right, and the baby is screaming, trying to get out of your arms, but because you are stronger, what do you do, you hold the legs and the arms and you give them a tight hug. And he can only give up, he can only surrender why? Because you have done to her over the baby. So the baby's power is nothing in comparison to yours, you can execute your will entirely entirely the baby cannot avoid cannot get away. And this is our reality before Allah subhanaw taala that he is a law hit Folkert reberty He is the subjugated over his servants. When he command something no one can avoid when he decides something, no one can run away. This is why Allah

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subhanaw taala challenges the creation that all human beings and jinn if you try to escape the heavens and the earth, go ahead, you cannot do So where will you go? Because wherever you go, ALLAH SubhanA dadas power is there as well. So well who will call Hillfolk everybody. This is why if he wants something evil from you, no one can protect you. And if you want something good for you, no one can take that away from you. Because well we'll call hero Folkert reverdy. But look at the next part of the verse beautiful, well who will Hakeem and Javi he is the wise and the acquainted? What does it mean by this, that he is the wise meaning.

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If there is a human being if there is a person, and because of the authority and the power they have, they're forcing you to do something, right? And you disagree with them. You're crying but you're doing it because you're being forced, you are given no choice. You disagree with them. And it's quite possible that what they're forcing you to do is wrong, is harmful for you and harmful for others but you are given no choice.

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But when it comes to Allah subhanaw taala if he forces something on us whether it is a decision concerning our lives, concerning our body, concerning our property concerning our family, no matter what it is, we know that he is Al Hakim. So whatever decision he makes for us, it is based on what his wisdom it is based on his wisdom. So at the end of the day, it is always always going to be good for us. Well who will have

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Keep, and he is unhappy. He is fully aware of the struggle that you're going through of the difficulty that you're enduring. He knows he's fully aware. And this is why he will reward the patient, once without any limit. He will reward a person for every effort that he has made sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So while while Hakeem will have made every decision of his is based on his head,

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and we see that sometimes we want something, and Allah subhanaw taala does not give it. We're making dua every day, but Allah doesn't give it and people start to wonder over here, what's going on? Am I really that bad? Am I really that sinful? What do I have to do to have Allah accept my prayers? The thing is that He is Allah had no one can force him, you have to give up before him. No one can force him. But remember, if he's not giving you something, there's some wisdom behind that. Likewise, you don't want something, but it's forced upon you. You don't want something it's forced upon you, for example, many people, they don't want children. But what happens one child after the other, and

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sometimes women are like, we don't want the children but do we really have to go through this? Yes, you have to because Allah decided that for you, Allah decided that fate for you. You have to accept it and know that in this decision of his is what his wisdom so there is some benefit for you hidden benefit that you don't see, but it is there he is Al Hakim, and he has a hobby

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called say I you che in which thing a Kabbalah is greater shahada tan in testimony. The people of Makkah, like we learned earlier, they would repeatedly ask the prophets of Allah Edison for miracles, and what response do they get nothing. You're not getting any of these. The Quran itself is the miracle. There are many miracles that Allah subhanaw taala has placed within you around you, you should see them and recognize your Lord through all of these miracles.

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And then they also demanded that an angel should come. Right. Why to say that you are the Prophet of Allah, when the angel will tell us then we will believe in you. Okay. So they would ask for the testimony of others, someone great who would testify that he has Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is indeed the Prophet of Allah.

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So Allah says, say to them, are you che in Akbar Shahada? What thing is greatest in testimony meaning whose testimony is greatest? If there are five people, okay. And they are to testify, whose testimony would be greatest, depending on their status, depending on their truthfulness? So if there's one person who has a reputation of lying sometimes, and being truthful, sometimes, then their testimony is not the greatest, it's not that reliable. If there is another person who's known for being non serious all the time, their testimony is that reliable? No. But if there is a person who is known for his honesty, for his knowledge, for his truthfulness, then if they're testify, is

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their testimony reliable? Is it?

00:48:33 --> 00:48:52

Let me make this easier for you. Three people, okay. One is your brother. One is your mother. And one is your friend. Okay? Three people come and tell you that, let's say something has happened. Okay? Your brother is five years old.

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And you know that he loves to just say things. He uses his imagination a lot. He comes and tells you Would you believe him? Would you know you wouldn't you're like, whatever you will hear and you ignore. Even though you might be surprised for a moment, but you'll be like five year old kid, what does he know? You know, he might just be using his imagination. So you ignore him completely. Then comes your friend. You're like, you know what? Stop joking with me. Right? They tell you something, you're like, stop joking with me. Are you serious? Are you kidding me? Right? We say such things.

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And then your parents tell you about something. Those people who really look up to their parents, right? If your parents tell you about something, would you believe them? Yes, you would. Why? Because their knowledge is more, their experiences more, they are more reliable. Okay. So this is the question that is being asked that whose testimony is greatest, whose word would you accept? That Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the prophet of Allah? Because sometimes people want that Oh,

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You know, there should be a voice coming from the tree telling people that yes, Islam is true. There should be computers talking to people telling them that Islam is true that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was the messenger, there should be a rock, there should be a mountain, or, you know, there should be weird things happening, telling people that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is true and this is why we love such pictures that have led Allah and Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah written on them, whether it's on a fish, or in a tomato, or in rocks or in trees. So we save these pictures. We forward them everywhere, because we think this is wow, this is such a big evidence. We think it's

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such a big evidence of law school au che in Upolu shahada don't say tell them, Allah. Allah says testimony is the greatest testimony meaning that if Allah tells you something, then you have to accept that why? Because Allah has knowledge is the most and women are Stoppelman Allah, Allah who is more truthful than Allah in speech woman as the coming Allah Hadith. No one is more truthful than Allah. In their speech. Allah is the One who was most truthful. So if Allah is telling you that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger, that isn't that enough? Isn't that sufficient? So what if a cow is not saying that so what if a camel is not saying that? What's the

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big deal? Allah azza wa jal is telling you what Hamilton Allah wa Salam is nabi EULA, accept His Word. Take his word. Allah Allah say Allah, Shahidan witness meaning he is the witness Baney between me webinar calm and between you, meaning he knows about my reality. He's a witness between me and you. He knows what I'm telling you and he knows how you're reacting. He knows that I am the messenger and you are disbelieving we're all here and it has been revealed a layup to me meaning Oh Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam say this to the people that it has been revealed to me what has been revealed to me how the Quran this or this Quran has been revealed to me Lee on the welcome so that I

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warn you be with it. This Quran has been given to me so that I warn you with this Quran.

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And who else woman and whoever Bella, it reached, meaning I have been given this Quran so that I warn you. And I also warn all those whom this Quran reaches meaning not just the people of Makkah, not just the people of Arabia, but people of all times at all ages, and all places from now onwards the prophets have a lot of sentiments to warn them how through this Quran, we're all here Ilia hurdle could only be one umbrella. And this has always been understood in another way woman below that the one to whom this Quran reaches they are to warn with this Quran. Meaning any person who receives the Quran, who learns the Quran, then what are they to do warn others with this Quran? warn

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them about what about the hereafter about the reality of this life?

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In the prophets Allah has made to ask the people that do you let us whodunnit you all testify? Another indeed ma Allah He would Allah early had an aha, other gods. Are you saying that there are other gods with Allah meaning there are other beings who deserve worship besides Allah? If they say yes, there are many gods besides Allah, whom we acknowledge when we worship, say to them, a shirt, I do not testify, meaning I do not accept that there is any being worthy of worship besides Allah, because this was their main problem. They wouldn't believe in Mohamed Salah Salem, they would keep asking for miracles and evidences and proofs and testimonies. Why? Because they didn't like the fact

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that he was condemning Schick, they wanted to continue with their ship. This was the main problem. Otherwise, Mohamed Salah Madison was known to be the most truthful person right? They didn't have a problem who he was they had a problem with what he was saying. So the Prophet saw a lot of students made to ask them that say in accumulators whodunnit nama Allah He early had an aha you said there are other gods besides Allah color assured say I do not testify at all called say in nama indeed not but who are Allahu Ahad he is only one God what in any and indeed I birdie on innocent Memento Shri go on from that which you associate buddy from the letters belvo, Hamza Bara is to declare this

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association so I am very meaning I am disassociated with everything that you saw

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I see it with Allah, meaning I have nothing to do with your shit, I do not acknowledge it at all. I do not commit it, I do not endorse it. I do not agree with it. Rather I dislike it, I disconnect myself from it.

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So what do we learn in this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala his testimony is the greatest which means that if he says something, if he told us something that is 100% true. And once he has said something, we don't need the acknowledgement of others. Because many times that happens, we read something in the Quran and then we want scientific evidence, we want some research to prove that yes, it is good to prove that what's in the Quran is correct. But we don't need any research. If Allah has said something than we believe in it. Then we also learn over here that the Quran is enough to warn people with because the prophets Allah Laden was given the Quran to warn people with

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and if a person is not warned by the Quran, then they cannot be worn by anything. Meaning if the Quran doesn't affect the person, then May Allah help them and also we learned that once the Quran has reached a person he has understood it then then what he has to accept it and he also has to warn other people with it one below All right, let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Well, he says gum long will be aborted

00:56:32 --> 00:56:35

Why am seska The hot

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water cooling che in Bondi well one ball you fell by by the one who wanted to hacking emu kabhi

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Xiang in Akbar shahada, polio.

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by any one day

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we're all here in a hurry

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B woman

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law he early huntin frog

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will in more

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in anybody

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to panic alarm will be handed Masha Allah Illa illa Anta nest we will go on until we make a ceremony

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