Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 074E Tafsir Al-Maidah 78-82
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim
inshallah we'll begin from iron number 78
Norina Alladhina Kufa lumen Bani Israel eel Cursed were the people which people of Bani Israel eel, which ones exactly those who disbelieved? So those who disbelieve from the children of Israel eel, they were cursed by who are largely Sunni the Buddha, where he suddenly memoriam at the tongue of the world and Risa even Maria both of these prophets, they cursed their own people, Bani Israel eel, why, the valley kabhi Ma. So, that is because of their disobedience, what can we are doing and their constant transgression the word Kano when it comes before a verb can who we are to do that it implies they used to habitually do this, it wasn't just that this happened once or twice, no, they
did this repeatedly again and again Can we are doing they used to habitually transgress against others, against people against the messengers? So this is the reason why the messengers they got so fed up with them that they literally curse them. And what does it mean by curse? When one is cursing someone means that May Allah's curse be on them, that may that person be far removed from the Mercy of Allah, that made this person be distanced from Allah?
That may Allah not show any affection to him any kindness to him, neither in this world nor in the hereafter. Now, this is something that we shouldn't be generally asking Allah subhanaw taala for we should always be asking for what good things for ourselves and also for others, which is why it is said that even if your enemy oppresses you wronged you, don't curse them, ask Allah to guide them, ask Allah to forgive them.
But in severe cases, in extreme situations, we see that invoking the curse of Allah upon someone is allowed, but it's only in extreme cases, which is why we see that there will there listen, I'm really sorry Lisanna they curse the Bani Israel. So we have to realize that their disobedience and their transgression was not small. You see Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. Remember when he went to a bar if and what happened to him?
The people didn't just disobey him, didn't just rebuke him, but they physically abused him. They literally chased him out of UCLA if they pelted him with stones, so that he couldn't stay there. And as he was walking away, they kept belting him with stones to the point that he was bleeding profusely.
And what happened then, Angel Jibreel, brought the angel who looked after the mountains.
And what did he say that if you want this and you will be told to finish the people immediately bring these two mountains on top of them so that these people are finished immediately. But at the prophets, Allah Allah doesn't agree to that. No, he didn't.
Why? Because the people of Allah if didn't know,
the people of Makkah, they oppose the prophets. Allah loves him for so long, even they hurt him so much. But did he pray against them? No, he didn't. He forgave them again and again.
But what happened at the Battle of hurt
when they had come to fight against him, and they had physically hurt him, he was bleeding, his tooth was broken. What happened then? He said that how will people be guided who have treated their messenger in this way? He didn't even invoke the words of curse against the people. But he said something that show that he didn't have any hope left in them. For what it alasa panel, data review, lay seller, communal, Emily Shea, you have no control over here, the matter of guidance is with only you, Allah subhanaw taala. But it shows that it was that point that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was very, very unhappy with the people. Up until that point, he was tolerating their harm. But at
that point, it seems that he was really upset with them, which is why he said that statement, but imagine, resorted to them how much he must have been harassed by his people, by their disobedience, how much you must have been hurt, that he invokes the curse of Allah subhanaw taala against them, what can we are doing and because of their constant disobedience, can you lay it on our honer or Moncure in follow who they used to not prevent one another? Notice the word Yetta. Now Hona it has to stop each other to stop one another. They wouldn't stop each other from the wrongs that they themselves would do. Why would they stop others? When do we hesitate?
it stopping others from something wrong that they're doing. When we have this fear that they're going to tell me, Well, you do the same thing. When we have this fear that she's going to point fingers at me, then we say, Okay, I better be quiet here.
And then what happens? You're doing wrong, the other person's doing wrong, instead of stopping one another, you become a support for each other in that wrong action. And it becomes the norm, it becomes the culture, it becomes widespread. And they this evil spreads, Lubbock center, can we have alone how evil it is that they used to do? Now what is that a person does not know about what is right and what is wrong. And if he doesn't stop others, it's understandable. But when a person knows what is right and what is wrong, and he is at the position where he is supposed to be telling other people what is right and wrong, and yet he does not tell them. He does not make them aware. He does
not stop them, then he is the most evil person. It shows selfishness. And it shows heedlessness to the word of Allah, it shows that a person really doesn't care about Allah's law. Imagine if there's some government worker, whatever kind of work they're doing, and if they see something wrong, and they let it happen in exchange for a bribe, then Is this person a good person? Not at all? Will he be kept? If his cheating and his bribe and all this is found out? Is he going to continue with his work? No, he is going to be punished. In fact, he's going to be penalized for the wrongs that he has done. So in Allah's court, which is the most just same thing will be done.
Those who know who are supposed to be stopping from evil, if they're promoting evil, then they are the most evil people, then they're the most disobedient people, the most wicked people. And we learn about this in the Bible also in Matthew 23. It has been said water you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You give a 10th of your spices meant dill and cumin meaning you're so concerned about these little little things, that you say that a 10th has to be given, but you have neglected the more important matters of the law, justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the letter without neglecting the former You blind guides. You strain out a gnat but
swallow a camel.
This is the extent of your Fianna.
Likewise, the husband said water you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You clean the outside of the cup and dish. But inside they're full of greed and self indulgence. First clean the inside of the car, and then the dish and then the outside also will be clean.
Meaning you're so concerned about your outer appearance that you neglect what's inside. You are so concerned about the outer matters, but the inner matters you have neglected so much. Likewise water you teachers of the line Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way on the outside, you appear to people as righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
And here we need to reflect on ourselves.
That many times we see we know what is right and what is wrong. Yet, we are far away from it in practice, we let wrong happen in our own houses in our own families. We are engaged in it ourselves. And yet here we are wondering, is this length of hijab, okay or not? Is this length of our bio okay or not? We are so concerned about the minutes and the seconds. We're so concerned about the percentages. But when it comes to being truthful and sincere to Allah, in private matters and hidden matters, that we are not sincere and truthful there.
Some people, their entire focus is on the outside, that my outside should be perfect my hedgehog, my or via my fasting, my prayer the way I'm praying, my hands have to be here and not here and not here. And my hands have to be raised up to here. Like we're so concerned about these details, that we neglect the heart that what's the heart full off? Is it full of envy, jealousy, pride, greed? What is it full of my thoughts? What's in my head, my Nia, am I showing off? Or am I doing it for Allah?
And on the other hand, there's another extreme that people pay no attention to these details of the law, that they're completely disregarded. And a person says, Oh, you don't have to pray like that. You just have to have a very loving and caring heart. You don't have to wear the hijab as long as you're very modest and shy in sight and that's sufficient. No, there has to be a balance and what
Does that balance what Allah has taught?
That a person observes maruf in the outward and the inward, he obeys Allah, outwardly and inwardly he fears Allah. There's fear that's manifested on the body, in the clothes and also that's present in the heart.
The word who sure What does for sure mean? Humility and submissiveness? And we think who sure in prayer is that yes, in my heart, I'm very fearful of Allah. I'm very focused in the prayer, but there was a man who was praying Salah once, and he was playing with his beard, like he was continuously passing his hands in it. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that if there was for sure in his heart, then Lucha SHA God who then his limbs would also have been humble, that humility would have shown.
So this is a reality that when there's fear of Allah, honesty, truthfulness and sincerity inside then it will come outside as well. And if it is put on from outside, then it's just a show. And sooner or later, it will come off and people will see the reality of the person.
Allah says, Don't aka fear on men whom you will see majority of them have who have the Bani Israel, that till today until the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam and afterwards because over here, primarily Mohamed Salah and Islam is being addressed, that you see majority of them, they are Yeto alone Alladhina Cafaro they befriend those people who disbelieve instead of befriending the people who believe in Allah, the people who believe in mozarella Sinha, the people who believe in Ibrahim, are they Salam, instead of befriending them, who do they befriend? The people who disbelieve in Allah, who don't have any faith in the prophets of Allah who don't have any kind of belief in the
So what kind of Eman do they have? Because here they are very proud of being the children of the prophets. Here they are very proud of being the People of the Scripture, but who are they befriending? Those who love the Scripture, those who believe in it or those who reject it, they're befriending those who reject it. Because at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we see that despite the fact that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the Muslims lived in Medina, and there was a contract that was made with them, that you hold. Still, they went to Makkah and befriended the enemies of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. They befriended the machine who are the machine who didn't
believe in the Torah, who didn't believe in mozarella Sinha, nothing at all. And Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was so close to them in their faith to the point that for about 16 months, they faced the same qibla in prayer, the same prayer direction, that's what they faced, in Salah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as well as the Jews of Medina. Despite all these similarities, yet, the Yahoo they did not befriend the Muslims instead, they only conspired against them. They only plotted against them they only harmed them they only proved treacherous. So Allah says Dada cathedra minhang Yeto alone and Medina Cafaro Lubbock summer kata McClung and foster home. How wretched how evil is that
which they have put forth for themselves? How evil is what they are preparing for themselves, what they have sent in the hereafter for themselves. And what is it unselfie the Allahu RLA him that Allah has become angry with them.
That with their actions with their treachery, what are they doing? Are they making Allah happy, or they're making him unhappy? They're making him unhappy. They have earned the anger of Allah and this is the worst thing that a person could prepare for his aka Allah's Anger. The worst thing that a person could prepare for his chakra because in this dunya if you do something wrong, Allah is unhappy with you you do is to fall, you do Toba, you increase in your righteousness and in sha Allah there is hope that Allah will be happy with you. But if a person has been living this way, of disobedience of treachery, constantly doing Fianna with Allah, then in the hereafter what does he
have? Allah's mercy, His happiness, his Ridwan know his salt. So how bad it is what they have prepared for themselves, what are other the home quality doing and then the punishment they will abide? Eternally.
Notice over here, their friendship is being criticized. Allah does not like the friends that they have made. Why?
Because the friends you choose for yourself, the friends you make, what do they reflect you? What kind of a person you are
and what you like to do. What your friends do is something that you do and if you don't do it, at least you
You are okay with it. Because otherwise you wouldn't be friends with those people.
So if they have Eman in their hearts, how can they like people who don't have Iman? How can they be so close to them? It doesn't make sense. The one who has love for Allah, how can he be close friends with someone who rejects the existence of Allah.
There's a story of a Bedouin that is told there was a Bedouin man. It was live in the desert. I hadn't seen much of the world at all. Nothing at all, in fact, except for the sandy deserts where he used to live. And he came across someone who was going about in the desert, somebody who had come from outside and that man was not a Muslim.
So when he was told the Bedouin man was told that this person is not a Muslim, maybe he was telling him to pray or whatever, said, he's not a Muslim, that Bedouin man he threw up.
He got sick to his stomach.
That how can there be a person who does not believe in Allah.
He couldn't understand. He couldn't accept it. He couldn't digest it. It's like, he got sick to the stomach, he threw up immediately. You know, when you hear something so disturbing, that immediately it gives you a headache.
He was so disturbed that he threw up. And here we are thinking, what's the big deal? People don't believe in Allah? Yes. They say the most ridiculous things about the prophets of autism, which are untrue. And we're laughing with them, we're joking with them. And we say yeah, it's good the way you are. And it's fine for you as your religion for me is my religion. And, you know, we're like, yeah, everything's fine. I'm not saying that you should be hostile with them. I'm not saying that we should be cold with people who don't believe in Allah. But we should realize our responsibility of conveying the message to them. We should realize that when we know Allah, when we have Eman, we
cannot keep this treasure to ourselves, we have to tell them about it as well. And this can only happen when we are true to Allah. Because when you're true to something, then you don't keep it to yourself. You tell other people about it, and you want others to benefit from it, too.
You know, just recently, I found out that there is a big deal that the Saudi Airlines has been promoting so many people already know about it. I mean, there are people calling everybody. So are you going for Allah? Are you going?
And they're like, make sure you book your tickets, because Sunday is the last day. That's what I was told. So if you find out about something good, what do you do? You tell everybody and you don't just tell them you encourage them. And you get on their case until they do it.
So what kind of love do we have for Allah? That we don't even talk about Allah? We don't even remind people of who Allah is. We don't even tell them about who Allah is. The bit son I put them at home and foster home and Sofia Allah who are lay him off either either be home, Callie Dune, Allah says, well, Oh, can we let me know and I've been there he want to be here. And if they have truly believed in Allah and the Prophet, if they had Iman and Allah and the messenger, if that Eman was true wama on ZTE Leahy and that which was revealed to him meaning to the Prophet if the Trudy believed in the revelation than what the huddle room earlier, they would not have taken these people as their close
Yes, there would be their acquaintances. They wouldn't meet them, but they wouldn't have taken them as their Olia because who is really a very close friend. Allies? Well, I can knock a few ramen home first you're gone. But the reality is that most of them are sinful. Allah says lethargy then, surely you will definitely find a shed the Nursia are the what are the most intense of people in hatred? A shut the nurse, the most intense, the most severe of people when it comes to war, when it comes to other words,
are they what is enmity hatred? The word I do is from the same root what is are the enemy. So the one who is an enemy, you will find that the people who entertained the most hatred, who are violent in their hatred, they are full of hatred, for who? Linda Dina Ermanno for those people who believe who hates them the most, who hates them, you know, violently extremely, Allah says it is under hood.
It is Alia hood.
This was very true at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
very very true, because like mentioned in the previous verses, this
Find the similarities, despite the fact that they lived in the same city despite the fact that there was a contract between them. Yet, if they were coming to kill the Prophet salallahu Salam, if they were going outside inciting other people to come against Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, then what does it show that they had no love. They had no kindness, no kind of good feelings for the prophets of Allah, Islam or the Muslims. So what were their hearts full of enmity and hatred,
one Medina Shaku and also those people who do shake those people who associate partners with Allah, who worship idols, who worship imaginary beings, then those people also you will find are extremely hateful towards who, towards the Muslims, these two groups Allah subhanaw taala tells us will be most violent in their hatred against dual the Muslims. And this is something that we see the wished again of Makkah, what kind of hatred they have for the Muslims.
What kind of hatred they have extreme hatred. Think about it.
Hynde, the northborough when she was still emotionally,
what kind of hatred you think she had in her heart that she didn't just have Hamza or below or in who killed but she had his body cut open, his heart taken out, his ears and nose, got off, made a necklace out of it and wore it around her neck.
If this is not hatred, what is it?
We don't see that the Muslims ever, ever mutilated the dead of the machine, never ever. And it wasn't as hands out of Lulu and who, whose body was mutilated at many companions, their bodies were mutilated. There were companions, who were caught by the machine of maca brought into Makkah, and they were assassinated publicly.
What kind of love would be in the heart of a person who is making another lie down on hot burning sand when the sun is up in the sky, and laying down heavy burning rocks on his chest. And when he says 100 100 he is punished even more. Is that love or hatred? Tell me it's hatred, right? Why would you torture somebody like that? And there are many stories many, many stories of torture that the Muslims suffered at the hands of who your hood and Alladhina Ashoka torture. So Allah subhanaw taala is warning the people about who about their enemy that Be careful that some people might show on the apparent that they love you that they're sincere to you. But in reality, they don't love you they
hate you. They don't even think that you're worth living. You're worth existing which is why they will confiscate your lands your homes from you, kill you for no reason your children abuse you torture you for years, they don't have any love for you. So don't be fooled.
At the same time, Allah says well at the G then acaba Huma with that and you will find the nearest of them in love, in affection and kindness. Lilla, Lena Emma No. To those people who believe meaning out of non Muslims, which people have love for the Muslims, which group of people are kind towards the Muslims, you see that they are sincere. Allah says they are under the Nakatsu those people who say in Nana Surah we are Christians. This is something that was very clear, even at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam that those people who claim themselves to be Christians, they were of the most loving people. They were of the most sincere people. I mean, their sincerity show their honesty
showed why Allah says why is this difference there? Because they're all non Muslim, but some you find so full of hatred. And on the other hand, you find other people who are not hateful at all. They're kind They're loving, they're okay with you. Why? Because the unknown Percy Cena well then and because indeed from them are the sea scene and Robin, who work with CC increases in plural of PCs and rabanne, plural of raw hip proceeds is basically a Christian priest, someone who is knowledgeable of their religion of their religious laws, theology, so on and so forth. But not just knowledge but also action on a limb and mill bit, someone who is knowledgeable and is also a devout
worshiper. And we see this as something common in
Christianity, that the higher the level is of a person in the church, the more devout they're supposed to be, the more righteous they're supposed to be, or at least more is required of them. Yes, you will find exceptions but generally, this is what you see. And rabanne from the Christians are also Ben, who I love Ben Rahi. Raheb is basically someone who has a lot of love in his heart, Rob is fear. So extreme fear of God, which makes the person abandon everything of this world, and just worship all day, all night.
Meaning a person does nothing else, but he just worships God. That's it. He lives far from the people, a monk basically. So you find such people amongst them who have abandoned the world, they do not get married, they dedicate their lives for the service of the church, or whatever it is, because of this reason, Allah says, you will find these people to be loving. were unknown liars. That could be wrong. And a big reason is that they are not arrogant. They are not arrogant.
Because think about it. What kind of a heart is arrogant
of the person who believes that he is better? He is right? He is good. When a person believes I'm the best, everybody else is not good. Then he has pride in his heart. And what does pride lead to looking down on others, which is why keep it as defined as button will help wantonness. It is defined as rejecting the truth and belittling people. So kibble leads to belittling others rejecting the truth, and a person is only concerned about himself. This is what kibble is. And if a person sees that, oh, this person is trying to be like me are trying to be better than me, then his heart will be full of good feelings for them or hatred for them, hatred, and this hatred, this jealousy,
it will grow, it will increase.
So then Asara, they are not arrogant, and an arrogant heart is full of hatred. A humble heart is not full of hatred.
It is full of humility, love, affection, and care for everybody.
And we see that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Muslims came in contact with the Jews as well as the Christians if you look at it. When the Muslims came to Medina, they dealt with the Jews, the Jews continuously plotted and planned against them. They harmed them, they used many tricks many ways to harm the Muslims. Whereas on the other hand, when the Muslims came in contact with the Christians in Abyssinia, what happened? The Christian king actually gave refuge to the Muslims. And when the machine came to get them, what did the Abyssinian King say? No, he refused to let them go. Likewise, we see that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam dealt with the leaders of the
Jews, each time they proved to be deceptive.
They even attempted to kill the Prophet sallallahu sallam, such as their leaders like carbon, Asha creating. And when the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he dealt with the Christian leaders, the Christian kings, whether it was from Abyssinia, or the Roman king, the king of Egypt, which were all Christian at that time, they showed a much better response. So we see this, that throughout history, this is a reality that the Muslims have found the Christians to be the most loving people or the most affectionate. It doesn't mean that this was always the case. Yes, there are always exceptions. I mean, the Crusades happened. So there are always exceptions. But overall, when you deal with people,
this is something that you will find. That is true, even today. But this idea, we shouldn't just understand with regards to the Jews and the Christians and Alladhina Ashinoko. Let's look at ourselves. We should reflect on ourselves because Allah says about the Christians that they are not full of hatred, why? Because they are knowledgeable. And they are devout worshippers and because of the fact that they are not arrogant. So we have to look at ourselves that as is coming is Amel also coming.
As we are learning, are we also practicing, because if knowledge is not followed up by action, then it makes the heart of a person hard.
Because then a person says, Yeah, I know it. Yeah, I know everything. But he doesn't reflect on himself. He doesn't reflect on his behavior. It only hardens a person.
One is that a person learns in order to improve themselves and the others that a person learns in order to kill time
because they're being forced into it, they have no interest in it.
And this is some
think that makes that knowledge, an argument against the person. It makes the person as well as I feeling the lowest of the law, in this world and the Hereafter, when a person learns not to benefit himself,
just because they're being told, or just because it's being forced onto them,
then that knowledge will not translate into action, then everything will go one ear and out, the other actions will never change, humility will never come, submissiveness will never come, jealousy will never go away.
Then a person only increases in his pride. His clock shows what kind of a person he is, what kind of knowledge he has gained. So the Christians, they are humble. Why, because of their knowledge and action, and they're humble.
This recently, I was looking at the tweets of this big Christian pre strike, I don't know what exactly he is. He was basically somewhere in Africa. And in a big, big stadium, there was a program that he had. And there was a huge screen, a huge screen, I mean, people look like the size of a centimeter compared to that screen. And on that big screen, was his face. Because what he was doing, it was being related, live on the screen so that everybody could see him as well as they could hear him, they could also see him, and he posted that picture. And he said, If your face is that big, then every flaw will be visible, or something of the sort he had written.
That if people can see you, then they will see your faults too. They will see your faults to but what do we think, imagine if our face is blown up like this, and everybody can see it, we'd be so proud of ourselves. But look at the humility of that man, that he said that now the flaws are more visible.
This is humility.
Now it doesn't mean that they are right in what they're doing.
They may be right in some ways, and they may be wrong in some ways when it comes to their appeal that we have learned to earlier look at the Kafala that it is go for. It's not acceptable. But there is always things that we can learn even from those who disbelieve. And this kind of humility is something that we need to learn from the Christians, we need to see how humble they are.
Think about it, when we are out somewhere. And if we come across a person who is a practicing Christian, you will see in the manner that they deal with you. They are humble.
And if we become more practicing, immediately we become rude with others, we start looking down at them. As soon as that hijab is put on that Natasha was put on people become cold and harsh.
Don't you ever think that these Christians when they come to your house to preach, they will stand there and they will discuss for hours and hours they will not give up until you give up? They will not become rude. They will not say anything sarcastic they will not pass any offensive remarks. No, they won't speak like that. But we want to just yell at them and chase them away.
So what is it that increases a person in humility? It is in morale. It is knowledge with action.
Because If knowledge is gained, just to argue with others to prove them wrong, then it doesn't make a person humble. It only makes them proud and arrogant. So check yourself 100 Allah after learning six Jews of the Quran, there's my heart still have jealousy in it?
Do I feel that I am better than others? Maybe my siblings, maybe my spouse, maybe my parents maybe my in laws that I am better because I know and I'm more educated and I have studied the Quran and because of that whatever they say is wrong whenever I say and believe is always right. If such feelings are there, then there's a problem.
Because a believer is humble
and your humidity will show in your dealings with people.
I was thinking about the cassis his Alim and avid and Amyl right So Robin is the one he feared Allah right. So this is supposed to be to worship Allah was supposed to be having an AMA and Oculus Yes. So Ramadan is a whole free field. So in Amman and hulless Yes, all these three things are necessary. This is what will make a person humble.
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Subhan Allah will be handy Kenisha de la ilaha illa Anta Mr. Duffy will call on her to be like a Santa Monica.