Haitham al-Haddad – Philosophy of Fasting #14

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The woman discusses her father's importance of fasting and the need for people to avoid the idea of fasting. She emphasizes the importance of fasting during men’s postnatal period and the need for them to pray. A doctor advises against fasting during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it can harm a child's health. The woman should make up her fastes as quickly as possible and pay for failure to fast. She should also study her deeds for better deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome my dad

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oh my

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oh one who sleeps. Stand up bendy Claire the 1717

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oh man

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Assalamualaikum and a very warm welcome to the philosophy of fasting Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. All praise is due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon Muhammad the last prophet and messenger of Allah. As always, it's my pleasure to welcome Dr. Hatta, Milan to the studio today. I salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa. Once again, thank you so much for joining us in the studio.

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Well, Doctor, last time we we left on a crucial point which I need to pick up on, before we go any further, you were mentioning that it was it was narrated, that the the slaves asked, okay, we are fasting, we must make up the fasting. However, we do not need to make up this Allah. So carry on for his doctor. Yes. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. And she was saying why? Why do we make up fasting and we don't make up salah. Okay, look at the Hadith. The response of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah said, do you belong to that deviant sect?

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We were commanded to do this, during the time of the Prophet SAW Selim follow stop. And here as we said in the beginning, or in one of the very early episodes, that Sharia are based on submission. This is the whole point of Sharia. This is the whole philosophy of Sharia, is to submit to Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah says this, just do it.

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The prophesy Selim says this, just do it. Later on, you might understand the reason you might understand the fifth wisdom, you might understand the philosophy of it, this is something else. It doesn't mean that you pose or you do delay your submission until you come up with the answer, right? And you know, Allah Allah, Allah Allah says in the Quran, yah yah holiday in Manjula to put the movie nya de la he was who he worked up Allah Oh, you who believe. Don't recommend something? Don't suggest something before Allah and His messenger means don't suggest that Islam should be this.

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Okay, Islam should be that. Why don't we why don't why do we do this in Islam? Why don't we do that? Not in a way that you want to understand their wisdom know, in a way that you are objecting or recommending something that you feel that it would be better than Islam? I understand totally. It's a very crucial point that we must pick up on that okay, well, America and remote minion Allah Amina Darko Allahu wa rasuluh Imran Annie Hakuna la mala.

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They it is not for a believing female or believing male, to once Allah, Allah, Allah and His Messenger, decide something. They should not have any fear, any any any option, but to what to submit to what Allah, Allah Allah and His messenger said, this is the the crucial or the key.

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The key foundation for Islam. This is the foundation for Islam. Yeah, you had the denominator, the whole Rufus cilmi carpha Well at

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all who you believe submit totally to Islam in its totality and don't don't listen to the shayateen don't follow the ways of the shaper. So, why do we

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compensate or make up the fast and we do not make up the salah.

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It is up to Allah Exactly. He decided this we should follow that follow stop. Yes. It is a very interesting point because you know many people I have heard they tried to attack Islam and even from the the the Muslims. They want to change Islam to make it more modernized. But what I say to these people, is do they not realize the Quran has not changed? And since it was written

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Did you not realize? Yes, as you mentioned this by the way, I forgot to mention one important point as we are talking about the philosophy of fasting. You know, when we said that the sooner to break your fast by having some date, yes. Okay. And also date. Yes. Now, if someone were to say

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that we as Western muslims or muslims in the West, okay. Dates is not very popular

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dates is not very popular because they it is popular in the East or in Saudi Arabia or maybe in Egypt on Pakistan, but no, not in Pakistan, but in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Yes, maybe in Sudan. So

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came in Saudi Arabia in the past, and the prophets Allah Selim recommended to use something Glocal, yes. Which is dates. Of course. Now had Islam came if someone was to say this, had Islam came in Europe in the first place, then the Prophet SAW Selim, would you choose something local to Europe? Exactly. So why don't we say that? It is soon to break your fast on days if you are in Saudi Arabia or if you are Saudi, but for Western people, it is not soon to break their fast on what sir? Oh, these are breaking their fast on or what? Arabs? Yes. Using to break their fast pan because that is suitable for their culture. It is not suitable for our culture as Muslims in Britain. Of course,

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that is a very strange point. Yes, I agree with you. I understand what you're trying to say to myself and the viewers at home. Okay, if people think like this, why not Saudi people break their fast on dates. For example, if I'm from the UK, for example, our local dish is oatcakes. So why not? break my fast with oatcakes? Excellent point, that is my point. Okay. And as we are talking again, about philosophy of fasting, we need to talk about philosophy of everything in fasting. In fact, I missed that point. But you just reminded me now with this point. So see,

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that is the justification, can we go for that justification? If we go for that justification, then a Muslim from China will go that the local dish is something else? Yes, other than date, of course, and someone from South Africa will come up with his own local dish, and we will go for this, we will not have a universal Islam. Exactly. And nobody can change for anything what Allah has said or done. This is this is the point exactly what I wanted to say. Imagine if we have different versions? Yes, based on the cultures, we have the Arab culture, we have the British culture, we have the Chinese culture. And

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each culture has its own requirements. Islam came to those different cultures, and instead of Islam, asking them to adopt what Allah and His messenger said, Islam adopted their cultures. Exactly. So instead of changing them into Islam, we change Islam into them. Definitely. So I used the word

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I don't know you can correct me yesterday. If you finally culture alized Islam

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and we culture alized Islam and we did not islamized the culture Yes, I don't know if that makes coffee right now you you said it right there doctor is trying to say that we have to is llama is the culture. Yes. Not culture. alized the Islam

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because culture Allah is the Islam will lead to a very extreme version of Islam. That is totally alien to from Islam. Definitely. We might start by saying we want to have for example, we want to break our fast in the in the UK on the local dish, oatcakes, yes, where I'm from, there's plenty of local dishes. This is one point Excellent. This is one point, because we have

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Scottish people, Welsh people and the Midlands have so everyone will have his own culture. So we will have different versions of Islam even inside the UK.

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So this is one problem. Now there are some other problems. Where are we going?

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Like to stop, we change the way we break our fast.

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Then later on someone will say come on in the UK, which is very difficult to fast in summer. Why don't we change the month of Ramadan to be one to be a during the winter? We might even go beyond that and say,

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people in Saudi Arabia or in the east, they pray Juma during Friday, right.

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Because Friday in Saudi Arabia is a holiday.

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Okay, but we are not Saudis. We are not from Arabs. We are British. So why don't we pray them out on Sunday?

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I know it looks funny. Yes. But believe me, this argument

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for some people is an acceptable argument. Although I gave some extreme examples. And I remember that I was giving a lecture and I mentioned those things. A person confirmed that there are some Muslims in Poland, okay, who pray Juma on Sunday? Subhan. Allah. May Allah guide them back. I mean, so the issue of culture and Islam Subhanallah fasting.

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Fasting forces us to what? Islam is the culture? Yeah, other than culture allies? Islam. Exactly. Exactly. Doctor is it's very, you know, disheartening to hear these stories that people want to say, okay, it's okay to pray on a Sunday. I totally understand where you're coming from doctor and the UK, we're a civilized nation. We have civilized people non Muslim. Let's face it, we cannot deny this ever. We cannot as Muslim in Britain, have our Islamic identity taken away from us? We can, we cannot have people saying it's okay to pray on Sunday. Okay, it might get to a stage where they may say, Okay, let's fast in the winter, two weeks, because it's a bit too too much. Let's, let's fast

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for two weeks, I totally understand that we cannot have this happening in sha Allah, may Allah protect us from this.

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So Doctor, let's pick up on now about the women who have periods on fasting. You mentioned it previously, something about the woman who's on the period. Let's take it a bit further. Okay. So we said that women on their periods must not fast and even if they fast, fast is not acceptable from them, and they have to make it up full stop. Women on their period and women in their postnatal period manifests right? For a period of 40 days after they give birth. That is called postnatal period. Yes. And they are obliged not to fast, and they must make it up. They have this this obstacle that's not in their hand as we said, of course, however, there are some other obstacles

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that are considered to be in the hands of the person himself. Either fully in the hands of the person or semi fully. Yes.

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We have the traveler. We have the sick person, temporary illness. And we have breastfeeding and we have pregnancy. Pamela doctor I guess we'll pick up on that after the break. That's all we have time for in this part.

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We're just going to take a quick break. Stay tuned Assalamu alaikum welcome

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all month good

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Oh, man.

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Salam Alaikum and a very warm welcome back to the philosophy of fasting slim doctor.

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So doctor before the break we were talking about the woman we let her to critical point that we must pick up on right now. We were saying about all things about the the postnatal period the period and I want to know basically and for the viewers at home, because you are enlightened knows extremely well. I want to know specifically what they must do and this time is critical time. Okay. During, you know, women on their periods and or postnatal period, okay, during the month of Ramadan, they can do some other activities, some other abeja like the Crowfall, La Jolla, Allah, or like they can read or an out of their memory without touching

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In the Quran, okay? And even, you know the night of the other, yes, the night of the quarter, one of the scholars was asked about women in their administration and women in the postnatal period, he said, they will get part of the reward during the rewards that Allah Allah Allah confirms to the people who pray at the night of cuddle. And this see it is the wisdom of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and the justice of Allah, Allah Allah. And according to many scholars, those women who are observing the administration period,

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they will get a similar reward to those people who are fasting, because it is this obstacle is not out of their choice. Yes, it is Allah, Allah Anna, a choice and as Hadith Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, you know, when she went with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to perform Hajj. And then just before had before getting into Makkah, she became

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she had her menses right and the Prophet SAW Selim visited her and he said, Oh, are you upset? Do you have your administration? She said, Yes. Then the Prophet SAW Selim said this is a matter that Allah Allah Allah impose a one upon the children of Adam. So it is not in our choice, it is not in your choice, this is a last choice. If that is the case, we have to submit to it and we have to accept it, right. But women during that time, they can do they can be involved in some other event that right, moreover, they should not feel that their reward diminished. And if they are married, or there are mothers, helping their families at that time, will be a very rewardable activity. Okay, so

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this is in general, regarding women in ministration, SubhanAllah. Doctor, that's an interesting points about the the woman having the period. Let's move forward now and talk about the woman who's pregnant or breastfeeding. Okay. You know, pregnancy and breastfeeding is a temporary execuse however, it is not in the hands of women themselves, right? And

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in Hadith, Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah and her, she said that Allah, Allah, Allah put half of prayer from Musa 15 For the people who are troubled, right and he, Allah, Allah Allah put off fasting you from Al hammelmann mother

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pregnant and the one who is breastfeed okay. So, and and many scholars said that the Hamel, the pregnant woman, and the breastfeeding woman, they are equal to who to seek people. And you know, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah said in the Quran, from incoming Cambodia one Oh Allah 72, Mina, Yemen, aha, the one who is traveling or sick, then he can compensate later on. And there are a number of statements from other companions, that the pregnant woman like additive and ibis and others, the pregnant woman has an excuse.

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If she feels that it is too difficult, too fast, or she feels illness for herself, or she feel she feels illness for her child.

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Not too fast. So if if she finds it too difficult, or she was afraid of any kind of illness, that she will develop any kind of illness, for sure. Or maybe this fasting will harm hurt a child, then she had an excuse not to fast. Now, if fasting will really harm her, she, she is not allowed to fast.

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If harming if fasting will harm her. She is not allowed to fast, then what shall she do? Whenever she gives birth, and she is able to fast she must fast Right? Right, the two minute Yamaha she must compensate that. Now here and same thing with the breastfeeding woman, the breastfeeding woman, if she finds it too difficult to breastfeed, as well as fast, or she might find it that if she continue fasting, her milk will stop. Right? And this will cause difficulty or harm for her child. Because I'll worry that the women the mothers should will validate your BATNA although I don't know how any candidate they should feed their children breastfeed their children and for two years

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So if fasting is going to stop her milk, she has an excuse not to fast. So both of them, what are they going to do? Whenever they are able to fast, they must make up the fast that they missed, even after two or three years, because we have this common question. Yes, some sister said, I was pregnant, then I was, I started to breastfeed. Then after that I became pregnant again, then I started to breastfeed again, and so on. So what shall I do? We say you must make it up. Not immediately. A try as much as you can, because they say that, Oh, now I have two months or three months. I can't fast them. Now. We say try as much as you can to make them up as quick as possible.

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But don't think that it is a burden. Now, there is a question, as we are talking about this, just let us complete it. That is a question where people say,

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if if the sisters who were pregnant, could not make up the fast unless the next year came.

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She could not make up the fast that she missed, except next year. So what can she do? If we we say that if she missed up that opportunity to make up the fast that she missed in that year out of laziness, she missed that opportunity out of laziness, then we say that it is good that she make the fast up

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as well as pay failure, pay compensation to provide one meal per person per day, right? One meal? Yes. For each day. She missed. Okay. Yes. So if she missed, for example, let us say 30 days and out of laziness, she did not foster them on that year. And she was waiting until next year. Next Ramadan came. And then she's trying to force we say it is good to pay Vidya right, as well as fast fasting. So okay, basically, do both of them make up the fast and also by giving them the food and the food. So one person per one day you missed? Well, Doctor, we're coming up to the end of the show, we have a few minutes left. So let's actually recap very quickly by saying when they when the obstacles are

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here, the permanent obstacles. We found out about this, and they're temporary obstacles. So what would your advice be for any sister out there right now? Who does not know when to make their faster panel? You've just mentioned that the next year, but you know, many sisters get pregnant straight after. That's why we say it is good. Okay. It is good that sisters know and learn. Study? Yes. Understand, because I came across some cases where sisters were under the impression that they can pay fifth year and they are excused not too fast at all. If they were pregnant, or they are breastfeeding, not too fast at all. And they said after a few years, we realized that we must fast.

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So now we have six or seven fast southern months. Yes, too fast. So that's why we say please our brothers and sisters. Make sure you study you understand your deen properly. Thank you so much for that doctor. Again. Once again. Thanks for joining us in the studio today. Does that Calaca about a coffee? Well dear sisters, I guess this one's for you. Please check all this information out for the your benefit. Until next time, I'll see you in the safe care of Allah assalamu Alikum welcome,

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Oh my

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