Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 047H Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 104-105

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of calling people to goodness and practicing rules is emphasized in various situations, including those where there is uncertainty or theRuna. The negative impact of stopping people from doing things they don't know about and avoiding offenses is also discussed. The importance of patient behavior and being patient is emphasized, along with the importance of avoiding unnecessary behavior and not giving things the wrong way. The discussion touches on the importance of patient behavior and being patient, as well as the importance of avoiding unnecessary conflict and not giving up on criticism.
AI: Transcript ©
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obligation of calling to hair upon the Ummah, the obligation of calling to goodness upon who the entire Muslim Ummah. And remember that this is in some situations for Keifa. And in other situations for the iron, what is vodka fire me that if some people do it from the community, it's sufficient. And what is further I mean that it's important for every individual to do it.

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Okay? Like, for example Salah to Janessa, does everyone have to pray that no, if some people do that sufficient, but when it comes to the five daily prayers, then it's likewise a multiple Maroof, Nene and, and Mancha, the other owner, it will highlight this is sometimes called key fire, meaning it's efficient that some people are doing it. And in other situations, it is fault or in when is the fault line when the wrong is being done in front of you. And you have the ability to stop, or someone is not doing good. And you have the ability to tell them, then it's an obligation on you. All right.

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Then we also learned about the importance of a class

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about the importance of sincerity, because Allah says he had the Runa ill high, they must call to goodness, not to themselves, calling to what goodness not to themselves. When you're calling people to goodness, what personal gain? Can you get nothing. So who will try to call people to the dean to that which is good. Someone who is really sincere? Someone who is really honest, the other owner, it'll hide? And the one who calls to himself does not like opposition. Right? And the fact is that when you're calling people to goodness, will you suffer from opposition? Yes, many times do will you suffer from criticism many times. So if love has to be there, because if there's a class, then you

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will be able to tolerate the criticism of others.

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Then we also learn about the importance of being on good oneself and also calling others to it.

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That we should do good ourselves and also call other people to goodness.

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Meaning, be on justice, stand up for justice, spread awareness, all of this aside, do it yourself and also call others do it. Then we also learned that, since we have to call people to goodness, and that means that the means that are adopted to call people to goodness should also be good.

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All right. So for example, a person should not lie in order to call people to the truth.

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She's mentioning that long time ago, she saw once that a man was dragging a child towards the water, and she thought that you know, Father, Son, or just playing so she ignored. And then the next morning, the police came knocking at the door and asked know, something had been seen because that child had been choked to death and drowned basically in water. And she said that since then she has become so careful that anytime she sees something wrong, she questions she asks, do in order to stop the wrong from happening. And she said recently, she saw two people fighting, running after each other around a car. And you know, so she stopped the car, and her husband and her both of them, they

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resolve the situation for those two people. So Alhamdulillah this is a blessing from Allah. But when we see something wrong, then we have to stand up, we have to rise up, we cannot remain silent over there.

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Because innocent people can be hurt. Right? So it's the responsibility of the Muslim ummah, to be alert, conscious individuals who are not selfish, but who are also concerned about others. Then we also learn from these ayat about the obligation of emoticon, maruf. And now he Anil mooncup It is also important to do this. And again, it depends on the situation, if a person is alone and see something wrong being done, then he has to stop it if he has the capacity to do so. And if there is a group of people, something wrong is being done and people are already stopping, then you don't have to stop. Okay? Because then you may create more of a tension and the situation can worsen

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basically. So if people are handling the situation, then you don't have to go in. You can't say Oh, it's fine to dine on me I have to stop the wrong to no three people are already stopping. You don't have to participate in that. Like it happens that if you know if a youth is being advised by some adults, then what happens that every uncle and auntie who passes by you know, they also start commenting and giving advice, please, if their parents are talking to them, let them talk to them don't interfere in every conversation. Right?

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Then these I had also teach us about the importance of learning. When can you call to hide if you don't know how you can't? How can you command that which is right if you don't know what is right how can you stop that What is wrong if you don't know what is wrong?

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So it is

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He says about the importance of learning, you have to learn so that you can implement this idea so that you can be at the muffler home. Now, as mentioned earlier, there are some conditions. And there are some etiquette of a marinara roof. And now here new Wonka what are the conditions meaning every random person cannot go on telling people to do right. And every random person cannot go on stopping people from doing wrong. You know, for example, if there's a stranger, somebody whom you've seen for the first time, and let's say they're not wearing hijab, please don't tell them, You should wear your hijab, otherwise you're sinful. Don't tell them like that. Don't speak to them like that.

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Somebody walks into a masjid somebody is sitting in a classroom, trying to learn something. And you know, with our stairs and our horrified look that how could you sit here in this manner? Don't you feel out of place? No, don't do that. There are some etiquette, there are some conditions. And we must be aware, because many times we become aggressive. You know, and we caught a few verses and we say a few Arabic words. And we feel so good about ourselves. And we feel that we know everything and we're so righteous and we're so good. No, remember this etiquette. Remember these rules? First of all, the first condition that makes a person qualified to do Ahmed bin maruf. And the Hainan mancha

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is first of all, are in Beshara and alien Bill Hal, what does that mean? Knowledge of the deen of what Islam says about a particular matter. And also awareness of the situation that the person is in.

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You should be aware of the situation that the person is in.

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Because we should only tell others to do something that Allah has commanded. If Allah has not commanded something, do we have the right to say but Allah tells us to do that? No. So for that, you have to know that the likewise you can only start from something when Allah has stopped people from it when Allah has made that forbidden. We are no one's to declare something lawful or unlawful. We are nollans to declare something mandatory or forbidden. We don't have that authority. So firstly, what do we need to know? The law the dean, Allah says in the Quran, called in the Mahabharata bill for where Hashem Aloha minha Bhutan well is now well belly belated hepco and Toshiko, Billahi

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melamine azubi Savannah, we're under coner Allah Allah Hema Allah Allah, Allah has forbidden that you say that which you do not know. Many people that say, oh, but you know, you have to do this, or no, but you don't have to do it. They're telling other people to do something that's nowhere found in the dean. Right? Things that people have invented. And they scare you and frighten you. Like I remember, as a child, somebody told me, If you waste salt, on the Day of Judgment, you'll have to pick it up with your eyelashes. I got terrified.

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Really, I got terrified. So okay, a child is wasting salt, okay. But that's not the way you stop them, you will have to pick it up with your eyelashes. Come on. So we cannot invent things in the deen just to, you know, tell people to do good or to stop them from wrong. Be very careful. Okay? Likewise, you know, people, they will say, Oh, you do this good deed, and you'll get so much reward. You know, send this email and you'll get 10,000 Good deeds, for this email to the best friends that you have on your email list. And a miracle will happen.

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This is not here to ruin a little life. You cannot invent good things up yourself. And you cannot invent one car yourself. No, we're not allowed to do that. So first of all knowledge and knowledge of the deen as well as knowledge of the situation that the person is in. So if a person is not aware of the situation that the other person is in, then we might end up offending them. Right? Or we may be making a fool of ourselves.

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All right. So for example, it is time for prayer. And someone who's not praying, and you tell them to get up and pray.

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And she says, not praying.

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Like she's menstruating. She's not praying. You came, you know, so aggressively. You said get up and pray.

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And she says, I'm not praying.

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I haven't you made a fool of yourself. Yes. Maybe you've hurt their feelings to that. Why are you talking to me in this way?

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Right. Likewise, a man is walking with a woman and you're like, Oh my god.

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Oh my god. And you tell your brother, go to him and tell him what is he doing? I fear of Allah. And he says my sister

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my sister

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They're, or your friend is talking to a man and you're like, Who are you talking to my husband,

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you know, brother or whatever. So if you don't know about the situation that the person is in either you will end up offending them, or you will end up making a fool of yourself. All right?

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You have to know the facts, you have to sometimes give the benefit of the doubt. All right, don't just assume

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the second condition is that stopping the wrong should not lead to worse or greater wrong.

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Okay. Meaning

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that the purpose of stopping someone from doing something wrong is to make the wrong less, right. Isn't that so? Why would you stop someone from doing something wrong so that the wrong is not there anymore? But if stopping them will worsen the situation? Then what should you do choose the lesser of the two evils and don't stop them?

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Okay, like, for example, you're meeting someone for the first time ever? Okay. And you see that they are, let's say smoking.

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Okay, let's say their relative, you met them for the first time, or meeting them for 20 years, and they're smoking.

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Okay, and you don't agree with it at all? And you tell them please stop this.

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Please stop this. Will it worsen the situation? In some situations? Yes, the situation will get really bad, it may lead to an argument, it may lead to really bad relations between the two of you that they might not ever want to see you again.

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Correct. So if you feel that stopping from the wrong is going to worsen the situation, then what do you have to do? Then you remain silent. And you don't stop them.

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Someone has a habit of smoking. And let's say they're your spouse, or your brother, or whatever, your friend, and you say, You know what, I'm going to ruin all their cigarettes.

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I'm going to throw them away. Every time they're going to purchase, I'm going to throw them away, what's going to happen.

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They're going to go buy more, they're going to spend more money. If you stop them from smoking, for example, in some situations that might lead them to doing other drugs. Okay, smoking was bad, but it's not as bad as doing some other drugs.

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Right? So always have farsightedness, even Taymiyah, one of the scholars once he was walking by the third thought there were some people who had attacked the Muslim empire. And they would come these people and they would just cause extreme bloodshed ruin the houses kill people, like they would really cause devastation. And these people were in a way Muslim too. So anyway, these delta, there were some a group of them that were sitting and they were drinking.

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So even Taymiyah, he just passed by them. He didn't say anything to them. People who were with him, his students or whoever, they said, How come you didn't stop them? They were doing something wrong one called alcohol, you should have stopped them. He said, No, it's better if they drink and stay drunk. Because for some time, at least a Muslim will be safe. Because as soon as they get their sanity back, what's going to happen? They're going to start their

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massacre again. So let them stay drunk for a while. So yes, drinking is bad. But killing spreading bloodshed is worse. All right, so you have to know the situation. Because you see that sometimes children, they're wasting time watching television, sitting on the computer, and the parents cannot tolerate that. They tell them stop this. They say I'm going to break the television and they take a baseball bat and they hit it. For example, then what's going to happen to that kid? He's gonna say Fine. I'll go out and hang out with my friends. At least at home, you know when he's watching? Or you know that at least he's at home once he's out. You will know where they are, what they're doing.

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Right? So yes, what they're doing is wrong, but you have to tolerate it for some time.

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Likewise, someone who's not wearing hijab someone has dressed inappropriately. The first thing you do is you stop them. If you stop them, they're never going to listen to you again.

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They're never going to listen to you again. Many girls that make this mistake they get married and when they go meet their in laws that this is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong. Or they go back home from their class and everything is wrong, wrong, wrong. Haram haram haram haram haram. They become haram police.

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And people don't even like their presence. They don't even like their presence.

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What's the better way?

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Give it some time. At least have a connection with the people develop some kind of friendship, some kind of bonding

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Tom to a level where they will trust you, where they will listen to you, where they will give importance to what you have to say. So come to that level first and then tell them what is right and what is wrong. So sometimes you have to tell them stop wrong immediately. And other times you have to defer it.

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All right. Like, for example, when Allah subhanaw taala was reading the commands of the shittier than was the first command, no alcohol, no, no Xena, is that so? No,

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I should have did on her. She said that. If these commands were given at the beginning, then people would say, we're not leaving our Xena, we're not leaving our alcohol, we can leave Islam, but not Xena, not alcohol. But when they became strong in their Islam, then whatever prohibitions came, they were willing to leave them so much so that if alcohol was in their mouth when they heard that it's forbidden, this spat it out.

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If they had reserves of alcohol, they threw that away.

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Who would do that someone would really have strong faith someone really trusts you. So, you have to get to that level. And for that, sometimes you have to tolerate the wrong that may be going on in your very own house.

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That your own spouse may be doing your own children may be doing your own family members may be doing your own parents may be doing.

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But you have to give time.

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That if you confront someone, then people feel threatened, they become defensive immediately. They feel as if they have been humiliated. And they will argue and argue even if they might agree. But they will still argue just because they didn't like the way that you spoke to them.

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So always remember that stopping the wrong should not lead to a greater wrong.

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But while you are waiting for the right time, right and waiting for the right opportunity, until then, what are you supposed to do?

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Something wrong is being done in your own house at your own table.

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Then at least

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dua definitely know that this is wrong in your heart. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, if one of you sees an evil, then let him change it with his hand. If he's unable, then let him change it with his tongue, meaning stop verbally at least. And if he's unable to do that, then let him change it with his heart meaning let him feel in his heart, realize in his heart that this is wrong, this is not right, meaning still dislike it.

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Still dislike it and this is the weakest.

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Then the third condition

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is that a person knows that his effort will be beneficial, meaning it will be effective that if he stops from wrong, then the other will listen. Or that if he tells someone to do good, then they will listen.

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So basically, he knows that the one being told will actually listen.

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Now, for example, you may come across people, you know, at a gathering outside someone who's a Muslim. And let's say they're not wearing hijab, or a man who doesn't have a beard, you're not obligated to walk up to strangers and ask them, if he wears your beard, or OT wears your hijab. You're not obligated to do that. Because random person, okay, Muslim, but just because you're telling them you think they're gonna listen to you? I mean, who are you? They're gonna say, excuse me, who are you? Who do you think you are? I don't know, you mind your own business. So you will only tell the one whom you you know, have some level of conviction that they will actually listen to

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you. So for example, someone you know,

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someone who is younger, someone who accepts your authority, you know, so only stop from wrong in a situation like that, or advice, good in a situation like that.

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Okay, and if there is a stranger, and you feel that what they're doing is absolutely wrong. It's not right at all, or they're depriving themselves of good. Then again, you can talk to them in a nice way. But be careful, talk them in a way that they will actually listen to you.

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You know, somebody had mentioned to me that a Muslim, they were living with Christian men. They were not married, but they were living together. And they said that somebody whom they met, when that lady found out they said, I don't think what you're doing is right, you should do is to huddle. You know, there's in Pakistani culture, this is very common, you know, do is to follow even if you're doing something wrong do is to call anyone to seduce the caller and this girl, she thought that, okay, you know, maybe I should. And she started praying after that. And she said that since I started praying, I just knew that what I was doing was not right.

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She said, I walked out of that relationship myself. It was my own decision.

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And who told her

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The Stranger, but in a way that was very nice. She didn't say haram. Haram La hawla wala Quwata illa Billah staford Hola sister.

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Not like that, but in a nice way that, you know, perhaps you should think about it. You know, maybe you should ask someone,

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many times what will happen to just because you raised your hijab, people will ask you questions. So are we doing something right? Are we doing wrong? What are we doing? They ask you for fatwas on spot. So, be very careful about how you respond. Okay?

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Allah subhanaw taala says for the kid in authority, the claw, so remind if the reminder should benefit meaning if the reminder is not going to benefit them, please don't belittle the Dean like that.

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Because when you are telling people do good, do good, do good. And they're not going to listen than what is being belittled, the dean, that people are being told about the thing and they're not giving any importance to it.

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And we see that with some people, we are very frank we can say anything to them, if you advise them, they will actually take it the right way. And there are some other people who become defensive before even you say anything, so be careful.

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Allah says other Elizabeth Rebecca Bill Heckman with wisdom called people to the way of your Lord how with wisdom.

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So these are the three conditions, then there are some etiquettes

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what are the tickets first of all, the etiquette is that the person who is commanding right should be doing it himself as well.

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And the person who is forbidding from wrong, should stay away from that wrong himself as well. Because it is not right that you tell others to do something which you're not doing yourself, or you stop people from doing something wrong, and you're doing it yourself.

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So for example, a person is engaging in Haram money, and then he goes on telling people that will don't deal with haram money. If you say it, who's gonna listen to you, people are gonna laugh, that you have our mortgage, and you're telling me not to have house mortgage, I mean, your actions speak louder than your words.

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Right? So what's the etiquette that do good yourself, and also tell others stop from wrong yourself and also stop or this from it? Now there are some things that are constant struggle, right? Like, for example, Sabah, you're constantly striving to be patient, or, for example, who are in Salah, you're constantly striving to develop who you are in your Salah.

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You can never be at the level where you say, You know what, I have a lot of subs.

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Or you can never be at the level where you say, now I have pushed you in my salah always? Can you make such a claim? No, because it's a constant struggle, isn't it? So? Likewise, don't have jealousy don't have ill feelings. It's a constant struggle every day, you have to clean your heart. So does this mean you don't tell other people do have trouble just because you don't have perfect summer? Yeah, or you don't tell people to have assurance Allah just because you don't have perfect quiz, you know, you will still tell people, you will still remind them, because you are striving yourself. And you're also encouraging other people to do that.

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Okay, so in that, as long as a person is doing it, himself, is striving himself, he has the right to tell others. But if a person is putting no effort

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on his own part, and he's just studying other people, be patient, be patient, forgive, forgive, and his artist will have grudges himself. And he doesn't pay any attention to forgiving other people. And that is not right. Strive yourself, and also tell others. Likewise, if someone made a mistake, years and years ago, let's say they got involved in Haram money. And now they're advising other people that please don't make the mistake that I made, then do they have the right to do that? Yes, they do.

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But if a person is very happy, okay with the wrong that he is doing, and he's doing it every day, consciously, and he's telling people don't do it,

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then that's not right.

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Like, people are watching television and they tell their children go away.

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People are talking about something they shouldn't be talking about. And when others talk about them. Does that stop? That's not right.

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Because this is something that is delightfully awkward. It's illogical. There's something that's really awful, either, you know, it contradicts proper etiquette with Allah with the rest of the people. When you're making a fool of yourself. You're making fun of the dean in this way that you're doing wrong yourself and you're telling other people not to do it. So a person must be careful about this.

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Then, secondly, of the etiquette is that a person is gentle. In his commanding right and forbidding from wrong, gentleness. That's the second thing that we must remember when it comes to the etiquettes and gentleness is a very noble trade.

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By which Allah subhanaw taala gives what he does not give in its absence meaning when a person is harsh than Allah does not bless. And when a person is gentle than Allah blesses,

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we see that Musa alayhis salam was sent to for their own, for their own the greatest tyrant ever. But what it allows parents to say to Musa for Kula Allahu Kolon lajunen Speak to him a gentle word addressed him in a gentle manner in a good way. Because when you talk to people in a nice way, then they want to listen.

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But when you attack them, then they become defensive. And no matter how terrible a person may be, no matter how evil of an act, they may be committing still be gentle with them.

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Be very gentle with them. You know, we see that once a man asked the Prophet salallahu Salam permission to fornicate to commit Zina

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is that monka

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Xin Zina illegal sexual * isn't that Monica? Of course it's Monica. And this person is asking the prophets of Allah. So please allow me make an exception for me.

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somebody asks us, I want to do Zina, if somebody says that to us, we'll be like, What are you talking about? I'm going to tell your mom, you better not see that person ever again. Where's your phone? Where's your Facebook? Give me all your passwords, you know, stop everything, confined that person to the house. Don't let them see anybody is that gentleness? Not at all. Giving them a lecture, you know, slapping them across the face. Which unfortunately is very common in

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you know what I'm talking about?

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It's very common, isn't it? That a girl even mentions him a boy and

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she slapped across her face. So is that gentleness not at all? The prophets Allah Allah is and when he was asked by that man, you know the answer the prophets of Allah gave him. He said, Would you like it? If somebody did that with your mom? To know where

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would you like it? If somebody did that with your sister?

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Did Zina with your sister. No way. Would you like it? If somebody did that with so and so relative of yours? And the man said no way. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that even other people don't like it.

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Even other people don't like it, that somebody does dinner with their sister. You know what their cousin with their relative, even other people don't like? And the man said, Okay, I won't do it.

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I won't do it.

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Imagine gentleness, Allah blesses through gentleness what he does not give through harshness. So gentleness is something very, very important.

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You know what it is actually, when someone is doing something wrong, and you stop them, they will get defensive, or someone is not doing something right. And you tell them again, they will get defensive. Doesn't it happen that you're cooking? And if somebody tells you did you do this, you're like, Yeah.

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And you're you like, you know what? You show them that face or get out of the kitchen? Right? You don't like it if people are criticizing you even in a nice way sometimes. So that's why gentleness is even more important that people are not going to like what you're saying, anyway. They're going to feel embarrassed. They're not going to like it anyway. So please make it easier for people. If you really want them to do good, then make it easier for them to do it. If you really want them to stop wrong, then you make it easier for them

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all right.

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Then, another important ticket. The third one is that a person is patient when he suffers other hurt in this way, when he faces arguments and you know, opposition or dispute,

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have patients be calm, be tolerant, have self control, because the other person may become aggressive even.

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You didn't intend any harm, but the other person got so offended that you feel horrible. It may happen right? So at that time, what do you need solution?

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Look, man, he advised his son Yeah. Bucha Yeah, Optimus salata what mobile Maru 101 Cup was better Allameh or sabak that oh my son enjoying what is right for bid what is wrong and be patient over what befalls you.

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Somebody was very good to you. But the moment you spoke about Quran, they became very offended.

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Right. Many times it happens that as we're learning the deen you know, we want to share with other people but the smallest conversation it just puts other people off. The smallest mentioned they just get so offended. Then what do you need? Sabra that time? Courage, right? That you don't feel so bad that you're depressed for the next few days and you're like never again? Am I talking? Never again. Am I going to tell anybody have somebody

00:30:00 --> 00:30:26

Be patient. It's for greater good that you have to tell people to do right and you have to forbid them from wrong. It's going to take time but have Cebu. All the prophets of Allah they call to goodness, but it did not suffer. Yes. What was the advice that they were given by Allah subhanaw taala to have solid FastMail command sobre una Azmi Minervois. The Prophet saw a lot of sun was told the patient just as the old as some of the prophets were patient, meaning those who have a lot of determination

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knew how they Sinha Musa, listen, I'm really sorry, listener, all of these prophets, they were very determined Mohamed Salah Lourdes and I'm also very determined. So be patient. If you want to walk on the path of the prophets, then you have to have solver

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you have to have solver solver over the criticism of people, you know, their rejection, sometimes unexpected, you know, response that may hurt your feelings. Really, it may hurt your feelings really badly. Has it ever happened to you that you've been hurt because of what people have said that you said something and you did not mean to hurt anyone, you did not mean to offend anyone but they got so angry that we just went on against you.

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I remember once I swear to pray Salah for taraweeh. And there was a huge gap between two people. And I felt I could easily stand there. And this is what you know, we have been told to do fill up the gaps. So I didn't have to squeeze in myself or hurt anybody or you know, take any of their space. I just easily went and stood between them. And I prayed along with them. And after the Salah La Ilaha illa Allah,

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I was being lectured and yelled at in public yelled at.

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And I was in tears. Basically, I just couldn't help myself. Everybody was looking at what happened. And this woman is going on and on and on. And she picked up her prayer very angrily and just walked away somewhere else. And I was just in shock.

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And I just went towards the back, you know, to hold back my tears and everything. And I met my group in charge I was doing the course at that time, she happened to be there as well. And when she saw me, she came up to me and I told her what had happened. And we had just read through the scene at that time, we have learned about the story of the man who, you know, was telling his people to accept what the messengers were teaching them. But they actually killed that man. And when they killed that man, even after his death, he said Yeah, later call me or the moon. I wish my people knew.

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She reminded me of that, that don't give up be patient. And just because you've been embarrassed once doesn't mean you don't do good again, you still have to do it.

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So it's very, very important to have patience. Because

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if you start taking the criticism of people to heart, that you can't do anything.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:21

You can't do anything. It has happened with me a number of times. You know, I walk out of class and somebody just comes in and says What did you say? How could you do that? And I've been lectured. I've been humiliated, insulted, and it happens not just with me with many people. You know, people will give hope buzz or lectures or whatever. And they are criticized like anything

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torn apart. emails are sent fiery emails, that if you read them once, even you're shaken up, please don't read it again. It'll shatter your confidence. And even if you do read it, still don't let it disturb you know, that Allah has heard. This is what I suffered in his path. And he will report and remember what the Prophet salallahu Salam went through.

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Remember what he went through his own uncle? You know, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Makkah at the time of Hajj, as pilgrims would come in, he would go to different different people telling them about the toe hate about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala he would say, Yeah, are you a nurse kulula ilaha illallah TUIfly who or people say La Ilaha illa Allah and you'll be successful. And His own uncle Abu Lahab would be walking right behind him, right behind him, insulting him,

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insulting him, embarrassing him.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:22

So, this will happen, but you need some don't fear people.

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And again, if you wish well for people that you will continue. So somebody is also very, very important. And we see that this work you know a person might say so many rules, so many etiquette, why bother?

00:34:37 --> 00:34:39

Let people live the way they want.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:41

Mind your own business.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:59

But then you will deprive yourself of something very, very great. Allah says what hula Iike Hamal muffler hone those who command right those are forbid wrong call to good they are successful, which means if someone does not call to good does not command right does not forbid what is

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wrong, then will he be successful? No.

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If we want to be successful in this world and the year after, then we have to do this. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said by He in Whose Hand is my soul, you will enjoin righteousness and forbid evil, or Allah shall send down a punishment from him to you, then you will supplicate to him, but he will not accept your supplication

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a punishment Allah will send on you, such that you will beg Allah but he will not listen to you, you will pray but he will not respond.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:41

Do we ever feel like that we're making the laws, but they're not being answered.

00:35:42 --> 00:36:18

So we need to check ourselves that perhaps we have some knowledge, we know. But we're not telling people. We're not benefiting humanity, we're not benefiting mankind. You know, this is something that we cannot leave, we have to do it. Therefore, we have to be patient, we have to know about the rules and etiquettes we have to educate ourselves. So to summarize, there are three conditions and three etiquettes what are the three conditions First of all, knowledge and awareness of the deen as well as the situation of the person? Secondly, that stopping the wrong will not lead to a greater wrong. Thirdly

00:36:19 --> 00:36:39

that you know that your efforts will actually bring some benefit meaning the person will listen, there is a high chance. I mean, you don't know about the future. You think that something might happen but the exact opposite happens but you can guess to the best of your knowledge you have some feeling at least that perhaps she will listen or he won't listen.

00:36:40 --> 00:37:02

I remember at school when it was time for me to write and I got up to pray and there were other people don't get up and pray. They're almost in this was in a Muslim country, right? So they're like, no, no, wait, as people say, no, no, no. Are you kidding me? I'm gonna pray. So I said why not? You're like, I don't have to.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:06

Like see that door. Why are you

00:37:07 --> 00:37:11

so good? Get up and do that. I don't remember how to do oh my god remind you

00:37:13 --> 00:37:37

so I knew that person would listen to me. So I kept telling them in a nice way until they actually did we'll do follow it up their pants and stood and prayed. Okay, and they didn't remember how to pray. I told them three records me a couple of friends. So this was in school a long time ago. So anyway, I got that person to pray at hamdulillah but when the news spread that so and so prayed

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there were some other people were like, yeah, she can never make me pray.

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I'm like, I'm not going to bother telling you. Right? So some people will listen to you. Others won't. So those who will listen at least tell them those who want Okay, stay away. Then three etiquettes what are they first of all

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three tickets first of all, do it yourself too.

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And stop yourself from wrong as well. Second netiquette,

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gentleness and the third etiquette be patient have solution.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:14

Then we also learn in these ayat about

00:38:15 --> 00:38:21

the prohibition of the federal court Allah says well at Hakuna can Medina differ Roku worked and a few

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people differ from one another because of various reasons. But tremor there are mainly five things that cause people to differ.

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First of all, their knowledge.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:39

Secondly, their hips meaning how much they remember.

00:38:40 --> 00:39:19

Thirdly, their fun their comprehension. Fourthly, their Iman, the level of their faith, and fifth, their action, the kind of actions that they're doing. These five things cause differences in the sense that because people differ from each other in these five things, inevitably, they will be different. It's the same text. Do people read it? They understand differently? It's the same Quran. Do people memorize it? But they don't remember all of it at the same time. One person remembers Enya and the other doesn't. Does it happen to you?

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Does it happen to you? That for example, a friend of yours remembers and either weird and sort of buckled and you're like, I don't remember. Am I really that bad?

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You're a human being, you're bound to forget right it happens. So people differ.

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So, differences will exist, but still hearts should be together.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:49

The five things knowledge, memory, comprehension, Eman and actions.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:59

Then we also learned that leaving a marble marble roof and now here in Mongkok, meaning when people don't do this, when people don't command that which is right don't

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forbid that which is wrong, then what does this lead to? Division? This is why Allah says don't be like those who do the follow up? What's the connection between this and a medical model? That when you will not command that which is right, it will inevitably lead to division? Why? How? Because when you remind people of that, which is right, and they do it, when you stop people from wrong and they stop from it, then everybody's on the same page,

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isn't it? So? And if people are not on the health, they're not on the truth, then what are they following their own desires, and everyone's desires, everyone's likes and dislikes are different. So it will inevitably lead to differences, one person believes this way the other person believes in that way, one person behaves like this, the other behaves like that, there will be differences. So for the sake of unity, what is necessary and what have been maruf and here and in one cup,

00:40:56 --> 00:41:18

the other owner in LA. So for example, in the same household, if one sibling is being very rude towards the parents, what's the obligation of the other siblings? Now here in one car, right, stop him? Because if you don't stop him, what is that going to lead to? Division in the family?

00:41:19 --> 00:41:20

Isn't that so?

00:41:22 --> 00:41:31

If one sibling does not even talk to the other than what's the obligation of the parents to stop this difference to stop this argument?

00:41:32 --> 00:41:45

Because if you don't stop them, it's going to lead to the breaking of the family. So when we don't do honorable Maroof when we don't do nothing, Aaron Wonka. We are heading towards division.

00:41:47 --> 00:41:53

We are heading towards disunity. In other words, we are heading towards our own destruction.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:02

So may Allah subhanaw taala give us the confidence to act on good ourselves and also tell others about it.

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To stop from wrong ourselves and also stop others from it. So panicle Levin will be home they're gonna show to Allah ilaha illa Anta, the stock broker owner to win a Santa Monica water

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