Yasir Qadhi – Why Does Allah Test Us – Ask Shaykh YQ #138

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The speaker discusses the concept of theodicy and its pervasive existence. They explain that theodicy is a perennial problem, and that evil is created by humans. The speaker uses the analogy of a silver platter to explain the negative impact of theodicy on people's lives and the desire for a world withteen peace andteen bliss.
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So this question is a little long. It's if Allah loves his creation so much, why did things like the Bosnian genocide and the current Uighur genocide take place? Why would he want us to suffer at all? Yes, they may be rewarded in the afterlife for their troubles in this world. But what if they were good Muslims who are going to be rewarded anyways? 107 me, Kobe Nika in Region No, he lay him first.
So this question deals with the very, very difficult topic of theodicy. theodicy is explaining the existence of evil.
theodicy is a perennial problem, it goes back to the very beginning of time. And there are thousands and thousands of philosophers and theologians that have attempted to answer this question. Why is there pain and suffering and evil in this world? In a nutshell, there's no simple answer that is that is going to appease a person in two, three minutes. On the contrary, this is a topic that much can be said. And I've actually given longer lectures to Google. How do we explain evil by us quality and the existence of evil? So how do you find entire lectures on that? In a nutshell, those who end up denying God because they don't understand evil? which is the default of modern atheism?
Neither did they end up solving the problem of evil, nor do they have questions to the bigger problems of life, which is what why are we here? And what is the purpose of life? In other words, this question is primarily the stepping stone for the rejection of God. Right? Number one reason why, you know,
people like Sam Harris and Stephen Hawking's and Richard Dawkins is the number one reason why they're atheists the number one reason is, they give you a long list of the problems in this world, the, you know, children that are suffering, the tsunami waves this and that. And they say, how could God allow this?
The response to this is twofold in rejecting God, neither did you solve the problem, you still have evil, right? And then number two, you have created an infinitely longer list of problems that you have no answers to, and that is life itself, and the meaning of life and the purpose of life and who created us and how did we get here, whereas what we are positing is that we begin with the paradigm of humility. When Allah announced that he's creating Adam, and Adam was not like the angels, Adam had a sense of free will. Even the angels questioned why would you do that? Oh, Allah, why would you create a creation that's going to kill and cause evil and cause bloodshed? Even the angels asked the
basically the same question Why, what's the wisdom? And Allah subhana wa, Astana did not attempt to rationalize to the angels, even though the angels are better than us, and smarter than us. Yet Allah did not rationalize, he didn't philosophize, why are there human beings that are going to be creating evil on this earth? Allah subhanho wa Taala simply said, you're going to have to trust me, I know things you will never understand in the eye level, Marla Tyler moon. So we begin to answer this question with a sense of humility, we might not be able to understand the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then once we begin with that humility, or their wisdoms that are mentioned,
yes, there are, and I have many, many that are mentioned, I'll just mention one of them, or two or three of them, okay, and then we'll stop. Number one, we firmly believe that the potential reality to attain good from any evil situation is more and outweighs the evil itself. The potentiality for good outweighs the actual evil. Number two, Allah does not love the evil but Allah loves the good that is generated from the evil. Number three, there is indeed a hereafter. And if you're not going to take the hereafter into account, you will never understand that child that was suffering, the pain that was happening to the parents, the tsunami waves, everything. There are blessings that come
from that in the next life. Now, could Allah subhanho wa Taala have done it differently? Yes, he could if he chose not to. I can't question ullas wisdom neither can you I it's not for me to do that. There's a verse in the Quran, he is not questioned for what he does rather they will be questioned for what they do. Let us follow him You said and then the final point that I mentioned and again listen to my lectures, the non theist the the atheist,
essentially listen to this carefully demands heaven without doing anything.
Listen to me carefully.
The non theist is irritated that he hasn't been handed heaven on a silver platter because the world that he's positing actually does exist the world without suffering
The world without pain, the world of eternal life, the world of bliss, it exists, we call it agenda. And in order to get to agenda, we firmly believe there's a stepping stone. And that stepping stone is showing how you deal with the pain and suffering of this world. You want that place of no pain and suffering, then live this world with dignity, with faith, and you shall get that world that you desire. But these people, they're frustrated and irritated that Allah created them, and then didn't just hand silver platter agenda to them on a silver platter. And Allah says in the Quran, that, did you think that gender would come to you for free? Do you think you're going to get this blessing for
no reason? No. Allah created us with wisdom and purpose in mind. If we live this life the way that he wants, then we should live with inner peace in this world and with eternal bliss in the hereafter. And listen to my other two lectures online or three lectures, and you'll get more answers than this.