Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 045C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 69-71

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of being aware of one's behavior and not just the ones who say everything is fine. They stress the importance of being aware of one's actions and words, and the use of "has been wrong" in English to describe actions and behavior. The speakers also address confusion and confusion caused by mixing the truth and falsehood together, and warn against using animals for praying. They suggest that confusion and confusion can lead to a decision from Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 45. We'll begin from iron number 69.

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What the BA if a to mean an indicator below you will learn a column, a group of the People of the Scripture wish that they could mislead you that they could send you astray. What that is from wood? And what does would mean love, but what kind of muhabba? Is it? What kind of love is it from the depths of your heart, meaning when you strongly intensely desire and yearn for something, because we'll call with all your heart? So what's the effect on a group they just wish they badly want? They desire this so much what that they want to misguide you, and who are these people? But if I mean al Kitab, a group from the people of the book now who are the People of the Book, the Jews and

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Christians that you who then then Asara, so all people don't want bad for you. Just because someone is Jewish or Christian does not mean they're inherently evil, no, a group of them, some of them, they want that you should go astray. And who is this group, which thought if A is this, now in Medina, at the time when this verse was revealed, who used to live in Medina from the educated, they are good. So it refers to them in particular, that this is what they want. Low Uli Luna calm, they just want to lead you astray. They want to drive you away from guidance into misguidance. They want that you should leave the truth and accept falsehood. And the word you will learn is from God and

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what does the law mean Miss guidance, and it means Miss guidance, but it also has another meaning, which is destruction. When something gets lost, meaning it's destroyed, it's finished. For example, in the Quran, Allah says about the people who disbelieve in the hereafter that they say either Birla Phil or the when we have gotten lost in the earth, meaning when we have been completely destroyed when our bonds have disintegrated when our bodies have completely decomposed, our remains don't even remain valid nothing of the meaning we have completely been destroyed.

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So now you'll be Luna Khan. What's the second meaning that they want to destroy you one is that they want to mislead you. And the second is that they want to destroy you they want to harm you. They want that you should suffer in total Bukhara also we have learned earlier what the cathedral mean al Kitab Hello, yo Duna calm minbar the Imani come kafele Ron, that some of them they wish that if you could leave Islam, you could leave Iman and become COFA Why hasn't a minute in the unforeseen out of jealousy mimbar the meta Bayona home and hug after the truth has become clear to them. So what should you do in response furfle was for who forgive overlook, ignore them had they at the Allah

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will be empty until Allah brings about his command his decision. So this has been mentioned earlier as well. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions this again, that some of them want to mislead you. They're not sincere to you. They don't want guidance for you. They don't want you to be Muslim, they don't like your Islam.

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Have you ever experienced this, that somebody likes everything about you minus your Islam? Have you ever come across and I'm not saying it has to be a non Muslim, it could be someone who claims to be a Muslim as well. Right? They like the fact that you speak the way you speak, you dress the way you dress, but they just don't like your hijab, or they're very happy about your studies, but they don't like the fact that you also praise Allah, or that you're also studying the Quran. They're very happy that you are going to school you're going to university but they don't like that on the weekends you study the Quran, they say you're wasting your time.

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So it happens in life that we come across people who don't like our religion, who don't like our faith who don't like the fact that we practice our faith, who don't like just the deen just the Iman. And they want low up Lunokhod. They just want that if only you could leave your Eman. You could leave your Islam, you could leave your Quran, you could leave your hijab, you could leave your Salah, and then they would accept you, then they will be very happy with you. So what should you do? Make them happy?

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No, you cannot make them happy. Why? Because if you make them happy, what will happen? You will learn how come you will actually go astray, you will actually suffer

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because if we please people at the cost of making Allah subhanaw taala upset

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at the cost of earning the Wrath of Allah the anger of Allah, the disapproval of Allah then who can save us who can protect us? No one can. We just had this discussion about the snow that how

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We become helpless. Just in front of small you cannot go about your day as you had planned, you cannot go places where you could go very easily. A 10 minute ride turns into an hour and a half struggle. So we are helpless before Allah in this dunya one day we become so helpless. Then what about the rest of our lives? And what about the hereafter?

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So, a person, what's the lesson we learned here? A person should never ever compromise on his fate, just to make other people happy. And if our goal in life becomes the pleasure of people, the happiness of people, will we ever be successful? Know why? Because one day people will be happy with you. The other day, they will find some other problem, isn't it? And especially people who don't accept you the way you are, then you know what, they will never be happy with you no matter what you do. Even if you make a fool of yourself, they will never approve of you.

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Right? So there's a story about this father and son, who were once traveling on a donkey. And the father was old. So he was riding the donkey and the son was, you know, he had the Berlin he was guiding the donkey. So the past why some people and those people said, Oh, look at this cruel father. He's riding the donkey and he's making a son walk. So the father said, Okay, son, you ride a walk. So then they swapped places. But then what happened? People said, look at the son, how disrespectful he is to his father. He's riding the donkey, and he's making his father right. So then they said, Okay, neither of us will walk. So the both of them were walking. So the people said, How

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foolish they are, they have a donkey, they could sit on it. And they said, You know what, let's carry the donkey.

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And again, people didn't leave. So this is a fact, if your aim in life becomes approval, the happiness of people, they will never be happy. I'm not saying be indifferent to people don't care about their feelings, ignore them completely know, be sensitive towards them. But don't get depressed. If somebody does not become happy because of what you're doing. Get over it and move on. This is a simple lesson that we learn. And this is a very, very critical thing that we have to learn in life. You know, this is something that will help us at work. This is something that will help us in our married life. It's something that will help us in every aspect of our lives. So these people,

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they want to mislead you. So you have to be very careful.

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Now, what's the reason? Why is it that the Al Kitab want to lead the Muslims astray? What's the reason behind that?

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At that time, in particular, it was hesed it was jealousy that these people have the Quran, okay, or that the final messenger has come from among them. Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has come from among them, he should have been from us. So it was mainly jealousy. You know, just like children. One child, if he's the only child is very attached to the mother. What happens when the next child comes? What happens he becomes jealous. And typically, little children. I've seen one year old kids, even one and a half year old kid, what will they do? Push the kid, right, push him and hit him and pinch him and poke his eye and whatnot. This is what children do. But when adults become jealous, do

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they just push and poke the eye of the other person? No, they do things that are much worse, much worse. So they want to mislead you. In the Quran. Allah says in surah nisa 89. What do we allow the Karuna command Cafaro for the kunafa they want that you should disbelieve just as they have disbelief so that all of you should be equal, all of you should be equal in their misguidance. So they don't want you to be guided. They don't like the fact that the final messenger is from you that you have the Quran that Allah has promised to preserve that you have the Quran that is unchanged in its original state. You have the messenger who was successful, who was a final messenger, they just

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don't like this. They're envious. They're jealous. And why is Allah subhanaw taala telling us this, to warn us? That it's because of this jealousy that they behave, you know, in a way that you don't like? So for example, what would they do out of this jealousy out of this headset? Sometimes they would come and market the Muslims at the Quran. For example, when Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verses about who would give to Allah a beautiful loan, that you who they said Allah is. Allah is poor. Now if you hear something like that, somebody is insulting Allah subhanaw taala in that manner, wouldn't you be hurt? Of course you'd be hurt.

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Likewise, we learned to insulted Bukhara that they would say Latina to the prophets, Allah Allah is Allah. Why would they do that? Do insulting that our shepherd or our foolish one, our stupid one, our donkey? They would miss pronounce the word to give an incorrect meaning and in their hearts. They would laugh

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likewise, I would come to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam instead of saying a Salam or Aleikum, what would they say? Assam or lako may death be upon you. So when you hear such things, you get hurt. So Allah subhanaw taala is comforting us that don't worry. These people just don't like the fact that you're guided. They like everything about you. They may love your food, they may love your dress, they may love your language. They may love your country, but they just don't like your religion. And this is the reason why they market your religion. This is the reason why they make fun of your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is the reason why they do what they do.

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Allah comforts are saying, well, may you be Luna, Illa and foster home? Are they able to misguide you? They want that you should be misguided or are they successful in that desire? No. Because by trying to misguide you, who are they actually misguiding themselves? They're only misleading themselves. How are they misguiding themselves? If you take the meaning of it love to be misguidance? The first meaning, then they're only misleading themselves how that when a person is busy trying to misguide another person. Okay, trying to hurt another person, then will he be concerned about his well being? Will he be concerned about his guidance? No.

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in the effort to mislead you, they are forgetting themselves. And they're misleading themselves. You know, this is just like, if a person wants that another individual, his image should be destroyed. Okay, that people like him, and he doesn't want that people should like him, what does he do? He goes and says something wrong about him. He goes and says, you know, a false statement about him accuses and falsity of something. So, okay, he's trying to damage his reputation. But when people find out about the truth, then who is actually insulted? Who? The liar right? The one who is accusing the other? Correct. So this is a reality, that when a person is busy trying to harm

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another, than who does he harm, first, himself, when a person is trying to mislead another, then who does he mislead first himself?

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You know, this is like a person is supposed to take another to a particular destination. He says, Come along with me. And he's taking him and deliberately he mislead him, then who will get to the destination? Neither of them.

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Right? Neither of them who will be further and misguidance the one who is leading him astray because he's ahead. So we're manually Luna Illa and fossa home. They are not misleading except themselves. Well, now you're Sharon and they don't even realize they think they're doing something right. Because they're so happy with the fact that they're hurting you but they don't get it that they're suffering first. That they are missing out on the good first, that they are losing out first 1 million shirt on they don't even get it. Therefore there's no regret. There's no reproach there's no self reproach. There's no reform nothing. Well, my shirt on. They're forgetting themselves in this

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process. And if you take the second meaning of Illa, which is destruction, then we're manually Luna Illa and Fusco meaning they are not destroying except themselves. How? That by wishing ill for another by hurting him by saying false things by mocking at the dean, what are they earning? Reward or sin? Sin. So they will have Deathrattle recall, they will have more punishment as a result of they're trying to harm you. So we're mainly Luna in law enforcer, one woman Yeah, Sharon. What do we learn in this? If there are many lessons? First of all, we learn that we have to be careful. We have to know who is our friend, and who is our fault. Don't be misled by people.

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So be careful, be alert. You know, just because somebody is praising us just because somebody is listening to us. Just because somebody's agreeing with us on their face doesn't mean that they are sincere to us. Sincerity. How is it shown?

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By your actions, not by your words, by your treatment of other people. So if somebody says good things to you, but they treat you in a bad manner, they market you they make fun of you. They don't support you in your religion than are they sincere. They're not sincere. So be careful.

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Be careful.

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Secondly, we also learn that Allah subhanaw taala knows about our hearts about our wishes, that if we want good for someone, Allah is aware of that if we weren't bad for someone, Allah is also aware of that.

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So be conscious, be very careful about not just your actions but also the desires

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In the wishes that you have,

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you know when we want bad for someone

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then is it a sign of iman? No. The sign of Eman is what? Wanting for the other what you like for yourself. So be careful about that.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala addresses the People of the Book that all people have the book limiter Karuna VI. Atilla, why is it that you deny the signs of Allah wa anthem, Tasha Dune, when you are a witness, all of this, you know, trying to mislead Muslims. This resulted from what their disbelief, their rejection of the truth, if they had accepted the truth, then no problem. But they were not accepting the truth that was the root cause that was the main issue. This is just like a child does not want to accept that somebody is going to share my mother with me. Somebody is not willing to accept that someone's going to share my room with me. Somebody's going to share my house with me

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share my space with me, when they're not willing to accept it, then that's where the problem lies. And that's where many problems will result from. So what was the root problem? kufr disbelief rejection. So Allah subhanaw taala questions them that Lima why, for what reason? Do you disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah? What anthem Tasha don't while you are a witness, which I uttered these I had discipline of AI and AI as a sign and evidence of Allah subhanaw taala and every AI points to an attribute from the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala whether it is Chenery or Kony, what is shattering? what Allah has revealed, so for example, the ayat that we are studying right now,

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likewise, the verses of the Torah, the verses on the Injeel any scripture that Allah has revealed it statements, what are they? Sherry is, right. Likewise, miracles that Allah subhanaw taala gave to His prophets. What are they?

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I asked. Okay, I chittery so over here, I are chattering not I have Kony. But I add Cherie. So why do you reject the Ayat of Allah? Now, which I add? Did the Al Kitab disbelieving? Did they not believe in the Torah? Yes. Did they not believe in the Indian? Yes. So which is where they're rejecting the Quran?

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And, in fact, they were also rejecting the idea of Torah and Injeel. How so?

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About the messenger?

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Because in their books, was mentioned who, the coming of the final messenger in their books, they were given many instructions, but were they observing them? No. Were they following them? No. And was it only with regard to the Prophet salallahu? Salam? No, there were many other things also, which they were supposed to observe, that were revealed in their scriptures, but they were not observing. An example is what we learned in total, Bukhara that they made a covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. They were commanded, in other words very firmly, that they would not kill each other, they would not expel each other, remember? But what did they do? They fought one another,

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they exiled one another, and then they would go and be ransom and free their captives. Right. So this was also Cofer of the Ayat of Allah. This is why Allah subhanaw taala revealed that effort we want to be broadland Cadabby what duck Furuno be about you reject some. So Lima the corona, Biya Tila, but in the context over here, which I add, or these, I add concerning the signs concerning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the verses concerning the final messenger that were mentioned in their book.

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So Allah says, Why do you reject them? What uncontested hatoon You're not blind to their truthfulness? You are a witness to their truthfulness, their reality. You have seen them yourself.

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Notice, it hasn't been said and done Darla moon, but rather it has been said we're anthem, Tasha dune what's the difference between your ailment Shahada? What's the difference or images to know but shahada is that you have seen you have witnessed or in you can acquire by somebody else telling you but your hair that is when you have seen with your own eyes when you testify. So what anthem does Hudson meaning you have seen the messenger you have seen the clear signs in him, you know that he is a prophet and evidence of that is Sandman and fantasy, the companion Salman and fantasy, so and then the Persian who was originally from Persia, a fire worshiper, he saw Christianity he accepted

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Christianity. He left his home. He lived with bishops and you know, Christian priests in order to learn from them in order to serve them in order to practice the faith and then

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Eventually, by one of the bishops or the priest was instructed that go to such and such land, the final prophet is going to come there. So So now Pharisee What did he do? He travelled over there but in that journey he got sold as a slave. Right? And he ended up in Medina. He wanted to go to Medina, but he came to Medina as a slave, because the group that he was traveling with, they sold him as a slave. And then when he was in Medina and the prophets of Allah Salam came, what happened? He went and he tested him, right? He went and checked, where did he get that knowledge from? The final messenger will have this this this characteristic, from the book from the Scripture, right? This was

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the knowledge of the People of the Book possessed. Because a Sauron is Salam. He came and He gave clear signs, clear knowledge about the final messenger. So this is why Allah says we're untung Tasha, don't you see the messenger? You know, he's not a liar. You can see the signs in him, yet you don't accept. You don't believe why. Why don't you believe? You know, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, you are a foreigner, okay, Ma, RT phono a brunette. They recognize the prophets of a lot of cinema as a last messenger, as well as they recognize their own sons. You know, when you see your son, you know, he's your son, you don't get confused. Likewise, when they saw the prophets, Allah

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loves them. They knew he was a prophet. They were not confused. They weren't 100% Sure. Yet, they did not accept why it was that jealousy. It was a pride. It was an ego, that will become someone less that we will lose our sovereignty. If we accept that the final messenger is from the unlettered people. It was an eagle that prevented them. So limita, Corona vi Attila he was anthem, Tasha dune.

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Even today, I remember reading a book, author's name, Montgomery watt. It's a book by him on Islam. So it's a brief summary. And I had to study that for a course that I took at school. And in that book, he has mentioned about the revelation about the way and there are other books as well, I believe there is a book by Karen Armstrong as well on a similar subject. I don't remember the exact words, but the revelation that came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that is described because they have also mentioned a little bit of Syrah about the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, so about revelation about the way that came to him. And it said, Inshallah, if I get a chance, I'll bring the

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book and I'll share that passage with you that it said that it has to be divine, it was not, nor was a villa fit or something like that, that he had no, it had to be divine, somehow it had to be from God.

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But then why don't you accept it, you acknowledge that a human being cannot produce something like this.

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So there have been many instances on the machine, and as well as the data of where they saw the profits of the laws and they heard the Quran and they knew that this was not falsehood. So Allah subhanaw taala says we're under the shadow new see if you witness it, you testify to it yet, why don't you accept? Yeah, I love Kitab all people have the book limiter will be sooner help come in. Well, why is it that you confuse the truth with the falsehood? Limit? Lamb meme, this word came earlier as well. And it's coming again lemma is a combination of Li and man, Lee meaning for and man meaning what so far, what meaning for what reason?

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And the man, the elephants removed to abbreviate the word so lemma? Why, for what reason? Why is it that they'll be soon I'll help you mix up the truth, you confuse the truth. Bill belted with the false it'll be soon as from lambda scene, we have done this word earlier too. There'll be says to mix up two things together so that you get confused, you cannot tell one from the other. You cannot tell the two apart from the same root Libous means to clothe right to cover when something is covered, you're confused as to what is behind it. But over here, there'll be sooner does not mean you cover but rather it means you mix. So why do you mix the truth with the falsehood? Why do you

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create such a confusion? So that the difference between truth and falsehood is not known? So that people cannot understand what is right and what is wrong? They cannot recognize what is true and what is false. They're confused. They're left in confusion. And this is done how by deception that you present fall to this truth you present truth is falsehood. Everything is right everything is wrong. At the end people are in confusion they don't know what is right what is wrong. And this is done by unclear ambiguous statements. This is done by presenting right as wrong

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And wrong as right so that people are left in confusion.

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So limit will be soon unhackable battling with Actonel health and we're over the truth that is left clear. What do you do? You can seal it, you hide it, you don't even tell people about it. We're uncontrollable while you know, meaning you are knowingly willfully doing this. Why are you committing these crimes? So this was another scheme, you can say that the people of the Book adopted in order to mislead the Muslims. And what was that? That they would

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mix up the truth and falsehood together so that people would be in utter confusion? For example, the people of the book they will be asked, So what do you say about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He had migrated from Mecca to Medina, some people of Medina had accepted Islam, other people had not there were still mostly kin. And then the third group of people was who have the hood who lived in Medina. So those who have believed in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and those who hadn't, or the common people from among the Jews, they would ask their scholars, the Jewish scholars, that what do you say about this man, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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So they would give very unclear answers. They would give ambiguous answers, so that the people would think okay, so we don't have to follow him. Like, for example, if somebody were to say, yes, Mohammed salatu. Salam was a messenger, however, he was a messenger sent only to the Arabs. He was a messenger only for the people of that time, then what would you say? Okay, he was a messenger, but I don't have to follow him. Is that what you would think? Yeah, if somebody was to tell you, you didn't know about Islam, if somebody was telling you, yes, he was a messenger, but only for the people of that time, or only for the Arabs. Then, if you did not know about Islam, what would you

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think I don't need to follow? Right, you would say, I'm not an Arab, so I don't need to be Muslim. I don't need to study further about whom Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was and what message you brought, you would be left in confusion. Right. So this is done by mixing the truth with falsehood, giving ambiguous statements, so that people are left in confusion. How is this done today?

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How is this done today? The truth has mixed up with falsehood, and people are like, Okay, so are we supposed to do it or not?

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So for example, if somebody asks, am I supposed to wear hijab? And they're told, yeah, but, you know, there are people who say that you don't have to

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say like, okay, but am I supposed to do it or not? Like, yeah, but you know, there's a difference of opinion. And there's the side of the story, and there's that side of the story. You're like, okay, but am I supposed to do it or not?

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Confusion, right. So, creating confusion, mixing everything together, juggling the truth with the falsehood. This was something that the Bani Israel also did. The Al Kitab also did the Why would a person do that? Why? Because he doesn't want to sound rude, or he doesn't want to sound harsh. Rather, he doesn't want to be rejected, he doesn't want that. The other should contradict him. He doesn't want to say anything that the other will not accept. Or he doesn't want to contradict someone else. Recently, I read a very interesting discussion on cat hair. Okay.

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That is it clean or not, is a pothead or not? Okay. There are many Hadees, which tell us about how guests would come and drink from a board and from the same wall, you know, somebody that will do the Prophet saw a lot of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that there is nothing wrong with the cat because it just comes and goes, it's a clean animal. All right. However, there are some Muslims later on who said that the cat is unclean. Why? Because it's an animal, which we don't eat. Okay? And if you slaughtered blood would come out, okay? It's not like a roach or a bug or a fly? No, when you cut it, blood will come out. So because of these two reasons, the cat is

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unclean. This is what some people said. Now, this clearly contradicts the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And if you were to believe that cats are unclean, that means you cannot have a cat in your house. Because if you were to have a cat in your house, then what will happen? You will be covered in cat hair, the place where you pray at that will be covered in cat hair. And you can't pick each and every year out, can you? And as you're praying, your cat might come and sit next to you or brush against your feet, then you cannot pray. Do you see what I mean? And in this discussion, you know, one person was saying that look, that hadith showed that the cat is clean. And

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the other said that no, but our scholars know better how to understand those are Hadees and at the end, you're like, okay, it's okay clean or not. Please tell me somebody had posted a simple question. Can I have a cat in the house or not a simple question. Such a confusion because the Hawk was clear. But what do people do think

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and seal the hug. They don't even mention those are Hadees. And they say, oh, so and so scholar said such and such and because of that reason, cat is not clean. So take it out of your house, give it to a shelter. But is that fair? No. This is the one one people I mean, if somebody loves their cat, right, this is not fair. And this is all on the carrot. She has a wall and you're kicking it out through unjust means. You're using the Sharia against the poor cat. Hi. So this is not fair. So the Bani Israel, the al Qaeda, they were doing something very similar, mixing up the truth with the falsehood, concealing the truth, knowingly, deliberately. Why? Because they didn't want to

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contradict their actions. They didn't want to contradict their scholars. So even if something was evident, even if something was crystal clear, yet, they would say no, but there's a different explanation, but such and such but such and such. So then people will be left in confusion and as a result, there will be a verdict from Islam. Allah says we're unto Darla moon, knowingly deliberately doing this is worse. You know, if somebody does this out of ignorance, that is a different thing, but deliberately, consciously doing this. It's a crime.

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