Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 037C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 277-279

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the differences between the cat and the river, emphasizing the importance of praying and small acts of praise to increase one's chances of obtaining reward. The speakers also emphasize the need to manage one's wealth and avoid credit card bills, as it affects their chances of receiving loan loans. The importance of trusting in Islam and avoiding fear and grief from the heart is emphasized, as it is affecting their chances of receiving loan loans. The segment ends with a discussion of the meaning of "we" and the context of the message of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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lesson number 37 Surah Al Baqarah will begin from a number 277

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in the medina ama know what AMILO Salah hurt indeed those people who believe and do righteous deeds, a saleha does a plural of Salah and what a righteous deeds, deeds that are approved by the Quran and Sunnah, the deeds, the actions that Allah likes, whether it's an action of riba or it is your son, or it is sadaqa or middle Solly hat, this is a very broad category righteous deeds so those who believe and do righteous deeds were accountable Salah and they also established a Salah what are the was the Katha and they give this occur? Lahoma Jerome for them is their reward in the rubbing him with their Lord, they will have their reward with Allah subhanaw taala what our hope and our lay him

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will know who we are as unknown, there will be no fear upon them, nor will they grieve. Why do you think this is mentioned? All of a sudden, you're talking about Riba. And then Allah says that those who believe and do righteous deeds, and pray and give the cat they will get the reward, they will suffer from no fear and no regret. Why? What's the connection with riba?

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When a person deals with river, then what is he doing? Essentially, he's disobeying Allah.

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He is disobeying Allah, he is committing sin. And one sin. Remember, it leads to more and more sense. One sin leads to more and more sense. If a person can pay interest on his credit card bills, then a time will come that he will say, It's okay, I can also buy this house, I can also get the scar in the same manner, I can also get this education in the same manner, one thing leads to another because when a person commits a sin, then what happens is that he ends up belittling that sin,

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that sin doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to him. And if he can do one, then he can do another one, and then he can do another one. So we see that Ribba, it stops a person from doing good. And when a person is dealing with rubber, then it helps a person fulfill his desires immediately. He's only concerned about himself. He wants to gain more, even though he cannot afford. He's being selfish. He's being self centered. All his focus and attention is on himself, his desires, his house, his stuff, but when a person is committing righteous, good deeds, then he has to look outside of himself. Then he has to sacrifice.

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Like there are people who want to go for Hajj, who want go for Umrah, why, because they are spending all of their money in paying off the interest over their house.

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They can help the poor and the needy, but what do they say? We have a big loan to pay off.

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And then we're accomplice Valletta, and they establish the Salah. Why for I mentioned because Salah it stops the person from committing wrong Allah says in the Quran in a solid 10 her and in fascia II will mancha Salah stops a person from indecency from immorality and from wrong actions

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well after was the Carta and they give this occur. One is that a person is taking interest giving interest. And the other is that a person is giving zakat. Many people they wonder that if we are paying off our house, then do we have to give the cat because technically we have a loan to pay off. So they don't even end up giving us a cat. They have jewelry gold jewelry that they're wearing. They have money in their savings, but they say that technically we are in debt so we don't have to give zakat. So you see how one wrong thing stops you from so many good things. You see how it has a domino effect on your life. So those who believe and do good, pray Salah and give this occur. Love a

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gentle humor interrupting him they will have their reward with their Lord. And remember that just like sadaqa is the exact opposite of river. The cat is also the exact opposite of river. If you compare the two, what's the difference between the cat and river?

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The cat is

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given you give it and river generally is taken even if you're paying interest. Why are you paying interest so that you can do it?

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Get something. So the cat is about giving. And ribber is about taking yet coluna. The cat is something that is a means of obtaining reward, and ribber. On the other hand, it's a means of earning sin.

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What are the differences can you think of between the cat and river? Can you think of any differences between the cat and river?

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By giving the cat a person is earning Allah's pleasure? And by dealing with riba a person is incurring upon himself the curse of Allah

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as a cat, you give it from your own earning from whatever you have acquired from whatever money that you have gained. But when it comes to riba you are taking it from somebody else's earnings,

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you see that you're taking it from somebody else's earnings, you don't deserve that extra 5% 10% But you're taking it from somebody else's hard work, that that is that you give from your hard earned money, but revise the exact opposite you're taking

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the cat, it is given to those who are needy.

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And ryba is given to those who have plenty

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isn't the cat is given to the needy and Riba is given to the well off

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the cat is a part of the heart and we learned earlier where you will be sada called Allah puts Baraka in the money from which the cat is given, and the money on which Dubai is taken that money yam Hakala, who Reba, Allah destroys that money, there is no Baraka. Any other difference you can think of

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giving zakat brings a person eternal benefit. And taking River or dealing with river brings a person just temporary benefit, this benefit of this dunya and eternal loss.

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One of those people who deserves a cat meaning who can take Zika are those who are in debt. Meaning people who are in debt who are unable to pay off their loans, then the card can actually be given to them to help them get out of debt. But rim on the other hand, is money that you take from a person who is in debt. How unfair is that?

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Is that God makes you think about others makes you concerned about others. And Rebel on the other hand is makes you selfish and greedy person.

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We see that the cat brings about compassion. It brings up mutual love brotherhood in society, and riba does the exact opposite. It spreads grief, you know, people are exploiting others, there's injustice because of Riba.

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Then we also see that the cart, it leads to economic growth and stability, whereas River, it concentrates wealth in the hands of a few people. Once a God has given to the poor it is so that they have enough to become economically stable. But when river is taken, when river is given than what happens, the rich become richer, and the poor become poor.

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So there are many differences between the river and Zika. So those people who give the cat who prays for Allah who believe who do righteous deeds, Allah says they will have the reward with Allah, the home agile room or inner beam and remember the meaning of your inner beam, what does that mean that the reward is guaranteed it is secure, and also that it is very great, the home bedroom or in the gym.

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When people are tempted to take a haram loan, and to get immediate benefit. This is a temptation from Shavon. At that time, a person should remember that Allah has greater Allah has that which is much better that which is much more you want a house in dunya that you're going to be paying for the rest of your life. Allah has many houses for those who are patient who established whatever who gives her agenda waiting for them. And the houses of Jannah Allah describes them as one my second houses that are like Cuba, that are good.

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Meaning good in every way perfect in every way the house of this dunya what happens to them? What happens? You need renovations, you need to update them. There's something with the other that always needs work. If for example my dishwasher, there's always some problem with it. Always. Every two three weeks it breaks down. I'm at the verge of literally pulling it out myself and throwing it at the curb. I want to do it myself sometimes the houses of the 20th this is the reality. Right? This is the reality. Nothing is perfect in this dunya you put the perfect lighting and then after a few weeks then you have to change the light bulbs. You put the furniture in a particular order and after

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a few weeks you realize this is not functional.

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The houses that you spend years and years paying off, even when you've paid them off, still, they're not fully yours because at the end, you have to pay property tax. You have to pay for the renovations, or you have to pay for the bills, and so on and so forth. I mean, the problems never end,

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that you spend so much time and effort and money into making that house yours. But then what happens? It's not actually yours. You might not like it, eventually, you might get bored of it sick of it, you might like something else. And even if you like it, by the time you pay it off very soon it will be time to go from this dunya I mean, how long can you enjoy living in a house? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, maybe? Either the house is gonna go or you're gonna go very soon. This is the reality of this world. So aim for the reward that is with Allah Lahoma digital humor and not be him. When a homophone I lay him well at home. Yes, no, this is the best part. No fear on them and no

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grief, they will not grieve either.

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This is so beautiful. Because when a person deals with the river than his life is full of fear, and regret, fear and regret. Ask any person who's trying to pay off their student loans.

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They have regrets. And they also have fears.

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Likewise, any person who indulges in river, eventually a time comes when they have regrets. Or if they don't have regret, at least they are living a life of fear every month, they're trying to get enough money that they can pay off the mortgage fees and also they can maintain themselves. They can bear their expenses. Cold they're living the life of fear every month, and definitely in the Hereafter, health and housing. But when a person gives a card when a person lives a life of Hello, even if it's less than no fear and no grief. He doesn't need to worry about my credit card bill and how much do I have to pay? What's the minimum amount? No, he doesn't have to fear about that.

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When it comes to using the credit card, is it halal or haram? There are various opinions out there but mainly the issue is about paying off the bill on time. You pay off the bill on time everything there is no interest charge. But if you don't pay it off on time, then what happens you're charged from anywhere between 90 to 13 to 30% even sometimes you miss one payment perhaps you forgot about it

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you didn't realize you missed one payment and that's it you're charged interest. So regret what was I thinking? Why did I do that? And fear what will I answer to Allah? So when or how often are they him? What to whom? Yep is unknown.

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Let's listen to the recitation.

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Munna in

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Baku shape on Amin animus Wehrli can be

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known river water has long long

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held water

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How long

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hopeful gnarly

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So, I have a couple of things to share about spending while you're

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living in Tamia Rahimullah he said that one should treat money with grace so that it is blessed for him not take it with greediness and fear that it might be lost rather money should be like the restroom. He goes to it when he needs it and never resides in his heart. One should manage his wealth just as he meant his bathroom. So this is easy for us to say that don't let your wealth control you

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But you control your wealth, use your wealth to get closer to Allah subhana Donna, but don't let your wealthy means of tempting you? Are we from ALLAH SubhanA data? Yeah, this analogy that is given is so beautiful, that treat your money like using the restroom, that it's a necessity. You have to use the washroom, you can't do without it, you have to go, but you're not attached to it, your heart doesn't stay there. And if somebody loves the washroom to the point they're spending hours inside, they're always thinking about their washroom, then there's got to be a problem.

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So how much time do we spend in the washroom? Less, we are not to get attached to the washroom. So likewise, money is a need. It's a necessity. You can't live without it. But we cannot be obsessed with it. Because if we get overly attached with our money, than it will lead us to wrong things. If we're overly attached with our money, then we cannot give charity then we only want more and more.

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Okay, another Hadith that's narrated in Muslim and this is a story that's narrative from the prasar, asylums. While the man was walking in an open area, he heard a voice in a cloud saying, water the garden of so and so that cloud went to an area with black stones and rained on it. And the land kept the water all of it in water passages that were in it. He followed the water. So the man who is witnessing this he follows the water and found a man standing in his garden, changing the waters path with his tool. He said to him, oh slave of Allah, what is your name? He said so and so. And he mentioned the name he heard in the cloud. Oh, Allah slave. Why do you ask about my name? The first

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mindset, I heard a voice in the cloud saying rain on the garden of so and so. And the name that was mentioned was yours. What is it that you do with your garden?

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He said, since you said this, I divide the properties of this garden that this garden reaps and give away 1/3 I eat 1/3 with my family, and I reinvest 1/3 in the garden. So every year the properties that his garden makes, he shares it with the people and Allah subhanaw taala, he gives him more blessing, and he gets more rain than any other person in the area would get. So imagine this person, what he did was that a third of the produce went and charity, a third for his personal needs. And the third went back into the garden meaning to invest back into the garden. Now, because this person was giving sadaqa from his world, where you're beside the GOD, ALLAH causes that wealth to grow, and

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see the special help of Allah, that the rain clouds were sent in order to rain, so that the water reaches his garden. Allah also puts Baraka in that effort.

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And the end of the year we heard lehle finale him Allah whom he has an so an explanation, it says here, whoever does not spend in charity demonstrates his weak trust in Allah, because he fears that he will not replace what he has spent either in this life, or the last. So spending in the way of Allah, you should trust in Allah as part of that. And when you have that trust that Allah Samantha will give back, then that's when a person is able to spend and when we hold back in a way we are saying that we don't trust the less amount of data in his promise that He will return whatever that we have spent in his way. Very true. And when a person deals with riba and again, it's as though he

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doesn't trust in Allah, that Allah will give me enough that I can buy what I need through Halal money. And one more, I think,

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a shabby is that whoever does not think that he needs the reward of charity more than the pours need for his charity will have an old His act of charity, and have it rejected in his face. And I think this is really important because we see people and we think, Oh, they're so poor, they need the money and we get but we don't think we need the reward. So think of it that I need the reward of this adult that I'm giving not that this person needs. And if you think only of the need of the person and having it fulfilled, then there is no reward in that charities. So don't think about just the fact that oh, this poor person needs my sadaqa No, you need reward more than he needs sadaqa

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you need reward from Allah more than he needs those $10 those $50 Those $100 No, you are more desperate for a ward.

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So this takes out fear and grief from the heart of a person and it helps him trust on Allah depend on Allah and earn money in the best way possible.

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Yeah, you have Lavina Manu or you who have believed who is being addressed. We are being addressed those who believe are being addressed. What does Allah say? He says it took Allah have fear Allah have fear of Allah. And when a person has fear of Allah, what does it mean that he should stop doing the wrong that he's doing?

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Or he should get up and do something good? When do we say to someone fear Allah?

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SR fear Allah, when do we say that when they're doing something wrong? So it's a reminder that please stop the wrong that you're doing. have fear of Allah that Allah will hold you accountable for this wrong action. So Allah is telling us all you have believed fear Allah was true. And you are leave my Bucky, I'm in a river. What has been left over or what remains of river? The rule is from the root letters. Well, then rock weather. Yeah, the route to leave to abandon something. So Allah is advising the believers that leave my Bucha whatever has remained minnow river Buccaneers from the rule letters back off yet and Bekaa is to remain to be left over. So my Bucha dat which has been

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left over that which still remains mean a river of interest. What does it mean by this, meaning, leave the interest that you still deserve, or that you still have to pay off. In other words, don't deal with it anymore. If you've given money to someone, and on that you're receiving interest. So for example, you're supposed to receive $2,000 in interest that is leftover still, don't take that anymore. Stop it. If you have to give, let's say $5,000 in interest, don't deal with that anymore. Stop it, come up with some other way of paying off your debt without omega p Amina Reba, get out of this fire as quickly as possible. Get out of this mess as quickly as possible, whether Omega min

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River and look at what Allah says income to Momineen if you truly believers, meaning if you're believers, if you truly have Iman, then stop dealing with interest. You cannot give and take interest anymore. Because the believer is the one who does what Allah wants him to do and stays away from that which is forbidden. Because indulgence in Haram, what does that do? It affects the Eman of a person.

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So in control mode, meaning if you're truly believers and stop dealing with interest, leave it right away.

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Now, when we hear about these verses about the prohibition of riba, what is it that we say to ourselves generally, that, Oh, I'm already in this mess. Now. You know what, it's going to take some time to get out of it. I only have five years left, I think I'll be able to pay it off within five years. I have two years left. What does Allah say? Not two years, not five years, not 10 years now. Stop it right now. And sometimes that means stopping school, not going to university for the next term. And I know people who've done that. There are people who have done this, that when they found out that river loans are not halal, they stopped going to school. They just completed that term.

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They didn't take another loan for the next year or for the next semester. And what did they do? Instead, they went to work, they paid off their loan first, then they went to work again. And they made up enough money so that they could pay off their education for the next year. And yes, the degree that they could have completed in four years, they ended up completing in six years, in seven years. But what's the big deal? There are many people who end up completing their degree in five years anyway. Some people more, some people less, but at least you were doing the right thing. You are living a life that is halal, you're dealing with halal. So what are all my Bucky, I'm in a

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river, there are people who have had to sell their houses and lose the money that they could have gained, lose the value that they could have had by the end of paying off for their houses. So yes, people have had to make very hard very tough decisions. But this is an obedience to Allah subhanaw taala without all my Baka Mina River in condominium if you're truly believers.

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So if you have email, then stop. Now, we learned that before these verses were revealed, that completely prohibit the consumption that dealing with riba there were many verses that were revealed before this as well. Before this final prohibition, there were many verses that were revealed earlier as well. That discouraged believers from indulging in riba from giving and taking riba that showed very clearly that Riba is something that Allah does not approve off. And this is the reason why many believers stopped dealing with interest right away.

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But there were some who continued. So for example, if they had a transaction, okay, that was done five years ago, and they were still interested, they were receiving and they could have been receiving it for the next five years. They didn't cancel that contract. They didn't cancel that transaction, or they continued dealing with interest. They didn't make any new contracts, but they kept dealing with interest. So they did

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didn't stop immediately, in other words,

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so then Allah subhanaw taala revealed very clearly that all believers stop dealing with interest right away.

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Stop dealing with interest immediately mcarthurglen hyaena. In a study they said that this idea was revealed about bunny or marble or made a sub tribe of the thief, or the people have thought if

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and Bunny Mahira from the tribal boom of zoo between whom were outstanding transactions of river leftover from the time of Jehovah. So from the time of Jamelia, they had some transactions in which labor was involved. And then we're still carrying on like it happens that a person takes a loan to buy a house and that transaction continues for how long? For 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, right goes on for a very long time. So when Islam came and both tribes became Muslim, so he required Benito Molina to pay the river of their transaction they were still demanding labor from them. But but he McLeroy said, we do not pay to buy in Islam, we are Muslim, now we cannot give you Riba. So

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then, the matter was brought to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and this I was revealed, telling the believers to start dealing with riba immediately at the time of her digital Wada, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that all cases of riba during the time of Jehovah are unsold they're all unsold cancelled now stop dealing with riba no giving no taking interest. And the first riba that I know is the Riba of adverse who was our best, although on who? The uncle of the Prophet salallahu Salam. So there were people who were paying interest to him. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that this is finished now no more being interested in anymore. This is the first transaction that I

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know. And after this also, all transactions that have to do with river are finished.

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So what do we learn this idea that when the Prophet salallahu Salam, when he received this idea, then he completely forbade riba completely outlawed river. And secondly, he initiated righteousness with his own house, meaning he started goodness in his own family, that the first contract that was an old was a contract of his uncle,

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because charity begins from home, but what do we think? Well, that person the community, they should sell their house, they should get out of interest, but we need to think about ourselves first.

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For inlanta, R Lu, and if you do not do for in then if lambda for No, you do not do meaning you don't listen, you continue dealing with interest, what's the root of the further fine learn fat then oh, then be warned, for the know is from the letters Hamza dal noon, and even is to allow to permit and then who, then who is a command which means that be aware, be warned of this announcement, meaning know that this announcement has been made, and then is from the same route what is other than the call to prayer? So fat, then oh, then be warned, no, be informed of the have been with a war mean Allah, he was a Sunni from Allah and His Messenger, meaning if a person continues to deal

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with interest, then he is agreeing to battle with Allah and His messenger. It says though he is going to war against to Allah and His messenger.

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This is something very scary.

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Dealing with interest is like raising up arms against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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When does a person raise his weapons in order to kill someone? If a person who is dealing with interest it's as though he has agreed to go up to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and kill him?

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This is the state of the one who is dealing with interest.

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When we hear about Abuja, *, when we hear about Ebola have our blood begins to boil that How dare they talk to the Prophet salallahu Salam in that manner? How dare they insult him? How dare they come to fight against him? We learn about the Battle of butter, the Battle of orange and we hate them wish the king isn't.

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We hate them.

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But here we are dealing with interest and we think, Oh, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Dealing with interest is like announcing war against Allah and His messenger. Allah says, then all will be held him in Allah He was solely.

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And it is sad that people who continue to take interest despite knowing that it is forbidden, and we're happy with this decision that they continue taking interest. Then on the Day of Judgment, they will be given weapons.

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That here are your weapons. Now go fight Allah

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And as messenger,

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can you imagine?

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This is something very, very serious. But yet, we think it's not a big deal.

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Yet, we think that our state is a very desperate state and we have to deal with interest. We have to buy a house on haram, we have to take home. No. Can you tell Allah on the Day of Judgment when arms are given when weapons are given in your hand, that Oh Allah, I wasn't the state of the ruler. You think Allah does not know you any better? He knows you. He knows what state you were in and he decided that fate for you in the first place.

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Then will be held them in Allah He was a Sunni, were integral to them, for Allah is the most forgiving. He says but if you repent, if you do Toba Dawa, if you do Toba, you start dealing with interest. Then Fela calm then for you will also unwelcome the principal amount of your property so also as a plural of rots from the root letters and our homes are seen, and what is rocks the head literally means the head. But the word is also figuratively used for many things. Sometimes it's used as the foundation of something, the crux, the main part of something. And over here, we'll also unwelcome meaning the principal amount of your property, meaning the main amount that you gave in

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loan, but that you lend to someone so for example, you gave to someone $1,000 Every month, you were receiving $20 as interest on top of that, and it was fixed for one year, for example. So every month you were receiving $20 for the $1,000 that you learned. Now we learned that Allah says what the Roma Bucky Amina Reba, that doesn't mean you don't even get those $1,000 back no you do you have the right to demand the $1,000 back but you don't have the right to demand $20 every month on top of that no you can't do that. For La Cumbre also I'm wearing makeup like totally Munna Wallah to lemon law totally ugly Munna. What does it mean that you do not do volume? You do not do injustice on who

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on the one who has taken the loan from you that you're charging him more than what he can afford while I took Lamone nor are you wronged meaning nor are you treated with injustice that you don't get back your money? No, you will get back your money. You will enter $1,000 At the end you deserve that $1,000 So laterally Munna wala to Islam when you don't do injustice to someone else, and no injustice will be done on you. fairness, justice.

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