Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 030D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 224-227
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Okay, let's continue
while aperture on Allah and do not make Allah from G Marinela o butterly a mannequin an excuse for your votes. Rhoda is from the root letters iron robot and Olga is a shield anything that a person uses to protect himself so that if he is attacked, he doesn't get harmed, but rather what gets harmed the shield, right so it's a means of protection for him.
So don't make Allah as an earl as a shield something to protect yourself. Lee Emani come for your oats a man is applauded of Yameen and he Amin from the electors yummy noon is used for an oath for something that a person swears to do. Like he says, I swear by Allah I will do this. Or he says I swear by Allah, I will not do it. What this means is that do not swear by Allah do not swear Oh, it's by Allah. Okay? And make that as an excuse that look, I swear by Allah. Now I have to do this. Well I swore by Allah and now I cannot do that. Don't use the name of Allah, to shield yourself from what untouchable rule waterco were to slip through being a nurse and terrible rule from the letters
Bharara bit righteousness, that taco from taco and to slay who is the sod lamb had to reform to correct being a nurse, reconcile between people to do reconciliation between people. In other words, don't use the name of Allah, to stop yourself from doing good things. Don't say I swear by Allah, I will not do such and such bid such and such righteous deeds. I swear by Allah, I will not do any reconciliation between these two individuals between these two friends know the name of Allah should be used in what in doing good things. Not in staying away from good things. Like a person says, I swear I will never fast again.
And then later on, when it comes down to fasting, they say, Oh, but I swear I'm not going to fast again. So I can't.
Or that a person says I swear I'm never going to call my my brother again. I'm never going to talk to him again. This is what something that is not right. And the person later says but I swore by Allah, I'm not going to talk to my brother again because he really bothers me. So since I swore by Allah, I'm not going to do it. No, Allah says, don't use his name. To stop yourself from doing good things. Allah's name should be used to stop yourself from what from bad things. And Allah's name should be used for doing good things.
So Allah, Allah, or certainly a mannequin, and terbaru water taco were to slay who by the nurse, no, use the name of Allah to do good things instead. Well, Allah has Samir and Arlene and Allah is Hearing. And he is knowing he hears what you say. And he knows about what you say.
Now, the relationship of the husband and the wife, yes, it's very beautiful relationship. Many people dream about it. Many people wish they could have that relationship. As beautiful as it is. It comes with its own challenges. And sometimes people make big mistakes. And they say, I swear, I'm never listening to my husband again.
I swear, I'm never cooking this from my husband again. I'm never going to talk to his mother again. I'm never going to do such and such again. What does Allah subhanaw taala say? Don't use the name of Allah, to shield yourself from doing good things. No, don't do that. Yes, you get hurt. Yes, Your feelings are hurt, you are upset, you may become angry. But but don't get so emotional. And stop yourselves in the future from doing good things. Never do that. Because as a wife or as a husband, there are some expectations. There are some duties, there are some rights. There are some things that we have to do. And the name of Allah should not be used to, to fulfill your obligation. Because
sometimes, like for example, the husband may say, I swear I'm never going to have relations with my wife. Because every time I have relations with her, I forget about Allah. I forget about my salah.
People can think like that. They can say things like that. Some people say I swear I'm never gonna get married. Because I see people who get married. They become very lazy. When it comes to their prayers. They become very, you know, slow, they're not active anymore in the Muslim community.
But what does Allah say? Don't use his name. To stop yourself from doing good things. Life is difficult. It has challenges there are difficulties
But that's part of life.
Don't stay away from good things. In a hadith we learn that whoever makes a vow and then finds what is better than his vow that he should pay the Kafala and perform the better deed.
So let's say a person said in the past that I swear, I'm never going to, let's say I read Quran in front of my husband, because every time I read Quran in front of my husband, he, you know, starts correcting my 30 week mistakes, I don't like that.
And then later on, you realize that your husband Yes, he recites better Quran than you so if he corrects you, that's even better for you, then you're like, No, but I swore an oath. So what do we learn from the Hadith, rake your oath, give the Kasara and then continue doing that good deed. Lay you ask Allah who Allah will not hold you accountable. You are further from the electorate Hamza Cordell, to seize and other is to hold accountable. So Allah will not hold you accountable. Belong we with the vein with the useless fee a money come in your oats.
Meaning the only intentional oats that you swear, you won't be held responsible for them.
A lot is from the root letters lamb going well. And low is a sheet of circuits something that is foreign meaning something that is disregarded something that is not given any importance to why because it doesn't carry any value. Okay, it doesn't carry any value. It is not counted, it is not listed. And this is why the word low is used in many ways. First of all, it's used for useless words or useless actions that do not bring any benefit to a person in this life or in the Hereafter.
So for example, the person is sitting in front of the television, wishing that there was something useful coming on, but there's nothing useful to their flip one channel, and they flip again, and they flip again. And they flip again. And they flip again. They watch nothing, basically. And the whole hour goes by this is what what is this a useless activity? Did it bring you satisfaction? No. Did it bring you any relaxation? No. Did it bring you any good deeds? Not at all? than what it did bring you? Nothing but frustration?
There is nothing good on this TV. Right? What's wrong with people?
So it brings you nothing but frustration so that our that activity? What does it allow?
Likewise, if a person is sitting with their friends in the cafeteria, let's say and they're talking, what are they talking about? What clothes are you wearing today?
What clothes will you wear to that party? And what was she wearing? And what's her name? And where she from? And is she married? And if she can have a baby? What is she going to name her baby? Where are they going where they're from? Talking about other people that is not going to bring you any benefit in this world? Nor is it going to bring you any benefit in the hereafter.
One more very interesting. Derivative from the route lamb Lane well, is the word law. And it's used for the chirping of the birds. The tweeting of the birds let me say that.
Okay, the chirping of the birds tweet, tweet, tweet. This is what? Love
I don't think we need to explain that any further.
It's self explanatory. When people tweet.
I love this. This desert. Guess where I'm sitting? I just met so and so. I just put a picture. And what is that picture? Some random picture? Okay, it's not a beautiful sunrise. It's not a beautiful sunset. No, it's not anything of benefit. This random things that people write. lol Just felt like saying that.
How's everybody? I'm good. Just felt like saying that.
So what is this lovable useless utterance? It's a waste of time. It does not bring any benefit to a person. And you know what we spend hours doing that? Either doing this either making that noise or listening to that noise. Either tweeting or reading the tweets of other people
you know, sometimes I'm amazed I'm shocked at what kind of useless things people write on their Twitter or on their Facebook some people mashallah what the right is very good. It's very beneficial. Right? You can learn many gems, many beautiful things, many good things, many great lessons you can learn. You know, in short words even but other people what they write is garbage. Their lives are full of garbage and the others lives full of garbage as well.
So this is what love is.
And the word love is also used for something that a person says unintentionally.
Okay, unintentionally.
intention statement
over here what does love mean? Unintentional statement. So for instance, sometimes when people are talking every other word that they use in their sentences, like
right, or soul, or any other expression they use constantly. So when you're listening to them you are filtering through all the likes and buts and souls and so on and so forth. Right? You don't give any importance to those words why because you know that it was thoughtless it doesn't carry any value. It doesn't need to be attached any importance to
so now you are here to Kamala who belong with a monocle Allahu Allah hold you accountable with regards to what is unintentional, of your Amen. Amen. Again plural of yummy. In other words, if a person is talking and it's their habit will Llahi this and this will LAHIA went there well like I just ate that will Llahi such and such as happening love Allah He banal Allah He, if a person keeps saying that, and many people do,
then is it that Allah subhanaw taala is going to hold people accountable for those votes? Will that be considered an oath? No, it will not be considered an oath because a person doesn't really mean it. It's just a habit. So spontaneously, unintentionally, it just comes out of the mouth.
I'll tell you very funny story.
Once I saw these, our neighbor's children and a group of friends, they were playing out in the street and these are Muslim kids. Okay. They were playing in the street and there was another child who came who was not a Muslim, and he had a dog with him.
Okay, it was a couple of boys playing together. And there was another boy who was Hindu. Okay. He was not a Muslim. So, anyway, the boy who brought the dog, the one of the Muslim kids, he was afraid of the dog. Okay. So he did not want to touch the dog. So he ran away and he went inside, and they were trying to convince him that look, this dog is not going to hurt you. Okay? Just touch the dog. It's not going to hurt you.
So in trying to convince him that hint, okay? He said Wallah, he is not going to hurt you.
Okay, he was not a Muslim, but because he had heard so many times I was using Allahu Allah, he, he when he started saying that, I wish, you know, we use good words, right? Good expressions, meaningful ones, so that, you know, we could do Dawa in this way as well. Right? So anyway, what a person says, unintentionally, Allah will not hold him accountable for that. Okay. This is not something that a person will be held responsible for. So for example, when the people they embraced Islam at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, they were used to swearing oaths, it was part of Arab culture. And before when they believed in the idols, lat and reserve, when they swore oath,
sometimes they said, I swear by that, or I swear by Rosa. Now this is shake. Okay, this is clear shake. But let's say it was a person's habit to say that. And now when he became Muslim, by mistake without even thinking, you know, it came out of his mouth, I swear by that. Now, as he committed check, he says, I swear by Rosa. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever swore, and unintentionally mentioned alert and alert reserve in his vow that he should just say La ilaha illallah that's it, you should just say La ilaha illa it doesn't mean that he's become more third or you know, he's become an apostate or is he he's committed a major sin. No, it this is unintentional.
So it doesn't matter. This is just like some people when they keep watching movies when they keep watching television and the year Jesus Jesus Jesus everything wrong that happens even Muslim gets anything bad happens. Jesus, Jesus or cheese they change it to right. So this is the same thing because if you seek help from Jesus, this is not right. If you call upon his name when you're in a problem, this is not right.
But what is this? Hola, okay, you don't really mean it.
So if somebody says that don't say oh, you come in to check by the way, you know?
And you know, maybe your deeds are all wasted. Allah says in the Quran Allah instructor but from now on NAMA look, if you can mature and all your good deeds are wasted.
No, don't say that because they didn't really mean it. However, what should a person do?
What should they do? They should try to get into that habit.
habits can be changed and we should strive to change such habits because it's not a good thing to say love words all the time anyway.
Whenever you can, but he will hold you a car
Come to will be my cassava Kluber calm for what your hearts have earned cassava Kaluga calm. Cassava is one that has kept Simba and kasbahs to earn something and colobus applaud of color. So what your hearts have earned? What does it mean by this? What is gospel call the earning of the heart. Earning of the heart is something that is done intentionally, meaning your heart, intentionally. You intend in your heart you want in your heart, you mean in your heart, what you have said or what you do.
So we're lacking you are here to convey my cassava Caloocan. What this means is that Allah will hold you accountable for what you deliberately say. So if you say, By Allah, I will do such and such and you mean it than Allah will hold you accountable.
Or if you said by Allah, I will not do such and such and you mean it then Allah will hold you accountable. But if you just said it out of habit, then Allah will not hold you accountable, will Allah who will afford and halimun Allah is Forgiving and for bearing he is forgiving. He will forgive you if you repent to Him, and He is Haleem Haleem the name of Allah subhanaw taala is from the root letters. Hala, maman. Helmus tolerance, handle is the ability to control yourself, even when angry that when your anger does not overpower you,
that even though you have the ability to take revenge, to show your anger, you don't do so.
So Allah He is our zzs, the most mighty, if he wants, can he punish us immediately for the wrongs that we do? Can he? Yes, he can. But does he punish us? Does he? He doesn't.
You know, every time I think of the story of Pinocchio, every time he uttered a lie, his nose became
long. If that was the case with us, La ilaha illa Allah, what would be the state of our noses and our ears.
And if Allah wanted, he could punish us in a way that was much worse than that, that we speak a lie and the earth opens in front of us and we fall into it, that we hit somebody would zone with injustice and our hand becomes paralyzed over there. That we look at something haram in our eyes, they cannot see anything again. We utter something false in our tongue freezes. Can Allah do that? very easily, very, very easily. But he doesn't, because he's Haleem. He gives us chances again and again, realize what you're doing. Repent, seek forgiveness, instead do something good, but we unfortunately keep continuing in our wrongdoing and don't change our ways. So Allah Allah foreign
Haleem ALLAH is forgiving, and he is tolerant. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. One
wantonly a man
Lee Hubei
will long Nani
lie you asked
if he any man
one last Friday.
Okay, so in the verses that we've studied so far, especially in the most recent verses, we learned about the concept of Nica, the importance of Nikka and especially some rules of Nikka of marriage, that what kind of marriages are allowed and what kind of marriages are not allowed. Which kind of marriage is not permissible marriage to who? a mushrik this is something that's not permissible for a believer, because we learned that Eman and Cofer are completely different. And the two cannot coexist together. Even if the two individuals love each other, still, that love that relationship cannot be strong, because there's a huge difference. Eman and Cofer are not compatible. And if the
two still get married, then it's going to lead to a lot of problems in the future, which is not healthy for a marriage at all. Or it's going to lead to compromise in religion
and compromise in religion, over compromising in religion. This is something that does not fit a believer, because he is putting his at risk his hereafter his eternity at risk. This is why Allah subhanaw taala gave clear guidelines that when you marry this is the one whom you should marry.
Now, we also learned about the oats that people swear, right? Sometimes people swear on every little thing lo Allah He below Allah he will lock you in every little thing. So what kind of oats are they low? Because the person does not really intend them. He doesn't really mean them, so they don't carry any value. However, we learned that when a person
deliberately consciously, intentionally swears an oath that Allah will hold him accountable. Meaning a person has to take that oath seriously, if he swears to do something, he has to do it. And if he swears not to do something, he has to stay away from it.
She's just mentioned that this morning, you know, her mother in law, she asked her at the time just like 830. And she said, No, no, no, it's not 830. It's actually a 31. But she didn't mean to lie. I mean, it was very close to 830. This is why she said, 830, she didn't intend to lie. So lots of panel data out of His mercy does not hold us accountable for what we do unintentionally. For what we say, unintentionally, there is no reason behind that there is no firm resolution behind that.
So likewise, when it comes to oats, same thing.
Now, when do people swear, it's like they say, I swear, I'm going to do this, or I swear, I'm never going to do this. Yes, in anger, in frustration, at times of disappointment, right, at times of conflict.
And many times a husband and a wife, sometimes because of their differences, sometimes because of some fights, some argument, some disagreement, they get angry at each other as well. And in that anger, in that frustration, it's quite possible that this where oats,
for example, in the time of Jehovah, pre Islamic Arabia, the Arabs, it was their tradition, that if they wanted their wives to do something for them, and their wives refused, then they would say, I swear, I'm not going to have any relationship with you for the next five years.
And I imagine the wife, she's not going to be touched by the husband, she's not going to be loved by the husband husband's not going to pay any attention to her. How difficult would that be? So this is known as ILA. Now, these verses that we're going to learn about today, the first two verses they are about Isla.
Allah subhanaw taala says, Lin Lavina, you, Luna minister in him, for those people who do ILA with their women, meaning with their wives. What is this word you Luna Isla, it is from the root letters Hamza lamb well, and Owen. And one is to not do something to stay away from something.
And Isla is to fall short, in doing something that a person is supposed to do, to not do something that he is obligated to do. That is his responsibility.
So for example, as the daughter as the older daughter, it may be your responsibility to bring their groceries every Monday or every Tuesday. That's something that is expected of you. But if you don't do that, then you are falling short in your duty in your obligation. Correct. So this is what ILA is, literally. But ILA as a term means to swear an oath, okay, to swear an oath, to stay away from something to stay away from fulfilling an obligation. And this is the oath that who swears the husband swears that he is going to stay away from giving the right of his wife that he swears I'm not going to give my wife her right, which right of hers, the rate of intimate relations, the rate
of love, and care and affection from the husband, especially sexual relations.
So the husband swears that I am not going to have any relations with my wife. Now, as a husband, it is his duty to fulfill the rights of the wife, just like the wife is expected to fulfill the rights of the husband, the husband is also expected to do the same.
So when the man would swear an oath, that I'm not going to do this, what is this elf he's falling short in his obligation.
So ladina, you Luna minister in him. So those men who swear an oath of staying away from their wives, Allah subhanaw taala says that they have the rug bustle waiting for how long a bar the assured for four months, that our boss is from their letters, Ra the solid Anthropos is to wait to lie in wait for something for something to happen for a time period to be over. So those men who swear this oath, they have the time period of how long four months. Okay. Before Islam men, they would swear oaths and they would stay away from their wives for years, one year, two years, five years, sometimes even for life.
so that the wife was neither like a married woman. nor was she like an unmarried woman. You understand? She was neither like a wife nor was she like a single person who could go and marry somebody else. Sometimes they would swear in the oath of ILA for life.
So Allah subhanaw taala put a limit to this that no, you can only swear to stay away from your wives for how long? Four months, that's the time that you have thought bustle about it assured assured is the plural of shelf.
Okay. Which means that if the husband swears to stay away from his wife for one month, would that be permissible? Would that be permissible? Yes. If he says two months, is that permissible? Yes. Three months, is that permissible? Yes. Four months? Is that permissible? Okay. Five is that no, four months is the maximum time that a person might say that Why did Allah subhanaw taala allow even for months? Why wasn't this completely abolished?
You see, sometimes it happens that a husband and wife are just not getting along together at all. And usually, what happens as soon as they feel that we can't get along together, they say, okay, divorce finished a loss. Let's end this right now. But think about it, the husband and wife came together with the intention to stay together, they have a family, they have children, they have enjoyed so many happy moments, okay. There are experiencing, you know, some ups and downs in their relationship. Why ended immediately, the husband is extremely angry with the wife, because of whatever she has done, or how she has behaved or what she has done. Okay? Don't end it immediately.
Take some time off, take a break. All right. You know how many times people said take a break from this and then come back to it. Like people, they're going to their university or their school for like, two, three years, and they're sick and tired? What do people say? Take a break? Right? Take a break. I remember a friend of mine, she was exhausted studying for so many years, and then working for so many years. She was sick and tired of it. So her family, they suggested to her, why don't you take a break, take time off, okay, for a few months, and then go back to work.
And that's what she did. And she felt much better. Right? Because you know how sometimes some friends are such that you can't live with them, and you can't live without them.
If you are living with them, you are ending up in arguments and fights constantly. And if you are living without them, then you miss them too much.
Right? So it says though, this time period has been fixed that not more than four months, but less than four months is allowed so that you can think that is this person, the spouse really important to you? Do you really need them in your life? Right? And four months, we'll tell you four months, we'll make it very clear to you if you want them or not. If you think you can live without them or not, if you think your life can continue or not.
Right? Because sometimes it happens that people in their emotions immediately they will take a divorce or they will give a divorce and what happens later on. You know, I regret doing that. But then their ego comes in and they don't want to get married to the same person again.
Right? So before you go to such an extreme, this is why this allowance has been given.
And sometimes it's good for us but in wife, it's actually in their best interest if they stay away from each other because then they miss each other.
Right? Then their love grows. Then they realize how much they need each other. Like for example, a woman says I don't think I need my husband, I can live on my own.
You know, I drive myself I work. I take care of the children anyway, what does he do? He works all day comes back home as dinner goes to sleep goes away the next morning, I don't need him whenever he's only me either makes a mess, creates more laundry for me, or puts me in stress. I don't need him.
But then for four months, when there's no contact at all, then she realizes that, you know, I think I need him.
I think I need him. Yes. You know things get stressful sometimes. But at the end of the day, I like having a husband you know, yes, there are some good things about him as well.
So it makes the husband and wife appreciate one another more. It gives them the ability to tolerate each other more.
So this is the reason why this allowance has been given. But what's the maximum time period four months.
We learned that once the Prophet saw a lot is in them also when he got upset with his wives really upset. He swore that he was going to stay away from them for an entire month. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did, and after 29 days he came. He said a month is also 2019
he didn't wait for 30 days because perhaps he missed them. Right? Because of course, he loved our shuttle below and she was such a good wife. But again, they were human beings it happens. Sometimes conflict do come up, you need some time off, you need to stay away from someone for some time, no matter how much you love them. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also did this once.
So Ladino you, Luna Minister him, der Basu or Bharti ashore.
But let's say the man realizes after two days, what did I do? Like why did I say I'm not gonna have any contact with her new relations with her for the next one month? Why? I don't think I can do without her. And after three days, the wife is crying. She's crying her eyes out and she's saying sorry, I'm very sorry, over what I said or what I did. And those ones like yeah, so then do they have to wait for a month? No, they can get together even before that.
Okay, they can get together even before that, how?
How the husband has to break the authen right, he swore an oath, he was not going to approach his wife for the next month.
So now he has to break that oath. And when you break an oath, then you have to give a Farah you have to give a fine because you use the name of Allah. You said by Allah I will not go to my wife for an entire month. You can just use the name of Allah like that. You said something very serious. So now you have to give a fine a penalty. And what is that fine who knows?
What's the fine for breaking an oath? Yes.
Give fasting for three days that's one option. But if a person is sick, they cannot fast then what's the other option?
Feeding 10 people or clothing 10 people this has mentioned so little man either. Okay, so feeding 10 people or clothing 10 people or freeing the slave or fasting three days four options okay. This is mentioned sort of omega so whatever a person can do, we can do that.
So little Edina yo Luna Minister Ian Thoreau bustle or Bharati ashore, for infer or then if they returned for all from the root letters via Hamza and fate is to return to go back.
So, if they return to who to their wives, when,
when, when do they return to their wives before the time period ends? So they said, you know, one month, but after two days are like, no, no, this is not going to work out. So they want to break their oath, okay? And they give the Kafala for infer.
Or if even after the passage of that time period, that this war to stay away from their wives from after that even when they return to their wives. Allah says in the law food over him, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Why is the law saying that He's forgiving and merciful? Why is forgiveness and mercy mentioned over here what crime is being committed? What sin is being committed here? Is an ealert permissible, I told you that it was permissible as long as the time period is less than four months. So why is there forgiveness mentioned over here?
Because it is the obligation of the husband to fulfill the rights of the wife. It is the hook of the wife, it is the right of the wife that the husband will treat her nicely,
will show love and affection to her will have relations with her it is the right of the wife. And if he swears that he is not going to fulfill her rights, then what is he doing?
He's falling short in his duty. He is being unfair with her, he is harming her he is hurting her, regardless of what she did. So it is a sin in a way on the part of the husband when he is depriving the wife of her rights.
And the husbands have been commanded in the Quran to live nicely with their wives and this is not to live nicely that you're living in the same household. But you are living like strangers. The husband says I swear I'm not going to touch her for the next two months. Is that niceness? Is it not at all? You know, sometimes if children even their hands are dirty and you said don't touch me. Don't touch me wash your hands first and then touch me. They feel so hurt. You know my son. If ever His hands are sticky or what and I tell him don't touch me. Well it's wash your hands first. He gets like affected by that. And later on he's like, Are my hands clean can attach you can even if there is no
need. He will say that you that you
because if somebody is told stay away, I'm not going to touch you. This is something harsh
This is something harsh.
So this is the reason why when the husbands returned to their wives when they give them their help, Allah says in the log of Fudo Rahim then indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah says in surah Dillard is number six we're in Arabic Allah Duma ferati Lee Nessie. I love when you meet him. Despite the injustice of the people, Allah is forgiving to them. Allah forgives them. So for in Allah, Allah voodoo Rahim
we're in the resemble Palo Alto. But if they decide to divorce or the move from the root letters is a meme. And Azzam is to make a firm resolve to be determined to do something to make up your mind to do something. So if the men, the husbands, they make up their mind that that's it. We have to divorce we cannot live together anymore. We're in Arza mattala Paula. So for example, the husband says he swears an oath, I'm gonna stay away from you for the next few months. Okay, do once are over and has been realized is that you know what, it's better off this way. It's better off this way. I'm much better this way and she is much better that way. This relationship is not working out for us.
So after this, he decides that it's better to divorce. Then Allah says in the loss Amira and Arlene then indeed Allah is Hearing and knowing Samir from summer to hear and Arlene from Maryland to know.
So Allah is Hearing Allah here is what the words of divorce when the husband will pronounce them and or Aleem, he knows the situation of both of them, he knows what's in their best interest.
So for in Reza mattala, kapha, in the last minute, really
remember that Bala does not automatically take place. Okay? It has to be pronounced. So, for example, the husband swears an oath, I'm going to stay away from my wife for the next five months.
Five months he says, but what's the limit? For four months go by, he did not break his oath, he did not go back to his wife. Nothing like that.
After those four months, the man has to make a decision. Either he has to go back to the wife or he has to give her divorce. He has to because the wife cannot be left like that hanging, neither married nor unmarried. She cannot be left in that state. It is unfair. Her rights are not being fulfilled. She's not being treated like a wife.
So then the husband has to make up his mind. Either he has to divorce her or he has to take her back.
Okay, if he divorces her, if he decides what are the Malacca for inner loss, Amina Aleem, then divorce will take place.
But let's say he doesn't do either, he doesn't divorce her. And he doesn't even take her back. And it's lingering on five months went by six months went by seven months went by what's going to happen know what's going to happen now. He is going to be forced by who by the court, by the law to either divorce the wife or keep her.
Now the law is going to intervene, the family, whatever law exists in the land that is going to intervene, the wife is going to take him to court and say, you know, either he should end it, or he should resume normal American relations. So then the legal system is going to interfere. And if let's say the husband still doesn't show up, he's supposed to show up in court. He doesn't go happens, right? People are prosecuted, but they're like, No, I'm not going to listen. Or let's say some family elder comes in and he says, Okay, you come here, we're going to talk we're going to discuss the old situation, then we're going to make a decision. And he says No, he doesn't respond
to any phone calls. He doesn't respond to an invitation. He just doesn't come. So then what's going to happen? Then the Nica can be an old it can be finished by who by the judge.
Okay, meaning Fussell will be done if the wife wants that the nigga will be finished it will be annulled by who? By the godly by the judge, because it's not fair for the woman that she's trapped in such a relationship.
The point that I want you to understand over here is that just by the passage of four months, remember that divorce will not automatically take place.
It has to be pronounced by the husband or the marriage will be terminated by the ruler by the judge. Okay.
Divorce remember can be given verbally and also in Britain. This is why Allah says in the last summit Iran or Lehman, okay, either the words of divorce are pronounced or the men let's say he's
Signs the papers. Okay, so Allah knows about the signatures that were given. Okay, the agreement that was made on paper. So Allah knows about that for in Allah Samir and Arlene divorce can also take place through that.
Can the wife say, I swear, I'm not going to listen to my husband, I'm not going to let him touch me for the next three months? No, this doesn't happen with the wife because the wife has to obey the husband. Okay, part of the rights of the husband is the obedience of the wife. So the wife cannot do that.
Okay, and it's not going to work anyway. It's going to work against the wife. If she says this, If she does this, it's going to work against her, because either the husband will get extremely angry and maybe even divorce her, okay? Or, you know, some other things may happen, which are not in the favor of the wife anyway, if the marriage is not working out, then you know, she should do those things that are permissible, which is for example, applying for Hola, taking the divorce which inshallah we will also learn about,
can the woman say that I don't want to continue this marriage? Yes, she can, if there is a genuine reason, if there's a genuine reason, she feels that in those four months, really, she was much better. It was working out for her much better when the husband was away. So she feels that it's much better for her, she can take divorce, it's no harm for her.
But remember, it has to be a genuine reason, if a woman for no genuine reason seeks divorce, then such a woman will not even smell the fragrance of paradise in the hereafter. I mean, this is something serious.
Sometimes women become very emotional, or they have too many expectations, unrealistic expectations from their husbands, they don't look at their own faults, they look at the fault of their husbands all the time.
So we have to become very, very careful.
So over here, Allah says, What in Arizona Tala Kapha in Allah, Samia and early.
Now, there is one situation, which is that if a man, he doesn't swear an oath, okay. But still, he does not have any relations with his wife, he does not show any love any affection to her, there is no intimate relations between the two. And the wife has had enough of this. I mean, it's not fair. She's made, she shouldn't be treated like a wife. Her right is not being given, the man did not swear an oath that I swear, I'm never gonna touch, you know, no oath, nothing like that. But he just doesn't like her. Or for whatever reason, he's not approaching her. Then in that case, what should the wife do?
What should the wife do, she can take the husband to the court.
She can take the husband to the court. I remember once, this lady, she had a situation in which she got married to a man and she was overseas, she game started living with her husband in a different country. And when she got there, she found out that her husband was a homosexual.
Yes. And he was forced into that marriage by his family, because they were thinking that if he gets married, perhaps he will become better.
And he had no interest in his wife at all.
No interest in his wife at all. She was very patient. Months passed by, she was sleeping in a different room. Months passed by nothing was happening. So in that case, obviously, it was her right to take divorce. It was her right to have that marriage finished by court. And she did that.
So in some situations may arise. So in that case, the woman has the right to seek divorce. But if let's say, the husband and wife, they do not have any relations with one another, for whatever reason, and there is an agreement between the two. Let's say the husband is traveling for work for study for business, and he's away for six months, he's away for a year, some visa issues, some passport issues come up. And because that he's not able to come she's not able to go, there is an agreement between the two, it doesn't mean that if for four months, the husband and wife do not have relations than the husband has to decide to divorce or not divorce. No, it doesn't happen just like
that. If they are okay with the settlement, if they agree with whatever situation there is that it's perfectly fine. You know, for example, the husband could be ill or the wife could be you. It could be health issues, it could be whatever issues, but if they both are happy, they are content with that decision of theirs, then it's okay.
The point is that a marriage okay is valid, even if the husband wife did not have sexual relations as long as it is agreed between them. But if either of them is not happy with the situation, then they can take the matter to the court and have that marriage for
If that is what they want,
that's the simple recitation. Medina you load
walking well enough as
long as me