Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 022B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 163-164
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Are the layman a ship vinylidene Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
lesson number 22 swittel Bacala will begin from number 163
What Allah Camila who were head
and your God is one God, Allah who come your who is being addressed over here.
You if somebody says you to you, what does that mean? Who are they talking to? Us? What ILA who come and your God, your meaning, all of mankind, all of mankind, all human beings,
your god or people, what Allah who come is who? Who is your God Illa who ahead one God.
There is only one true God, who is your God. The question is who is isla?
Isla is from the root letters Hamza lamb,
and Isla gives the meaning of Lu meaning the one who is worshipped the one who is worshipped and Mr. Booth
but how is he worshipped with love? And with respect, with love and with respect?
Have you ever seen a person worshipping an idol?
I've you know, never
Okay, have you ever seen a person worshiping something or someone whoever they worship? How are they worshiping
with love and with a lot of respect, you will see people bowing down you will see people bending you will see people humble, focused, crying, offering their best to whoever they worship
Illa linguistically is one who is worshipped with love and with respect,
whoever people consider to be their ILA.
Now, people have taken many Illa
one person is worshipping the sun, another person is worshipping a rock and other person is worshiping another human being, another person is worshipping an animal.
People worship many things.
So who is the real Illa? Who is it that deserves that he should be worshipped with love with respect?
Allah says Isla Han warhead on one god
what Isla Hohokam Illa, who was ahead, then this means that the only one who deserves from you that you bow down to him, you ask of him, you fear Him you respect him?
Is who? One God. And who is he? Allah subhanaw taala.
Why? Why is it that he is the only one God? What's the reason behind it?
What's the reason behind that?
Because he is not just ILA but he is also the Lord. He is the Holic, the Malick. He is the One who created He is the one who owns and he is also the muda be the one who plans the one who nourishes the one who takes care.
If you think about it, if a person worships a rock,
who's taking care of that rock,
the person himself or another person is the rock taking care of you know,
the rock was probably manufactured after you were born, meaning it was manufactured into the idol after you were born. It came into existence much after you
or even if it was there before you but it came after some human beings.
So does the rock deserve your worship? No.
Can the rock protect itself? No. Can the rock move itself? No.
If it's an animal that is being worshipped, a human beings that has been worshipped are the eternal No. The animal will eventually die, the human being will eventually die, he will go away, he will leave you. He cannot help you. If he cannot help himself, then how can he help you?
If apparently people can betray him, then how can he protect you from betrayal? If apparently people can harm him, then how can he protect you from harm? If he himself is vulnerable? Then how can he protect you? He cannot.
So who's the only one who deserves your worship? The one who is perfect, the one who is above any weakness? The one who has full authority full control, absolute complete, perfect ability. He is the one who deserves your worship
If you think about it, why? Because we are human beings, we have to worship someone who is greater better than us.
Not something that is lesser than us. It does not be fair to human beings that they bow down to something that is lesser to them. No.
And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is perfect in every respect, he is greater in every respect. And this is the reason why we're Isla hukum Illa, who were hit
La ilaha illa who there is no god but him. There is no true God but him a person might say, well, there's so many things that other people worship, there are many gods out there. What this means is there is no true God besides Him.
So La ilaha illa who there is no god but him.
If you think about it, what ilaha illa who are head what is the statement tell us? You have only one god
that Allah says La ilaha illa who there is no God, but what does that statement tell us? There is only one God. So the same thing has been mentioned in two ways. Firstly, it's being affirmed. And secondly, it's been mentioned with negation.
So first is affirmation then is negation. First is affirmation that there is only one God, then there is negation of any other god.
So this means there is only one God.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of Rohatgi 62 Valley could be and Allah who will help. That is because Allah He is AHEC
were unima had their own him in dunya he who will battle and whoever they call upon besides Allah, then that is what but will it is false, it is not true.
So if anything else is worship, besides Allah, what is its reality? Is it really god? No. If there is a rock and you say, My child, will the rock become your child? No.
If you look at the sun, and you say, My father will become your father. No. And if a person says that, you'll say Is she okay?
So if a person says to a rock, my God, if a person says to the Son, my god, does that make sense? It doesn't.
Because if you think about it, Ibrahima escena, when he was trying to show to his people about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala, what did he do? He said, Okay, the sun is my God. But what happened to the sun? It said,
it went away.
He said, I don't like those who disappear. I don't like those who go away. I want a God who's ever present. who's always there to hear my prayers to answer me.
So who is that? Only Allah subhanaw taala? Well, Illa who Camila who were hit La ilaha illa. Who? And who is he? Of a man of Rahim? The one who is very merciful, the one who has a lot of mercy. And the one who also shows mercy, the one who affects others with his mercy, of man of Rahim. Why do you think these two names are mentioned over here?
Why have Rahman and Rahim I mentioned over here, because a Rahman and Rahim proved to us that He is the only God.
It is out of the Mercy of Allah because of His mercy, that we are alive, that we get sustenance, that we get sunlight, we get rain, we can air to breathe, our bodies grow. We have children, we have food to eat, the food we eat, it benefits our bodies, when we're sick. There's also cure, who has made all of this? Who has created all of the system, the one who is very, very merciful.
So when he is a rare man when he is a Rahim, than what does it mean that he is the only God he is the only one who deserves worship? And when he is so merciful to you, then what does it mean?
That you should also recognize him and give him what he deserves.
If somebody is kind to you, somebody is very good with you, than what is required from you.
You ignore them. You don't say thank you to them, but you say thank you to everybody else.
If somebody is kind to you, if somebody is good to you, it means you give them what they deserve.
And when Allah is over and over Him, when He created you, when he caused you to grow, when he gave you knowledge, when he gave you a mind when he gave you your faculties, when he gave you your family, the opportunities you've had in your life, the things you've done in your life, or things you've accomplished in your life, every time you were sick, he healed you. All of this is from Allah. So what does it mean? That you worship Him alone and when
what either hukum Allahu wa, La ilaha illa who have a man over him.
Now this is something very obvious. But Allah subhanaw taala out of His mercy illustrates this fact, through the signs of His creation,
through begin at Clear evidences that point that he is the only God that point that he is the one who is merciful, that point that he alone deserves worship
in Murphy Holcus summer where it will all indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, Hulk, Hulk to create
Hulk is to create and Hulk alter refers to something that has been created.
So in the creation of what of the skies and the earth and a Samoa does apply enough,
is the flora Life Summit.
That how Allah has created the skies, and how Allah has created the earth.
If you think about it, was there ever a time when this earth did not exist? Was there?
Yes. Even those people who don't believe in God say that
they say that there was nothing in the Big Bang Theory, there was a big bang, and then everything came into being.
So the earth did not exist before even they say, what do we believe who brought the Earth into existence?
Allah subhanaw taala
who created the sky? Allah subhanaw taala. So in their creation, that how Allah brought them into existence when there was nothing before. You know, if you have a whole lot of ingredients, and you make a wonderful cake with it, let's say a cheesecake. That tastes amazing. That looks very impressive. How do you feel about yourself? Wow.
What do other people say about you? Wow. And if you tell them made from scratch everything myself. It's not from the frozen section of the grocery store.
You know, it wasn't a cake mix. They just mixed water into it and shoved it into the oven. And now it's a lovely cake. No, I made everything myself. How do you feel? Wow. What do other people say about you? Impressive. If somebody says I don't buy pasta, I make it myself. I don't buy tomato sauce. I make it myself. You're like what? You can do that. That's impressive, right?
The heavens and the earth did not exist. Even this matter did not exist.
In the earth we touch.
Even they did not exist. Anything who brought it into existence? Allah.
He brought them into existence.
And he didn't just bring them into existence and just leave them? No, he has made them last. He has made the existence continue for 1000s and 1000s of years. How old is this world? How old is the sky?
Alo Arlen we can only guess that it's several 1000s of years old. Allah only knows how old they are.
Now imagine, if you make something. Let's say you make some tomato sauce yourself. And you know how people make it themselves. And they put it in those cans and they can actually keep them in their pantry for like months and months. Imagine you managed to preserve it. For 20 years, people will say what 20?
That's impressive.
If something has been preserved since the past 50 years since the past 100 years, if there is a building that somebody made 1000s of years ago and it still exists today.
Aren't we impressed? Yes. But what is at stake today
are very different from how it was before.
If you go to any place where Archaeologists have discovered a place, buildings that were constructed 1000s of years ago, what is their status? They're in ruins.
But still we get impressed by the fact that they are still standing if you look at the pyramids, they're still standing today. Can you live in there? No way. Can you live around that area? No way. But still it's impressive.
Look at the heavens and the earth. Allah brought them into existence 1000s of years ago and look at them today still functioning perfectly.
So in a few 100 Customer words, in their existence, in how Allah has caused them to remain.
Thirdly, in their K finger, meaning how Allah has made them
but if you look at the sky, how comforting it is to look at, if you look at the Earth, how comforting it is to walk on.
Just this morning when we were driving to Alaska, I was looking at the sky, so many different
colors of blue. It was as though somebody had taken a paintbrush watercolors and just painted lines. Beautiful.
So how Allah has made it and the sky? It's so vast, you're always beneath the sky. But did you ever feel claustrophobic?
No. If you're ever in a building, and the ceiling is low, what happens eventually,
you're like I want to get out of here. If you stay in your house, in a building, even though the ceiling will be very high, eventually you want to get out. But the sky is such that the ceiling is above you all the time, but you never ever feel claustrophobic.
So how Allah has created it. The Earth, however, has created it smooth, you can walk on it, you can take it, you can live on it, you can lie down on it, you can make so many things from it.
Firstly, in what Allah has placed within them,
if you look at the sky, it's not just a blue sheet above you know, there's so much inside of it. If you look at the Earth, is it just empty soil? No, there's so much inside of it. Minerals, water, so many types of resources,
so many benefits for people.
And it's amazing that we come from this earth and we go back into this earth.
Our bodies they grow, they get their nourishment from what from the earth. And when we die, where do our bodies go?
Where do they go back into the earth?
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, alumna journal, all the key Fattah are here and we're unwed. Have We not made the earth a container, that it's a perfect container for who for those who are alive and also for those who are dead.
Imagine if a person died, and the Earth would not take him in.
Imagine if the earth was all rock or rock
or concrete like we have made much of this earth can we bury our dead? Can we grow our plants we couldn't.
There will be so many things that we wouldn't be able to do. So in a few hunker somewhere, it will org indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth
was the lovely lady when the * and the alternation of the night and the day, if the leftovers from the root letters ha Llanfair.
And Paul is behind remember the word Khalifa? Who is Khalifa, the one who comes after someone behind someone.
So if the love the alternation, that how one goes, and the other comes, one leaves, and the other follows right after.
So the Aquila, from what Elaine won the half the night and the day.
The alternation of the night and the day, what does it mean by this? That how the night goes, and it's followed by the day, but is that it? No, then the day goes and what comes after it the night, but is that it? No, then the night goes and the day comes after a constant, never ending cycle. And eventually a day will come when the sun will not be allowed to go back when the sun will not be allowed to rise up again. So what the lovely lady when the house
if the love also means difference. You may have heard, there's the laugh amongst the scholars concerning this meaning there's a difference of opinion. One scholar says such and such and the other says something different. So if the leveleleven the homing the differences that are between the night and the day, how the night is so dark and the day is completely opposite, bright. Sometimes in the night you can't see a thing. And during the day, you can see everything. It's so bright, you can't open your eyes, you have to wear sunglasses. Another difference in the night and the day is that the day sometimes is very hot. And the night is cool, especially in the desert. The
day is so hot that it's impossible to step out in midday. And the night is so cool. It is so comforting.
And if the love of the night and the day is also in one more way, that how days and nights they differ so much. You could have a horrible day. And all of a sudden the night is so good. You could have a horrible night and then the day is so good.
In the night, you hear some very bad news. And in the day, you hear some very good news. During the day, something terrible happens and during the night something amazing happens.
So things don't remain the same. They keep changing as the night and the day change. Likewise, things in your life also change another
If the love in the night and the day is their length,
sometimes the day is long, very long. And the night is short, very short. Do we experience that these days? Yes, we're literally waiting for the sun to go down so that we can pray Muslim, we're literally waiting for the hour and sought to pass by so that we can very sharp.
And before you know it, it's about your time.
So it happens. And then there are times when you don't even know where the day went. The next thing you know, it's also time at 230 You're praying, awesome.
That's six o'clock, seven o'clock, you're praying your shot. And in the summer, at six o'clock you were praying wrestle.
So this is the laugh of the night and the day, that one becomes long, the other becomes short. And this keeps going. Allah says in the Quran strategia 61 that you really do lay live in a house where you really do not have a lane that Allah causes the night to enter into the day and the day to enter into the night.
And all of this happened so gradually, you know it's not like you're going into a darkroom and all of a sudden you turn the lights on and boom it right. It doesn't happen like that.
When the night goes away, it goes * very gradually gradually darkness comes in. And when the day comes, gradually the day becomes bright. There is a great wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala and his great mercy of Allah in this so what the left in melee when the * willful killer the tragedy filled battery we may in fairness Woolfolk Falck file and calf is used for chips, what are chips, vessels or you can say vehicles that flow were on water. So while Falk and the chips with chips allottee tragedy, tragedy Jim Raha Jarrah Yejide is to flow. So, they flow where do they flow fill battery in the sea. Now in the sea does not mean inside the sea. But it means undersea. But we know
that there are some kind of seagoing vessels that can even go inside the sea like submarines. So while fall kilotons refill battery, and when these ships when they sail, what do they sail with? What do they carry? Allah says Be my info NAS with that which benefits the people yearn for are known for or in Nefer not for is to benefit. So these ships they carry, what is of benefit to the people? What is it that ships carry
trade between different countries. So for example, in one country, you have a lot of cotton, cotton grows over there, they have factories, they make garments, they make cloth. And that is shipped to another place, such as a place which is very icy and cold for most of the year. And there is no chances are going anything like cotton over there. So through ships, people are able to transfer what goods from one place to the other. And these goods, they include food. They include different things that people use, different items that people use, from things that they can use in their clothing, in their food, to their bedding, to their housing, everything. You know, it's amazing,
sometimes you look at something made in China, made in Japan, made in India, like wow, this came all the way from China. This came all the way from India, for example, you love a particular fruit, and even though it may grow in your land, but it doesn't taste the same mangoes at summertime, people have their own particular taste of mango, it has to be an Indian, it has to be a Pakistani has to be Mexican. Everybody has their own taste. And it's only because of these ways that Allah subhanaw taala has created for us that we're able to transfer goods from one place to the other. So we may infer our nests. So this includes risk. It includes the trades of people, it also includes the
people themselves, you know, we travel from one place to the other, and how do we do that? Through these vessels that Allah has allowed for us to create.
Now, if you think about it, there's also something else that's very amazing besides ships that flowing the sea ships that fly in the sky.
That's not directly mentioned in the Quran. But when Allah has mentioned one means through which people travel than other means are automatically included in that because if you think about it chips, who made them, people who manufacture them people, but how are they able to use them on water? Why is it that if you drop a pin in the water it will sink? But if you make a use
Good ship that can be 1000 times heavier than a pin, you place it on water, it's not going to sink it's going to flow
who created that system? Allah who enabled that for you Allah if you wanted nothing at all could ever float on the surface of water, who created that physics Allah subhanaw taala did
so, likewise who created that physics through which you can cause huge aircrafts to fly in the earth for so long? Allah cause that Allah enable that so when full Killa T 30 full battery be my yen Pharaoh nurse
you know the thing is that Allah subhanaw taala has dispersed the risk that people need all over the Earth something that you find in one place you can never find in another place. There are many things that you can only find in a particular place in the earth and you can never ever find it somewhere else even if you try to grow it there it will never taste the same. If you bring a date palm tree into Canada and you try that it grows and it gives fruits will grow it might in the summer but then eventually winter will come and it'll die.
So Allah has dispersed risk all over the years different different types of risk why so that we travel in search of it from one place to the other and through this travel what happens we communicate with other people we benefit other people we get to know one another. There's a lot of benefit in this for people willful killer the tragedy phulbari We million foreigners
wanna under Allahu Muna, Sama, even mercy and the water that Allah sends down from the sky. Well man that Allah Who and that which Allah sends down Mina sama from the sky map of water, it doesn't mean that the waterfalls down from the sky, but the waterfalls down from what is in the sky. And what is that? Clouds? You might be like, you're obviously waterfalls down from the sky, you know from clouds in the form of rain, and that is of benefit to people. Well, what's the big deal? It is a big deal. Just reflect on it. Imagine if there was no rain? Imagine if the only way we could get water was from rivers and lakes and springs, would we be missing something? What if there was no rain? What
would happen?
It would be impossible for us to water all of the earth. And as a result, a lot of the Earth would become barren. What else
do you know about the water cycle isn't that something so basic, that the water evaporates and then it falls down.
It's cleaned up and then it falls down.
Imagine if the water evaporated because of the sun but never came back by now we would be left with zero water given the amount of water that evaporates every single day and the amount of water that's cleaned in that process. And think about it when waterfalls down from the sky then everything benefits everything from the plants to the trees to the grass to the places that are abandoned by people to places that people cannot even reach
because of the rain the air becomes clean as well. If you go to a place where it hasn't rained for a while, then you see how dusty it is how dry it is how polluted it is but because of the rain and becomes clean
we without rain the water cycle would not exist because the water would not be evaporated and the water would not come down and we wouldn't have water in our rivers you know the river water it comes from where comes from where it comes from certain sources and they will dry up eventually so who causes all of this Allah subhanaw taala
well mountains that Allahu Muna sama a madman in for a heavy Hill October the multi her for are here and then he gave life her Yeah, yeah. He gave life be through it through what through the water that falls from the sky. He gives life to what on earth the earth? Varga motiva after its death.
The earth was dead. Allah caused water to fall down on it and it became alive. What does it mean by the death of the earth? barrenness, dryness, when there are no plants. There are no birds. There are no animals, there are no insects. And you will see this, that when a particular part of the earth it becomes dry, there's a famine for example, drought, for example, what happens then? What happens? You can't find any creatures. It's dead brown bears. There's no life. But when rain falls, even though it's very little, all of a sudden you see everything go green, and as it goes green
Do you see birds? You know, it's amazing how in the summer you won't find as many beautiful birds across, you know, for example, even the city but in spring in the summer you will see the most beautiful birds.
All of a sudden, it looks beautiful. It sounds beautiful when you go to a place like that.
So for a heavy Hill or the Baroda motiva interoute, Hydra 63 Allah subhanaw taala says For those of you who have learned law, then the earth becomes green.
So the greenery of the Earth, the colorfulness of the Earth is actually its life. And when the Earth does not have that color, then it is as though that
was the fee humming Kalida Bertha, Bertha Arthur, but they are both is to spread something to scatter something. How Allah has scattered, he has dispersed fie have meaning in the Earthmen, Khalida, every type of the
dub is from dal, Baba and the bay or do Boo is to move to crawl.
And dub is used for a creature that can move, it can crawl itself willingly, no matter what its size is, no matter what its speed is. So it includes fish, because fish, there are creatures that can move themselves. Some fish move very fast and others very slow. It includes ends because and again they move even though they're very tiny. It includes elephants that are huge, because they move so
likewise it includes birds, because what is their movement flying?
They even walk sometimes they hop and human beings human beings also we move even bacteria doesn't move,
does it? He has. So we're Bertha fee him in Kalida every type of creature Allah has scattered he has dispersed throughout the earth. Any place you go to in this world What will you find over there?
What will you find some creature?
Even if you go to a place where there is drought, will you find some creatures? He has you will?
In the desert where there are no plans? Will you find some creatures? He Yes you will. You go to Iceland. You go to a place where there's ice everywhere. Will you find some creatures? Yes, even beneath the ice, there are fish and there are seals.
This recently a friend of mine she went to Alaska. on a cruise she went. And she said we were basically surrounded by ice everywhere. There was whiteness everywhere. And they saw polar bears. And they saw killer whales. Penguins.
You will find creatures everywhere. Well, Beth Sofia, Allah scattered them everywhere. Even if you go to the basement of your house, what will you find the spiders? If you're digging in your backyard, what will you find earwigs snails, you will find creatures everywhere. tiny creatures, big creatures. I'm not talking about how they look and how you like them. We're not talking about your feelings about them. But I'm talking in general but the VM and colada. And notice Cooley double meaning every type of creature, creatures that fly creatures that wall creatures that crawl creatures that run every type of creature that are pink, that are blue, that are brown, that are
yellow, that are spotted, that are solid in their color, that have fur that have feathers, every type of creature, you name it, it's there. You describe it, it's there.
sizes are different.
And why do you think Allah subhanaw taala has kept so much variety in the types of creatures? What's the reason behind that?
There are many benefits to that. You know what, first of all, we learn from the different different types of creatures that Allah has created. We learn from them. You know how whatever they do, we do the same.
When the first human being was killed when the first human being died.
His brother wondered, What should I do with the body? Then what happened? A crow came and he dug into the earth. He's crashed the earth. And then that crow buried another crow.
So the human beings also learned, okay, we should also do the same thing.
Birds fly and because of that, we wondered, how can we fly? So we observe the birds.
We looked at their bodies, we looked at how they flew and we figured out how we can also fly.
horses run and so we have horsepower.
are in our cars in our vehicles,
animals swim, and we want to swim to so don't we learn so many things from the animals from the different different types of creatures? Yes, we do.
And then so many different types of creatures. Why? Because we benefit from them in different ways directly and also indirectly, we directly benefit from them, we indirectly benefit from them. For example, when it comes to meat when it comes to fur, where do we get that from? The animals that we eat, like, for example, sheep, cows, so on and so forth.
So Allah has placed our needs in different different types of creatures. If you want to beautiful feathers, blue and green, to decorate whatever you want, can you get that from a goat?
You can't, you can only get that from a peacock. You can only get that from a beautiful bird.
So our needs have been placed in these animals, different different types of animals. Well, but the fee has been Khalida,
what are three theories and the alternation of the winds, the three the changing of the wind sod offer, some of the use of reform is to take something and bring it back in a different way to bring it back in a different way. So the sleeve area has a changing of the winds area has a Florida re wind. So how at one time the wind is very fierce, and another time it's such a nice cool breeze. At one time it's extremely hot. And another time it's wind chill.
I want I was blowing against you at another time it's blowing in your direction. What the Sleaford Ria and these winds, they bring many benefits to people because of them there is fertilization. How in the plants, fertilizing winds because of them, what happens is the clouds come and as a result we have rain. So what the Sleaford Yeah,
they're so different was the hub and the clouds seen however, clouds that are almost subjected Sinhala? They are fixed they're subjected were buying a summer you will look between the sky and the earth. They are suspended between the sky and the earth. They're neither too far from us, nor are they too close to us that we are in fog all the time. Was the Hubble was Sahadi by NASA, it will art
and then this is a huge blessing for people.
Because the clouds what do they provide us with? Shade, and they also provide us with rainwater.
And imagine if there were no clouds, would we have that shade? No. Would we have that rainwater? No. So who caused that to happen Allah in all of this Allah says Allah yet surely many signs Florida of Iowa, for who they call me yaki loon for those people who you are can only understand your colonias from our in Coughlin. And our ACO is intellect. Literally, it means to connect. You may have heard the Hadith they are calling what our Kel tie your camel and then rely on Allah. So Erica to tie.
So our goal is to basically make connections.
Our goal is not just to see something and know what it is okay, yeah, there's a cloud Yes, it gives us shade gives us water.
Oracle is to connect it. Where did it come from? Why is it like this? Who brought it? What's the purpose? Why for our benefit? So Oracle, intellect, remember is of two types. The first is of iTRAQ of perception to perceive things as they are. And the other is off right guidance that a person makes the right connection as well. There are many people who study the watercycle there are many people who study the different types of animals that are out there. Many people who study the Earth who study the sky, who study everything that's on this earth, but does every single one of them make the right connection, that this has been made by Allah, these things prove that there is a God who
made this, these things prove that I am here for a reason that if the sun is doing something, the clouds are doing something, then what am I doing?
If the rocks are doing what they're supposed to do, the animals are doing what they're supposed to then what am I supposed to do? So all of these things that Allah has mentioned over here, they have not been created in vain. They have not been created for us to see and study in our science class and just pass our exam and move on. No, there is there are signs that we should reflect on, we should study and through them, we recognize the Mercy of Allah, the power of Allah, the wisdom of Allah,
the Mercy of Allah, that how all of these things benefit us in such an amazing way that we
We could never do that for ourselves, if it was up to us, the Quran the power of Allah, that if all of the people gather together to keep the sun, that it doesn't set, could we do that? To force the earth to stand in position and not rotate for the night and day to come and go? Could we do that? No. for all human beings to gather together to have water evaporated, and to cause it to descend from the sky, could we do that? No, we couldn't. If all human beings gathered together to make something to make a creation, a dhaba. That is something that Allah did not make. And we do that, not at all.
People have been trying to make robots. Even that would whose Arkel
Darko that Allah has given to them, with whose materials materials that Allah has created for them. So all of these things prove to us the Rama of Allah, the kodra of Allah, and the Hikmah of Allah, the wisdom of Allah. And all of these things show that there is Allah Who deserves worship, there is Allah who has been very generous with us. And when he has been so generous with us, when he has fulfilled every single need of ours, from vitamin D, vitamin C, to everything that we could ever need. He has placed it in this earth, than what is our duty, that we ignore him that we don't care for him. We are not mindful of him know that we also give him his Hulk. So all of these signs, what
do they prove?
That what ILA who con ella Hoon, were hidden one God.
And if you think about it, one more thing I want to mention to you is that in this verse, all the things that are mentioned, are they not connected with each other?
Or they're not connected with each other? Yes, the alternation of the night and the day is connected with how the sky is how the Earth is.
The coming down of the rain, the growing of plants from the earth, the animals being everywhere, the ships that travel, everything isn't connected with each other. It's all one big system. It's all one big puzzle. So when everything is connected with each other, nothing is separate than what does it show there is only one power above all of this one being above all of this, not multiple, not two, not three, not five, not at all, only one. And who is he? Allah subhanaw taala the ayat likoma You're alone but who will understand this only those who use reason
so the next time you study something, whether it's in science or in biology, use your uncle. He used the intellect that Allah has given to us
that listen to the recitation of these verses
what ILA?
Walkman or walking in the hallway, watching one of your Steelers one
rainy season
that along roominess.
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political level will be handy Kenisha to Allah ilaha illa Anta the stock