Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 08

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The use of ham rewards in the Bible is discussed, including the importance of using them in the Bible and the historical significance of their use. The speakers also highlight the use of the phrase "hamdu Lill Regular" and "hamdu Lill Regular" in praise for Allah's actions and actions in religion. The title of the book is the story of Hannah, and the use of the phrase "hamdu Lill Regular" is discussed as common in praise.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say no Mohammed in rather early he was

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a mother, we resumed from where we left off and that is it a series of suitors hacia and we had reached the very first verse in the Quran, which is Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. And this verse is one of the most profound and one of the most succinct verses in the entire report on it is a verse that will lucky if you were to think and think and think you could not have thought of a better way to begin the final book of Revelation. And in order to fully appreciate the meaning of this verse, we need to understand what exactly does ham do mean? All ham belongs to Allah, dada balada mean, what exactly does ham to mean? And to fully understand hemd we need to compare hammered

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with other similar Arabic words, Allah azza wa jal could have said a shockula or he could have said Admiralty law, but he said Alhamdulillah and the word Hamed is very different than sugar. It is very different than muda. There are other nuances, the word sugar we all understand even non Arabs what shockcord means it means gratitude. It means thankfulness. And no doubt a sugar is also for Allah. No doubt a sugar is also for Allah. And Allah wants us to do sugar of him the insha Khartoum, the resident, right, Allah says you thank me, I will give you more. But sugar is only done in response to a favor done unto you.

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If somebody lends you money, you say shukran if somebody gives you something, if somebody donates to your cause, if somebody helps you with this effort, you say shukran or you show him thanks because sugar can also be shown and that's what Allah says, Aaron modal Allah though the chakra show me through your actions, sugar, so sugar has to be in return for something.

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Whereas hand is not in return for anything.

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What's the difference in Hamden? Mother, Mother, in Arabic also means praise. But mother could be a false praise whereas hammed is never false. And mother could be appraised for something beyond your control. For example, somebody can murder your physical appearance, and you did not create your physical appearance. But hand is because of something that you are worthy of. So mother is sometimes given and you don't deserve it. It's beyond your control. You pray somebody looks in Arabic, you wouldn't say Hamad you would say Mother Have you praise something that you really don't mean is just a false praise you want his his return or something. This is mother her hand means our law, you are

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worthy of every single ultimate praise, because of who you are not because of what you've given me. Even if you didn't give me anything, even if I didn't exist, you would be worthy of being praised, not because of what you have done, but because of who you are. And the only flam Alhamdulillah signifies every single type of Hamed is for Al hamdu not Hamdan Leela to Allah belongs praise no al hamdu which means every hand imaginable, it is to Allah and Alhamdulillah the lamb over here it is as if the Hamza belongs only to Allah, nobody else deserves hemmed. Except if Allah allows him to be praised, no being is ultimately worthy of praise all hand exclusively belongs to Allah and no one

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other than Allah subhana wa Jalla therefore, Hamed is more specific than sugar Hamed is more narrow than sugar, because ham can only be done by the tongue you cannot show him whereas you can show sugar and hand is not done in exchange for a favor shoe could is done in exchange for a favor. Even the non Arabs the Indian Pakistani we say shoe Korea, right you do something with a shoe Korea because it's it's something you say when somebody gives you something when somebody does something to you. Whereas hand is something you say not because of what has been given, but because of the perfection of the being whom you praise. So Alhamdulillah da and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said Alhamdulillah tamela Oniisan a Muslim saying Alhamdulillah it fills the entire skills on the Day of Judgment simply saying Alhamdulillah fills the entire skills and Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah our Lord has used this phrase in so many times throughout the Quran. Allah says when he creates

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created the creation Alhamdulillah in the Holocaust Amati will out all praise be to Allah He has created the heavens and the earth. So Allah azza wa jal is praised at all times, whenever they do feel worse in akhira To Him belongs to him from the very beginning and to Him will always belong until the very end to Allah belongs praise wherever you are, what I will do is somehow what you will fill out to Him belongs hand those in the heavens will praise those on earth will praise. So, wherever you are, whenever you are Hamed is due to Allah subhanahu wa taala alone and Allah subhana wa Taala tells us that when you look at the throne of a man, when you see the throne of a man, you

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will see what are the Magna Carta have seen him in our lounge, you will see the angels they are going around the the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they are praising Allah and Joaquin hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen as they are around the throne of Allah and as they're showing servitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala it will be said the buzzing around the throne will be what and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and our Lord tells us that the people of Jenna what will they be doing that well home fee her soup Hannah cola home once a year to home fee ha Sam wah wah home and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen What a beautiful verse in the Quran. Dawa houfy hmm Subhana colome that they will

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always be making dua with to handle law. And they will be greeting one another with set um, but the final phrase that they will always say when asked him is what and then hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. So the final thing that they end all of their praise with the people of genda will be 100 in Europe in the mean, and is due to Allah and Allah exclusively. And no one can praise a law like Allah can praise himself. We cannot do justice in praising Allah, our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would regularly make a dua to Allah in the middle of the night in such the in prostration. And he would say subhanak how Exalted are You? Oh, la, la Worsley, Santa Ana alayka

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entercom asmita Nuff said, I cannot do justice in giving you the praise you deserve. Now imagine who is saying this, the best human being ever created, the most noble, the most pious and he is saying this were in his question which is the second holiest place on Earth, when in the middle of the night when nobody is looking at him. So the one who worships the law, like no one can worship him when he is in the best posture in the best Masjid. What does he say? Oh Allah, I cannot praise you as you deserve to be praised. Even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, You are too great for me to praise. Only you can praise yourself as you deserve, and to come up as native

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identify. So we praise the law, recognizing our praise falls short of what Allah deserves. We praise a lot, realizing that only Allah can praise himself in a way that is suitable in a majesty that Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves. And by beginning the Quran, with Alhamdulillah What a beautiful beginning, no deep discussion of philosophy of the existence of God of the purpose of life, you get straight to the heart of the matter. All praise is due to a law, your purpose in life is to praise the law. As the law says in the Quran, I have only created man and jinn to worship me. This is the purpose of life. And so immediately from the get go read the first verse in the Quran. All praise is

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due to Allah Alhamdulillah. And in fact, this was the very first phrase uttered by any man our Prophet system tells us that when our Lord fashioned our father Adam and made him into a human beings, he breeds the root into them, and the root was blown in from the head down. And he says, when the root reach the nose, it tickled Adam, when the root which the nose it tickled, Adam, when something tickles your nose, what happens? So Adam sneezed. And Adam said, fit rotten without anybody teaching him anything. The first word that the first human ever said Alhamdulillah it just came to him because Allah had ingrained it in his innate nature, without any Koran coming down

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without any way a man knew. Adam knew that Allah is worthy of praise. So the first words any human ever said were Alhamdulillah and of course when somebody says that hamdulillah what is the response? your hammock Allah and so the first words Allah spoke to Adam, your hammock, Allah Yeah, Adam, the first words Allah spoke, Allah will have mercy on you. Oh, Adam. So what's a befitting beginning for a book to begin the book, all Hamed is due only to Allah

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and I remember, a good friend of mine who's a convert is a famous convert. He's written many books, Dr. Abdullah Brown, his conversion story I have mentioned it many times to to some of you in MRC, and one phrase always sticks in my mind that he said he was searching for the right religion. And he is going down the list. He's looking at Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, you know, Judaism. Finally, eventually he gets to Islam, and he doesn't know a single Muslim. And he purchases the Quran from a bookstore. He opens it up, and it says, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. All praise is due to Allah Who is the Lord of every species of creation. Dr.

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Abdullah told me this and he said, he said, soon as I read that line, I said, this is how a book should begin. This is how a divine book should begin a message from Allah, it should begin immediately. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of every single creation. He felt an emotion in him that What a way to begin a book What a way to start the final revelation, you simply state a statement of fact that every single hand belongs to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And we praise the law in every circumstance and every opportunity. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is generic, that when something pleased him, he would say Alhamdulillah he led the binetti at Masada. All praise

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is due to Allah, through whose blessings all good things finish. And when something would not please him, he would say Alhamdulillah Allah Callaghan, All praise is due to Allah no matter what the situation. Now what is the common phrase in both Alhamdulillah we do not praise a law. Just when a law shows us something good. No, Allah is worthy of Him, regardless of our life. What law if we did not exist, a law would be worthy of him. If he did not create us, he is still worthy of Him. So whatever comes our way, he is still worthy of Him. That's what our Prophet system demonstrated when something good happened and hamdulillah he led even admitted to the Masada when something bad

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happened Alhamdulillah he had a hand in every circumstance, Allah subhana wa tada is praised. Never is there an opportunity where we do not praise the law. And how can that not be the case when Allah says To Him belongs home from the beginning and to the very end, and To Him belongs to him in the heavens and the earth and the angels were doing him there on the throne and the people of general are finishing every conversation with him and our father Adam began his existence with hemp and the scales are filled with the hand of Allah subhana wa Tada. So verily and truly and indeed, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. We will come back to this phrase and hamdulillah tomorrow and even the day

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after tomorrow. Insha Allah wa tada was set on mar de la barakato

In this episode of the Tafsir of Surat al-Fatiha Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi discusses the following key aspects:

  • The Prophet ﷺ would regularly make supplication to Allah SWT in the middle of the night bowing down in prostration saying -‘How exalted are You, O Allah! I cannot do justice in praising You the way You deserve to be praised. Verily, only You can do justice in praising Yourself!’
  • The Prophet ﷺ was always in a state of constant realization and reverence regarding the Majesty and Honour befitting to Allah alone.
  • The essential need to comprehend and fathom the greatness of Allah in our prayers and our daily routine, thereby, imitating the Prophet ﷺ.
  • The magnificence of the praise – Alhumdulilah.
  • The difference between Hamd and Shukr.


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