Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 006C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 23-25

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The speakers discuss the importance of belief in the Prophet salallahu and bringing something similar to the Quran to be used as a statement of the Prophet's weight. They also touch on the use of "has been in quotes" to refer to people and the history of the Prophet's salallahu waif. The conversation also touches on the use of "has been in quotes" to refer to people and the history of the Prophet's name. The speakers emphasize the importance of being a woman and bringing a surah to be used as a worker. They also discuss the cultural expectations of Jana, including the importance of clean environments, avoiding negative thoughts, and experiencing life long in a state. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to pursue their dreams and pursue their dreams in a way that is rewarding and provides pleasure.
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We will listen to the recitation of these verses
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these two verses we learn about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala that the hate of Allah, that he is on a buckle, Allah de holla Hong Kong well Loreen I'm in public, he is the one who deserves worship, and He is the One who created all of you, and He is the one who has created the earth and the sky and he is the one who provides you with everything that you have. Therefore he is the only one who deserves worship. So we learn that Allah is the only Lord, the only Rob and the only Allah, the only God. This is what though heed the oneness oneness of who Allah subhanaw taala and remember that the Kalama also includes this part La Ilaha, il Allah, but what's the next part? La ilaha IL
Allah and then Muhammad Rasul Allah. In these verses, we learn about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala. And the following verses we learned about the importance of belief in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, both parts of the Kalima are being in a way referred to over here. Remember that there are two types of dough Heath, the first though he does with regards to Allah subhanaw taala which is known as though Halal cost of sod dal cost is to intent. The hidden cost is that when a person is doing anything, anything at all, what is his intention? What is his goal, that he should do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala what he strives to gain by doing what he's doing is the
pleasure of Allah. So this is what the hadal cost. The second type of the Hadees though hidden matava meme, Elif bear is in thermal buta metabo. And what does it mean to follow? And this is with respect to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? What does it mean by that? That when it comes to worshiping Allah, we only follow Prophet sallallahu, early usen when it comes to doing something, we do it for whose sake only Allah and when it comes to worshiping Allah, then who's example Do we follow only the example of the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam the halal cost and the halal whatever. Both of these are essential and both of these are being elaborated in these verses. So
far, we have learned about our Halal costs. Now we will learn about the halal whatever Allah subhanaw taala says, What in quantum theory when and if you are in doubt, if you all quantum meaning oh you people or a nurse or mankind, if you are in any doubt concerning what concerning me mana Zilla, Allah Medina, concerning what We have revealed upon Our Servant Laban, as you know, is from the root letters are all Yeah, but and rabies used for adult but what kind of a doubt is it? doubt that causes unrest that makes you restless. So because it causes unrest, it has to be with regards to matters that are important that are crucial. For example, if you're not sure whether you put your
shoes downstairs or upstairs, is that right? No, it's not that big of a deal. It's only your shoes. And really how long is it going to take to check where your shoes but if a person has doubt about the Quran, about the Prophet salallahu Salam, is that right? That is right. Why? Because the prophets Allah Allah is and what he brought was something major, something major and believe in the Prophet salallahu Salam is also something very, very important and necessary.
theory. This is why the word rave has been used. So we're in quantum theory been in Raven and Raven any doubt at all mimma concerning that which concerning what NAS Zelner Nasrallah, noon xylem, Mozilla Yuna zileuton z is to gradually send down. We have read the word ends and earlier right on Zillow on Zillow is just to be sent down, but Nasrallah Nasrallah with the shutdown the day what does it mean to gradually sent out? So if you are in doubt about what We have gradually sent down upon our service, who is Abu dena? Who is this referring to? The Prophet sallallahu wasallam? What is it that was revealed upon him? The Quran? Now, before we move on, I want you to notice something,
the prophets had a lot it said in this call servant. If somebody called a servant, we would feel that kind of disrespectful. But if you think about it, he's being called the servant of who the slave of who? Allah subhanaw taala. And remember that being a slave being a servant, to someone who is honorable, to someone whom you love is actually respectful is a very good way of referring to you. Because think about it, if there is a person who is Secretary of let's say, the president, or let's say, the CEO, being a secretary means what? That you're basically their servant, you're doing all their paperwork, you're taking all their calls, you're doing whatever they tell you to do,
whether you agree with them or you don't, all the things they don't want to do, you do it for them. But don't people take so much pride in being the secretary of someone who is very high up there? Isn't that a means of honor? Of course it is. So when a person is called the servant of Allah, then in fact, this is an honor for him. And this is why the Prophet salallahu Salam, he said, In Nima and Abu Dune, indeed, I am only a servant, for Kulu Abu Allah he will assume he then say that Abdullah servant of Allah and His messenger, he liked to be called the servant of Allah.
Why? Because being the servant of Allah is in fact very honorable. And we learned that one support he said, with regards to his beloved, lead that the only in Libya or with the her, Do not call me with any name, except that all servant of her meaning the one whom you love, that you are her servant. Why, for inner who Ashraf who Esma II, for indeed is the most honorable names that I have. Because when a person loves someone, he wants to be identified with them. And when a person loves someone, he doesn't mind being a servant to them. In fact, he takes pride in it. Like, for example, a mother, when she's changing her baby when she's washing her clothes when she's wiping off the
baby's spit and changing her diaper. Basically, she's doing what a servant would do, but she takes pride in it, which is why perhaps sometimes you might come across mothers who don't let other people even change their baby's diapers. They take pride in it. Why? Because someone whom you love, you love to serve them. You don't mind serving them. We learned earlier about your cane, or Buddha or a book of worship your Lord, be a servant to your Lord, do what he's telling you to do. And over here, Allah subhanaw taala eldest who is his servant, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And remember that the prophets of Allah said in this call the servant of Allah, many times the
Quran, but always it is in the context of either a Noble gift being given to him. Like in total Islam, we learn about the journey of mirage that he was blessed with the journey of ascension that he was blessed with at that point, Allah subhanaw taala is the word of God for him. Similarly, the Quran is being mentioned, the Quran was given to him, that's a huge gift, and other places where the Prophet salallahu Salam was being defended. In such occasions Allah refers to him as his servant. And this also proves to us that the prophets of Allah Addison was who he was a human being. He was a servant of Allah, because unfortunately, there are people who are Muslim, but they have such wrong
incorrect beliefs about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that naroda Billa He has authority of Allah subhanaw taala even that if he says something no one can refuse and if Allah says something somebody can refuse. These are the kinds of beliefs that people have unfortunately, and such beliefs are based on absolute ignorance. Because what do we learn from the Quran and Sunnah that the Prophet SAW Allah Addison was who? The servant of Allah. So if you are in doubt about what We have revealed on our servant Allah says to be so rotten to Hamza Yeah. Then you should bring the surah in a Surah Surah from the root letters seen wala chapter. If you doubt that this Quran is from Allah. If you
think that Mohamed Salah Saddam has invented it, you think that he has fabricated it using there it is his speech which he has ascribed to Allah. Then if he can do it, you should be able to do it as well.
If a human being can do something, is it possible for another human being to do it? Yes. So if you think that he fabricated the Quran if he can do it, then you should do it do so Allah challenges those people who doubt the Quran. If you doubt in it, then you bring a surah to be Surah tin and this surah should be mimicked li he similar to it, like it. Metal memes that learn similar to what? To the Quran. Don't just bring any passage don't just come up with any essay. Don't just go with any piece of writing. No, it should be similar to the Quran. Similar to the Quran, in what sense? In its eloquence, in its beauty in its meaningfulness in its relevance in its correctness in its
So bring something bring the surah which is like the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala challenges people. And you know what, if you want to do it, and you're not able to do it yourself, then what are the rules shahada Call upon your witnesses? What drew that line? Well, there are other means to call someone from the same root is the word dua. What is do we call upon Allah. shahada is a plural of Shaheed from the root letters Chien her dad Shaheed who is a Shaheed a martyr, and who is Shahid, a witness. So these words are used for both witness as well as martyr. And remember that the word Shahadat is also the plural of Shahid, Shahid and Shahid, both are singular forms. Over here,
shahada does not mean martyrs, but what does it mean? Witnesses, so call your witnesses, meaning call someone to help and oversee this task that you will do this task that you will perform one task of coming up with something that is like the Quran. In other words, call upon your helpers, someone who can help you someone who can support you, someone who can oversee this project of yours, in other words, but these shahada should be who mean doing Allah besides Allah? Don't ask Allah for help. Do it yourself. In Kuntum, Saudi clean if you all are truthful, Saudi Tina is a plural of Saudi Assad dal, cough, sick and sick is truthfulness. What's the opposite of sleep? Kevin? Good. If
you are truthful, truthful in what in your claim that Muhammad Sallallahu naroda Billa invented this Quran? What do we see in this ayah? That Allah subhanaw taala is challenging those who doubt the Quran, who doubt the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the evidence that Allah soprano data deserves worship is what what did we learn the previous is that he is the only creator over here. The evidence of the truthfulness of the prophets on Eliassen was been mentioned. And what is that evidence, the Quran, the Quran proves that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was true that he was indeed the Messenger of Allah. This is why Allah says that if you don't believe in the Quran, if you don't
believe in the Messenger, then you try to bring something that is like the Quran. And the fact is that you can never bring anything that is like the Quran. When you cannot bring anything like the Quran, then what should you do believe in the Quran? And as a result, believe in who? The Prophet sallallahu wasallam? Because you see, there are many people who believe in Allah, but do they believe in the Prophet sallallahu sallam? No, they don't. For example, if you look at it, the Jews the Christians do not believe in Allah. Yes, they do. But do they believe in the Prophet saw a lot of southern No, they don't. When they do not believe in the Prophet, then their Eman is not
acceptable. It is incomplete. So believe in the messenger is essential, and that is being proven over here. How? Through the miraculous nature of the Quran, that the Quran is truly from Allah and what's the evidence of that, that you cannot bring anything like it, you cannot produce anything that is like the Quran. And Allah subhanaw taala challenges people over here. And he challenges people many, many, many times in the Quran. For example, in truth, Yunus is number 38. Suit hood is number 13. Sudoku is number 34. Pseudo Israa is number 88. There are many places in the Quran where Allah challenges people to bring something that is like the Quran. Have they been able to they have
never ever been able to?
You see the thing is, you might think that what's the big deal? Why cannot people bring anything like the Quran? You can always challenge a book by producing something that is better than that book, isn't it? So?
And this Quran is not just a book is not just Kalam but it's also miracle at the same time. How is it a miracle that no one can produce something like the Quran
whenever Allah subhana wa
Allah gave miracles to His messengers. They were always relevant to that particular time and era. For example, at the time of Musa alayhis salam, what was very popular what was very common magic. So Allah subhanaw taala gave him miracles of the snake, the staff as well as the glowing hand, and so many others resign, isn't it his time what was very famous what was in medicine? So Allah subhanaw taala gave him relevant miracles that he could cure. A person was born blind, the leper, imagine a person had died, he could bring him to life by the command of Allah subhanaw taala
at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
what do you think? What was the interest of people? Poetry, language, eloquence, was it just in Arabia,
not just in Arabia, but outside of Arabia, even people were more interested in what knowledge and science discoveries, you understand. It was as though the age of knowledge was beginning. It was a different era. And after that, you know, for example, Christians also they started challenging their book because it contradicted reality. So we see that the miracle that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Prophet sallallahu sallam was the Quran, it is miracle and message in one.
How is it a miracle? That no one can produce anything like the Quran? How the Arabs? What were they interested in? language poetry, that's the only thing they had. That's the only thing that they could take pride in. That's the only thing that they valued. Why? Because they were desert dwellers in the desert, you cannot have architecture, you cannot have any kind of arts. In other places where there are forests, or where there's more rain or the soil is different. You can have many, many different ways of expressing yourself in the desert. What do you do? You pitch a tent, there comes a sandstorm, and you're 10 blows away.
You can't do anything in the desert. So the Arabs, how would they express themselves? What kind of a culture did they have revolved around eloquence and language and expression.
This is why poetry was something that they highly were interested in. This is why Allah subhanaw taala sent the Quran which is so eloquent that even the Arabs could not produce anything like the Quran.
They were people who, when they heard a few verses of the Quran, they said, that's it. We're not doing any more poetry after today.
It's as though they admitted their defeat. They knew that they had been defeated forever. The Quran was so powerful in its message. And it's amazing that there are people who don't even understand the Arabic but when they hear the Quran, the style of the Quran the melodic style, and the words the sounds, it's so captivating. You must have come across people who are not Muslim, but when they hear the Quran, they wonder what is this? What are you listening to?
I remember once I was listening to Quran for a very, very long time, and there was a lady with me she was not a Muslim. She just said, this is so peaceful. This is so peaceful. What is it? There are many times that I have experienced this that there are people who are non Muslim, but when they hear the Quran, they are attracted towards it. Why? Because it's the speech of Allah, it's a miracle. So the Arabs, they could not produce anything like the Quran if they were not able to do it. Nobody can do it after them, because they were the people of the language.
Now, have you heard about this new Quran?
Have you received any emails, that there are people who are you know, sending mass emails? Oh my god, there are people who have produced a new Quran, don't get deceived by it's not actually Quran so on and so forth.
If you even try to read it, it sounds fake. It's not interesting at all.
I remember I asked one of the scholars about this that Allah subhanaw taala said nobody can bring anything like the Quran. There are people who have said that, oh, they have brought up a new Quran. He said that it's not anywhere close to Quran, because of the Arabs could not do it. Nobody can do it after that. They were the people of the language. All right. And there are people who might say, Oh, look at the Quran, it goes against facts, there is something that is contradictory to reality. Are there grammatical errors in the Quran, all such claims are false. For example, I told you in the example that we learned about the moon FET methylone, cometh and Allah the so called an arrow. And I
pointed out to you the different pronouns that are mentioned in that verse. Those people who look at the surface only who are looking for faults, they will take a look grammatical errors, but it's the shallowness of their thinking and understanding. It's not that the Quran has any faults. So Allah subhanaw taala is challenging people over here, if you doubt the messenger, if you don't the Quran, then bring something like the Quran. But the fact is that for inlanta For so if you're not able to do so, the for loofa or inland Ferran Farrell as well
action. So if you're not able to do so, it will do what produce something like the Quran, even one surah and the fact is that when on the follow, you will never, ever be able to do so. Notice lamb and learn there's a difference. Learn is more powerful, never ever, you will never be able to produce even one surah that is like the Quran.
Allah says it sortal Israel at eight that if all of mankind all of the jinn were together together to produce something like the Quran, layer, do not be Miss Li well Oh Cannavaro boom libre open Zahira they will not be able to produce anything like the Quran, even if they all got together. And this is true. There are people who attempted in the past but terribly failed. If you read the books of history, you might come across people who tried to invent something like the Quran, but honestly, if you read it, it will make you laugh. Oh lift Daraa or frog. What are you oh frog? You live in the water and you produce the sound and it's nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Similarly, I'll feel Millfield
elephant or what is the elephant? How great is the elephant? This is nonsense. They have tried to produce something like the Quran, but it's absolute nonsense. Allah says overlength of ILO he will never be able to do it. admit your defeat, accept defeat.
And you will never be able to do it. Then flip the coin now. then fear the Fire. Save yourselves from the fire. Because if you don't believe in the Quran, you don't believe in the messenger then your ultimate end is what fire forget the one now.
A person can only enter Jannah when he has belief in Allah as well as belief in all of the messengers of Allah
if a person denies even one messenger his Eman is not acceptable.
So Alenka for our low fat taco now so fear the Fire
for Taco what's the root letter? Well off yeah.
And this fire how is it allottee that which will go to her NASA will haidara Whose few are men and stones
what code is from the root letters well of dal and what code is used for fuel? What is fuel something through which you keep the fire burning? Like for example coal you put it in the fire and as long as there is coal the fire will keep burning wood it's a kind of a fuel gas is a kind of a fuel. This is what will code is
now what is it that keeps the fire burning? What is the code of hellfire? Allah says a nurse people will hija and stones
what is the chore that as long as people are in the fire, the fire will keep burning.
Just imagine that people will not just suffer the punishment of the fire but rather they will produce more fire they will be lit on fire igniting further increasing the fire.
I want you to imagine this think about it for the corner alert Eva Kudo nurse its fuel our people.
And not just people but also will Hey Jarrah and rocks. Hey Dora is the plural of Hedgehog has gene RA and hazard is used for rock hedger us with the Blackstone. He gyro stones. So stones are burning the fire of *. In dunya, what is used to burn fire? What is used to keep fire burning?
would guess. But what is soft compared to rock? Now imagine if rocks are being used to fuel the fire? How intense would that fire be? How severe that fire would be.
And this fire Allah says will read that it has been prepared
or in the era that is to fully prepare something from the same root as the word or the N or this number. So it is to prepare something in a way that everything can be counted numbered, full preparation, or that it has been fully prepared. It is ready for who little caffeine for those who deny caffeine florid of caffeine, one who disbelieved what do they deny? Whether it is a dough hate of us, or the heat of whatever, whether it is the hate of Allah subhanaw taala or belief in the messenger SallAllahu wasallam and following Him.
Those who disbelieve for them is a fire of *.
For them is a punishment of hellfire.
They will not be allowed to enter paradise.
And this is something that is very scary or ridicule caffeine.
We will listen to the recitation of these verses
To these
to these overarching
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tune for the lambda follow
What have you learned from these processes? You look at the description of hellfire that is given over here.
It says do Allah subhanaw taala is warning us,
warning us, describing it to us so that we strive to save ourselves from it. And what's the way of saving ourselves from the Hellfire
worship of Allah and following the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
What else have you learned from these verses?
That if we have any doubts in our hearts, then what should we do? We should strive to remove them because having a doubt is not something small. We learned earlier about your cane
or Bill Herati whom you can own yuckiness necessary Eman is necessary. And you're keen means there's not even a little bit of doubt. We have to remove all doubt.
You see what we learn over here is that little caffeine it has been already prepared for the disbelievers have chosen the Hellfire is actually present right now. Just as Jana is present right now Hellfire is also present right now.
And above the stones, Elijah, the stones It has been said these refers to the idols that the people used to worship, because they're also made out of stone, many of them the very idols that the people used to worship, they will be thrown into hellfire as well. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that inner con woman or buena Hausa will Johanna, you, and also that which you worship are the fuel of hellfire, interoute, Ambia and 98.
And some scholars have said that these stones it refers to cube read. It's a particular kind of stone, which is known as Black sulfur, and black sulfur. If you look at its properties, it is such that it catches fire quickly. It's highly flammable, it produces a foul smell, and it also produces a lot of smoke and also claims when it burns. It just gets stuck. So imagine this is the punishment of the Hereafter. For who those who deny those who don't believe. Why is it important to believe in the messenger SallAllahu wasallam?
What's the big deal? So what if a person doesn't believe in the messenger? If you don't believe in the messenger that means you don't believe in the Quran if you don't believe in the Quran, how are you gonna worship Allah? Because Allah said or Buddha come and we understood that Riba is a rite of Allah. He's the only one who deserves that's the purpose of our lives. So how do you get there? How do you do it through the messenger?
If you don't believe in the messenger, you don't believe in the Quran. If you don't do that, you will know how to worship Allah, you will not be worshipping Allah.
This is why it's important to believe in the messenger so a lot is
let's continue. Allah says Wahba, Shirin, Medina, Manu and give good news to those people who have believed but should bear sheen or Bashara. Bashara is good news. And it's from the word Bashar Bashar is used for human skin. The skin that you have this is Bashara bashing raw dermal Buddha at the end.
If you think what a human skin is very unique, it's very different from the skin of other creatures. Other creatures, either they have scales or they have fur or they have feathers or hair or something or the other. But human skin is very different. It's called Bashara and Bashara is good news. Why is Bashara called good news? Because when you receive good news, do you feel the excitement on your skin? Do you get goosebumps? Sometimes you do. Similarly your face gets lit up, you have a smile on your face. Sometimes people start blushing. There are different ways in which good news affects our skin. People get so excited. They roll up their sleeves and they keep moving their hands. This is
Bashara good news. So Bashir, who is the command being given to
the Prophet salallahu Salam, that oh Prophet give good news to who? To Alladhina amanu those people who have believed believed in what believed in all that is necessary to believe including Allah subhanaw taala, including the Quran, including the messenger SallAllahu wasallam. They believe in what is necessary to believe whatever Allah and His Messenger have informed us off. So those who believe but not just Iman, after Iman what is necessary? Why are middle slowly hurt and they also performed righteous deeds are Milou I named them I'm a deed action
deliberate action that a person does human beings do. And asylee had this deplore enough saleha we have done the word musli Hoon. Saad Lam Ha, what does Islam mean to set something right? And Salah is that which is right, that which is proper, that would just straight so slowly had good, right proper actions. What are proper actions what are good actions, those actions that are done with sincerity to Allah subhanaw taala with his loss only for the sake of Allah, meaning when a person is doing it, what does he want out of it, the pleasure of Allah and secondly, those actions which are done according to the way that the prophets Allah Allah has taught us what are the two conditions of
Amel Salah
is last and secondly sunnah to Rasul,
sincerity and conformity, sincerity for Allah conformity to the way taught by the Prophet sallallahu.
So, we're bullshitting Madina Munawwara Milla Salah had good good news to them what that another home, Jana that indeed for them our gymnasts Jannette plural of Jana
and Jana Jean new noon is used for a garden. But what kind of garden is it? Jana literally means to hide to cover from the same word is a word gin, our gin hidden from us.
Can you see gin? You cannot. Similarly the word Janine is also used for the fetus because it's hidden. It's hidden inside the womb of the mother. Jana is a garden. Why is it called Jana? Because the ground is fully covered, fully covered with what?
something or the other either a flower or a tree or grass something or the other. Meaning no part of that garden is barren. No part of that garden is empty. It's full of beauty. You understand what Jenna is? This is the literal meaning of the word Jana. Don't think the Jana is like a forest that oh my god, it's so dense. It's so dark inside. No. Danna is what a garden that is full that is lush no part of it is barren and empty. And technically what is Jana Jana is the home be a board that Allah has prepared for his righteous servants. And in Jannah is what no I have seen no ear has heard its description, meaning no person can imagine and it has not even past the heart of any human
being. But in no person can fully imagine fully comprehend. Fully visualize what is in Jannah. Allah subhanaw taala has given us some details with these only hints.
So another home Jana, for them or Jana? What kind of did not How did Allah describe it? That's it even tactical and how that God Jeem raw? Yeah, Jarrah Yejide to flow to run. Thank God it is flowing, what is flowing mentality underneath it and how rivers, rivers are flowing in paradise. It's a place of greenery, of beauty of rivers,
that is from the root letters that had that and that is that which is under that which is lower. Now what does it mean by this, that under it, rivers are flowing.
This has been understood in two ways. It doesn't mean that the rivers and the streams are underground because of their underground it's useless pointless, because you can't see it. If you can't see it, what good is it to you, okay, you can benefit from what is in the river, but you can't enjoy the beauty. This has been understood in two ways it first of all, underneath its trees, and underneath its palaces and castles and the dwellings of the people in general.
Just imagine trees and under it streams, rivers, castles, huge houses, and under them, rivers. Imagine a glass floor. And underneath you can see water flowing constantly. You know, it's amazing how they use water as art today or as decoration today. It's a major part of interior designing. Like for example, if you go to this hotel in Dubai, what they have is all water it's actually on water which a lot up and inside as well to have different types of fountains which when the waterfall that produces a particular kind of a sound, really you don't need to listen to any music over there. The sound of the water is so beautiful,
that even the hill and how that the hair meaning under the homes of the people of Jana, under the rivers and secondly, it has been understood as data aware immediately her under the command of its dwellers, meaning those who live in Jana, the rivers will be under their command. If they want the rivers to flow with speed, they will flow with speed. If they want the rivers to flow smoothly, gently, that will happen if they want the river to go sideways. It will happen if they want that river to not be there. It won't be there. If they want to river to be on the left side. It will be there. It's under there.
Absolutely under their control.
What is it? Sure, two things. First of all, the beauty of Jana, that how the people will enjoy the beauty, the delight of eyes by looking at Jana. And secondly, the power and authority and the sense of ownership that the people have generally given. Sometimes it happens that you go somewhere. You're like a guest over there. You want to change things, but can you but in general, you won't feel like a guest you will be treated like a guest in the sense that everything will be brought to you will be served 24/7 But there's no 24/7 There obviously, for eternity you will be served. And secondly, you also have authority, so that you remain tactical and how and how does the plural of
the word Nahor known how and not is used for a river as well as a stream and the rivers of Jannah are the only of water?
No, there are four types of rivers in Jannah that we learned from the Quran, Allah who are them there may be more interest Mohammed if 15 Allah subhanaw taala told us about the description of Jana that we have unhealed on in it our unhealed rivers. First of all, may man in lady asin from water that does not go bad. Secondly, are unhealed on min Lebanon lamea the layup farmer who and rivers of milk whose taste never changes. You might think a river of milk I don't know if I would want to drink it. That's Jenna no terms. No problem. No fear of disease, no fear of illness and besides the milk in Jana is milk of Jana. But how does Allah describe it? Who stays does not go bad? Does the
taste of milk matter? A lot? Have you ever tasted goat milk? It has a particular taste? Which is why even if somebody tells you have it, it's good for you you cannot have it because of the taste. Similarly, have you tried soy milk? Many people cannot have plain soy milk they have to have flavored soy milk because the plain one does not taste good. So if the taste is not good, you cannot have milk.
Thirdly, what unhearable mineral sellin Mustafa and rivers of honey that is clear, clear honey, golden honey, it's not cloudy
and forth. We're unhealed on min hum rain, leather Delicia ravine and rivers of Homer of wine that will be very delightful for those who drink it.
Obviously the wine of Jana is not such that it causes intoxication. That is harmful for people. No. It's good for people because obviously it's wine of gender.
So genetic tragedy when Danielle and how of this is a reward that Allah has prepared for those who believe and do righteous deeds. Calamari, Zuko, Calama every time every single time bro ZICO roseraie. Cough they are given provision minha from it, meaning every time they are given something to eat to drink, and notice Rosie who they're provided they don't have to go by themselves. They are provided and men have from it mean let us call the people of Jana will come from Jana it will not be imported from somewhere else, or the produce of Jana. The risk of Jana is from Jana Kula Maru ZICO. Minha means someone somanath In any fruit anything that they're given to eat Pato, they will say
have a lady This is that which Rosie economic cobbler we were provided before. Why will they say this? Allah says they will say this, because they will be given it meaning the fruit how muda Shabbiha? One that is resembling sheen Baja, what does that mean to resemble with a shabby, one that looks similar to the other one that resembles the other? So every time they're given something to eat, they will say, this is exactly what we were given before. Allah says no, it's not the same. It's something very different. Why will they say this? Because it's given to them while it resembles. Why is this so? Human beings fear trying new things. There are people who are very
excited about trying new things, but other people, I don't know what that is. I can't even tell what it is. Is it made of bread isn't made of rice is a made of meat. What is it? I'm not trying it? I'm not touching it. I remember once soy blocks when I saw it for the first time, I thought it was meat. I actually thought it was meat. I ate it. And I thought it was me. And I didn't want to have it because I thought it was dry. And it's not from a Muslim country. I wonder if it's halal. So when there's something new, you're uncomfortable trying it. Why else do you think if something is given to you, and you think it's very similar to what you've had already, and you open it, and you put it
in your mouth, and it's completely different? Doesn't it surprise you? So it says though, everything that will be given to them in Jannah will surprise them, but that surprise will come in a very comfortable way.
It will not disturb
them, they will think that they have enjoyed everything in Jannah but every time they try something, thinking that they have already had it, it will be completely different. So this is the variety that Allah subhanaw taala has placed in Jana the surprises the enjoyment that Allah has placed in Jana, but yet the people agenda will be comfortable, they will be at ease. You see what happens is that if you keep having the same thing over and over again, you get bored. But if you keep trying new things all the time, you get bored of that as well. You just want to have your comfort food your bagel with cream cheese, that's it, that's all you want. Sometimes you want to try all new things. So we see
that there is comfort in Jannah at the same time enjoyment. So people don't get bored, they don't get freaked out, they can enjoy while home fi has word and what the hara and on top of that they will have in Jannah as well Jamocha Hara as word spouses plural of the word xojo and who is owed one of a bear the word can be applied to husband as well as a wife to the spouses and Jana the men and women in Jana. How are they? What the Hora with the Hora for her rock for her What does that mean to be clean? With the Hora one that is made clean completely clean and pure. So, the people of Jannah how are they absolutely clean and pure in what sense? In two ways first of all, in the physical
sense that they will be free from any physical impurity. What are the physical impurities that we experienced in this dunya having the need to go to the washroom women demonstrate similarly as we are humans we eat we drink we use the washroom we sometimes smell we have bad bread, sometimes this is natural. But in Jannah, no such discomfort people will be free from physical impurities.
No person will smell Indian. No person will feel yucky and dirty and Gemma know what the huddle.
And secondly, how will the hotter in the intangible sense that completely clean and pure from jealousy, from hatred, from grudges, from dislike from aversion, you know, bad feelings, contempt, anger, no such feelings will be there in the near what happens, you love your spouse, but you get upset with them. Or they say something and you get hurt. And that hurt that grudge. You keep in your heart for years and years, and it affects your relationship. But in Jannah, all that feelings will be removed and nobody will hurt the other and be nobody will keep any grudge in the heart.
People look for such spouses and Lunia they want a person who is very nice, understanding good in their manners that they never hurt anybody. They respect me. That's what they want.
This is why people don't get married. I can't find the right person. There was once a man who went to a particular city and a lot of people had gathered up outside of particular house. So they're asking what's going on? Why are you here? They said, Oh, this house belongs to woman. And if you ever want to get married, you just go and tell her what you were looking for. And she will find a way for you. So he said oh nice that he went and he gave a very good description of the wife that he wanted. You know that she should have experienced well so that she knows how to live properly, but she should also have experienced poverty so that she is humble. She should be nice. She should be
obedient, like every description that he could imagine he gave it to her. She said okay, I'll pray for you Inshallah, that you get a wife in paradise
perfect spouses or were in Jannah.
In dunya, we are human beings. We will make mistakes. We love our husbands yet we will end up doing something that will probably annoy them. They love us. Probably we will do something that annoys them. I'm not saying go ahead, do whatever you want. don't respect your husband. No, I'm just saying this is dunya. If you ever get hurt, don't make it a big deal. Get over it move on. Because muta Hara is only were in paradise. So when a home fee has widened, Mahara won't feed her Holly Dune, and they will abide there in eternally Holly Dune, Florida of the word harlot and Holly this from the root letters ha I love that Hulu and Hulu this eternity. When something remains in its state.
unchanging, it never changes.
It remains in that state. It never ever changes. For example, the word Roger and Khaled is used for a person who is actually old, but there are no signs of aging on him. His hair is all black, no wrinkles on his face. He's actually 50 But he looks like as if he's 35. Right? People take a lot of pride in this so anyway, we'll call it this used for that. That despite aging despite a long time having gone by, there are no signs of aging. He still looks young, she still looks young. All right. So Holly Dune, they will be abiding eternally, forever and ever, meaning they will not die and they will not be taken out.
Out of Jana. They will never be told. You have to check out by 11am
No, they will never be told to leave the home fee her Holly dude. They will live in Jana happily ever after. Where's that? Only in Jana? Not in this dunya
This is a reward for who?
Alladhina amanu or Mila Salia had earlier we learned Allah tells us or Buddha rumba calm, worship your Lord. And then he tells us about the importance of belief in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the Quran, following the messenger. So the one who
worships Allah, the One who follows the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then for him as a great reward that Allah has prepared. And if you look at this reward, what is it? First of all, Jeannette spaciousness, vastness. The dream is tactile and how beauty delight pleasure of the eyes, beautiful scenes, as well as authority control, then, constant risk, constant enjoyment, constant pleasure that's full of surprises. But yet a person is comfortable at ease in Jannah
forever and ever eternity. This is what this is the reward that Allah has prepared for those who believe and do righteous deeds.
And with regards to eternity, we learn in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Allah will admit the people of paradise into Paradise, and the people of * into *. And then the announcer will call an announcement will be made. And it will be said that all inmates of paradise there is no death for you, and all inmates of *, there is no death for you. The people of Jannah remain in Jannah forever, and the people of * remain in * forever. We learn also In another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever enters Paradise will be blessed with the life of joy. He will never feel miserable, his clothes will never wear out and his youth will never
fade away. Not nothing will become old in Jannah. People wonder, aren't we going to get bored in general?
Have you heard that? People say that a lot. Eternity. I mean, aren't you going to get bored? Think about it.
If you take
children into a theme park, do they get bored of it?
Do they get bored of it? You leave them for an entire day. They will not get bored. You have to pull them out of what's that park Wonderland at 10pm. Because the park is closing and it's raining and it's freezing. They will not come you have to pull them out. literally drag them out.
People don't get bored of having fun. Jana is all about fun. Don't worry, there's plenty to enjoy. plenty to eat. plenty to talk about. Plenty to experience, plenty to see.
There are some places in this dunya which are so beautiful. You go there once you love it. And you keep thinking of going back over there. You'd never get bored of going there.
There are these parks in Alberta, Banff and Jasper. I don't know if you've ever been there. But they're so beautiful that I remember I went there once. And I went there so many times. But even today, if you asked me do you want to go? I would say yes.
I've been a number of times and every time you know there is a chance to go there I would go because it's so beautiful. You don't get tired of seeing the same things because it's huge. It's vast. It's amazing. Every single moment is beautiful. If you go stand by the beach and you're just looking at the waves rolling right before you one after the other. Would you get bored? No.
Every moment is joyful. Jana is about fun. Fun will never end in Jana. Exactly what you want. SR
Yes, yes, this is true, that there are some people who will be sent to hellfire first, why in order to take the punishment and then they will be admitted into Jannah what this hadith means what I quoted to you this now this hadith means is that when every person is at his final and eternal destination, then no death for him. Then eternity for him another he's told us that death will be brought in the form of a black RAM and it will be slaughtered. That's it go more debt eternity. Let's listen to the recitation. Well the sheer
folly Hannity.
ponder Oh to be moot
you could be in the most beautiful place but if you don't have company is it fun?
Look at the Rama Allah that in Jana is food as well as people, company
and especially those who are clean and pure. You don't feel uncomfortable being with them you know that they're not going to be judgmental, you know that they're not going to say anything that's going to be hurtful. People can relax in Jannah that's the place to relax. people strive to find that relaxation and peace and dunya Allah has not placed it in Donia where is it? In Jana? If you want to have that, what should you do? Busy yourself in
worshipping Allah or Buddha Allah make yourself a slave to Allah.
Am I even pay him he said, Harry boom in a rip the lady holy cola who were blueberry Cunniff see was shaytani that people they ran away from the Rick from slavery to the one that they were created for.
We have been created to be slaves to who? Allah subhanaw taala to worship Allah. But they ran away from it they avoided the worship of Allah. And when they avoided the worship of Allah when they ran away from him, then what happened? Well, Bulu been kidnapped, see was shaytani then they became slaves to their naps and the shaytaan.
If a person does not become a slave to Allah, he ends up being a slave to himself fulfilling his desires only, but it will never ever bring him satisfaction. He becomes a slave to shaitan will be being obedient to shaitan doing one thing wrong after the other, and that also never brings in peace and satisfaction. We might think that if we worship Allah, we are limited in our enjoyment, how can we ever be happy? The fact is a true happiness is gained by the worship of Allah alone, that is what brings you satisfaction. That is what brings you eternal happiness in this dunya and in the hereafter. So what's the way to success?
Worshiping Allah, being obedient to Allah, not being obedient to oneself or to the shaitan?
What did you learn exactly that we see how Hellfire is mentioned? And Jana is mentioned right after that, that where we should be afraid we should also have hope, where we should avoid those things which could lead us to hellfire. We should also do those things which will lead us to paradise. A person should remain between fear and hope. Anything else? Exactly. That if we want eternal fun, eternal enjoyment, then we should strive to get to Jana. What do you think prevents us from doing good things, wanting to have fun in this dunya. So either you have fun here and suffer forever. Or you discipline yourself over here so that you can have fun forever.
There's a quote that I read once, we must suffer one of two pains, either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Either we suffer now. And discipline ourselves and discipline doesn't mean that you suffer basically. Or we suffer in the hereafter. It's up to you Subhanak Allah whom will be humbucker Michel de la ilaha illa Anta Mustapha Luca when a to be like