Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 003A Review Al-Baqarah 1-5

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of learning and practicing a task for a person who is studying to make a thorough learning. They explain that the task is important for everyone, and that it is necessary for someone to practice every day until they become confident in their learning. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning in a classroom or by oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Saudi out out of Saudi him Kareem and my bad Pharaoh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, rubbish. Rocklea, Saudi wire Sidley Emery wash loler octet Emily Sani of Abu Kohli. Robina. Zina Ilma. What does this mean? What does it mean by Oh my lord, expand my chest?

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Open my heart to learn. What does he mean by that? Why is it important for our heart to be open for us to learn? Exactly. Just like if you want to put something into a bag, if you want to put something into a vessel, the mouth has to be open, right? If it's closed, if it's sealed, when you try to put something inside, what's going to happen? It's going to fall out. Just imagine there's a closed bottle and you're trying to pour water into it, what's going to happen? It's going to spill out, nothing is going to go in. So this is why it'll be shortly Saturday. where suddenly Emery what does that mean? make my task easy for me which task, this task of learning. So when you're making

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the software Sidley, only keep this in your mind and heart that oh my lord make this task easy for me, because it's possible that you've had a very difficult morning trying to get here. It's possible that you've had a very difficult time trying to memorize the lesson. It's quite possible that you were hungry because you didn't get a chance to have your breakfast. So we're silly Emery. Oh my lord make this task easy for me. Then we'll record data, Melissa, Annie, open the knot from my tongue. Why? So we're able to speak easily we're able to utter words pronounce words easily. Why is it important for a person who is studying to make this thorough? You can understand this on the part of

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a speaker for example, if I make this thorough, it's very relevant to me because I'm talking constantly right? But on the part of someone who is learning why is it necessary to say this? Because what are we learning over here? The Quran? What are we reciting over here the Quran. So if we don't read, if we don't pronounce properly, that it's going to become very difficult. And especially you have to do your lesson seven times, right? That's your homework. And if words don't flow easily out of your mouth, it could take hours for you to try to memorize your lesson. So every time you start memorizing you start studying, whether it's in a classroom or it's by yourself, don't

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forget to make the store it's very, very important. Up until today, whenever I start teaching, whenever I start doing anything that involves learning I make this thing for myself because I feel the need of it every single time and it really helps Allah subhanaw taala response did you do your homework? You had to memorize the translation how many times was it seven times now I'm going to listen to the translation from you who would like to do the translation of the first time go ahead

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and if you mean

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the Lika that I'll kita boo the book la not Reba any doubt fee in it. Who then guidance Lal Mata cool for those who adopt Aqua

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l livina. Those Hill get manana they believe Bill baby they the unseen what an up Nona up Mona your brain Allah they perfectly establish a solid the salah WA and MEMA from what is this can

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begin res rasa po now who we

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give resin to them to them your full color they spend in the path of Allah good Masha. What and Allah Vina those who helped me no no they believe me ma in what all they know was revealed Ilica to new Walmart and what all the law was revealed men from kundalika Before you work and been accurately in the hereafter home they they believe from

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Oh, like those Hyla upon who then guidance pin from robbing him there Lord, WA and hola Erica, those homes they are mostly home they are the successful good Mashallah. The successful ones

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