Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 18 – L185H

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of not considering profits or losses when making an offer to someone and not acknowledging the Prophet sallavi's teachings. The need for people to respond to the god's way they are called and not address them by name. The importance of respect for individuals, including being informed of who they are, and following strict laws and regulations to avoid negative consequences. The need to address past behavior and avoid negative consequences is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Letter Aloo Dora suli do not make your calling of the messenger by a nickel amongst yourselves guidara Ybarra leikam. Baradar, as the call of one of you to another, the word Dora means to call someone to invite someone. And it also means to address someone. And it also means there are as in supplication to the word Dora has several meanings. So do not make the DA of the messenger bainer come between you, like the dura of barley kambalda, like you call one another, this part of the ayah has been understood in several ways that, first of all, do not think that the DA of the messenger is like the DA of one of you for another that that there are that the profits or losses that it makes

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for you is just like a draw that another person makes for you.

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Your mother prays for you that Oh ALLAH forgive my daughter, well give guidance to my daughter, this is what a person is praying for you any other person. But another is that the profits are the lowest Adam is making the offer you it's very different,

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because the draw of the profits on a lot of them will be accepted.

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And that there are that the profits are a lot it sort of makes against a person even that is accepted. So in this is warning that do not consider that there are of the profits or about a sudden like the door of other people.

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Beware, lest he prays against you.

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And we see that there were many many companions for whom the profits or losses that have made them and those doors were accepted.

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Like for example, for analysis of the learn who the profits or loss centimeter are that he should be given a long life.

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And NSF the learner was one of the last companions to die.

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And we also see that there was a woman who suffered from a disease and she would have seizures, and she went in as the profits out of autism to make the offer her that she should not get those seizures. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that, you know, if you're patient, you're going to get reward. So she said that make the art and at least my Southern does not get exposed when I get these issues. So the profits or loss only draw for her, and it never happened again that her Saturday would be exposed whenever she would get that seizure. Similarly, we see that every day to learn the profits of a lot of centimetre offering, that is just be expanded and that he does not

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forget knowledge. He does not forget what he has learned.

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And we see that a blu ray lit I know he narrated so many hobbies, so many hobbies. How was that possible? Because he remembered whatever he had learned, he would not forget knowledge.

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For omotola download the profits all of a sudden made the right that he should accept Islam. And he accepted Islam. For even our vessels that are on him, he prayed that he should be given the understanding of the Quran and he was given understanding of the Quran. That although he was very, very young, but he had such good understanding of the Quran.

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There's so many many companions, for whom the Prophet sallallahu ala Madara, and those those were accepted.

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Similarly, we see that there were some people against whom the Prophet sallallahu Sallam prayed, and even those that were accepted.

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Like, for example, there was once a man who was eating from his left hand, and the Prophet told him to eat with his right hand, he said, I cannot eat with my right hand. So he said, may you never be able to eat with your right hand. And he was never able to eat with his right hand again, he could never lift up his hand to his mouth. And he would only be able to eat with his left hand because he refused to accept the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Similarly, we see that the people of Makkah, when they persecuted him when they opposed him, the profits are a lot of sudden made rotted Ola helped me with the seven years just as you helped us with the seven years. So the

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people of Makkah, they were struck by a drought, so that there are of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not like the DA of any other person. It's going to be accepted. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made the offer his oma as well.

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Because we might wonder, oh, but we were not there when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was there. So how could we get his there as he made the offer his own?

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Like for example, Allahumma Baddeley, Amati FIBA Korea, that Oh Allah bless my oma in the mornings. The Prophet, pray for the oma that give my oma Baraka in their mornings. And if you start taking advantage of your morning, believe me, you will accomplish so much work that you will be amazed.

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Many times as women we juggle between so many different things, isn't it? And finally,

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When we get time to sit down and study, our brains are fried, and we cannot concentrate, we're sleeping in the middle, we're dozing off in the middle, we cannot concentrate, even if we're trying to work. During the day, when we're not as tired. There's so many distractions, that children are coming up as well as coming up, we have to cook, you have to clean, you have to look after something, isn't it. But during early morning, if you wake up at that time, even if you spend two hours doing something, it is as though you are working for four hours, you will accomplish so much work. It's my personal experience that I'm telling you. Because recently, I was finding it very,

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very challenging to complete my study during the night. And I would sit down, start studying and I would be so exhausted, I would just lie down, put my head on the table, and I would sleep over there, and I want to come back from Russia and then wake me up. And I'd be freaking out that I have so much work to do. So how am I going to complete it. And during the day, obviously, it's very difficult with a kid and with, you know, cooking and managing the house. Although I've only one kid, I don't know how other people do their work. But this is what I figured out that when I study in the mornings, there's no one to disturb me. No one. There are no phone calls, no phone calls. You don't

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have to go anywhere. Nobody's calling you. Children are sleeping. Other people also perhaps sleeping. It's just you and your work and your mind is fresh, you're fully awake, and you can do so much work.

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You know, we just have this fear, what if I'm sleepy, this is from shavon. Tell yourself you're not sleepy, and you will be able to do your work, take a nap. When you go back home, take a nap for like half an hour, 45 minutes it will make so much difference.

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So the profits are those that have made the law and if he made the law, believe that it will be accepted. Don't consider the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam like that there are other people. It's very, very different.

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Secondly, this part of the is also understood as that do not consider the calling of the messenger, like the calling of one of you for another.

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What does it mean by that?

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That when the profits are a lot of someone calls you for something, don't consider that to be as somebody else calling you.

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Like, for example, if a friend calls you to do some work, what do you say to her? I'm busy right now, I'll come in two hours. Or if she says can you come and do this work for me? You say no, I'm busy. Sorry, I can't help you. You can do that right? But if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam called someone, can they say, No, I cannot do it. No, I'm not coming. No, a person cannot do that. Because the call of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the invitation of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not like the invitation of any other person.

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And this is so important that we must respond to the call of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that even if a person is praying, he's praying neflix Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam called him. He is supposed to break his knuffel Salah not further obviously. But which one?

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Where do we learn this from? From our Hadith in which a particular companion he was praying. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam called him and he did not come. The prophets Allah doesn't and went and sat in the masjid. And when he finished his letter, that Sahaba he came to the prophet SAW to listen, and he said, You call me but I was praying the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Have you not heard? That is the G Bula. He also da da da Colima, your ego. So he said, but I was praying. But he was told that no, when the profits are a lot of inequality, you're supposed to respond, especially when it's Netflix Allah. So this is how important it is.

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Similarly, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he made the public call that everyone has to go and participate in the Battle of the week, everyone was required to go, no one could stay behind unless he was granted permission.

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And those people who stayed behind without a genuine excuse, without a genuine reason what happened, they were boycotted for 50 days, 50 days, no one was allowed to talk to them. So this is a very serious matter, that if the prophets have a lot of system calls, we cannot delay. We cannot ignore, we cannot refuse.

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Now, okay, this was for this habit, what about us, the call of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to us is the command the instruction that He has given to us, the commands that He has given us, whatever he has told us to do, that if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has given a command, he has given an instruction, we cannot say, Oh, it's only so now. It's not in the Quran. Only the Prophet said that we don't really have to do it. No. It's not like another person telling you the profits or losses Adam is telling you. So for us, after his life, responding to

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His call means obedience to His commands and that is necessary for us.

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Thirdly, this is also understood as that do not make calling the messenger like the way you call one another.

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Meaning Do not call him do not address him the way you call each other.

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Like for example, when you call a friend of yours What will you say?

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You will take their name? Miriam, can you do this for me? sada Can you do this for me, isn't it so? But when the Sahaba were to address the prophets on alarmism, they were not allowed to address him by name. They could not say Mohammed. Nope. What would they say? Yasuda? Ma?

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This is a command that is from Allah subhanaw taala.

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They were not allowed to say Oh son of Abdullah. Oh, I will call him No. They were only allowed to say prophet of Allah or messenger of Allah, which is why we've seen so many Hadees How did the Sahaba refer to him? Well, messenger of Allah with so much respect. And we see that even in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala never addresses the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by name.

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by name you will never see Yeah, Muhammad. What will you see? Yeah, are you gonna be you? Yeah. Are you Muslim? Yeah. Are you helmet

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isn't it? So?

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These are the ways that you see, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is addressed in the Quran. But other prophets, we see that they're addressed directly. Like for example, yeah, Adam, isn't it? Yeah, zaccaria right. Yeah. Similarly, yeah, Ibrahim. So many prophets of Allah are addressed by name, but the prophets on a lot of them is never ever addressed by name.

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Why? out of honor, and the same is also for us, that we are not to call the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by name. This is why whenever his name is mentioned, we cannot say Mohammed said, No. We have to say, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even better instead of taking his name, what do we say? The prophets Allah is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam.

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We see that the Sahaba they were given this another instruction as well interpret her Judith is number two, that letter Pharaoh a sweater calm focus. Holton, do not raise your voices above the voice of the prophets. autoloaders Allen will act as your ruler who will slowly gradually develop and do not be loud to him in speech, like the loudness of some of you to others, that when you speak to one another, you're so Frank, isn't it, you are so casual. And when you speak to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you cannot speak to him in that way. And this teaches us an important lesson, that although this is in particular about the prophets of Allah center, but the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam was

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the leader, the teacher, wasn't he, the guide. And the same way, we should also be towards our leaders, towards those who are above us in authority towards those who respect us.

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Because sometimes we think, oh, what's the big deal? So what if they're a teacher, so what if they're above us in authority, they're still a person, what if I'm more righteous than them, and I know I have more knowledge than them, I know I recite better than them. This is what we think. But if someone has been given authority above us in any respect, it is our duty that we have to respect them.

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Because in our religion, respect is of immense importance. You will notice that in everything, in every aspect, respect is very, very important. So whenever we talk to the elderly, whenever we talk to those who are greater than us in any respect, we should have some proper etiquette, some proper words in the manner that we address them, in the tone that we speak to them, it should be respectful.

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So over here, there's a hover dressed that ladder geladeira suli, by knuckle kodra, about the comb variable,

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or the lemon law, who, in fact, a lot knows meaning certainly, he knows who and levena those people who get a saloon I mean, complete,

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who slip away, slip away from among you, hiding behind others. Allah knows which one of you slips away from his duty from fulfilling his work, taking shelter behind other people hiding behind things, meaning secretly, whoever slips away Allah subhanaw taala knows about him.

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Now this is in particular, in the context of the previous ayah in the previous ayah, what were we told

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that whenever we have made our commitment somewhere, we cannot just disappear. We have to take permission before leaving, isn't it? So we have a permission before leaving.

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But what happens? Sometimes people get a chance to leave even without taking permission. And how do they do that? By secretly slipping away?

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That all the teachers, for example, they're having a meeting, nobody's here. The staff is not watching. Let's just leave.

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Some people have the confidence to go against the rules before everybody. Unfortunately, they have the audacity to go against the rules before everybody. They don't feel any shame. And this is very, very bad. But other people what happens this slip away. Now at that time, what should a person remember? Okay, nobody's watching me But who is watching me? Allah is watching me.

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So when the messenger has called you to do something, don't consider that to be an ordinary call. It's something that you have to respond to. And if you slip away, remember that Allah is watching you.

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The word yet a settler Luna is from the root letter seen lamb lamb from the word, the seller.

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And the seller is horrid Sophia, meaning to secretly and quietly sneak out leave secretly and quietly.

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And we have done the word Salalah earlier, which is to draw something out. So yeah, the seller, Luna, they draw out meaning they leave quietly, secretly. But how do they leave leave either leave as is from the root of Islam? Well, then,

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and leave as is to take shelter behind someone or something, to take something as a barrier, to take something as a shield, that you're walking from behind something you're walking from behind someone so that you're not seeing

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you understand.

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Like, for example, the person takes a very secret route, the back door, that nobody will be able to see him, no one will be able to spot him. You know, when is that a person goes from the front door, everybody will see him. But if he goes through the back door, through the side door through the exit door, nobody will be able to see him.

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So Allah knows those people will slip away from you, taking shelter behind others,

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for the other levina, so he should be cautious, he should be fearful who alladhina you holophone and only those people who go against his command against us command, the command of Allah or the command of the messenger.

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Those people who go against the instructions that have been given, they should be afraid, they should be fearful and to see the home fitness on that some trial reaches them, that they're afflicted by some fitna. Oh you see by home or they're affected by or they're going Aleem a painful punishment. This fitna is some trial some difficulty in the dunya and Aleem is where in the hereafter.

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Now in this has severe warning, severe warning that if a person leaves without permission, a person leaves without permission, he does not care about the authorities, he does not care about taking permission, then he should fear that he will be struck by some fitna or he will be struck by that one and even the hereafter.

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Now primarily This is about to them.

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Because whenever there was something that they were required to do, they were supposed to be somewhere, what would they do? They would go behind someone, they would hide behind something, and they would sneak out of the machine, they would sneak out from the gathering.

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And when a person is doing this, what does he think he's so smart? He's so intelligent. Nobody caught him. He managed to escape. Nobody saw him. And we forget they're actually cameras.

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And okay, those cameras are being seen by people. They'll be checked later. But before that, who is watching us? Have

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you seen again, you've made this commitment with Allah? Who is your boss? Who are you accountable to Allah? whether other people find out or not, your matter is with your north.

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So at the end of the day, Who should we fear? Allah subhanaw taala Yes, the fear of people also motivates us. But the greatest thing that will motivate us is the fear of loss.

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So, we see that there is a severe warning in this ayah that if a person leaves without permission, he slips away, then he should fear that he will be struck by some fitna in this dunya or some punishment in the hereafter. jafra Seidel, he said that fitna over here means being overpowered by the wrongdoers. fitna over here means what being overpowered by the wrongdoer is that a person leaves and he's overcome by his enemy. He's defeated by his enemy. They have an upper hand on him

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Talking about this realistically, like, for example, if a person he leaves early, he says, Okay, forget about it. I'm going to miss half the class, I'm going to miss half the day. I'm going to miss half my work. I'll make up for it later. I'll just do it from home. I'm not going to take permission before leaving. He leaves and what happens? He gets stuck in traffic.

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Does it happen?

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Yes, people get stuck in traffic. Or, for example, they have an appointment. And when they get there, they realize it was actually tomorrow. It was actually yesterday. fitna, what a waste of time? What a waste of effort. What a waste of energy.

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Similarly, it's possible that a person, you know does not fulfill certain obligations. Like for example, the person knows he has to fast but he does not fast. Why? Because he wants to eat, and he eats. But what happens sometimes a person is struck by an illness, because of which he cannot eat even the favorite foods, isn't it? The food is right there before him, but he cannot enjoy it, he cannot eat it. He cannot even consume a morsel of that food. This is what fitna

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so never think that if we're avoiding some work, if we are staying back from fulfilling our obligations, we will be perfectly fine. Because ultimately who has authority over us, Allah soprano, Darla, he can change the circumstances, however he wants whenever he wants. So never think that we're being saved. By leaving our work. No, we're in fact inviting trouble.

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A person could fall ill, a person could get stuck in a very big problem. And these are consequences of our own shortcomings. This is why the prophets or latson was also told that he should seek forgiveness for those people who are leaving, because they might suffer. And those people who slip those people who leave without permission, definitely they will be struck by some harmful consequences for what they're doing.

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And we have learned early and salted and foul and number 25 that what the whole fitna can lead to so even a little further move in comparsa. If we know of someone who is not doing their duty, who is leaving early, who is coming in late, what is our duty? What is our job? What is our responsibility? If the teachers don't know the charges, don't know what is our responsibility, we must stop them. We must correct them. Because if we don't, then we could also suffer the consequences. What the effect not on legislation and Medina, Solomon comparsa. Fear the fitna. That's not just going to afflict those people who have done wrong among you in particular, no, it can also affect other people.

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So for our benefit for the benefit of others, we should also stop other people from doing such work from leaving their obligations.

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Then finally, Allah subhanaw taala says in early lahemaa, says somehow it will unquestionably do Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. He is the one who is the Malik, he is the owner. He is the Holic He is the Creator, and he is the one who deserves worship. And in Melilla He manifests somehow it will, whatever that is in the heavens and the earth? Who owns it, Allah who created it, Allah, Who servants are there, Allah servants

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are the RLM. In fact, he knows, when God comes before Pharaoh madora, it gives the meaning of certainty, that definitely, in fact, this is a fact this is for sure that Allah knows very, very well. What does he know, until early, whatever that you are upon? What does it mean by that, that Allah knows whatever you're upon, meaning whatever state you're in, whatever actions you're doing,

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whatever work you're doing, who knows about it, unless

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you see in this sort of so many commands have been given, so many commands have been given. And as believers, it is our responsibility that we must observe them, we must follow them.

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If we follow them, if we observe them, that is a means of perfecting the email. And if we don't observe them, that is a means of causing deficiency in our email.

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And then you see in the previous ayat how it is emphasized, that we cannot ignore the commands that Allah is giving. We cannot ignore the commands of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam misgiving

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and those people who don't care about them, what's going to happen? They're going to suffer consequences. lunia and the

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so after learning about all of these commands, where do we stand

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Do we stand? How much have we truly observed the comments? How much have we tried to understand and how much have we tried to implement, because remember that the level of each person is going to be different, one person is going to implement more, maybe another person implements more than him and other implements less than him.

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When it comes to implementation, the level of each person is different. And that depends on what that depends on the level of his obedience to align His Messenger, the more obedient a person is, the more he will implement.

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So whatever status a person has, whatever situation a person is in, how much ever he is obeying, and how much ever he is, disobeying, you understand how much ever he is obeying, and how much ever he is disobey, who knows about every single person, unless the parent

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or the Yala movement.

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So at the end of the day, Who should we fear when it comes to implementing these commands? Allah subhanaw taala. Because sometimes we implement some commands only when we are in front of some people.

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Isn't it?

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Right? Because we study this in class, and if I don't do it, other people are gonna say, why aren't you doing this? Therefore, when I go in front of them, I dress up in this way I do this, I don't talk about this stuff.

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But when I'm not with them, then I dress differently than I talk about different stuff. I behave differently. I don't really follow the rules. Who knows? Allah knows, he knows about each and every person or the arella momentum in a way yo yo Gerona, LA, and on the day that they will be returned to him, the day that the people will be returned to Allah subhanaw taala. When on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen for you in a beautiful home, then he will inform them be more armadyl with whatever they have done. Right now, whatever we do alone knows about it. On the day of judgment, he's going to inform us about the reality of our deeds. On the day of judgment, he's going

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to inform us about the reality of our deeds, to what level was our obedience?

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And how much could we really do? And how much did we really do?

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How much we could do and how much we did? Because this is a matter between us and Allah, isn't it?

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We might blame other people. They don't let us do it. They force me they don't let me but at the end of the day, it's a matter between you and Allah.

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So writer, he knows what you're doing and on the Day of Judgment, he will tell you about the reality of your deeds. How by giving you recompense, will law who be cliche in alim and Allah is Knowing of every single thing, meaning of all the deeds of the people have what they deserve of their sincerity, of their commitment, of their effort, of their sacrifice of their dedication. Allah knows about every single thing. This is why the recompense that he will give is going to be just

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we listen to the recitation of these items.

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Levine is that

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he can be you

An-Nur 58-64 Word Analysis and Tafsir 63-64

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