Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 15 – L143E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of avoiding people who ask for money and being positive and hopeful in life is emphasized. The negative impact of parenting children with poor health and lacked confidence is discussed, along with the need for moderation and giving back to others. The speakers emphasize the importance of valuing one's parents' faith and ability to serve God, and the need for people to respect and not take it too much for their own sake. The speakers also touch on the use of moderation in social media and the importance of not being too Irvingate.
AI: Transcript ©
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What a majority Londoner on home, and if you must turn away from them,

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dirty alumna from the ruthless I mean law from the word Arab

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and Arab all this to turn away from someone

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to avoid someone. So if you must turn away on home from them, who does them refer to those who are mentioned in the previous ayah.

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And who was that the corba, the miskeen.

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The Edna Sabine. So if you must turn away from them, meaning turn away from fulfilling their request,

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that you are unable to help them financially, you are unable to give them their health

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you are unable to give them their help, you are unable to fulfill their demand. Like for example, a miskeen comes and asks you for some money

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or even a Serbian a traveler is in your town, you should invite them in your house, but you are unable to do so.

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Or there's a close relative who need some financial assistance who wants time from you, but you are unable to give them their help?

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You understand? Because remember, over here we have been focusing on money. But the health of all of these people is not just money, it's other things as well, like time, okay. So if you have to turn away from them, it is our wild seeking

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mutton mercy, middle of beeker from your Lord, you have to turn away from them because you cannot afford to give them what they deserve right now. But at the same time you hope for mercy from Allah.

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What does this mercy refer to?

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You're hoping for mercy from Allah, that very soon, you will be financially able to help them.

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So Rama refers to good days. You are in WETA good days, like for example, right now you don't have money and you're wondering, okay, within a month, inshallah I should get my paycheck or within a month, inshallah I should get my allowance and I will have my money.

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And when I get that money, then inshallah I will be able to give donation over here, or I will be able to assist this person financially.

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But right now, when they're coming to ask you, your wallet is empty.

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Your pockets are empty.

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You don't have anything to give them.

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You have the bare minimum, do fulfill your need, how can you help them? So if you must turn away from them, then what should you do?

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First of all, you should be hoping for it. If the Lord urashima the middle of bigger, seeking mercy from your Lord that Juha that you expect it

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meaning you're hopeful that very soon you will have money and you will be able to help them

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for all, then you should say the home to them. Ola maiasaura a statement that is gentle.

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For now, what should you say to them? A very gentle statement. My students on the roof letters, yes in raw from the word user.

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And user is is an Mei su is one that is made easy.

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One that is made easy. So Allah my surah are words that are easy on a person that are easy for a person to listen to.

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Easy for a person to accept

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words that are pleasing to Him. words that don't hurt him. And they don't even disappoint him

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to understand words that don't hurt a person and they don't even disappoint a person.

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So in other words, very tactfully. Apologize. Don't say I'm sorry, I don't have anything to give you. I'm sorry, I'm hungry myself. How can I buy you lunch? No, don't be rude. Don't be offensive, don't hurt them be positive and say something that is not going to disappoint them. So, apologize gently,

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apologize in a very nice way or for instance, you could promise them at that time that inshallah I will send you this much money by the 15th of the next month, for instance.

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Or if you think that you will not be able to even when you get that money you will not be able to help them financially, then at least you can make at that time.

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Ola may soda alter reverse to making a door at that time.

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Like for example, a person may

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Say that Reza Khan Allahu Allah yakka. May Allah bless us and also you.

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May Allah give Baraka in our wealth. Instead of saying, I'm really sorry, you know, I myself, I'm going through very difficult times, I can't help you financially. My husband lost his job, we don't have much savings, we are going through a tough situation instead of giving them a long story, what should you say? May Allah give Baraka in our risk?

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So what do we learn in these ayat that there is a lot of emphasis on giving the hukou

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various people who are related to various people who are needy.

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However, there are times when a person is unable to give the other his help. Correct.

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It could be because of financial reasons.

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It could be because a person is extremely busy.

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Like, for example, you're doing this course right now.

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all morning, until afternoon, you're here. When you go home, you can barely spend time with your family. You can barely spend some time with your husband, do your homework, prepare for the next day, clean the house and holidays over on the weekends, you want some time to rest, you want some time to manage your own house. Now before you would have parties every other weekend, or every other month, and now you haven't invited your friends since a long time. It's possible, right? Think about it. It's possible you haven't spoken to someone in a long time. So when they demand their help when the demand there, right? Yes, currently, you're unable to give them their right because of the

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constraint that you're in. So Allah subhanaw taala teaches us the etiquette over here, how should you deal with the situation, you see how practical our readiness, how practical our readiness, we're not expected to be, you know, having a perfectly balanced life all the time.

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Because we're human beings, it's only realistic that you will have times when you lose your balance and you're trying your best but you're unable to give everyone their help. So Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us the etiquette over your house should you deal with that situation, that first of all,

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when you have to turn down their request, do so with a lot of tact. do so with gentle words.

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You can say something like inshallah,

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once in the long weekend comes or once I get the break, don't say once the course is over, because once the course is over inshallah, there is more things to do. Right? Life is constantly busy, but you can give them hope that inshallah you know once a long weekend comes, once we get the break in the winter holidays in the inner eadric then we will do such and such we will go here, you can always give them hope.

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You should not disappoint them. Okay, you should not say I'm so sorry. I'm too busy. Now, I don't have any time for you. Quran is more important, my religion is more important, is more important. Don't say things like that. Because if you say such things, people are going to get offended. And it's not even right to say such things. Because you should not disappoint the other person, say words that are gentle.

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we are also indirectly told over here that we should be hopeful for Allah's mercy,

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we should be hopeful for the mercy of almost a predator

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that if for example, a person is going through a financial difficulty,

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he should not consider himself to be extremely miserable, and make his children feel as if you know, we're so poor, and make his wife feel that oh, we have nothing left and forever will be in this misery. No, be hopeful. If you've lost your job today, you never know a lot may give you something much better tomorrow. Why do you have to keep thinking that you are poor, you will have nothing and you have to live in very limited means unless a provider What did we learn earlier? Well, Americana, a thought or a bigger Maha Lula. You cannot fence in the risk of loss.

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You cannot limit it. You cannot constrict it a lock and give you a lot. You have to be hopeful.

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You have to be positive. Don't think that if you have less today, you will never have anything tomorrow. No. Be positive. Because notice the word severe loss paralysis, it is a lot bigger than Juha

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in this is an indication that if now you don't have be hopeful that you will have something tomorrow

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because unfortunately many times people they think that you know if they have a limited income, they will always remain like that.

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And they make their life difficult. They make the life of their children difficult. They make the life of their spouse difficult.

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And if you're hoping for the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala you will not be ungrateful

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So, there are two very important things that we learned from here.

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How sometimes it happens, that relatives were abroad, who live in another country you were living in, in a western country.

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They expect that because you live in the West, you have dollars, you have a lot of money, you're very rich, you're very wealthy. And they expect that every time you come or every time somebody is coming, you should send whatever they want from here.

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Where's the fact is that today, you can buy almost anything from anywhere, isn't it? So it's amazing how sometimes people ask you for certain things and you go to their country in their own city, you will find the same stores, exact same stores.

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And perhaps the price is also the same.

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But they think because you earn in dollars, therefore you have more money.

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So when they make such demands from you, what should you say?

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What should you say? That you think money grows on trees over here? Now, don't say such statements. Say

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don't disappoint them. Don't be rude to them. Don't be harsh. Say, inshallah, if Allah will enable me, May Allah give Baraka in my risk,

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say something positive, give them hope. And in your heart, have this wish that Allah enabled me to help them

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give me the trophy to help them.

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Give me the trophy to give them these gifts as well. Because Allah can give you

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similarly, sometimes it happens that children, they keep demanding.

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They keep demanding one thing after the other. Every time the school year begins, every time they have to go back to school, they want to go to the mall, and get a new closet, right? They want to get a new wardrobe. They want to get a new set of clothes, they want new shoes. And their choices nowadays, obviously, are very, very expensive. Now at that time, should you tell your child really sorry, but you know, we don't have much income and we can't afford and make your child feel that we're so poor

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and ruin his confidence, shatter his confidence as well. No, don't say such things.

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You can tell him such as things like you know, I bought you a pair of shoes last year, you should make do with them for inshallah, a year and a half and then we will see when the next time comes or you can say something like, inshallah, when you will get good grades, that I will get you something. So give them hope be positive.

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Similarly, it happens that sometimes parents they demand from their son, that they should be sent on a vacation, and the son should bear all the expenses. Whereas the son is trying to save money to take his wife for Hajj.

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On one hand, is the demand of parents. And on the other hand is the right of the wife. Now what should the son do at this point?

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Should he deprive the wife from her health? Because it's her right that if her husband can afford they should go for Hajj. And if the parents just went last year, why should they go again this year? Many times it happens with people.

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And many times when boys are in this dilemma, they end up doing Zhan on one of the two parties. So what should a person do in this situation? Say gentle words to the parents. Talk to them, speak to them communicate with them that I have been saving inshallah I want to go for Hajj when I come back from Hajj inshallah, you will go next year if I can afford,

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say positive things. give them hope. Don't disappoint. Don't be rude.

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Because if you cannot give, at least you can give kind words. At least you can say good words.

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What did we read and sort of echo that our microphones were McFadden, Hiram and Sarah Catania tomorrow.

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That a good word guide speech and forgiveness are better than charity that is followed by injury.

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What are the general yada and do not make your hand mcglue Latin Illa or no clicker chained to your neck one that is chained to your neck maluna is from the room Petrus lane lamb lamb

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from the word the whole

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world. Okay. And the goal is to bind something to bind someone in chains. And what's the other word? rail and what does rail mean? hatred grudge.

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So what is the shackle and rail is hatred

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and mooloolah Marula one that has been shackled

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One that has been fettered.

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So don't make your hand chained, shackled, died, do what electronically cut to your neck. Imagine if the hand is tied to the neck.

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Rather, if a person is wearing handcuffs, and there's a collar around the neck, and the handcuffs are tied to the collar on the neck, is he able to move his hand freely? Is he know? Can he give easily? No. Can he take his wallet out? Can he know can he take some money out of the wallet and put it in the donation box? Know why? Because his hand is tied to the neck. So this is an expression which means to be close *, to be stingy to be negatively. So Allah subhanaw taala saying Don't be close *, do not withhold your hand completely from spending. Don't go to one extreme that you become extremely stingy that nothing comes out of you.

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And on the other hand, what are the results and do not extend it absolute from the Riveters vaccine and bus alpha is to stretch to extend expand. So, do not even extend your hand kolel bossley all of the extension meaning entirely.

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Like for example, if a person's hand is free, so what does he do? He goes on from one point extending it stretching it out spreading it everywhere, all around him. And this is an expression for spending extravagantly or spending beyond need spending excessively.

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So two extremes are mentioned over here.

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That first of all, do not be stingy. And secondly, do not be wasteful.

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Because if you go to any of these two extremes, what's going to happen further rather than you will become you will sit you will remain the Oregon route veterus offering that you will set as someone who is maluma one who is blameworthy one who is blamed and masura one who is destitute, Malone from the router's Lambo meme loan, which is to condemn someone to blame someone. So you will be maloom meaning if you are stingy, then what's going to happen? People will blame you, people will condemn you and people will no longer expect anything good from you.

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And on the other hand, if you are wasteful, then you will become massive. So maloom is when when a person is stingy. And when a person is wasteful, then he becomes muscle Masuda Zulu letters has involved from the word hustler. And hustler is regret.

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And it is to express regret over having done something that has caused loss to a person. Like for example, a person did not take their exam seriously, and they ended up failing it. So at the end, they have feelings of regret. What is that regret over doing something that caused loss to them? This is what has led us

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and Hazara also means to get tired and especially It is used for the tiring of the eyes. We learned so little milk somebody in bussola corradini en la la colossal horsey Anwar who has seen exhausted tired fatigue.

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So, you will become my soul, meaning you will become regretful, regretful over what over having spent everything and now having nothing with you.

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That if you have spent everything that you have, then you will become regretful as you will have nothing to fulfill your needs with if you give everything away, then how will you eat? What will you wear? What will you give to someone, you will not have anything left and at the end you will only have regrets. So what's the point of giving some sort of code that is going to make you regretful later. What's the point of doing that?

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There is no benefit except causing loss to oneself.

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And the word Masood has also been understood as someone who is destitute

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because Hazara is the tearing of the eyes regret and many times when a person is suffering from destitution, when a person is suffering from poverty than what happens. He keeps looking at other things. He keeps looking at the things that are all over around him, and that only makes him sad and depressed. So for tomorrow, the maluma masura you become regretful.

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So in this ayah we are told of the

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Best way to spend and what is that best way? The way of moderation. The way between stinginess and extravagance?

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, ma Allah, Monica de sada, the one who is Madrid, in his spending will not suffer from poverty. A person who is moderate, when he spends, he does not suffer from poverty. masala Monica sada.

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What do these is show to us? That we should be financially conscious.

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A Muslim, a believer is financially conscious. What does it mean by that? That he becomes stingy? No. Financially conscious means that you make sure you are giving enough. In South Africa, you have enough to fulfill your needs, you have enough to spend on your relatives.

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Because sometimes we see that money is just sitting sometimes isn't sitting like that. And it's possible that you could use that money to help a relative,

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you could use that money to help someone by their medication. But it's just sitting like that. Similarly, you could give that money in charity. Or you could use that money to buy something that will make your life easy. But sometimes we don't pay attention to the money that we have. And sometimes we just go on spending it without any account. So we should be conscious about our money. Because only when a person is conscious, then he can spend in moderation. And then he can earn a lot of reward through his money.

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He can give them Tada, he can help people he can fulfill his needs. And with every penny that he spends, he can gain reward.

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In other bucket indeed your Lord. Yeah, the sort of risk he extends provision for who Lima shadow for whoever that he was. Your Lord extends provision, meaning he provides he makes it abundant for the person whom He wills Where could it end he also restricts it yep, different little veterans of their law.

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And other

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other All of this means to decree to set to decide something to make a judgement.

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But remember that other eila and other law sometimes it gives a meaning have to be very restrictive, in doing something to be restrictive in doing something. It is an other Allah aioli, meaning he was very tight with his family in spending. He didn't spend openly he didn't spend easily but rather he spent very carefully he given measured and limited quantities.

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So bursts gives the meaning of increasing the risk giving in abundance. And other gives meaning of giving it in limited quantities, making it less constricted

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in the who indeed he can or he is ever meaning Allah is very bad. He with his servants. He is Chavira. He is aware and he is bustling on he is see why is this mentioned over here?

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If you think about it, this is in the hands of who else.

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If you want something who can give it to you only.

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If you say I don't want money. But if Allah has written it for you, you're going to get it anyway. If you say I want more, if Allah has not written for you, you're not going to get it.

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And sometimes it happens that you wish, I wish I had more money, and I would help all of these poor people.

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Similarly, a person wishes I wish I didn't have all this money, because then I would never go to the mall. I would never buy these things. They would never be a fit for me. I would be content with whatever I have. But what do we see that this is exclusively? The decision of Allah soprano Garner, and he knows his servants, he watches his servants and he knows what the servant deserves, At what time? in what situation and how much does he need.

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There is a Hadith, which is narrated by Ronnie that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that a loss of hunter says, verily from among my slaves is he whose faith cannot be rectified, except by being inflicted with poverty. His faith will not be rectified. Unless if he is afflicted with poverty.

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And where I do enrich him, if that person was given more money, it would surely corrupt him.

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Do you understand?

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There's some people if they're given more money, then that would affect their Amen.

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So Allah out of his

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Mercy does not give them more. He gives them in a limited quantity.

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On the other hand, verily from amongst my slaves is he whose faith cannot be rectified, except by wealth and affluence. And were I to deprive him, it would surely corrupt him. Some people, their natures other lives, if Allah does not give them money, if they don't have enough wealth, then what will happen? It will affect their faith, it will affect their email.

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So Allah out of his mercy gives them because Allah is fully aware of his servants. So there's a reason as to why you have what you have now. And why you don't have what you want? No.

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There's a reason behind

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the Hadees continues, that vary from amongst my slaves is he whose faith cannot be rectified except by disease and illness. And were I to make him healthy, it will surely correct.

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If that person was continuously healthy. If he did not suffer from that illness, it would corrupt his faith. So Allah out of his mercy has given that illness to that person so that he constantly turns to Allah,

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so that he constantly makes the right to Allah.

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Remember, we learned earlier, there's a reason behind everything that happens in life. But human beings, there are Jews, they're hasty.

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The headache continues, that verily from amongst my slaves is he who seeks worship by a certain act, meaning who wants to perform a certain act of worship. For example, a person wants to go for Hajj. And that's something that a person is bound on that he's made up his mind, I have to go for Hajj over example, a person thinks that the only way of serving the deen is doing one particular action. And if I cannot do that, that means I cannot serve the dean. But I prevent that from him.

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I don't let him do that. I prevent him from performing that action. So that self amazement does not enter his heart. So that he is not impressed by himself, he does not begin to love himself. So Allah out of his mercy sometimes does not give us the fee to do certain actions.

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So certainly, I run the affairs of my slaves, by my knowledge of what is in their hearts. And certainly I am the all nor the all aware.

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In the who canonbury by de hubiera basura.

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We listen to the recitation of

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sometimes it happens that a person wishes to give a lot in charity, but he's unable to. So you don't need to feel guilty, that I don't have enough. That's why I cannot give, give out of whatever you can afford. And Allah will reward you because of your near

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giving the heart of the relatives how I can connect, when we are siblings together and we grow up. And we all have different different stages in our life, same parents, but when they come into the practical life, some of them Allah, give them more into some Allah doesn't give a lot. And out of that, the parents, they want their children to help them and their wish list, their needs list never ends. And it hurts parents too, that one of their child is in difficult time and other has a lot and they're not help them. So this is one way to that we are hurting our parents.

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Remember that a good word is also sort of.

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So if you're asked to give a comment, then give sort of okay.

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We were just discussing like, when your parents get old, her grandmother lives with her. And she was just basically saying how she's always shy to ask her daughter to help her, even though she's old, and she knows she can take care of herself. And then she would come and be like, Well, why didn't you ask him? She said, I was too shy. And I know like with my grandmother, she's lived with us. And just the way that my mom's to take care of her, used to touch me so much that we don't have my mother used to respect her.

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I was lost for words.

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So we learned that sometimes when people are in need, they don't ask, she would never ask. And the way the memories together was like my mother could read her mind. Everything that she needed she would do before she even asked Yes, and my grandmother would be so humbled, like the fact that you're doing all this for me, is, and you see, when children are small, they can't speak, they cannot express what they want, but the mother, she knows what the child wants. The similarly children should also know what their parents want, especially when the parents have become old. So what we learned from this is that we should be very sensitive towards the needs of other people,

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whether they're your relatives, or they're not your relatives, open up your eyes, be sensitive. And look, how can you help someone.

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So yesterday, I went to go visit my friend who just had her appendix removed. So she went through surgery, and now she's resting. And when I went to go see her, she was so upset, like, I had my entire summer planned out, I was gonna do the summer courses and everything. But now for the entire summer. Then she realized herself that she told me that I remember before I had the surgery that I was facing really difficult situation. And I mean, lots of data loss pantalla bring me close to you bring me closer, but I didn't know what's gonna be through this. Then I told her how, no matter what means it is if Allah wishes to guide you, He will guide you. And then another thing is that when you

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see someone in this situation, go visit them and also give out to them because I mentioned how you can always come to my class and you know, see how it's like setting the car and give them kind words and don't go and see a sick person and tell them Oh, I'm so sorry for you. Don't ever do that, you know, if you see positive, that's how the other person walks up to you.

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So I come, I remember when I started this course, my intentions were to start this course before. I remember a friend of mine wants to start this course. And I'm like, you know what I think I should start to, but I applied to uni, and I applied to college. And then my marks really good. So they called me and they're like, you know, your marks are really good. Okay, so come for an interview. And then everything went great. And then I just kept making drive to LA because I was like, I want to learn Dean, but at the same time I wanted to university. So I just kept going back and forth. Like Should I do it? Should I not a mental hum do I like didn't accept me. And then I was so well,

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not that way. But

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now, and then I call my friend I'm like, I didn't get accepted, I don't know what's wrong, my marks are good. And then she's like, you know what, maybe Allah has a better plan for you. Exactly. And then I started that I'm like, I have to like can't be happier. In the who can have very by the embassy, he knows what you need, at what point

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hamdulillah as a Muslim is we have the culture of taking care of the old, older people, their grandparents, but it seems that's gone lost now. So you know, new generation, be very careful. Very careful. We saw our grandparents, our mothers and fathers taking care of them. But this will not continue if you don't continue. So

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now you will learn.

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It's an honor, it's a great opportunity that Allah gives to someone to look after their older parent or relative, because it's a means of entering into Ghana.

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Remember that your father is either the door to gender for you either lose it or secure it for yourself. So it's an opportunity that Allah gives to certain people, and we should take it positively. Don't take it as a burden. That now we have to take care of this old person in our own house and now we can't do whatever we want to. We have to accommodate them in everything we do. We have to cook a certain way, eat a certain way. Because of them, don't take it as a burden. This is Rama, Allah Hi, you never know that because of them. Allah is giving you the risk that you have. Maybe because of their their hours you're getting what you have. So be grateful.

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We should be able to differentiate between the need and the wants. Yes, we differentiate that then inshallah we'll be able to spend more on a related than our parents as well and cut down our wants and only stick to our needs. Yes.

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Because when a person does not adopt the way of moderation, that he just wants to fulfill his desire. And then he goes on doing that, at one point his guard has been swiped at one place or another person

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Another time at another place. This is the the money is being spread everywhere it was secure the wallet and now it's going around everywhere. But again, moderation. Don't be too stingy. Don't be extravagant, spend on your needs, and not on your desires.

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As long as you're thinking about the part where you have hope of unless mercy sometimes you see your sibling doing so much for your parents, and you want to do it too, but then you can't and sometimes you feel bad, and it still despairing or becoming ungrateful. You should hope and pray for Allah's mercy that maybe he'll give you the chance to do.

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Just thinking about how good times and bad times are both in the controller supernovas. And the day and night examples keep coming. You don't know the light of the day until you experience the darkness of the night.

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You don't know how sweet sugar is until you taste the salt.

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One of our chefs is telling us a story about parents how this son had his father was old age. And he kept him not even part of the house like in the shack. And like the father didn't say anything. But the son didn't care either. On one day, he saw his little son drawing a picture of the house. And he saw a house and then a little shack on the side. And he walked his son and said, Oh, what is this picture? He was Oh, when I have a house, you're gonna live here in the shack. That's when he felt like, you know, he's like, I wouldn't want to live in there. So he felt really bad how his own father lived in a shack and then he made his father move into the house.

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Many times, it happens that if you don't treat your parents, well, then how can you expect your children to treat you? Well? Think about it. If you don't respect your mother, now how can you expect your daughter to respect your mothering? How can you expect your daughter in law to respect you, when you shown your son only disrespect to your mother in law?

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Whatever you do, that is what you teach your children. And whatever you do comes back to you.

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I was thinking about the moderation in Islam. And usually when people think about Islamic extremists, you are going through all these things. And it's written here in the Quran and just speak generally to people do moderation and all that stuff. We as Muslims, we don't do all those things. If you go around and you see, like, especially the youth, if you see the youth and you see an old lady, she would be carrying something heavy. You see them just sitting there. And he asked him, Why didn't you help her? You see what she's struggling? And they'd go, Oh, she never asked. And we have to as Muslims, we have to see that needs of people. And when we see the needs of people,

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then we'll be humbled. And we'd be like, grateful for everything that we're having. And another thing I was saying was about parents. And like if you listen to the news nowadays, so many people, they mistreat their parents so much. I remember one story that was on the news. This son he had taken his mother and put her into the garage. And he didn't give her a blankie he didn't give her food. What he gave her was like a bowl of water and like really dry bread. And the whole winter she was in there until she died. And the neighbors next door said they smelled an odor coming from the garage every time they pass. So the police came over and they open the garage and they saw the

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mother dead. And they went in there knocked on the door and they saw the sun and they said oh, why did you do this to your mother? And he said, I don't know. I didn't want to take care of her. So then like all that treatment that we're getting. I have cousins who don't have their mother or father. They look at us and they say you guys are so lucky. You guys don't know what you guys have. And like when we have a blessing and we don't see it, that's when you're more grateful. So we have tokenized and

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we listened to the recitation of these items

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Al-Isra 23-35 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 28-30

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