Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 15 – L143F

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the negative impact of a "fe sooner or "imlach" concept on people's mental health and reputation, including the legal framework for abortion and the potential consequences of it. It also touches on the legal system for abortion, including payment and forgiveness, and the importance of fulfilling promises and avoiding criminal activity. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to follow the law and measure their own performance, avoiding wasting time, and fulfilling bankruptcy deadlines.
AI: Transcript ©
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Or the relationship has been over for him.

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Number 31

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what are the Cthulhu ola.com Kasha in luck? And do not kill your children for fear of poverty? Why?

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Because nanoco home, what can we provide them, and we also provide you

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and if you do kill them, then remember that in kotla home indeed they're killing can a filter and Kabila it is ever a great sin.

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Another command that allows Panther that gives us in which is a prohibition, prohibition of what killing your children let the Cthulhu oladipo.

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The people of Arabia, the machine, they would kill their children. How? By burying them alive, especially their daughters, not all of them. But remember, it was only certain tribes. And again, in those tribes, it wasn't everybody who did it, it was only some people who used to do it, that out of the fear of embarrassment, they would not want to raise a female child. So as soon as the woman would go into labor, they would have a pit ready, that if it's a girl, it's going straight into that pit. And if it's a boy, then he will be capped. So what does Allah say? let Dr. oladipo don't kill your children.

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And sometimes they would kill their children out of the fear of poverty, that we do not have enough, we will not have enough, because remember, life and desert was extremely difficult. Any day, a sandstorm could hit, and all of your animals could be dead, you would have nothing to eat for days, and and sometimes they would not find water.

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So live in the desert was difficult. And having another person to feed was a big burden sometimes. So Allah subhanaw taala says, out of this fear, do not kill your children, because you are not their provider, who is their provider, allies, their provider.

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The word in left that has been used for poverty in law comes from the real veterans meme lamp off.

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And imlach is not poverty itself. But it is actually fear of poverty. What is it? It's the fear of poverty. It's the fear that what if my food runs out? What if my lunch is not enough? What if my money is not enough?

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What if what I have runs out? This is what m lock is.

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So we see that M law has more to do with the state of the art than the quantity of the world

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isn't itself because of a person in his heart is content that even if he has a little bit, he will find it as a lot.

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But if in his heart, a person is not content, then no matter what he has, he will think that it is less, he will think that it is not sufficient.

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So let's walk through oletter composite imlach because nanoco will come we provide them and we also provide you you don't provide yourself, you don't provide your children in Oklahoma, indeed they're killing can a hippo is ever a sin that has Kabira That is great. Clip from Ruth address Harper Hamza. It is said that clip and hot both are the same. And some differentiate between the two that they say that clip is deliberate, it is intentional, that a person is aware and fully conscious of what he's doing. You know, sometimes it happens that you do something and after some time you realize you made a big mistake. But this is that a person deliberately makes that decision he makes

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a choice. He decides to do that. So killing your children deciding to abort your child. This is what a sin. That is cubby. That is great.

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We learned in Bukhari and Muslim that our dilemma was early he said that I asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam which sin is the worst. And he said to appoint rivals of Allah when he has created you

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and that you're under the law. He didn't wahala that you said rivals for a low while he is the one who has created you.

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Then I asked, then what then what's the next biggest crime? He said to kill your child, lest he should eat with you to kill your child out of the fear that he is going to share your food with you.

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If you think of it when a child is born for the first six months

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Do you have to buy food for the child?

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The nutrition? Is there the food is there, a loss of panatela provides, after six months when the child does begin to eat solids, again, how much do you have to cook for that child? How much do you have to prepare? Children only have a teaspoon of food of solids at one time initially, and then later on, gradually, it increases. And up to two, three years, literally, you can feed them out of your own food out of your own plate, you don't have to cook extra food for children.

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So if a person thinks that one My child is born, then he's going to share my food with me, I will not have enough, I will become hungry, then this is extremely gratitude, then this is extreme selfishness that you can't even spare a teaspoon. You can't even spare a little bit of food from your own plate. This is a big crime.

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Now in the days of ignorance, what would the people do, as I mentioned to you, they would especially kill their daughters as soon as they were born. And sometimes they would not just kill their daughters, but they would also abort the fetus. As a woman who was pregnant, they would abort the fetus, out of fear that when this child is born, whoever it is whether girl or boy, he is going to be one more mouths to feed one more person to look after. And that would be a great financial burden on us. So out of this fear of poverty, they would kill their children, sometimes before they were born, and sometimes after they were born.

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And in today's ignorance, people are doing the exact same thing out of fear that we will not be able to afford another child. If a woman finds out that she's expecting many times a couple decides on aborting the child.

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Whereas we see that aborting children, aborting a fetus is also a murder.

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This is also a cuddle.

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A person might say but it's a fetus. It's not yet a human being How can it be a murder? That creature does not even have a name. So how can it be a murder.

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But the fact is, that once the process of creation has begun, it is a human being.

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Once there is blood, it means that there is some kind of life in it. Once the rule has been blown, it is a human being.

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And we see that in the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. There were times when, for example, a woman accidentally she was hit by another inshallah mentioned you the incident. And when the fetus was killed, the blood money had to be given

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it was not born at that time the fetus was killed. So what do we see that the child that is in the womb is also a human being. And if we want the right to live, then we should also give the right to others to live.

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With regards to abortion, the scholars they have said that it is not permissible to abort pregnancy. at any stage. The majority the stronger opinion is that it is not permissible to abort a pregnancy at any stage. Unless if it is for a legitimate shery reason.

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Like for example, it poses a threat to the woman's health. If the pregnancy continues, the woman is going to die, the mother is going to become seriously she is incapable of carrying a child in her womb.

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So in such a case, for instance, it would be permissible, but remember that it's for a legitimate shadowy reason only and within very strict limits.

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It has been said that if the pregnancy isn't the first stage, which is the first 40 days,

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some scholars say that it is permissible to abort the pregnancy at that time. Why? Because there is no rule in the child that

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the rule comes when at 120 days.

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So some say that in the first stage of pregnancy, it is permissible to abort the pregnancy.

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However, even with regards to that other scholars have deferred. Why?

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Because what do we learn from the Quran? That Allah subhanaw taala had created the human being from Allah and Allah because what a blood clot. Tell me if there is blood in something, then what is it? Isn't it a creature isn't it? It's a creature. And once Allah has begun this process of creation, then how can you interfere and stop it

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How can you interfere and remove it, you cannot,

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you can prevent it from happening. But once it has begun, you don't have the authority to interfere.

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So, it is impermissible, it is not allowed to abort a pregnancy even in the first stage.

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Similarly, in the second and third stage of pregnancy, which is the state of Alaska and Moldova, which these terms you have learned.

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So, in the second and third 40 day periods of pregnancy, again, it is not permissible to abort a child to abort the fetus.

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Similarly, after the third stage, again, it is not permissible until the end of the pregnancy it is not permissible to abort the child.

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However, in the entire pregnancy, if there is a severe risk to the mother, then only it is permissible. And remember it is to the mother, not the fetus. Because sometimes they say, if the fetus has abnormalities, then just abort, eventually, it's going to die anyway, so, just abort it from now. But know, what is the reason what is a legitimate reason that the harm is caused to who to the mother.

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And if the fetus is aborted after four months of pregnancy, remember this, that if the fetus is aborted after four months of pregnancy, whether it is for a genuine reason or otherwise, what could be a genuine reason, like for example, the mother's health is at risk. If the child is not aborted, the mother is going to die.

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Or another reason why, for example, the parents realize we don't want to have this child, let's get rid of it.

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If a fetus is aborted after four months, then do things have to be done. And what is that, that first of all, the blood money has to be paid,

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the DHEA has to be paid.

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And secondly, expiation. cafaro must also be given.

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And what is the deal? What is the blood money?

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It is technically it is one slave, a male or a female slave. And if freeing a slave is not permissible, then camels have to be given the equivalent value of camels. And what is that five camels have to be given?

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Imagine, five camels have to be given if the child the fetus has been aborted after four months of pregnancy.

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And this is derived from a hadith which we learn from Sahib ohare, in which we see that I will readily learn who he said, the two women from the tribe of who they, they had to fight, and one of them threw a rock at the other. And she ended up killing her, she threw a rock at the other, and she ended up killing her. And that woman was expecting, and she died. And the fetus also died, the child also died in her room.

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So the people took this matter to the profits that allowed her son. And he made the decision that the deer for her fetus was a slave, a male or a female. And he ruled that the deer for the woman be paid by her by her relatives.

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So basically, from the Hadees, we learned that the deer of the child is how much of the fetus is how much one slave, and its equivalent is how much five camels.

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Now, this is something very serious. This is like committing murder.

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And inshallah you'll be shown a presentation in which it will be demonstrated to you will be explained to you How can abortion be murder.

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So, first of all, there has to be paid. And secondly cafaro also has to be given.

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Now there has to be paid by who and to who, before we go to the cafaro. Think about it, the blood money is given to who to the heirs of the doctor, right? And who gives the blood money, the cotton.

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So for example, if the mother herself, she took the medication, then who has to pay, she has to pay.

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If the doctor performed the abortion, then who has to pay the doctor, the doctor has to be

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the blood money. And he or she also has to give the kafala and who is going to be given to to the direct heirs of the fetus. And who is that the father or other relatives if he's not alive.

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Now, what's the kafala The cafaro is again freeing a slave. And if that is not possible, then fasting for two consecutive months, as we learned earlier, that if a person commits

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Murder, then what is the the fodder for that for kafala to either freeing the slave and if that's not possible than fasting for two consecutive months.

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Now, if the abortion takes place before four months of pregnancy, then what's the ruling? This was after four months, if it's before four months, then what's the rule?

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There's no dear, why there's no blood money. Because there was no rule. There was no soul.

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However, that action that was committed was still how long it was still forbidden.

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And therefore, a person needs to repent to Allah, a person needs to seek forgiveness, he needs to increase in his good deeds to make up for the crime that he did.

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Now, there are certain cases in which if a woman does become pregnant, having a child would be extremely difficult.

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Like, for example, if a woman is raped, and if she becomes pregnant, if she continues with that pregnancy, then having a child would be extremely traumatic for that woman. Because that child is going to continuously torture for the rest of her life

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is going to make her psychologically, emotionally imbalanced, perhaps.

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Similarly, it's possible that her entire life or reputation is completely gone. She's dishonored her family is affected. So because of this reason, scholars have said that if they decide that the abortion must be done, then it can only be done within the first 40 days. After the 40 days have been over, then it cannot be done.

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Because then the rule has been given, then that person that child is alive, and we do not have the authority to interfere to take their life away.

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And remember, that although the woman became pregnant because of a heroin relationship, yes, it wasn't her fault. She was raped, or in a case where it was in a and a woman became pregnant, then yes, although the fetus was through a haram relationship, still, it cannot be aborted. What's the evidence for that? Remember that incident when that woman came to the prophet SAW the Lord Islam the media woman, and she said, I've committed Zina carry out the punishment on me what was told that you go give birth then come back, it wasn't said that yes, will kill you and also this fetus. And then when she came back, what was you don't go nursery child then come back and then the punishment was

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performed. So, what do we learn that although the pregnancy has been established, because of a haram relationship, but still you cannot abort the child, and if it is necessary for the well being of the woman of the girl of the family, then it may be aborted, but within only the first 40 days,

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because then you are opting for the lesser of the two evils.

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Because remember that if a person has the choice of either one evil or the other evil, you have no other way out and what do you have to do you choose the lesser of the two evils you have to see okay, what is less in its severity, and what is more better for the person who is alive.

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Similarly, if, for example, the fetus is physically deformed,

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if the fetus is physically deformed, for example, scans have been taken ultrasound scans, and it has been established that the child has certain deformities, he is disabled, therefore, it would be extremely unhealthy for the woman to continue with that pregnancy. And even if the child is born, it would be very unlikely that he would survive, then what should a woman do? Should she abort the child and not continue with our pregnancy? No, she should not. Why? Because Allah is the Heimlich, Allah is the Creator. And he decided to create the child that way. And if he wishes, he can cure that child. If he wishes, he can complete the form of that child.

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Because Allah is a Holic, we're not the Hadith, it's ultimately in his hands. And if he has decreed that, then we should accept it. Because we never know what kind of blessing there may be, because of that child. What that child could possibly teach the parents could possibly teach the rest of the world. We have seen so many incidents where disabled children have been born. But they have done wonders they have accomplished so much, influencing so many people all over the world. I'm sure you've heard about children who have major disabilities, but they have written books. They have gone around the world, encouraging people, motivating them.

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I mentioned to you about this person who was born without any limbs. He doesn't have any arms.

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doesn't have any legs. And he is a Christian minister, motivating people. So just because a person is disabled, you don't have the right to take their life away. Allah made them that way. So we have to accept it.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says over here, lead up to a ladder.

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Do not kill your children out of fear of poverty. Now, the cases that I mentioned to you, they're very serious cases. Either person just thinks that you know, we are content with the number of children we have. And if I have another child, that would be a burden for me. I'm too busy right now. My husband is too busy I am studying right now I have become pregnant if I continue with this pregnancy is going to be very difficult. That is not in legitimate excuse.

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Similarly, sometimes people think that we just got married, and if my wife is pregnant now, then it's going to be very dangerous for our relationship. No, this is a gift from Allah subhanaw taala. And when Allah gives you a gift, you should take it happily, because you never know what kind of blessings there are in that gift for you.

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While at Aqaba, Xena and do not even approach Xena. Notice that hasn't been said, Don't commit Zina. what has been said, don't even go near Xena. Why?

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Because when a person goes near something, eventually he does it. Eventually he performs it.

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When you go near something, it becomes easier for you to do it. It becomes easier for you to tolerate it to accept it so that the horrible Xena

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and laptop Rosina don't even approach center meaning don't even do such preliminaries which lead a person to center like for example, looking at the other person eagerly, or making intimacy or anything like that which may eventually lead to the sexual relationship. So that Acropolis in I don't even go near it. Why should you not even go near it? Because in no can affair he shot and indeed it is an immorality. It is an indecent act,

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that two people, they're not taking the responsibility of one another. The man is not saying okay, if you become pregnant, I'm going to look after you. I will fulfill your needs. The woman is not saying that yes, I will also help you. No, there is no seriousness in the relationship. It's mere lust. It's the satisfaction of lust. This is why it's an immorality. It's extremely indecent

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was set as a beta. And it is an evil way. It's a very evil way to fulfill your desire. When Allah has provided you a natural way, a responsible way, then you should use that not the evil way.

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Even our best will that are in who said that the light of faith is removed from someone during fornication.

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When a person is doing Zina, then the light of faith leaves. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, a fornicator does not commit fornication while he is a believer. When a person commits such an action at that time is a man departs. Because this action contradicts a man it is against even if a person really believes in Allah. If a person believes in the Day of Judgment. If a person believes that Allah is watching me that the angels are recording everything, I will be questioned, he would never go near such a thing.

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While at the autoload nappsa and do not kill the soul Do not kill the person with soul allottee that which have Ramallah who whom Allah has forbidden

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Do not kill the soul, whose life Allah has forbidden to be taken away, whose life Allah has made sacred.

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Remember, the dream is to make something unlawful, and it is also to declare something sacred to declare something inviolable.

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So the life of Allah has made sacred in that except bellhawk with the right meaning only kill the person who is justified to be killed. And who is that? someone whom you're angry with? No, we learn from the Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the blood of a Muslim who bears witness to La ilaha illa Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not permissible to be shared, except in three cases, three cases and what are they that first of all, a soul for a soul? meaning in the case of the sauce,

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that if a person has killed another, he's a murder and the heirs of the murdered person wants to take revenge and their revenge that they want is that the murderer should also be killed, then in that case, that may be done. So the first cases of this false

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Secondly, it's the punishment for a person who is married and he performs adultery, which is a punishment of origin.

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Then thirdly, a person who leaves the religion and deserts the jamara meaning the apostate.

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So what are the three cases? The sauce, origin and apostasy.

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Anything else? Besides this is what it is not.

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Unless if it's some other punishment that we learn from the Quran and Sunnah

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woman cotulla and whoever is killed, Mazel lumen unjustly, whoever is killed with injustice, it wasn't fair to get him, his life was taken away out of injustice, forgot the gentleman then we have made Lee for his heir, who is the Wali of the person who has been killed? Who is his family, a friend, a guardian, a caretaker. So the worry of the Mk tool is the one who looks after his affairs when he has died. by for example, a man has been killed. His older brother now manages all of his financial affairs, he looks after his family. So who is the Wali of the mob to

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his older brother.

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Similarly, if a woman has been killed, after she has been killed, who looks after all of her affairs, her husband, for instance, to the husband, his or her wedding, so the Wali is the main person who makes decisions after the death of the Mk two. So it's the air because if you think of it, when a person dies, it's not just one person who inherits from him, isn't it so many people inherit from him. But there's always one person who makes the major decisions.

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So that is what the well he is the one who takes care of his affairs after he is passed away. So called the john oliver Lee, we have made for his one he soltana authority, meaning the right is with who now, for the air,

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he can decide what he wants to do with the cotton with the murder, the air has the choice, that if he wishes, he can take the sauce, he can have the cotton killed or if he wishes, he can take the blood money or if he wishes, he can just forgive. He has the Sultan, he has been given this choice by almost.

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And because he has been given this choice, what should he do? Follow us live. So he should not exceed Phil Utley in the county, you live from Israel. You see, the lead is primarily with regards to financial matters, but his office with other affairs as well.

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So follow us live he should not exceed for earthly in the killing,

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meaning the air should not exceed in killing the cottage.

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Why? Because Allah has given him the right.

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Now what could this be possibly

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that for instance, he takes a law in his hand. And he says that, Okay, this one man killed my wife. I want to kill this man and also his wife.

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This is what is love. His wife never did anything. It was this man. So you can only take revenge from him, not his wife.

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Similarly, another possibility of Israel could be that once the author has been killed, he goes in mutilates the body

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because he's very angry, he's very upset. He hates that person. So he goes and mutilates the body or he goes and brutally killed him. You see, there are different ways of killing people right? Now generally the sauces that the person should be beheaded. Now, one is that he should be beheaded within moments he should be finished. But the other is that you go and cut one limb after the other, you're going to torture him torture him until he dies. This is what is soft in cotton. This is not permissible. No matter how hurt you are, no matter how angry you are, you cannot torture another person to death no matter what they've done to you.

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But I used to feel.

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Similarly another possibility of committing His wrath is that a person says okay, we're not going to do causes. We're going to take the blood money. And what does he do? He takes a blood money. And he also goes in can say

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so Allah says fella use cotton. Why? Because what is that? We'll say yeah, I didn't say to Mr. Su assura. I have 40 and the retribution for an evil act is an evil one, just like it not more than that. We're in alfabeto

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For our cable the Muslim Arab crypto not more than that,

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in the who indeed he cannot he is Masuda one who is helped mon Sol from the root letters known sada

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who is being helped in the who has been understood in several ways. First of all, it refers to the Wali, the air, the prime air, that he is being helped by the law, the law is in his favor. So he should not abuse the law.

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When the Sharia allows him to make the choice between the sauce or blood money or forgiveness, then he should not commit Islam. Because if he commits His wrath, then what will happen? He will become divided. When the law is helping him, he should not abuse the law.

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Secondly, it has been said that in the who he, he refers to the mock to the person who has been killed, that he is being helped, how is he being helped, that the law is in his favor, that revenge will be taken, if he has been killed out of injustice.

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And we learn that the law is in his favor in the dunya, as well as the

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the first of affairs to be judged between people on the Day of Judgment are those involving the spilling of blood? Meaning murders. So the law is in his favor, whose favorite? Whose favorite, the makuu? The person who has been killed?

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And thirdly, inner who has also been understood as the artisan who has been killed with injustice, or who has been treated unjustly.

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For example, the person who committed the murder, what happens?

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The heirs of the McDowell, what do they do? They go and kill his entire family.

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Now, when his entire family has been killed, what's going to happen? The tables are going to turn the lawyer is going to be in the favor of toccata. They're going to be the favorite after murder No, not the murdered person. Why? Because now transgression has been committed against him.

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And if for example, the author is killed, his family has been killed, the blood money was also taken. A lot of injustice was done in his family.

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So he will be helped when on the Day of Judgment,

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because now injustice is being done against him. So what do we learn from this is

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that murder is something that is not permissible. There is no room for it in our religion.

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Only the law, the Sharia has the right to decide who is to be killed. We cannot take the lie in our hands. And if a person abuses the law, then what will happen? The law is going to go against him because he is being offensive. Now, he is committing injustice now.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:41

And with regards to murder, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said leser while you dunia in the law, he a woman cutely Muslim, if the entire world were to be destroyed, it would be of less importance to Allah than the killing of a believer. human life is extremely sacred, is very valuable. But unfortunately, today, people are killed as if they are objects that are lifeless. They don't have any feelings. They don't have any families that don't have any faith. They don't have any sense of belonging anything like that they're just killed, as if they're nothing, as if their life as objects, we see that human life has immense importance in our religion.

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If you look at it, the connection between all of these verses previously What did we learn that do not kill your children?

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Then what was mentioned,

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do not go near Xena and then what was mentioned do not commit murder. Because many times these crimes are interlinked. people commit Zina, but then what happens? It leads to murder or it leads to killing children. So many times these crimes are interlinked one leads to the other. This is why don't even go near these crimes because if you go near you're going to end up committing one after the other.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:27

While at the end do not even approach do not even go near. Melia Timi the wealth of the orphan,

00:34:28 --> 00:34:32

the orphan child, don't even go near his wealth

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in law except bility via arson in a manner that is best. Meaning only approach the wealth of the orphan, if you wish to take care of it. If you wish to preserve it, if you wish to invest it.

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If you approach it in order to use it, that is forbidden upon you.

00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

That is not correct on your part. Don't even go in

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Near, except for an accent reason, had that until Yabloko until he reaches his maturity, meaning until he becomes of age and he is able to manage as well himself

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will also be there at the end fulfill the covenant which covenant, any covenant, any promise that you have made, whether it is with Allah, or it is with the creatures with the people, with the creation, with Allah, what promises do people make that alive, you give me this, I will do such and such fulfill that promise.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:46

And part of the art with a lot is the obligations that he has imposed upon us. The obligations that Allah has imposed upon us, all of this is what our

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Obaidi overbear ethical, you fulfill your covenant meaning you do what you're responsible with, and I will do what I have promised you in return.

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And secondly, adultery refers to the promises that are made between people, the contracts that are made between people, so Oh forbid Earth, why? Because in an economist oola, indeed, the covenant is going to be questioned about any promise you make, you will be questioned about it, how will you be questioned about it? That did you fulfill it or not? Did you fulfill it or not? And if you did not fulfill it, why did you not fulfill it, you will be answerable for it.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:37

So in other words, Ofu will add why, because fulfilling it is necessary. So in this ayah, two things are mentioned.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:45

First of all, giving the rights of the orphans, preserving the wealth, and secondly, fulfilling promises.

00:36:46 --> 00:37:02

With regards to the rights of the orphans, we have read them in detail in certain NASA, for example, into the NASA number six, we learned with regard to their wealth that work with Alia Tana Hatter, Bella Monica for in an estimate humberston for the pharaoh la him and Walla

00:37:03 --> 00:37:11

Walla kulu. Her Israel often will be Darwin and Yakubu woman can have an alien fully a starfish woman kind of phenomenon failure.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:30

So we have done the details earlier. The second command that is mentioned over here is off fulfilling the promises of fulfillment. And as I mentioned to you, it includes two things, the promises that are made with a lot mean the obligations bestowed upon us. And secondly, promises that are made with people

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and promises that are made with people in the context it refers to the responsibility of guarding the orphans well,

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because it is mentioned right after what the wealth of the orphan

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so if you had made a promise with an orphan, that when he is a particular age, his money will be returned to him, or something will be given to him, then make sure you fulfill that promise. Similarly, promises that are made with other people, make sure you fulfill them. Why because you will be questioned about them. Earlier we learned that it

00:38:09 --> 00:38:38

could have been f6 to Monica Hussey, but on the Day of Judgment, we will be given our records. And we'll be told to read our records ourselves. So everything that you're doing, every promise that you make, you will be questioned about it. It'll be written, whether you fulfilled it or not. Whether you completed it or not, whether you fell short in something or not. So you will be questioned, therefore, be extra careful. Because a person who is not careful with regards to fulfilling his duties to others, who will be in great trouble on the Day of Judgment.

00:38:39 --> 00:39:23

We learned from say a Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he wants faster companions that Do you know who the bankrupt is? Do you know who the greatest bankrupt is? His companions replied, The bankrupt amongst us is the one who neither has money with him, nor any property. He doesn't have any money, he doesn't have any investments, nothing so he is bankrupt. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the real bankrupt of my oma would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with much of prayer of fasting and sadaqa. And he will find himself bankrupt on that day, as he will have exhausted the funds of his virtues. Because he abused other people he reviled them. He brought

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calumny against them. He accused them falsely or he spread false rumors amongst people. He unlawfully divided the wealth of others, he shared the blood of others, and he beat others he was physically abusive towards others. So his virtues would be credited to the account of those who suffered at his hands. his good deeds will be given to who, to those whom he caused harm to. And if his good deeds fall short to clear the account, their sins would be entered in his account and he would be thrown into hellfire. Such a person is the greatest bankrupt

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Who neither has any good deeds, nor does he have any mercy from Allah.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:14

What Oh full Kayla, and fulfill the measure, give it in full oh four from the roof veteris. wildfire,

00:40:15 --> 00:40:22

fulfill the measure. And remember, lk refers to the length or the volume of something

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that when you're giving something, by measuring it, make sure you measure it fully. When you're giving something according to its volume, then make sure you fill it up, you fill the cup, you don't reduce it at all, even a little bit.

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And this can be understood in tangible matters, as well as intangible matters, tangible physical, like for example, if a person is buying two yards from you, make sure you measure those two full yards intangible, like for example, if a person has asked you to be on duty for one hour, make sure you don't even skip one minute.

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Because if you skip one minute even that is not fulfilling the measure. It is not giving to the other what is due to him.

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So if for example, a person is working somewhere, if a person is studying somewhere, and he is expected to be at work at his desk in the class for a particular time, then what is his responsibility? He must fulfill that time. He must not leave in the middle, he must not come late. He must not leave early.

00:41:47 --> 00:42:19

Because if you think of it, two minutes here, five minutes there 10 minutes there, half an hour here. Eventually, it adds up to a lot, doesn't it? Think about it, if you spent five minutes out of class every single day, every single day, in five days, that's how much time how much time 25 minutes, approximately half an hour, in two weeks. That's how much one hour.

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And if you increase that, it adds up two days, it adds two weeks. Just imagine we are required to fulfill a certain time over here to fulfill certain tasks over here. And if we don't, we are falling short in our duty. That is injustice. Oh full Kayla fulfill the measure either are guilty when you give measure was you know, and you should wear xenu from the root letters. Well, they know don't confuse a while over here to be part of the word while over here is and, and xenu is what? from the root letters. While they know don't confuse this with the root letters of the word Xena, Xena is from z noon well, and this is from wildside.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:15

So, once you know and you should wear Bilkis Thor's with the balance, the start is from the root letters obscene pa and kiss is justice

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and the sauce is used for a scale balance something through which you seek justice.

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But remember that crystals is used for a very sensitive scale,

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a very sensitive scale, you know, sometimes you are trying to weigh something, and the scale is not really that accurate. Right? Forget, I just want to get an estimate. Right You can make do.

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But some scales are extremely sensitive, you put a tissue on it, and it'll tell you how much it weighs, you will put something very tiny on it. And it'll tell you how much it weighs. This is what Caspar says that when you are giving something by weight, make sure you use a scale that is very sensitive, that is the stars and the stars further should be Mr. Clean, it should be correct it should be even it should not be faulty,

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then that is meaningful, filling the cane and using a very sensitive loss it is hired on it is better, better in what way in your daily life. When you will be fair and just to one another, then you will trust one another. You will prosper in your business, in your work in your needs.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:53

What are some that we learn and best in result that we need from the route Arizona and what does that we mean interpretation but remember, it also means the actualization of an event when something occurs when something is executed when something is carried out.

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So over here that wheel does not mean interpretation but rather it means the ultimate and the end

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00:45:01 --> 00:45:24

So if you are fair, and just in your balance in your giving rights to one another in fulfilling your duties in giving, according to the cane in using a very sensitive scale, then what's going to happen? It's good for your life here. And it will also be good in your end result in the hereafter.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:32

So hi, Ron refers to better Indonesia and Senator Wheeler, where India?

00:45:33 --> 00:45:46

If you think of a generally, why do people skimp when giving the rights of other people when giving the hope of others? Why do they reduce the How could the other person think about it?

00:45:47 --> 00:46:13

They think that perhaps we will save a minute or two, perhaps we will save $1 or two. And we think that saving that dollar or two is better. But what does Allah say? That's not better for you. What is better for you is that you give the hack to the other because those who are just those who are fair, they will be successful in the Hereafter, not those who are unfair, not those who are biased, not those who deprive others.

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will be hamburger. Chateau La Ilaha. Illa. anta Luca wanted to be a Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Al-Isra 23-35 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 31-35

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