Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 11 – L111D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of speaking the truth and avoiding negative emotions when dealing with difficult situations. They emphasize the need for action and finding a way to study, as well as the importance of forgiveness and disciplined actions. The speakers stress the need for forgiveness and disciplining others' actions to avoid mistakes and avoid failure. They also emphasize the importance of not giving up hope and finding refuge in the Prophet's words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he forbade all the Muslims from talking to us. All Muslims were forbidden from talking to these three people. Out of all those who had remained behind for the battle, meaning these three people who had remained behind for that battle, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, nobody's talking to them.

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So we kept away from the people. There was a social boycott, and they change their attitude towards us. They acted like complete strangers, they change their behavior towards us. Just imagine you go, you're walking, nobody's smiling at you. nobody's looking at you. nobody's asking, How are you doing, and you meet people five times a day in the masjid, your own friends, your own relatives, your own believing brothers. They don't smile at you, they don't look at you. So their behavior change towards us, until the very land appeared strange to me, as if I did not know it. And we remained in that condition for 15 nights 50 nights, nobody spoke to us as the last parameter that

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has had either berkata la you will also be Mel robot. Well, Dr. Liu and fulsol home. As for my two companions, they remained in their houses with two companions, the two other Sahaba, who were amongst the three who stayed behind whose matter was different. What did they do, they remained in their houses, and they kept on weeping and weeping.

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But I was the youngest of them, and the firmest of them. So I would go out and attend the prayer along with the Muslims. And I would also roam the markets, but no one would talk to me. No one would talk to me, no one would say a word to me. This was the honesty of the Sahaba.

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I would come to Allah's Messenger and greet him when he was sitting in his gathering after the prayer. And I would wonder whether he even moved his lips in return of my greeting or not.

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Then I would offer my prayer near him. And look at him carefully. When I was busy with my prayer, he would turn his face towards me. But when I turned my face to him, he would turn his face away from me.

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When this boycott of the people continued for a long time, I walked until I scaled the wall of the garden of obata, who was my cousin, and the dearest person to me, a relative, and also one of his best friends. So I went there, and I jumped over the wall, into his garden, to speak to him.

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I offered my greeting to him by Allah, he did not return my greeting. He did not even say why they come with Salah. So I said, Oh bukata I beseech you by Allah, don't you know that I love aligners messenger. I am a sincere believer. He kept silent. I asked him again besieging him by Allah, but he remained silent again. I asked him again In the name of Allah, and he said, Allahu, Allahu, Allahu

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Allah and His Messenger, they know better. There upon my eyes floor with tears, and I returned and jumped over the wall. Just imagine you go to somebody's house and you ask them, and they don't give you an answer.

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Nobody is talking to you.

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We feel so lonely. If we haven't spoken to our friends for one day for two days, just imagine 50 days passed by without anyone speaking a word to them.

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When I was walking in the market of Medina, suddenly I saw that a man from a sham, who was a Christian, who had come to sell his grains and Medina, he was saying, who will lead me to carb, even Malik. So here is a foreigner, who comes and asks who can lead me to carbon malloc the people began to point me out for him until he came to me and handed me a letter from the king of Austin, who was the king of Assange, he was also a Christian, who ruled Russia.

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And he handed the letter to him because carbon relic he knew how to read and write, as I mentioned you He was also a famous board, he was known he was very well known.

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In that letter, the following was written that I'm about to proceed. I have been informed that your friend meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has treated you harshly. Anyhow, Allah does not make you live in a place where you feel inferior, and your right is lost. So join us and we will control you. Leave them just come to us. We'll make you happy. You will get everything that you want over here. What a carbon molecule.

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What would you do that okay, these people have left me. They don't consider to me as a brother anymore. Nobody has spoken to me. It wasn't really a big mistake. And I was truthful. I didn't lie. I was so honest. And I even had the intention to go so fine. Let me just leave them. Let me go.

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We have done so much in the past, they've forgotten everything I've done and look at how everybody's turning against me. They're making such a huge deal. But what did he do?

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He says, When I read it, I said to myself, this is also a sort of a test. I took that letter to the oven, and made a fire, burning it.

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He burnt. It was a royal letter. He didn't even keep it from memory. He didn't.

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The perhaps I will need it in the future. He just destroyed it. He burned it right away.

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140 out of 50 nights had passed. When 40 out of 50 nights have passed their game to me, a messenger of Allah His Messenger, meaning the prophets are allowed to send him send someone to him saying that allows messenger orders you to keep away from your wife. You have to keep away from your life. I said, should I divorce her? Or else? What should I do? What exactly do I have to do? Am I supposed to divorce her? Because generally what happens when a person leaves Islam, then his marriage does not remain anymore? So he's asking that what's going on? Do I have to divorce her or what else am I supposed to do? So he said, No, only keep away from her and do not mingle with her, meaning do not

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have any sexual contact with her.

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And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam sent the same message to my two fellows.

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So I said to my wife, go to your parents and remain with them until Allah gives his verdict in this matter. garb added the wife of Hillel.

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She came to us messenger and he said, Oh, Allah's Messenger Hillel, Romania is a helpless old man. He's an old man, and he has no servant to attend to him. Do you dislike that I should serve Him. In other narrations, we find that he had been weeping so much, that it would be difficult for him to even see. So he said, No, you can serve him, but he should not come near you. Meaning sexually he should not approach you. So she said by Allah. He has no desire for anything.

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He doesn't have any desire left. And he has never seized weeping since his case began until this day of his since 40 days, he has not stopped crying

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on that, some of my family members they said to me, will you also ask Allah's Messenger to permit your wife to serve you? Just as he permitted the wife of Hillel able to serve him? I said by Allah, I will not ask permission. Because I don't know what Allah messenger would say if I asked him to permit her to serve me when I'm a young man. Perhaps he would say no, I'm not going to ask him.

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We remained in that state for 10 more nights, until the period of 50 nights was completed. Starting from the time when Allah's Messenger prohibited the people from talking to us.

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When I had finished the fudger prayer, on the 50th morning, after the budget pray, and I was sitting on the roof of one of our houses. So after the budget break, he went and sat on one of the rooms. And I was sitting in the condition in which Allah has described in the Quran, that will Dr. La him and foster home and my very soul seem straightened to me. And even the earth seemed narrow to me. For all its spaciousness. I don't know where to go. All of a sudden, I heard the voice of a man who had ascended the mountain of seller calling with his loudest voice, or carb and Malik be happy.

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All of a sudden, why did he hear someone from the mountain seller? Somebody had ascended that mountain and What was he saying? Oh, carbon Malik. Be happy,

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aren't you?

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Sure something have some feelings. So he said, Oh carbon Malik be happy. I fell down in frustration before

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realizing that relief has come with his forgiveness for us. Allah messenger announced the acceptance of our repentance by a lot after the federal prayer. In other tradition, we find out the revelation had come in the night. And I'm Selma Revlon, who was with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when she found out she said, should we not inform these three companions immediately? He said, No. Because otherwise, everybody's going to be out. Everybody's going to be up and excited. So let's wait until the morning. So as soon as fudger prayer was performed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he announced the people and the people went out to congratulate us. Some bears of good news went to my two

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companions are Horace Mann came to me in haste, while a man from Assam came running and ascended the mountain and his voice was swifter than the horse. According to other traditions, we learned that Abu Bakar to learn who he ran to convey the good news to carbon Malik and an immortal dinar, who saw that he

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jumped on his horse. And he ran as well to get there before it will buckle. But what did he do? He went on top of the mountain, and he yelled out, so that he would be the Sabbath. He will be the first one to convey the news.

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And according to other narrations, we find out that it was a man from Assam, who came running and ascended the mountain and his voice was swifter than the horse. When the man whose voice I had heard, came to me conveying that good news, I took off my garments and dressed him with them, because that was the only thing that I had. And that was the only garment that I possessed on that day. Then I borrowed two garments, and I wore them and went to a loss messenger.

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The people started receiving me in batches, groups after groups congratulating me on Allah's acceptance of my repentance saying that we congratulate you on Allah acceptance of your repentance garbled the army further edit. When I entered the masjid, I saw a lot of messengers sitting in the masjid with the people around him. And tell her even Obaidullah, he came to me swiftly and he shook my hands and he congratulated me. And he said he was the only one who stood up and came and congratulate me I cannot forget this act of

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Sakaba Leonardo. He continued, that when I greeted Allah's Messenger, his face was bright with joy.

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It was radiant with happiness. And he said, Be happy, be happy with the best day you have ever seen since your mother gave birth to

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this is the best day of your life since the day that you were born. Why? Because this is the day when your Toba has been accepted. You know, I wonder sometimes, we commit so many mistakes, what he committed the same behind from an obligation. We do that so many times. But for him, it took 50 days for his silver to get accepted. And eventually he learned that instable was accepted. What about us? First of all, we never realize we've done something wrong. And on top of that we don't even know as to if our Toba has been accepted. So he is told this is the best day of your life. I said to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is this forgiveness from you, or from Allah?

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Is this forgiveness from you? Or is it from Allah? Because he knew that if the Prophet is happy and alive is not happy? That's not sufficient. He needed to make Allah happy with him.

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam replied, No, it is from Allah. Allah has accepted your abundance. And he said, whenever Allah's Messenger became happy, his face would shine as if it was a piece of the moon. And we all knew that characteristic of him. And because his face was shining, I knew that he was very happy with me.

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When I said before him, I said, O Allah's Messenger, because of the acceptance of my repentance, I will give up all of my wealth, I will give up everything that I own for the sake of Allah and His messenger. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, keep some of your wealth, as it will be better for you. I said, so I will keep only my share of labor with me, meaning only a certain type of wealth that I would keep only that. And I added or last messenger, Allah has saved me for telling the truth,

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because I spoke the truth. This is why Allah saved me. So it is part of my repentance. It is part of my Toba not to tell but the truth as long as I am alive, and carboline Arnone said that By Allah, I do not know of any Muslim. I do not know of any believer whom Allah has helped to tell the truth more than I say, I made a promise that I was never going to utter a lie again. And Allah helped me ever since I have mentioned the truth to Allah's Messenger, I have never even intended to utter a lie till today. And I hope that Allah will also save me from telling lies the rest of my life.

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So what do we learn from this incident? What do we learn from the story?

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There are various lessons that can be learned. But the most important lesson is, or of the most important lessons is that sometimes we take the matters of the very likely

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we have a very casual, a very non serious attitude towards the religion of Allah, towards the obligations that are imposed upon us. We become lazy. we procrastinate. We don't take it seriously at all.

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But we see that some instances of neglect they are so serious, they are so major, that no matter what a person has done before, no matter what he has done before, he will suffer consequences, no matter who he is, no matter

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what he's done before. So we need to take our reading seriously

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what Allah has imposed upon us, we do take it seriously. We cannot be lazy, we cannot procrastinate. We cannot take the deen lightly, we have to take it seriously. Another very important lesson that we learn is about speaking the truth. always speak the truth, even if it puts you to trouble temporarily. Generally, we think that if we lie, it'll get us out of the problem. And later on, we'll see. However, if a person lies, and temporarily he gets out of that problem, in the long run, it's harmful for him. If Garvin Malik, he also lied at this point, and just to please the Prophet sallallahu sallam, later on, what would happen alone would expose that lie, would that make the

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profit sort of notice and I'm happy with him or more upset with him more upset?

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And what about the Hereafter, where everything is going to be exposed. So always speak the truth, even if it goes against you.

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Similarly, we also learn from this incident, that we should never lie just to make our elders happy with us, just to make our elders pleased with us.

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Sometimes we lie to our parents, sometimes to our teachers, sometimes to our boss, somebody who's above us in any way in any respect, just to make them happy, just so that they don't say anything to us. But we learned that if a person lies, he will never be successful in making them happy.

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Temporarily, he might be, but in the long run, he will not be successful.

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What else do we learn from this incident?

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What have you learned?

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I have many lessons to share. But what have you learned, you also share what you have learned from this incident for yourself?

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We see that it took 50 days for their repentance to get accepted. What does this teach us?

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That if we have done something wrong, perhaps in the past, then what should we do? We should continue to seek forgiveness because we don't know if our repentance has been accepted even or not. We don't know. Nobody comes in tells us that here your elbow has been accepted. So stop seeking forgiveness now. No, we don't know. Therefore we need to keep seeking forgiveness.

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We see that these three companions. They were patient threw out those 50 days throughout the time of boycott. They didn't complain they didn't form a group. They didn't start a group against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam against the Muslims. They didn't go join the hypocrites nor did they go join outsiders, because they realize that success lies in admitting your mistake and being forgiven for that mistake. Not in refusing it in denying

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in turning hostile towards those who are disciplining us. And as believers, we should be there for other people that we learned that the Sahaba when they learn to have their forgiveness, they rent to them. They hasten to tell them to congratulate them.

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And we learn about the discipline of the Sahaba that how when they were told not to do something, they didn't do it. No matter how close they were. No matter how good friends they were. Even if nobody else was watching

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Abu Qatada who was his cousin and also his best friend. And Carvin Radek they were alone. Nobody else was there. But still, Abu Qatada did not respond to his questions did not speak to him.

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This was the discipline that whatever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has instructed, we have to follow even if nobody's watching.

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And whenever we seek forgiveness for the wrongs that we have done, we need to do it with utmost sincerity. Another very important lesson that we learned is that some matters of neglect. They are so serious, that for them giving punishment is necessary.

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giving some kind of punishment is necessary.

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And remember, this is not because of hate, or personal revenge.

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Like for example, if a student does something wrong, they're given a detention. Is it because the teacher has some personal grudge against him? Is it because of hate? Is it because of some personal revenge? No, it is out of love. It is out of sincerity out of well wishing. We learned that when carpet would rally he would be praying, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would look at him, wasn't it? So this shows that the Prophet loved him. He did have love for him in his heart. However, in order to teach these companions, and in order to make them realize the wrongs that they had done, and also to make that as a deterrent for other people, this punishment was necessary. This punishment was

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necessary for them as well as for the rest of the people.

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Generally, we see that there are two approaches when it comes to somebody who has made a major mistake. Even in parenting, even in teaching, there are two approaches. One is that you allow everything, you don't punish, you don't say anything. You let them do whatever they want to use, tell them, but that's it. And the other way is the other approaches are disciplining the other person, taking some steps against them to make sure that don't do the same mistake again. What is better for the person, the second approach, in which he is taught a lesson in which he is taught that he should never commit that crime again, he should never commit that mistake again. For

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example, if a child comes back from school with an exam that he has failed, because he never studied for it, with a report card, that is not good at all. Some parents, they're like, Okay, nevermind, it's your choice. I cannot force you. Maybe you're just not intelligent enough.

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However, other parents, they cannot tolerate that. How could you? Why did you not study and they will ground the child, he will not be allowed to go to his friends, he will not be allowed to go have fun, go on any kind of activities, and he will be made to stay at home and practice more and more for the next upcoming tests? Is it because the parents hate the child? No, it's because they want good for the child. So over here, when we learned that these companions, the Sahaba, were told to not speak them for 50 days, don't think that this is hatred. And this is being very rude and very harsh. This is not harshness, this is sincerity and love for them.

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Because this is necessary for disciplinary purposes.

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We also learn from this incident, that about the importance of making the right decision at the right time, and then taking action as well.

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Because carbon Malick, he had the intention to go, it wasn't that he didn't want to go. But it was just that he did not take action.

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Many times we plan, we make big plans, we'll do this, we'll do this, we'll do this. But we need to take action as well. Every day he would leave to get ready. But he would come back home without doing anything.

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Similarly, every morning we wake up thinking today I'm going to do this today, I'm going to do this today I'm going to do this. But we go to bed realizing that we didn't do any of those things that we had intended to do. Sometimes we're not given the trophy. Why? Because we don't have the firm intention. We make plans, but we don't act.

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We also learn from this incident about the terrible consequences of procrastination, of not doing things within the right time. What did he say?

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I'll go tomorrow.

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When they left, I'll catch up with them in a day or two. When they were gone. Still I will try to go. Procrastination only leads to failure. The more you delay something, the more difficult it becomes.

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And procrastination is actually one of the tools of shaitaan he defers us he delays us from doing things that are very important.

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We also learned that our wealth in our family, they're not everything, especially when it comes to situations where the dean needs us where every single person is needed for the DEA is needed for the work.

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We also learned from this incident that no matter how great the difficulty is, what should we do? We should turn to Allah. We should seek refuge in Him that they realized a lab manager Amina la de la la. There is no way out except to Allah. in difficult situations, people get turned off. They're like I don't have any hope left. I don't think a lot cares for me. I don't think he wants anything good from me. Don't think like this. Never think like this. realize that there is no refuge except with him.

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We also learn from this incident about what it truly means to love for Allah and hate for Allah. delight for Allah and to dislike for the sake of Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Man I have barilla he will abogado de la he will are upon Allah He will manner and Allah detrimental email. The one who loves for the sake of Allah hates for the sake of Allah gives for the sake of Allah. And also he withholds for the sake of Allah then such a person has completed his fate.

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If you look at it, the Sahaba when they were told, don't speak, they did not speak. And when they were told, okay, their doba has been accepted, they ran, loving for the sake of Allah, disliking for the sake of Allah.

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And we also learn that in times of difficulty, we should realize we should be able to differentiate between a friend and foe, who is really our friend and who is really our enemy.

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Generally in difficult situations, who do we consider to

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Be our friends, those people who sympathize with us, those people who say kind words to us, no matter what wrong we've done, those people who support us no matter what we've done. That is what we think our true friends are. But Carville, when Malik, when he received that letter from the king, have a son, did he consider that to be an opportunity? He considered that to be a test. And he burnt it.

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At the time of that difficulty, he realized my true friends are who the Prophet and the companions and my enemies Ooh, the non Muslims, this man who is calling me out of my religion,

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then we also learned from this incident that we should never lose hope. Never. No matter how long it takes, no matter how long it takes, it took 50 days. They they said, that's it. Let's get over it. Forget about it. There's no going back. Let me just leave. No, they didn't give up hope. Because they knew that there is no refuge except what

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if I turn away from Allah, if I turn away from the religion of Allah? Where would I go? Perhaps in Zuni, I will enjoy for some days, but eventually have to go into hereafter. For example, sometimes when people are going through difficulties, they will take their hijab off, they will start praying Salah isn't it? They will say yes, I've done a lot, they will stop making the law that my daughters are not accepted. No matter how much I pray, none of my prayers are accepted. I tried to do so much. But I cannot get anywhere

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50 days passed by nobody spoke to them, did they give up hope. They did not give up hope. Because they knew what they were doing was right. They were confident about that. That what they were doing was right. They had spoken the truth. They did not lie. It was their fault. And they were going to suffer the consequences of that.

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They knew what they were doing was right. Because of that they did not give up hope. And this is the kind of determination that we need as well. Sometimes we try to study and we say we spent so many hours, but still I cannot do it. Perhaps it's not meant for me, I should just give up, I should just leave the course to do something else. It's just not meant for me. Never think like that. Never give up. Never give up hope. They did not give up hope at all.

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Then we also learn from this incident about the importance of doing some armor as a part of repentance, doing something as a part of repentance. What did he do? Immediately, when that man came to him, he gave him his clothes. And when he went to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said I will give charity. And he made a promise that he was not going to lie again, ever.

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If you look at it, the wisdom behind boycotting, what was it so that they would realize their mistake. And if you think of it, if people were allowed to talk to them, and they continued with their talking and they're chatting with their friends and everything, then what would happen they wouldn't realize the seriousness of the wrongs that they had done. They would have forgotten about it, that the social boycott was not to humiliate them in the long run. It was that their Toba is accepted later on and Allah subhanaw taala raises a adonijah.

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And we also learned from this incident about the permissibility of congratulating someone when they achieve something good when they achieved something pleasant

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when forgiveness was revealed concerning them all so However, they went to congratulate them.

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So we see that, for them being distant from Allah and His messenger. It seems so unbearable. For these three companions. It was so unbearable, they were distant from Allah, they were distant from the Messenger of Allah, subtle bonus Allah, that nothing of this world seemed attractive to them. Nothing at all. Nothing could make them happy. No King's letter, no false excuses, no rebellion, no lies, nothing could please them. And this is something that we need to realize as well. That if we have Allah, if we have the friendship of Allah, then we have everything. And if we don't have that, then we have nothing. Because medical there is not for you. Meanwhile, even when honestly, you don't

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have any worries or any mislead except for last time.

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We listened to the recitation of desire

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and Venus

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aka z whoo fairy, Minh boom, boom.

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if you notice the names of

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another human mentioned,

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we think the web should mean that immediately as soon as we repent our repentance will be accepted

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and other humans immediately there should be, but we see that it took time or 50 days in the case of those companions, then why do we want that? Whenever we pray out loud should be granted immediately. Whatever we ask whenever we try, we should get the results immediately. It takes time.

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We listen to the recitation of desire

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At-Taubah 117-129 Word-Analysis and Tafseer 118

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