Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 07 – L076G

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of asking specific questions when dealing with sensitive situations and avoiding confusion and negative comments. They stress the need for people to be aware of what is important and relevant to them, as it goes against the mind of a person. The speakers also stress the importance of not asking irrelevant questions until they have learned what is important and relevant to them, and to avoid asking questions that make people feel embarrassed and sad. They also emphasize the importance of finding out why people should ask questions and not just trying to figure out what is important.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah, you alladhina amanu all you who have believed, let us align Ashiya in, do not ask about things, Intuit alikom which if they are shown to you, because they will distress you, you will become very sad. Let us Alou don't ask questions about what I share about those particular things I share is a plural of shape. Don't ask about those particular things. I mean, don't ask if they're helpful, or if they're wrong? Or if it's what I do? Or if it is not, why'd you don't ask such things about those particular things? If, if they are made known to you, the outcome, it's going to displace you. Meaning the answer is going to make you sad?

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Or you're going to find the answer disappointing? Why are you going to find it disappointing? Because the answer is against what you want it The answer is against what you wanted.

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And because of that, you become sad.

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Secondly, does it come? Why does it make you sad? Because once you have been told that, for example, yes, it's an obligation and you have to do this, then it will grieve you, it will cause you distress because now it has become an obligation upon you, or now it has become forbidden upon you. Now your life has become more difficult hardship would result from it.

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So don't ask about those things that if you're informed about them, they're going to make your life difficult.

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We're in a loop. And if you ask about it, when hanaa when universal Quran when the Quran is being revealed, meaning during the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, who you will be given the answer, meaning they will be made known to you which is why we see Yes, aluna ks aduna. All those FAQs were answered. So todella alpha lavorgna, Allah has pardoned about it. Allah has pardoned from it well over foreign haleem and allies forgiving and tolerant.

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What is the mean by this alpha level?

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This is understood in several ways. First of all, it is said that I'm here it It refers to that which has already happened.

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Meaning the unnecessary questions that the Sahaba did ask the prophets or other medicine about the answers to which did upset them. So our full level or under, meaning whatever has already happened, Allah has forgiven you for it. Now don't repeat the same behavior. Again, don't ask unnecessary questions again.

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Secondly, had it refers to those things about which questioning is useless there is no benefit. Those things about which Allah subhanaw taala has adopted silence, meaning Allah has not mentioned anything concerning them. So are from Lahore unhealth? What does this app refer to? Is our phone is all those things about which Allah has adopted silence? My second Darren, who, for who are often,

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like there's some things clearly highlight some things clearly hard on other things, you're not sure they're doubtful. So what do they fall in, in the category of one?

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And if someone is trying to find a solution to it now? Is he going to be able to find it? No, there's always going to be a difference of opinion.

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Why? Because the Quran is are being revealed now. The prophets are allowed Islam is not there anymore now.

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So when these issues come up, don't ask such questions. Don't ask such questions. Will over foreign haleem and allies forgiving and he's ultra tolerant? What do we learn from this? First of all, we learn that asking questions about those things, which a person is not mocha left with, what does mocha left me? What is mocha left me that a person is not obligated with that a person is not responsible for. So if a person asks questions about such things about such matters, then asking such questions, it goes against email. Because Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you already know.

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So if you ask such questions, which have nothing to do with you, then what is it going to do? It's going to go against your email.

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For example, the person asking or Mervyn's Hello Hello, mermaids. Are they halal or haram? Have you seen him? know people ask such questions if actually you go in Assam cuba.com you will find this question over there.

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So, similarly people ask is the buraq halal or haram? What is

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the creature on which the profits are the loudest and I went for marriage? So asking questions that a person has nothing to do with this is not a sign of intelligence.

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This is not a sign of being interested in the deen and being inquisitive No, it's a sign of the weakness of a person's email.

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Then we also learn from this idea about the prohibition of asking on necessary questions, asking questions about unnecessary matters. So first of all, we learned that asking such questions What does it do? It goes against the mind of a person. Secondly, what do we learn that such questions? They're forbidden, meaning we must not ask them.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the worst criminal among the Muslims is He who asks even matter is unlawful or not. And it becomes unlawful because of his asking about it.

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The worst criminal is He who asks if something is halal or haram, if something is unlawful or not. And because of his asking, it becomes Haram. And as a result of that, if anybody does it, they will be acquiring since we learned that a man, once he came to the prophet SAW a lot of cinnamon, he asked, where's my father?

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He has died. Where is he? and his father died is a mushrik. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in the fire, why? Because he died as a mystic. So asking such questions, the answers of which are going to make you sad, don't ask them don't, because they're only going to make you sad. What is the benefit of asking such questions? What there is no benefit whatsoever?

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Similarly, arguably, Darren, who said that when this I was revealed, when in that era NASA govt when a star in a subida that had the houses a duty that mankind owes to a lot those who can bear the journey. Some people asked Allah's Messenger, is it required every year? Do we have to perform Hajj every year? And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did not answer them. They again asked Is it required every year he still did not answer. So they asked Is it every year? He said no. Had I said it? Yes. It would have become obligated? He said and I said yes, it would have become mandatory.

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So sometimes what happens? We ask about something. Like for example, if you're asking about crocodile meat. Now, perhaps if you were in Africa or a country where there's a lot of crocodiles then Okay, there's something relevant to you. But you're living in this country? Is it even relevant? You know? And if you're asking, and the scholar or the Mufti, he says, No, there are hot on that, in that case, you're getting a fatwa that gives a very, that it's hard on where somebody says a talent.

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Now, in that case, it's not relevant to you and you're making life difficult for who, for those people, on whom the situation does apply.

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So some matters, Allah subhanaw taala has not clearly mentioned them, Why are for love? Allah has pardon them. Allah has left them as they are, and what is our responsibility, then we should also leave them as they are.

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We should also leave them as they are, this is our responsibility.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, leave me as I have left you, those people before you were destroyed because of many questions and disputing what their profits, people before you were destroyed. Why? Because they asked too many questions. And they disputed with their profits, just like today, what do people do? They will ask a question from a scholar from a P. And that scholar will give them their opinion. And they will disagree with them, and they will dispute with them until they get the answer that they want from them.

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So the profits are a lot of students that leave me as I have left you those people before you were destroyed. They were destroyed. Why? Because of many questions and disputing with their profits.

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And as I've been medic narrative that once the people were questioning the profits that allowed him so much until they made him angry,

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and to the profits of a lot of them became visibly angry.

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Now doesn't mean that asking questions is wrong. No. Asking questions is actually half of knowledge. This is what it is said that asking questions is actually half of knowledge. But a person should only ask those questions which are relevant. Those questions which are good, which are relevant. If something is irrelevant, don't ask about it. Don't just exercise your brain that Okay, what about this animal? What about that creature? And what about that one? What about this one? No. I mean, are there less animals that are Helen that you have to ask about every single thing, ie those that are in front of you and then worry about those that you have never seen in your life?

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So, asking questions, in general, it is not something that is you can say dislike but asking irrelevant questions is something that is disliked.

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When you see sometimes a person he asks questions which are completely irrelevant, and as a result, he himself

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Come set.

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Like for example, there is a woman, she gets married to a man and the man was married before. Let's say he got divorced. This woman is always asking him. Okay, how much did you give to your first wife? Where did you go with her? Did she drive your car? Where'd you go for the honeymoon? now asking these questions, is it going to make you sad? Is it going to make you happy? It's gonna make you very sad all the time. If you find out that he was more rich at that time, and therefore he gave a lot of money to her. And now he doesn't have that much money because of the divorce. He had to give her a lot possible, right? And now he's not giving you much. How are you going to feel? Sad?

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Why are you asking these questions that are irrelevant? That chapter of his life is over. It's gone. It's finished. You are his wife. Now. Sometimes they ask, do you still love her? Now, the heart is the heart. I mean, it's possible he still loves it. What can you do about it, you can't do anything about it. So asking questions that are irrelevant. They make a person sad. They make a person upset.

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Similarly, a person goes to somebody's house, and they bring some meat. And you're like, Okay, I wonder where they got this means? So you keep asking, keep asking until eventually find out where which which are they got their meat from, to make sure that it wasn't machine slaughter to make sure it was and slaughtered. So don't ask such questions. Because let's say you're of the opinion that hand slaughter is only permissible. Now there is a Muslim, he goes to the mustard. You know, his righteousness. And he believes that machine slaughter for example is okay. And he brings you meat, you go to his house, there is meat in every food. When you ask them, where do you get your meat

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from? They said this particular story like oh, that's machine slaughtered. This has chicken that has beef that has meat, I can't eat anything?

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Is it going to improve your relations or not?

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It's not going to improve your relations at all. It's going to make you sad, it's going to make the other person said, Don't ask questions that are irrelevant. If a Muslim who is known for his piety and righteousness. If he is offering you something, then take it, then take it trust him.

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Now, if you go to a person who you know is not that religious, you know that he doesn't even say solder, then that gives you have the right to ask. But if you're going to a Muslim, and everything is fine. Why are you asking? Don't be so inquisitive. And in fact, remember, even then you shouldn't ask because the Sahaba who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asking that these new Muslims and we don't know if they started correctly, what did he say? To say Bismillah? Don't ask them, because it's rude if you ask them.

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So asking such questions, sometimes it creates difficulty.

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We also learn from this idea that some commands or the dean may upset and grieve a person some commands, they may upset, angry with person. Why? Because of their difficulty, they may be difficult,

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or because of the change that a person has to bring in his lifestyle.

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For example, some people they have no concept of reading ingredients, checking the ingredients. But now after learning about the importance of having heard on food, it's going to make life a bit difficult for you. That every time we're going to go pick a product, you're going to have to check the ingredients and you're not just gonna have to check you're gonna have to research you're gonna have to ask around. So yes, there are some commands that make life difficult for a person

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when you wear the hijab, it does make it difficult for you.

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There is difficulty when you put the niqab on it is difficult. Yes, there is difficulty but then how do you expect rewarded the

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um, hirsutum under the whole agenda, you think you will just get enter general like that? Where is the test that this life is all about tests?

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We also don't from this ayah, but there are some matters in the deen with regards to which Allah has adopted silence. Why, in order to deskless. So what should our behavior we also have been silent in these matters.

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Because if it was something really important for us to know, very necessary, a lot of penalty would have informed us.

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Just imagine if, for instance, the matter of reptiles or amphibians, let's say if it was clearly mentioned, we know that most of these animals are endangered today.

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Like, for example, polar bears, marine turtles, aren't the endangered Of course they are

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whales, some animals are endangered. Now, if we were told there, hello, they wouldn't be here today. They wouldn't be here today. If we were told their home clearly, then it would make life difficult for some people for whom perhaps eating them would be a necessity in some situations. So when a loss of final data has remained silent concerning some things, our behavior should also be off remaining silent.

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We also don't want this either whatever question was asked

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The time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was answered. And now if you ask about them, no matter how much you try, you're not going to find the answer. So, why waste your time focus on that, which is more important,

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we also learn from this ayah that to acquire knowledge, patience is required. Patience is required. Because as a habit, what were they told that if you ask now you will be given the answer.

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And sometimes even before you question, the answer is given. So what is required? submit that all the accounts are not given on day one. You learn them gradually. So take them gradually as well.

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So, for example, when people come to me asking your hijab about niqab, why did you bad? I don't say yes, it's why the board's not watching. I don't say that. Why? Because if a lie is captured in sort of the note in total, we should also keep it there. If he didn't put it into the Baccarat, don't ask me about it now. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has given the command gradually, because we are like that we cannot accept all the commands on day one.

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We cannot change ourselves 180 degrees just on day one, we cannot do that. It takes time for us to change, therefore have suffered when it comes to gaining knowledge.

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For the Salah have come home in public and people ask such questions before you who, like the bunny is for you. Remember the story of the cow? There are so many questions. So milesweb will be had caffeine and then they became of caffeine.

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Meaning How? By not acting upon what, what they were commanded. So they asked questions about those matters which were irrelevant to them. And when they were given the answers that complicated the life for them, and as a result, what did they do? They left the commendable law?

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What do we learn about the bacara? That there are so many questions, what type of color should it be? What should it be its profession, what should it be? It's a What about its color, etc, etc. And eventually, what it allows her to say further but who her Womack had, we have argued, they were about to not slaughter the cow even they were at the verge of not doing it.

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And in some cases, as per who we had caffeine, they completely abandoned the command of Allah. Why? Because it was difficult. So what do we learn that we should not ask questions about those matters, which are irrelevant. Ask about those things which are relevant to you. And again, remember that a little bit of time even it's good, a little bit of even as good. So what if you cannot try a particular kind of food? So what if you cannot try a particular type of dessert? a particular type of ingredient? So what what's the big deal? A level type even is good, it is sufficient. Again, if we remember that we need to eat Why just to survive. Not that our purpose of living is that we eat

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and we have to try this food today and that food tomorrow? No, we should remember that a little bit of is sufficient.

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That's the center the recitation of these verses.

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Al-Maidah 94-108 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 101-102

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