Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 06 – L071B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not reciting a story for the next segment, cautioning against giving people a gift or giving them a price for their input, and not being too proud of one's actions. They stress the need for people to be firm and considerate when it comes to marriage, and emphasize the importance of learning from the past and bringing lessons to one's own life. The speakers also stress the importance of not being too proud of one's deeds and not being too happy when performing, and emphasize the need for people to be open-minded and not be afraid of their own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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lesson number 71 soulcal Merida is number 27 to 40

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what do I lay him never Ebony Adam I will help

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is all about O'Bannon, photo cobalamin edema. What am Yutaka Ballymena

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on an aqua to ronak color in a couple of low humidity.

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and recite to them the story of Adam are the synonyms do sons when they both offered a sacrifice to Allah, and it was accepted from one of them, but it was not accepted from the other.

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The letter said, I will surely kill you. And the former said, Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous meaning from those people who fear Him.

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In the previous ayat,

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we learned about the Bani Israel,

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about their behavior, of transgression, of rebellion of disobedience, against their messenger will start at the center.

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And the same behavior was also found in the who's in the money is what you present at the time of the Prophet sativida. Seven,

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that their behavior towards Mohammed salatu salam was also of utter disobedience, transgression, and rebellion, of jealousy of injustice. Now over here, the story of Adam and his two sons, as mentioned, and through this incident, the bunny is for you, specifically, who were at the time of the prophet SAW a lot of sentiment even afterwards. And not just the Bani Israel, but everyone else is being made to understand that the consequences of transgression, injustice and rebellion are serious,

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that when a person does not obey the commands that Allah has given, that the messenger gives, when a person rebelled, when a person commits injustice, then there are serious consequences.

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Over here, the story of the two sons of Adam and his son and has mentioned that both of them, they offered a sacrifice,

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and the sacrifice of one of them was accepted. And the sacrifice of the other one was not accepted. The one who sacrifice was not accepted, he became jealous

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With who?

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The one whose sacrifice was accepted, and out of this jealousy, what did he say that I'm going to kill you. And eventually he did kill him.

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So we see over here the transgression, disobedience, it leads to severe consequences.

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And because he murdered his brother, what happened?

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after him, every single person who commits murder in the Sunnah of that person, he gets the same as well.

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Because he initiated this act, he began this tradition of killing people without great so he will get a sin of all those people who commit murder after him.

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So we see that the consequences of transgression disobedience are extremely serious. And through the previous story, the bunnies fight especially are being addressed, that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has gone.

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What is your behavior towards him?

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And through this, all of us are also being taught that the commands of a life come to you, what is your behavior towards those comments? What is your behavior?

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Is it a transgression? Is it a 4 billion or is it of summer and far?

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Now we see here that both of them both brothers, they offered sacrifice.

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Why did they offer sacrifice?

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There are many opinions with regards to that. And again, remember that if it was important for us to know, what they offered, why they offered a lot certainly would have informed us certainly, because you Bay you know, law hula come until the law.

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However, if you did not inform us, what does that mean? That it's not relevant to us, it's not important to us.

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However, scholars have said that in the sharing of Adam, and he said a loss of pannacotta had allowed Adam nslm to marry his daughters to his sons.

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So basically, marriage between siblings was permissible. Why? Because of the necessity of this action, there was a shortage of people and imagine the first generation How are they supposed to reproduce? Was there another human being that was created from throb, just like Adam or Edison was created, so that both were like brothers and their children got married to one another?

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No, it was only at the Madison and his wife her work.

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And whatever children they had, they were to get married to one another, because of the necessity of the section because the shortage of people.

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So we learned that in every pregnancy, however, she would give birth to twins, one male and one female.

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And the female of one pair would get married to the male of the other pair.

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So in each pregnancy, she would give birth to twins, one male and one female.

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And the female of one pair, she would marry the male of the other parent and vice versa.

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So in the time of marriage of the two sons of Adam alayhis, salaam haben, kabhi

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kabhi in wished to marry his own twin sister, what was the law, that you don't marry your own twin sister rather, you marry the other, who is not your twin, but the twin, not the other brother.

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So he wish to marry his own twin sister. Why, because she was more beautiful than his brother, Hubble's twin sister whom he was legally supposed to marry.

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Obviously other medicine and did not allow this, but corbeil insisted.

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And we see that sometimes men, even women, when they're in love with someone, no matter what you tell them, they just don't get it. It's like as if a veil is on their eyes, and no matter who tells them, whether it's their uncle or their mother or their father,

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no matter how they threaten them, they just don't listen.

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So similarly kaabil. Also, he insisted, for an exception, and therefore other medicine and he commanded that the two sons, they should offer a sacrifice and whoever sacrifice would be accepted.

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He's the one who would marry Hubble's twin sister.

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So we don't have you He sacrificed a goat, and Fabien, he sacrificed some farm produce.

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And that time, the acceptance of a sacrifice was known immediately how

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that whatever sacrifice you offered, a fire from the sky would come and burn it, it would consume it. If that sacrifice was accepted, if it wasn't accepted, and the fire from the sky would not consume it.

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So we see that hobby and sacrifice got accepted and corbeil sacrifice did not get accepted. Because of this audio got very furious. And in particular, he was angry with his brother.

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And it wasn't his brother's fault. It wasn't happiness fault at all.

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With COVID, he wished to marry his own twin sister, and that was not legal.

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So because of that, he became envious. He became angry.

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And he committed injustice against his brother.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says what you are laying him and recite upon them what to do to our recitation.

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And the command is to Mohammed sadovaya.

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Now we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was to recite every single ayah of the Quran to the people anyway, isn't it? Every single thing that was revealed upon him he was commanded to conveyed by live mail on zerah ilica convey everything that has been revealed to you.

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However, before a particular incident, or a command, if the Prophet sallallahu specifically told what to do I lay him

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or what is meaning what code is, then what does that show

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the importance of what is being mentioned?

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Not just the importance, but also the relevance that this is so relevant, that you tell them you recite to them.

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And who does them refer to?

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First of all, it refers to the bunny is for you.

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Because again, through these two stories, who is being addressed, who is being made to understand a very important concept? It was a very nice ride in particular.

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But again, it's not just them, but it's the rest of people because every single person can take lessons from this incident.

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So what do I lay him recite upon them? Never. The news of ebony Agha met the two sons of Adam or they sit down

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and recite this news to them how will help with the truth.

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The word never is from their own fetters known by Hamza and never is news that is important. It is not that you know my head is hurting or I eat such and such for breakfast.

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What is news something that is really important and news that is relevant to the receiver.

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Now, okay, you had a bagel and cream cheese for

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Breakfast, how is that relevant to me?

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How is relevant to your friend who's sitting next to you?

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So never is news that is important. And it's also relevant to the receiver.

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similarities, celebrities,

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they're having certain things in their life. Now, how is that relevant to a person whose name they don't even know? Is it never?

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is it relevant? It's not relevant at all.

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Is it important, it's not important, maybe it's important to them. But it's not important to you. So don't waste your time pursuing other people's lives and finding out what happened and where they went and who they're going out with.

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No, it's not relevant to you at all. Save your time. be focused.

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So Allah subhanaw taala uses the word never over here

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that tell them about the news of the two sons of admiration.

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Generally, we see that stories. They're told for what purpose

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for the purpose of entertainment.

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And many times because of this purpose, people rarely ever care if what is being narrated is even true.

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People rarely ever care if what is being told to them if what they're listening to if what they're watching is true. If it is real, if it is based on a true story,

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or is it completely fictional?

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So we see over here that a lot of hunger that says never, first of all, it's important, it's relevant. And secondly, it has been helpful, it is true meaning narrated to them as it actually happened.

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So make sure that whatever you watch, whatever you listen to whatever that you're interested in, first of all, it's based on a true story. Okay? Because something that is completely fictional, it's a waste of time. Like if you really have to watch something and make sure it's something true something relevant to you.

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And secondly, it has to be relevant to you Why? Because everything that a believer does he is he is meaning inside. Emilion, Pharaoh, you should be greedy for some benefit for yourself.

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So when you're listening to a story, when you're watching a story, make sure that it's really relevant.

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And sometimes what is our behavior that we watch some movie and watch another movie? Or what if there is a lesson in it for us?

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There's always some lesson to learn.

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Obviously, if you have that eye, you can learn lesson from even your hands. You don't have to watch films and take lesson from that.

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So be careful on what do you watch what you see what what you listen to, because everything has an effect on you.

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Make sure it's not a waste of your time. Make sure it's not a modulus, that is going to be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

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Remember that somebody else or like a person is sitting by a dead donkey

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a dead donkey because there is no record of Allah. No benefit that it would bring to a person is the near or in the middle.

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So be careful about what you watch what you listen to.

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So tell them about the never have Ebony added.

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Even a is actually even named to sense the dual off even

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who are the two sons have been copied.

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So tell them the story will help will help meaning as it is accurately the way it happened.

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Because many times when people narrate a story, even if it's a true story, they spice it up with their own details. They add their own details they add their own fictional characters.

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Why? Because it's for the purpose of entertainment.

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It's not for the purpose of taking a lesson.

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If it's really for the purpose of taking the lesson then you will keep it as true as possible.

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I mean you will keep it 100% true and not add any detail of your own.

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So tell them bill help.

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In Southern California number 13 Allah subhanaw taala says national Casali Kinabatangan hug when I read to you their story with the truth. So every single incident that is narrated in the Quran is accurate meaning it is as it actually happened. It is as it actually happened.

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And we also must be careful in narrating incidence.

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That just to make it more interesting, we shouldn't add lies to it.

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So what's that story? What's that number

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is Colorado, Oregon. When they both offered a sacrifice or rubber band from the same root of the

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core, what does it mean closeness and the cream is

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To offer something, do the other, out of hope of getting close to them

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to offer something to the other in hope of getting close to them. Like for example, if you wish to become friends with someone, what are you going to do? Give them a gift, because giving them a gift means that, you know you're at that level now you can actually be friends with them. Right? So it's karlova cabana and Coburn as a term is used for everything that a person offers, whether it is something living or nonliving.

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And why does he offer it? Why does he offered to get the pleasure of

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so everything that a person offers, whether it is a living being or a non living being? Why in order to get the pleasure of of? So like, for example, at regal opera, what do people do? We slaughter an animal we offer, sacrifice an animal why to attain process to a loss of parameter that Oh Allah, this is for your sake. So it's come about Corbin and when both of them offered a Corbin

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photo villa. So it was accepted from COFF Bella, it was accepted. And I had an email from one of them to how the fire came down from the sky and consumed it. One or the other couple minutes. And it was not accepted from the other. So have been his core band was accepted and copied, his core band was not accepted. Color he said who said the one whose core band was not accepted and who was that kabhi kabhi and said to who too heavy kotula. Naturally, I am definitely going to kill you. Why? Because he was jealous. He was envious, that now that I can't marry my twin sister. And he's going to end up marrying her. I'm not going to let him marry her. I'm going to kill him. Allah He said,

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meaning Have you said in the Mayor de Cockburn Allahu middlewood. Indeed, Allah only accepts from who, from those people who have come.

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What do we see in this? Ayah? What do we learn? First of all, we learn about the importance of this incident as a prophet, sort of RSM has been especially commanded to tell people about this incident.

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What do we learn from this, that we also must tell our children, people who are around us about this incident? Because there are many lessons to be learned from this incident? Secondly, we see that whatever Allah subhanaw taala informs us, is definitely how any statement, any incident, any news, any report that Allah informs us, is definitely unhelpful.

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And if people have another version, that is not helpful.

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But what Allah has told us is

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because sometimes when we read these stories in the Quran, and we read other versions as well with other people,

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then we wonder, okay, what's the truth? Then what's the truth?

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What Allah is telling us

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30 we learn from the story.

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This is the side lesson ever is a very important lesson that sometimes people become very stubborn. And no matter who tells them,

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no matter how they explain to them,

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no matter what advice they give them, sometimes they just don't accept.

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And this is a sign of what this is like hard heartedness. Remember, we learned earlier? That a hard heart is what? That the advice of no one, the tears of no one, the warning of no one affects them?

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Obviously, if somebody is telling you to do something, how long to disobey 11? Yes, you do feel bad.

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You do feel in an extremely difficult situation, but you will not do it. Why? Because it goes against the commands of Allah.

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However, if somebody is telling you about something that is correct, like for example, your own father sending you that this is something I don't like for you. Your own mother is saying, I don't like this for you. Your uncle is saying I don't appreciate this for you.

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And they show you the pros and the cons, they show you the loss, then don't be that stubborn.

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Really don't be that stubborn.

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Somebody took care of you throughout your life.

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And now you don't listen to them when it comes to the choice of your marriage.

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And even if you do end up marrying them, what kind of happiness would you have in your life when you've upset your parents

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when you upset your entire family.

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So don't be stubborn when it comes to this situation.

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Be firm but don't

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That stubborn.

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And especially if they're telling you about something that is good for you,

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then listen to them.

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I mean, is that the only person left in this world?

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Is that man? Or is that woman, the only person who's left in this world, that you have no choice of marrying anybody else. And that's the only choice left.

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It's not the only choice left. Be a little open minded.

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Consider the wish of other people, and most importantly, the vase that almost panatela has given.

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Because over here, what was he trying to do?

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He wanted an exception from the candidates.

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So we have to be very realistic when it comes to marriage. Take the whole family together. Because it's not just your marriage. Yes, it is your kneecap. But however, two families are going to be connected.

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We also don't decide that apparently, two people might be doing the same action.

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Both of them are about combining. Apparently two people might be doing the exact same action. But in reality, they're different. They're completely different. One is accepted. When is rejected?

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Yes, we are supposed to judge under law. And actually, you know what, we're not even the judges. were no one to say this person is very sincere in that person is not sincere? No, we're not the judges at all. But what we need to realize is that on the surface, my action might appear to be very good. My action might appear to be very good. But I know if I have sincerity, I know if I could do better.

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I know with what needed this. So it's not just the apparent that matters in good deeds. But it's also the bad thing.

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It's also the Nia that matters.

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We also learn from this either Allah subhanaw taala he accepts some deeds of his slaves and he rejects other database slaves. Every single action that a person does. It's not necessarily that it's accepted. What does it show that there are certain conditions of acceptance.

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Just don't think that just because you paid that for that it's 100% guaranteed acceptance,

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the dust because you get that sort of hot definitely is going to be accepted.

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There are certain conditions that must be met, that a person should strive to meet, in order to ensure that his good deeds are accepted.

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And one of those conditions, what's the first condition that we see over here

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in America, Taco Bell, Allahu

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Allah only accepts from them with the pain.

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So, when a person has the heart, he will have sincerity.

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Secondly, when a person has stuck or whatever he will do, he will do it right meaning he will do it in the best way possible.

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He will do it to the best of his ability.

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Because we learned that Allah subhanaw taala he accepts only what that which is to you. So if a person has taqwa, then he will make sure that whatever he is doing his for example, if he's giving sadaqa it is from halal earning, and it is the best that he can offer. The prophets are allowed Islam said that in the law, you will lay a Kabbalah a lotta you Verily, Allah is pure, and he accepts only what is pure.

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So what's the condition that a lot of times we will accept the action if that condition is met the court? And what does the court include? First of all, correct me. Correct me. And secondly, best action, good action, that whatever a person does, it is valid. It is the best that he can offer.

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We also learned from this eye that a person should never be proud of the good that he has done.

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Never should a person feel proud about the good deeds that he has performed. Because no matter what you do,

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you don't know if it's definitely going to be acceptable or not. And you know, when you do something for someone whom you really love,

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even if you've done your best, you're still unsure. Isn't it? Like for example, if you are cooking food for some guests who are coming

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and you do your best and you know it is right, it's cooked. It's not burnt, it's not raw.

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It's right.

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But you're nervous until and unless they eat the food and they say it's nice.

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You did a good job, aren't you?

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You're not satisfied until you know for sure that they like it.

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So once you know for sure, then you feel happy about it. Before that you don't feel proud about it.

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at all,

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you don't feel happy about it at all. You're in that state of fear until you know for sure that it's going to be accepted. Now when are we going to know if our good deeds are accepted or not?

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The answer, so until then, we cannot feel proud or arrogant or too happy. But the goodies that we perform rather what should we do?

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We should be concerned about their acceptance.

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We learn in Surah Menon is number 61. Medina, you don't matter at all, well, kulu, Machida and those who gave what they give, while their hearts are fearful.

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Their hearts are fearful that what if this is not accepted?

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What if Allah does not accept this? What if my Nia is incorrect, what of this action is not acceptable to Allah?

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And when a person is in the state of heart, then he will continue to improve in the quality of his deeds in the quantity and the quality.

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Like, for instance, you know, there are some people who think that whatever they cook is the best. They're the best chefs. If somebody tells them, you know, maybe you should cook in this way, maybe you should change the technique slightly. Are they going to listen?

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they're not going to listen, because I think whatever they do is best, their recipe is the best, even if people don't like it, like too bad, this is the best, it's your problem.

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But if a person is open minded, and if somebody gives them feedback, then what is he going to do? He's going to accept it. And as a result, his quality is going to improve, the quality of his action is going to improve.

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But if a person thinks that No, I'm fine, then his quality will not improve the quantity or the quality.

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We also learn from this idea that over here losses in America corporate aluminum with the pain that Allah only accept from the motor pain, so dukkha is a condition a suburb a cause for the acceptance of good deeds as well as there are because in the Maya Bonilla Yakubu is this general meaning he accepts good deeds do as this is general. So if a person is making the law, if a person is performing a good deed, he should do it with the court. Because if a person is making to our with the court, then it's going to be accepted if a person is making to our arrogantly, virologist give me this.

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Or he's negative, that I know you're not going to do it, you're not going to give this to me, but still, this is not the core, This contradicts the core.

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So any good deed, whether it is sadaqa, or it is fulfilling a promise or anything even there are what's the condition that a person must have the court.

00:27:48 --> 00:27:53

We also see that a person who does not have the court are laden with

00:27:54 --> 00:27:56

his deeds, his drawers are not accepted.

00:27:58 --> 00:28:02

For instance, if a person gives charity from how many is going to be accepted?

00:28:03 --> 00:28:13

No, if he gives it with the need to show off is going to be accepted. No. Similarly, if a person prays for at a time that is forbidden is going to be accepted.

00:28:14 --> 00:28:15

It's not going to be accepted.

00:28:17 --> 00:28:24

So a person who does not adopt the court, even when performing the good deeds, then his deeds are not accepted.

Al-Maidah 27-40 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 27

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