Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 089C Tafsir Al-Araf 27-30

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of sh matter and shamsers in dressing and looking for one's reputation. It emphasizes the need for caution and wear-time to avoid "ang yourself" by wearing certain kind of clothing. The segment also touches on the use of shelling to remove clothing and strengthen one's image, as it is difficult to see women as objects. The speakers stress the importance of dressing up to avoid being seen by a enemy and not just wearing what is considered fashionable. The segment also emphasizes the need to be careful about cultural clothing, including clothing that doesn't match one's personal culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then Allah says yeah, Bani Adam, or children of Adam. La not yFT Nana calm. He definitely put you in fitna. Yes, Tina Nakhon the neuron was shadow. What does that mean? Definitely. And when it's preceded by a less than what does it mean?

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Never ever. Don't you dare let che Athan put you in fitna. What is fitna temptation temptation to what? To commit sin to disobey Allah so don't you ever let Shavon make you disobey Allah lay you off dinner Nikhil mache upon? Don't you let him mislead you trick you. In other words, don't follow him. Don't get yourself in trouble by following shaitan therefore be alert. Be careful, because if you're not, he's going to take advantage of your he listeners and make you disobey lie of Tina Nicoma. Che upon Be on your guard, be very careful that we might say what's the big deal? It's only your hair. But see, the way you wear your hair. It changes your attitude sometimes the way you talk to other

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people. Right? And sometimes make you think so highly of yourself just because you're wearing perfect makeup that you feel that you're the best. I'm the best. Nobody can say anything to me because my clothes, they're just perfect. I'm flawless. Right? So this is how shaitan creeps in. He doesn't tell you give them a dirty look because your eyes look perfect right now.

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He doesn't tell you that. What will he say You look amazing. Like you're really the best and this person they're wrong.

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You know how to dress up this person doesn't know how to dress up at all.

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So be alert Be careful, because shaitan will try to mislead you will try to make you commit sin will try to make you disobey Allah how by deceiving you by tricking you by creeping in in a very very subtle way. Karma just as a whole Raja he expelled he brought out who meaning he caused to be expelled who awaken your two parents away is a dual off of a means father. But over here when the dual is used. It doesn't just mean father but it means father and mother parents. So just as he removed your parents, mineral Jana, from Jana,

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how the Chitwan he came to them. And he didn't say eat of the fruit of this tree so that you can disobey Allah so that you can be punished, you can be expelled from Jana. Is that what he said to other? What did he say? Your Lord told you not to eat from this tree? Because otherwise you will become angels. Because otherwise you will become you know, eternal dwellers. And I swear I swear I'm very sincere to you. I am not lying. I'm telling you the truth. So eat of the street so that you can become angels, and you can worship Allah subhanaw taala more perfectly, and you can stay in Jannah forever. He deceived them. They weren't that careful. They weren't that alert and shaytaan manage to

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deceive them. And what happened then? Yan zero. He was bullying, meaning he caused that it'd be pulled what be pulled on Houma from both of them Adam and Hawa, what Libras Tahoma their clothing, he made them eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. And what happened? They were expelled from Jana, when they were expelled from Jana, the clothing of Jana stayed in Japan. So what happened their clothing was taken off immediately. And they became naked, Lee Uriah whom so that he would show to them both. So at the humor, the private parts of them do, we discussed this earlier as well, that a husband and wife even though they don't have any hijab between them, but still, it's

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embarrassing for a person to become completely naked in front of the other, but Shavon wanted to humiliate them and embarrass them. So, this is what he did. He wanted them to become naked. He wanted that the clothes that Allah subhanaw taala honored them with beautified them with should be taken off so that they are humiliated, they become disgraced. So Allah subhanaw taala warns us that Be careful. So what do we learn over here that Shavon once that people should lose their clothes, meaning they should become naked, their clothes come off? Why? Because when the clothes of a person they come off, what happens is that initially there's a sense of shyness, right? A person feels a

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little awkward. I'm not talking become a completely naked, but even slightly at the beginning. A person feels a little awkward, and then what happens? They become comfortable in their skin. Right? They become comfortable. And then what happens is that gradually they don't feel shy at

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they don't feel shy at all.

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Yesterday experienced something very interesting. In the summer, really hot. I used to put on short sleeves on my daughter. And she's only two years old, so no harm in that.

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yesterday, I was out somewhere and her clothes got wet. And I realized that the spare clothes that I had in my bag, the shirt was short sleeves. So I put it on her, and her arms were showing. And this was after a while that she was dressed up like this. Well, I guess she had forgotten the memory of how she used to dress up in summer that she kept touching her arms Shame, shame,

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shame, shame.

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But think about it in the summer when she would dress up like that, not a problem.

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But now all of a sudden, when she was wearing short sleeves, she felt shame, shame. And then, after some time, she stopped saying that altogether.

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So this is what happens. Not saying it's wrong, but I'm just giving you an example of how Shavonne once that a person's clothes, they become shorter, they shrink. And then gradually, he manages to take the higher away of a person so that a person doesn't feel shy. Remember, as your clothes will shrink, your height will shrink. As your clothes will shorten your height will shorten. As your body gets exposed, your height will become less it will depart. And is there a problem? If he leaves?

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Is there a problem? If a person doesn't have modesty? What's the big deal? Shouldn't you be confident and be comfortable about how you are? How God has made you shouldn't you be confident about that comfortable about it? Why is it a problem with higher leaves?

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Exactly. Because higher and Iman are bears meaning they stay together. They're like Best Buddies. So if one leaves the other will also leave. You know, it's like you and your friend best friends. So if one goes to the washroom, the other one will say I'll come to

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I'll come to I'll just stand outside for you. I'll just wait. I'll just fix my hair

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Best Buddies right if one goes the other follows. So if higher goals what will happen Eman will go. So what happens a person's clothes they shrink higher shrinks, Iman shrinks.

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Clothes go away. Higher goes away and Eman goes away.

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This is how shaitan attacks your Eman how through your clothes. See how clever he is through your clothes. Because think about it, if your clothes are not appropriate, like we discussed last time, that if a woman is wearing a shirt, then the minimum length should be that it covers her balm right from the back. Now if a woman is wearing a short shirt, okay, and part of iman is what sunnah. In fact Allah subhanaw taala called Salah Iman in the Quran, like we learned a little Bacala. Now, when she is going to press Allah in those clothes, will she be comfortable? Will she enjoy her salah? Because she's bending and her back is showing where she's always concerned about the fact that her

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back will show so she's constantly pulling on her shirt from the back constantly pulling, constantly pulling, will she be able to enjoy her Salah know,

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if a woman does not have a hijab?

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And she's outside somewhere and she doesn't have a hijab in her bed, when it's time to pray? Will she be able to pray? No.

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So HYAH remember is deeply connected with your iman, and what is deeply connected with higher the clothes that you wear.

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The clothes that you wear.

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This is why many people when they say that, what's the big deal of my head is not covered. I mean, I'm modest in my speech, I modest in my interaction with other people. But you know what, your hijab will always help you be more modest.

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It will always help you be more modest.

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Is that correct? I mean, you do have examples of people who are wearing hijab, but yet they're not reflecting any kind of modesty. But what happens is that hijab, if it's worn with the correct intention, it will definitely help you with your modesty. I remember when I started putting on my bio, it really affected me in the way that I interacted with other people. It kind of forced me to, you know, hold myself back and you know, be careful about how I spoke. I'm talking about with men, okay, that how I interacted with men, it really made me careful. Because otherwise you're relaxed, right? But when you're wearing extra clothing on yourself

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and it's giving an image that you are a practicing Muslim. Then you become careful about the way you speak and the way you look. And the way you talk the way you discuss, right, it affects you. So remember that the more complete clothing you have, the better your higher will be. And the better your Eman will be.

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Clothing doesn't just cover your skin. It doesn't just cover your skin. It also protects your Eman.

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It also protects your faith. Like in winter, you wear a heavy jacket, you cover yourself literally head to toe, don't you? Even your hands you cover and sometimes people even cover their faces. Why? Because of the extreme cold. Why is it necessary to do that to protect your skin?

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Right to protect your skin. So just like that, in order to protect your Eman you need to cover yourself as well. So Allah says over here, reminding us that all children of Adam Be very careful don't let shaitan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise Yun zero and humanity by several men, stripping them off of their clothing to show them their private parts. And Allah tells us be very careful, because in the hood indeed He who Chumphon You're welcome. He sees you hula, he meaning IBLEES he sees you walk Urbino who and his appeal Kabil meaning his tribe, his group. Those were like him, his children, his friends, his brothers. What do they do? They see you men from Hazel

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where land not the owner whom you see them. Shavon sees you from where you do not see him. Meaning shaitan can see you. And you cannot see Shelton. And because you cannot see your enemy. That's why many times it happens that you get deceived by him. You get trapped in his trick. You listen to him without realizing that that suggestion was from your enemy.

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Think about it. If there is a person whom you don't like, you don't like and they're approaching you.

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And as they're approaching, you become so alert, what are they going to say to me? What are they going to tell me? You become very alert, right? All of a sudden, like your blood starts boiling. Alright, you're sleeping, and you just wake up, you become so alert. And then they say one thing to you, you have an answer. They say another thing to you, you have a response. Why? Because you were so alert because you could see them coming. And as they talk to you, you hear them and you respond to them. But here shaitan has an enemy who sees you, but you don't see him. So what does that mean, then that you have to be even more careful. Because he is out there to get you he wants that your

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clothing should shrink.

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Your image should shrink your head should leave. That's what he wants. Because if your image is not there, if your image is weak, then how will you enjoy any good deed? How can you enjoy any good deed you can't.

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Another thing is what you were in it protects you Salah because if you are not wearing like proper clothes, or hijab properly, when you go outside and the times are like this, you can even go to the mosque because you feel ashamed to go to the mosque and pray and it will be easier to pray with you are like dressed up properly. Yes, very true.

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I was just thinking how, since Adam and Islam shaytan has been using the exact same tactics over and over again and we still don't you know pick up on it. Yes. So this is his technique, his trick that he makes a person shorten his clothing remove his clothing and with that he leaves in a man leaves when a man goes away then how can a person enjoy any good thing?

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You know, think about it Allah subhanaw taala is basically telling us over here that he managed to get your parents naked and expelled out of Jannah

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Imagine if there is an enemy who has done that to your parents confiscated their belongings, expel them from their house in this humiliating manner. This is what he wants to do to you as well. This is what he wants to attack you in the same way. So be very careful because he sees you and you don't see him so you have to be extra alert in there indeed we Jarl now we have made a shout lien the Satan's only friends little arena for those people who learn art you know, they believe meaning those people who don't believe those who lack a man than shaitan becomes their friend. So what does it mean then that if a person's Eman is stronger than Shavon cannot attack him he cannot get the

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better of him and to strengthen your Eman. You have to strengthen your higher and in order to strengthen your higher you have to watch your clothing. You have to see how you

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Dressing up. I mentioned to you earlier that when a person yawns he doesn't look that nice but what happens to long gets very happy he laughs and laughs So imagine if you're wearing clothes in which your body is being exposed, your stomach is showing or your back is showing.

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Or as you bend down your bum shows imagine what I laugh ship on would be having just imagine it's humiliating already before other people but it may be acceptable to people but she'll Dawn he's laughing at you imagine

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so be very careful. Now remember that when it comes to clothing? culture doesn't matter. Don't think that only the clothes which are in Pakistani culture there okay. So that's what you should wear all the time or clothes which are in Somali culture there. Okay, so you should be wearing them all the time. And English clothing or western clothing you should not wear it? No, it doesn't matter what culture is. Okay? What is important is that whatever we are wearing, it meets the criteria that Allah subhanaw taala has given us because sometimes you could even be wearing Pakistani clothing actual work kameez, right. But if you're wearing like a really tight pajama, alright, what do you

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call it? Like literally tights? I mean, that was the style or is the style I guess it has been for some time, but you wear something like that, like really tight pants and on top, you wear a shirt, a long shirt, even if it's very long. But if your whole leg is showing from the side as good as naked, then that's not appropriate.

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It's not appropriate. So don't think that your cultural clothing you will always be okay. No.

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You always have to check is this Lavasa taco? Does it reflect piety? Does it reflect fear of Allah?

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We have to be very careful about that. And also remember one more thing when it comes to clothing, that a person should wear such clothes that don't make him resemble a person of the opposite gender.

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All right, so a woman should refrain from those clothes which make her look like a man and a man should refrain such clothes, which make him look like a woman. So for example, if a man is wearing a bright pink shirt, and bright pink shoes,

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hot pink, the other day on the television there is a man playing golf, okay, with a bright pink hat and bright pink shirt and bright pink shoes. And my son goes, Wow, a woman is playing.

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I'm like, No, that's not a woman. He's like, No, she's wearing pink. And like, it's not a woman you don't understand. I did not explain it to him.

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So we have to be careful about that as well. Right? Allah says what either and when far Lu they commit they do for her Schatten an act of indecency.

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When the people commit an act of indecency, Carlo, they say we're done. Now we found our lay her up on it, Abba Anna, our forefathers, when they commit an act of indecency, they say, this is how our parents used to do. So this is part of our culture. This is what everybody does. Like, for instance, people might say, well, you know what, living in the West, it really doesn't matter whether you're wearing a miniskirt or you're wearing an underwear outside, it doesn't matter because people they're okay with it. They're cool with it. It's only when you go to, you know, Pakistan or Saudi or Somalia. And if a woman goes out like that, it will be a problem because those men really, they just

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love to stare at women. But in the Western world, people don't do that. Really.

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You actually think men don't think anything when they see a woman dressed like that?

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If you think like that, my dear sister, my dear friend, you are mistaken, badly mistaken.

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Because when a man sees a woman dressed up in such a manner, he doesn't look at her as a person. You know how his brain functions as if he's dealing with an object, as if he's dealing with an object as if he has to do something with it. That's how he thinks that's just the mechanism. So Michael, I read this quote A while back, and it was something to do with modesty. And it sums it up really nicely about what we're talking about right now. And the quote said that modesty is like manure. Sure, you're gonna get attention, but it's only going to be from pigs.

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Say that again.

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And modesty is like manure. Sure, you're gonna get attention, but it's only going to be from pigs. So you are going to get attention. Okay? And people are going to be drawn towards it. Okay. And the problem is that this day and age there's immodesty, everywhere, everywhere. And as much as people try to,

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you know, control themselves, they're human beings after all.

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And men, even if they see a lot of

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But immodesty at the end of the day, they're still men. Why do you think there's so much evil going on? Whether it's * or filthy movies or filthy ads? Why? Because this is how people think. This is how immodest they have become.

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In school when I was in high school, I was walking towards my class, and one of my friends, or more like acquaintance she was wearing these tights are really, really tight. And this kid in my class who's known for looking at girls in a very weird way, she was walking with me and she ran really quick towards class. And then he was in the shrine in front of him. So the way he looked at her kind of disgusted me myself, and he doesn't even just do it to her, but he also does it to the teacher, like our teacher in the class. It doesn't matter what the age is, doesn't matter. So Allah wants you to protect yourself. So the excuse the machine of Makkah gave for immodesty was what everybody does

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it, our parents used to do it. But even if the whole world does it, you're not going to do it. I said, I'm already I was just thinking when I was going to public school and wearing a hijab and Avaya, often non Muslim girls ask you, especially in summertime, don't don't do if you don't feel hot, you're in black. Right? And, you know, before I wouldn't be able to understand, be able to explain to them, so I'd be like, Yeah, you know, whatever. It's okay. But then I thought one day that, you know, for them, they're wearing tank tops, knowing shorts in the summer, and then ask them Don't you feel harsh? Like, yeah, I still feel hot. So I'm like, what are you gonna do? I'm gonna

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take your skin off like you even if you weren't nothing, you're still going to feel hot. But meanwhile, and I noticed after a while, after sort of weighing it, I noticed that it didn't feel hot anymore, because you get used to it. So it all depends on how you're used to within the circumstances. Exactly.

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Salam aleikum how we were talking about how men look at women as objects, they will this study that they put naked, like not really revealing clothes on women, and men look at them versus more women with full clothes. And they study their brains in the people who were more naked, they found them more as objects than people and they respected more people with more clothes.

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Because when a man sees a woman like that, he thinks of it as the part of the brain that is used for, you know, using a computer or some tools that lights up, you know, that's working. Why because a man his instinct is do something.

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Imagine this is not that a woman is bringing harm upon herself. She's bringing harm upon others as well, when she's dressed up in that way to protect yourself and protect other people as well. So what either foreign opha Hashem Carlo whether the gnarly her Abba, and we found our forefathers doing this, so we do it. So can we say the same thing? Everybody dresses up like that? The whole world wears such stuff? What's the big deal? If I do it? Why does Allah care about me? Because he does care about you. You are important to him. So you need to look at yourself and don't just wear something just because the whole world does it. No, you have to wear that which Allah subhanaw taala

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approves off. And they would say well, Allah and Allah, Amana, he has ordered us be happy with it, meaning Allah is the one who told us to commit this indecency anyway, just like people say, if it was not okay, then Allah would not have led me. Right. If everybody does it, that means that should have been okay. So let's say you know, there is no hijab in Islam, you just have to wear modest clothes. And yeah, it's not a big deal if my skin is showing a lot and if my clothes are seductive, because that's the man's problem. That's not my problem reading, then why are you dressing up like that?

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Because many times women try to blame men. They think like this, it's their fault, I should be allowed to wear whatever I want. No, you have to be considerate of what the other person is like, of what their weaknesses are. So don't blame Allah realize that you have to do something. So they would say, Allah has ordered us to do this,

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which I hit one of the Mufasa. And he said that the machine of that time, what they would do is that when they would come to the Kaaba, and they will do the wife of the garba, you know, going around the Kaaba seven times,

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they would do the left naked.

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And they would say that we performed the love as our mothers gave birth to us in the most natural way.

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This is what they would say, men and women and a woman when she would be doing full of naked, she would say today, some or all of it will appear meaning private part, but whatever appears from it, I do not allow it for anyone meaning this because I'm naked doesn't mean that men can enjoy me. Doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute. No, I'm just doing the laugh and I'm doing it naked. And they will say Allah has told us to do this the Holo locker with I love it.

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and they will think this was so great that look, we're taking off all our clothes we're being so bold, just to please God.

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And it happens with people today as well that they think they're being so you know great that they have the confidence to dress up in a particular way or not dressed up in particular where they're so confident to be able to take their hijab off.

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They think this is greatness. This is not greatness, per se in Allah indeed Allah layup model he does not order before shirt with indecency. Allah never orders indecency, a decoy Luna, do you all say Allah Allah He against Allah mad that which letter on the moon you do not know? Meaning? Are you saying something about Allah which you have no knowledge of? Who said that Allah ordered you to dress like that? And many times when people say, well, there is no hijab in our deen, you know, this religious people have made it up this this was a practice of the Arabs. Really? Who said that? Have you read the Quran? If you read the Quran, you'll read very clearly about covering yourself,

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especially when it comes to women. So people have no knowledge of this and they fabricate lies about the deen of Allah. And remember always Allah does not order anything that is indecent, any indecency. Allah never orders of it called se Amara, he has ordered or have been my Lord bilkis with the justice my Lord. What he has actually commanded us to do is what? justice and fairness. Every command of Allah is fair. It teaches moderation. Like for example, clothing. It's a very moderate command in the sense that it teaches moderation. One extreme is that a person discovers himself fully does not beautify themselves. Another extreme is that a person beautifies themselves to no

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limit, but the Command of Allah is what? Moderation, beautify yourself, but stay within limits. Stay away from Islam off don't become a fitna for other people. So all Amara Robbie will kissed and he is also commanded one and a chemo you will establish Would you welcome your faces plural of watch Rinda near Cali every Masjid Masjid place of worship, meaning that you maintain yourselves at every place of frustration or chemo will do her comer in the Coulee Masjid. Meaning that you focus on him at every place and time of worship.

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Whenever you are at a masjid or whenever you are in Salah, you are worshiping Allah masjid, Masjid is not just a place of worship, but also a time of worship. So whenever you're doing that Aleem, would you help them establish your face? Meaning directed towards Allah alone? focus entirely on who? Allah subhanaw taala but if you're close or inappropriate, will you be able to focus on Allah?

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If a woman is wearing a short shirt, and she's doing record, will she be focused on Allah or her body showing from the back? Can she focus on Allah? She can't? What does Allah say Hakim would you hook them or in the coolie masjid? And over here in the context when you are in the Haram in the masjid, then focus on Allah focus on the worship of Allah, maintain yourself properly, meaning put on your clothes, don't do too half naked. Weather woohoo and call upon Him. Miraculously, no one's making sincere love who for him a dean the religion a dean also means worship. Meaning when you perform worship, do so only for the sake of Allah. And remember that come on, just as by the ACOEM

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he initiated you, he originated you bad al Hamza, he brought you into being that oh Dune, you all shall return from iron Weldon or the Europa to return, meaning you shall return to life in the same way that He created you the first time how that when He created you the first time you came out of the womb of your mother, you came without any clothes, and in the hereafter when He will resurrect you, you will be resurrected without any clothes on your body.

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That's what we learn that on the Day of Judgment, people will have no clothes on I should have looked over. I know when she heard that she was surprised. She said oh prophets have a lot of time when people look at each other. And he said the matter is far more serious, far more serious, people won't even look at each other people will be in fact be running away from one another.

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So remember, in this world, you came with nothing in the hereafter. Again, you go with no material possessions, not even clothing. So what is it that you need over there to cover you to protect you to honor you?

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What your deeds in this dunya what covers you what protects you what honors you your clothes?

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As we all have told us focus on labasa Toccoa because that is what's going to benefit you in the hereafter for the Yukon, a group hada he guided warfare econ and a group meaning a group of people how it became incumbent, it became necessary. It was proven true in their favorite What are laying him against them Ebola misguidance, meaning everything and everyone is not right. There's some people that are upon the truth. And there are some people who are misguided. So just because you see someone wearing certain clothes doesn't mean you start wearing the same kind of clothes. No, some people are guided, others are not guided. So be careful about who you follow what you emulate. And

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remember, those whom you look at, you will follow them naturally. So think about who you're watching. If you're watching constantly on television fashion shows, right? Or programs that are just about clothes, what's that show? What to wear,

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what not to wear, if you're constantly watching that every day and repeats, then you're going to look at yourself, I should not wear this. Because you're constantly putting in your head, what not to wear, what not to wear, what not to wear, right? So then what's going to happen, you can be like, I have to wear something different. To Be careful about what you look at what you watch. If you're constantly looking at women who are dressed up in wedding gowns, which don't cover themselves properly, then what's gonna happen at your wedding?

00:31:34 --> 00:32:06

You're gonna want to look like them as well. Right? Because we're the eyes goal. What's that expression, the heart desires and something like that, right? Meaning whatever you look at, you start desiring it, you start yearning for it, and when you will desire it, you will do it. So for the Aqua hada, you can help Carla hemo Paula, and who are those who are misguided in the home? Indeed they do. They took a shower clean the devils earlier as close friends. They became friends of Chopin shaitan told them

00:32:07 --> 00:32:08

he suggested them

00:32:10 --> 00:32:41

to perform an act of indecency or to wear clothes that are immodest, and what happened innocent, and when they listened, then Shavon gained mastery over them. So let's say a sister is making her hair. Chip on suggests make your bun a little higher. Yep, a little bit more higher. Look again, okay, higher again. Okay, perfect. And I put on your hijab. And that's the seat of chiffon. chiffon is right all day long on your head. And imagine if he's sitting on your head, what is he going to put in your head? What is he going to suggest to you?

00:32:42 --> 00:32:45

So are you not befriending? ShaVonne by letting him ride you?

00:32:46 --> 00:32:47

Think about it.

00:32:48 --> 00:33:06

In homo Dahal to Cheyenne, clean and Ollie Mendola besides Allah, they left the friendship of Allah. They made friends with shape on where saguna and they thought unknown that indeed they move the Doom ones were rightly guided. They thought they were doing really well.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:16

They thought there was nothing wrong. It's only my hair. What's the big deal? I pray salah I give sadaqa and fasting today? What's the big deal? It is a big deal.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:45

It is a big deal. Where saguna unknown muda dawn in total Caf what do we learn that the worst losers are who when it comes to the matter of deeds, those people whose efforts are just left in this world, the makeup that they put on the clothes that they wore every day they dressed up all those images left behind in this world, they're not going to benefit them in the grave because that I that was decorated with makeup. Now it's rotting in the grave.

00:33:47 --> 00:33:53

Well, whom you are so wounded and whom you're sunnah, sunnah. And all that time they were thinking that they were doing really well.

00:33:55 --> 00:34:04

So this is the trick of shaitan that he makes the person do wrong, and he makes him believe that what he's doing is actually very good.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:12

It's actually very good. Because then Xiaguan makes you think that if I wear my hair like this high up, that I wouldn't get hot,

00:34:14 --> 00:34:20

I won't get hot, and I will actually look nice, and my hijab will stay, you know, really proper all day long.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:30

Shaitan makes you believe that the wrong action you're doing is actually good. Because if he were to tell you you're disobeying Allah, you won't do it

00:34:31 --> 00:34:43

shatta and told Adam, eat of the fruit of the tree so that you can recommend angel. He lied to him right. So Shelton lies to us as well. This is why we need to be very careful. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

Yeah, and then.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

Worries Tiku Mauritia Alibhai

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00

So the

00:35:02 --> 00:35:06

new Cal Poly that he came in

00:35:13 --> 00:35:15

yeah my knee

00:35:17 --> 00:35:21

is dienen motion barn oh come

00:35:29 --> 00:35:30


00:35:35 --> 00:35:35


00:35:39 --> 00:35:40

we are

00:35:42 --> 00:35:43

in high school

00:35:46 --> 00:35:48

in John Nash

00:35:58 --> 00:35:59

well either

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03


00:36:10 --> 00:36:11


00:36:22 --> 00:36:24

top oh now

00:36:30 --> 00:36:32

pull em out all b

00:36:33 --> 00:36:36

What are the mood you have?

00:36:38 --> 00:36:40

Lemus G Do you

00:36:42 --> 00:36:46

mean the gun

00:36:47 --> 00:36:48


00:36:51 --> 00:36:57

fairy upon our fairy on pod ball

00:36:58 --> 00:37:01

in the hall Doshi?

00:37:07 --> 00:37:07


00:37:09 --> 00:37:09


00:37:12 --> 00:37:14

wire Sabu

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