Taimiyyah Zubair – Tafsir Surah an Nisa #03 S4 V5-9

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker stresses the importance of sharing wealth and not disregarding one's feelings. They also emphasize the need for individuals to give their relatives something of their own feelings and acknowledge their limitations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing one's own potential, as fearing one's own is a negative force.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said I'm on a call with Allah He will Barakatuhu

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim. Baba rubbish. Rahi Saudi were silly emri washed up that Emily Sani Yakubu Kohli Oliver Kirby was sadly Sani was roots of hematology anemia, but I mean, inshallah we will continue with our study off suta to Musa and so far and hamdulillah we have learned about the importance and place of the the relatives, our relatives in our lives and how necessary it is to fear Allah subhanaw taala regarding our relationships, we also learned about the rights of women and especially orphans, those who are most vulnerable in society. And today in sha Allah, we will begin from verse number five,

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where Allah subhanaw taala tells us when to suffer her unwelcome and do not give the sofa have those who are weak minded, and while I comb your wealth, which wealth allottee jerilyn akun Peerman, which Allah has made for you a means of sustenance, however, what zuku Fie her, but provide for them with it, work so home and close them work kulula, home, calamari, Ufa and speak to them words of appropriate kindness. We learned earlier about how it is a major sin to consume the property of the orphan unlawfully. And here, another instruction is being given to the guardians of children or the heads of families and other owners of wealth, that do not give your wealth to those who are super

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hard. Why because if you give your wealth to them to those who are weak minded, then what's going to happen, they're going to end up wasting it, they're going to end up damaging it. And then the wealth, which is which can be a source of great benefit for you is going to be lost. So you are going to miss out basically. So be careful and do not give this wealth to those who are weak minded. But the first question is that who exactly are the sofa hat who exactly are the weak minded? Now sofa ha is the plural of the word Sophie and Sophie generally is used for someone who is foolish, right? Someone who doesn't know how to make the best decision. And this can be because of because of

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young age. So for example, little children do not always know what is best for themselves. Right? They don't know what is dangerous, they don't know what is in their best interest. And this is why sometimes parents have to, you know, take things away from their children, even though those children really want those things, but parents know that those things are actually harmful for them. So for example, if a child wants to play with a knife, right or or with scissors or something dangerous, right, you will not just let the child play with it because you know that the child doesn't know any better. So suffer haha or this foolishness. This weak mindedness can be due to age.

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But it can also be because of the fact that you know a person even though they're an adult, they don't have much good sense they don't have much good you know, a financial sense you can see or some people because of their disorders, you know, they could be impulsive buyers, they could be hoarders or you know, because of their disorder they they end up wasting money.

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Likewise, it has been said that the weak minded here is actually referring to someone who who is Majnoon or someone who is insane. So, someone who doesn't know much someone who doesn't understand much. So here it is being said that do not give to the sofa, half your wealth. Now some say that sofa is actually referring to women that don't give your wealth to women. But if you think about it in the previous verses, you know it has been said very clearly that gift to the women, they're much right and ma many times is what it is a it is a financial gift, right and it's been made very clear that that money belongs to them and you are not allowed to

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take anything out of it unless they give it to you, willingly. So this doesn't mean that, you know, women are weak minded, and they should not be given money at all. Rather, if a woman is weak minded with regard to money with regard to managing it with regard to spending it, then of course, you know, someone has to help her. And likewise, if a man is, you know, weak minded with regard to money, meaning he spends wastefully or he doesn't know how to take care of it, then again, he's going to be helped. So this is not about a certain gender, this is about a certain type of people, that those who are not, who are not able to make good decisions with regards to their money, then

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you don't give them your wealth, well, I took to suffer her unwelcome.

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Now what is meant by your wealth is actually their wealth, right? Meaning the wealth that belongs to, to those who are weak minded, but it has been described as your wealth. Why, because you are supposed to take care of it, as you would take care of your own wealth. And just as you would guard your wealth, and you would not just give it to anybody to waste it. Likewise, if someone is, you know, one of your dependents is such that they're not able to take care of their wealth, you're not just going to let them do whatever they want, you have to guard it, and preserve it and take care of it, just as you will take care of your own wealth. So without to suffer her unwelcome and later on

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in a set, but what is the goal home feed her, right that give them, give them from it, or or provide them, provide them, you know, with it, meaning let them use it, let them enjoy it, whatever their needs are, make sure that you fulfill you, you fulfill those needs, with their wealth. So it's very evident over here that that your wealth doesn't just mean your own wealth, but also the wealth that is under your care, meaning the wealth of the people in your care. So you have to guard it and preserve it as you would guard your own wealth. And then it is said that allotey jarle Allahu lecan tiama meaning it is well if which Allah subhanaw taala has made for you a means of livelihood,

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meaning, wealth is not something that is useless. Wealth is some is something that that must be taken care of, it is something good, why because you can benefit from it a great deal. And Allah subhanaw taala has made this wealth for you APM. Now what is pm pm is something that upholds another meaning, something with which you stand. And what is meant is that it is a means of livelihood for you, you you are able to fulfill your needs with it, you're able to, you know, do different things with it, you're able to use it to prepare for your funeral. So wealth is not something evil in and of itself. Wealth is actually something good. It has a lot of good in it. And of course with wealth,

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a person can also do a lot of evil. But remember that wealth is not inherently something bad. So you must take care of it and you must use it properly. So allotey geral Allahu lecan tiama The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Nero mal mal solly hate lil mama is solid, that good wealth, meaning wealth that is acquired lawfully is very excellent for a good person, meaning if a person is righteous, and they also have lawfully acquired wealth, this is an excellent combination. Why? Because this righteous person is going to use those resources really well. They're going to benefit themselves with it, they're going to benefit others through it. So this is an excellent thing that a

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righteous person has, you know, has lawfully acquired wealth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that this worldly property is his sweet vegetation, meaning he compared it to, you know, delicious, or really beautiful looking grass, vegetation, plants, etc. Meaning it's very beautiful and it's also very attractive, it is truly enjoyable. This is the reality of this life. But then he said, How excellent the wealth of the Muslim is, if it is collected through legal means, and is spent in the cause of Allah and on orphans, poor people and travelers. So this

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means that wealth is not something evil, it is something good. And for a believer wealth is truly an asset, you know, a resource a means through which the believer can do a lot of good. So this is why a person should be careful, and not waste that wealth by just letting anybody spend of it, or especially people who don't have much, you know, have good sense, good financial sense. You know, don't let them waste your wealth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said about how the upper hand is better than the lower hand, right and the upper hand is the hand which is being charitable meaning the person who is spending the one who is giving, and the lower hand is the one

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who is receiving the charity. So the upper hand is better than the lower one. And you can only give in charity, when you actually have money. So money is not something evil, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he also warned us that Allah subhanaw taala dislikes, three things for you. And all those three things that Allah soprano partner does not like for us is Illa earthen man wasting money. So part of wasting money would be giving your money to those people who you know, are going to destroy it, you know, are going to damage it, you know that they're going to waste it. So this doesn't mean that you become extremely stingy. No, this means that you're just careful, right? You have to be careful. So for example, when you know that your child is going to outgrow, you know, their clothes very quickly, why buy extremely expensive clothing, you know, designer clothing all the time, just to

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impress people, right? When you when you can buy something of decent quality, right off of, you know, decent amount. And, you know, that that, you know, it looks good, it is comfortable.

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It's so, so Alhamdulillah that's good, right? So we have to watch our own spending habits, and then also those who are under our care, we have to make sure that we don't just you know, give them our wealth or even the wealth that belongs to them. When you know that they are going to end up wasting it. So we'll have to suffer her unwelcome. allottee jaren Allah hula compe Yama, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah rlf verse number 31 that what kulu wash Rabu 123 food that eat and drink and do not be extravagant because in the hula, you Hybels rephaim, Allah subhanaw taala does not like those people who are extravagant and extravagance is what spending wastefully right, or spending

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where you know, the wealth is going to be wasted. So part of that is giving your wealth to people who you know, are going to waste it. The Prophet sallallahu early who sent them also warned us that a person's feet will not move on the Day of Judgment, until he's asked about certain matters. And of those matters is his wealth, that How did he earn it? And how did he dispose of it? So remember, that where Allah subhanaw taala has given us wealth, it doesn't mean that we have the right to just waste it. Right? That we can just spend it however we want, wherever that we want, right? No, we are responsible for the choices that we make and we are going to be held accountable for them. So this

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is why led to sofa unwelcome. allottee jaren, Allahu Lacan tiama what is the cool comfy help work su home and give them sustenance with it, and also close them. Now this is interesting, what is the organ fee how oxysilver meaning the sofa ha those who are weak minded in your care whether it is children, or people who, who who don't have good financial sense, or people who are, you know, who are mentally disabled, they have a certain disorder, etc. You are taking care of their wealth, but it doesn't mean that you completely deprive them of good things in life. You have to spend on them. You have to provide them sustenance with the wealth that belongs to them. And you also have to

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clothe them. Now notice, only food has not been mentioned. Clothing has also been mentioned, because people don't just need food. They also need clothing, right? They also need to feel because you see what you wear has has an effect on you know on how you feel on how you how you think about your

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In a social context, in a social situation, so it has an impact on your, on your image on your self image. Right? So it's necessary for, for people who are, you know, responsible for children, whether those children are their own or someone else's, you know that that you take care of all of their needs, not just their food and water, and that they have a place to sleep, know, what is the core home fee her work. So home, right sustenance and clothing, both have been mentioned over here. Because some people, you know, they become extremely stingy with their children, they don't spend on their children at all. And they say, what's the point? Right, there's no need to spend on children

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because they don't know how to take care of their things. Right? Or some people, they think that it's not, it's wasteful to spend on their daughters, because they say, you know, what, one day they're going to be married and they're going to be gone. And who knows, whether they're, you know, their husband is going to be wealthy or not. So I should trade my daughter to know how to live frugally, right, and so they become extremely stingy with their daughters, they don't spend on their clothing, they don't spend on their, you know, on their on their wishes on their needs even sometimes. So, pair regard to you know, the social context that your children are in that you are

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in, and and make sure that you are not being stingy with them. So what is the coven fee her walk through home? Now, an interesting thing that is mentioned over here is what does the coven fee have? Give them sustenance with it, not a give them sustenance from it mean her, if it was said from it, minha, then what would mean is that the wealth is all yours, and you are giving them charity, you know, from the wealth that you have. But that's not always the case, right? We see that this verse also applies to, for example, guardians of orphaned children, right, you don't give access to all you know, to, you don't give the orphan access to all of his wealth, because you know, he's not able

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to take care of it, right. But you also have to make sure that you're giving him sustenance with the wealth that he owns. Right? So it actually belongs to the orphan, it doesn't actually belong to you, it's not your property. So you're not doing an act of charity, by fulfilling the need of the orphan from the wealth, you know, that belongs to the orphan.

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Another explanation that the scholars give is, what is the coven fee, what fee indicates is that the Guardian is not just responsible to you know, take care of the wealth and protect it, he is also you know, to make sure that the wealth increases, meaning that he should invest it properly. Alright, and then from that investment, right, or, or through that investment through the game, right, he should give sustenance to the orphan, and, and also, you know, take care of other needs. Because if the, the Guardian does not make sure that the wealth is invested, then what's going to happen in the happen is that every time that he spends on the food on the needs of the orphan, from the orphans,

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wealth, from the orphans, well, it's going to decrease, right, it's going to decrease it's going to diminish over time. So for example, if an orphan inherits $50,000, right, and that 50,000 is sitting in the bank, and you're you're paying for, you know, the child's education and clothing, etc, from that 50,000. And what happens by the time he reaches the age of puberty, all of that money is down to 10,000, let's say, right, or 15,000. So, if you were just spending from it, you are going to cause the wealth to diminish and decrease over time. And that's not in the best interest of the orphan, what you need to do is that you should invest that wealth right. And then with that wealth,

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with that wealth, you feed the orphan, you make sure that other needs of the orphan are also fulfilled. So, what is the cool one fee her work su home? What kulula home cola ma Ufa and say to them, a good word an honorable word, an appropriate word. Why? Because, you know, what, when someone is is not really, you know, mature, then what happens is that they begin demanding things from you, right. So, for example, it may, if you have children, it may happen that you know what read when they, when they are, you know, earn a lot of money.

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You're saving it for your children every other day, they'll come and ask you, I want my money, it's my money, right? It's, it's not yours, it's my money, right? And you you used my money, you took my money. So sometimes your own children will say things to you that are very hurtful, right? You are protecting their wealth for, you know, in their interest, you're not stealing it from them. Likewise, if someone is under your care, and you are managing the money, because you know, if you don't keep a tight control, people are going to end up wasting it. So when you are guarding money, whether it is you know, your children's money, or one of your dependents, someone that you are

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taking care of, even if it is public money, like for example, money that belongs to an institute, an organization, I know people, everybody wants access to it, that let's spend on this, let's spend on that. And sometimes people you know, who are responsible to manage that money, they become very particular, right? They don't give easy access all the time. So when they don't give easy access, they have to hear a lot of negative things. So when you hear such negative things, what should you do in response, belittle those people mock them that Oh, you don't even know what you're talking about? You don't even know how to count money. You don't even know how to calculate this and that

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and you're going to keep money. Right? So what kulula honkala Moreover, don't put them down, don't verbally, you know, abuse them, don't yell at them. rather say appropriate kind, good words, meaning respond in the best way possible. When they are angry with you, when they foolishly demand things from you then respond in the nicest way possible. And some of our alumni have said that what this means is kulula one column Moreover, that you make the offer them because sometimes really, you know, certain people are saying things to you in their ignorance, they don't even know what they're talking about. And the way that they speak to you sometimes so condescending, and it is so hurtful,

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you know that what you're doing is in the best interest off, you know, for example, the organization, the family, right or even this individual, but they don't get it, they don't get it, they keep pestering you they keep hurting you they keep making you know demands from you they keep putting you know, they don't trust your judgment right. So in such a case, hula hoop polymer over make offer them made the offer them that your Allah give me sobor and yeah, Allah give them good sense. Right? Well, kulula home cola. Moreover,

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of israa verse number 53 will call Larry badie, your kulu loteria Eisen in the shade Atlanta yunzong lubaina home in the shape planner, can I live in Santa I do one Rubina that say to my slaves, that they should speak that which is best, meaning they should use the best words, because the fact is that shaitan is constantly creating discord between them. And trade plan is an enemy to people a clear enemy to people. So this shows us the importance of speaking good words. And it also teaches us that when you know that someone is deficient in their article, then you don't have to rub it in, you don't have to make them feel bad about it all the

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time. Right? That, you know, sometimes certain men become extremely condescending towards their wives, that first of all, they don't give them much money. Right. And when the wife, you know, insists that she should be given some money so that she can spend freely and you know, fulfill certain needs. You know, they start mocking at her, they say things like, oh, you're going to spend it all on makeup. Right? You only know how to waste money, you only know how to spend money. So this is not appropriate. You might feel you might strongly believe that your wife does not have good judgment, when it comes to money matters. You might believe that she is not able to, you know, look,

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look after financial matters. You might believe that and realize that you might be wrong in that opinion of yours. But even if you have that opinion, it doesn't mean that you have the right to be condescending toward her, to be rude to her to break her heart to hurt her feelings by putting her down and by ridiculing her, this is not the right attitude. And the same thing goes you know, even with your children, that for example, if your children are asking for a new phone, don't mock at them, right? If your child is asking for a new computer, for example, you know a new bed for example, don't belittle their their need right there. Want

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It doesn't mean that you have to fulfill every wish of theirs. But don't belittle them by saying, When I was your age, I used to share my room with 20 other people, right? You are so spoiled and you're so this and that. You don't have to belittle your children, your dependents, you know the people who, who you believe should not have access to your wealth. You can have that opinion. You have the right but you don't have the right to mistreat other people.

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That in the next verse, it is said Weber Talia Tama, Hector Bella who Nika and test the orphans meaning in their abilities until they reach marriageable age, for in an S to mean whom Rushton then if you perceive in them sound judgment, for the Pharaoh, lay him Amala home, then release their property to them, one after kulu her his soften will be doubt on a UK bottle and do not consume it excessively and quickly, anticipating that they will grow up. woman cannot linnaean folia starfish and whoever when acting as guardian is self sufficient, should refrain meaning from taking a fee, woman can have appeal unfairly equitable maruf and whoever is poor, then let him take according to

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what is acceptable for either the father to lay him on one on one than when you release their property to them. For Ashley do I lay him then bring witnesses upon them. Walker fabula he has Seba and sufficient is Allah as accountant. This is a very important verse in which are many lessons for not just guardians of orphans, but also parents of young children. So first of all, it is said Weber taloja, Tama

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test the orphans?

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The thing is that you can only test someone after you have taught them after you have trained them. Then comes the test. Right? So what are the new yet hammer? What this means is that train the orphans who are under your care. And as you're training them, as you're teaching them, you should continue to test them.

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Why in order to prepare them for their future. Now, you uttama Who are your time or your time, as we discussed earlier, actually children, right orphans, the term your team applies to who a child who has not reached the age of puberty, and his or her father has passed away. Now an orphan any has to be prepared for their future? Right? Why because as they grow older, they're going to have to stand on their feet, they're not, they're not going to have that support from their father, right? Whether it is financial support, or emotional support, or even guidance as to how to manage their money. So you have to train them and prepare them for their future so that they can stand on their feet. So

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what the title yet herma? Teach them, train them. And yes, these are children who have not yet reached the age of puberty. Right. So continue to train them and continue to test them. Right put them in different situations where you can test their, you know, independence, and that sense of responsibility, that where do they stand? What else do they need to learn.

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And, you know, this includes things like, give them a good education, right and build their life skills, especially give them financial training. And this can be done in a number of ways, for example, by giving them errands to run, you know, giving them some money to keep to spend from to buy something with, and then see how they use that money. Right? Teach them different skills, so that they're able to, you know, earn for themselves, prepare them for life and start young, right? Don't wait for them to become older, so that you can, you know, teach them start young. And this also shows us that it is the responsibility of parents and the responsibility of Guardians to train

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their indices to train their dependents. Meaning it is not right to shelter your children so much that you do everything for them and out of your extreme love and concern for them, you actually end up handicapping them. So they're not able to, you know, live independently, they're not able to look after themselves. When they grow older. This would be extremely unfair, that you don't prepare your children for the

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life that is ahead. Because the fact is that you're not always going to be around. Right? And, and sometimes it's very hard to make your children do things for themselves, you'd rather do it yourself because you can do it properly, you can do it better. And you would rather you do it, then watch your child struggle, right? But it This is unfair, this is unfair to children, because if they're not given that chance to practice to make mistakes, how are they going to learn? Right? So give them different tasks to prepare them for life. And yes, you know, you are here, right now you're, you know, for example, cooking food for your children doing laundry for them, etc. But,

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you know, give them the opportunity to do these things on their own as well. So that they develop these life skills, and they're able to, you know, stand on their feet, and, and not always be reliant on others. And SubhanAllah. You know, some people, even when they're older, they struggled so much with basic things, right? So, and it doesn't mean that you, you, you don't have to work on, you don't have, you know, a good expectation of Allah, or that you don't expect that your children will not live a good easy life. No, you're just preparing them so that so that they better have, they have better time management skills, they have they, they're more well rounded, right. And

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they're able to benefit themselves and also benefit the people around them. And, you know, this, this includes ensuring that your children know how to, for example, prepare food, they know how to iron their own clothes, they know how to, you know, wash their clothes, and they know how to manage money as well. And this goes for boys. And it also goes for Girls, Girls should also be taught how to manage their money, how to, you know, deposit money, how to take money out of the bank, how to, you know, find a good deal, etc. Because while you are there to shelter your daughter, Allah who are know what the future holds, right? So webathon only uttama when it comes to orphaned children,

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especially test train them. But this teaches us that As parents, we should also make sure that we are, you know, teaching our children. And this can be in a number of ways. But it can only be when you are willing to take that risk and willing to give your child the opportunity to make their independent decision. And they're allowed to make mistakes, and they're allowed to learn from their mistakes. So whether Tallulah Tama had that either Bella who nikka until they reach marriageable age, meaning it is your duty to train them until this age had that either below Nika. And then for in Anna's the min home rush then if you perceive good judgment in them, meaning once they reach

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marriageable age, then what should you do still continue to shelter them and cajole them and you know, do everything for them? No further Pharaoh, lay him on one hand over their wealth to them, then you should step away, right? let them make their own decisions. Now, even though this verse is specifically about the orphans, you know, parents can also learn a lot from this verse. Sometimes what happens is that even when you know the child is way past marriageable age, even if, if they're married, still, they're not allowed to make their own decisions. There is constant, you know, monitoring of what the adult son is doing. Right? Why? Allah subhanaw taala is telling guardians of

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orphans over here that hand over, you know, their wealth to them, meaning now let them take care of their own matters, right? Let them have their own space. You don't have to interfere in everything. And and trust them, right. You learn from your mistakes, they will also learn from their mistakes. So hepta, either Bella Monica, for in an estimate emotion. Now there's two things over here before you hand over the orphans wealth to him. You have to make sure the two conditions are fulfilled. What are those two conditions First of all, it's their age. But a Hanukkah they should be of marriageable age, meaning they should be past the age of puberty. Right. for boys, of course. It's

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well known about signs of puberty.

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For girls, of course it's menstruation. So, if you if you if once you see that they have reached marriageable age, and then secondly, the second condition is that you perceive rushed in them. What is rushed, rushed is good sense. All right, the ability to make the right judgment. And this is, this includes both intellectual ability and religious ability. Because some, you know, children, right as they grow older, for example, in their teenage years, they're, they're very focused, right, they know exactly what they want to do, how they're going to earn money, or, you know, they're very, you know, focused on, you know, for example, starting a business, they know what they're doing,

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right. But at the same time, they don't have religious awareness, or even if they have religious awareness, they don't really care much about how that how long. And you can see that by how they eat, right by how they talk, by how, you know, for example, they are neglectful of their prayers. So this shows that, you know, this shows that they haven't reached the age of maturity, right in the sense that they're not intellectually mature, because there are people who are physically mature. But intellectually, they're still like children. Right? That you have to remind them for every salon. It's the home now make sure you pray. Right, and then you have to follow up. Did you pray?

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And when you ask, is it Oh, I forgot, I didn't even realize. So.

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One of you know, the signs that a person has become responsible and independent is that they are preying on their own. This is a big sign. And if you have to keep reminding them, keep asking them right then this is a sign that they're not taking responsibility for themselves. So for in honesto, Minho, Rushden two things, age, and also maturity. So then once they fulfill these two conditions, then you completely hand over their wealth to them. And

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until that time, you have to take care of the orphans wealth, right meaning you will take care of it had Diablo a shooter has returned in circle and around verse 152, until he reaches the age of maturity. Well, that's how kulula is, so often we'll be down on a yucca bottle, and do not now the the guardians of the orphans are being addressed over here that you should not consume, the wealth of the orphan is soften wastefully and be dark and be down quickly a Jacobo out of fear that they will grow up. Now remember that the caretaker, the guardian of the orphan is allowed to take a fee from the wealth of the orphan for managing it, right for taking care of that wealth for guarding it,

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looking after it, investing it, etc. Right. However, this is not a general permission. This is for those guardians who are who are poor or who need that, you know, that the who need those wages, right? We learn in a Hadees that a man came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And the man said that I do not have any money, but I have an orphan under my care. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you may eat from the orphans, wealth, without extravagance or wastefulness. And without mixing it, and without saving your money by spending his or saving it, you're storing it up for future so that you're not allowed to do because the thing is that you see,

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taking care of your property requires a lot of work, right, it requires, you know, mental space, right? It requires attention, it requires skill, it requires time and depending on the nature of that property, you may have to do a lot of work in order to take care of the orphans property. So if a person has a need, meaning the Guardian is a need, the caretaker is a need, that he's allowed to take wages, all right, from the orphans wealth, and those wages of course will be determined by you know, current standards in the sense that you see that if a person was to be hired for, you know, such a job, then how much would they be paid? So that has to be with maruf. So, uh, but again, a

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warning is given that well kulula is often would be Darren

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But while the orphan is with you, right and little, don't eat up his wealth is rough and wastefully that beyond your need. And be Darren quickly that you're like, Okay, let me charge every single month. Why? Because you know, that by the time that the orphan will grow up, he will realize, and then he will start demanding, and then he will start questioning. So finish it up before he grows up, before he's able to figure things out on his own. So what kulula is often will be done on a UK bottle. And then it is said woman can olaniyan folia staff with and whoever is rich, then he should refrain, meaning you should completely refrain from

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taking wages from the orphans property. Why Because Allah subhanaw taala has fulfilled your needs, right, you have plenty. So why charge someone who is weak and vulnerable woman can have a parent and whoever is poor failure, call Bill maroof, then he should eat meaning you should consew how in a manner that is appropriate as the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre them explained for either the far from La muela home, then when you hand over their property to them for a shoe or lay him then call witnesses over them. Meaning that at the time when you are handing over their property. So, for example, the orphan is now and you know an adult. Now, for example, he's 18 years old, he is mature,

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he has good sense you have tested him a number of times, and you know that he's able to take care of his money. So you are handing over his wealth to him, at that time, call witnesses, meaning make sure that there are people present over there who are witnessing the fact that you were handing over the orphans wealth to him, why in order to make sure that there are no problems in the future. Because when it comes to financial matters, you know people are extremely weak. We forget we make mistakes, we become greedy, and then we end up accusing you know people. So in order to protect yourself in order to protect the orphan, what should you do make sure that there are witnesses

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present, Walker fabula he has Seba and Allah is sufficient as Hasib and the name has seen means a number of things. First of all, the name has seed means a Shaheed witness. So Allah sufficient as a witness, right, Allah knows that you are handing over the property of the orphan to him. But but but in addition to that, you should call witnesses. This doesn't mean that it is not enough that Allah is a witness. Absolutely, it is enough. This is why they said Waka fabula has ceiba Allah sufficient as a witness, but you have to do your part, right? Because sometimes we say you know what, I put my trust in Allah, and I'm not going to worry about it. But we have to put our trust in Allah and at

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the same time, you remember, remember that part of putting our trust in Allah is to tie our camel right. So, when it comes to financial matters, make sure that you follow the system that Allah subhanaw taala the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, then what foba has he by the name, Hasib also means l caffee. Meaning the one who is sufficient or the one who is give her of what is sufficient. So, here it says though we are being encouraged to put our trust in Allah, right. So for example, the guardian of the orphan he should put his trust in Allah and, and not eat greedily from the wealth of the orphan because Allah is giving off what is sufficient. Then Hasib also means

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guardian and protector. So whatever that you do remember that Allah subhanaw taala is guarding your deeds, he is preserving your deeds as we learn in the Hadees that our last panel, Tara says in the AMA, here are my lucam hoarsely halochem that it is your deeds which I am preserving for you, right? Meaning that your deeds are being preserved. And Allah subhanaw taala will hold you responsible for what you're doing. So be careful. So here, it says if a warning is being given that when you're handing over the wealth back to the orphan, then make sure that you are honest, you're transparent, you're not cheating, you're not you know, changing any details to take advantage of the situation.

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Because remember that Allah is Hasib and then finally, the name Hasib also means one who takes to account and gives Recompense. So, worker fabula he has Seba and remember that Allah

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We'll hold you accountable so do things properly.

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Then in the next verse that is said literally Jerry nicelabel Minh methodical wily Danny will occur a boon for men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave willingly say in a stable, methodical valid anyone accountable. And for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave member tharaka sorry mimma Allah Minho. Oh kathal Be it little or much no sleep, I'm a frugal and obligatory share. Now this verse is talking about inheritance. And it has made very clear in this verse, that men inherit wealth from deceased parents and relatives. And women also inherit wealth from deceased parents, and deceased relatives. So it doesn't matter whether a person

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is man or woman, young or old, right child or adult, it doesn't matter, you inherit because of the relationship that you have with the deceased with the person who has died, right? You don't inherit because of your gender, or because of your age, nor are you deprived off inheritance because of your gender and your age. So literally janeen asleep and willing Missa in asleep, men, meaning males, young and old adults and children, right, they get to share. And well in Nyssa, in asleep when women also have a share of inheritance, whether it is you know, women who are young or old, adult or children, as long as they were related to the deceased, they will have a share of inheritance. And

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notice the word no sleep literally jolliness label while in Missa, in asleep asleep is actually a fixed portion. Alright, it's a fixed portion, meaning there is a certain

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you know, portion, which is a must meaning an obligation from Allah, and it is determined, right meaning that that portion has been specified by Allah xojo. And the details of that are coming up ahead in the following verses, and inshallah we will get there soon. So what has made clear over here is that men inherit, and women inherit, because you see in in at the time, when these verses were revealed, there was no concept of women inheriting or even children inheriting from deceased relatives. Typically, it would be the closest male relative, who would just come and literally take the entire estate of the deceased, and everyone else would be deprived. Sometimes, the children of

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the deceased who would not get anything, especially if those children happened to be girls, right? The wife, the widow would not receive anything. So to put an end to this injustice, this verse was revealed. And we see this very common in, in many cultures, many places, that women are not given any share of inheritance. Right? Why? Because she's a woman, right? Or she's going to be married and she's going to go and she doesn't belong to us anymore, because now she belongs to someone else. And this is, this is not correct. Lilly jolliness label well in Nisa, in acebo. So men and women both have a share. This is the first thing that that we can see in this verse. The second thing that's

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very clear in this verse is that men and women both inherit from who, from parents and closest relatives, right?

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Meaning if if a person dies, leaving behind children, right, their children will inherit from them, whether those children are male or female, so those children will inherit from them. And then Accra, Boone, Metro, Cavalli, Danville, Accra boom, what the closest relatives have left behind, which shows us that the closest relatives inherit, okay. Now, you know, each person is related to many, many people.

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Right, you have the your immediate family, you have your extended family, you have those who are closer to you in terms of relationship and then you have those who are not as close they are, you know, distant relatives. Okay. So what this is shows us is that it is the closest relatives meaning those who are closest to you in terms of relationship. They're the ones who inherit first

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It is only in their absence that the distant relatives will inherit. Okay? So this is also an important rule that we learn from this verse. Another rule that we learn from this verse is that every estate, meaning the wealth that has been left by the deceased, the person who has died, whether that wealth is Mount Lemmon, who oka thought it could be very little, or it could be a lot, it could be barely $1,000, or it could be millions of dollars, it doesn't matter what the deceased has left, how much you know, how much its value is, whatever it is, okay, whatever amount it is, it is going to be distributed amongst the heirs. So, you know, a person cannot say, Well, he barely

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left, you know, $1,000 so just let the son take it. No, if he left a daughter, the daughter also has a share. So mymail parlamento out better. Another thing, we've seen this versus mostly Bama for Uber, that it is made clear that this is an obligatory share, meaning the amount has been fixed by Allah, the meaning each portion, its its amount has been fixed by Allah. And asleep. omafra also means that this is an obligation from Allah. And when Allah Subhana, WA, tada has obligated this matter, and Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has fixed the portions, that what does it mean? It means that we don't have any right to change the law, the law over there. Because sometimes what

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happens is that people want to be able to decide how much each heir should inherit from them. So for example, a person thinks that, you know, my, my daughter has been extremely kind to me, very nice, very helpful to me. But you know, her share, if if I die, her share would be less than that of my sons. So I want my daughter to get more. So a person writes in their will, that their daughter should get 75% of their wealth and the son should get 25% and this is contrary to the law that Allah has revealed. Are we allowed to make such a decision? No, we are not the Siebel mahfouda, right. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala has fixed, that Allah subhanaw taala has decided, Allah

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subhanaw taala has not left this to us, that you decide how much your son should get how much your daughter should get, how much your mother should get, how much your father should get how much your brothers should get an if they should get anything at all. No, you don't get to decide this. Right?

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who gets to decide this. Because our problem is one day we love certain family members, right? And what happens next day, we hate them, we don't want to see them, right? Our feelings change right? We are not that consistent when it comes to our feelings towards our family members. And especially because because of proximity, you know people who are closer to you, you end up getting hurt because of them you end up you know, loving them a lot there could be different situations. So, if it was left to us to decide we would make really unfair decisions, right. So no silybum of rouda Allah subhanaw taala has taken that responsibility away from us, and

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he has decided who should be the heirs and he has decided what the portions of those heirs should also be. Then it is said why either held on a piece of metal or leukerbad Willie uttama Well, Mr. Kane and when other relatives and orphans and the needy are present, when at the time of division, meaning at the time when the estate of the property of the deceased is being distributed amongst the heirs. Then at that time, what should you do when all of these other people are present for a Zuko one min who then provide for them something out of it? meaning out of that estate? What kulula home cola ma rufa and speak to them words of appropriate kindness. What a beautiful verse. Here we see

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that the errors are addressed. Who the people who are inheriting the people who have a legal God given shared right of inheritance, I imagine somebody has passed away, all right. And their house is now you know, filled with things and everything that's inside and the house itself is going to be divided. It's going to be distributed amongst the legal heirs. And let's say in that particular situation, the legal heirs are Who? Three children. Okay, so those

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Three children are in the house sorting things out, bringing everything out, you know, listing everything to make sure that everything is accounted for. And as they're doing that, there are certain other relatives who are present, like, for example, a cousin. Or for example,

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you know, a, you know, a sibling of, of the person who has died. Alright. Or, or let's say, you know, you know someone from their in laws. Okay. So, you know, some some relatives present. Okay. Not a problem. It's all about

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our close relatives, right. And let's say they're not even relatives there yet Hama, okay. There are utama orphaned children. Okay, here it happens. Very common, and, you know, in small communities that children, you know, they will just go into everybody's houses. So sometimes, you know, there's an orphan child, siblings, you know, they're just randomly going house to house. So these children are now here. Because things are being taken out, you know, somebody died. So they're just watching, right? things being taken out, things being put in different piles, or well, Masaki, there are those who are in need, let's say there is a servant, right? Or people who are, you know, for instance,

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begging, so you have all of these people who are present, but they don't have a share of the inheritance. But they are present and they're watching. They're looking, they're looking at clothes, they're looking at money, they're looking at the dishes, or looking at the furniture, different things they're watching, right? And they don't have any share of what is being distributed. So what should you do airs at this time, let these people stare at you with that greed or with that, you know, eagerness and that sense of hestra you know, that, that, that sense of deprivation? Should you just let them stare, no famzoo Minho, have some heart, give them something from it, and say

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something appropriate and kind to them? Okay, so two things you should do, give them something. And secondly, say something nice. And this teaches us that, you know, when someone is expecting something from us, they are eager for what we have, then we should not, you know, let them drool in their greed, we should give them something of what they're eager for. Why because this is dignified behavior. Right, you should have regard for the feelings of other people. And this is a general rule, not just applicable in the situation that is described in this idea. But as a general rule, that when you are, for example, eating something, right, when you are, you know, opening up all of

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your shopping, right, and someone who doesn't have any share of what you are, you know, opening up, they're watching, right, then don't just let them watch in greed, give them something. So whether it is a human, or animal, even animal, whether it is a child or an adult, or someone who is poor, when they are looking at what you have, and they're expecting it, they want it you can see it in their eyes, then don't, you know, break their heart by just, you know, annoying them even more, by depriving them completely, no have regard for their feeling feelings, and give them something. We see this in the beautiful character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we learned that once

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he heard that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, had received certain, you know, fancy of cloaks, and that he was distributing it amongst the companions. So mahama he knew he was an older man, he went with his son, to see the Prophet sallallahu earlier cetera. And he told his son, go call the Prophet sallallahu Urdu, send them outside for me. And his son felt extremely, you know, awkward that how can I call the Prophet sallallahu already set up for you. So Mohammed said that, you know, the Prophet sallallahu already said, is not a tyrant, meaning he's not an arrogant person, he would not mind coming out. So the prophets, so he went and called the Prophet sallallahu earlier

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sentiment, the Prophet sallallahu and he said, I'm King, and the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him brought the cloak, alright, he brought the cloak. And he told Muhammad that omokoroa I kept this for you. Because the Prophet sallallahu where it is that I knew that McLemore wanted it, right, he was eager for it. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did not say that you know what, you shouldn't be greedy. And you shouldn't be looking at what other people have and you should be content with what

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You have have some, you know, Lena, Lena of the knifes, right? Watch your greed please no nothing like that this man wanted something the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave it to him. And sometimes it happens that, you know, for example, you are on your phone, right? You could be playing a game, you could be sending a message, you could be, you know, typing something, and there's a child sitting next to you, they're constantly staring at what you're doing. Now, if it is something confidential, something private, you can advise the child that, you know, please don't look at what I'm doing. But if it's, you know, something, like a game that you're playing in, the child is

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constantly staring, give the child a chance to play the same game. Right? Why at least make conversation about it, if you don't want to give your phone, at least make conversation about it, when you're eating something, and an animal is staring at the food that you're eating? give something to the animal to eat, right? It doesn't have to be the same food that you're eating, it could be the food that you have for the animal, right? But give something when you're older relative, you know, sometimes your own sister, your your mother in law, your mother, your grandmother, they're looking at, you know, for example, your jewelry, your clothes, give them the

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satisfaction of knowing what you're wearing, where you got it from, indulge them a little, right? Because it's not nice

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to let people you know, to leave people feeling unsatisfied, right? Yes, it is not nice to be eager for what others have. But it is also not nice to disregard the feelings of people. Right? They are responsible for what they're doing. They should not be eager for what is yours because Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, do not be eager for, for what others have been given, right? But if they're making a mistake, why should you make the mistake, you don't make that mistake, you'll be nice to them, you don't disregard their feelings. So and also don't get annoyed by those who are in need that Oh, again, they're here and now I have to give them something and now I have to

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help them. And why do I have to, because we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that seek your week for me for indeed, you your sustenance. And aid that you are given is only because of your weak meaning it is because of the weak people among you that you are provided. And you are helped by Allah. So don't think of them as a burden.

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And the other thing is, that when you are, you know, for example,

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eating something when you are enjoying some wealth, right and someone is staring at you, right? And it could also be an animal, someone is staring at you enjoying something, their eagerness for what you have could create feelings of jealousy in their heart. Right? And when they're looking with that jealousy with that extreme greed, that could actually affect you with evil eye, right? So give them something to turn their eyes away from you. Give them something so that they get busy with what they have in the stop staring at you.

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And then it is said well yaksha Levine Alo takumin kullfi him the reattempt they are often half who are lay him fully at the cola, how will your cola cola and study that?

01:03:35 --> 01:04:20

And let those executer in guardians fear injustice as if they themselves had left weak offspring behind and feared for them. So let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate kindness. Now, this is a very comprehensive verse and it has been understood in a number of ways and it has multiple benefits and input and implications. inshallah, we'll go over it quickly. That first of all, we see that the people who are with the dying person are being addressed over here, the people who are with the dying person, advising him regarding his will, they're being told that they should fear Allah, meaning when you are taught, you know, advising the dying person regarding his wealth,

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then make sure you would advise of what is just and fair. Because in your greed, for for the wealth of the dying person, you may tell him to you know, make a will that is unjust, and that will cause you know, certain people to be deprived. But have you considered what if tomorrow you're the dying person, and it is your weak children who are being deprived because of someone else's greed. Would you like that? You would not. So when you are in that position to advise a person who is close to their death, advise them

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Honestly, advise them,

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you know, while while putting yourself in their shoes, so give the best advice. Don't just always be looking out for what is in your best interests. Also look out for what is in the best interest of the person who is dying and their heirs and their children and their

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independence, etc. Secondly, it is said that this verse is actually talking to the guardians of the orphans, that do not take advantage of the vulnerable situation of orphaned children, and do not deprive them up their legal chair, because what if tomorrow, your children become orphans? What would you want for them? So when you are taking care of an orphan, treat that orphan as if that was your own child? Right? Why? Because tomorrow, it could be your children in the care of someone else, and you would want someone to treat them in the best way. So treat the orphans in your care in the best way possible. And thirdly, it is said that this verse is speaking to the executrix of the

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estate, meaning the people who have been appointed to divide the property of the deceased, meaning they should distribute fairly. So what's the message over here that

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care for the heirs, you know, the orphans, as you would want someone to care for your children, right, and care for the wealth of the orphan children, as you would want someone to take care of your children's well, and divide the estate with the orphans welfare in mind, right, because the standard that we have been given is that law you know, I had lukewarm Hatter, you hibari uffi Akali Jerry jetty, my humble enough, see that none of you can truly believe until he loves for his brother or another narration for his neighbor, what he loves for himself. So, this is a standard that we have been given. And while your kulu Colin said either they should feel alive, they should say what

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is what is just and fair and correct. Meaning do not advise that which is unfair, do not say which is you know, what is false what is untrue, be honest about these financial matters, what are your kulu olan said either because the last panel authority tells us in the Quran, that Yeah, you are Latina, amanu takala cuckooland sadita usili Hello, come our way have a look with the lubicon that oh you who believe your Allah and save that which is correct, right? And what will happen when you say that which is correct, what is fair, what is reasonable? What is,

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you know, honest, what is just what will happen, that Allah subhanaw taala will correct your situation for you, you'll slip the Kumar mela and also Allah subhanaw taala will improve your deeds for you. Well, Fiddler can come and he will forgive you your sins. And then finally, a warning is given in the livigno Colonia. And while earlier thermal Woolman in the myoclonus he Bertoni him now was a loner Cirilo, that indeed those people who devour the property of the orphans unjustly they're only consuming into their bellies fire, and they will be burned in a blaze. Now notice how eating the wealth of the orphan is mentioned, this doesn't mean that buying clothes with the wealth of the

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orphan is permissible or buying a house, etc, is permissible, but eating as mentioned, because once you eat a food, it's gone, it's finished. So, and also most of our wealth goes in what spending on food. So, those who consume the wealth of the orphans unjustly unjustly meaning they take what is not for them, and then such people are only consuming fire, and they will be burned in a blaze of stuff that a lie This is a serious warning that consuming the wealth of the orphans and justly is a major sin. And I mentioned the Hades earlier to you about how this is one of the destructive since. So, where there is a lot of reward Did you try again excuse me, where there is a lot of reward for

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you know taking care of the of the wealth of the orphans, this comes with a huge responsibility. So a person should do this with utmost consciousness of of love, fear of a law and also have the best interest of the orphan in mind and a person should seek the help of Allah or zoologia inshallah, we will conclude over here for today and I will be taking questions in the in the classroom inshallah. So Chronicle long behind they should have a la ilaha illa Anta esta hirokawa Toby Lake wa

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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