Taimiyyah Zubair – Tafsir Surah an Nisa #02 S4 V2-4

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering one's origin and final outcome, maintaining relationships of kinship, and avoiding abuse is emphasized in these topics. The concept of wealth is distributed among children and parents, and avoiding "justly bond" situations is emphasized. The importance of methodical behavior and staying away fromoppressed behavior is emphasized, and giving love and consideration to others is emphasized. The importance of avoiding drastic behavior and staying away from Yoanae is emphasized, and giving a small gift is a token of satisfaction and harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rahi sadi where silly emri wash Lola rock data melissani Yahoo. Kohli Aloma, the Colby was sadly Sani was ruled supreme at the Colby Armenia Ibn aalameen.

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inshallah, we will continue with our study of suta to Nisa, and hamdulillah. In our previous session, we learnt about the the overall introduction to the surah as well as we spend some time discussing the first if I want to spend a few minutes very quickly going over or reviewing the first item before we continue in Sharla. On to the second verse, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah Tunis, the first verse, yeah, a yohannes all mankind, it the aura bacame all of you should fear your Lord. And we see over here that Allah subhanaw taala addresses all people, which means that what is mentioned in the surah is actually relevant to all people meaning to all segments of society. It

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doesn't matter whether a person is very,

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you know, wealthy, they have a lot of freedoms or they have a lot of restrictions or they have you know, they're you know, a person is a man or a woman or a child, a person of wealth, a person of great responsibility, a person with many dependents or not any This is relevant, this sutra is relevant to people of all backgrounds, people of all situations. And so when we go through the sutra, let us not think about,

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you know, that this surah was only relevant at a particular time and it's no longer relevant to us, we should never think like that. Because Allah subhanaw taala addresses all of us. Yeah, a human ness. And I mentioned to you earlier, the two suitors of the Quran begin like this sort of hedge and sort of Tony said, In surah, Nisa, when Allah subhanaw taala, addresses all mankind, and tells all of us that we should have fear of him, we should be conscious of him. Allah subhanaw taala mentions our origin, that fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul, and then sort of to hedge, our end is mentioned. So it is said over there all mankind fear your Lord, because indeed, the

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earthquake of the final hour is something very serious. So the Day of Judgment is mentioned over there. And we need to think about this, that, you know, we can only be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala, when we realize what our origin is, and what our you know, our outcome is that we weren't, you know, made made out of nothing in the sense that we did not create ourselves, our creation, our existence is not by chance. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created us. And then our lives are not just going to end like that we're not just going to Turman it and cease to exist. No, there is, there is the day of judgment, there is recompense, there is reward, there is punishment. So when a

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person remembers their origin, and their final destination, it is only then that they can be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala. Otherwise, really, why would a person care? Why would a person be careful about you know, how they're dealing with others what they're doing in their personal life? A person would really have no, no rules, no, no regulations, nothing like that. So one of the things that helps us have the core of Allah is to remember our origin and our final outcome. The fact that we that we are going to be recompensed for what we are doing. And then yeah, you Vanessa Sakuraba Camila de la cama nuptse wahida wahala caminhar xojo. Her were both salmon humeri. Jalan kefir on

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one Isa. Again, it is said, what the cola lady TESSA aluna behave well or have that fear Allah, by whose name or in whose name, you demand your rights from each other. And also fear Allah in return.

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guard to the or ham, Fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship, the relatives that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for you fear Allah in regard to them. What does this mean that you better be careful in how you deal with your closest relatives? You see, our relatives are not people that we choose, right? Friends, yes, you can choose them. You You want to be friends with someone, you can maintain that friendship, you don't like someone anymore, they're too toxic. You can, you know, you can, you know, distance yourself from them, you can move on with your life and, you know, try to avoid that person. But when it comes to relatives, we don't have a choice over there. You don't

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choose who your mother is, you don't choose who your son or your daughter is. Right? These are people that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for us. And while these people are a huge blessing, they're also a trial. Right? They're also a source of constant test for us, which is why we are told over here, what the Allah Allah the aluna, he won or him fear Allah in regard to your relatives.

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And, of course, what is meant by this is that do not sever your ties of kinship, meaning don't cut off from them maintain those ties of kinship, which shows that even if, and we see this that even if a relative is not a Muslim, right, still, you're supposed to maintain ties of kinship with them. Now, the first question is that who exactly are the Adham? Who exactly are your, your, you know, ties of kinship. So, there are differences of opinion, some said that the hammer basically your mom's meaning the people who you are not allowed to marry. So for example, your your immediate family, right, your, your uncle, your aunt, etc, your grandparents, and then some say that it

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includes all those people who inherit from you. So, sometimes in certain cases, there could even be a distant relative who would inherit. So, they would be or a cousin, for example. And in that case, again, they would still be our home. And then some say that actually, it includes all blood relatives, whether they are heirs or not, whether they are my home or not. And this is the more correct opinion, that the people who are close to you, because all of humanity is, is connected with one another, right, all of us are from Adam alayhis, salaam, you know, in some way or another, we are all related, right? But the people who are close to you through, through, you know, some kind of

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relationship that for example, parent or grandparent or, you know, grand grandparents, you know, sibling, right, and their children, etc. So, the point is that when someone is connected with you, whether it is immediate family, or even extended family, right, then we must maintain ties of kinship with them, meaning we should not cut off from them, don't treat them as if they were, you know, that they're a nobody, right as if they don't exist. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that whoever is pleased to have this provision expanded and his life span extended, then let him keep good relations with his family. Now, sometimes it is extremely hard to

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put up with your, you know, with your sometimes even immediate family because of the kinds of things that they say, or because of the way that they behave with you. Now, the thing is that where there is proximity, meaning where someone is close to you, there is a greater chance of abuse as well. Right? Because they are close to you. So if someone is violent, if someone is, you know, abusive, they're rude, they're harsh, because they're close to you, of course, you're going to witness that from them. Now, of course, when it comes to a situation where your safety is of concern, then of course, you must be you know, you must make that a priority. But otherwise, when it comes to, you

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know, people just getting offended with each other, getting annoyed with each other, then these are things that we must overlook. These are things that we must overlook and out of the fear of Allah maintain those ties of kinship. And the thing is, that when we maintain those ties of kinship, we are the ones who benefit because first of all, this is a way of earning the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala right. Secondly, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this good news that the person who maintains ties of kinship, then what will happen, there will be blessing in their life, their lifespan will be extended, right. And their wealth will also will also be expanded, meaning it will increase. And, you know, there are several studies, research studies that demonstrate that the greater the number and frequency of social relationships, the longer you're likely to live, it's not just about how many contacts you have, how many relatives you have, it's not just about having a huge family, a huge extended family, it's about the frequency of those contacts that how frequently you connect

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with them. So the more frequently you connect with your, with people who are related to you write with people whom you have relationships with them, the longer you are likely to live. And these days over social media, really, it's not that hard to maintain that contact, and find a way through which you can maintain that contact, some of us hesitate having phone conversations, and that is understandable. Because people are different. Some of us hesitate, you know, just messaging on, for example, family groups, but those are not the only ways of keeping in touch with your relatives, you could even do it by, you know, other forms of social media, like for example, you know, when it

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comes to Snapchat, you know, whatever you're doing, just a small pick a small video of you know, what you're eating, where you're going your walk, send it to your aunt, send it to your uncle, and really, a lot of your aunts and uncles will be more than happy to know what you're doing. So it's just about sending a snap, right? And that helps them feel like you know, you you remember them. And then it's easier to you know, have conversations etc, to connect with them. So, everyone I advise you, especially those of you who are in the class, that find a way to connect with your extended family, find a way through which you can increase your contact with them more frequently connect

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with them, because this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has instructed us to do, what the cola lady does aluna behavioral or how in the law can or Aleikum or akima

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Now, the next is I N number two Allah subhanaw taala says what actually uttama and Wella home and give the orphans their wealth while at the but the little hobbies a bit a YouTube and do not substitute the defective meaning of your own for the good of there's one out Kunal and Wallah home illa awali comb and do not consume their properties into your own into who can or huben Kabira indeed, that is ever a great sin.

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Now, we see that in the second is a command is given right a lot is given and this is regarding the wealth of the orphans. So, we see that in certain Noosa. I mentioned to you earlier that many commands have been given, which are related to preserving the rights of the weak, right the weak of the society or people who are generally marginalized. And I mentioned to you for example, women, right women's rights are mentioned, but it but the first command that is given over here is is related to the orphans. Why? Because orphan children, they are really the most vulnerable. They are the most vulnerable, and in fact, the most oppressed even. So, what actually uttama umbrella home.

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Now there is a particular background to this verse. In some narrations, we learn about how there was a man from the tribe of author fan who had a whole lot of wealth and

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when he died, basically his his brother had his wealth and, and the son of the deceased man, and he, he he demanded his wealth, and that son, of course, would be the orphan child. So the uncle basically went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and asked him about this issue, that what do I do this is, you know, my my brother's son, and he's saying that he has a right over this and he should have his wealth. So this verse was revealed. And that man said, that we obey Allah and we obey the messenger, and we seek refuge with ALLAH against committing a major crime, meaning we don't want to commit a major crime and what did that man do? He gave his nephew

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Who was the orphan here the wealth that was his. So what actually uttama unwell at home and give the orphans their wealth. So here instruction is being given to who to the guardians of orphan children, right or the instruction is being given to the OCR, OCR, meaning the people who are who are given the responsibility to divide the estate of the deceased, right when a person dies, then someone is appointed to manage their estate, the wealth that they have left behind, right. So that is being distributed amongst the heirs. And a lot of times the children of the deceased, you know, they are not given what they deserve. So here, what actually uttama Amala home, gave the orphans, their

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wealth, and notice how it is said give the orphans, their wealth, and while a home, meaning that wealth actually belongs to the orphans, it doesn't belong to you, when it is theirs, then give it to them. Now the question is Who exactly is a team, right? Who exactly is an orphan? And we see that the word IE a team is from YouTube, and YouTube is to be alone. All right. And your team is a child? All right, whether girl or boy, whose biological father whose father has passed away? All right, so who is it a girl or a boy whose father has passed away, and they remain a year team until they reach puberty? Which means that once they reach puberty, then the label or rather the term, your team no

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longer applies to them? Because in a narration, we learned that la utama bar the dilemma, there is no, no, no, no, no being an orphan, there is no youtube youtube meaning to be an orphan

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after puberty.

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So what actually uttama Amala home gave the orphans their wealth. Now this is in two ways. First, is that while they are under your guardianship and care, right, while they're still little, then you give them their wealth in the sense that you make sure that they are well fed, right, that they their needs are being met, and you spend on them from their wealth, right? Well, actually uttama alone. Another meaning of this is that once they have reached adulthood, and they're able to look after their wealth, they're able to you know, live independently, then give them their wealth. Don't Don't keep it with yourself, give them the wealth that is rightfully theirs, what atulya Tama on why

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the home when I thought about the little hobbies and do not exchange the impure for the pure, what does this mean, do not exchange the impure for the pure? You see, this can this can be in a number of ways. One is that you see, the the the Guardian, right, he has his own property and the orphan, you know, has his own property right. Now, of course, there are things that you know, you own, and there are things that the orphan owns, and they're not all of the same level, right? It's possible that what you own is of cheaper, you know, quality and what the orphan owns is of better quality. Right. So, let the badulla Habiba you because it's an orphan child, right? doesn't know much, you

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can fool him easily. Or he's never gonna know, because he's little and you're the one who's managing the wealth. So, then do not go and switch things around that you take your property which is which is of cheaper quality, right. And you put that in the orphans name and what belongs to the orphan because it is of better quality you take that into your own Well, after the bad little hobbies, I will tell you. So scholar said different things about this, what the so for example, sorry, the normal say you have said that do not substitute a weak animal of yours for a healthy animal of the orphans. Right that you have an animal that is weak, the orphan has inherited an animal that is

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healthy. So what do you do you switch because nobody's going to know, right? Or what what does the orphan know? Right? Some have said that. What this means is that one of them being the caretakers of the orphans would take a sheep from the orphans property and put it in and put in its place a week sheep of his right

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So, same thing that basically you are switching right their property with yours, why so that you can have what is better and the orphan has what is cheaper, what is worthless. So, whenever the but the real habitability. You know, one other thing is that Hobbes actually is used for wealth that is unlawful, right? Even though the word hubbies means impure, why because what is unlawful for you is actually impure, right? It's, it's bad for you, it doesn't mean that that property in and of itself is impure, it could be money, which is perfectly clean like no germs on it, right. But it is impure for you, when it is unlawful for you when it is not legally yours, right. And play it is what they

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use is that would that property which is lawful for you. So, let the bird doodle habitability means that do not take the hobbies and give up the the you do not take the impure and give up the pure meaning by taking the wealth of the orphan What are you doing in reality, you are taking what is impure for you and by giving what is yours to the orphan In exchange, right What are you doing you are giving up that which is pure. So in this is a very important message for us that what is rightfully yours is actually good for you and what is unlawful for you is actually bad for you, no matter how good it looks. And no matter what the value may be so well after the but the real hobbies

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are the play, you know, a person thinks that when they're doing something like this, that, you know, the orphan child never finds out that you know, you've taken what is actually theirs. And you're taking advantage of them like this, what you're actually doing is that you are harming yourself. So while at the doodle hobby service, you're not really harming the other, right? Yes, there may be some harm, but the fact is what is certain is that you are harming yourself. So any kind of deception, lies cheating betrayal, that happens in exchange of wealth that is illegal, right? Then a person is actually harming themselves, then it is sad well after kulu Amala home Isla unworldly calm

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do not eat their wealth with yours, meaning do not combine their wealth, the wealth that belongs to the orphans, do not combine it with your wealth. And what's the intention over here of combining it so that you can use all of it up, you can eat it all up? Right? So this is another way of illegally using or eating up the wealth of the orphan child that you just mix it all up with yours. So all of it becomes yours. And then you say here this is mine. So it's all lawful for me. No, keep it make sure that you keep things clear. When kulu Amala home Ella and Wiley calm and notice how it is said um while a home um while he come there wealth, your wealth, that Allah has given you something as

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well. Right? You have your own wealth and while he come, why are you so desperate and eager to take what belongs to someone else. And this is a very important principle that we should remember in our lives, that we need to pay attention to the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us that instead of always looking at things that other people have and being greedy for that. Let us appreciate what Allah has given us because only then we will be able to enjoy it. You know, sometimes we are eating our food, but our eyes are fixed on what others are eating. Right so you don't even enjoy the food that's in your mouth. Because you're constantly thinking about the food

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that the other person is eating. So well after kulu Amala home illa amali calm, recognize your wealth, the blessings that Allah has given you, and be grateful for that. enjoy that. And don't be eager for what others have in the whole Kana huben can be raw Ra. Indeed this is ever a a major sin. Meaning taking, eating up the wealth of the orphan in any illegal way. This is a major sin huben Kabira. You see huub is is a word that's used for a sin but not just any sin. It's used for a great sin or a great offense.

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For a crime or data set this is it means injustice right or tyranny and basically the word hubba hubba is to, to yell at camels, all right. Like for example, if you have an animal and you want to frighten it, you want to stop it from doing what it should not be doing. What do you do you raise your voice, right. So, whose job is an action that is worth severe represent? Meaning if a person is committing this action, they deserve a severe reprimand, in no kind of Hoban can be a lot but what is mentioned here is herban Kabira. So what this shows is that eating the wealth of the orphan, Allah unlawfully illegally is actually a major sin. And yes, it is because there are clear warnings

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given in the Quran and in the sooner. In the Quran. We are told in the levina, Karuna, Amalia, Tamil Ruhlman in Avaya. coluna vebo Tony him narrow, that those people who eat the wealth of the orphan unlawfully right with injustice than such people are actually eating fire. They're filling their stomachs with fire. That's what they're doing in reality. What does this mean? That this is an action for which there is punishment of *? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, avoid the seven, destroy the seven destructive since will be caught. Right? That meaning sins that will that that that bring the person destruction. So what are those sins? Of course they're stuck in that

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there is magic, there is a murder, there is Riba and also in that list is eating the wealth of the orphan. So we see that right at the beginning of the surah. Right, the most vulnerable are protected, their wealth, their property, their legal right is being preserved, and a threat a severe warning is given to the guardians and the relatives of the orphan children, that they must be careful and not take the property of the orphans illegally at all. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also said Allahumma inni or had read your Huckleberry Fein

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and he mentioned basically the the Hulk the right of the rephaim to weak groups of society. And what are they Aliyah team well, more the orphan and the woman in these two groups in in society, what happens is that they are oppressed. Now a lot of times, you know women given you know the social support sometimes that they have or sometimes they find because they're adults, at least they're aware of the mistreatment, you know that that they're dealing with. But when it comes to children, orphaned children, they don't even know what's happening. They don't even know how their their their rights are being compromised. So a severe warning is given in the who Canna Hoban, Kabira. Be

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Now in the next verse, I have number three, what if to Allah tuxedo philea Tama and if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls phunki who Mel tabela con Mina Nisa, then marry those that please you have other women, how many methanol with two latha robar

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two or three or four, for in his tomb, a letter they do. And then if you fear but if you fear that you will not be just for hate that and then marry only one oh my America to a man who calm or those your right hands possess their liquor, Adena a letter or law that is more suitable that you may not inclined to injustice. Now there's a lot of issues that are mentioned in this verse, a very comprehensive verse that covers a lot of different subjects, a lot of different themes. Now, first of all, we see here that this verse is about orphan girls. All right, because we see that orphan girls are even more vulnerable. They're even more oppressed In fact, compared to orphan boys. So the

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guardians of orphan girls are being addressed over here. Now when it comes to orphan girls, one of the first things that people think about is to get them married, right as soon as they are of marriageable age.

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Even if they're, you know, teenagers, very young, they're like, you know what, just get them married so that they have their own home. Right? That, you know, they have their own family and we don't have to be burdened with, you know, taking care of such girls. But then we see that many times the rights of such girls are compromised. And that begins from the time of marriage. Whether that happens very early, or it happens later, a lot of times, we see that such girls their rights are compromised at the time of marriage. So here, the guardians of orphan girls are being addressed, right? And what is being said, that if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls,

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then don't marry them. Instead, marry someone else. marry someone whom you like, you can marry two, three or four. But don't marry the orphan girl whom you know, you're going to mistreat, because her father is not there. You know that you're not going to be fair to her, because she's an orphan.

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So we're in Clifton Allah tuxedo. philea tamma phunki. Hormel tabela, come in, and he said, he met now with two latha waterbar.

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Now in a Hadees, we learn our Chateau de la marinha. She was asked by her nephew roadwatch, about this idea about this verse that, what does it mean? What's the connection over here? So she explained that Oh, my nephew, this is about the orphan girl who lives with her guardian. All right, and, and shares his property because, you know, she, she is under his care. So she's living with his family. And now, this orphan girl has wealth, right? And she is also, you know, beautiful. And he thinks that you know, what, if I marry her, what will happen? I can take all of her wealth. And if I marry her, I marry the Guardian is thinking if I marry her, then what will happen? I don't have to

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give her any money, either. Because who's going to question me? Right? I'm supposed to be her guardian. So if I marry her, you know, nobody else is going to demand, you know that I give her a month. Right? So like this, people would get away with committing injustice against such women. So I shall dilemma and I explained that such guardians were forbidden from marrying such orphan girls, unless they treated them justly, and gave them the most suitable Mahal.

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So what in his tomb and led to cassuto failure, Tama utama over here is specifically referring to orphan girls. But if you fear that you cannot be just with them, you cannot deal justly with them. And what does it mean by dealing justly with them? It means giving them a Mahal, that is appropriate. Now, it's well known that in Islam, when a man marries a woman, he has to give her a man. Right, he has to give her a a gift, right of some sort. him or her that the woman agrees on, right, that that she accepts that she is okay with. And that more could be a lot or it could be little.

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As long as the woman is happy with her or his or her. Well, he is is is pleased with that amount. it's acceptable, right? But there must be some kind of match. Right. Mahara is one of the conditions of off Nika. Right. So what happens in a situation like this is that now there's an orphan girl, right? And her father is not there, right to ensure that his daughter gets a proper decent mud. Right? Nobody's there to advocate for her. So in this case, what happens is that this guy who wants to marry her, offers a very, you know, little mug, right? Which would be unacceptable otherwise, meaning if you were to marry someone else, he would have to give a much bigger amount, right? So

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we're in Clifton, Allah to cassuto if you are afraid, you know yourself, you know your weakness. You know that Kiana that that cheating, that that you know, you have the potential for. And you know that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls. Then what should you do still married this woman? No. marry someone else. phunki Whoa, Mel, Pamela Coleman and Nisa. Don't even think about marrying this orphan.

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Girl, go marry someone else. And this shows us how important it is to be mindful of, you know, to recognize yourself and to recognize your weaknesses. And not put yourself in a situation where you know you're going to be sinful, you know that you're going to,

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you know, compromise on on the rights of others. So it is said here phunki, whom Allah Bella Coleman and Nisa that marry whom you please have the women. Now, this is a very important matter, that sometimes we dismiss that we think that, you know, in marriage, it's not necessary for, for, you know, the couple to like each other. And what Allah subhanaw taala is telling us over here is marry malaba calm what you like, marry whom you like. So this shows us that it's very important that when two people are getting married, there should be some kind of, you know, attraction, meaning that they want to marry each other. They like each other. Right, methodical. And this is why the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised that the man should see the woman somehow. Why because then there will be some kind of, you know, he knows who he's marrying and he wants to marry her. So phunki Hormel tabula commoner Nisa, and this shows is that where, you know, for example, a man says that I don't want to marry this girl, right? A guy says, I don't want to marry this girl, but the family is constantly pressuring him. This is not right. Likewise, if a girl is being pressured into marrying someone whom she does not like at all, this is injustice. This is not fair. phunki Huma Bhabha, kamina Nisa any there should be some kind of attraction some kind of you know likeness that

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yes, I like this person, I want to marry them.

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And what whom you like any, this could be for various reasons, this could be because of Hulk or Hulk right meeting because of their physical appearance or it could also be because of their character, right, their personality. So, fun karma tabula convienent, Nisa, and then Nina said methanol with aletheia were obar two or three or four, meaning up to four. So that shows us that a man can have four women in marriage, right at the same time, but not more than four, four is the absolute max, right? methanol with ratha waterbar.

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Now, here we see that, you know, the verse begins with we're in fifth, you have a fear that you you won't be, you won't deal justly, right. So this shows us that, you know, when it comes to just the idea of marrying a certain individual and you have a strong, you know, fear, you have some reservations, and you really feel that you can't do justice in that relationship, then don't walk into it. Don't don't get into it, don't ignore the, the genuine concerns and fears that you have. Right? Because then what you're doing is that, you know, you're telling yourself that yes, you know, what I'm, I should control myself and things will work out. What about the other person, right, they

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don't deserve to enter into a relationship where, you know, their rights are going to be compromised. So, of course, any discuss with people whom you trust, and, and take their advice to see if it's a good idea, to marry a certain individual. You know, share your apprehensions and your concerns, take advice, write, you know, read a book on, on, on whatever concern that you have, speak to your family, communicate with with with your potential spouse, also let them know about your reservations, your concerns, your fears. Why, because when people don't have, you know, such clear communication, then later on, it affects the marriage constantly until the marriage breaks down.

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Right? Marriage is supposed to be a source of sukoon not a source of constant trouble and fear. And, you know, that sense of deprivation. So,

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here a solution is given that when you know you're not going to be fair, then don't marry this person, go find someone else. Go Go find someone whom you will like, but marry 234 there's plenty of fish out there. Right must now with aletheia robar for increase to a letter the loo. Now another fear has mentioned that if you fear that you are not going to be doing

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Just you're not going to be just with who, with two wives or three wives or four, right? Meaning if you have more than one wife, if you take more than one wife, and now you're and you are afraid, before, you know marrying a second, or third or fourth wife, you are afraid that you will not be able to do justice, then what should you do for wahida 10, then marry only one, don't marry more than one in that case, Oh, mama look at a mannequin. Or that which your right hands possess. Now for enhanced on the sphere that a person has could be for many reasons, it could be because of lack of wealth, like a person can barely support, you know, himself, or you know, one wife, and he's

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thinking daydreaming about having three wives, while you can barely pay rent, and support one wife, how on earth are you going to support two or three, all right, you have to be realistic, the Oracle does not mean that you become unrealistic to what cool is that you do? Whatever is within your means, right? And you put your trust in Allah tawakkol is not that you do nothing on your part, and you put all of your trust in Allah, that is not the worker at all. So for in fifth term, you are afraid you don't have that money, right? You lack organization in your life, you're late to work, you cannot get your work done. If you you know, spend time with one child, you don't get to see the

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other child for so long. You are a busy person who works, you know, nine to five or nine to seven every single day you barely get to spend time with your, you know, your one wife, then why why are you daydreaming about taking a second or third. So any fear that you have that makes you think that you're not going to be able to do justice, then for wahida 10, oh, my malakut a man who calm and again, this teaches us another general principle in our lives that when we know that we cannot do justice to something, then let us not put our hands into it. Because then we are putting ourselves in a situation where we are going to make mistakes, we are going to be sinful. Now,

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we see that, you know, sometimes people are not even in that position to support one wife, right? For example, they don't have a job, they don't have a place to live. They don't have, you know, stability in their life. And they're thinking about getting married. This is this is very irresponsible. You see a man is required to take care of his family, this is a religious obligation upon the man. Right. So if he knows that he is extremely busy, he does, he is not able to you have a wife at the moment, he's not able to have children at the moment, he knows that he does not have the financial capacity to support a wife, then he should not think about getting married at that time,

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he should wait until he is able to write. Now of course, life will never be perfect. There will always be you know stressors, there will always be a reason to, you know, be busy, right? But each person knows what what situation they're in. Right? And they should take account of that situation before getting married. We learn about him. I'm a bit humble. Even Josie writes in, in the book virtues of him, I heard him and humbled that Imam Ahmed said that I did not marry until I was past 40. And he married he got married after 40 years of age. He married very late in his life. And why is that? So? There's different reasons there are given one is that perhaps he was busy with him,

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right he was busy studying learning, right? And because that was his priority, he knew that if he were to get married, he would not be able to do justice to his wife and we see that even my mother is not the only one. We also learn about for example, a mama Noah wheat that he did not get married, alright for for the same reason. him I managed to get married by you know, after he was 40 but he mama No, he died even before he was 40 allow Arlen but this is one of the reasons that is suggested another reason that is suggested what as to why my mama did not marry until after he was 40 is that some say that his mother was actually very old. Right and he did not have any siblings which means

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that his his mother, it

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dependent on him entirely. So he was supposed to take care of his mother, now as a person as a man of knowledge, who is busy in learning, and then in teaching, you know, in in helping people,

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and at the same time, he has to look after his mother, right? How is he supposed to get married and then also take care of his wife, he knew he was he was not able to do that. Now, many people would think in a situation like that, go get married, so that your wife can look after your mother. Right? And then you will be free. But you know, my mother's not like that. Right? Because it's not the wife's job, to look after your mother, it's your job to look after your mother. If your wife helps you in that that's excellent. Right, but it's not her her responsibility. So anyway, we see this in, in in the righteous people before us that they did not enter marriage, irresponsibly or hastily,

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because marriage is not just about, you know, having someone to fulfill your sexual desire with no there are responsibilities that come with marriage. And it is important that a person takes care of those responsibilities, because you see how the suta begins, fear your Lord, fear your Lord. So, these responsibilities Allah subhanaw taala has imposed upon us right, it is Allah subhanaw taala, who has made the man a worm, right meaning the man is responsible over his, you know, over providing for his family. So, if a man feels that he he does not have that ability, he does not have that financial capacity, then he should not put himself in a situation like that.

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In his term, a lot are the loofah hidden when you are afraid that you cannot be just then have only one wife, Oh, mama, look at a monocle.

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Now, that he can add in a letter or law, that is more likely that you will not deviate from justice, meaning if you have only one wife, then what will happen, then you will not deviate from justice. So the point is, do your best to stay away from injustice to stay away from oppression. Because this matter is very serious. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when a man has two wives, and he is inclined to one of them, such that he's completely ignoring the second, then he will come on the Day of Judgment with a side of his hanging down as if he was half paralyzed, that is how a person will come on the Day of Judgment, so that he can identify a letter or loop. So this IR

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teaches us that even though certain things may be permissible, right, they may be MOBA. There may be they may be permissible, right?

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It doesn't mean that you should still do it. Because when you when you engage with it, then there will be a certain level of responsibility on you. Right? And when you know that you will not be able to fulfill that responsibility, then stay away. Don't Don't put yourself in a situation where you know, you're going to fail don't set yourself up for failure basically.

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That in the next verse that is said what Tony said also Ducati, Hina, Nicola, and give the women their subtle part Nicola, graciously

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meaning that upon marriage, then what?

00:48:45 --> 00:49:40

What is it that you should do? You should give the women sadu part, their subtle part? And what is sort of called bridal gift? And how should you give it Nayla graciously? happily? So now we see if you if you look at the sequence over here, first of all, the property of the orphans, right, that rules regarding that were mentioned. Then we see specifically orphan girls, their mother, right is being preserved. And now women in general. So what are two nwsl so Ducati, Manila, that upon marriage, give the women their, their bridal gifts. Now the bridal gifts the right it is called Southern part, which is a plural of sadhak right over here. Now what is sadhak? So doc is Maha. All

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right? And it's from the word slave said is to be truthful. Why is the Maharaja called sadaqa? Because it proves the honest commitment of the man in in that relationship. Okay.

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This is very

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This is well experienced, okay? When you have invested money in something,

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then after some time, even though you no longer need it, you no longer want it, you still hold on to it. Why? Because you spent money on it. Right? This is this is human psychology, this is how a lot of us think

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I paid for it, how can I just throw it, which is why we see that sometimes in our houses, we will find things that are broken, right things that are old things that no longer work, but we will keep them because once upon a time, we spent a few $100 on them. Right? So we have difficulty getting rid of things that we have spent money on. Right? Money, when you spend money on something, this is a way of, of, of making sure that you are committed, right, which is why we see that, you know, for example, if you know you, you can listen to this lecture right now on YouTube, right, and that's fine, you can listen to it, you can watch the slides, you can see the translation, you can do it on

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your own. But when you register for the course, when you spend money, even though it's it's minimal amount compared to what you would pay, you know, for for worldly education. But when you when you give even a little bit of money, this is a way of making making sure that you remain committed, right? So what's going to happen, you're going to make sure that you are listening to the classes, if you miss something, then you're going to make sure you make up for the recording. And then what happens, you know, you you do the assignments, the tests, etc. So, you need spending money is a way of making sure that you commit, right? So when a man marries a woman he is required, required

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mandated to give her a financial gift. Right? Why? Because this shows that he is serious about the relationship. He is serious about it. And so if a woman demands, you know, a whole lot of money, that's her right? Right, because he wants to make sure that he is serious. Sometimes people you know in certain families that will make sure that a certain property is put in the name of the of the woman right that she's not just given cash or jewelry, but that she's given you know a property or that her name is included. Right she she has a share of it. So my head is called sadhaka. In the Quran, it's also called a Jew Jew, which means reward. It's also called friable, which means an an

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obligatory portion.

00:52:49 --> 00:53:15

So here it is said what atom is also Ducati Allah give them their Southern part, which means that this is the right of the woman it's her property. Right? And once the man gives the Moher to his wife, then what happens that Maha belongs to her? It is her property, not yours. Okay? So Atlantis out of a Ducati in Manila.

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No, it is said that give them that mud. Nick Latin. Now what is Nicola? Nicola means three things basically the first meaning of Nicola is an obligation

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meaning this is an obligation on you. A man must give the MA her to the woman. Okay, what are to Nyssa also to potty hinda Nicola Nicola meaning for Reba. This is an obligation there is no, no avoiding it. Alright, this is her right? This is your obligation. Secondly, the second meaning of Nicola is Heba meaning give it as a gift, okay, give it as a gift.

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Meaning, this is a gift that you must give to the wife at the time of marriage. And some have said that it's called Nichola, because this is like a gift from Allah.

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And how do you give a gift to someone? How, how are you supposed to give a gift to someone? Here, take it already and don't bother me again, know when you when you're giving a gift to someone, you you approach them the sense of you know, this is, please accept this humble gift from me. Right? We've become so friendly over there. We lower ourselves so much. Please accept this humble gift, this little gift for me, right? I'm so sorry. I hope you know I wish I could have done better but this is all I could do at the moment. And you know that when you're giving a gift to someone that

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you know what you've given is not enough.

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Write that you you are eager to give even more in the future. The third interpretation is that nation of means graciously meaning Play Button ups happily, willingly do not give the mud. begrudgingly. No, give it happily, because this is something that Allah has commanded you to give her. And then once you give it, don't be gracious about it. Don't bother her when she takes it. How is it that men bother women after giving them a hug? Sometimes they keep reminding them, there's constant, man. All right. 10 years later, even remember, the mahad I gave you remember the $10,000, the 50,000, the 20,000, the jewelry that I gave you, right? And constantly reminding, and some men

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have a very bad habit where they keep reminding their wives of how much they have spent on them, and how much they are spending on them.

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constantly reminding, and this is something that is so destructive for the relationship. And it is something that that wastes your reward as well as a last panel, Tara says no to Pluto. So the corticon bill manual other don't nullify your charity by mn and other meaning when you constantly remind someone of the favorite that you've done them, the gift that you've given them, you're canceling the favor that you did, you're canceling the reward. It's no longer a favor, it's a burden. Right? So give it graciously don't keep reminding and then some people what they do is that they give them on but then they use that to exploit the woman right or to further deprive her that

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for example when she's a need of something that tell her go away Don't ask me for anything and give you my huddled ready. Right. How dare you ask me for more? Or that if she asked for some help in you know the chores around the house? He's told you know, I gave you this I bring the money to you do everything else. Right any tote Don't be so so petty. Right? Give the MA her graciously when you spend on your wife spent graciously with decency. Right? And, and happily, because remember that, though, even though this is specifically about mode, but otherwise, we learn that when a man spends on his wife, he's rewarded for it. Even the bite of food that he puts in the mouth of his wife,

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right? He is rewarded for it. So so do these good deeds happily with dignity graciously. Right, not not as a burden. And then sometimes what happens is that if there is my model, is where the payment of the mod is deferred. Right. So for example, the at the time of marriage, the woman is told that Okay, I'll give you 10,000 at the moment, I have 5000 hopefully, by the end of the year, I should have another 5000 to give you, right? So she's like, okay, fine, I'm fine with that. Give me five right now. I'll take five later, all right. But then what happens is that another Nika takes place but then now the man is constantly you know, hurting her a bit, you know, verbally abusing her. And,

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and you know, pressuring her basically that she should give up the 5000 that remains. So give them to her, how near flatten it, it's their property, give it to them graciously. This is an obligation on you. This is a gift. How do you give a gift for employment and Akuma and Shea Minh who nevsun for kulu, honey and Maria, then if they for employment, other con, but if they give up willingly to you, anything of it then take it in satisfaction and ease. Meaning after you give them the Maha what happens? The woman says, you know, she sees that her husband is struggling financially. She says I you know, I want to help you. I know that you're struggling with your business. So I know that you

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gave me this Mahood but I realized that you know, you need it more. So I want to help you. Right. So if she out of her own willingness, right? give something of that ma her to her husband, that you know here use it to buy a car here use it to you know, save your business etc. If she gives it herself for kulu honey and Maria then take it eat it use it how honey I'm Maria. Now honey and Maria. These words are very interesting honey and with delight muddy and with wholesome results.

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It is basically that when you are using something you actually enjoy it. Okay? For example, honey, a bomb is when the food is delicious, you're eating it and you'll find it delicious right in your mouth, the taste, the texture, everything, you know you you had a good time enjoying that meal eating that meal. Marie. On the other hand, the second word in the honey Marie, or the last word of the Aya, Marie is that which has wholesome good results. So for example, sometimes you have you enjoy the meal, but then later on, you get sick, you have an upset stomach, you feel nauseous, right? We'll protect you, you have an allergic reaction. So muddled balm is when the food digests

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easily, right? Meaning it doesn't cause any trouble lay somebody

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is when a rain is productive, meaning when the rain falls afterwards, there's a lot of vegetation and gross. So in its outcome, also, it will not harm you with the permission of Allah. Whereas if you take something unlawfully something that is not legally yours, then what will happen, its outcome will be harmful for you detrimental for you. Right, but here in this case, this is not going to be harmful, because the woman is giving it to you out of her own willingness. And this shows us that you know, sometimes you give a gift to someone. Right? Now what happens, it's their property. You're not asking them give it back to me No way. That's not even on your mind. But they out of

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their own willingness give some of the gift that you gave them to you. Is it permissible for you absolutely permissible? Did you demand it from them? No, you didn't. But if you were to demand it from them, if you were to say Give it back to me, right? Then what would happen? This would be extremely reprehensible. Right? Because giving a gift and then taking it back this has been compared to a dog throwing up and then eating up. It's puke basically. So this is not that case because the woman has given it to you out of her own volition out of her own willingness. So inshallah we will conclude here for today.

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And if there are any questions in Sharla in the in the classroom, I will take them up right now. Okay, so panicle lahoma will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa. Anta astok Furukawa to LA wa Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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