Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #14

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness and avoiding abusive behavior is emphasized in Islam, as it is the only means of forgiveness. The speakers discuss the historical precedent of abuse and forgiveness, including the historical precedent of abuse and forgiveness in Islam. The importance of trusting one's neighbors and avoiding abusive behavior is also emphasized. The use of words and phrases in cases of criminal behavior is also discussed, including the "by the way" and "by the way." The segment touches on the "irationalization" of people when they hear news about a family member's death and the potential consequences of the story. The "by the way" and "by the way" concepts are used to describe actions and emotions, and the potential consequences of the "by the way" and "by the way" concepts are discussed. The segment also touches on the "irationalization" of people when they hear news about a family member's death and the potential consequences of the "by the way"
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so I'm going to let

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in the habit and asked me What are you suffering?

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slowed up in

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rubbish everywhere silly Emery rattle off the Tamil Sania Coco de la salud was Salam. ala alihi wa sahbihi. Germaine about to light on our cutoff today, I hope to discuss is number 15 to 17. with you that's the next sort of step in the story, as a lot tells it, but there are two outstanding things that were brought to my attention that, you know, I wanted to make mention of anything significant enough that we should be brought to our attention. In discussing the previous art when I was telling you that the brothers were making a really compelling case to the Father. And the father somehow seems that he's given into the idea that he's going to let them go again, the question lies, why

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would the father drop his guard. And part of that is something you know, my wife Valerie brought up. And I think that I should have brought it up yesterday. So I'm bringing it up today. And that is that, you know, a lot of times you have people with good intentions, like the Father has good intentions, and His love is pure for his children, he means well, and his children know that his intentions are pure. And when you have good intentions, and you have sincere love for someone, you want to see them be good. That's what you really want for them for them to be good, right. And even if reality is staring at you in the face telling you otherwise, that they're heading in a dark

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direction, somehow in your heart, you're holding on to the hope that they're gonna walk away from that dark path, and they're going to take the right steps. So when they're convincing you that they're going in the right direction, or they've had a change of heart, then there's already a bias inside you because of the goodness you have in you because you want to see good in them, that you kind of you almost see what you want to see. You see that you tell yourself that maybe this time they are different, maybe this time, they are not going to be like before, and maybe my hope my desire for them to become better, or to not have this evil inside them and this jealousy or the

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spite inside of them, or that rage, that unjustified rage that they have inside them. Maybe they've actually let that go. Because you'd really like to see it that way. So they're taking advantage of that. Love that really awkward a salon hasn't a lot of times this this is important to mention, because you know people sometimes because of their benefit of the doubt and then wanting to see good and people are unwilling to see glaring reality, like reality, staring at you in the face. And it's speaking to the contrary, but you just want to keep giving benefit of the doubt. And of course, people come back and say those who are taking advantage of your benefit of the doubt say well,

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allies, the judge, whatever I did in the past allies, the judge, Allah forgives, I've made Toba from that. So that's one thing I wanted to highlight before I start today, there are two judges there are there's a lot as the judge, and he is the ultimate judge and he can forgive whatever he can forgive people that have committed murder, he can forgive shared, he can forgive any crime. That's a lot as origin. But human beings are also in a limited capacity judges in this world. So if somebody has been, for example, hurting you, or somebody has been abusing you over and over again, and then they finally say, I've made Toba, well, that Toba is their repentance is between them and God than them

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and Allah. But that doesn't mean you have to give them the opportunity to put yourself in a vulnerable position again, they violated your trust over and over again. And even if they've changed course, or they become a better person, well and good. I'm not judging whether you're going to * or not. But I'm not going to put myself in a difficult position just because you've made Toba. They don't necessarily just there's sincerity of Toba doesn't necessarily mean that you have to open up the doors of trust yet again, Trust has been violated, it has to be earned back and maybe it'll never be earned back. Right? And if you know better, this is not to say well, don't you believe

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Allah forgives ya, Allah forgives, and you can even forgive, but that doesn't mean you won't be cautious anymore. You have to be cautious. I'm getting ahead of myself. But later on in the story. You know, these brothers, they felt bad about what they did. And they came to the Father and said, Could you pray for us to forgive? For Allah forgive us? You know, they didn't even apologize to their dad in the language of the I guess it's embedded, it's implied. But they told their dad could you you know, when all was said and done when the story gets resolved at the end, they told their father, you know, preference for a lot of forgiveness.

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And their father you know he said something remarkable he said so first off federal law camara be in the who was saying I will eventually ask a lot of forgive you like he doesn't say yes let me pray for you now he said I will because he can't get himself to do it right away I mean you guys you lied about your brother you schemed you tried to kill him You kept this for me for all these years and it's all just coming out now and now you come to me and say MiG Tao for us. ask Allah forgive us hold on a second let me process this a little bit. No but don't you believe Allah forgives and he says it in no order Rahim. Allah is the one he forgives. Of course Allah is the one who forgives,

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but I am not over it yet Hold on a second. Right so there is a line drawn between human ability to overlook something and wipe this you know, the slate clean and Allah who wipes the slate clean a lock and wipe the slate clean for anybody. Now even compared to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we know that in Islam, when you make doba or if you were non Muslim, and you accepted Islam, that's considered a towbar repentance returning back to Allah, you know what that means? All your previous sins are forgiven, right? That's that's the principle that we have in our religion. So nothing of your past is held against you. And then you have the case of, you know, the habashi, the

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slay the washi, the slave who had actually speared hums out of the Allahu anhu. Right, and when he speared him, he was on the opposite enemy end. And he was buying his freedom to spear the profits uncle, and he spear them, he got him to the back. And when he killed him, eventually, years later, why she has accepted Islam. And he's still afraid for what he's done. And when he finally came face to face with the prophet SAW Selim, he actually cloaked himself, because he thought that if people see him even from the outskirts of Makkah, after the conquest of Makkah, people will kill him. Right. So he cloaked himself and disguised himself and people were coming in line to greet the

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prophets. I saw them and take Shahada and say Salaam or whatever. So he, his turn comes, and he uncloaked himself and the prophets, I saw them as Are you him? And he, you know, can confirm that that's him. And the prophet SAW, Selim said, you know, Allah has forgiven, but I don't want to see you again.

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Right. So even though those who love Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like, he knows that Allah has forgiven his sin, right? He knows that. But a human being is still a human being Arambula born, we're International. Well, Abdullah Abdullah.

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The principle is the master remains the master, even if he comes down to the first half and he's still the master. And a slave will always be a slave. Even if he goes to the seventh heaven, he's still a slave. Right? So we cannot be like ally in this. We can't. And you shouldn't manipulate what Allah does when he forgives, and then expect people to forgive in the way that Allah forgives. That's unfair. That's that's not what the Quran is calling for. The point that I'm making here is Yeah, you can not because somebody made one mistake, but if there's a pattern of abusive behavior, and it's clear that iacobelli salaam is noticing a pattern of behavior from his sons, that at this

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point, if he is not going to be forgiving them, you know, he's going to pass judgment on them, that they are probably prone to bad behavior, then they can say, Are you questioning our Toba? No, nobody's questioning your Toba. But human beings can only go by pattern of behavior. You know, there's a reason when somebody comes out of jail in any country, any society when they come out of jail, or they get released early, they're on probation period, aren't they? Because they if they've got a few strikes on them, or they've got a certain behavior, even though you've paid for your crime, legally, you're out. But there's a there's fear of a tendency you might still have. Right?

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And that tendency is acknowledged by this probationary period. Right. So that's actually just the way human beings have to deal with each other. And you don't bring the lie into that and say, No, Allah forgives, why can't you? That's manipulative. Okay. So that's one observation from the last discussion that I wanted to add another observation some someone sent it to me by email, and I thought it was valuable, was also when I talked to you about the wolf and how there's a duality possibly in the meaning of the wolf and the wolf could also represent, you know, the devil inside of them. Right. It could also be that one of the ways to read that is one of its figurative you know,

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implications is I'm I fear that the wolf will eat him while you are unaware of him. The the him could be the wolf, meaning you're not even aware that it's shaped on destroying your brother through you. Right, you're unaware not just of your brother when you're running around, which are unaware of the worksheet on is using you for. And this is very powerful, because a lot of times the devil gets us to do things. And in our head, it's our own doing, or we're thinking, but he's actually pulling the strings. He's manipulating our thoughts, and he's feeding us ideas and we're buying them lock stock and barrel thinking that they're our own thoughts. But anyway, so now let's move on to where

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we're at today. The father has been now convinced to let him go even though he's worried he's regretting that he reluctantly made that decision and eventually

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Actually, they're able to pull him away. Now I'm saying eventually, I enunciated that slowly, because the Arabic word is for Lama Lama is for taraki. In Arabic, you could translate that as when, then when or so when, but there's lots of Arabic words in the Quran that translate into the English word when

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the word llama would be closer to finally when, eventually when. So, there's also inside of that word of pulling and tugging implied that they It wasn't easy for, for even after convincing dad to get him away. Right and but eventually they were able to pull this off. And that morning, they got away, the hub will be when when they finally you know, took him away, when they finally took him away did did away with him, what he meant who and he he knew who philia button to be. And they all came to a consensus they gathered around this idea, or they all ganged up to place him in the depths of the well. Now, tomorrow and theoretical job also deserves some some some discussion about I can

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mean they all you know, gathered together. It can also mean they came, you know what's called consensus, they all came to agreement. But we've already known that they came to an agreement. One reading just to him thinks it's a it's a weak way to read it. I still see maybe there's some possibility a lot of them is that they took him away. But they've taken them away. They're out in the wilderness. And the guy who suggested one of them says we should just Can we just kill him? Let's just get this done.

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And some of them are like, what are we doing? This is too much. We shouldn't be doing this. Maybe they're having second thoughts. And so they have to have EMR again. like they've taken them away. And they have to reach consensus again. Okay, no, no, no, we're good. We got to do this. Okay, let's just decide what we're doing now. And can you imagine if they are doing this, this conversation whether to kill him whether to take him back? He's our brother, this is crazy. No, no, no, we can't have this anymore. This is enough, we made up our mind, we're not gonna play this game anymore. who's listening to all of this, their brother. He's right there talking about him. Like he's some

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sheep. And he's there, as they're discussing this. That's one implication of regimental the other implication is they all gather together to do away with him. What that means is one or two are grabbing him pulling him tugging at him. The others are keeping an eye out. You know, others are they're doing like, it's like a gang effort, like, you know, like a kidnapping kind of thing, you know, because he's not quietly going down into Well, that's not what's happening. And they took a shirt, right? They took a shirt away. So this is a violent scene. And it seems all of them were involved in some way, hold him down, do this, do that. And that's captured inside edge micro and

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Yahoo, they all gather together. So they could put him push him down, come on, come on, come on, let go my hand. They're doing this kind of struggle into the depths of the well. Now, the the other remarkable thing about this is, when you say when in any language, when they did this, then this happened. Right? in logic you have if and then sentences, or in language, you also have when in then sentences, right? So when I start this lecture, then I'll say this, the value the other so there's a when part na, then part, there's a when here, when they finally took him away, and when they all ganged up, to toss him to put him inside the depths of the will. Okay, we got the win. Now, what are

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we expecting? Then? there's a there's a job, llama. You know, the job of that should be coming and there's no then and that suggests that what they did at that time the pain they cause the cries that were heard the you know, the the ruthlessness to evil on their faces. The way they were hypnotized by the devil is so unspeakable that it's not even said it's left as a dot, dot dot. It's almost as if the Quran is saying, Can you imagine when they took him away, and they all gathered and they demand held on their brother like this? And they're putting him inside the depths of the well now, a lot could have just said the well I told you the word well is our job, right? Our job. But Allah

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didn't say that. He said, he Robitaille job via means the dark part of the well. Now, this has already been said before I'll

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throw him in the dark part of the well, why keep mentioning the dark part, the dark part? Why not just say put them in the well. This suggests to from our point of view, you see in their head they're like at least we didn't kill him. Right so we're not bad, not bad. We just kind of just put them in the belt well, and a lot in the way he expresses what this event is, is saying can you imagine the dark part of the of the unfinished Well, that's what they did to their brother, as if they're telling themselves is not so bad, but Ally's reiterating the phrase dark part of the well as if allies expressing his disgust at the act. And how heinous that was how ruthless and how merciless

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that was that they did that to their brother. And Yahushua batil job and yeah, Admiral

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I do feel a better job they all gathered together against a child to put them in that well. Like, can you imagine if dad found out just imagine for a moment If dad found out that's what they did. And that is now reiterating sometimes when when you get caught doing something, you know, if you get caught, for example, cheating on a test, and then your parents find out and your mom says you, you cheated on the test. And you're telling me you've been studying hard. You know what parents do? They go over the mistake, and they walk you through the embarrassing thing you did? And you're like, sinking inside your soul? As you're being walked through the mistake you made? Right? You have to?

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Let's go back to the videotape. Right? That's what happens. You have to replay the crime. But you have to say it in a way that melts the people that are better incriminated. Right? If the dad found out what would he have said, you put my baby, you put this boy, what did he ever do to you? You put him in that? Well, all the way in the dark, that pit. You wouldn't go there yourself. And you put him there. That's when you would imagine this kind of tone, right? But it's not the father who's taking that tone. Who's taking that tone? ally himself.

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Ally is offended at this crime. And now think about where this crime is happening. This crime is happening in the wilderness. There are no video cameras, there's no security, there's no police. There's nobody and this crime is happening. And nobody's gonna find out what happened. The only witnesses to the crime are the criminals themselves. The only witnesses. How many crimes happened in the world that nobody's seen. They happen behind closed doors. They happen in the wilderness. Nobody ever finds out. People find entertainment in these things. Nowadays, it's sickening. People make TV shows about missing persons. And they like watching it like it's a mystery drama. Right? And then we

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found the bones here and this and then we'll be back right after these commercials. It's a human person is a person, a family you're talking about. And it's turned into entertainment. But you know, what, who was witness to all of it and who's disgusted by any one of those crimes, who's who's angered by the the crime committed against the innocent, and particularly in this ayah crimes committed against children,

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you know, to the point where unless so specific in the depth of the well, you put this boy

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philia button job, and as he's being put how traumatized the child must be that his own brothers are doing this to him, that they're pulling at him Stop, don't do that. And you must be crying. There could be other you know, we imagine because we have this image of like profits as very mellow, calm, you know, you know, embodiment of wisdom. You know, that when they put him in the well he said Alhamdulillah and he just kind of like you know, Ibrahim alayhis salam was thrown in the fire and he was calm about it. Right? But even then what they'll do to Abraham Harrison to calm him. He nanocone berdan wa salam O Allah Brahim fire become cool and peace for for Abraham. Well, he did something

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similar to this boy, at a salon. He's being thrown inside this well toss down there. And as he's being put down there, Allah says, What Oh, hanaa la, he, and we reveal to him, we inspire to him. Now imagine this. This is like one of the most wild scenes in the story. You've got a boy being grabbed and tagged and forced down a hole. And while he's being forced down the hole, the Angel gibreel is coming to him and talking to him. While he's not even in control of his limbs, because much bigger brothers are grabbing ahold of him, not letting him touch any be able to secure himself. And as this is happening to him, Allah is revealing to him let to not be unknown be angry him

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Hahaha, Sharon, you will absolutely be telling them about this one day, what they've done here. And they have no idea. They'll have no idea. Like, as he's being put in the well as he's being manhandled as he's being abused, alive is revealing to him that you are going to have the upper hand and you will be telling them in great detail about this crime.

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You know, cuz you know, for for a child, when they get hurt in some way. You know what the first impulses, I'm going to tell dad, which a mom finds out,

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you know? And I'm going to tell what happened to me. And the law says, No, you won't get that chance as a child. But one day, you will get a chance and you'll be telling them what they did. You're going to be informing them

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that to not be unknown, be angry him harder, or home lotion, and they have no idea. Now this last part, and they are not the ones that have any realization. This could mean a few things. It means First of all, right now, it's like they're not even in their senses.

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Deciding to have bottom shape, or no middle must answer. It's like you're touched by the devil. Like at that point, you're not even yourself. They have no realization of what they're doing their compass of right and wrong, mercy. These these qualities are love put inside human beings that come naturally to us. You know, to care for a child to not want someone to suffer. That's a human quality. That's not you don't have to be Muslim. To have that quality. You have to be human. You have to have consciousness to have that quality. We're human

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And beings are called in for a reason, because we have only we have compassion. Where's their compassion when they're doing this? It's gone. They have no realization of it. Another implication of it is, well, homeless children, they have no idea as they're doing this. The Mighty jabril alehissalaam is right there to

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talking to Yusuf.

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He's speaking that has heart while they're yelling at him while they're manhandling him, and they have no idea who they're messing with. They're messing with a prophet of Allah, they have no clue what they're doing. You know, we you're gonna find this dichotomy in the Quran, you know, in judgment day, the baby girl because the ancient Arabs used to think that it's embarrassing to have a daughter, right, so they used to bury, some of them used to bury their baby girls alive. And those those baby girls that were buried alive, on judgment day will come back to life. And they'll know who to sue either to be a zombie and kottelat when that baby girl will be questioned. What crime

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were you killed for? What did you ever do to be killed? She'll be asked that question those innocent victims that had no voice that nobody advocated for, that nobody stood up for, that had no security, they did have security. And those criminals had no idea that they have security all along. And So bottom line is shown. Another implication of a home later shown is eventually when he comes before them, they're going to be standing there, like they're about to get, you know, more grain and more food. And all of a sudden use of Allison's gonna drop Do you remember what you did to use a friend's brother?

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Do you recall what you did to Yousef and his brother.

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And all of a sudden it's gonna, because they don't know what's coming, right? It's kind of like, left hook out of nowhere. So they're just standing there, they think they're gonna get food and all of a sudden Yusuf Alayhi Salam is the minister and he's gonna say this to them, and their face is gonna change like,

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Oh, wait, you use.

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Like, it's gonna dawn on them and they had no clue. Like, they're gonna be completely clueless before you hit them with this the next time, you know, when you have that final encounter with them. So that's what Allah has revealed to them to use of Elisa Lam. Now they've done this unthinkable crime. And it's like, it's like that sentence was left unanswered. Even after they did it. You can imagine them hearing his cries. You can imagine or maybe he use of Hassan calm down after the revolution happened. Right? Maybe he's quite an even if you're just put yourself I know this is crazy. Put yourself imagine yourself being one of these brothers. Just imagine yourself for a

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moment, being one of these brothers. And you're walking away. And either you hear the the silent sobs, the low voice sobs of your brother. Or you hear him crying and screaming Don't leave me here. What did I ever do? I'm sorry. Are you here? Nothing at all. You. You hear just silence. But you don't see what's happening. Right? Because he's in the depth. What are you feeling? What are you thinking?

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Like, you have to be so far gone to think good riddance. But at the if there's some humanity left inside, you're like, what have we done?

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Can we just leave? Can we just, I don't want to think about it. Because if you think about it too much, you might go back and make it right. So you just want to get out of there. And you're walking away and you there's a darkness that you've allowed inside of you. And so by the way, this idea of taking the taking the boy out, let him run around, let him eat, let him

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enjoy himself and play. All of that stuff was in the daytime, right? Nobody goes in the woods at nighttime.

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But listen to the words What about whom Russia and yaku. Now moving on to item number 16. They came to their father in the nighttime crying. They came to their father at nighttime crying. Now it's pretty smart. They came at nighttime. Because at nighttime, even if the dad says go back out there and find him that we can't it's nighttime. It's over. It's done with you see now they come at a time where they can't retrace their steps. So it's super smart. The other is it's almost as if they can have an even better alibi dad. We spent the whole day looking for him. And it's night What could we do? We can't even see anymore. We looked everywhere. You know.

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And the The amazing thing about this idea isn't just that the the this this, you know clever, evil genius choice of nighttime to come back because it could just come back same afternoon. There could be because if they got there in the morning, that means they can be back in the morning hours to write but they they took their time and they come back at night to make the story more plausible. Tickets sell it better. But part of selling it you can't just walk in and say

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well, you're right that I don't know how you guessed it. They're not going to be able to sell that. So they have to put a little emotion in it. So they come home and their

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dad's like where's where's the

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maybe they know how to cry, they punch each other before they got in.

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Or, or as yesterday, when I was discussing today, it may even be that some part of them is actually genuinely crying.

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I mean, even if they don't feel regret, you're still human. And it's a pretty emotionally traumatic thing to do what you just did.

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You know, even in criminology, even killers who kill and shoot people and do all kinds of stuff after they should, even though they don't feel bad, they'll still cry, some of the

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look cry, because there's a part of your humanity who can deny even if you're suppressing it, you'll still be in you. And now they're using those tears to present a picture to their father coming to him crying, and what does this tell you? before they came to father making a case about how well intentioned they are? How much they love you. So now we're learning about diabolical liars. That can fake tears. They can cry, man, they make you feel like their world just came to an end. They're so upset. They're so sad. And that will work to their favor, because if they're crying so much, dad can't get angry at someone who's crying.

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Maybe that'll join them in the tears. I'll cry with you. It's okay, son. And now inside, they're going Yep, got them. Right. That's, that's the scam? Because they're selling their tears to the Father. They're trying to convince him that they're broken up about what just happened? What about him? Anisha goon. I mean, this being an IRA by itself is profound to me, like a lot could have just skipped this part of the story, we could have just learned from alara xojo, that they came back and told their data story. But Allah decided that this should be an ayah by itself, that they came to their father at nighttime crying. And the only guidance you get from this is you learn something

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about manipulative people who will go at great lengths to sell you a convincing story. Because you are used to giving benefit of the doubt. Because you're not used to questioning someone's tears. You're not used to questioning someone who says we looked all day until it was nighttime. They're taking advantage of your tendency to want to see the good in people.

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And they're gonna take full advantage of that and crank it all away. And there's no way you can get around that one. They're gonna sell it to you good. What about Hong Kong? You know, the more I studied the story, not even for you know, on camera, but even off camera, as I'm contemplating the story and studying and stuff, see, and discussing it.

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You know what I come to realize that every scene in this story is relived in millions of homes, and millions of lives over and over again, generation after generation after generation, every one of these scenes is alive, fake tears are still alive. People selling all kinds of nonsense to justify or come up with a story about something that didn't happen, or make up something else that happened create an alternative picture, because they want to manipulate and control in their death. Their idea of love isn't love to care. Their idea of love is to control someone else's emotions control what they think control what they know. And the more they lie, the more they think they can control

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the situation. This is the common thread between people like that they think lying can create a controlled environment. That's that's what they think. That's that's their mindset. And they'll keep lying to say no, I'm trying to protect them. I'm trying to protect someone. That's why I'm lying. It's for their own good, you know? And so we're about kalu now they speak to the first they're crying. So that drama goes on for a while. What happened? Tell me what happened. Tell me what.

00:28:48 --> 00:28:49

And then eventually.

00:28:50 --> 00:29:01

Now what's gonna come out y'all are dead. Dead. abandoned. abana means our father. Now the the Shakespearean English translation will be, oh, our Father.

00:29:03 --> 00:29:05

That's not how I will translate that.

00:29:06 --> 00:29:07

I said, Dad,

00:29:08 --> 00:29:10

I should teach acting class. Okay.

00:29:12 --> 00:29:30

Another happiness who we sweat with, we're telling you what really happened in not in I mean, certainly. Now again, here's a Shakespearean translation that doesn't connect you with with the emotions of the text. It would be they said, our our father, verily we went racing.

00:29:32 --> 00:29:38

Let's verily not use that and use something else. Dad, or dad.

00:29:39 --> 00:30:00

We are telling you not Verily, I'm telling you what really happened. What really happened was we we actually went racing. That's who means racing. It can also mean competing, meaning this one was gathering what I said I could gather more wood than that. And we kept competing with each other in different things. Escobar could mean arrays, but it could also mean we were working hard against each other to get more and more

00:30:00 --> 00:30:35

More and more work done. And we kept drifting further and further away. Because there's more trees over there, or there's more, you know, land to graze over there, etc. So we kept drifting far and far away that's captured inside the word of the hub enough. They don't just stay in the dock. Now, in the hub Nana's who have now, and he borrowed. Now we went further and further away. And we kept competing with each other, we got so lost in our work, or in this race that we had to finish our job, or even racing physically racing for a moment, we decided to just have a little race, what doctrina used to for ENDA mattina. And we left use of with our stuff, with our food and with our,

00:30:35 --> 00:30:55

you know, the supplies and tools or whatever, whatever we had we left use of there for a little bit for our color. And by the way, when they describe this, they say we were working so hard, and we were just working so hard, we were so focused on work, you know, that's what really happened, and we were all the way out there, then all of a sudden fire means and all of a sudden, they will fade him

00:30:56 --> 00:30:59

the wolf, then all of a sudden the wolf fade in really.

00:31:00 --> 00:31:01

And so they say

00:31:03 --> 00:31:16

mama and Toby McMillan and the thing about even a wolf is unless it's a pack of wolves, they can drag him away. Or they can drag their prey away. Right? Or if they're devouring their prey, there's still something left.

00:31:17 --> 00:31:54

Right, wolves aren't big enough to devour a child hole. And there's nothing left. No bones left, no anything, nothing left, you understand. So the story that they're coming up with isn't going to add up. And that already makes no sense. It's not a it's not some massive animal that's going to devour something hold like an alligator or something like that. Wolves are big, but they're not that big. Right. And it takes them a long time to devour an animal even a smaller animal. So they say the the wolf ate him whole Ark Allahu wa Entebbe Milena now that they get to the nozzle, you know, as they're saying it, I can imagine they're kind of checking dad's reaction.

00:31:56 --> 00:31:56


00:31:57 --> 00:31:58

So the Wolverine

00:32:00 --> 00:32:04

and the one one of them is telling it and the other ones are checking dad's reaction like

00:32:06 --> 00:32:08

is he did we sell it, they sell it.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:22

And they realize dad's like, his face hasn't changed. His face is going from, from sad shock to upset. Maybe there's a frown and you know, I my kids know, I give a certain look when I don't believe what you're saying.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:28

And when there's that, look, you already know you're not able to sell I call it for my kids. I call it your selling cake.

00:32:29 --> 00:32:31

Right? It doesn't taste good.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:33

So when you're selling it, I'm like,

00:32:36 --> 00:33:02

and there's a silent judgy look. And you can tell it's not being sold. That hasn't even said anything. And you know what, what do they say? Well, my interview Milena and your we just know you're not going to believe us. You're not going to accept what we're saying? You would never do that. In Atlanta, you're not going to give in to what we're saying. You're not going to accept what we're saying. We're gonna saw the theme. Even if we had been telling the truth.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:11

Low is used for had been that's the lie ahead of the text. Had we been telling the truth? You wouldn't believe us anyway.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:13

Y'all kind of give it away, huh?

00:33:14 --> 00:33:28

meaning we're not telling the truth. But you know what, dad, even if we were telling the truth, you wouldn't have believed us. Because you don't even trust us. So what's even the point of telling the truth? That's why I lie dad, because you don't believe me? Anyway.

00:33:32 --> 00:34:04

That's how psychotic people can get. That's how crazy things can get. They even gave them they didn't say we're telling the truth. They said, You're not gonna believe us. Even if Had we been telling the truth, you still wouldn't believe us. There's another interpretation of Had we been telling the truth? Or Had we been truthful? Meaning that you never thought were truthful. Anyway. And even if you thought we were truthful, even if you did trust us, because we know you don't trust us. So obviously, we're telling you this the truth of what happened and you don't trust us. But even if you did think we were truthful. This story is too crazy for you to believe, even if you did trust

00:34:04 --> 00:34:04


00:34:06 --> 00:34:08

And obviously, you won't believe us now because you don't trust us anyway.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:46

You know, this is rationalization. This is them rationalizing their behavior and they're telling their dad they kind of gave themselves away when they said you're not gonna believe in the idea. You're not gonna believe us came out way too quickly. Because you should not be concerned whether or not he believes you. The concern should be what use of and what just happened? Why is this even a subject right now? This is a subject right now because that's your priority. The priority was never use of or what happened to use that those feelings aren't even the problem for you? Because you did the crying act already. That That part's not what you're trying to sell. You're trying to make sure

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

he believes you. That's the more important thing to you. So you're not gonna believe us? Have you even been telling the truth? You wouldn't believe us? As if now the dad there's enough here to know that this is this is no good.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:36

There's this is this is just a bunch of, you know, baloney that they've come up with and they're trying to sell it to him. The thing is, I won't I won't go too far with you in today's account because I want to take time to help you understand the father's response. But I will say one or two things before to, to, you know, introduce you to the fathers and sponsor, we're going to wrap up the father's response tomorrow, inshallah and there's something exciting The day after the surprise for you guys that I have planned. But for now, I will tell you one thing, you know, on this note, you know, will not Entebbe Manila will openness hurricane.

00:35:38 --> 00:36:12

When they say this to their father, even had we been telling the truth, you wouldn't accept what we're saying anyway. And the father realizes that they're lying. And they kind of gave themselves away anyway, and haven't even talked to you, the next day is going to be about how they, you know, give him a shirt with fake blood on it with false blood on it, and try to sell it as user friendly. Some shirt. You know, some of us don't even say the shirt wasn't even ripped. Like they forgot that detail. So like that. But even if you don't accept that, and you say they did a good job, I mean, I think they did pretty good dramatics from the beginning. So I think they may have ripped the shirt.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:26

My personal thought is, they probably didn't make it look convincing. Right. But one of them slipped in my reading of Willow kunisada pin also is not all of them said this, but maybe one or two of them slipped. Like when dad wasn't buying it. You know what dad even if we weren't telling the truth, you wouldn't believe us.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:39

That's kind of it just slipped out. For one or two. That's that's kind of what happened because the left capturing all of them not speaking in unison, but he's representing the entire communication as a whole in these words, right.

00:36:41 --> 00:37:00

A very common question that is asked about the story is how come you sue Yakuza a solemn hurdle this and saw this lousy evidence and this terrible testimony and saw right through it? In fact, he knew of their intentions even before they did anything? And all he can say saloon Jamil.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:08

He just says, beautiful patients. That's the English translation, right? Beautiful patients only unlocking help over the descriptions You're giving me.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:30

And the next thing you know, we're talking about Yusuf Alayhi Salaam and the well and more story moves on. So you have this entire drama. And these p these young guys coming, making sure he's convincing. They're convincing to him coming in the middle of the night, crying to him, giving him the story, giving him the shirt, and the dad just says Sabir, I guess.

00:37:31 --> 00:37:46

No, and that as a shallow read, that does sound like a very difficult thing to process. What parent would do that? What parent would do that? Like, think of it this way? If one of my son's got old enough to drive, and without my permission, he take the car out.

00:37:47 --> 00:38:01

Right? He takes the car on the blocks, and then who's gonna find out? Okay. And then as he's pulling in, he kind of hugs a tree a little bit, and my rearview mirror pops off. Right? And then the cars in the driveway with the rearview mirror, Shahid.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

Right. And then he comes to me, the tree ran into the car.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:10

Right, the car was right there, but the tree came in.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:13

A wolf.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:31

What am I going to say? sovereign Jamil. Hola. Hola, Stan, Allah moto sifu. And so I just have to resort to beautiful patience. Only a law can help over this description that you're giving me? I don't think so. And that's a rearview mirror.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:33

That's not that's not a child.

00:38:35 --> 00:39:02

If there was a broken window in the house, you know, there was a broken rearview mirror. If there was broken furniture, if there was damage, if there was, you know, a crack in the wall or something, I would lose it. I don't go crazy. But I let this know you're gonna have to explain what happened here. No, I want to know, and I would be upset. But I'm pretty sure my first words to the child will not be sub ruined. Jimmy, you know, and voila, voila, Moto Z.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:43

Okay, anyway, what else is going on today? What are we having for dinner? Won't be like that. So it does beg the question, why isn't there more of a reaction from Yahoo rallies to them? And I want to poke you with that question. Before we explore the answer to that question in shallow dialogue tomorrow, because I want to take my time with jacoba Islam's response. And this final bit of the exchange, what's going to happen is by Ayah number 18. The number 18 is the last we find ourselves in Canon and canon, meaning in that region where the story initiates. Now we're going to the camera is going to switch over and we're going to be in Egypt, from from the woods to Egypt is where we're

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

going next. So tomorrow, inshallah Allah will finish the part in canon, and, you know, look at jacobellis Allen's response, and then we'll do some tie up notes on what we've learned so far in at night out by tomorrow. inshallah, before we move on to the part of the story that takes place in Egypt,

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

barakallahu li walakum fille Khurana Hakeem, one of our annual community with Kima salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Evil Deed

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