Omar Suleiman – Meeting Muhammad PBUH #01- His Appearance

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The goddamn sallama, Alayhi wa sallam, describes himself as beautiful in many ways, including his hair, eyes, and body. He also uses shaved hair and body hair. The interviewer describes the goddamn sallama's use of oil sallalahu and the discovery of a beautiful Santa. The goddamn sallalah uses shaved hair and body hair, and the interviewer describes him as a long neck and smile on his face.
AI: Transcript ©
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cortada Rahim Allah says my bath alone to be an Illa has an alleged has an assault that Allah has never sent a prophet except that that Prophet had a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. In the case of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they had never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as him before or after Islam. And with some people that beautiful external appearance is directly tied to ugly character. In the case of the Prophet sallallahu it was seldom as stunning and as beautiful as his appearance was his character for which Allah praised him was even more beautiful.

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of the lug nut Ah ha, well, the Allahu tada and he describes the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says no lamb to confy ir to MOBA, Yana cannot but how to who to be kabil Huberty that if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had nothing but his presence if he didn't recite anything, if he didn't say anything, you would look at him and you would already know that there was something divinely beautiful about him. And that's why you find all of these stories of people that embraced Islam, just by looking at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abdullah Abdullah Salam or the Allahu taala and who was the Chief Rabbi of Medina before the Prophet sallallahu wasallam arrived,

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when he went out to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he said a single word he said, I looked at his face and I knew that this face laser be what he called that. This is not the face of a liar. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is described in the Shema in the books of description, from head to toe it his Salatu was set up. And one of the ways that he's frequently described is as being more beautiful than the moon can also sort of lie sallallahu wasallam, a man more morpha hammer, yet that little wedge who who tiller louella Comrie a little better. The profit slice alum had an awe inspiring appearance. His face was more radiant, more beautiful than the full

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moon on the darkest night. And when you think of the desert, and how amazing and awesome and awe inspiring the full moon looks in the desert, and you think about this narration of Ennis of nomadic called the Allahu anhu where he says if there was one night that I actually wanted to compare, I looked at the full moon and then I looked at the face of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and I asked myself which one is more radiant, and I came to the realization that the prophets license face was more radiant was more beautiful than the full moon and the desert. And the full moon is not just beautiful, it's so captivating. You can't look at anything else. As for everything else about him

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sallallahu wasallam it was perfectly balanced. remember Allah azza wa jal describes you bleed it his Salaam as coming to margam it has Salaam in the form of a perfectly symmetrical man bestellen so we with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, everything was perfectly set. He wasn't too tall, nor was he too short. His skin was not too light, nor was it too dark. He was as hot alone, he had a bright skin color. But at the same time, the Prophet slicin was not pasty white. His face was not too round, nor was it too narrow, but it was closer to being round. sallallahu wasallam now if you're looking at the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and I want you to imagine standing in front of him

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it his Salatu was set up. The first thing you're going to do is you're going to connect with his eyes sallallahu wasallam and Omar Abdullah the Allahu anhu says that the prophets license eyes had a perfect contrast. The black was exceedingly black in his eyes and the white was exceedingly white. His eyelashes at his Salatu was Salam were so long that it looked like they naturally had her they naturally had an eyeliner on them. And they were always moist from his tear Salallahu it he was alone. He had these large curved eyebrows, and they were full and they almost connected but there was a beautiful space right between them where the light would shine. I'll Lima hammer, the province

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lie some is described as having a prominent forehead. And in his forehead, there was a vein that would only show when he became upset sallallahu wasallam asked for his nose, his nose. His Salatu was Salam was not flat, nor was it too pointy. But the prophet slice on had a finely sloped nose. And they described it as having a unique glimmer to it. So it shines in a way that when you were away from him sallallahu sallam, you might have assumed that it was larger than it actually was. But when you came close to him, you realize that it was just the shine of his nose that made it so prominent. When he opened his mouth sallallahu wasallam you would notice his teeth and they were

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perfectly set. Remember he used to use the siac at least five times a day. So his teeth, it his Salatu was Salam were described as white as hailstones and they weren't clustered together. They were set in a way that there was a fine line between

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Each of those teeth and his mouth it his Salatu was Salam was wide, and he's described as having a perfect articulation. His words were crisp, you could hear everything he said sallallahu it was solemn, and his voice was melodious, and it had a natural echo to it. sallallahu it he was alone, and his hair just like everything else is perfectly in the middle. It wasn't too straight, nor was it too curly. But instead it was wavy hair and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would keep it sometimes to his ear lobes. Sometimes he would let it go all the way to his shoulders to lulla how it was solemn, and of course in times of Hajj or Umrah he would shave his head sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he also had a dense full beard, ie his Salatu was Salam. And the prophets I some used to comb his hair and he used to comb his beard, and they were fully black. And the Sahaba counted just between 14 and 20 gray hairs and his hair and his beard sallallahu Sallam at the time of his death. So he's 63 and he only had a few gray hairs. Salalah Hardy was a lump in his hair and his beard. And they said when he would use oil sallalahu it was slim you couldn't even see them. And when you could see them, they were concentrated right under his lip sallallahu wasallam and on his sideburns it his salatu salam, then you come down to his neck, and the prophets lie some had an elegant long neck.

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They said it was like the neck of a gazelle sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then you look at his shoulders, he had broad shoulders, some allow it was said he was strong, strong arms it his Salatu was Salam. He had a strong chest. And even until the date of his death, his stomach never extended beyond his chest sallalahu it was set up so he maintained his weight. It has a lot to Islam and he maintained his fitness. The profit slice alone was not a hairy man. So other than his hair on his head and his beard, the profit slice on did not have much hair on the rest of his body. And he had a little bit of hair on his chest and a line that naturally ran down all the way to his navel

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sallallahu wasallam then you come to his limbs, and the Prophet sly some is described as having well defined big limbs. So he had big bones, big hands, big feet. He had large calves Salallahu it he was alone. And they said that his cows were perfectly round. And then he had absolutely no weight on his heels it his Salatu was Salam and his lower body was so strong sallallahu it was some that he used to be able to jump on a horse and a camel and mountain with absolutely no saddle because of the strength of his lower body. And that's why you'll find Subhana Allah that it has some of the Allahu taala and who is described as resembling the Prophet sly summoned his upper body meaning his beauty

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and her saying well, the Allahu tada and who is described as resembling the Prophet slicin him in his lower body. Because of his strength. He was a warrior about the Allahu tada and Whoa, like his grandfather sallallahu wasallam. Despite that on a sub nomadically the Allahu tada and who says that his hands and his feet were smoother than silk. And water would slither right off of the hands and the feet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he had a beautiful Santa it his Salatu was Salam. He would sweat perfume, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you smelled his sweat, it smelled good. And if you shook the hand of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, you would maintain the sense of

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his hand on your hand. For days after meeting him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had the best of breath sallallahu wasallam. And when you saw him from afar, his appearance would strike you. And then when he came close to you, his beauty would overwhelm you in a way that you couldn't stare at him. sallallahu wasallam Alvarado, the Allahu taala. And who said Allah He I went out one night, and I saw the Prophet slice on them in this red garments. And it was a red hula from Yemen, his favorite garment to wear on occasions. And he said, I have never seen a sight more beautiful than the Prophet sallallahu wasallam on that night, I will read all of the Allahu taala and who said when I saw the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was so perfectly set. It was as if he was molded in silver. sallallahu wasallam and the most famous thing about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was his smile. He always was smiling sallallahu wasallam Subhana Allah panela in sadness and happiness, he always had a smile on his face sallallahu wasallam and caribou, Malik or the alongside and who said that either surah when he was happy, then his face would become even more radiant sallallahu it he was on them. And I want you to just capture this for a moment. How is it that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam smiled so much yet he's also described as much awasthi Hassan as always being in a

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state of grief, as documented fakra as always being in a place of deep thought lace Allahu la he never had a brakes on the law. How it was Selim He always was carrying so much. And this goes to the holyoake the character that Allah talks about in the Quran that some people, you would think that they're Alinea. You

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Think that they have absolutely nothing going on because of the way that they carry themselves. But smiling is a southerner, it's a charity. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was no man that smiled at his oma more than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but at the same time, there was no man that wept for his oma than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So during the day in order to bring joy to the people, he smiled sallallahu wasallam Adam, and that was from his generosity. And during the night there was no man that would cry more than him sallallahu wasallam in front of his Lord, also to bring joy and happiness and relief to his blessing, Alma swallow la he

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he was

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